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        한방산업 활성화 방안에 대한 연구 -제천시 사례를 중심으로-

        나형종 ( Hyung Jong Na ),신용국 ( Yong Gook Shin ),권기혁 ( Ki Hyuk Kwon ),이민수 ( Min Soo Lee ),이두나 ( Doo Na Lee ),신준환 ( Jun Hwan Shin ) 한국유통물류정책학회 2021 유통물류연구 Vol.8 No.4

        본 논문은 실증분석을 통해 제천시 한방산업 지원의 실효성을 검증하고 표적집단면접(focus group interview, FGI)에 의해 한방산업의 문제점들 파악한 후 이에 대한 개선방안을 제시한다. 실효성 검증결과, 제천시 한방기업 지원정책은 매출액과 수출액을 향상시키는 데 효과성이 높은 것으로 타나났다. 그러나 제천시 한방기업 지원정책은 종업원 수 증가에는 효과성이 있었지만 높은 것으로 나타나지는 않았다. 한편, 본 연구에서 표적집단면접을 통해 파악한 제천 한방산업의 문제점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 제천시에서 한방산업을 영위하는 기업들의 재무적 영세성과 경영자의 역량부족으로 인해 한방산업 기업들은 대부분 중소기업이나 개인사업자 수준에서 정체되어 있었다. 둘째, 온라인 판매에 관한 마케팅 활동과 온라인 유통 시스템 구축에 대한 활동이 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 제천시의 한방기업들은 한방산업을 근본적으로 발전시킬 수 있는 연구개발 역량이 부족한 것으로 파악되었다. 넷째, 제천시의 한방기업 경영자들이 원하는 지원정책과 한방기업을 지원하는 기관의 담당자들이 생각하는 지원정책 간에 괴리가 있었다. 본 연구에서 제천시 한방산업의 문제점들을 해결하기 위해 제시한 개선방안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 제천시에서 한방산업을 영위하는 기업들의 성장 가능성을 높이기 위해서는 한방기업 경영자들에 대한 역량강화 교육이 필요하고, 동시에 한방기업 지원 기관 담당자들에 대해서도 인식개선을 위한 교육이 필요하다고 판단된다. 둘째, 한방산업 발전을 위한 온라인 마케팅 활동과 온라인 유통망 확대를 위한 지원을 강화해야 한다. 셋째, 제천시의 한방기업들이 장기적으로 성장하고 세계로 뻗어나갈 수 있도록 한방산업에 대한 연구개발 부분에 지속적인 투자가 필요하다. 넷째, 한방산업을 활성화하기 위한 정책들을 결정할 때 실효성을 높이기 위해서 정책지원을 받는 자의니즈(needs)를 수용하여 한방기업 운영에 실질적인 도움이 될 수 있도록 경영자들의 의견을 수렴하여 조정할 필요가 있다. 즉, 제천시의 한방기업 경영자들과 한방기업을 지원하는 기관의 담당자들 간의 커뮤니케이션을 원활하게 해 줄 수 있는 커뮤니티를 활성화해야 한다. This study examines the effectiveness of supporting the oriental medicine industry in Jecheon through empirical analysis, investigates the problems of the oriental medicine industry by the focus group interview(FGI), and presents improvement measures for this. As a result of the effectiveness verification, it was found that Jecheon’s oriental medicine company support policy was highly effective in improving sales and exports. However, Jecheon’s oriental medicine company support policy was effective in increasing the number of employees, but it was not found to be high. On the other hand, the problems of the Jecheon oriental medicine industry identified through the target group interview in this study are as follows. First, most of the oriental medicine industry companies were stagnant at the level of small and medium-sized enterprises or private businesses due to the financial smallness of companies operating the oriental medicine industry in Jecheon and the lack of management capabilities. Second, it was found that there was a lack of marketing activities related to online sales and activities for establishing an online distribution system. Third, it was found that oriental medicine companies in Jecheon lacked R&D capabilities to fundamentally develop the oriental medicine industry. Fourth, there was a gap between the support policies desired by oriental medicine company managers in Jecheon and the support policies thought by those in charge of the institution supporting the oriental medicine company. The improvement measures proposed in this study to solve the problems of the oriental medicine industry in Jecheon are as follows. First, in order to increase the growth potential of companies operating the oriental medicine industry in Jecheon, it is necessary to strengthen the capacity of oriental medicine company managers, and at the same time, education to improve awareness of those in charge of oriental medicine support organizations is also necessary. Second, it is necessary to strengthen online marketing activities for the development of the oriental medicine industry and support for expanding the online distribution network. Third, continuous investment is needed in the R&D sector of the oriental medicine industry so that oriental medicine companies in Jecheon can grow in the long term and expand to the world. Fourth, in order to increase the effectiveness of policies to revitalize the oriental medicine industry, it is necessary to collect and adjust the opinions of managers to accept the needs of those who receive policy support and to be of practical help in the operation of oriental medicine companies. In other words, it is necessary to revitalize a community that can facilitate communication between managers of oriental medicine companies in Jecheon and those in charge of institutions supporting oriental medicine companies.

