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      • 해군 근무자의 피로 및 스트레스에 영향을 미치는 요인

        한기원 ( Han Ki Won ),오재원 ( Oh Jae Won ) 국군의무사령부 2012 대한군진의학학술지 Vol.43 No.1

        Objectives : To find the factors affecting the fatigue and stress in naval workers. Methods; A questionnaire investigating general characteristics, lifestyle, job characteristics, fatigue and stress was distributed to naval workers. From 1,002 subjects, 994 were included and 8 respondents with insufficient replies were excluded. Using MFS(Multidimensional Fatigue Scale), SRI(Stress Respons Inventory), KOSS(Korean Occupational Stress Scale), we estimated the fatigue, stress, and job stress, respectively. The data were analyzed to investigate the factors affecting personal fatigue and stress. Results : Naval workers in this study had potential psychosocial stress and moderate level of fatigue scale. In this study, the fatigue related factors were stress score, sleep sufficiency, service area, job demand and organizational system. The stress related factors were fatigue score, exercise, coffee, smoking, job demand, job insecurity, lack of reward and occupational climate. Conclusions : Fatigue and stress were positively correlated, but the job characteristics that affected each were different. This suggests that for effective management of fatigue and stress, the details of job characteristics need to be considered individually for the intervention and prevention of fatigue and stress.

      • KCI등재

        [舊日本海軍 朝鮮人軍屬 關聯 資料(2009)]의 微視的 分析

        심재욱 한일민족문제학회 2013 한일민족문제연구 Vol.24 No.-

        日帝が恣行した「強制動員」は日帝植民支配の欺瞞的な行為を赤裸々に示されることが韓国歴史研究にとって非常に重要な意味があると思う。同時に大勢の韓国人の個人史にまで悪影響を及ぼし、60年余りが過ぎた今までも各々の人生に傷付いていて社会問題の一つとして残っていることから見ると、その問題の深刻性が十分分かる。しかし解放されてから60年余りが過ぎているうちに韓国社会はあの被害把握に対して無関心な態度で目を逸して来た。2004年11月「首相官邸所属の日帝強占下強制動員被害真相究明委員会」(以下委員会)の立ち上げを契機に関連研究と実体把握が以前より活発にして、研究が活性化することは大いに励みになる事だと言える。それにも関わらず、今なお強制動員に関する研究には多くの眼界がある。この限界を突破する作業として必要なのは直ちに今現在、国家記録院で所蔵している約48万人分に至る関連名簿資料である。この資料は戦時の動員過程と戦後の復員過程で強制動員の主体である日本から作成された資料と言う側面と、全体的な分析によって「いつ、どこ、いくら、どこに強制動員されてどんな被害を受けたか」のような強制動員に対する全般的な実体把握が出来ると言う側面ですごく意義深いと思う。それでも、これに対した研究分析は殆んどない状況である。本稿は強制動員の全体像を把握するために必要な基礎的作業で、2009年日本政府が「委員会」に直接提供した[舊日本海軍朝鮮人軍屬関連資料(2009)](以下「舊海軍軍屬資料(2009)」)に収録された各種文書の内容と性格について考察した。「舊海軍軍屬資料(2009)」は1991年に日本政府が提供して、現在は国家記録院で所蔵している[舊海軍軍屬身上調査表]を基にしている。しかし「海軍工員名簿」、[供託金文書]等多数の新資料を収録しているので今までの資料とは異なる新たな性格の資料だと思う。そして、本稿に書かれたように海軍軍屬動員に関して戦時と戦後に多くの文書が作成されている。ところが、韓国政府に提供されたのは[舊海軍軍屬身上調査表]に過ぎない。追加的に入手すべき抜落ち資料を把握した側面で本稿の研究の意義がある思われる。本稿で筆者が行われた作業は「軍屬動員」の把握を通じて強制動員の全体像を考察しようとする一連の連続的作業である。このような資料の内容と性格に対する分析を基にして、今筆者は当該資料のデータをエクセルのファイルに書き込んでデータ化する作業をしている。今後行う詳細な分析は、今まで確認されていない海軍軍屬動員の実体が探れる重要な基礎的作業になると思う。 ‘Forced Mobilization’ under Japanese colonialism has a significant meaning to Korean studies, considering it accurately represents the deceitfulness of Japan’s colonial rule. Forced Mobilization also made unwelcome changes in a number of Korean people’s personal histories and it is still a lingering social issue of Korea. However, Korea has dealt with the matter with indifference over the last 60 years since Korea’s liberation. It is highly encouraging to learn that the studies and investigations on ‘Forced Mobilization’ have been improved and carried actively out since the establishment of ‘the Commission on Verification and Support for the Victims of Forced Mobilization under Japanese Colonialism in Korea(henceforth ‘the Commission’)’ under Prime Minister in November 2004. Nonetheless, we still have the limits in the studies on Forced Mobilization. The study on the registers of the approximately 480 thousand Korean names owned by National Archives of Korea is quite important in order to overcome the limits. As the registers were recorded by Japan during the period of war and demobilization, it can play an essential role to find the actual conditions of Forced Mobilization, such as when, how many, from where to where, and how much damage the Koreans had to be received. However, the study and analysis are still insufficient. In this study, as a groundwork for getting the general idea of Forced Mobilization, I examined the contents and its features of ‘the Document of the Korean Employees in the Japanese Imperial Navy(henceforth the Document)’ that the government of Japan directly gave to the Commission in 2009. The Document is based on ‘the Table of the Civilian Employees in the Japanese Imperial Navy’ given by Japan and currently owned by National Archives of Korea. As the Document includes new information, such as ‘the List of the Naval Factory Worker’ and ‘the Documents of Deposit’, it could be considered as new and valuable data to study. One more achievement of this study is to find the missing materials to be returned later on. ‘The table of the Civilian Employees in the Japanese Imperial Navy’ was the only material offered to the government of Korea by among many missing documents recorded in the state of war and after the war. What I did in this study is a part of the ongoing researches aiming at understanding the big picture of Forced Mobilization by taking in the situation of the mobilization of civilian Employees. Based on the data and its analysis, I am currently working on making the database. Detailed further analysis would be a substantial groundwork to discover the unidentified reality of the mobilization of Civilian Employees in the Japanese Imperial Navy.

