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      • KCI등재

        근적외분광분석법과 Micro-Kjeldahl 법 간의 맥주보리 종실의 단백질함량 분석 비교

        金炳鑄,徐德龍,徐亨洙 韓國作物學會 1994 한국작물학회지 Vol.39 No.5

        맥주보리 품질에서 중요한 성분인 단백질함량을 NIRS를 이용하여 신원하고 정확하게 분석하기 위해 최적의 검양식 작성에 관한 일련의 시험을 실시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. Micro-Kjeldahl법에 의해 분석한 단백질함량을 이용하여 작성된 NIRS의 검양식중 2095 /1941/ 2282/ 2086nm 파장으로 구성된 검양식에서 결정계수(R2 )가 0.95로서 가장 높았다. 2. NIRS의 2095/1941/2282/2086nm 파장으로 구성된 검양식으로 '92년도에 생산된 18품종을 분석한 결과 SDD가 0.47, SEP가 0.43, r이 0.95로서 매우 우수하였으며 평균 단백질함량도 Micro-Kjeldahl법의 10.25%와 동일하였다. 3. NIRS의 2095/1941/2282/2086nm 파장으로 구성된 검양식으로 '93년에 생산된 미지의 시료 31품종을 Micro-Kjeldahl법과 비교분석한 결과 SDD가 0.69, SEP가 0.67, r(simple correlation)이 0.91이었다. 4. 본 시험에서 작성된 NIRS의 검양식을 이용할 경우 Micro-Kjeldahl 분석치와 r값이 0.91로서 고도의 유의성이 인정되었으며 bias값을 보정해 주면 단백질함량의 평균값이 Micro-Kjeldahl법과 매우 근접된 값을 얻을 수 있어서 맥주보리 육종의 초기세대에서 단기간 다량의 계통을 분석할 수 있을 것으로 기대되었다. Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy(NIRS) has been used as a tool for the rapid, accurate, protein assay of malting barley. NIRS used in this study was filter type instruments, Neotec 102. The objective of this study was to obtain the best calibration equation, for the rapid, ease and accurate protein content analysis of malting barley using NIRS system. The optimum wavelength for protein content analysis used NIRS were 2095nm, 2095/1941nm, 2095/1941/2282nm, 2905/1941/2282/2086nm, respectively. Mean protein content with this calibration equation in NIRS analysis was 10.59%, while 10.60% in Micro-Kjeldahl one. The range of protein content in Micro-Kjeldahl was 8.66~12.66% and that in NIRS was 8.80~12.35%. When 18 other varieties produced in 1992 were analysed with 2095nm, 2095/1941nm, 2095/1941/2282nm, 2095/1941/2282/2086nm equation, standard deviation of difference (SDD)and standard error of performence(SEP) and R2 values were 0.47, 0.43, 0.95, respectively. Both the mean protein content by Micro-Kjeldahl and by NIRS was 10.25%. With this equation, analysied 31 varities produced in 1993, SDD and SEP and r values were 0.69, 0.67, 0.91, respectively, and that bias value was 0.65. In this analysis, mean protein content by Micro-Kjeldahl was 10.17% and by NIRS was 10.81%. The range of protein content in Micro-Kjeldahl was 7.58~14.29%, What that in NIRS was 8.63~13.93%. After adjusted bias in the best calibration equation, mean protein content of Micro-Kjeldahl was 10.17% and that of NIRS was 10.09%, without variance of SDD, SEP and r values.

      • KCI등재

        NIRS를 이용한 삼지구엽초의 이카린 함량 분석

        김용호,최병열,백흠영,이영상 한국약용작물학회 2002 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.10 No.5

