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      • KCI등재

        남북통일 과정에서 군사통합 수행을 위한 군사행동개념 - DDR(무장해제, 동원해제, 사회로의 재통합)을 중심으로 -

        성윤환 ( Sung,Yun-Hwan ) 미래군사학회 2021 한국군사학논총 Vol.10 No.1

        In the study, military integration of inter-Korean reunification is a precursor to the creation of a successful national integration. The definition of military integration is unifying the organization, function, and system of two different inter-Korean military groups to achieve the national security goals of the unified Korea under the leadership of the Korean military. and It is to form a sense of unity internally This paper concluded the decisive process of determining the success of military integration during inter-Korean reunification is whether the DDR(Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration) is implemented or not, and the most important process of DDR is of disarmament. The study shows that a successful military integration type in inter-Korean reunification is a ""Enforced Military Integration"" of military engagement in the event of war or sudden north Korean collapse, as well as a ""Concerted Military Integration"" between a peaceful agreement or an agreement on north Korean collapse. Because of the two-type successful military integration is implemented DDR under the leadership of the Korean military. This paper can be summed up that. The DDR is a critical program, it will create a regional stabilization for military and national integration during the Korean reunification process. The key military action to successfully conduct DDR is creation a political and military advantage, inducement by voluntary disarmament and storage management of recovered weapons, sufficient livelihoods for the retired soldiers of north Korean military.

      • 통일한국군의 무형전력 통합을 위한 정치사상교육 방안 연구

        우희철 ( Woo Hee-choul ),김종도 ( Kim Jong-do ) 한국군사학회 2024 군사논단 Vol.117 No.-

        In this paper, the political and ideological education plan for the integration of intangible forces of the unified Korean military was divided into three stages: integration transfer, integration stage, and integration. First of all, the education plan in the pre-integration stage should be prepared in two directions, including pre-education for our soldiers and preparations for the education of North Korean soldiers. Next, as a preparation for the re-education of soldiers from the North Korean military, the first priority would be to cultivate instructors to educate them. In other words, the most useful method in the current situation is to utilize officers with educational competence, such as the a mental training officer and Reserve Order of Military Merit, the National Institute of Unification Education under the direct control of the Ministry of National Defense, and commanders (self) in charge of training in general units. These include North Korean defectors who are from the North Korean military and are settled in South Korea, and they are expected to play a major role in narrowing the gap between soldiers inthe two Koreas. Second, education in the integrated stage is for the unified Korean military It targets all personnel, including the North Korean military who will serve as active-duty soldiers and the North Korean military who will be discharged from military service. The educational goal of this period was to ensure that North Korean soldiers had a sense of psychological stability and understanding of the ideology and system of liberal democracy protected by the unified Korean army while cleating the military value of the past socialist countries. Through this, it is necessary to lay the foundation for the integration of intangible forces between South and North Korean forces in the future. Lasdy, post-integration education should be conducted for North Korean soldiers who serve in the unified Korean military, except for North Korean soldiers who return to the general society as a long-term education compared to education in the integration stage. The goal of re-education of the North Korean military after such integration will be a very important education that achieves intangible power integration, an attitude and mindset that can withstand any difficulties in order for the unified Korean military to realize its obligations and objectives with the same vision and identity by overcoming heterogeneity between South and North Korean forces.

      • KCI등재

        바람직한 군사통합방안 사례분석 및 교훈 연구

        형성우(Hyung Sung-woo),이승철(Lee Seung-cheol),이영근(Lee Young-geun) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2015 군사 Vol.- No.97

        The purpose of this article is to analyze the benefits of each military integration type based on conjoint analytical methods and through empirical study on past examples of military integration of divided countries, derive the optimal North and South Korean military integration options suited for our realities and military conditions as well as draw implications and lessons from those military integration cases in order to propose the way-ahead on how to integrate our military elements in the future. As key researching results show, military integration was classified into four types through theoretical contemplation on existing researches, namely ‘Integration by forcible absorption’, ‘Integration by consensual absorption’, ‘Equal level forcible integration’, ‘Equal level consensual integration’ depending on its form, and according to the results of benefit analysis using conjoint analytical methods on the preference and feasibility of the aforementioned 4 types through a survey conducted to Army/Navy/Air Force experts and Korea Institute for Defense Analysis experts in the military structure policy area, the most desirable integration option for the future North and South integrated military was analyzed to be either ‘integration by consensual absorption’or ‘equal level consensual integration’. Following the results of the conjoint analysis, two cases that would allow us to derive implications and lessons, ‘integration by consensual absorption’(Germany case) and ‘equal level consensual integration’ (Yemen case) were analyzed empirically to deduce an appropriate integration option for the reunified Korea. The statistical and empirical research on the optimal options regarding North and South Korean military integration examined through this research proves its significance.

