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      • KCI등재

        아시아 여성에 대한 히라쓰카 라이초의 모성주의 영향에 관한 연구

        문소정 동북아시아문화학회 2022 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.73

        Hiratsuka Raicho, the well-known new woman in modern Japan who constructed maternalism through ‘the debate on maternity protection’ in Daisho period. This article is to research Hiratsuka's maternalism composed in ‘the debate on maternity protection’ from the Asian women's perspective. As a result of research, Hiratsuka's maternalism combined all the three major conceps of ‘the debate on maternity protection’. Namely, her maternalism combined with Ellen Key‘s theory of motherhood, motherhood of ethnic/nation state and protection of maternity. Generally speaking, Ellen Key‘s theory of motherhood must have based on eugenics and social-darwinism that was abused by imperialism and fascism. And the idea of motherhood of ethnic/nation state was converted into the state's ideology of genetic superiority, in which the children should be considered as social or national resources rather than as personal belongings and that the number and quality of children gave a strong influence to the development and destiny of the nation. As a result of motherhood of ethnic/nation state could not transcend the rule of the emperor system of Japan. Also Hiratsuka who emphasized the state's guarantee of maternity proposed many plans for the maternity protection toward the state. Among them, there were plans of the maternity protection that had dangerous influence on Asian women. For example, Hiratsuka highlighted the tragic calamity that a series of wars and venereal diseases inflicted upon maternity, family, children and ethic Japanese people. This also led Hiratsuka to demand the programs of venereal disease prevention for Japanese mothers. Her claims also had influence to make ‘comfort women’ mobilization policy from the Japanese occupied colonies and other Asian countries during the Asia Pacific War. In this way, Hiratsuka's maternalism composed through ‘the debate on maternity protection’ had dangerous ripple effects on Asian women.

      • KCI등재

        기획 특집 : 모성 담론의 문화적 형성과 재현 ; 고대에서 근대전환기까지 모성 담론의 문화적 조명 : 모성(母性)의 문화에 대한 신화적 담론: 모성의 기원과 원형

        최원오 ( Won Oh Choi ) 한국고전여성문학회 2007 한국고전여성문학연구 Vol.0 No.14

        본고는 한국의 무속신화를 대상으로 모성의 기원과 모성원형에 관해 논의하였다. 모성의 기원은 여성이 신체적으로 갖추고 있는 조건에서 비롯된 것이며, 그러한 모성은 생명의 근원이자 모태로서의 자아실현 의지, 자신의 생산물에 대한 보호의지, 자애라는 감정, 생명의 원천과 비밀을 파악할 수 있는 능력으로서의 이성을 그 특질로 한다. 그리고 원형은 그 형태를 구성하는 본래적 특질에 초점이 있는 용어라는 점에서 볼 때, 모성원형은 곧 모성의 특질을 지칭한다. 그런데 모성을 구성하고 있는 특질은 모두 대립적 속성을 갖는다. 창조/파괴, 보호·양육/유기·질병, 자애/증오·시기, 지혜/간계 등이 그것이다. 따라서 모성원형은 대립적 속성을 갖는다. 그리고 그 대립적 속성은 사회적 환경과 가치의 변화에 따라 어느 한쪽이 강조되기도 한다. 특히 부정적 속성은 사회적 환경과 가치의 변화에 따라 부여된 것으로 생각될 수도 있으나 그것은 모성이 원래 갖고 있던 부정적 속성에 기인한다. 엘리아데가 그의 책 『영원회귀의 신화』에서 지적한 것처럼 현대의 역사주의적 인간이 처한 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 신화에 숨겨진 원형에서 인간의 욕구를 다시 읽어내야 한다고 했을 때, 우리는 모성이 갖는 부정적 속성이 아니라 긍정적 속성을 재음미해 보아야 할 것이다. 그 점에서 <바리공주>에서 바리공주가 중세의 역사주의적 인간인 그녀의 아버지를 구한 것, 그러기 위해 그녀가 어머니가 되어야 했다는 점은 시사하는 바가 크다. This paper is discussed the origin and archetype of the maternity with Korean shamanistic myths. I found that maternity originates from female`s physical condition, and that maternity is characterized by the self-realization as the source and of uterus of life, by will for caring her offsprings, by the emotion of affection, and by reason which can get hold of the sources and secrets of lives. Maternal archetypes designate the characteristics of maternity because the term of archetype is focused on every being`s characteristics primarily. However the characteristics composing of maternity have oppositive qualities; creation/ destruction, caring and bringing/abandonment and disease, affection/hatred and jealousy, and wisdom/trick etc. Therefore maternal archetypes have also as much oppositive qualities as the maternity. And according to social environments and the changes of one`s values, positive or negative ones of the characteristics can be emphasized. We can guess that the negative characteristics of maternity result from social environments and the changes of one`s values but they are originated from themselves` qualities primarily. As M. Elide mentioned in his book, Le mythe de l`eternel retour, we have to grasp human beings` desires in the hidden archetypes of myths, for solving desperate problems that historical human beings face in modern times, and we have also to review positive characteristics of maternity but negative ones. On that point we have to give attention to Barigonju myth that Princess Bari had became a mother before she brought back to life her father who is one of historical human beings in the middle age.

