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      • KCI등재

        어휘부와 형태론

        최형용 ( Choi Hyung-yong ) 국어학회 2013 국어학 Vol.66 No.-

        최근 어휘부(lexicon)는 형태론의 단어 형성과 관련하여 논의의 중심에 서 있다. 그러나 단어 형성의 기제로서 규칙을 중심으로 하는 이론 어휘부와 단어 형성의 기제로서 유추를 중심으로 하는 심리 어휘부에서의 ‘어휘부’는 지향점과 외연에서 차이가 적지 않다고 할 수 있다. 이론 어휘부는 문법의 설명적 타당성을 목적으로 하여 통사부 및 음운부와 대등하게 자율적 기제를 가지는 부문으로서의 자격을 가지는 반면 심리 어휘부는 심리적 실재를 중심으로 화자의 단어 형성 능력을 밝히려는 목적을 가지고 있다는 점에서 ‘저장’ 방식과 등재소 사이의 연결 과정에 관심을 기울이고 있다. 이러한 측면을 중심으로 한다면 이론 어휘부의 사전과 심리 어휘부가 상통하는 측면이 강하다. 등재소의 범위에 있어서도 이론 어휘부와 심리 어휘부 각각이 크고 작은 차이를 가진다. 대체로 이론 어휘부를 주장하는 논의들은 형태소를 등재소로 설정하고 있다는 점에서 공통점을 가진다. 심리 어휘부를 주장하는 논의 가운데서 등재소를 심리 언어학적으로 검증하려는 논의에서는 형태소를 등재소로 설정하는 경향이 강하지만 용례 기반 이론, 틀을 중시하는 구성 문법에서는 형태소를 등재소로 설정하지 않으려는 경향이 목격된다. 한편 형태론과 관련하여 유형론적 논의에서도 어휘부를 언급하는 경우가 있는데 이는 단어 형성이 유형론적으로 어떤 변폭을 가지는지에 대한 관심이 반영된 것으로 볼 수 있다. Recently lexicon has especially been focused in the sense of word-formation in morphology. However, theoretical lexicon which assumes 'rule' as a mechanism of word-formation has differences with mental lexicon which supposes 'analogy' as a mechanism of word-formation. The former has a status as an autonomous component for the explanatory adequacy of grammar, whereas the latter has been interested in the method of storage and the process of connection of listemes with an object to reveal the word-formational abilities of speakers. Paying attention to this point, the 'dictionary' of theoretical lexicon is almost equal to the 'mental lexicon'. The scope of listemes is disagreed as to the points of view. Generally the opinions advocating theoretical lexicon consider morpheme as a member of listemes. On the other hand, some ideas supporting mental lexicon, contain a wide variety. While the discussions to reveal the listemes through psycholinguistic tests suppose morpheme as a kind of listeme, usage-based theory and construction grammar show a tendency of not admitting morpheme as a listeme. Besides, there are some researches in the typological studies referring lexicon. These reflect the concerns on the variation of word-formation typologically.

      • KCI등재

        영화 영어에서 머릿속 사전(Mental Lexicon)의 역할에 관한 연구

        임미진 영상영어교육학회 2022 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.23 No.3

        The purpose of this study is twofold: firstly, to investigate whether memorization is improved if the L1 mental lexicon (in this case, Korean) is dependent on the L2 mental lexicon (English), or vice versa; secondly, to observe whether L1 and L2 lexicons stay in the same state or whether they remain in different modular conditions. To do this, a case study was undertaken with four college students. Two participants (A and B) had a beginner level of English and two (C and D) had an intermediate level of English. Two movies were used for this study. A similar procedure was performed on both levels. Recall tests of 50 items were administered to both levels. The results showed that participants A, B, and C were successful in memorization and recall, but participant D was unsuccessful. The suggested reason is that A, B, and C depended on the L1 lexicon whereas D depended on the L2 lexicon. It turns out that the primary use of L1 lexicon was effective for memorization. For the second question, it is proposed that less proficient students have a close integration of L1 and L2 lexicons, and that more proficient students have more separation of L1 and L2 lexicons. .