      • KCI등재

        전시체제기 조선인 해군군속의 일본 지역 동원 현황 - ­구일본해군 조선인군속 관련 자료(2009)의 데이터 분석을 중심으로 -­

        심재욱 한국민족운동사학회 2014 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.81

        Many Koreans during the colonial period were forced to work as laborers, civilian workers in military, soldiers and comfort women by Japanese military in wartime. It is important that it shows us the deceitfulness of the Japanese Colonial Rule. The purpose of it was 'the use of Korean', not 'the modernization of Korea'. However, there are few studies on this subject. To move studies forward, I have analyzed the data of 'the Document of the Korean Employees in the Japanese Imperial Navy(2009)'. It is one of the documents which were handed over by the Japanese government. This paper is part of my ongoing study. This paper mainly focuses on the aspects of the mobilization of Korean laborers in the Japanese Imperial Navy to Japanese Region in the great deal of materials. The results are as follows. Firstly, according to the data analyzed by areas, about 46,000 Korean civilians were mobilized to Japanese regions for forced labour. It is the highest at 63.4 percent. The next level of region were in the Pacific and Southeast Asia with 16,928 at the rate of 33 percent. In these areas, there were severe battles between Japan and the Allied Forces. 7,429 Koreans were sent to the Korean regions (Chosun regions). The rate of 10 percent for this area was relatively high. Secondly, according to the data analyzed by time, an absolute majority of 98.8 percent were mobilized since 1942 after the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor. This shows that the mobilization was affected by developments in the war. The majority of them are dominated by the 20s and the 30s who were plenty of labour at the rate of 91.2 percent. People in Kyeongnam and Jeonnam were most mobilized at the rate of 17.6 percent and 17.5 percent each. Then comes Kyeongbuk, Jeonbuk, Geoungki, Chungnam, and Kangwon in that order. Thirdly, analyzing the data by areas in Japan, we can see that the mobilization was concentrated in the Kanagawa Prefecture(Yokosuka Naval District), the Kyoto Prefecture(Maizuru Naval District), the Hiroshima Prefecture(Kure Naval District), the Nagasaki Prefecture(Sasebo Naval District), and the Aomori Prefecture(Ōminato Guard District) where the major navy bases - naval districts and naval guard