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      • KCI등재

        모잠비크의 고등교육분야 개발협력 가능성 연구

        왕선애 한국 포르투갈-브라질 학회 2015 포르투갈-브라질 연구 Vol.12 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to explore ways to pursue quality improvement and expansion of the higher education sector in Mozambique through an analysis of higher education and also to propose to South Korea measures for contributing and cooperating in the promotion of higher education in Mozambique. We analyzed South Korea's assistance capabilities and the future direction of aid packages from existing research data that shows that Korea has the comparative advantage in the higher education sector. Korea’s development aid policy has focused on building educational infrastructure or educational hardware, but we verified the need to promote cooperation in the development of educational software. Then we presented problems of higher education in Mozambique considering the current situation of education. In the early 1990s the Mozambican government privatized the higher education sector and made it possible to establish private institutions. So, in the 2000s public and private universities were established increasingly without any blueprint for higher education. In this process several problems developed, such as graduates with low academic achievement, the imbalances between the Human and Social Sciences and Technical and Engineering Sciences, lack of infrastructure, inefficient educational administration, etc. Even though the Mozambican government, especially in 2010, announced a new policy on higher education requiring training of university lecturers, evaluation, financial audits, etc., the higher educational situation so far has not been significantly improved. In this study, through an analysis of Higher Education in Mozambique, we propose cooperation in distance higher education and e-learning in order to contribute to the development of higher education in Mozambique. Mozambique’s higher education should be approached both by improving the quality of education and also by the expansion of education; therefore, distance learning and e-learning can be viable alternatives. For South Korea, it will be possible to enhance the effectiveness of aid, and for Mozambique to pursue the improvement of higher education through cooperation projects which can meet the demand for the educational development of Mozambique. O objetivo deste estudo é explorar estratégias de realizar a melhoria da qualidade e a expansão do sector do ensino superior em Moçambique através de uma análise do ensino superior e também para propor medidas à Coreia do Sul de contribuir e cooperar na promoção do ensino superior em Moçambique. Foram analisadas as capacidades de assistência da Coreia do Sul e da futura direção do pacote de ajuda a partir dos dados de pesquisa existente que mostram que a Coreia tem a vantagem comparativa no sector do ensino superior. A política de ajuda ao desenvolvimento da Coreia tem-se centrado na construção da infra-estrutura educacional ou hardware educacional, mas verificou-se a necessidade de promover a cooperação no desenvolvimento de software educativo. Em seguida, apresentou problemas do ensino superior em Moçambique, considerando situação atual da educação. No início de 1990 o governo moçambicano privatizou o sector do ensino superior e tornou-se possível estabelecer instituições privadas. Então, na década de 2000 universidades púbicas e privadas foram estabelecidas cada vez mais sem um plano escpecífico para o ensino superior. Neste processo surgiram vários problemas, tais como os graduados do baixo desempenho acadêmico, os desequilíbrios entre as Ciências Humanas e Sociais, e as Ciências de Engenharia e Tecnologia, a falta de infra-estrutura, a administração educacional ineficiente, etc. Apesar de o governo de Moçambique, em 2010, ter anunciado uma nova política sobre o ensino superior que exige a formação de professores universitários, a avaliação, a auditoria financeira, etc. a situação educacional das universidades até agora não tem-se mostrado significativamente melhorada. Neste estudo, através da análise do Ensino Superior em Moçambique propomos a cooperação no ensino superior à distância e e-learning, a fim de contribuir para o desenvolvimento neste domínio. O ensino superior em Moçambique deve ser abordado pela melhoria da qualidade do ensino e também pela expansão da educação, portanto, o ensino à distância e e-learning podem ser alternativas viáveis. A Coreia do Sul poderá aumentar a eficácia da ajuda e Moçambique conseguirá a melhoria do ensino superior, através de projectos de cooperação que possam atender à demanda do desenvolvimento educacional de Moçambique.

      • KCI등재

        Mn-Mo-Ni계 저합금강의 천이온도영역 파괴인성 해석

        金相鎬,黃昞哲,李聖鶴 대한금속재료학회 2002 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.40 No.8

        This study is concerned with the analysis of fracture toughness in the transition region of a Mn-Mo-Ni low-alloy steel according to ASTM E1921 standard test method. Elastic-plastic cleavage fracture toughness, K_Jc was determined by 3-point bend tests, using precracked Charpy V-notch (PCVN) specimens, and then the measured K_Jc, values were interpreted by the 3-parameter Weibull distribution with a theoretical slope of 4. Fractographic observation indicated that the critical distance from a precrack tip to a cleavage initiation site linearly increased with increasing the critical J(J_c) value, and that the stretch zone width had a good correlation with K_Jc value, irrespective of testing temperature. Relationship between J_c and critical distance, local fracture stress, and plane strain fracture toughness were discussed on the basis of the cleavage fracture behavior in the transition temperature region.