      • KCI등재


        ??民 한국중어중문학회 2013 中語中文學 Vol.56 No.-

        Vocabulary acquisition is the most important factor of second language acquisition and it is the core of the whole process of language learning. There is a close relationship between Chinese language learners" vocabulary ability and the dimensions and compactness of word association in the learners" mental lexicon. So, the study of dimensions, range and compactness of word association in the learners" mental lexicon can reveal the depth of learners" vocabulary acquisition and the ability of leaners" vocabulary output. The study observed the differences between the Chinese language learners of Korean and native speakers of Chinese in the dimensions, range and compactness of word connection in their mental lexicon by an association experiment. It also studied the influence of word association dimensions and compactness on the accessibility of words in the mental lexicon. Experimental statistics shows that those subjects who are native speakers of Chinese have stronger accessibility of target words than the Korean subjects for more than two times. From the perspective of pattern and range of word association, the symptomatic association and paradigmatic association in the mental lexicon of the native speakers is obviously stronger than that of the Korean subjects but the native speakers’ encyclopedia knowledge association is weaker. Meanwhile in the paradigmatic association, the synonym association and antonym association of the native speakers’mental lexicon is much stronger than that of the Korean subjects. What’s more, Korean subjects failed to build any association with 17.5% of the total tested words while for Chinese subjects the number is zero. Among the strongest association, the encyclopedia association of Korean subjects is stronger than Chinese subjects but their symptomatic association and paradigmatic association are weaker than Chinese subjects. Based on the above analysis of the experimental statistics, we can conclude that the reason why the word extraction ability(accessibility) of Korean Chinese learner is not as strong as the native speaker is that the symptomatic association and paradigmatic association of the Korean subjects’ mental lexicon are not well-developed. On this basis, the revelation of word association research to vocabulary teaching is discussed.

      • KCI등재

        Types of Word Association in L2 Mental Lexicon of Chinese EFL Learners

        ( Lu Xinnian ),( Lim Jayeon ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2021 현대영어영문학 Vol.65 No.1

        This study examined Chinese EFL learners’ word association types in their formation of English mental lexicon. Building on Lu and Lim (2019), where it was found that Korean EFL learners' vocabulary size had a significant correlation with their accuracy in identifying syntagmatic and paradigmatic associations, but not in phonological association, this study investigates Chinese EFL learners’ development of L2 mental lexicon. To this end, the Chinese EFL learners' vocabulary size was tested to see if it had any significant relationship with word association types produced in the tasks of lexical decision task and word association task. The results indicated that Chinese EFL learners' vocabulary size significantly correlated with their response time in identifying paradigmatic, syntagmatic and phonological associations. Overall, their accuracy revealed that paradigmatic association was most frequently activated in their L2 mental lexicon, followed by both syntagmatic and phonological associations. The results showed that L2 learners' mental lexicon was dependent on their vocabulary size of the target language, with variability on word association types. Finally, the study also suggests L1 playing at least some role in developing the L2 mental lexicon. (University of Seoul)

      • KCI등재후보

        Intrasentential Codeswitching as Conceptual Projection of Lemmas in the Bilingual Mental Lexicon