      • KCI등재

        『삼국유사』에 나타난 모성의 존재 양상과 특성

        최은숙 ( Eun Sook Choi ) 한서대학교 동양고전연구소 2013 東方學 Vol.27 No.-

        본 논문은『삼국유사』 설화에 나타난 모성의 존재양상과 특성을 구명하는 것이 목적이다.『삼국유사』 에는 모성성의 비중이 높은데, 작품의 존재 양상을 통해 다음과 같은 사실을 확인할 수 있다. 첫째, 어머니의 위상이 아들의 그것에 비례하여 나타나며, 위대한 아들의 출산이 곧 어머니로서의 자아실현으로 이어진다. 둘째, 서사는 주로 모-자 관계를 중심으로 전개되어 모성의 역할이 더욱 중시된다. 셋째, 생물학적 모성보다는 사회적 모성이 더욱 주목된다. 한편 모성의 하위 구성자질이라 할 수 있는 어머니가 되고자 하는 의지, 어머니로서의 자애와 이성을 기준으로 이들의 특징을 각각 살폈다.『삼국유사』 에는 예지력이 모태로서의 자아실현을 이루는 중요한 자질로 다루어지고 있다. 그리고 감정적 자애는 종교적으로 추상화되어 강조되고 있을 뿐 약화되어 있고, 상대적으로 생명의 원천이나 비밀을 파악할 수 있는 이성적 능력이 강조되고 있다. 이러한 양상을 통해 당대가 ‘어머니되기’보다는 ‘어머니노릇하기’를 더 중시함을 알 수 있다. 그리고 어머니의 대사회적 역할을 강조하면서 양육의 과정에서 우주와 인간의 이치를 파악하고 강인함으로 자식을 리드할 수 있는 어머니상이 만들어지고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 이상의 논의는『삼국유사』 에 나타난 여성상에 대한 구명뿐 아니라 당대 모성의 사회적 구성 양상을 추적하는 데 일정 부분 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. This paper is intended to examine existence aspects of maternity related pieces of work in 『Samgukyusa(Book of history of Three Kingdoms)』 and to look into features of maternity indicated in it. In『Samgukyusa』 , maternity is more showed than femininity, and following facts could be confirmed through existence aspects of pieces of work. First, it could be confirmed that the position of mother appears in proportion to that of a son. This shows us the fact that prologues has an interest in not the mother itself, but the son, and childbirth of a great son leads to self-realization as mother. Second, in most cases, prologues are written centering around mother-children relation. Therefore, the role of maternity was becoming more important in pregnancy, childbirth and bringing up children. nation, More attention was paid to social maternity than biological maternity. Secondly, as a result of examining features of pieces of work on the basis the will, love, and reason, which are subordinate constituent character, following detailed aspects and features could be confirmed. In『Samgukyusa』 , the divinity usually contained in ancient maternity was considerably cleaned out, instead, foresight was considered as important disposition. In addition, emotional love was only religiously stressed as abstract concepts, expressing in a considerably weakened form and it could be known that relatively reasonable ability able to find sources or secret of life was stressed. Through such aspects, it could be known that, in those days, ``performing mother`s role`` was considered more important than ``becoming mother``. It could be also known that the image of ideal mother that could lead her children was being made with a strong decision in the process of bringing up her children, while stressing mother`s role toward society. However, such maternity was necessary for only home and society. So, it could be known that, at times, the maternity was oppressed in the patriarchal atmosphere. Such a study is, to some degree, expected to contribute not only to examining female image of 『Samgukyusa』 but also to tracking social constituent aspects of then current maternity.

