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        X-선 영상을 위한 Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12: Sm3+ or Dy3+ 형광체의 발광 특성 연구

        오명진,김홍주,수피타 사하 한국물리학회 2021 새물리 Vol.71 No.11

        In this study, the Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12 phosphor was fabricated using the solid-state reaction method, and its luminescence characteristics were studied. To confirm the crystallinity and the grain size of the Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12 phosphor, an X-ray difraction (XRD) and FE-SEM was measured . The emission spectra of the Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12 phosphor was measured using X-ray and UV light sources. The results comfirmed that the main peaks of Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12:Sm3+ and Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12:Dy3+ were between 550 to 750 nm and 450 to 800 nm, respectively. Lastly, the decay time was measured and compared to Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12:Sm3+ and Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12:Dy3+ phosphor. The luminescence spectra result of the X-ray was coincident to UV light sources. The Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12 phosphor is composed of rare earth elements such as Gd2O3 and Lu2O3, which have a high effective atomic Z numbers (Zeff = 55) and high detection efficiency for X-rays and gamma rays. Therefore, phosphar can be applied in fields of medical diagnostic imaging. 본 연구에서 고상 반응법을 이용하여 Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12 형광체 분말을 제조하여 그 형광물질의 특성을연구하였다. 먼저, Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12 형광체의 결정성을 X-선 회절 장치를 이용하여 측정하였으며FE-SEM을 이용하여 grain 크기를 확인하였다. 또한 X-선과 UV 광원을 이용하여 Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12 형광체의 발광 스펙트럼을 측정하였으며 그 결과 Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12:Sm3+ 형광체는 550 750 nm, Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12:Dy3+ 형광체는 450 – 800 nm사이에서 주 피크가 나타나는 것을 확인하였으며 XThis선과 UV 광원의 결과는 일치하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 마지막으로 두 형광체의 붕괴시간을 측정하여각각 비교하였다. Lu2Gd1Ga2Al3O12 형광체는 Gd2O3 와 Lu2O3 등의 희토류 원소로 이루어져 있으며이 원소는 유효원자번호가 높기 때문에 (Zeff =55) 투과력이 큰 X-선 및 감마선에 대한 검출 효율이높으며 따라서 X-선을 이용한 의료 영상 진단 분야에 적용될 수 있는 장점이 있다.