      • KCI등재후보

        남북한 군사통합·통일한국군 건설 및 쟁점들

        제정관 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2003 한국과 국제정치 Vol.19 No.1

        The experiences of national unification in other countries show that the military integration is one of the most important and difficult issues in the unification process. As the primary role of the military is to manage violence, the issue of military integration is directly related to the stability and development of the newly unified country. If the military integration is unsuccessful, integration in other areas and even the national unification itself can eventually be threatened. The military integration on the Korean peninsular in essence is focused on the two Koreas’ military organizations, then moves to construct a new military organization of the unified Korea. In addition to the organizational integration, however, other national and social factors must also be addressed for the unified Korea to stably maintain the newly organized military. The purpose of this study is to examine some issues in the process of the military integration of unified Korea, and the conclusions are as follows: First, the primary objectives of defense policy and military strategy should deal with the following issues - the improvement in the predictability of enemy maneuver through firm deterrent capabilities and an early warning system, the enhancement of the combined operation capabilities, the improvement in defense readiness through standing troops, and vigorous efforts for Military Technology Revolution. Second, the structure of the armed forces and the command system should be arranged with the aim of defending the peninsular from the potential threat of other countries and of preventing and eliminating domestic instability. Third, the defense budget for the new military should be alloted at least 3% of GDP, and the military ought to have active troops of between 500,000 and 600,000 men. The Army should have 60-70% of the troops while the Navy and the Air Force each should have 15- 20%. Forth, in consideration of the North Korean nuclear situation, the procurement of strategic weapons for the three branches and especially the NBC weapons should be addressed. Fifth, the deployment of forces should be planned in accordance with the mobilization capability, deployment of enemy forces, weapons system, terrain and battle feild etc. Sixth, as for the United States Forces in Korea, their status of stationary troops should be improved. Also, the possibility of a more comprehensive multilateral security arrangement for the region ought to be explored.