districts - for the Imperial Japanese Navy were located on. Fourthly, Korean laborers in the Imperial Japanese Navy were forced to work in naval facility depots(施設部), naval arsenals(工廠), and a naval fuel depots(燃料廠) where need their labor in these regions. It can be confirmed with their jobs. And finally, analyzing the data by time in Japan, we can see that 75.0 percent and 99.1 percent of Korean civilians were mobilized to Japan in 1944 and 1945 each. It is assumed that the high numbers were caused by an ongoing series of defeats of Japan at that time. This paper did analyze some aspects of the mobilization of Korean laborers in the Imperial Japanese Navy. However, it is just one of categories of Japanese Forced Mobilization­laborers, civilian workers in military, soldiers and comfort women. For the study of a big picture of Japanese Forced Mobilization, it will be meaningful to accumulate works like this study. Thus, it is required to generate data of List Information and analyze them. 전시체제기 일제가 수많은 ‘식민지 조선인’들을 노무자, 군속, 군인 및 위안부 등의 형태로 자신들의 침략전쟁에 강제동원한 것은 일제 식민통치의 목적이 ‘조선인의 근대화’가 아닌 ‘조선인의 활용’에 있었다는, 기만적인 성격을 단적으로 보여준다는 점에서 중요한 의미를 지니고 있다. 그러나 이에 대한 연구는 매우 미진하다. 이를 극복하기 위해서 필자는 일본 정부가 한국 정부에 인계한 관련 ‘명부자료’ 중 하나인 [구일본해군 조선인군속 관련 자료(2009)]를 데이터화하여 분석하고 있다. 본고는 이에 대한 필자의 연속적인 작업의 하나이다. 자료의 방대함으로 인해 본고에서는 주로 일본 지역으로의 동원 양상에 국한하여 고찰하였다. 이를 통해 다음과 같은 ‘조선인 해군군속 동원’의 현황을 파악하였다. 첫째, 동원지역의 경우 일본 지역에 가장 많은 4만6천여명(63.4%)이 동원되었고, 일본군과 연합군 간의 전투가 치열하게 전개되었던 태평양 및 동남아시아 지역에 16,928명(약 33%)이, 조선 지역의 경우 상대적으로 높은 7,429명(10%)이 동원되었음을 확인하였다. 둘째, 동원시기의 경우 절대 다수(98.8%)가 ‘진주만 기습’ 이후인 1942년부터 동원되는 것을 확인하였다. 이러한 양상은 전황의 전개에 일정하게 영향을 받은 것으로 판단된다. 이들은 주로 노동력이 풍부한 20~30대(91.2%)가 주를 이루고, 주로 경남(17.6%)과 전남(17.5%) 지역에서 가장 많이 동원되었고, 경북과 전북, 경기, 충남, 강원 등의 순으로 동원되었다. 셋째, 일본 지역의 경우 주로 일본 해군의 주요 기관인 鎭守府와 警備府가 위치한 가나가와현(요코스카 진수부), 교토부(마이즈루 진수부), 히로시마현(구레 진수부), 나가사키현(사세보 진수부), 아오모리현(오미나토 경비부)에 집중되는 모습을 보이고 있다. 넷째, 이 지역에서 조선인 해군군속들은 주로 이들의 노동력을 필요로 하는 施設部, 工廠, 燃料廠 등에 동원되었고, 이는 이들의 직종을 통해서도 확인이 된다. 마지막으로 일본 지역으로의 동원시기는 1944~45년 사이에 절대 다수를 이루는 각각 75.0%, 99.1%에 해당하는 인원이 동원되고 있다. 이는 당시 연합군의 공세로 인한 계속적으로 패퇴하고 있던 당시의 전황에서 비롯된 것으로 파악된다. 이상과 같은 분석은 노무자, 군인, 군속, 위안부 등으로 분류되는 전체 강제동원 중 ‘해군군속’으로 동원된 조선인의 현황 중 일부 내용에 대한 분석에 지나지 않는 한계를 지니고 있다. 그러나 이러한 작업이 축적되면 전체 강제동원의 실태를 파악하는 자료로써 그 역할을 담당하는 의의를 지닐 것이다. 바로 이러한 점에 ‘명부자료’에 대한 데이터화와 그에 대한 분석이 필요하다고 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘태평양전쟁’기 일본 화물선 침몰과 조선인 舊海軍 군속의 사망피해