      • KCI등재

        明代 文學과 圖像에 나타난 神仙 呂洞賓의 形像

        張賢珠 한국중국소설학회 2013 中國小說論叢 Vol.40 No.-

        This is to study the popularity of Lu Dongbin (Lu), who has been the most beloved immortal of China since the Song dynasty, during the Ming dynasty focusing on the literature and illustration of the day. Lu’s character in the literature texts of the Ming dynasty reveals different characteristics comparing to those of previous era. This could be reviewed by means of two different aspects of his character: the expansion of denotation and the deepening of implication. In respect of the expansion of denotation, Lu became one of the Eight Immortals at the late Yuan dynasty. However, he took the leadership of the Immortals and made the stories together with the remainder in the literature of the Ming dynasty. And the story stating that Lu was in conflict with a Buddhist monk Huanglongchanshi and lost his sword to Huanglongchanshi and then concentrated on his self-cultivation appeared. This story implies tension between Buddhism and Taoism as well as the most dramatic tension among the anecdotes of Lu. Further a love story between Lu and prostitute Baimudan was created and greatly beloved by people. This story gave the vitality enabling Lu’s character to survive until today. In parallel with the expansion of denotation, the deepening of implication proceeded. Ten time trials by Zhongliquan, learning progress of alchemy (the art of making elixirs), swordsmanship of his valuable sword imply Lu’s accomplishment of immortal. All these also denote his personal growth and progress about reaching the immortality. Lu’s icons in the illustrations of the Ming dynasty appeared independently or together with the Eight Immortals. In the illustrations where Lu appeared independently, immortal Lu’s image was transformed from a serious and scholastic image of previous era into an image of the immortal appeared on folk beliefs. Moreover Buddha dust appeared on Lu’s illustrations during the Ming dynasty, but there’s no such records saying that Lu holds Buddha dust on related literature. In the meantime, immortals in the illustrations of the Ming dynasty often portrayed as the ones that hold Buddha dust. Then we could infer that Buddha dust shown on Lu’s illustration is probably a reflection of such a tendency. During this period of time Lu’s image was almost completed as shown on his illustration today. From these we could recognize that he wears his valuable sword when he performs Taoist magic and punishes the wicked, while he doesn’t wear his sword when he loses his magical power and conceals himself. A great change on Lu related illustrations during the Ming dynasty could be found on baxiantu. The theme of baxiantu could be divided into baxianguohai and baxianqingshou. Baxianguohai and baxianqingshou commonly reflected the prosperity gospel of folks and frequently appeared on various ornaments and everyday goods. Baxiantu has its own implication, then Lu’s individual character doesn’t close up. We could realize that Lu’s character appeared on the literature and illustrations of the Ming dynasty ware affected by the change of society and religion. Commercial development and growth of civilians changed Lu’s character to meet practical requirements of time. The decline of Taoism and Quanzhenjiao removed a grave religious countenance from Lu and made him an intimate immortal close to folks. And The Eight Immortals were widely propagated among folks at this period of time, accordingly Lu, a member of the Immortals, could continually keep his vitality. This change on Lu’s character during Ming dynasty is a progress of his returning from an immortal of folks during the Song and the head of Taoism during the Yuan.

      • KCI등재

        Preparation of Patient Doses of [ 177 Lu]Lu-DOTATATE and [ 177 Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 with Carrier Added (CA) and No Carrier Added (NCA) 177 Lu

        Raviteja Nanabala 대한핵의학회 2022 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.56 No.6

        Purpose [177Lu]Lu-DOTATATE and [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 used for targeted radionuclide therapy are very often preparedin the hospital radiopharmacy. The preparation parameters vary depending upon the specific activity of the 177Lu used. Theaim of this study was to develop optimized protocols to be used in the nuclear medicine department for the preparation ofpatient doses of the above radiopharmaceuticals. Method 177Lu (CA and NCA) were used for radiolabeling DOTATATE and PSMA-617. Parameters studied are 177Lu ofdifferent specific activity and different peptide concentrations and two different buffer systems. Paper and thin layer chromatographysystems were used for estimating the radiochemical yield as well as radiochemical purity. Solid-phase extractionwas used for the purification of the labeled tracers. Results [177Lu]Lu-DOTATATE was prepared with CA 177Lu (n = 13) and NCA177Lu(n = 6). Four batches each of [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 were prepared using CA and NCA 177Lu. Radiochemical yields > 80% and final product with less than < 1%radiochemical impurity could be obtained in all batches which were used for therapy. Conclusion Robust protocols for the preparation of clinical doses of [177Lu]Lu-DOTATATE and [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 weredeveloped and used for the preparation of clinical doses. The quality of the SPECT images of both the tracers are consistentwith the expected uptake in respective diseases.

      • KCI등재

        액막이를 위한 루마니아 입사의례 컬루슈(Căluş)

        김정환(Jeong Hwan Kim) 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 동유럽발칸연구소 2019 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.43 No.2

