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      • KCI등재

        몽골 물류산업의 현황과 선진화 방안에 관한 연구

        빠뜨자갈(Tserenkhuu Batjargal),길종구(Kil Jong Gu) 한국물류학회 2017 물류학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        몽골은 넓은 국토면적과 채산성이 뛰어난 풍부한 지하자원을 보유한 자원부국이고 유라시아를 연결하는 내륙국가로서 유리한 입지여건을 가지고 있다. 특히 광산업은 경제성장의 버팀목으로서 해외투자자들의 많은 관심을 받고 있다. 그러나 주력산업인 광산업을 물류산업과 연계시켜 나가지 못함으로써 경제개발지연과 자원수출의 기회가 단절되고 경제성장의 동력으로서 제 기능을 발휘하지 못하고 있다. 더구나 열악한 물류 인프라는 국내 소비자물가지수에도 악영향을 미치고 있어 몽골은 성장한계에 놓였다. 그러므로 본 연구는 몽골 물류산업의 문제점을 분석하고 물류산업의 선진화 방안에 대해 제시함으로써 물류 인프라와 물류 서비스 개선을 통한 국제적 수준의 물류경쟁력을 확보하고 풍부한 지하자원과 지리적인 이점을 활용한 경제성장과 연계시켜 나가고자 함이다. 먼저 물류산업 및 정책의 문제점으로는 다음과 같다. 불안한 정치상황으로 물류관련 종합정책을 수립하지 못하고 있고 관련법규 및 표준화된 물류 서비스 매뉴얼이 없다. 그리고 물류전담부서와 전문가가 없어 외교능력을 제대로 발휘하지 못하고 예측할 수 없는 제도변경과 공무원의 부패와 후진적 행정 관행을 들 수 있다. 또한 철도⋅도로⋅항공⋅해운 등을 연계한 물류정책이 없고 물류를 통합적으로 관리 할 시스템이 구축되어 있지 않아 투자환경과 물류인프라와 물류서비스가 열악하다는 점 등이다. 그러므로 이러한 문제점을 극복하기 위해 몽골의 물류환경을 개선하고 활성화시켜 풍부한 자원을 국가경제의 성장 동력으로 연계시키기 위한 대안을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 물류관리 체계의 통일과 합리적인 운영을 위해 종합물류정책과 표준화된 법규의 마련, 해외 투자자들의 투자법률 환경 및 각종 규제의 개선, 물류전담부서의 설립 및 물류 전문가 양성, 물류 운송 네트워크 표준화 구축, 무역 및 외교 관계에 적극적이고 개방적인 입장의 견지, 풍부한 광물자원 개발과 함께 인프라 확충 사업을 위한 장기적인 투자 계획을 마련, 내부 역량을 갖춘 물류업종과 전문물류업체의 경쟁 촉진 및 지원 정책 마련, 물류관련 교육 프로그램 개발과 교육기관설립, 그리고 인프라 확충을 통한 물류 네트워크 구축 및 시스템의 첨단화 등이다. 따라서 몽골이 국제물류 경쟁력을 갖춘 물류산업의 선진화를 위해서는 궁극적으로 정부차원의 장기적이고 지속적인 물류산업정책을 마련하고 적극적인 실천의지가 뒤따라야 한다. 그리고 무엇보다 몽골의 물류 발전을 위한 종합정책은 시대적 흐름에 부응한 하드웨어와 소프트웨어를 결합한 사물인터넷(IoT), AI(인공지능) 등과 같은 첨단화된 물류서비스 체계 구축을 목표로 지속적이고 장기적인 투자를 아끼지 않아야 한다. Mongolia has a large national territory and rich underground resources with high payability and also has advantages of an landlocked country connecting to Eurasia. Especially, the mining industry is the pillar of its economic growth and is drawing great attention from foreign investors. However, the failure in connecting the mining industry which is the key industry and the logistics industry delayed the economic development and blocked the opportunity to export resources, preventing the mining industry to function as the driving force for economic growth. Moreover, the underdeveloped logistics industry is negatively influencing domestic consumer price index and is limiting the economic growth of Mongolia. This study suggested plans to advance the logistics industry which would lead to economic growth in connection with abundant underground resources and geographical advantage by analyzing problems in Mongolian logistics industry securing the international level competitiveness in logistics through the improvement of the logistics infrastructure and service. The following is the summary of the problems in the logistics industry and policy and the plans to secure international competitiveness of Mongolia’s logistics industry. First, Mongolia has not established a comprehensive logistics policy due to unstable political situation and has no standardized logistics service manual and has not utilized diplomatic capabilities due to lack of experts and departments exclusively in charge of logistics while the system is changing unexpectedly. The corruption of public officials and backward administrative practice are worsening the problem. Also, Mongolia has poor investment environment and logistics infrastructure and service due to lack of logistics policy connecting railroad, highway, airline, and marine transportation and a system to manage logistics comprehensively. The following summarizes the plans to improve and activate Mongolia’s logistics environment to overcome said problems and use rich resources as the driving force for national economic growth. For the advancement of logistics industry, Mongolia needs to prepare a comprehensive logistics policy and standardized law to integrate and rationally operate the logistics management system, improve investment environment and related laws and regulations for foreign investors, establish logistics exclusive department and foster logistics experts, develop standardized logistics transportation network, hold fast to the positive and open stance toward trade and diplomatic relations, prepare a long-term investment plan to expand the infrastructure alongside the development of abundant mineral resources, promote the competition between logistics businesses with internal competence and professional logistics companies and prepare policies to support them, develop logistics related training programs and establish training institutions, and develop logistics network and advance the system by expanding the infrastructure. Ultimately, the government shall prepare a long-term and coherent policy for the logistics industry with the will to implement the policy systematically in order to advance the logistics industry of Mongolia. Above all, a comprehensive policy for the advancement of Mongolia’s logistics industry shall make a continuous long-term investment in the industry with the aim to develop an advanced logistics service system such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) that integrate hardware and software by following the current of the times.

