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      • 고흥지역 이순신 관련 유적 검토와 ‘1관 4포길’ 구상

        노기욱(Roh Gi Uook) 순천향대학교 이순신연구소 2015 이순신연구논총 Vol.- No.24

        고흥은 조선시대 남해안 중심부에 자리한 해안방어의 전략 요충지였다. 이순신은 고흥에서 6차례 걸쳐 군사 활동을 전개하였다. 이런 연유로 고흥에는 이순신의 ‘1관 4포길’이 있다. 1차 활동은 1580년 7월, 36세에 발포진 수군만호로 부임하였다. 1582년 1월까지 18개월 간 근무하였다. 이때 이순신은 무기를 점검하고 병영 지도를 그리며 군사 활동을 전개하였다. 이순신이 처음으로 근무한 발포는 조선시대 5호 거북선을 보유한 곳이다. 이 길이 이순신 ‘부임길’이다. 2차 활동은 1592년 2월 19일부터 26일까지 8일간 고흥의 1관 4포를 점검하였다. 전라좌수사 이순신은 여도진(여호리), 흥양읍(고흥읍), 본현전선소(발포리), 녹도진(도양읍), 사도(금사리)의 무기와 대포, 병선, 성곽을 점검하였다. 이 길이 이순신 ‘군정길’이다. 3차 활동은 1596년 윤달 8월 18일부터 8월 20일까지 3일간이다. 유둔원(유둔리), 탄포원(교리), 양강역(남양면), 남양산성(남양면), 복제원(과역리), 흥양관아(고흥읍), 향소청(고흥읍), 도양둔전(관리), 녹도(도양읍) 9개 지역을 군사기지를 점검하고 백사정(보성군 명교)으로 갔다. 이 길이 이순신 ‘민정길’이다. 4차 활동은 1598년 7월 19일 절이도[거금도] 바다에서 중국 수군과 연합작전을 전개하였다. 이 연합작전을 절이도 해전이라고 한다. 이 해전에서 이순신과 중국수군은 연합군을 결성하여 전투력을 과시하였고, 고흥 해상 지역을 점령하였다. 이 길이 이순신 절이도 ‘승전길’이다. 5차 활동은 1598년 9월 15일부터 9월 19일까지 4일간 나로도에 머문 것이다. 나로도(진기 마을)에 머물면서 전진 기지를 확보하였다. 이 길이 이순신 ‘진지길’이다. 6차 활동은 1598년 10월 12일부터 11월 9일까지 28일간 고흥지역에서 머물렀다. 고흥지역 나로도(진기, 축정 마을)에서 중국 진린과 연합작전을 전개하여 순천 왜교성 전투에 나섰다. 이 길이 이순신 ‘병참길’이다. 고흥에는 임진왜란 동안 이순신이 다녔던 ‘고흥 이순신길’ 유적지가 남아 있다. 그리고 이순신이 고흥 해상에서 승리한 절이도 해전 전적지가 남아 있다. In the age of Joseon Dynasty, Gogeung was a strategic region for coastal defense in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. In this place, Yi deployed six times military activities. For this reason, there are Yi’s the route of ‘Ilgwan Sapo’. In primary activity, Yi was appointed to the ‘BalpoJean’ as the naval commander in the July 1580, 36years. In this place, Yi worked until January 1582, for 18 months. At this time, Yi Sun-sin was checking weapons, drawing the map and deploying military activities. In this Place, Yi worked at the first time, the five Turtle Ships was deployed in the age of Joseon Dynasty. This route is Yi Sun-sin’s ‘Buimgil’ In the second activity, he checked 7 military bases in Goheung for 8 days, from February 19 to February 26, 1592. He checked weapons, artillery, warships, and castles in YeodoJean, Heungyang, Heungyang naval shipyards, NokdoJean, Seongdu, Sayang, SadoJean of. This is the route Yi Sun-sin’s ‘Gunjeong road’. The third activity was going 3days from 18 to 20 intercalation August 1596. He checked nine regional military camps Yudunwon, Tanpowon, Yanggangyeok, Nanyangsanseong, Bokjewon, Heungyang, Hyangsocheong, Doyang dunjeon, Rockdo and went to the Backsajeong area. This is the route Yi Sun-sin’s ‘Minjeong road’. The fouth activity is combined operations with Chainese Navy, the Admiral was Jinlin, in Goheung Jeolyido offshore July 19, 1598. This combined operations is called ‘Jeolyido battle’. In battle of Jeolyido, Songyoujong, who is the Yi’s military officer, arrested 6 warships and killed 69 enemy soldiers. In the battle of Jeolyido offshore, Chinese navy covered the Yi. Yi Sun-sin entered the Japanese army camp sank down 50 Japanese military ships. In Jeolyido, Yi Sun-sin and Chinese naval coalition displayed forceful fighting power. And they occupied Goheung maritime area. This is the route Yi Sun-sin’s Jeolyido ‘Victory Road.’ From 15 to 19 September, 1598 for 4days, they stayed in Goheung area at 5th activity. Stayed at Narodo, they retained advanced bases. This route is the Yi Sun-sin Fortress built road. In 6th activity, he stayed in Goheung area for 28days(from 12 October, 1598 to 9 November, 1598). In Narodo and Chukjeong he attacked Suncheon Japanese Fortress with Jinlin. This route is Yi Sun-sin’s ‘Byeongchamgil’. In Goheung area, there are ‘Yi Sun-sin’s routes’ and Jeolyido Battelfield. This routes are displaying on military achievements for Yi in the southern sea.