        ‘컬루슈(Căluş)’는 정교회 부활절 후 50일째 되는 날을 전후로 한 ‘루살리 (Rusalii) 기간에 이루어지는 루마니아의 민속 풍습이자 액막이 의례이다. 컬루슈는 ‘컬루샤르(Căluşar)’라고 불리는 남자 춤꾼들에 의해 연행되는 샤머 니즘이자 주술을 통한 치료의례를 의미하며, 동시에 성년의 나이에 접어든 남자들의 입사의례를 함의하기도 한다. 라틴어에서 차용된 컬루슈는 춤꾼 (샤먼) 무리 또는 비밀결사를 의미하는데, 신화와 태양의 동물이자 비옥함, 전쟁의 상징 동물인 ‘말’의 신화적 실체와 의미에서 차용된 용어이기도 하다. 이 의례는 루마니아 전역에 분포하고 있으며, 그중 올테니아(Oltenia) 지방에서 이루어진 주술과 연행이 대표적 원형으로 알려져 있다. 한편 ‘컬루 슈’는 ‘말하기’를 멈추게 하는 나무 막대기를 의미하기도 한다. 이 침묵은 ‘벙어리(Mutul)’라는 상징적 인물로 구현되는데, 그는 다름 아닌 카발린 (Cabalin) 신의 분신이기도 하다. 이것은 개인이나 공동체의 삶에 있어 어려운 순간에 대한 제의적 희생을 통해 신에게 메시지를 보내던 다치아(Dacia) 와 켈트족의 오랜 관행을 배경으로 한다. 컬루슈 제의는 ‘컬루슈의 결연(Legatul Căluşului)’, ‘컬루슈의 유희(Jocul Căluşului)’, ‘걸루슈의 파기 (Spargerea Căluşului)’라는 수순으로 연행되는데, 궁극적으로 ‘다산’과 ‘치유’라는 두 가지 목적을 추구하고 있다. The Căluş is Romanian folk custom and apotropaism ritual performed during the Rusalii period around the 50th day after the Orthodox Easter. The Căluş is a kind of shamanism carried out by male dancers called Căluşar and refers to a ritual of treatment through magic dance. At the same time, it encompasses the initiation rite of men entering the age of adulthood. The Căluş borrowed from Latin means ritual dancer (shaman) group or secret association. It is also a term borrowed from the mythical substance and meaning of ‘horse’ which is an animal of myth, sun, fertility and symbol of war. This ritual is distributed all over Romania, among which Oltenia region is known as a representative performing area. On the other hand, the Căluş is also a wooden stick that stops ‘speaking’. This silence is realized by a symbolic character of ‘mute (Mutul)’, which is also the god Cabalin’s alter ego. This is based on the old practice of Dacia and the Celts, who send messages to God through ritual sacrifices during the difficult moments in the lives of individuals and communities. The Căluş ritual is carried out by the procedure called ‘Becoming in Căluş (Legatul Căluşului)’, ‘Amusement of Căluş (Jocul Căluşului)’ and ‘Dissolution of Căluş (Spargerea Căluşului)’, which are ultimately pursuing two purposes like ‘fertility’ and ‘(exorcism) treatment’.

      • KCI등재

        네오리얼리즘의 미학적 지향에서 바라본 장률의 영화미학

        정은정 ( Eun Jeong Jeong ) 한양대학교 현대영화연구소 2013 현대영화연구 Vol.9 No.2

        This paper attempts to look into filmmaker Zhang Lu`s aesthetics through Italian Neo-realism. Neo-realism tried to break from the narrative-centric strategy of Classical realism and place unedited real life on the screen. This orientation tends to remove mis-en-scene, interpretation(acting), and narrative from film. Andre Bazin called this aesthetic orientation of Neo-realism towards new reality phenomenological realism. It is here where Zhang Lu`s film aestheticsis located. Zhang Lu wants to present reality as it is through his film. This is why the paper attempts to research into Zhang Lu`s film aesthetics within the framework of Neo-realism`s aesthetic orientation. This paper looks through the space, character, camera, and narrative structure of Zhang Lu`s films. The space of Zhang Lu`s film is not just a background of events. It is the event itself. Space becomes a filmic entity that interacts with characters and camera in Zhang Lu`s film. To make space a filmic entity, Zhang Lu`s film use long take and long shot. Actors are not requested to act in Zhang Lu`s film. They are requested to be as they really are. They are in a form of the rhythm of motion and voice in Zhang Lu`s film. Zhang Lu`s camera has a kind of self-consciousness. And it also reflects characters` consciousness. So we can say Zhang Lu`s camera is a kind of a semi-subjective consciousness. Lastly the narrative of Zhang Lu`s films is not composed of cause and effect. It is composed of casual encounters. This gives each scene of Zhang Lu`s film greater autonomy in its life. From above discussion, we can find out that Zhang Lu`s film is not oriented towards narrative, but oriented towards experience of reality itself. And this is the reason why we can locate Zhang Lu`s film aesthetics in the aesthetic orientation of Neo-realism, phenomenological realism. There are differences not to be ignored between Zhang Lu`s film and Neo-realism as a historical trend of film. But from a viewpoint of aesthetic orientation, the two can communicate with each other.