      • An Expanding Market: Asian Mothers-to-be

        ( Marie Eve Faust ),( Susan Christoffersen ),( Kristina Shin ),( Jeanne Tan ) 한국마케팅과학회 2012 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.3 No.1

        Nowadays many fashion marketers search for specific niches in emerging countries in the hope of identifying needs to fulfil. For any potential niche, they scrutinize demographic and psychographic variables to determine preferences in style and elements of the buying decision process. This study classifies Asian mothers-to-be as a specific target market. It highlights criteria considered important throughout the purchasing process for maternity-wear. Because body size/shape changes rapidly during pregnancy, it identifies the needs for particular garments during precise periods of pregnancy. Additionally the uniqueness of the Asian culture influences maternity-wear preferences. This paper provides insights on: when and what type of maternity- wear is wanted/ needed; what type of marketing channels purchasers rely on; where they purchase new garments or obtain previously owned garments; and which variables are important to the purchasing decision: price, brand, quality, etc. We confirm Asian mothers-to-be as an important and growing niche for fashion merchandisers and marketers to consider. Day (1990) defines a target market as a group of homogenous people, identifiable so that they can be reached; durable so that profit can be realized before the characteristics of the segment disappears; measurable in terms of sales volume and rate of growth; substantial to justify the allocation of resources to serve the segments; and sufficiently distinctive in behavior in the marketplace. Based on this description, Asian mothers- to-be constitute a specific and never ending target market of its own. The questions that arise are: How do Asian women manage the acquisition of garments when they become pregnant and their body morphology and shape changes so radically? When do they start to search for maternity-wear? What type of garments, style and fabrics are Asian mothers-to-be looking for? How do they discover what to look for? Where do they prefer to shop for these maternity clothes (specialty or department stores, vintage stores or borrowing pre-owned clothes)? How well their needs are being met? Our results indicate that the majority of Asian mothers-to-be sampled do procure new garments during their pregnancy. Furthermore, close to 60% need new shoes. The need for a new bra appears during the first trimester for 40% of our sample, which validates the literature. Surprisingly the same percentage mentions the need for new panties and pants as early as in the first trimester, which is not commonly known, based on the literature reviewed. According to our results more than fifty percent (53%) of our sample rely on word-of-mouth regarding where to find maternity wear, seeking information from their family and friends. Only 30% rely on advertising found in leaflets, magazines or billboards. For specific, fitted, intimate garments such as bras, panties and tummy belt, most of our respondents (52%, 47% and 60% respectively), like to purchase these items at maternity stores. For the less fitted items or clothes less specific to pregnancy, a respectable percentage purchases them through department stores. For clothes that aren`t specific to maternity such as sleepwear and socks, a substantial percentage (30%) is bought from informal markets: the ubiquitous and vibrant outside markets of China. Designer stores and online retailers are barely utilized by our respondents. The majority state they prefer to buy new clothes instead of buying vintage clothes or wearing borrowed clothes, although they don`t have a negative perception of vintage maternity clothes. The most important criterion in the purchasing decision is size and fit. Women either stated it was an extremely important criterion (55%) or an important criterion (35%). This is followed by the quality and the price. According to our results, women of our sample are either neutral or pay little attention to criteria such as the brand, the trend and the salesperson`s opinion. When asked to rate each garment separately for size and fit (bra, panties, pants, blouses, one-piece dress, sleepwear, sportswear, jeans, socks and tummy belt), the item that had the poorest fit appreciation is the one piece dress (44% being dissatisfied) followed by the jeans (16%). Broadly, our study reveals that Asian mothers-to-be prefer the one piece dress to separates, whether a top and pant or top and skirt. Additionally, there is a preference for natural textiles/fabrics such as cotton suitable to the warm, humid Hong Kong climate and jersey knit or stretchy material (over 50%), suitable for pregnancy. Increasingly, women continue to work during pregnancy and practice activities such as yoga and swimming. Asian mothers- to-be need garments that ``fit`` professional and leisure activities; this research identifies the opportunities for the apparel industry, from manufacturers, to retailers and merchandisers, to expand into this target market. When the one child policy expires in 2015, one can expect the maternity market in China to expand for two reasons. Families will likely choose to have more than one child and rising incomes will allow the mothers-to-be to purchase more maternity clothing worthy of the family lineage. Even a small percentage change, given the very large population base, will reward the apparel industry for its attention to this target market. The successful firms will produce the right product, at the right time, with the right styling and fit for this distinctive market. This research serves as a starting point to investigate Asian women`s perception of their morphology`s transformation during pregnancy and their need and appreciation for apparel offered on the market. Aesthetics and fit, price, brand, etc. contribute importantly to the purchasing decision; if properly understood, the consumer (in this case pregnant Asian women) can help to clarify the most important factors affecting their purchase decisions. A pilot test group plus a convenient sample of 203 pregnant or previously pregnant women in one specific area, Hong Kong, yields results which could easily be replicated on a larger scale or in another geographic area. We seek greater clarification on which type of activities/sports are practiced by pregnant women in order to correlate activity/ sports practiced with the sportswear wearability and fit, for example, the need for and satisfaction with maternity bathing suits. To the extent that manufacturers identify and address regional differences, the greater the consumer satisfaction and resulting business success.