        삼지구엽초에 함유되어 있는 icariin 함량을 신속하게 추정하기 위하여 NIRS(근적외선 분광분석기)를 이용한 분석 방법을 검토하였다. HPLC를 이용하여 분석된 삼지구엽초 유전자원 150계통에 대한 이카린 함량치를 NIRS 스펙트럼에 적용시켜 42개의 calibration set 와 26개의 valilion set를 구분하였다. NIRS의 검량식을 몇가지 방법에 의하여 비교분석한 결과 2차미분된 스텍트럼을 MPLS(Modified Partial Least Squares)를 이용한 회귀식에 이용하는 것이 가장 적합하였다. HPLC를 이용한 유전자원들의 이카린 함량은 평균 0.424%(0.12~0.67%)이었으며, NIRS에서 도출된 검량식과의 상관계수는 0.951을 나타내었다. 따라서 삼지구엽초의 이카린 함량은 NIRS를 이용하여 신속 편리하게 분석할 수 있음이 인정되었다. Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) has become widely accepted for rapid quantitative analysis of components in some crops. Our object was to determine icariin contents in whole plant of Epimedium koreanum by using an NIRS system. Total 150 plant samples previously analyzed by HPLC were scanned by NIRS and 68 samples were selected for calibration and validation equation. A calibration equation calculated by MPLS(modified partial least squares) regression technique was developed and a coefficient of determination in calibration and validation sets were 0.95 and 0.82, respectively. A comparison between NIRS estimation and HPLC value was performed with the remaining samples not included in the calibration and validation sets. Most of samples also showed a positive correlation like a validation set. Our results demonstrate that this developed NIRS equation can be practically used as a mass screening method for rapid quantification of icarin contents in Epimedium koreanum N.

      • KCI등재

        근적외분광분석기를 이용한 검정콩 안토시아닌의 함량 분석

        김용호,안형균,이은섭,김희동 한국작물학회 2008 한국작물학회지 Vol.53 No.1

        검정콩 종피에 함유된 안토시아닌의 색소별 함량을 비파괴적으로 신속하게 분석하기 위하여 NIRS(근적외선 분광분석기)를 이용한 모델을 개발하였다. 재료는 검정콩 유전자원 300 계통을 사용하였으며, HPLC에서 분석된 종피의 안토시아닌 함량치를 NIRS 스펙트럼에 적용시킨 후 검량식을 작성하였다. NIRS의 검량식을 몇 가지 방법에 의하여 비교 분석한 결과 1차미분된 스펙트럼을 MPLS(Modified Partial Least Squares)를 이용한 회귀식에 이용하는 것이 가장 적합하였다. HPLC를 이용한 유전자원들의 성분 함량과 NIRS에서 도출된 검량식과의 상관계수는 C3G, D3G 및 Pt3G가 각각 0.952, 0.936과 0.833을 나타내었다. 이들 검량식은 validation file에서도 C3G와 D3G는 0.897, 0.849의 높은 상관을 보였으며, 이는 NIRS를 이용하여 검정콩의 안토시아닌 함량을 신속하게 분석할 수 있음을 나타내는 것으로 판단되었다. Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) is a rapid and accurate analytical method for determining the composition of agricultural products and feeds. This study was conducted to measure anthocyanin contents in black colored soybean by using NIRS system. Total 300 seed coat of black colored soybean samples previously analyzed by HPLC were scanned by NIRS and over 250 samples were selected for calibration and validation equation. A calibration equation calculated by MPLS(modified partial least squares) regression technique was developed in which the coefficient of determination for anthocyanin pigment C3G, D3G and Pt3G content was 0.952, 0.936, and 0.833, respectively. Each calibration equation was applied to validation set that was performed with the remaining samples not included in the calibration set, which showed high positive correlation both in C3G and D3G content file. In case Pt3G, the prediction model was needed more accuracy because of low R2 value in validation set. This results demonstrate that the developed NIRS equation can be practically used as a rapid screening method for quantification of C3G and D3G contents in black colored soybean.