      • KCI우수등재

        <해심밀경소> 티벳어역의 사료적 가치 : 최신 발견 자료의 소개를 겸해

        장규언 불교학연구회 2013 불교학연구 Vol.35 No.-

        In this paper, I illuminate the value of Ḥphags pa dgoṅs pa zabmo ṅes par ḥgrel paḥi mdo rgya cher ḥgrel pa (Skt. Ārya-gambhīrasaṃdhinirmocana-sūtra-ṭīkā ; henceforth SNST), the Tibetan version of theHaesimmilgyeong so (解深密經疏; Ch. Jieshenmijing shu , Commentaryon Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra ), written by Woncheuk (圓測 613-696; Ch.Yuance), in both the philological and philosophical aspects.First, I attest to its philological value, which shows thatsome extant texts in Haesimmilgyeong so can be revised andcomplemented by collation with SNST.I present some instances showing that basic textual problems,including erroneous, omitted, superfluous, reversed characters orphrases, can be revised by collation with SNST. Second, I havereconstruted missing passages in the Sautrāntikas' discourse onthe number of dharmas found in the section of Discourse on theEssence of Buddha's Teaching (敎體論) of “Seo pum” (序品; Ch.Xu pin , Introductory Chapter) based on SNST. Third, as a typicalexample of testing the authenticity of the extant Tripiṭaka texts,I critically examine quotations from the Foxing lun (佛性論) in“Mujaseongsang pum ” (無自性相品, Ch. Wuzixingxiang pin , Chapteron the Character of Non-Substance), point out both its textual andcontextual errors, and finally propose the possibility of revisingthe extant Tripiṭaka text of the Foxing lun that basically accordswith quotations in Haesimmilgyeong so based on SNST. Fourth,as an example of examining and revising texts in the lost works ofParamārtha (眞諦, 499- 569) preserved in Haesimmilgyeong so , Ipresent and revise a quotation from his Jiushi zhang (九識章, Treatiseon the Nine (Vi)jñāna) based on SNST.Next, for illuminating the value of SNST as a complementarysource for understanding the thought of Woncheuk, I present andinterpret sources only found in SNST in the section of Discourse onEssence of Buddha's Teaching mentioned above, which more clearlyand thoroughly expounds his interpretation on some topics found inhis other commentaries, i.e., Banyasimgyeong chan (般若心經贊, Ch.Boruoxinjing zan , Commentary on Prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya-sūtra )and Inwanggyeong so (仁王經疏, Ch. Renwangjing shu , Commentaryon Kāruṇikarāja-rāṣṭrapāla-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra ). 본 논문에서 필자는 문헌학적 측면과 원측(圓測, 613-696)의 불교 사상 이해 두 측면에서 ��해심밀경소(解深密經疏)��의 티벳어역(Ḥphags pa dgoṅs pa zab mo ṅes par ḥgrel paḥi mdo rgya cher ḥgrel pa ,이하 SNST로 약칭)이 지닌 사료적 가치를 구체적으로 예증하였다.먼저 문헌학적 자료 가치를 잘 드러낼 수 있는 예로 SNST을 통해 ��해심밀경소�� 한문본을 교정하고 또 보충할수 있다고 판단되는 몇 가지 사례를 소개하였다.첫째로 SNST를 통해 가장 기본적인 형태의 텍스트 오류인 오자(誤字), 탈자(脫字), 연자(衍字), 도치(倒置) 교정의 실례를 보여주었다. 둘째로 텍스트 복원의 실례로서 「서품(序品)」 교체론(敎體論)의법수(法數)에 대한 경량부(經量部)의 논의 부분 중의 결락을 SNST를 통해 실험적으로 복원해 보았다. 셋째로 현존 대장경 텍스트 검증 및 교정의 실례로서 SNST를 통해 「무자성상품(無自性相品)」의 ��불성론(佛性論)�� 인용 부분을 검증한 뒤 그 오류를 지적하였으며 나아가 SNST에 의거한 현존 대장경본 ��불성론�� 자체의 교정 가능성을 제시하였다. 넷째로 진제(眞諦) 일문(逸文) 검증 및 교정의 실례로서 ��해심밀경소��에 보존되어 있는 진제 ��구식장(九識章)�� 인용문을 SNST를 통해 교정하고 보충할 수 있음을 보여주었다.다음으로 원측의 불교사상 이해에 있어 SNST가 지닌 자료 가치를예증하기 위해 SNST에만 보존된 「서품」 교체론 속 자료들 속에서 ��반야심경찬(般若心經贊)��과 ��인왕경소(仁王經疏)��의 일부 주제들에 대한 원측의 생각을 보다 명료하게 인식할 수 있는 보충 자료를 소개하고 해석하였다.첫째, ��반야심경찬��에서 청변(淸辨)과 호법(護法)의 논쟁에 대해 언급하면서 등장하는 ‘執我勝論甚違聖教佛自許為解脫菩薩’이라는 구절은 그 의미가 모호한데 뜻밖에도 SNST 속 공유 논쟁을 다루는 부분에서 이와 유사한 구절을 발견할 수 있어 비교적 설득력 있는 해석 가능성을 제시할 수 있었다. 둘째, SNST에만 보존된 자료들 속에서 호법의 ��대승광백론석론(大乘廣百論釋論)��을 통해 소개되는 공유(空有) 논쟁 부분이 공유 논쟁의 문제의식, 구체적 대론(對論) 과정, 결론 등에 있어 동일한 텍스트를 다루고 있는 ��인왕경소��와 유사하면서도 미묘하게 다른 해석을 포함하고 있는 점을 발견하고 양 텍스트의 비교를통해 공유 논쟁에 대한 원측 이해의 전모를 보여줄 수 있었다.맺음말에서 필자는 이상의 예증을 통해 SNST는 원측의 불교 사상을이해하는데 있어 반드시 참고 되어야 할 귀중한 자료라고 결론 내렸다.