      • KCI등재후보

        남북한 군대 복무환경 연구

        김의식(Eui-sik Kim) 북한학회 2012 북한학보 Vol.37 No.1

        In order for the Unification of the Korean peninsula to meet success, we must focus on building a foundation for national development and prosperity; in order to meet this goal, the stable integration of politics, the economy, society, culture, and military is an absolute necessity. During the separation, the North and the South have maintained dually alert military programs which will face great difficulty if (eventually) reconciled and integrated. In order to integrate these military forces harmoniously, many studies on the particular environment of each force will need to be conducted in so that their strengths can be maintained and adapted to one another. The Korean People’s Army was founded in 1948. After adopting ‘economy and military catching-up line’ in 1962 and establishing ‘4main military line’ in 1966, the army has steadily built up their military strength and currently maintains a force of 1,190,000. In 2006 and 2009 the Korean People’s Army carried out nuclear tests. Due to the rapid deterioration of the country’s economy in the early 1990’s rations were decreased, supplies reduced, and the term of military service extended. The extension of the military service delayed the servicemen’s entrance into the civilian world, and thus the military and civilian environment experienced social and financial exacerbation. On the other hand, ROK armed forces have grown based on ‘one side military one side economy’ policy and thus developed a balanced private defense industry. After the Seoul Olympics in 1988, ROK armed forces improved military facilities, shortened the term of military service, as well as upgraded the medical care support system. These series of changes have led us to a much further advanced, prosperous, and responsible military culture. Consequently, upon further consideration the difficulty of integrating the two militaries is not as daunting as it seems at first glance. The major issues would focus on the promises made by the North Korean government to it’s servicemen. Currently, the North Korean fulfillment of military duty affects both entrance to University programs as well as employment, or ‘work placement’. Furthermore, the North Korean army currently receives more rations than the civilian populace, thus turning the military into something of a ruling class, in which the servicemen have a disproportionate influence on society. In order to successfully implement military integration, it is important to instill a feeling of expectancy regarding the integration of lower classes of North Korean army. The Korean government should not appraise the North Korean service environment in Korean perspectives and not suggest immediate improvement of the environment on the same level as that of Korea. Although ROK armed forces are superior to The Korean People’s army according to the objective criteria, the level of satisfaction differs from individual to individual. With reference to research findings, Korea government should minimize the North Korean army’s impact, setup the proper criteria for stable integration and present integration suggestion. 한반도의 통일은 정치ㆍ경제ㆍ사회ㆍ문화ㆍ군사 등 모든 분야가 안정적으로 통합되므로써 민족의 발전과 번영의 기초가 되도록 해야 하는데, 남북한은 지난 60여년간 높은 수준의 군사적 긴장상태를 유지해왔으므로 군사분야에서의 통합은 매우 어려운 과제가 될 것이다. 특히, 서로 다른 체제에서 적응해온 병력들을 어느 한쪽으로 통합하기 위해서는 각각의 복무환경에 대한 많은 연구가 필요하다. 북한군은 1948년 창군이후 1962년에 ‘경제ㆍ국방건설 병진노선’을 채택하고, 1966년에는 ‘4대 군사로선’을 확립한 이후 꾸준히 군사력을 건설하여 현재 119만명의 병력을 유지하고 있으며, 2006년 10월과 2009년 5월에는 핵실험까지 실시하였으나, 1990년대 초반부터 급격히 악화된 경제사정으로 인해 일일 급식량이 줄어들고, 병영생활에 필요한 보급품 지급이 감소되었으며, 의무복무기간이 연장되어 사회로 진출하는 시기가 지연되는 등 복무환경이 매우 악화되었다. 반면에 한국군은 1948년 창군이후 ‘일면국방 일면건설’ 정책으로 민간ㆍ군수산업이 균형있게 발전됨에 따라 1988년 서울올림픽이후 안정된 경제력을 바탕으로 급식상태와 병영시설을 꾸준히 개선하였으며, 의무복무 기간을 단축하고, 환자들에 대한 의료지원체계를 개선하는 등 선진화 된 복무환경을 갖추고 있다. 따라서 남북한 군대의 복무환경 수준을 객관적으로 비교한다면 군사통합에 어려움이 없을 것 같으나, 북한군은 군복무 결과가 대학 진학과 직장 배치에 영향을 주고, 식량 배급 등 여러 분야에서 일반 주민들보다 우선적으로 혜택을 받으며, 군부가 북한사회에 많은 영향력을 발휘하는 특권층으로 군림하고 있으므로 한국군 주도의 군사통합에 쉽게 응하지 않을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        군정체성 형성을 통한 군사통합 방안 연구 : 서독연방군의 민주정체성을 중심으로

        곽은경 ( Kwak Eunkyung ) 국방대학교 안보문제연구소 2018 국방연구 Vol.61 No.2

        본 연구는 군사 분야의 내적통합에 영향을 미치는 다양한 변수 중 독일의 사례에 초점을 맞추어 변인을 추출하였다. 통합 대상들 간의 상호 ‘신뢰’ 구축이 필요하며, 군사적 신뢰를 구축하는 과정에서 ‘군 정체성’이 유의미한 변수임을 독일의 사례를 통해 알 수 있다. 서독연방군은 나치잔재를 극복하고 민주적 군으로 거듭난다는 사명감과 군이 시민사회와 갖는 필수불가결한 연관성을 우선적으로 인지하고, 새로운 독일의 가치(민주, 자유, 인권)를 군의 근간으로 삼았다. 무혈의 통합을 이룬 독일연방군의 사례는 정체성과 신뢰, 군사통합의 관계를 명확하게 보여준다. 본 연구는 서독연방군의 정체성과 동·서독 군사통합의 관계를 서독군 내부와 주변국 등 외부, 동독군 내부, 동서독군 집단 간 등 네 가지 측면에서 제시하였다. 연방군의 ‘제복을 입은 민주시민’형(形) 정체성은 내부집단 및 외부집단에 긍정적 작용을 하였으며 궁극적으로 군사 내적통합에 중추 역할을 하였다. 독일 사례 분석 및 군정체성에 관한 논의는 남·북한 군 통합과정에서 발생 가능한 갈등요소를 최소화하는 방안을 모색하는 등 한반도 군사통합모형 도출의 기초 연구로 기능할 수 있다. This study focused on the German case to draw variables that affect the internal integration of the military sector. German case indicate that military identity is a significant variable in the process of building military confidence. Military identity is formed through historical and social processes intensely. The Bundeswehr has had sense of duty as a primary value since when they was founded, and the main content of this mission was to overcome the remnants of the Nazis and to become a democratic and civil army. They converted their pledge not to repeat historic fault into current self-regulative thinking. Accordingly, the Bundeswehr recognized the indispensable links that the military has with the civil society and used the values (democracy, liberty and human rights) of Germany as the basis of the military. Inter-German military integration clearly shows the relationship between identity, trust and integration. This study presented the relationship between Bundeswehr’s Innere Fuhrung identity and two German military integration in four aspects; inside the Bundeswehr, inside the Nationale Volksarmee, outside powers, and between the East and West German army. A discussion on military identity in Germany can serve as a basic study for drawing up military integration models on the Korean case, such as finding ways to minimize possible conflicts between the two Koreas.