      • KCI등재

        근적외 분광분석법을 이용한 녹차의 색도 분석

        이민석,정명근 韓國作物學會 2008 한국작물학회지 Vol.53 No.5

        녹차 품질평가의 한 요인이 되는 색도 평가 시 기존 평가 방법인 육안평가 혹은 색차 분석에 의존하고 있는 현행 분석방법을 신속, 간편하며 재현성이 높고, 녹차 품질관련 기타 성분과 동시분석이 가능한 녹차 색차 분석용 NIRS 검량식을 작성한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 공시된 녹차 시료를 대상으로 색차계를 이용하여 색도 값(L, a, b)을 조사한 결과 검량식 작성용 시료는 L값이 평균 53.37(48.52~57.72 ), a값이 평균 -7.55(-10.02~-4.63 ), b 값이 평균 18.07(14.00~22.02 )을 나타내었고, 작성 검량식의 평가용으로 이용된 예견치 분석용 시료와 거의 동일한 범위를 나타내었다. 2. 녹차의 색차 분석용 NIRS 검량식을 검토한 결과 색차 중 명도에 해당하는 L 값은 원시 스펙트럼에 2차 미분(2nd derivative, 8 nm gap, 6 points smoothing, 1 point second smoothing)을 수행한 조건에서 R2 = 0.936으로 가장 우수한 양상을 나타내었고, 적색에 해당되는 색차 a값과 황색에 해당하는 b값은 1차 미분(1st derivative, 4 nm gap, 4 points smoothing, 1 point second smoothing)조건에서 R2 가 각각 0.991 및 0.958로 가장 우수한 결과를 나타내었다. 3. 최적의 녹차 색차 분석용으로 작성된 각각의 NIRS 검량식을 미지시료에 적용하여 정확성을 평가한 결과 색도값 L, a 및 b의 결정계수는 각각 0.905, 0.986 및 0.931로 매우 높은 상관을 보였으며, 이들 검량식은 향후 NIRS를 이용한 녹차 관련 연구 및 녹차 산업현장에서 품질관리를 위한 효율적 분석방법으로 활용이 가능할 것으로 판단된다. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a rapid and accurate analytical method for determining the composition of agricultural products and feeds. The applicability of near infrared reflectance spectroscopic method was tested to determine the color value (L, a, b) of green tea. A total of 162 green tea calibration samples and 82 validation samples were used for NIRS equation development and validation, respectively. In the developed NIRS equation for analysis of the color value (L, a, b), the most accurate equation for L value was obtained at 2, 8, 6, 1 (2nd derivative, 8 nm gap, 6 points smoothing, and 1pointsecond smoothing), and for a, and b value were obtained at 1, 4, 4, 1 (1st derivative, 4 nm gap, 4points smoothing, and 1 point second smoothing) math treatment condition with SNVD (Standard Normal Variate and Detrend) scatter correction method and entire spectrum (400~2,500~;nm ) by using MPLS (Modified Partial Least Squares) regression. Validation results of these NIRS equations showed very low bias (L: 0.005%, a: 0.003%, b: -0.013%) and standard error of prediction (SEP, L: 0.361%, a: 0.141%, b: 0.306%) as well as high coefficient of determination (R2 , L: 0.905, a: 0.986, b: 0.931). Therefore, these NIRS equations can be applicable and reliable for determination of color value (L, a, b) of green tea, and NIRS method could be used as a mass screening technique for breeding programs and quality control in the green tea industry.

      • KCI등재

        근적외선분광분석기를 이용한 미강의 Tocopherol과 Tocotrienol 함량 분석

        김용호,강창성,이영상 韓國作物學會 2004 Korean journal of crop science Vol.49 No.3

        미강에 함유되어 있는 토코페롤 및 토코트리에놀의 함량을 비파괴적으로 신속하게 추정하기 위하여 NIRS(근적외선 분광분석기)를 이용한 분석 방법을 검토하였다. 벼 유전자원 80계통의 미장을 사용하여 HPLC에서 분석된 토코페롤 및 토코트리에놀의 함량치를 NIRS 스펙트럼에 적용시킨 후 검량식을 작성하였다. NIRS의 검량식을 몇가지 방법에 의하여 비교 분석한 결과 2차 미분된 스펙트럼을 MPLS(Modified Partial Least Squares)를 이용한 회귀식에 이용하는 것이 가장 적합하였다. HPLC를 이용한 유전자원들의 성분 함량과 NIRS에서 도출된 검량식과의 상관계수는 토코페롤과 토코트리에놀이 각각 0.992, 0.953을 나타내었다. 이들 검량식은 validation file 에서도 0.846 및 0.956의 높은 상관을 보여 미강 상태에서 토코페롤 및 토코트리에놀의 함량을 NIRS를 이용하여 신속하게 분석할 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다. Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) is a rapid and accurate analytical method for determining the composition of agricultural products and feeds. This study was conducted to determine tocopherol and tocotrienol contents in rice bran by using NIRS system. Total 80 rice bran samples previously analyzed by HPLC were scanned by NIRS and over 60 samples were selected for calibration and validation equation. A calibration equation calculated by MPLS(modified partial least squares) regression technique was developed and coefficient of determination for tocopheyol and tocotyienol content were 0.975 and 0.984, respectively, in calibration sets. Each calibration equation was fitted to validation set that was performed with the remaining samples not included is the calibration set, which showed high positive correlation both in tocopherol and tocotrienol content file. This results demonstrate that the developed NIRS equation can be practically used as a rapid screening method for quantification of tocopherol and tocotrienol contents in rice bran.