      • KCI등재

        일본에 있어서 신라 요괴 진린 전승

        노성환 단국대학교 일본연구소 2021 일본학연구 Vol.62 No.-

        일본에서 전해지는 신라의 요괴 진린 전승과 제의를 종합적으로 검토한 결과를 간략히 소개하면 다음과 같다. 첫째는 그것은 下關, 牛窓, 久留米, 石見 등지에 집중적으로 분포되어있으며, 그 명칭도 塵輪, 塵輪鬼, 桜桃沈輪, 神輪, 塵輪魔王 등으로 표기되어 있다. 그 외모적 특징은 적색 피부에 8개의 머리가 달린 오니 모습이었다. 그리고 우시마도에서는 진린의 혼백이 우시오니가 되었다는 전승이 덧붙여지기도 했다. 둘째는 진린의 원형은 13세기경 팔번우동훈에 있었고, 우시오니는 14세기경의 팔번대보살어연기에서 시작하여 17세기 때 하야시 라잔의 재해석을 통해 수용된 결과이었다. 셋째는 진린은 신공의 신라정벌의 당위성에 인해 태어난 요괴이며, 또 그것을 퇴치하는 주역이 모두 하치만신이었다. 그리고 그 역할을 하치만신이 맡았던 것은 그 신이 일본을 지키는 국방의 신이기 때문이었다. 넷째는 진린의 국적이 신라(삼한), 고려, 몽고가 중첩되는 것에서 볼 수 있듯이 그의 전승의 이면에는 일본군의 백촌강 전투에 대한 패배, 그리고 몽고와의 전쟁에서 겪은 좌절감이 짙게 깔려 있었다. 그러한 상황에서 태어난 진린 전승은 일본인들이 가지는 한반도와 몽고에 대한 끊임없는 두려움과 적대감이 낳은 새로운 신화적 산물이었다. “Palban U Mong-hun” from Japan is a myth combining “Jinlin Myth” and “Samhan Political Punishment Theory.” In the 13th century, in order to ensure the legitimacy of the “Shingong’s Theory of the Political Punishment of Silla,” the Japanese religious priests noted the story of the monster truth that was handed down in Shimonoseki, Ushima Island, Kurume and Iwami. Jinlin is a monster of Oni with red skin and eight heads. The story of Jinlin is described as a monster from the Korean Peninsula attacking Japan across the sea. The threat of truth is believed to have originated from the threat posed by Japan on the Korean Peninsula. Since ancient times, Japan has been afraid of Silla, Goryeo and Mongolia crossing the sea to conquer Japan. This fear is embodied in Jinlin story. The study examines how <the story of Empress Jingu> and <Jinlin myth>, which represent Japan’s fears, combined.

