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        부모 양육태도와 자기애적 성격의 관계 : 불신/학대, 특권의식/과대성 도식의 매개효과

        정선영,조한익 한국청소년학회 2013 청소년학연구 Vol.20 No.10

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating effect of maladaptive schema between parental rearing style and narcissistic personality. As for sub-factors to measure parental rearing style, it was selected inconsistency, over-intervention, excessive expectation, abuse and noninterference. As for major maladaptive schema to predict narcissistic personality, it was revealed mistrust/abuse schema and entitlement/grandiosity schema. For this study, it was collected data from 313 university students and analyzed data by structural equation modeling(SEM). The results of the study are as follows: First, narcissistic personality showed positively significant relationship with parental rearing style and it has positively significant relationship with mistrust/abuse schema and entitlement/grandiosity schema. Second, mistrust/abuse schema and entitlement/grandiosity schema worked as a perfect mediating variable between parental rearing style and narcissistic personality. Implications for counseling and proposal for the follow-up study were suggested on the basis of these research results. 본 연구는 자기애적 성격의 발달 과정을 밝히기 위해 부모 양육태도가 자기애적 성격에 미치는 영향에서 부적응도식이 매개 역할을 하는지 살펴보았다. 부모양육태도를 측정하는 하위변인으로는 비일관성, 과잉간섭, 과잉기대, 학대, 방임을 선택하였고 자기애적 성격을 예언하는 주요 부적응도식으로 불신/학대와 특권의식/과대성 도식을 선택하였다. 연구를 위해 대학생 313명로부터 자료를 수집하였고 구조방정식 모형을 적용하여 자료를 분석하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자기애적 성격과 다른 변인들과의 상관을 알아본 결과, 자기애적 성격은 부모 양육태도와 정적으로 유의한 관계를 나타냈으며, 불신/학대와 특권의식/과대성 도식과도 정적으로 유의한 관계인 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 두 변인에 대한 불신/학대와 특권의식/과대성 도식의 매개모형을 분석한 결과, 부모 양육태도가 자기애적 성격 발달에 미치는 영향에서 불신/학대와 특권의식/과대성 도식은 완전매개변인으로 작용하는 것이 확인되었다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 부모양육과 상담실제에 대한 시사점과 후속연구를 위한 제언을 논하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국사회의 신뢰와 불신에 관한 심리학 연구의 과제 및 제언

        한성열 한국문화및사회문제심리학회 2005 한국심리학회지: 문화 및 사회문제 Vol.11 No.특

        The purpose of this paper is to review eight researchers on the trust and mistrust of Korean society, and to suggest the tasks of psychological researches in terms of cultural psychological perspective. In traditional Korean culture, feeling of trust is emerged from the family relationship formed by the blood ties based on father-son relation. In this respect, the meaning of trust might be different from that of western culture, which is emerged from the market relationship formed by the contract based on husband-wife relation. Now, the Korean family seems to be disorganized rapidly, so in this sense, it is suggested that recent Korean society might be the trust-absent society rather than the mistrust society. Also, it is suggested that further psychological researches must be performed in the serious consideration of the indigeneous characteristics of Korean culture. 이 글은 본 특집호에 게재된 여덟 편의 논문을 소개하면서 현재 한국 사회의 신뢰와 불신에 대한 연구의 과제를 문화심리학적 입장에서 제안한 것이다. 한국의 전통적 문화에서 신뢰는 혈연을 기초로 맺어진 부자 관계를 중심으로 한 가족적 관계에서 배태된 것이라는 점을 밝히고 계약에 의해 맺어진 부부 관계를 기반으로 한 시장적 관계에서 배태된 서양의 신뢰와는 서로 다른 의미가 있다는 점을 밝혔다. 이런 의미에서 전통적 가족 관계가 급하게 해체되어 가는 현재 한국 사회는 불신의 사회가 아니라 신뢰부재의 사회라고 명명하였다. 그리고 앞으로의 심리학적 연구는 이런 한국적 문화의 특성을 충분히 배려한 토착심리학적 고려를 바탕으로 수행되어야 한다고 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Neurological Measurement of Human Trust in Automation Using Electroencephalogram