      • KCI등재

        근적외선분광분석기를 이용한 황금(Scutellaria baicalensis)의 baicalin 및 baicalein 함량 분석

        김효재,김세영,이영상,김용호 한국자원식물학회 2014 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) is a rapid and accurate analytical method for determining the composition of agricultural products and feeds. This study was conducted to measure baicalin, baicalein, and wogonin contents in Scutellaria baicalensis by using NIRS system. Total 63 samples previously were analyzed by HPLC, which showed baicalin, baicalein, and wogonin contents ranging 4.56 to 13.59%, 0.28 to 5.54%, and 0.50 to 1.63% with an average of 9.66%, 2.09% and 0.52%, respectively. Each sample was scanned by NIRS and calculated for calibration and validation equation. A calibration equation calculated by modified partial least squares(MPLS) regression technique was developed in which the coefficient of determination for baicalin, baicalein, and wogonin content was 0.958, 0.944, and 0.709, respectively. Each calibration equation was applied to validation set that was performed with the remaining samples not included in the calibration set, which showed high positive correlation both in baicalin and baicalein content file. In case of wogonin, the prediction model was needed more accuracy because of low R 2 value in validation set. These results demonstrate that the developed NIRS equation can be practically used as a rapid screening method for quantification of baicalin and baicalein contents in Scutellaria baicalensis. 황금에 함유된 baicalin, baicalein 및 wogonin 함량을 근적외선분광분석기(NIRS)로 비파괴적으로 신속하게 할 수 있는 방법을 개발하였다. 황금 유전자원 63종을 대상으로 NIRS로 400∼2,500 ㎚ 파장범위를 scan한 후 물리적 영향에 의한 바탕선 변화 등의 오차를 줄이고 겹쳐있는 파장을 분리하기 위하여 미분법 등을 이용한 수처리를 하였다. 수처리 후 몇 가지 회귀분석법을 이용하여 검량식을 작성한 결과 MPLS 회귀법이 황금의 유용성분을 분석하기에 적당하였으며, MPLS 회귀분석법에 의한 검량식의 baicalin, baicalein, wogonin 함량은 HPLC로 분석된황금의 성분함량과의 상관값에서 각각 0.958, 0.944, 0.709로나타났다. 이렇게 작성된 검량식을 이용하여 validation set에서 상관관계를 분석한 바 baicalin 함량은 0.853, baicalein은0.895의 상관치를 보여 황금의 baicalin 및 baicalein 함량은NIRS로 분석이 가능한 것으로 판단되었다. 한편, wogonin 함량에 대한 validation set의 결과는 0.489로 나타나 NIRS 검량식을 wogonin의 정량분석에 바로 이용하기에는 부적당하였다.