      • 기획논문1 : 여성시의 모성성 구현 양상 연구 -구이람 시를 중심으로

        김춘희 ( Chun Heui Kim ) 숙명여자대학교 한국어문화연구소 2015 한국어와 문화 Vol.18 No.-

        전통 사회에서 여성의 역사는 남성에게 종속되어 사회적으로 타자화 되었고 세계로부터 소외당해 왔다. 생물학적인 여성의 몸은 서구 철학의 이분법적 논리에 의해 터부시되고 열등한 존재로 비하되었다. 1990년대 이후 한국 현대시의 다양한 상상력은 전통적 담론의 균열을 시도하고 여성에 대한 새로운 의미부여가 이루어진다. 여성과 여성의 몸에 대한 이분법적인 대립구도를 해체하고 여성의 몸을 통해 세계를 체험하고 이를 재현하기 위한 글쓰기로 나아간다. 여성시는 1990년대 이후, 생태시와 더불어 한국 현대시의 거대담론으로 자리하며 생산적인 체험을 하는 여성의 몸을 우주적 생성의 차원으로 끌어 올려 자연의 생태문제와 생명성을 연계하며 에코페미니즘 시로 나아간다. 에코페미니즘시가 지향하고 있는 생명의미의 확장은 신화적이고 우주적인 차원의 모성성을 함의한다. 이 논문은 생물학적인 성(Sexuality)과 사회적인 성(gender)을 구분하여 여성다움과 여성성은 어떻게 규정지어지는가의 여성정체성의 범주를 살펴보고 여성성과 모성성의 규정에 사회·문화적 영향이 스며 있음을 명백히 하여 이에 대한 문제의식을 제시한다. 또한 사회적 기제들에 의해 관념화된 여성의 모성성이 여성시에 본질적 모성과 강요된 모성으로 발현되는 모성성의 양상에 대해 구이람 시인의 텍스트를 중심으로 연구 분석해 본다. 구이람의 시편들에 드러나는 모성성의 특질은 크게 두 가지로 분류된다. 첫째, 시인에게 모성은 자아의 어머니와 동일시된다. 시인은 자아의 어머니로부터 모성을 발견하고 이를 딸에 대한 모성으로 옮겨가는 삶의 순환성을 인식하여 모성의 영원성을 추구한다. 둘째, 생물학적 몸의 체험을 사유의 영역으로 확장하여 모든 기호와 이데올로기를 초월하는 본질적 모성성으로 구현된다. 이를 토대로 여성시의 미래를 진단해 본다. In traditional society, history of women had become the other by subordinating men and was isolated from the world. Biological women bodies were considered to be a taboo and belittled as inferiors according to the dichotomy way of thinking of western philosophy. Various imaginations of Korean modern poetry after 1990s attempts to make cracks in traditional narratives and give new meanings to women. This study decomposes the conflict composition of dichotomy towards women and their bodies. It also goes further in writing to reenact and to experience the world through women bodies. Since 1990s, female poetry, along with Eco-poetry, has become the meta-narrative of Korean modern poetry and raise the female bodies which undergo productive experiences to the level of creation of the universe. Thus, it moves forward to Eco-feminism poetry by linking ecological matters of nature and life. Expansion of the meaning of life, which Eco-feminism poetry aims, implicates the maternity in mythical and cosmic level. This study looks at the category of women identity by dividing Sexuality and Gender. It also proposes critical mind by clarifying that the definition of femininity and maternity is impregnated with the social and cultural influences. In addition, the study examines the aspects of maternity of women, which was conceptualized by social matters and is reveled as ‘fundamental maternity’ and ‘forced maternity’, based on the texts of Ku I-ram`s poems. The characteristics of maternity in Ku I-ram`s poems could be divided into two. First, the maternity of poet is identified itself with mother of ego. The poet seeks the eternity of maternity in recognition of the circularity of life that maternity, which the poet found from mother of ego, goes over to the maternity towards the daughter. Second, the fundamental maternity, transcending all symbols and ideologies by expanding the experiences of biological body to the sphere of reason, is revealed. Based on above, the study will diagnose the future of female poetry.