      • KCI등재

        Contribution of Logistics Infrastructure to Industrial Development in China

        여아평,신호정,Fakulie Alfred Jawara 경희대학교(국제캠퍼스) 국제지역연구원 2020 아태연구 Vol.27 No.1

        Logistics is considered the “accelerator” of economic development and a steppingstone for sustaining national or regional economic strength. This study explores the impacts of logistics infrastructure on industrial development in China from the following four dimensions: the empirical associations between logistics infrastructureand 1) economic growth, 2) household consumption expenditure, 3) distribution of human resources,and 4) labor productivity within the three strata of industries. We analyze secondary time-series data collected by the National Bureau of Statistics of China and selected variables such as value-added of the logistics industry, freight traffic, freight ton-kilometers, and investment in fixed asset in the logistics industry. We then conduct regression analysis to show the impact of logistics infrastructure on industrial development in China. We find that the logistics infrastructure plays a positive role in promoting the performance of the three strata of industries. However, the value-added logistics had no effect on the labor flow to the secondary and the tertiary industries although the workforce of the primary industry has declined gradually with the increase of the value-added logistics. Finally, the logistics infrastructure also greatly affected the labor productivity since logistics has improved efficiency in material flows.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 일대일로 구상과 유라시아 인프라 지원을 위한 금융협력