      • KCI등재

        남북한 해군 통합에 관한 연구 -동서독 해군 통합을 중심으로-

        조성진,유지훈 한국산학기술학회 2024 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.25 No.2

        Since Germany was divided under similar conditions to Korea, there have been many studies on Germany's military integration but little research on naval integration. This study examined the integration process of the German military and German navy to suggest directions for integrating the South and North Korean navies. West Germany led the integration of the German naval integration process. The Navy 2005 plan established before integration played a significant role in integrating the East and West German navies. Considering North Korea's political characteristics, there is a high possibility that integration will occur suddenly one day, so sufficient planning and discussion are needed in advance. This study is the first in Korea to study the integration of the naval forces of South and North Korea and is significant in that it provides clues to naval integration. This study proposes the naval strategy, organization, power construction, and utilization of North Korean naval personnel for integrating the South and North Korean navies.

      • KCI등재후보

        군사통합에 기여하는 북한군 무장해제 성공요인 분석과 대응방안 연구

        조정규 ( Cho Jung Gyu ),이승철 ( Yi Seung Cheol ) 미래군사학회 2017 한국군사학논총 Vol.6 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the success factors and expected problems in disarming the North Korean armed forces, which may be faced in the case of military integration for the unification of the two Koreas, and come up with countermeasures. Despite the fact that the completion of disarmament has a decisive influence on the success or failure of military integration, the study on disarmament is relatively inferior to the study on military integration. Therefore, this study analyzes the expected problems in disarmament by the military integration of the two Koreas, and suggests countermeasures to overcome these problems, on the premise that the absorption of the North Korean army is led by the Korean army. After analyzing the success factors of disarmament, the analysis examines the cases in the military integration of Germany and the case during the war in Iraq, and suggests lessons learned accordingly. The problems that are expected to arise in the disarmament of North Korean armed forces due to the military integration: first, resistance and armed riot by the North Korean forces; second, conflicts in the acquisition and consolidation of large-scale conventional force; third, the threat of weapons of mass destruction and unrecovered weapons; and fourth, looting and lack of security. Countermeasures in disarming based on success factors of disarmament are suggested: first, to advance preparations; second, to maintain legality; third, to disarm within the shortest period; and fourth, to overcom the conflicts. This paper provides an opportunity to develop practical measures for disarmament by presenting the expected problems and countermeasures in disarming the North Korean armed forces that will be faced in the military integration process.

      • 민군관계와 국방리더십의 발전방향

        손수태,Son, Su-Tae 대전대학교 군사연구원 2006 군사학연구 Vol.4 No.-

        Now it is not useful the theory about civil-military relationship that have been analysed for power games between military and civilians Korean society is going on governance society managed by cooperating network of government, civilian society and business market These social change require for new context about civil-Military relationship. Military leadership must contribute desirable civil-military relationship This study will suggest the direction about military leadership for desirable civil-military relationship. Now political issues about military intervention to the government are almost settled, but the worry about complications between military and civilians exist in the part of low issues like policy-making. Another important issues is military leadership about the style of social-being. In recent years, social change is very complex and speedy like global networking and diversity, leadership environment also, changed like leadership paradigm shift. Military leadership must be examined from the principle to the context of social integration At the present age, individual soldier is citizen in uniformed. Also military leadership must to seek the principle in the citizen mind like citizenship. Another charactristics of present day military is influence of high technogy. For the high-tech war military need the transition about science and technology from the whole society. In the context of above the development of military leadership are suggested as follows. First, the development of military control leadership must besought to the context of cooperation between government and military. Government must provide the system to strengthen military professionals in the process of policy-making about national security Second, military leadership must embody the important social values through the advanced military making, Third, military leadership must provide the adaptability to the society through the military education of their soldiers Forth, military leadership must be contributed to the social integration and to the growing up individual soldiers like their socialization and their achievement. Five, an important subject of military leadership is the creation of desirable military culture through the harmony of social culture and military culture.