      • KCI등재후보

        불임치료현장에서의 모성생명윤리

        김향미(KIM Hyang Mi) 한국생명윤리학회 2009 생명윤리 Vol.10 No.2

        모성의 보호는 모성 자체의 건강뿐만 아니라, 모성을 통하여 태어나는 제2세 국민들의 건강과 성장 및 양육 환경의 온전성을 담보하기 위하여 헌법상의 중요한 국가 의무로 받아 들여 지고 있다. 모성의 온전성이란, 인간의 생식(reproduction)이라는 관점에서 볼 때, 여성의 DNA를 유전정보로 이용하여 자기복제의 실현과정인 ‘모체로부터’라는 유전학적인 요소와 착상, 임신, 출산 및 양육이라는 연속적인 과정의 평온함의 유지라는 ‘모체 안에서’의 의생명과학적 및 사회과학적 요소의 실현을 통하여 비로소 확보되는 온전한 한 인간 존재의 성립을 위한 기본 전제라고 할 수 있다. 다양한 논의의 가능성은 있겠지만, 모성의 온전성에서 볼 때 생식세포인 난자의 공여나 대리모시술 등을 통하여 태어나는 자는 온전한 한 인간 존재의 성립을 위한 기본 전제인 모성의 온전성의 측면에서는 심각한 결함을 가지고 있다고 생각할 수 있다. 따라서 관련 법체계도 이들의 권리를 특별히 보호하기 위한 제도적 장치를 마련하여야 할 것으로 생각하며, 불임치료의 현장에서 난자 공여 혹은 대리모 시술 등을 고려하는 경우에는, 시술을 담당하는 의사는 이러한 모성생명윤리에 입각하여 시술받는 부부, 난자 공여자, 및 대리모지원자 등에 대하여 진지한 사전 상담 및 동의 절차를 거쳐 시술을 결정하여야 할 것으로 생각한다. The protection for maternity is important to prevent the health of maternity, and it is the important national duty in constitutional law for the completeness of the health, development, and good rearing condition of offsprings. In the view of the protection for maternity, it is essential to preserve the completeness of maternity. Maternity is the natural and continuing process completed by pregnancy and procreation. It is gained from the continuing process of ‘from the mother’ and ‘in the mother’, and two factors is essential and inseparable for preserving the completeness of maternity which is a basic premise forming the human beings. It has the possibility to the various and different view points, but in the focus at the preservation of the maternal completeness, the baby who is birthed from oocyte donation program or surrogate mother has the severe defect on the completeness of maternity which is a basic premise forming the human beings. So therefore, it is important to prepare the firming legal systems for the protection of the rights on maternity. In the field of infertility treatment, before starting the procedure of oocyte donation program or surrogate mother program, it is necessary for the doctor to decide the treatment procedure after the sincere discussion with the infertility couples who are going to receive the treatment, oocytes donor, and candidate to surrogate uterus on the basic thinking of the bioethics on maternity and the informed consent to them.

      • KCI등재

        모성근로보호에 관한 기본법 체계 구축의 필요성 - 독일모성보호법 모형을 중심으로 -

        권혁 한국사회법학회 2018 社會法硏究 Vol.0 No.34