      • KCI등재

        열결(列缺), 여구(여溝), 열결배려구(列缺配려溝)에 침습적(侵襲的)으로 조사(照射)된 레이저침료법(鍼療法)이 고지혈증(高脂血症) 백서(白鼠)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        임선주 ( Seon Joo Ihm ),윤대환 ( Dae Hwan Youn ),나창수 ( Chang Su Na ) 대한경락경혈학회 2005 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.22 No.3

        Objectives: This research was performed to investigate the effect of invasive low level laser acupuncture therapy(LLLAT) at Yolgyol(LU7), Yogu(LR5) and Yolgyol+Yogu(LU7+LR5) on weight gain, food intake, food efficiency, lipid metabolism, atherogenic index, HTR(HDL-cholesterol to total cholesterol ratio) and liver function in hyperlipidemia rats. Methods: Experimental groups were divided into high fat diet group(Control group), high fat diet and LLLAT at LU7(LU7 group), high fat diet and LLLAT at LR5(LR5 group), LLLAT at LU7 and LR5(LU7+LR5 group). Animals was treated by the LLLAT at 30mW-5min once a 2day during 5 weeks. Results: Body weight was decreased significantly in LU7+LR5 group when compared with control group. Food intake was increased significantly in LU7, LR5, LU7+LR5 group when compared with control group. Food efficiency was decreased significantly in LU7, LR5, LU7+LR5 group when compared with control group. In the lipid metabolism, total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol was decreased significantly in LU7+LR5 group, LDL-cholesterol and phospholipids were decreased significantly in LR5, LU7+LR5 group, triglyceride and free fatty acid were decreased significantly in LU7 group when compared with control group. Atherogenic index was decreased significantly in LU7, LR5, LU7+LR5 group when compared with control group. HTR was increased significantly in LU7 group when compared with control group. In the liver function, the significance was not showed in AST and ALT, ALP was decreased significantly in LU7+LR5 group when compared with control group. Conclusions: LLLAT at LU7 and LR5 maybe can manage hyperlipidemia by controlling body weight, food intake, food efficiency ratio and lipid metabolism.

      • In vivo comparison of Lu-177-labeled phosphonate compounds as potential agents for bone pain palliation in rodents

        장영수,이윤상,김영주,정재민 대한방사성의약품학회 2015 Journal of radiopharmaceuticals and molecular prob Vol.1 No.1