      • KCI등재

        남한과 북한의 평화통합을 위한 교류협력에 관한 연구

        장영권(Young Kwon Jang) 한국사회정책학회 2005 한국사회정책 Vol.12 No.1

        본 논문은 남한과 북한의 교류와 협력은 전쟁방지와 남한과 북한의 평화통합에 있다고 보고, 지속 가능한 평화의 실현이라는 시각에서 접근하여 집필되었다. 한반도의 전쟁방지와 남한과 북한의 통합을 통한 지속 가능한 평화를 구축하기 위한 평화의 개념을 재정의할 필요가 있다. 즉, 평화의 개념을 단일한 의미가 아닌 `복합체적` 의미로 고찰해야 한다. 복합체적 의미의 평화란 `인권·자유·정의와 같은 원리에 따라 개인의 삶의 질이 보장되고 인류공동체의 공동번영을 위하여 국가간에 경제적 이익과 문화적 가치 추구에 따른 갈등, 정치적 주권침해와 군사적 위협, 착취와 이를 위한 폭력(전쟁)이 없는 상태`이다. 따라서 지속 가능한 평화는 정치군사평화, 경제평화, 문화평화가 조화를 이룬 상태이고, 이러한 평화를 추진해가는 지역내 국가군을 이루는 복합체적 집성체 또는 복합체적 동학을 특히 `평화복합체(peace complexes)`라고 한다. 한반도 지역의 평화복합체에 속한 남한과 북한의 정치군사평화, 경제평화, 문화평화의 확대를 위한 교류협력은 남한과 북한의 평화통합을 촉진시켜 한반도 긴장완화와 평화안정, 나아가 동북아시아 지역의 안정과 복지번영공동체 구상 실현에도 크게 기여한다. 그러므로, 남한과 북한의 평화통합을 위해서는 정치·군사적, 경제적, 문화적 평화확대를 위한 측면에서 교류협력을 강화해야 한다. 평화의 조건인 정치군사평화, 경제평화, 문화평화에 있어서 우선순위는 경제평화, 문화평화, 정치군사평화라고 할 수 있지만 동시에 평화복합체적으로 추진해야 효과를 극대화할 수 있다. 따라서 지속 가능한 남북평화를 구축하기 위해서는 교류협력을 통해 상호 인정과 존중이라는 평화공존 의식을 갖고 공동번영을 할 수 있는 평화복합체적 평화공동체를 지향해야 한다. This thesis discusses Korea the realization of sustainable peace and is written from the point of view that interchange and cooperation between South Korea and North Korea would prevent the war and promote Peaceful Integration. It is needed to redefine the concept of peace constructing sustainable peace through South-North integration and war prevention in Korea Peninsula. That is, the concept of peace should be considered as complexes meanings instead of simple meaning. Peace complexes means that `Individual`s quality of life is secured according to principle such as human rights, freedom and justice, and for common prosperity of mankind community between the countries` economic profit and conflict by cultural value pursuit, political infringement of sovereignty and military threats, exploitation and no violence status`. Peace Complexes concept means that sustainable peace is possible when 3 complexes conditions (paths) of peace, which are, politic-military condition, economic condition, and cultural condition are accomplished. That is, conditions of peace by concept of sustainable peace are typified by politic-military peace, economy peace and culture peace. Therefore, sustainable peace is state that harmonizes politic-military peace, economic peace and cultural peace accomplish creation, and complex conglomerate or complex dynamic study which forms a belt of countries in the area by propelling this peace is called especially `Peace complexes`. The Peace complexes Theory has a proposition that Peace is materialized through inter-countries complexes paths (conditions), and is also Peace Integration Theory which shows that the most proper scale is regional level and complexes area on its theoretical basis. Inter-Korean cooperation for extension of politic-military peace, economy and culture peace of South and North Korea belonging to peace complexes of Korea Peninsula area, promotes peace integration of South Korea and North Korea, furthermore, contributes greatly for Korea Peninsula detente, Northeast Asia area stability and realization of welfare prosperity community. Therefore, to achieve peaceful integration between South and North Korea it should strengthen inter-Korean cooperation with a view to keeping political-military, economical, cultural peace extension. Priority can be given economic peace, culture peace, politic-military peace among in politic-military peace, economic peace, cultural peace that is 3 conditions of peace, however, it can maximize effect when we pursuit by means of peace complexes. at the same time. And it can be said that the most important thing is cultural peace for the sake of South and North Korea`s peace integration. If this is not attained properly, structure of peace integration would be vulnerable. Because and this nitrification of ideology and value can threaten politic-military peace and finally harm economic peace. Therefore, it should intend toward peaceful peace complexes community with peaceful coexistence consciousness which is mutual respect and recognition making common prosperity in order to construct sustainable South-North peace.

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