        심재욱 한국민족운동사학회 2015 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.85

        ‘태평양전쟁’기 일제는 다수의 식민지 조선인들을 자신들의 침략전쟁에 강제로 동원하였다. 군인ㆍ군속, 노무자, 위안부 등의 형태로 자행된 일제의 강제동원은 식민지배의 본질을 적나라하게 보여준다는 점에서 중요성을 지닌다. 즉 그들이 미사여구로 치장해 오고 있는 조선의 근대화가 아닌 조선인의 활용에 식민통치의 본질이 있었음을 단적으로 보여주기 때문이다. 따라서 한국사 연구에서 중요한 의미를 지니나, 현재 이에 대한 사회적 관심과 연구는 매우 미비하다. 본고는 이러한 한계를 극복하기 위한 기초 작업의 하나로써, 조선인 강제동원 관련 명부자료의 하나인 [舊日本海軍 朝鮮人軍屬 關聯 資料(2009)](이하 ‘구해군 군속 자료’)의 분석 과정에서 확인한 선박 침몰로 인한 사망 사례를 고찰하였다. 해당 자료는 패전 이후 일본 정부가 ‘주변국과의 외교상의 필요’에 의해 작성한 자료로 약 7만8천명의 조선인 기록이 수록되어 있다. ‘태평양전쟁’은 일제가 감당할 수 없는 무모한 전쟁이었고, 결국 막대한 물적ㆍ인적 자원의 피해를 떠안고 패배하였다. 그 중의 하나가 바로 보유량의 약 80%를 상실한 선박의 피해이다. 섬나라라는 일제의 입지 조건과 광활한 바다에서 전개된 ‘태평양 전쟁’의 특성상 침략지로의 보급, 일본 본토로의 원자재 수입 등은 전적으로 해상 수송에 의존할 수 밖에 없었기에 선박(화물선)은 ‘생명줄’이라 해도 과언은 아니었다. 따라서 연합군이 이에 대해 공격을 집중한 것은 당연한 결과였고, 그 결과 일제는 궤멸적인 타격을 입게 된 것이다. 그리고 이 과정에서 舊海軍의 군속으로 강제동원된 식민지 조선인들의 피해(침몰사망)가 발생한 것이다. ‘구해군 군속 자료’ 상에서 확인되는 피해 실태는 약 155척에 便乘하였던 3천6백명에 이른다. 하치로가타마루[八郞潟丸] 486명, 하쿠요마루[白陽丸] 322명, 고준마루[廣順丸] 314명, 다스다케마루[辰武丸] 248명 등 해상에서 발생한 사건의 특수성으로 한번에 다수의 사망자가 발생하였다. 이들은 舊日本軍이 점유ㆍ침략한 거의 모든 지역으로 동원되는 과정에서, 또는 파견된 지역에서 군사시설 구축과 같은 노역을 마치고 일본 본토로 귀환하는 과정에서 승선한 선박의 침몰로 사망하는 二重의 피해를 입었다. 비록 본고에서는 일부 대규모 피해 사례만을 고찰하였으나 이외에도 다수의 선박이 침몰하였고 많은 조선인 군속들이 사망하였음을 잊지 말아야 할 것이다. 그리고 ‘日王’을 비롯한 일본 전쟁지도부의 책임도 분명하게 지적되어야 한다. 연합군 잠수함 공격에 대한 대책 미비는 차치하더라도 보유 선박의 70% 이상을 상실하여 전쟁 수행에 커다란 장애요소가 발생한 1944년 말 이후에도 무모한 전쟁을 지속시켜 자국민을 비롯한 조선인들의 피해를 더욱 가중시켰기 때문이다. 본고는 전체 강제동원 중 일부에 지나지 않는 舊海軍의 군속동원만을, 그 중에서도 승선 선박의 침몰로 사망한 피해만을 분석한 것에 불과한 한계를 지니고 있다. 그러나 현재까지 밝혀지지 않은 피해사례를 최초로 발굴, 분석하였다는 점은 분명히 의의를 지닌다. 그리고 이는 해당 명부자료를 분석하는 과정에서 얻은 결과물이다. 현재 국내에는 전후 일본 정부로부터 인계 받은 48만명 분에 이르는 ‘명부자료’들이 국가기록원에 소장 중에 있다. 이에 대한 분석ㆍ연구가 진행되면 본고와 같은 특수 사례에 대한 발굴과 ... The Imperial Japan mobilized many colonial Chosunese by force to their aggressive ‘Pacific War’. The enforced mobilization by Imperial Japan in the forms of military, civilian employee, worker, or military sexual slavery has significance as it candidly shows the essence of the colonization. Namely, this directly shows that they had exploited Chosunese people although Japan rhetorically asserts that it was for modernization of Chosun. Therefore, it has significant meanings in the research of Korean history, but there’s inadequate interest by the society and research. Therefore, as a basic work to overcome such limit, this study examines the death cases due to sunken ships which was confirmed by analyzing ‘The Document of the Chosunese Civilian Employees in the Imperial Japanese Navy(2009)’ which is one of the list information of forced mobilization upon Chosunese. The document is written by the Japanese government following ‘the needs of diplomacy with surrounding nations’ after they lost the war. About 78,000 Chosun people were registered on the list. The ‘Pacific War’ was a reckless war that the Imperial Japan couldn’t bear. Consequently, they were defeated with great damages on material and human resources. As one of the great damages, they lost about 80% of their ships. The Cargo ships were ‘the lifeline’ for Imperial Japan because it’s an island country and Japan had to completely rely on marine transportation for supply to the colonies and import to the mainland during the ‘Pacific War’ in the wide ocean. Of course the Allied Force focused