        Seeung Oh,Younho Seong,Sun Yi,Sangsung Park 한국지능시스템학회 2020 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of FUZZY LOGIC and INTELLIGE Vol.20 No.4

        In modern society, automation is sufficiently complex to conduct advanced tasks. The role of the human operator in controlling a complex automation is crucial for avoiding failures, reducing risk, and preventing unpredictable situations. Measuring the level of trust of human operators is vital in predicting their acceptance and reliance on automation. In this study, an electroencephalogram (EEG) is used to identify specific brainwaves under trusted and mistrusted cases of automation. A power spectrum analysis was used for a brainwave analysis. The results indicate that the power of the alpha and beta waves is stronger for a trusted situation, whereas the power of gamma waves was stronger for a mistrusted situation. When the level of human trust in automation increases, the use of automatic control increases. Therefore, the findings of this research will contribute to utilizing a neurological technology to measure the level of trust of the human operator, which can affect the decision-making and the overall performance of automation used in industries.

      • Enduring Mistrust and Conflict Management in Southeast Asia: An Assessment of ASEAN as a Security Community

        Ralf Emmers 서강대학교 동아연구소 2017 TRaNS(Trans –Regional and –National Studies of Sou Vol.5 No.1

        The paper explores whether the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has matured from a weak cooperative arrangement in its early days into a functioning security community by 2016. It first introduces a Deutschian and a constructivist understanding of security communities before examining ASEAN’s involvement in the security realm since 1967. The paper claims that the regional body is not yet a security community, partly due to residual mistrust among its members, which undermines ASEAN’s ability to address a series of ongoing inter-state disputes in Southeast Asia. While it has contributed to conflict avoidance, the Association has so far failed to conduct conflict resolution in spite of the ASEAN Political and Security Community initiative. The paper concludes that the failure to directly address and ultimately resolve sources of conflict in Southeast Asia has undermined the establishment of a security community in the region.

      • KCI등재

        상담과정에서 상담자에 대한 여성내담자의 경계․불신․신뢰 경험에 대한 현상학적 질적 연구

        이종주,김진숙 한국상담학회 2020 상담학연구 Vol.21 No.2

        This study conducted a phenomenological study concerning experience of vigilance against, mistrust and trust in counselors among female clients in order to understand the structure and process of their trust experiences over the course of counseling. This study followed three data analysis procedures: topical analysis, intentional analysis, and process analysis and used the methods of epoche, phenomenological reduction and hermeneutic circulation in data collection and analysis. A total of five women, each from teens through 50s, and two 60-minute in-depth interviews were conducted with each participant. Through the topical analysis, 196 concepts, 37 subcategories, and 6 categories were obtained. The intentional analysis resulted in modified 57 concepts, 39 subcategories and 8 categories. The process analysis identified the temporal flow of the vigilance, distrust/trust factors, conflict between trust and distrust, distrust/trust experience and distrust/trust results during counseling. Based on these results, implications for counseling as well as the limitations of this study were discussed. 본 연구는 상담과정에서 상담자에 대한 여성내담자의 경계․불신․신뢰 경험의 구조와 과정을 파악하기 위해 상담자에 대해서 여성내담자가 갖는 경계․불신․신뢰 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구는 주제 분석, 지향성분석, 과정분석의 세 가지 절차에 따랐고, 자료수집과 분석에서 판단중지, 현상학적 환원 및 해석학적 순환의 방법을 사용하였다. 연구참여자로는 10대에서 50대까지 연령별로 각각 1명씩 총 5명을 모집했고, 각 참여자별로 60분씩 2회 심층면담을 실시했다. 연구결과 먼저 주제 분석에서 196개의 개념, 37개의 하위범주, 6개의 범주를 얻었고, 지향성 분석결과 57개의 개념, 39개의 하위범주 그리고 8개의 범주로 수정되었다. 과정분석 결과 상담과정에서 상담자에 대한 내담자의 경계, 불신/신뢰요인파악, 신뢰와 불신의 갈등, 불신/신뢰경험 및 불신/신뢰결과의 시간적 흐름에 따른 동기관계를 파악했다. 끝으로 분석결과가 갖는 상담적 함의와 제한점을 논의했다.