      • KCI등재

        구병모 소설의 재난 의식과 에코페미니즘의 상상력 - 단편소설집 『고의는 아니지만』(2011)과 『그것이 나만은 아니기를』(2015)을 대상으로

        정연희 문학과환경학회 2022 문학과 환경 Vol.21 No.4

        While the traditional Western ethical philosophy aims for an objective viewpoint in the order of universalism, the ecofeminist ethics was embodied in the process of criticizing the western modern universalist ethics. If the pursuit of universalism's moral principles is based on objectivity and universality under the assumption of identity, then if any judgment is made in the conviction that it is universal, there is an aspect of reaching the conclusion that it is ethically justified. Ecofeminists want to consider the individuality of the actor and various contexts, although the action exists in an abstract and universal standard. Ecofeminist ethics do not deny universal moral philosophy per se, but oppose universalism that produces exceptions because it does not come into its own moral considerations. In particular, it is opposed to the fact that the dominant convictions of anthropocentrism and androcentrism place nature and women in the same domain of exception and expand the domain of the human other. If we can properly recognize the moral situation only by listening to the stories of moral “actor/agent,” how can we hear the voices of the human and non-human others? With this question, we can read the disaster novel of Gu Byeong-mo. In Gu Byeong-mo's novels, disasters, whether natural or human, are interpreted as the cry of others excluded from the community. Disaster is reproduced as a way of requesting interpretation as an active subject rather than a passive exception who has lost its voice. The fantastical metaphors of Gu Byeong-mo's novels (「Chojanggi」, 「History of Tendril Syndrome」, 「Pharmakos」) make us recognize the other as a new being who reveals himself in the form of a disaster and asks for dialogue, not a transparent being. Gu Byeong-mo's narrative of discovery of fear can be regarded as the narrative ethics of 'rewriting others'. On the other hand, the spirituality of Gu Byeong-mo's novels (「Insect Encyclopedia」, 「Foreign Object」, 「History of Tendril Syndrome」) extends consideration for oneself and others and the possibility of dialogue to other beings on the earth. The bizarre spirituality of 「Insect Encyclopedia」 provides an ethical opportunity by asking meaningful questions about life in the precarious boundary between sacredness and impurity. The conviction of life in the main character's calm attitude is to inform that the female body is being reborn as a place to ask meaningful questions about life, rather than being reduced to a resource for production. A spirituality that seeks to experience the connection between women and nature immediately and sensibly is a particular ecofeminist method in that it can more fully reveal an important context that rational value systems are supposed to be missing. It is worth emphasizing the ethical momentum of Gu Byeong-mo's narrative of discovery of fear. If the narrative genre itself is to confirm differences while being wary of holism, and that is possible with concrete and vivid language, the narrative of discovery of fear concretely contextualizes anti-ecological and anti-life violence. The next step is to recontextualize the novel situation by having the reader empathize with and sympathize with the world of the novel. In terms of ecocriticism, it offers “a highly contextual attempt to see clearly what a human being and what the non-human world might be, morally speaking, for human beings.”