on attacking the ships and Imperial Japan was hit destructively. In the process, the colonial Chosunese who were enforcedly mobilized as civilian employees of Imperial Japanese Navy were damaged death by sinking. According to the ‘Document of the Chosunese Civilian Employees in the Imperial Japanese Navy,’ the casualty was about 3,600 in about 155 ships. Many were killed at once including 486 in Hachirokatamaru[八郞潟丸], 322 in Hakuyomaru[白陽丸], 314 in Koujunmaru[廣順丸] and 248 in Tatsutakemaru[辰武丸] due to the specialty of the marine accident. They were firstly damaged when being mobilized to almost every area where the Imperial Japanese Forces occupied or conquered, or while returning to mainland Japan after hard works such as construction of military facilities in the dispatched area, and then damaged redundantly as the ships went down. Although only some large scaled cases of damage were reviewed in this study, we should not forget that many other ships sank and numerous Chosunese civilian employees died. The responsibility of Japanese war leaders including Showa(‘日王’) must be also clearly pointed out. Besides the insufficient precaution against the attack by the Allied Force’s submarine, Imperial Japan continued the reckless war even after late 1944 as they already lost more than 70% of ships. Hence, they had big difficulties in implementing the war and aggravated damages on Chosunese as well as their own people. This study has limitations that it analyzed only the death casualty in the sunken ship during mobilization of civilian employees by Imperial Japanese Navy because it takes only a part of overall forced mobilization. However, it is meaningful that this study discovered and analyzed the damages for the first time which has been unknown until present. Moreover, this is the result from analyzing the relevant list information. There is the ‘list information’ about 480,000 in National Archives of Korea. This information was taken over from the Japanese government. Further analysis and studies on this will help understanding the overall conditions of force mobilization along with discovering special cases similar to this study.

      • KCI등재후보

        AI 상담로봇을 활용한 함정근무자 신상관리 향상 방안

        최지훈(Jihoon Choi),정승훈(Seunghoon Jung) 한국해군과학기술학회 2022 Journal of the KNST Vol.5 No.2

        Strategic development plans in various fields using artificial intelligence are being announced, focusing on government ministries in defense, society, and culture. In line with this trend, an approach using artificial intelligence is needed to reduce the number of depression and suicide deaths in Korea, which accounts for a very high proportion among OECD countries. Among them, it is thought that the effect will be great if artificial intelligence counseling technology is used for navy ship crews. Focusing on this point, this study suggested a plan to use an AI counseling robot that measures the mental health status of navy ship crews and helps them. Specific issues such as depression tests, counseling tests, interview records automation, and unstructured data text analysis using AI have been proposed, and if these parts are actually applied, navy ship crews are expected to work in a mentally healthy state.

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