        Lutetium-177 (T1/2=6.71 day) is an adequate radionuclide for therapy, which has both beta emission (Emax=497 keV) for therapeutic effect and gamma emission (113 and 208 keV) for imaging. 177Lu labeled ethylenediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetrakis (methylene phosphonic acid) (EDTMP) and 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane- 1,4,7,10-tetraaminomethylenephosphonate (DOTMP) have been proposed as radiopharmaceuticals for bone pain palliation. In this study, we compared radiochemistry and biodistribution of 177Lu-EDTMP and 177Lu-DOTMP. EDTMP and DOTMP were synthesized, and 1 mg of each was labeled with 177Lu at pH 7~8 with high efficiency (>98%). For comparative biodistribution studies, 177Lu-EDTMP or 177Lu-DOTMP were injected into ICR-mice through tail vein, and then biodistribution data were obtained as percentages of injected dose per gram of tissue (% ID/g). Urine excretions of both agents in mice were checked for 7 days. Rat images were also obtained after injection of 177Lu-EDTMP or 177Lu-DOTMP. 177Lu-DOTMP (100% at 1 min) showed faster labeling than 177Lu-EDTMP (100% at 30 min). Both of them were stable at least for 21 days at room temperature. High bone uptakes were found for both 177Lu-EDTMP and 177Lu-DOTMP: 38.0 and 34.1% ID/g at 3 hr, respectively; and 33.2 and 18.8% ID/g at 7 day, respectively. Rapid excretions to urine were found for both agents (177Lu-EDTMP: 56%, 177Lu-DOTMP: 63% at 1 day). Other organs showed very low uptakes. Rat images of both 177Lu-EDTMP and 177Lu-DOTMP showed high bone uptakes and low soft tissue uptakes. In conclusion, both 177Lu-EDTMP and 177Lu-DOTMP showed high potential as bone pain palliation agents. 177Lu-EDTMP showed higher bone uptake and slower bone clearance in mice than those of 177Lu-DOTMP. J Radiopharm Mol Probes 1(1):53-61, 2015

      • KCI등재

        송대 陸佃 『使遼錄』의 연구 : 逸文의 재구성과 역주

        홍성민(Hong Sungmin) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2022 역사문화연구 Vol.81 No.-

        요대 역사를 연구하는데 있어서 정사인 『요사(遼史)』는 매우 소략하여 그 실상을 밝히는데 어려운 점이 많다. 따라서 풍부한 송대 사료에서 요 관련 사료를 찾는 작업이 다양하게 이루어져 왔다. 송대 기록 중에서 송의 사절이 요에 갔다 온 후 작성한 『사요어록(使遼語錄)』도 요에 관한 중요한 정보를 제공해 준다. 한편, 송대 필기사료(筆記史料)에서도 다량의 요 관련 기사가 확인되는데, 그 연원을 살펴보면 『사요어록』에서 유래하는 경우가 있다. 육전(陸佃)의 『사요록』의 경우, 육유(陸游)의 발문을 통해서 그 존재를 확인할 수 있지만, 이미 산일되어 현재는 온전한 형태로 남아있지 않다. 다만, 육유의 필기인 『가세구문(家世舊聞)』과 『노학암필기(老學庵筆記)』 등에서 그 일문이 확인된다. 따라서 본고는 『가세구문(家世舊聞)』과 『노학암필기』의 판본상의 특징을 고려하면서 육전(陸佃)의 『사요록』을 재구성하고 역주를 수행하였다. 이를 통해 육전 『사요록』에 관한 이해를 심화시키고, 더 나아가 11~12세기 동아시아의 역사상의 이해에 도움이 되고자 하였다. Because of the official history entitled Liao Shi 遼史 is very brief, it is not easy to research on the history of Liao dynasty. Therefore, the work of searching for historical materials related to Liao from the historical materials of the Song dynasty has been carried out. Among the record of bureaucrats of Song dynasty, Shiliao Lu 使遼錄, the embassy reports, also contains important information of Liao dynasty. On the other hand, a large number of articles related to Liao dynasty in the notebooks confirmed by bureaucrats of Song dynasty, may be derived from the Shiliao Lu. In the case of Lu Dian s 陸佃 Shiliao Lu, has been confirmed by his grandson Lu You s 陸游 postscript, but it has already been scattered. However, the fragments of Lu Dian s Shiliao Lu contain in Lu You s notebooks entitled Jiashi Jiuwen 家世舊聞 and Laoxuean Biji 老學庵筆記. In this article, the author will reconstruct and translate Lu Dian s Shiliao Lu while considering the characteristics of the editions of Jiashi Jiuwen and Laoxuean Biji.