        Long Xing Wei 서울대학교 인지과학연구소 2006 Journal of Cognitive Science Vol.7 No.2

        This paper explores the bilingual speech containing intrasentential code switching (ICS) in relation to the nature and activity of the bilingual mental lexicon. ICS is defined as the use of two or more linguistic varieties within the sentence boundaries in the same discourse. It explains the phenomenon of ICS in terms of the abstract notions of `lemmas` and `lemma activation.` Lemmas are abstract entries in the mental lexicon which contain semantic, pragmatic, syntactic, morphological, and phonological information about actual lexemes. However, lemmas in the bilingual mental lexicon are tagged for specific languages. In this paper ICS is regarded as conceptual projection of language specific lemmas in the bilingual mental lexicon. What occurs in ICS leads to hypotheses about principles structuring and governing the bilingual mental lexicon and speech production process. The research findings based on ICS involving language pairs such as Chinese/English and Japanese/English indicate that ICS cannot be accounted for at the surface level of investigation. Rather, any ICS phenomenon depends on bilingual cognitively based operations of an abstract nature. The findings provide evidence that language-specific lemmas in the bilingual mental lexicon are not equally activated during the process of ICS: Some are conceptually activated, but others are not. It is only conceptually activated lemmas of the Embedded Language (EL) (i.e., the guest language) which can be switched into the sentential frame of the Matrix Language (ML) (i.e., the base or host language). The naturally occurring ICS instances discussed in this paper also provide evidence that there is differential activation of participating languages in ICS in terms of language-specific lemma activation for content morphemes, and language-specific lemma activation for morphosyntactic procedures. However, activated EL lemmas must be sufficiently congruent with ML counterparts at several levels for possible ICS realizations. This paper proposes a bilingual lemma activation model of ICS.

      • KCI등재

        ‘누구의’ 심리어휘부인가

        안소진(An So jin)(安昭珍) 형태론 2017 형태론 Vol.19 No.2

        심리어휘부는 실제 기억의 장소로 상정된다. 심리어휘부를 실재하는 어휘부로 상정하면 ‘이는 누구의 어휘부인가, 어떤 방식으로 심리어휘부에 대한 일반적인 진술을 할 수 있는가’ 하는 문제가 제기된다. 본고는 개인들의 특징을 관찰한 뒤 이를 바탕으로 개인이 속한 모집단의 특징을 말하는 방식, 통계적 절차를 따른 추론의 결과로써 어휘부에 대해 논의하는 방식이 심리어휘부 연구의 자료와 방법론으로 유용할 것이라고 제안하였다. 표본의 적절성이 통계적 일반화의 타당성을 결정하기 때문에 심리어휘부 연구에서도 연구 목적에 따른 대표성 있는 표본 구성이 중요하지만, 설명적 연구이자 현재로서는 일종의 탐색적 연구인 심리어휘부 연구에서는 비확률표집도 잠정적으로 활용 가능하다고 보았다. Two central issues surrounding mental lexicon are the questions of what an appropriate data collecting procedure is and how the features of mental lexicon ought to be revealed. An inductive generalization that proceeds from sample data from individuals to a conclusion about the mental lexicon is suggested as an effective measure which can reveal the features of mental lexicon. Non-probability sampling approaches can be used for mental lexicon research as exploratory research even though they are subject to a high risk of selection bias.

      • KCI등재

        iColor(internalized color) Sensory Lexicon 디자인 연구: 정신적 웰니스를 위한 iColor 인지 활성화를 중

        김성헌(Kim, Sunghun) 한국웰니스학회 2022 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        본 연구는 코로나바이러스 질환(Coronavirus disease, COVID-19) 이후의 미래 웰니스를 위한 새로운 비전과 방안으로 정신적 웰니스(mental wellness)인 <iColor 센서리 렉시콘(internalized color sensory lexicon)> 디자인 연구를 제시하고자 한다. Chomsky (1995) 최소주의(The Minimalist Program(Chomsky, 1995; Chomsky, Gallego, & Ott, 2019) 접근법에 근거하여, 내면화된 색(internalized color)으로, 아로마 · 플레이버 · 사운드를 iColor (internalized color)로 연결한 <iColor 센서리 렉시콘>은 지각 과정에서 감각들의 총체적 상호작용(interaction)을 가능하게 한다. 이러한 감각 간의 상호작용은 알고리즘을 형성하여, 인간의 연산적 사고력(computational thinking)을 가능하게 한다. 또한 〈iColor 센서리 렉시콘〉에서 제시하는 감각 속성들의 어휘는 감각 속성의 의미 해석(semantic interpretation)과 창의적 표현(creative representation)을 가능하게 한다. 〈iColor 센서리 렉시콘〉은 정신적 웰니스를 위한 핵심 전략 중 사고의 성장(growth)을 위한 연구로써(Global Wellness Institute, 2021), 인지 향상(cognitive enhancement)과 뇌 훈련(brain training)에 주요한 역할을 할 수 있어, 이 시대가 지향하는 미래 웰니스 연구라 할 수 있다. This study presents a design study of <iColor (internalized color) Sensory Lexicon>, which envisions a new plan for mental wellness after the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Based on Chomskys Minimalist Program (Chomsky, 1995; Chomsky, Gallego, & Ott, 2019) approach, <iColor Sensory Lexicon> connects aroma, flavor, and sound with iColor (internalized color), a perceptual process. <iColor Sensory Lexicon> requires total interaction of the senses, which form an algorithm that ultimately allow for human computational thinking. Also, the lexicon of sensory properties presented in <iColor Sensory Lexicon> enables semantic interpretation and creative representation of sensory properties. <iColor Sensory Lexicon> is a study that advocates for the growth of thinking as one of the core strategies for mental wellness (Global Wellness Institute, 2021) and is expected to play a major role in cognitive enhancement and brain training. It can be said that <iColor Sensory Lexicon> is the future of wellness research, one that this era sorely needs.