        강명구 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2019 러시아연구 Vol.29 No.2

        The Eurasia region lacks financial resources which make it difficult for this region to build its own transportation and logistics infrastructure. Therefore, it is promoting infrastructure construction through the financial support of the Multilateral Development Bank and global IBs. The fundings for the construction of transportation and logistics infrastructure in the Eurasian region includes MDBs such as EBRD, AIIB, EDB and Silk Road Fund supports loans, co-financing, parallel financing, syndicated loans and loans in the construction of transportation and logistics infrastructure in Eurasia. China established AIIB in January 2016, in cooperation with multilateral development banks to provide funds for the construction of transportation and logistics infrastructure to the countries. Korea needs to establish a foundation for financing the development of the Eurasian region infrastructure by establishing a two-financing platform with MDB and a specialized fund such as China’s Silk Road Fund. To this end, China established AIIB, a leading infrastructure investment bank to achieve its One Belt-One Road goal, and created a silk road fund to support infrastructure construction in Eurasia. Korea should seek ways to participate in China’s One Belt-One Road construction. Korea is highly likely to pursue AIIB projects centering on key projects carried out by countries in Eurasia, so it is necessary to establish a customized entry strategy. To this end, Korea needs to establish a foundation for financing the development of the Eurasian region infrastructure by establishing a two-financing platform with MDB and a specialized fund such as China’s Silk Road Fund. 유라시아지역은 재정 여력이 부족하여 독자적으로 교통‧물류 인프라 건설이 어려워 다자개발은행과 글로벌 IB들의 금융지원을 통해 인프라 건설을 지속하고 있다. 유라시아지역의 교통‧물류 인프라 건설에 자금을 EBRD, AIIB, EDB 등 MDB와 유라시아 안정화 및 개발 펀드(EFSD), 주)실크로드 펀드 등을 통해 지원하고 있다. 지원 방법으로는 차관, 협조융자(Co financing), 평행융자(Parallel Financing), 신디케이트론(syndicate loan), 대출(loan) 등의 방법을 사용하고 있다. 중국은 인프라투자은행인 AIIB를 설립하였고, 유라시아지역의 인프라 건설을 지원할 실크로드 펀드를 조성하였다. 중국은 AIIB를 통해 중국-중앙아시아·러시아-유럽으로 이어지는 교통‧물류 인프라를 구축하는 일대일로를 추진하고 있다. 한국은 중국의 일대일로 건설에 참여하는 방안을 모색해야 한다. 한국은 유라시아지역의 국가별로 추진되는 중점 사업을 중심으로 AIIB, MDB와 협력을 강화하여 유라시아지역의 인프라 건설에 참여하거나, AIIB가 추진하는 유라시아지역 인프라 사업에 EDCF를 연계하여 참여해야 한다. 이를 위해 한국 금융기관은 MDB와 공동으로 투융자 플랫폼을 조성하고 중국의 실크로드 펀드와 같은 투자 펀드를 조성하여 유라시아지역의 인프라 개발에 자금을 지원해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        인도네시아 수출기업의 운송수단 선택요인이 물류성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        최성희(Choe, Song-Hui) 한국항만경제학회 2018 韓國港灣經濟學會誌 Vol.34 No.2

        글로벌화에 따른 기업 간 경쟁 심화와 고유가 시대에서 물류 경쟁력 향상은 기업 경쟁력 확보의 핵심이라 할 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 물류환경에 따른 인도네시아 수출기업의 운송수단 선택요인이 물류성과에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 분석하였다. 분석결과, 수출기업의 운송수단 선택요인인 화물특성만이 물류성과에 유의한 영향을 미치고 있으며, 서비스, 시간, 비용은 물류성과에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 분석되었다. 이와 같은 결과는 인도네시아의 열악한 물류인프라가 반영된 것으로 판단되며, 수출기업은 운송수단을 선택할 때 서비스, 시간, 비용 등을 고려하고 있으나 결국 열악한 물류인프라로 물류성과에는 영향을 미치지 않고 있다. 인도네시아의 열악한 물류인프라는 운송거리 대비 과도한 운송시간 소요, 정시 인수 및 인도 불가, 운송비 및 부대비용 증가에 따른 기업의 전체 물류비 상승 등으로 수출기업의 경쟁력을 저하시키는 요인으로 지적되고 있으며, 인도네시아 정부의 고용창출과 산업화를 위한 제조업 육성과 외국인투자 유치에도 악영향을 미치고 있어 물류인프라 개선이 우선시 되어야 한다. 본 연구는 개발도상국인 인도네시아의 물류인프라 환경이 선행연구의 결과와 다소 상이한 차이점이 있음을 발견하여 이에 대한 시사점을 제시하였다. The improvement in logistics competitiveness is the key element of corporate competitiveness in the era of severe competition among companies and high oil prices due to globalization. For this reason, this study analyzed the effect of transportation mode selection factors of Indonesian export companies on the logistic performance in accordance with the logistics environment. The results of the analysis show that only the cargo characteristics, which are the transportation mode selection factor of export companies, had a significant effect on logistics; the services, time, and expenses, on the other hand, had no effect on logistics performances. This result reflects the poor logistic infrastructure of Indonesia. While the export company considers service, time, and expenses when choosing transportation mode, it had no effect on logistic performances due to poor logistic infrastructure. The poor logistic infrastructure of Indonesia has caused a rise in the overall logistic expenses of companies due to excessive transportation time over the transportation distance, unavailability of on-time acceptance and delivery, and increase in the transportation expenses and subsidiary expenses. These are also the factors that decrease the competitiveness of export companies and affect the promotion of the manufacturing industry and foreign investment for the purpose of job creation and industrialization by the Indonesian government. Therefore, the logistics infrastructure must be improved initially. This study determines various points in terms of the logistics infrastructure environment of Indonesia, a developing country, using previous studies and provides their implications.