      • KCI등재

        근적외선 분광분석기를 이용한 밀 품질 분석 및 계통 선발 응용

        김경훈,강천식,최인덕,김학신,현종내,박철수 한국육종학회 2016 한국육종학회지 Vol.48 No.4

        Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) has been used as a rapid analysis tool to many components in cereal grains. This study was to investigate the potential NIRS application for determination of components in Korean wheat. Main components of wheat quality are protein content, moisture content, SDS-sedimentation volume and ash content. Wheat has screened for quality, hardness of seed by NIRS in CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center). NIRS calibration was used as a rapid and simultaneous analysis method to determine the wheat quality components. A total of 282 wheat samples, collected from a wide range of Korean wheat cultivation region for 2 years, were analyzed by NIRS. NIRS calibration of individual components were developed using first derivation, second derivation and modified partial least-squares regression and internal cross validation method. As a result, calibration formula of protein was y=0.937x+0.786, calibration formula of moisture was y=0.922x+0.911, calibration formula of ash was y=0.933x+0.08, calibration formula of SDS-sedimentation volume was y=0.947x+2.150. NIRS calibration for wheat quality may be useful for determining protein(R2 = 93.6), moisture(R2 = 91.6), SDS-sedimentation volume(R2 = 94.3), and ash(R2 = 93.4). This study shows that 4 calibrations of NIRS is a useful application in the accurate and rapid determination of wheat quality. Therefore, NIRS could be used to rapidly determine the quality contents of wheat for grade evaluation in a purchasing of wheat cultivation region.

      • Near Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy Analysis에 의한 호밀의 飼料價値 分析

        金昌護 公州大學校 資源科學硏究所 1994 資源科學硏究論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        호밀의 飼料價値 分析을 기존의 一般分析과 비교하여 NIRS 分析의 利用 可能性을 비교 分析한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 粗蛋白質 含量과 可消化養分總量(TDN) 分析에서는 예취시기가 빠르면 一般分析法에 의한 含量이 NIRS 分析에 의한 含量보다 높았고 예취시기가 늦으면 반대로 오히려 낮았다. 2. ADF와 NDF의 粗纖維 含量은 예취시기가 빠르면 NIRS 分析에 의한 含量이 一般分析에 의한 含量보다 높았고 예취시기가 늦으면 반대로 오히려 낮았다. 3. 粗蛋白質, ADF, NDF 및 可消化養分總量(TDN) 分析은 標準誤差가 작고 決定係數가 커서 NIRS를 이용하여 分析할 때 정확성이 높다. 4. P, CA, K, Mg와 같은 無機物 含量 分析은 標準誤差가 크고 決定係數가 작아 NIRS를 利用하여 分析할 때 정확성이 낮다. The experiment was carried out make a comparison of feed value in rye by hand separated analysis and near infrared reflection spectroscopy. The samples of rye were collected from seven different cutting time. The content of crude protein(CP) and total digestible nutrient(TDN) were relatively higher abundance by hand separated analysis than by near infrared reflection spectroscopy(NIRS) analysis with earlier cutting time, but these at late cutting time were vice versa. The content of acid detergent fiber(ADF)and neutral detergent fiber(NDF) were relatively higher abundance by NIRS analysis than hand separated analysis with earlier cutting time, but these at late cutting time were vice versa. The precision and accuracy of NIRS analysis for CP, ADF, NDF, and TDN were higher than hand separated analysis, because these had larger R²(coefficient of determination) values and smaller SEP(standard error of prediction) statistics. The precision and accuracy of NIRS analysis for phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium were lower than other substances.

      • KCI등재

        콩 종실의 조단백, 조지방, 지방산 분석을 위한 근적외선 분광분석기(NIRS) 검량식 작성과 재래종 자원 평가

        최유미,현도윤,이수경,이명철,오세종,이정로,고호철,허온숙,윤문섭 한국육종학회 2016 한국육종학회지 Vol.48 No.4

        This study was investigated to develop mass evaluation system for the contents of crude protein, oil and fatty acid in soybean germplasm using NIRS. NIRS equations were created with 345 soybeans, multiple correlation coefficients of crude protein, oil, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid between data obtained from NIRS and quantitative analysis were 0.983, 0.969, 0.592, 0.514, 0.978, 0.961 and 0.957, respectively. Equation statistics indicated that contents of crude protein, oil and unsaturated fatty acid except palmitic and stearic acid in soybean seed were suitable for determination by NIRS. Those NIRS equations were applied to examine crude protein, oil and unsaturated fatty acid of 854 soybean landraces from Korea. The average contents and ranges of crude protein and oil were 39.2% with a range of 33.7-47.0% and 15.0% with a range of 9.8-20.3%, individually. In addition, those of oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid were 21.4% with a range of 12.1-30.2%, 55.6% with a 47.8-62.3% and 8.1% with a range of 5.9-10.7% respectively. We conducted quantitative analysis to reconfirm with IT154552 (45.1%) and IT023955(46.9%) above 45% of crude protein, the results were similar from NIRS (45.2%, 47.0%). NIRS data for protein from this study made no difference with lab data, which would be useful for mass evaluation. There was negative correlation (-0.203) between crude protein and oil, positive correlation (0.379) between crude oil and oleic acid, and significantly negative correlation (-0.879) between oleic and linoleic acid.