      • KCI등재

        어휘 의미와 의미관계 정보의 구성과 작용

        최경봉 한국어의미학회 2013 한국어 의미학 Vol.42 No.-

        This study investigated the actions of lexical meanings and semantic relation informations in the sentence and discourse organization and discussed the matters on the generation of meanings and the organization of a mental lexicon. The discussion results can be summarized as follows:In the chapter 2, I divided the research flows of lexical meanings into structuralism, contextualism, and cognitivism and sorted them out. It also explained the patterns of interaction and reform among the three perspectives based on “analogy” and “association,” the two keywords penetrating the three perspectives. The approach led to the two following findings: first, as the hypothesis that individual meanings in a mental lexicon would be saved in a row lost its persuasive power, analogy, association, and calculation process in a mental lexicon started to get attention as a procedure of generating a meaning. Secondly, given the easiness of analogy and association, it will be rational to regard the meanings that are the grounds of analogy and association as linguistic knowledge saved in a mental lexicon. In the chapter 3, I demonstrated that lexical meanings were generated through analogy, association, conventionalization, and calculation and hypothesized that a mental lexicon would be comprised of the meaning storage part and the calculation part. It was hypothesized that while the former would save the meanings remembered and systemized through the pragmatic reinforcement action as well as the meanings that would become the grounds for analogy and association, the latter would implement the saved meanings according to the conditions of contexts. In the chapter 4, I examined the patterns of using vocabulary forming semantic relations and showed that there were cognitive efforts to systemize and perceive pragmatic experiences. It further hypothesized based on those grounds that information about semantic relations would be systemized and saved in a mental lexicon and that the saved information would contribute to the generation of meanings through proportional calculation.

      • KCI등재

        An exploration of the mental lexicon of Korean EFL learners

        ( Tan Hai Ly ),( Chae Kwan Jung ) 한국중등영어교육학회 2013 중등영어교육 Vol.6 No.2

        Much research in second language (L2) word association has attempted to uncover the organization and development of the L2 mental lexicon. It has been suggested that the organization of words in the mental lexicon is dependent on links that facilitate the storage and retrieval of words (Wilks & Meara, 2002). Understanding these links and their properties can provide valuable information to L2 researchers and practitioners and inform L2 acquisition theory. Studies have shown that the type of word associations made by learners may be related to their L2 proficiency (Namei, 2004; Soderman, 1993; Zareva & Wolter, 2012). This study seeks to determine the lexico-semantic patterns of Korean EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners of different proficiency levels through a word association test. The findings of this study show that a group of low level learners had the highest proportion of syntagmatic responses while a group of L2 learners at high level had greater paradigmatic responses. In comparison to native speakers of English, both groups of Korean EFL learners had greater syntagmatic responses. This may suggest that the higher the English language proficiency of the speaker, the greater or stronger the semantic links are in the mental lexicon. The pedagogical implications of these findings are discussed and areas of further research are suggested.