      • KCI등재후보

        16~17세기 古今島 인근 海路와 水軍鎭의 설치

        김경옥 국립목포대학교 도서문화연구원 2009 島嶼文化 Vol.0 No.33

        This is a case study to investigate dispatch of the naval force, establishment of sugunjins(水軍鎭), island interrelation between sea routes and sugunjins in the southwest islands region in 16th and 17th century. Existing studies on sugunjins have included its establishment, its enlargement, changes of its function, its subsidiary facilities, the structure of its finances and so on, but have not paid attention to its location relatively. Where were sugunjins located? It was the 31th year of Sunjo(宣祖) when Gokeumdo(古今島) began to be considered as a army post. In other words, it is originated from stationing the allied forces at Duckdongli(德洞里), Gokeumdo by Lee, Sunsin(李舜臣) from Chosun(朝鮮) and Jinlin(陳璘) from Ming(明). At that time, Lee, Sunsin was full of praise for the geographical position of Gokeumdo by saying ‘the key point able to control right and left sea of Honam(湖南)’. It is in the early 17th century when sugunjins were established in Gokeumdo. At that time, governmental officials was investigating discussion about establishment of sugunjins to construct the defence system of islands region in the southwest sea. As s result of it, they knew the importance of the defence system there, and had an opinion that one or two sugunjins, first, should be tried to operate and then their number should be expended in stead of experiencing trial and error by establishing several sugunjins at a time. The required conditions paid attention as the center of sugunjins in the southwest sea in the 17th century have been found in its location and sea routes. In other words, the location of Gokeumdo has being piled up one on another by islands, large and small, and had way point that the distribution of Galipojin(加里浦鎭) at Wando(莞島), Whenyungpojin(會寧浦鎭) at Jangheung(長興), Madojin(馬島鎭) at Gangjin(康津), and so on enabled to get in touch instantly with Jeollagamyoung(全羅監營), Byungyoung(兵營), Usuyuong(右水營), Jwasuyuong(左水營), Hanyang(漢陽), Youngnam(嶺南), and so on. In other words, the construction network that connected right and left between Gokeumdojin(古今島鎭) and upper governmental offices was its sea routes. On the ground of that, it is understood that the allied forces of Chosun-Ming(朝明) was stationed in Gokeumdo and all sugunjinbos(水軍鎭堡) around the south west sea including Gokeumdojin were located in the sides of the sea routes in the 17th century.

      • KCI등재

        中国风电发展现状及在生态旅游业中的发展潜力 - 以吉林省地区为例 -

        曹光兰,朴东范,金辉,朱卫红 관광경영학회 2013 관광경영연구 Vol.54 No.-

        With the development of our economy, energy and environmental issues have become major international issues of common concern. Developing new energy and renewable energy is an important measure to ensure national energy security and achieve sustainable development.As tourism industry has been booming the impact of energy consumption and envrionmental destructon have become prominently, so to achieve the sustainable development of tourism has become a problem that can not be ignored. Wind energy, as a non-polluting,no-emission, renewable and clean energy resource,not only does not consume fossil fuels and produce carbon emissions in the power production process,but also can make sustainable use of the massive amount of natural wind energy resource.Under the background of low-carbon economy and low-carbon concept, this paper reviews the research progress in the development of wind energy resources and wind power industry at home and abroad.. And analyzing the development of the Jinlin province’s wind energy industry and the potention, to promote renewable energy technologies in Baicheng(白城)eco-tourism economy Tourism circle part of the application of measures. This paper was aimed at achieveing cleaner production and eco-consumption in production and consumption of tourism industry, as well as it aimed at coordingating the environmental carrying capacity and economic development.

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