        여성근로자 및 모성보호에 관한 사항은 단일법 체계로 구성되어 있지 않고 다양 한 법령에 산재되어 있어 일반 사기업에서 이를 정확히 인식하고 규정을 준수하기 가 어려운 측면이 있다. 나아가 각 법령의 입법목적, 시기, 사회적 배경 등이 각기 달라 모성보호 용어의 사용례 및 보호범위가 다르다. 노동법상 여성 및 모성 보호 규정에 대한 정비가 필요한 상황이다. 독일 모성보호법에서는 비록 매우 간략한 법 체계임에도 불구하고 매우 상세하게 여성 근로자 또는 임신한 여성근로자의 근로제 공 금지사항을 명확히 하고 있다. 우리의 경우도 이러한 상세한 법 규정 마련이 필 요해 보인다. 또한 여성 근로자에 대한 특별한 노동법적 보호규정들로 말미암아 사 용자는 아예 여성근로자의 채용을 꺼리고 그 대신 남성근로자들을 주로 채용하고 사용하는 것을 선호하는 사회적 문제점을 낳을 수도 있었다. 과거와 같이 여성 및 모성 근로자 보호에 관한 제반 규정을, 단지 사회적 약자로서 여성 및 모성에 대한 특별한 보호 및 배려로만 파악하는 것은 잘못이다. 여성 및 모성 근로자 보호에 관 한 규정이 궁극적으로 기업의 경쟁력 강화에 기여하는 방식으로 작동되도록 해야 한다. 이를 위해서는 우선 여성 및 모성 근로자에 대한 보호는 오히려 산업경제의 활성화와 기업 경쟁력 강화를 위한 필수적 요소라는 점을 인식할 필요가 있다. The most important system related to the maternity protection is the legal system. The provisions related to maternity protection are not in a single legal system but are defined in the Constitution, the Labor Standards Act, the Gender Equality and the Work-Family Relations Support Act, the Gender Equality Basic Act, and the Employment Insurance Act. It is difficult for general private company to accurately recognize them and observe the regulations. Furthermore, the legislative purpose, timing and social background of each legislation are different, and the use cases and protection scope of maternity protection terms are different. Part of the contents of the recruitment and recruitment of female workers, the contents of general women, the contents of pregnancy and childbirth women, the contents of childrearing women, and other contents in combination with the occurrence and disappearance of life cycle and working relationship of women workers , It is necessary to revise the provisions on the protection of women and maternity under the Labor Law. Conventionally, labor law protection for women and maternity workers has been known to have a very special attribute of care. Because it is female or maternal, it was based on values and ideological justification to protect them by increasing the intensity of social consideration. This is the risk that under the market economy order ideology, there will be a problem that can be identified as very cumbersome regulation or ineffective labor law discipline. For example, special labor and legal protection provisions for female workers may have caused social problems that prefer not to hire women workers at all, but instead to employ and employ male workers in their place. It is a mistake to observe all the provisions regarding the protection of women and maternity workers just as social just as special protection and consideration for women and maternity. The provisions on the protection of women and maternity workers should ultimately be made to work in a way that contributes to strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises. First, it should be recognized that protection of women and maternity workers is essential for revitalizing the industrial economy and enhancing corporate competitiveness.