      • KCI등재

        Uma inserção logística brasileira : a partir da infraestrutura portuária

        Mee-Joung Lee 한국 포르투갈-브라질 학회 2012 포르투갈-브라질 연구 Vol.9 No.1

        This paper has analyzed the reform of the port that has begun over the recent decade in Brazil. Logistics change with the increase of foreign trade has also changed the configuration of the physical structure and the operating system of the port infrastructure. After market-opening in the 1990s, the Brazilian politics focused on reforming the infrastructure as a whole for sustainable growth. Between the various areas of infrastructure, port infrastructure is a special case because their relationship has much to do with foreign trade. While the main role of the port has not changed, the contents of the operating system have changed greatly with the change of technical and technological standard. And the adaptation to new logistics involved new products, equipment, components, technologies, systems, etc. in the transaction scope, especially the scope of the infrastructure. The new standard of infrastructure can lead Brazil to enter the world market with growing participation in international trade. In this context, Brazil in the process of modernization of port infrastructure means that the country becomes the competitor and recipient of new world market of logistics at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        Uma inserção logística brasileira: a partir da infraestrutura portuária

        이미정 ( Lee Mee-joung ) 한국포르투갈-브라질학회 2012 포르투갈-브라질 연구 Vol.9 No.1

        This paper has analyzed the reform of the port that has begun over the recent decade in Brazil. Logistics change with the increase of foreign trade has also changed the configuration of the physical structure and the operating system of the port infrastructure. After market-opening in the 1990s, the Brazilian politics focused on reforming the infrastructure as a whole for sustainable growth. Between the various areas of infrastructure, port infrastructure is a special case because their relationship has much to do with foreign trade. While the main role of the port has not changed, the contents of the operating system have changed greatly with the change of technical and technological standard. And the adaptation to new logistics involved new products, equipment, components, technologies, systems, etc. in the transaction scope, especially the scope of the infrastructure. The new standard of infrastructure can lead Brazil to enter the world market with growing participation in international trade. In this context, Brazil in the process of modernization of port infrastructure means that the country becomes the competitor and recipient of new world market of logistics at the same time.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Study on the Development of Railway Logistics Business Model and Track Capacity

        GyuBae KIM,SungWook KANG 한국유통과학회 2023 유통과학연구 Vol.21 No.9

        Purpose: This study attempts to analyze the current status of the railway logistics business and to seek ways to improve it by using the business model as an analytical framework. It was intended to reflect practical implications that could be applied to the field, by dealing with issues at the industrial site related to each component in the business model. Research design, data and methodology: This study was conducted through literature review and field research. We analyzed academic papers and industrial reports on the development of the railway logistics industry and interviewed various stakeholders in the railway logistics industry. Results: This study determined the factors that could be eliminated, raised, reduced, or created from the customer and product perspective, infrastructure management perspective, and financial perspective. Conclusions: The growth of existing business can be achieved by lowering service prices, improving service quality, and securing large-scale transportation capacity. The additional transportation of high value goods and cold chain commodities will be promising business opportunities. Existing services can be provided to new customers (large pre-shippers, forwarding customers, etc.) in order to increase the size of sales Urban delivery services and comprehensive logistics services based on complex logistics centers may open an avenue for new market. A more timetable and track capacity need to be assigned to logistics, which significantly improve the flexibility and the competency of railway logistics.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of Logistics Infrastructure of Container Terminals in Northern Vietnam

        Nguyen, Minh Duc,Kim, Sung-June,Jeong, Jung Sik Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2016 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.40 No.5

        The sea-port in Northern Vietnam accounts for around one third of the total country's cargo throughput and for many decades has been playing an important role in the logistics system of the country. 11 container terminals currently operate in Northern Vietnam, concentrating in Haiphong city and Quang Ninh province. Despite the increasing demand, the competition among these container terminals has become increasingly more critical. In recent years, massive investments from both government and operators have been made to improve the capability of the local sea-port's logistics infrastructure. This critically needed comprehensive research evaluates the impact of the current logistics infrastructure condition on the competitiveness of terminals and quantitatively compares the competencies of these terminals. In order to meet such requirements, the paper first summarizes the indicators of the logistics infrastructures of the sea ports before developing and testing hypotheses to reveal the correlation between the given factors and the annual throughput of container terminals in the region. Factor analysis will then be applied to score the logistics infrastructure competency of each container terminal. A significant gap between logistics infrastructures among all container terminals was not observed and the competitiveness between container terminals is mostly driven by traditional activities including cargo handling and storage. According to the results, strategic thinking will be needed to contribute to related organizations for better decisions in investment, management, and operation.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of Logistics Infrastructure of Container Terminals in Northern Vietnam