      • KCI등재

        <거울 모르는 사람들>의 서사적 특성과 편집성 인격장애

        강미정 ( Kang Mi-jeong ) 한국고전문학교육학회 2008 고전문학과 교육 Vol.15 No.-

        This paper is to reveal the relation between the epic of < people who don't know a mirror > and paranoid personality disorder. I assume that the fact of not recognizing one's own face should be pathological problem. People who suffer from paranoid personality disorder show mistrust and anxiety. I expect that people who don't recognize their own faces from < people who don't know a mirror > can be related to paranoid personality disorder. The epic of < people who don't know a mirror > from 『An Outline of Korean Folklore Literature』is related to the epic of mistrust and anxiety. The wife from < people who don't know a mirror > distrusts her husband. She is in fear of being abandoned. She has a doubt that her husband has an affair, so she might lose him. After searching the epic of < people who don't know a mirror >, I found some peculiarity of people's behave. When you have doubts about your lover, so you are in anxiety, it's hard to think logically. You keep digging for clues expecting that you would prove the unknown truth. It becomes really impossible to make a sense out of you. You cannot be persuaded. These all symptoms are related to paranoid personality disorder. Not every version of < people who don't know a mirror > from 『An Outline of Korean Folklore Literature』is all about symptoms. There are some versions show the solution. Separation for a specified period, self-examination, and recovery of distrust can be the way of solving the problem. In the scene of literary therapy practice, the epic of < people who don't know a mirror > can be used for the treatment of paranoid personality disorder.

      • KCI등재

        조중연합사(朝中聯合司)가 '조선인민군' 재편성에 미친 영향

        김태현 국방부군사편찬연구소 2010 군사 Vol.- No.76

        This research begins with a question “why the North Korean Leader Kim Il-sung excluded the experience, military doctrine and guideline of Chinese Communist Forces(CCF)) during the reorganization of North Korean People's Army(NKPA), even though the CCF's military intervention contributed to save North Korea from collapse-crisis in the war?". This phenomenon is contrary to the common belief that a military alliance between two nations normally binds and consolidates its relationship strong together, and will have a positive influence on a mutual norm and culture. This paper, focused on the dynamics of Kim Il-sung's “regime security" and “conflicting interaction between two nations", explores a impact of the CCF-NKPA Combined Forces Command on the Reorganization of NKPA in the era from October 1950 to the end of 1950's. The conclusions of this research are as followings: First, the CCF-NKPA relations at the highest levels during the creation of the CCF-NKPA Combined Forces Command and the conduct of the Korean War were characterized as a tension and conflict, not as friendship. The CCF-NKPA Combined Forces Command, which is created in December 1950 for the purpose of unity of commands for two forces, was perceived by Kim Il-sung not only as a military command defending an alliance's common interest against external threats, but also as an political institution intervening in the North Korean internal affairs. The Establishment of the CCF-NKPA Combined Forces Command meant to Kim Il-sung a “lost" of his own operational command which can be interpreted as an expansion of chinese influence over the North Korea. The Chinese really attempted to draw towards themselves the commanders of the NKPA, and were not ashamed to interfere in the internal affairs of North Korea. This all made Kim Il-sung anxious about his regime security. Consequently, Kim Il-sung intended to prevent Peng Dehuai (Commander of the CCF-NKPA Combined Forces Command) from expanding his power over the Yenan-faction by introducing the Soviet in keeping a balance of power between two powers. Kim Il-sung's Mistrust against the chinese leadership was mixed with his personal psychological factor that he had experienced during the Anti-Japanese War in the 1930s and in the winter 1950-1951. He preferred therefore to rely on the soviet side. Second, tensions and conflicts between two nations had a lasting impact on the reorganization of the NKPA in two senses. On the one hand, Kim Il-sung stuffed the core position of NKPA's leadership with a Partisan-faction, so that he could seize the military power as an instrument for making his political power indisputable. The “Military" functioned for him rather an instrument for keeping his own political power internally, than an protecting force ensuring the sovereignty and survival of the national state externally. He succeeded to make the NKPA loyal to protect his own political status. On the other hand, Kim Il-sung was more dependent on the soviet side to keep a balance against the chinese. Under great assistance and support from the soviet he attempted to regain the military capabilities. Kim Il-sung's plan was consistent with a intention of soviet that had a fear of an expansion of the Chinese over North Korean. The Training, military doctrine, tactical guideline during the reorganization of NKPA was accordingly influenced strongly by the soviet military thoughts and systems. The sole alternative that Kim Il-sung could select was leaning to the soviet side, considering an increasing influence of the chinese and their interference in the internal affairs. Last but not least, the subject “the CCF-NKPA Combined Forces Command and the NKPA" needs studying more carefully with a deeper analysis in twofold respects. The Sino-North Korean military alliance nowadays is a key factor to understand the current security structure of the north east asia that is symbolized by the North Korean nuclear crisis and Cheonan-warship ...