      • KCI등재

        현대사회에서의 모성성의 의미 탐색

        강신영(Kang, Shin-Young),김은주(Kim, Eun-Ju) 한국어린이미디어학회 2012 어린이미디어연구 Vol.11 No.1

        2011년 7월 개봉된 만화영화 〈마당을 나온 암탉〉과 〈고 녀석 맛나겠다〉는 어린 새끼를 키워내는 부모의 행동과 마음을 잘 나타내어 많은 관객들에게 큰 공감대를 이끌어냈다. 본 연구는 이 두 만화영화에 나타난 보육행동을 ‘모성성’이라는 틀로 분석하였다. 두 만화영화들에 나타난 등장인물들의 보육행동을 통해 우리 사회가 인식하여 만화영화에 투영하고 있는 모성성의 이미지를 분석하여 시사점을 얻고자 하였다. 분석 결과, 〈마당을 나온 암탉〉과 〈고 녀석 맛나겠다〉에는 다양한 형태의 모성성이 골고루 나타나고 있었다. 등장인물들의 보육행동은 전통적, 개념적 모성성이 기본적으로 내재되어 있으면서도 신화적, 현대적 모성성을 추구해나가는 모습이 엿보였다. 두 만화영화에서 주목할 만한 점은, 모성성의 특징을 가진 아버지의 역할을 강조하고 있다는 것이다. 이는 현대사회에서 모성성은 단순히 생물학적인 여성의 몫이 아닌, 누구나 갖추어야 할 인간적 특징이라는 것을 의미한다. 또한 두 만화영화가 모두 자신이 직접 낳은 지식이 아닌 다른 종족을 정성껏 품어 기르는 내용을 담고 있다는 점은 우리 사회의 모성 담론이 생물학적인 부모자식 간의 사랑을 넘어선 타 생명에 대한 사랑과 돌봄을 가져야 함을 시사하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. The two animated feature films, “Leafie, A Hen into the Wild” and “You are Umasou” were teleased in July, 2011. They showed behaviors and states of mind of parents who raised their babies well, and aroused large audiences’ sympathy between them. This study analyzed the nursery behaviors of both films in the frame of ‘maternity’. With the nursery behaviors of the main characters, this study analyzed the maternity images which our society had appreciated and tried to have implications for us. “Leafie, A Hen into the Wild” and “You are Urnasou” had diverse images of maternity. Character’s behaviors had traditional maternity, conceptual maternity. And they were pursued mythical maternity, modern maternity. Points to note in these films, they emphasize father’s role with features of maternity. This means the maternity is not only biological women’s duties, but also characteristics of human in modern society. By the scene that characters carefully incubate other species, the films show us to have love and care for other life beyond biological parents’ love.