        Minh Duc Nguyen,Sung-June Kim,Jung Sik Jeong 한국항해항만학회 2016 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.40 No.5

        The sea-port in Northern Vietnam accounts for around one third of the total country’s cargo throughput and for many decades has been playing an important role in the logistics system of the country. 11 container terminals currently operate in Northern Vietnam, concentrating in Haiphong city and Quang Ninh province. Despite the increasing demand, the competition among these container terminals has become increasingly more critical. In recent years, massive investments from both government and operators have been made to improve the capability of the local sea-port’s logistics infrastructure. This critically needed comprehensive research evaluates the impact of the current logistics infrastructure condition on the competitiveness of terminals and quantitatively compares the competencies of these terminals. In order to meet such requirements, the paper first summarizes the indicators of the logistics infrastructures of the sea ports before developing and testing hypotheses to reveal the correlation between the given factors and the annual throughput of container terminals in the region. Factor analysis will then be applied to score the logistics infrastructure competency of each container terminal. A significant gap between logistics infrastructures among all container terminals was not observed and the competitiveness between container terminals is mostly driven by traditional activities including cargo handling and storage. According to the results, strategic thinking will be needed to contribute to related organizations for better decisions in investment, management, and operation.

      • KCI등재

        광양항 물류산업 인프라 우선순위 분석

        윤동하(Dong-Ha Yun),최용석(Yong-Seok Choi) 한국항해항만학회 2012 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.36 No.1

        광양항은 항만 활성화와 물동량 증가를 위하여 2004년부터 항만물류산업 인프라 관련 사업을 실시하고 있다. 이러한 개발 사업계획은 광양항의 개발 축소, 물동량증가 둔화, 터미널 운영사 감소 등으로 인하여 많은 변화에 직면하고 있다. 광양항의 안정적 성장기반 확보와 자립항만의 달성을 위해서는 현 시점에서 인프라에 대한 계획 및 방향에 대한 재검토 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 광양항의 하드웨어적인 인프라보다는 소프트웨어적인 인프라 개선의 대안에 중점을 두었다. 이러한 대안의 우선순위를 분석하기 위하여 연구방법론으로 AHP 기법을 적용하였다. 본 연구에서는 의사결정을 위한 측정요소로 수익성, 용이성, 시급성, 장래성이 선정되었으며, 대안으로는 글로벌 네트워킹 구축, 물류전문인력 양성, 친환경저비용항만 운영, 전문물류기업 육성이 선정되었다. 설문조사는 광양항을 이용하는 해운선사, 항만 운영사, 배후물류기업, 화주의 물류전문가를 대상으로 실시하였다. 분석 결과, 측정 영역의 중요도는 해운선사, 항만운영사, 화주, 배후물류기업 순서로 나타났다. 측정요소는 수익성, 장래성, 시급성, 용이성 순서로 중요도가 분석되었다. 대안의 우선순위는 글로벌네트워킹 구축, 친환 경저비용항만 운영, 전문물류기업 육성, 물류전문인력 양성 순서로 나타났다. Gwangyang port has aimed to establish and expand infrastructure since 2004 as a way of logistics industry development plan for activation of port and increase in traffic. However, it faces many changes due to reduced development of Gwangyang port, slowdown of traffic, and decrease in terminal operators. The need for review of plan and direction regarding infra is on the rise at this point for the purpose of ensuring the stable growth foothold of Gwangyang port and attaining independence of Port. This report focuses on the software infrastructure improvement alternative rather than hardware infrastructure. To analyze the priority of this alternative, AHP technique was applied as a research methodology. In this study, as a measure for decision-making, profitability, ease, urgency, and prospects have been selected, and alternatively, buildup of global networking, training of logistics professionals, operation of environment-friendly & low cost port, and development of specialized logistics companies have been selected. Survey has been conducted toward shipping companies which use Gwangyang port, port operators, hinterland logistics companies and consignor’ logistics professionals. As a result of survey, the priorities of measuring range were shipping companies, port operators, consignor, and hinterland logistics companies. Meanwhile, the priorities of measuring elements were profitability, prospects, urgency and then ease. The priorities of alternatives were found to be a buildup of global networking, operation of environment-friendly & low cost port, development of specialized logistics companies and training of logistics professionals.

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