      • KCI등재후보

        '-ㄹ]Noun+ㅅ+Noun' 合成語의 通時 語彙論

        愼重珍 국어학회 2004 국어학 Vol.0 No.44

        오늘날의 '칼날, 글귀, 길가, 물결, 물고기, 밀가루, 발톱, 솔방울, 활시위, 뭇사람, 이튿날, 사흗날, 일기, 바닷가, 바닷물, 송진, 햇빛'과 같은 어휘는 각각 중세국어 시기의 '?Fㄴㆍㄹㅎ, ?G句, ?zㄱㆍㅅ, ?逵? ?逵慈? ?Bㄱㆍㄹㆍ, ?M톱, ??방올, ?시울, ?O사ㄹㆍㅁ, 이?날, 사ㅇㆍㄽ날, ??氣運, 바ㄹㆍㄽㄱㆍㅅ, 바ㄹㆍㄽ믈, ??진, ??빛' 등에 대응되는데, 모두 '-ㄹ]Noun+ㅅ+Noun'의 동일한 內的 構造를 갖는다. 본고에서는 오늘날 상이한 구조의 어휘들이지만, 기원적으로는 동일한 구조의 어휘들을 相同構造의 어휘라고 부른다. 결과적으로 字素形을 중심으로 볼 때, '-ㄹ]Noun+ㅅ+Noun'이었던 어형들은 크게 세 가지 유형으로 심리 어휘부(mental lexicon)에 전승·저장되었는데, 'ㄹ' 유지형인 '칼날, 글구/글귀, 길가, 물결, 물고기, 밀가루, 발톱, 솔방울, 활시위' 등, 'ㄹ' 탈락형인 '뭇사람; 이튿날, 사흗날' 등, 그리고 대체형인 '일기(日氣), 바닷가, 바닷물, 송진(松津), 햇빛' 등이 그것이다. 즉 이들은 원래 상동구조였으나 전승·저장되는 과정에서 심리 어휘부 속의 어근 어휘부나 접사 어휘부의 각기 다른 간섭의 결과로 서로 상이한 내적 구조 유형에 속하게 된 것이다. 본고에서는 현대국어 시기의 어형을 바탕으로 나눈 이 세 가지 유형에 따라 어근 어휘부와 접사 어휘부가 이들의 변화에 각각 어떻게 간섭하였는지를 밝힌다. This paper aims to take a close look at '-ㄹ]Noun+ㅅ+Noun' compounds that appered upon the scene of history variously. For example, '?Fㄴㆍㄹㅎ, ?G句, ?zㄱㆍㅅ, ?逵? ?逵慈? ?Bㄱㆍㄹㆍ, ?M톱, ??방올, ?시울, ?O사ㄹㆍㅁ, 이?날, 사ㅇㆍㄽ날, ??氣運, 바ㄹㆍㄽㄱㆍㅅ, 바ㄹㆍㄽ믈, ??진, ??빛'. As far as '-ㄹ]Noun+ㅅ+Noun' compounds is concerned, we denominate lexemes of the etymologically same structure lexemes of "the homologous structure(相同構造)". From the standpoint of a grapheme, '-ㄹ]Noun+ㅅ+Noun' compounds are divided into three groups, which have been transmitted to the mental lexicon. For example, '칼날(the blade of a knife), 글구/글귀(passage), 길가(roadside), '물결(wave), 물고기(fish), 밀가루(wheat flour), 발톱(toenail), 솔방울(pine cone), 활시위(bowstring)' etc belong to 'ㄹ' maintenance group, '뭇사람(crowd); 이튿날(next day), 사흗날(third day)' etc belong to 'ㄹ' omission group, and '일기(weather), 바닷가(beach), 바닷물(sea water), 송진(pine resin), 햇빛(sunshine)' etc belong to alternation group. Because the root lexicon and the affix lexicon of the mental lexicon have interfered in '-ㄹ]Noun+ㅅ+Noun' compounds. Accordingly they have been belonged to the unlike internal structures.

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