      • KCI등재

        The Impact of Maternity-protective Leave on Fertility Behaviours in South Korea

        Kim, Hyun Sik(김현식) 한국인구학회 2019 한국인구학 Vol.42 No.3

        이 연구는 한국노동패널 2001년부터 2015년의 자료를 분석하여 출산전후 휴가와 육아휴직의 사용가능여부가 출산여부에 주는 영향을 추정한다. 우선 관찰자료 분석이 갖는 선택효과(selection effect)를 살펴보면, 오직 첫째 자녀출산의 경우에만 자녀 출산이 가까워올수록 출산전후휴가를 사용할 수 있는 직장을 가질 확률이 줄어드는 음의 선택효과가 있었고 다른 모형에서는 아무런 선택효과가 없었다. 이산위험모형(discrete-time hazards model)을 사용하여 출산전후휴가와 육아휴직이 자녀 출산에 주는 영향을 살펴보면, 첫째 자녀출산과 둘째 자녀 출산에서 출산전후휴가가 출산위험을 높이는 것으로 나타났으나 육아휴직에서는 그러한 영향을 발견할 수 없었다. 이러한 결과가 갖는 이론적 함의를 제시하고 이 연구가 갖는 의의를 논의하였다. In this article, we evaluate the impact of two types of maternity-protective leave-maternity and parental leave-on fertility rates among female employees in South Korea. We formulated theoretical hypotheses about the effects of maternity-protective leave on parity-specific fertility hazards and then used data from the Korea Labour and Income Panel Study, 2001-2015, to assess these hypotheses. The results of statistical models addressing selectivity issues reveal the negative selection of female employees into maternity leave in the first birth dataset. After accounting for a wide array of confounding variables via discrete-time hazard models, maternity leave, but not parental leave, emerged as a notable fertility-boosting fringe benefit for both first and second births. Specifically, entitlement to maternity leave enhanced hazard odds by a factor of nearly one third. Empirical evidence of negative selection further strengthens the argument that the actual impact of maternity leave is likely greater than the effects uncovered in the current models.

      • KCI등재

        『타이터스 앤드로니커스』에 나타난가족과 모성 그리고 폭력: 그 연계된 의미

        최경란 한국중세근세영문학회 2013 고전·르네상스 영문학 Vol.22 No.2

        This paper attempts to disclose a certain dramatic features germane to Titus Andronicus, an early Shakespearean tragedy, regarded as controversial for excess of violence and cruelty. The dramatic features are placed under scrutiny in terms of the amplified meanings of the family and maternity looming in the play in relation to seemingly unbound varieties of violence. The paper begins with an overview of the concepts of family and maternity understood as a historical as much as a literary device. The argument follows the line of feminist dialogue, pointing to varied ways of relating gender to rhetoric, biology, and other symbolic topics, as well as to social beliefs and institutions. The main argument addresses the familial norms, nexus and maternal entanglements protruded in the play. These issues are examined in close reference to the patriarchal values and ideologies entertained in Rome. The paper finds the fossilized piety of the Andronici responsible for the initial spread of violence in the play. The paper also argues that the lustful and wicked Tamora, as commonly interpreted by critics, is credited to embodying the triad layers of maternity: instinctive, power-laden, and one enclosed in the Lacanian Imaginary World. The paper takes note of Tamora wielding maternal power, albeit perverted, to reciprocate the evil done by Titus. It also takes note of Lavinia, the very symbol of female virtues in Rome, portrayed unfavorably in this discourse for her insensitivity to maternity and to human compassion. The paper concludes that even though Tamora stays outside the realm of normative femininity in Rome, she prevails as a figure bolstering up the construct of family and maternity as a theatrical element considered crucial to interpreting the violence in this play.

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