      • KCI등재

        In vivo comparison of Lu-177-labeled phosphonate compounds as potential agents for bone pain palliation in rodents

        Chang, Young Soo,Lee, Yun-Sang,Kim, Young Ju,Jeong, Jae Min 대한방사성의약품학회 2015 Journal of radiopharmaceuticals and molecular prob Vol.1 No.1

        Lutetium-177 ($T_{1/2}=6.71day$) is an adequate radionuclide for therapy, which has both beta emission ($E_{max}=497keV$) for therapeutic effect and gamma emission (113 and 208 keV) for imaging. $^{177}Lu$ labeled ethylenediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetrakis (methylene phosphonic acid) (EDTMP) and 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraaminomethylenephosphonate (DOTMP) have been proposed as radiopharmaceuticals for bone pain palliation. In this study, we compared radiochemistry and biodistribution of $^{177}Lu$-EDTMP and $^{177}Lu$-DOTMP. EDTMP and DOTMP were synthesized, and 1 mg of each was labeled with $^{177}Lu$ at pH 7~8 with high efficiency (>98%). For comparative biodistribution studies, $^{177}Lu$-EDTMP or $^{177}Lu$-DOTMP were injected into ICR-mice through tail vein, and then biodistribution data were obtained as percentages of injected dose per gram of tissue (% ID/g). Urine excretions of both agents in mice were checked for 7 days. Rat images were also obtained after injection of $^{177}Lu$-EDTMP or $^{177}Lu$-DOTMP. $^{177}Lu$-DOTMP (100% at 1 min) showed faster labeling than $^{177}Lu$-EDTMP (100% at 30 min). Both of them were stable at least for 21 days at room temperature. High bone uptakes were found for both $^{177}Lu$-EDTMP and $^{177}Lu$-DOTMP: 38.0 and 34.1% ID/g at 3 hr, respectively; and 33.2 and 18.8% ID/g at 7 day, respectively. Rapid excretions to urine were found for both agents ($^{177}Lu$-EDTMP: 56%, $^{177}Lu$-DOTMP: 63% at 1 day). Other organs showed very low uptakes. Rat images of both $^{177}Lu$-EDTMP and $^{177}Lu$-DOTMP showed high bone uptakes and low soft tissue uptakes. In conclusion, both $^{177}Lu$-EDTMP and $^{177}Lu$-DOTMP showed high potential as bone pain palliation agents. $^{177}Lu$-EDTMP showed higher bone uptake and slower bone clearance in mice than those of $^{177}Lu$-DOTMP.

      • KCI등재

        태연혈(太淵穴)의 유침 시간에 따른 체온 변화 -적외선체열촬영(赤外線體熱撮影)을 중심으로-

        이봉효 ( Bong Hyo Lee ),이경민 ( Kyung Min Lee ),박지하 ( Ji Ha Park ),김민서 ( Min Seo Kim ),김산들 ( San Deul Kim ),박병규 ( Byeong Gyu Park ),양현동 ( Hyun Dong Yang ),예성호 ( Sung Ho Yea ),이호정 ( Ho Jung Lee ),최재원 ( Jae 경락경혈학회 2012 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.29 No.2

        Objectives: This study was performed to find the desirable remaining time of needle in the acupuncture treatment. Methods: The 21 volunteers were given acupuncture at LU9 vertically and needles were remained for 2 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, respectively. The thermographic change induced by acupuncture was measured with Digital Infrared Thermographic Image at the following acupoints: LU11, LU10, LU9, LU8, LU5, LU1, and PC7. The statistical significance of thermographi change was evaluated using paired t-test and post hoc Wilcoxon test. Results: The most significant changes after acupuncture were produced when needles were remained for 10 min or 15 min. LU11, LU5, LU1, and PC7 were the point at which all of the remaining time produced significant change commonly. At LU11, the biggest change was produced when needle was remained for 15 min, while at LU5, LU1, and PC7, the biggest change was produced when needle was remained for 30 min, and the smallest change was produced when needle was remained for 10 min at all of acupoints of LU11, LU5, LU1, and PC7. The unbalance between left side and right was decreased the most largely in 15 min group. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the desirable remaining time of acupuncture needle might be 15 min.

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