      • KCI등재

        Cracks in the Blood-Shared Alliance? Explaining Strained PRC–DPRK Relations in the Post-ColdWar World

        김민형 인하대학교 국제관계연구소 2017 Pacific Focus Vol.32 No.1

        The Sino–DPRK relationship had often been described, at least until the end of the Cold War, as one of “lips and teeth” or “blood-cemented” brothers. However, remarkable changes in the previously strong Sino–DPRK relations have been observed in recent years. Most importantly, the DPRK has ignored the People’s Republic of China’s repeated warnings to withhold nuclear tests, instead conducting them five times in a row since 2006. In response to those tests, China has vehemently criticized the DPRK. In addition, it voted for UN Security Council resolutions that imposed strict sanctions on Pyongyang. China even imposed its own sanctions against the DPRK. The strained relationship between China and North Korea is demonstrated by the fact that China’s new president, Xi Jinping, has met South Korea’s President Park Geun-hye eight times since he came to office in 2013, whereas he has never had a summit meeting with North Korea’s new leader, Kim Jong-un, who succeeded his father, Kim Jong-il, in 2011. What has driven this dramatic change in the relationships of these two military allies? This paper argues that while multiple factors have pushed formerly strong Sino–DPRK relations into a new direction, the three most important factors are mistrust between two allies (historical), diverging interests (strategic), and growing Sino–ROK ties (economic and political)

      • KCI등재

        Stakeholder Interest Relations in Korea’s Services Trade Liberalization: A Political Economy Analysis

        June Dong Kim 한국APEC학회 2020 Journal of APEC Studies Vol.12 No.1

        This paper seeks to analyze the major factors behind why each stakeholder in the legal, health, educational, and audio-visual service sectors in Korea opposes liberalization in a qualitative political economy context. Moreover, it provides alternative strategies for further liberalization. In legal services, the primary concerns are the foreign equity ceiling of JV law firms and the recruiting Korean lawyers. In health services, the primary issues are whether to allow for-profit or incorporated hospitals. In educational services, the most contentious issue is the deregulation of limitations placed on the disposal of remaining properties. In audio-visual services, the main issues are the adamant opposition by movies makers and NGOs against reducing the screen quota and the monitoring and implementation of intellectual property right as well as competition policy. It is found that those factors include general mindset towards uniform equity and control, cultural factors preventing discussion on rational alternatives, the insufficient government budget for universal services, lack of administrative capacity in policy implementation and monitoring, absence of a proper system to evaluate the quality of services, asymmetry of information, and persistence of acquired rents. To make rational alternatives for further liberalization, it is necessary to simultaneously address the problem of ‘mistrust’ and lack of free flow of information.

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