      • KCI등재후보

        Prediction from Linear Regression Equation for Nitrogen Content Measurement in Bentgrasses leaves Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy

        차정훈,김경덕,박대섭 한국잔디학회 2009 Weed & Turfgrass Science Vol.23 No.1

        Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy(NIRS) is a quick, accurate, and non-destructive method to measure multiple nutrient components in plant leaves. This study was to acquire a liner regression equation by evaluating the nutrient contents of ‘CY2’ creeping bentgrass rapidly and accurately using NIRS. In particular, nitrogen fertility is a primary element to keep maintaining good quality of turfgrass. Nitrogen, moisture, carbohydrate, and starch were assessed and analyzed from ‘CY2’ creeping bentgrass clippings. A linear regression equation was obtained from accessing NIRS values from NIR spectrophotometer(NIR system, Model XDS, XM-1100 series, FOSS, Sweden) programmed with WinISI III project manager v1.50e and ISIscan® (Infrasoft International) and calibrated with laboratory values via chemical analysis from an authorized institute. The equation was formulated as MPLS(modified partial least squares) analyzing laboratory values and mathematically pre-treated spectra. The accuracy of the acquired equation was confirmed with SEP(standard error of prediction), which indicated as correlation coefficient(r2) and prediction error of sample unacquainted, followed by the verification of model equation of real values and these monitoring results. As results of monitoring, r2 of nitrogen, moisture, and carbohydrate in ‘CY2’ creeping bentgrass was 0.840, 0.904, and 0.944, respectively. SEP was 0.066, 1.868, and 0.601, respectively. After outlier treatment, r2 was 0.892, 0.925, and 0.971, while SEP was 0.052, 1.577, and 0.394, respectively, which totally showed a high correlation. However, r2 of starch was 0.464, which appeared a low correlation. Thereof, the verified equation appearing higher r2 of nitrogen, moisture, and carbohydrate showed its higher accuracy of prediction model, which finally could be put into practical use for turf management system. Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy(NIRS) is a quick, accurate, and non-destructive method to measure multiple nutrient components in plant leaves. This study was to acquire a liner regression equation by evaluating the nutrient contents of ‘CY2’ creeping bentgrass rapidly and accurately using NIRS. In particular, nitrogen fertility is a primary element to keep maintaining good quality of turfgrass. Nitrogen, moisture, carbohydrate, and starch were assessed and analyzed from ‘CY2’ creeping bentgrass clippings. A linear regression equation was obtained from accessing NIRS values from NIR spectrophotometer(NIR system, Model XDS, XM-1100 series, FOSS, Sweden) programmed with WinISI III project manager v1.50e and ISIscan® (Infrasoft International) and calibrated with laboratory values via chemical analysis from an authorized institute. The equation was formulated as MPLS(modified partial least squares) analyzing laboratory values and mathematically pre-treated spectra. The accuracy of the acquired equation was confirmed with SEP(standard error of prediction), which indicated as correlation coefficient(r2) and prediction error of sample unacquainted, followed by the verification of model equation of real values and these monitoring results. As results of monitoring, r2 of nitrogen, moisture, and carbohydrate in ‘CY2’ creeping bentgrass was 0.840, 0.904, and 0.944, respectively. SEP was 0.066, 1.868, and 0.601, respectively. After outlier treatment, r2 was 0.892, 0.925, and 0.971, while SEP was 0.052, 1.577, and 0.394, respectively, which totally showed a high correlation. However, r2 of starch was 0.464, which appeared a low correlation. Thereof, the verified equation appearing higher r2 of nitrogen, moisture, and carbohydrate showed its higher accuracy of prediction model, which finally could be put into practical use for turf management system.

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