      • KCI등재

        제초제 Flumioxazine의 가수분해 반응성에 관한 분자 궤도론적 이해

        성낙도(Nack-Do Sung),정훈성(Hoon-Sung Jung) 한국농약과학회 2004 농약과학회지 Vol.8 No.4

        Hydrolytic reactivities of N-phenylphthalimid herbicide flumioxazine (S) were disccused using molecular orbital (MO) theoretical method. It is revealed that below pH 5.0, the protonation (SH?) to carbonyl oxygene atom (O₂₁) of 1,2-dicarboximino group by general acid catalysis (k<SUB>A</SUB>) with hydronium ion (H₃O?) proceeds via charge controled reaction. Whereas, the specific base catalysis (k<SUB>OH</SUB>) with hydroxide anion via orbital controled reaction occurs above pH 8.0. We may concluded that in the range of pH 5.0~8.0, the hydrolysis proceeds through nucleophilic addition elimination (Ad<SUB>N-E</SUB>) reaction, these two reactions occur competitively.

      • KCI등재

        게임 캐릭터의 의인화 특성과 동일시가 게임 만족에 미치는 영향

        이원준 한국마케팅관리학회 2023 마케팅관리연구 Vol.28 No.1

        Anthropomorphism is the process of endowing characters with human traits, and humans naturally tend to rely on anthropomorphism to describe beings in the world. In games, anthropomorphism for characters is actively being carried out, and in Japan, where the character industry has developed, character anthropomorphism is sometimes called ‘mo-e’. Anthropomorphism, which has been widely used in spokesperson characters and advertisements for a long time, has a profound effect on the immersion and use behavior of game services, but related empirical studies are still lacking. Therefore, this study reviewed the literature on previous studies and proposed a research framework based on the three-factor model presented by Epley, Waytz, and Cacioppo(2007). In other words, human imitation characteristic needs, social needs, and efficiency needs are the main characteristics of anthropomorphism, and five variables of anthropomorphic autonomy, emotional investment, sense of companionship, humanlike-fit, and perceived intelligence are used as exogenous variables to demonstrate them. Furthermore the effect of user-character identification, game flow and game satisfaction was set as an endogenous variable. An online survey was conducted on a total of 152 people who had experience in anthropomorphism-based games, and a sample was secured. Before verifying the hypothesis, statistical procedures of reliability analysis and validity test were performed, and then the hypothesis was analyzed using the PLS technique. As a result of hypothesis analysis, emotional investment and perceived intelligence had a significant effect on character identification, and character identification had a significant effect on game flow and game satisfaction. Also, game flow has a direct impact on game satisfaction. The results of this study are expected to provide game service companies with marketing strategies necessary for game character development and practical implications for building relationships with users. 의인화는 캐릭터에게 인간적 특성을 부여하는 과정이며, 인간은 세상의 존재들을 설명하기 위하여자연스럽게 의인화에 의존하는 경향이 있다. 게임 분야에서도 캐릭터에 대한 의인화가 활발하게 이루어지고 있으며, 캐릭터 산업이 발전한 일본에서는 캐릭터 의인화를 ‘모에화’라고 부르기도 한다. 오래전부터 대변인 캐릭터와 광고 분야에 많이 쓰여온 의인화가 이제는 게임 서비스의 몰입과 이용 행동에깊은 영향을 미치고 있지만, 아직 관련된 실증적 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 선행 연구에대한 문헌연구를 고찰한 뒤, Epley, Waytz and Cacioppo(2007)이 제시한 3요인 모델에 기반한 연구 프레임워크를 제안하였다. 즉, 인간 모방 특성, 사회적 특성, 효율성 특성을 의인화의 주요한 특징으로 설정하고, 이를 실증하기 위하여 의인화된 자율성(anthropomorphic autonomy), 정서적 투자(emotional investment), 동반자 의식(sense of companionship), 인간적 외형(humanlike-fit), 그리고지능성(perceived intel ligence)의 5개 변수들을 외생변수로 사용하였다. 내생변수로는 매개변수인 이용자-캐릭터 동일시(user-character identification)가 게임 플로우(game flow)와 게임 만족(game sati sfaction)을 설정하고 관계를 고찰하였다. 의인화 게임에 대한 경험이 있는 총 152명을 대상으로 온라인 설문 조사를 시행하고 표본을 확보하였다. 가설의 검증 이전에 신뢰성 분석과 타당성 분석의 통계적 절차를 수행하였으며, 이후 PLS 기법을 활용하여 가설을 분석하였다. 가설 분석 결과, 정서적 투자와 지능성이 캐릭터 동일시에 유의한 영향을 미쳤으며, 캐릭터 동일시는 게임 플로우와 게임 만족에 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 또한 게임 플로우는 게임 만족에 직접적인 영향을 미쳤다. 본 연구 결과는 게임서비스 기업들이 게임 캐릭터 개발에 필요한 마케팅 전략을 제공하고, 이용자와의 관계 구축에 필요한실무적 시사점을 제공할 것으로 기대된다.

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