      • 약초·한방 관련 문화유산의 가치창조와 제천학

        이창식 ( Lee Chang-sik ) 세명대학교 지역문화연구소 2009 지역문화연구 Vol.8 No.-

        Value creation of medical plant·koreans medicine(한방, 韓方) relation cultural heritage is 21st century subjects of Jecheon-city. Value creation of Medical plant·koreans medicine relation cultural heritage will become the character of culture, cultural resources, area cultural contents, cultural view, cultural mode of life and renovation growth power etc. So identity of value creation of Medical plant·koreans medicine relation cultural heritage are important. And Jecheon-study(堤川學) reading of value creation of Medical plant·koreans medicine relation cultural heritage are necessary. Medical city(藥令市) was established at Korea Hyojong-king 9(1658)year. Hyojong-king established an medical city(藥令市) in Daegu, Jeonju and Wonju. To after that medical city distributions was expanded. Specially medical city was magnified in the 19th century entire country. In that time medical city of Jecheon the central part inland among the mountains area producing district formed a medicine stuffs market in the center. And medical city of Jecheon were essential etc. of traffic many strong point. To Jecheon-city the resources for value creation of medical plant·koreans medicine relation cultural heritage is various. The medicine person of Jecheon-city is I Gong-gi, I Yeong-nam etc. Also to Jecheon-city there is a medical treatment ethnic custom and a narrative which are various. Jecheon-city is equipping the image of the healthy culture city mode of life. Value creation of medical plant·koreans medicine relation cultural heritage of Jecheon-city must harmonize the image and imaginative power with traditional characteristic at prerequisite. And keeps the possibility which is infinite killer-contents the development and construction of the contents will be able to apply from the image and off-line of the koreans medicine historical cultural resources must be prepared. This and simultaneously value creation of medical plant·koreans medicine relation cultural heritage must develop the contents will be able to apply continuously. Referred a Value creation of medical plant·koreans medicine relation cultural heritage concretely from this dissertation.

      • 문화콘텐츠로서의 제천의병 스토리 대중화 전략

        김기태 ( Kim Ki-tae ) 세명대학교 지역문화연구소 2014 지역문화연구 Vol.13 No.-

        1895년 10월 명성황후가 일제에 의해 무참히 시해당한 을미사변을 계기로, 의암 류인석 등의 영도 아래 발흥한 제천의병은 일제 침략군에 항거하는 의병항쟁이 전국으로 확산되는 계기를 만들었다. 나아가 충청지역은 물론 경기도, 강원도, 경상도 등 중부지역 전체 의병을 연합하는 중심역할을 수행하였다. 비록 진압에 나선 일본군과 관군에 쫓겨 부득이 망명하게 되지만, 제천의병을 이끈 지도자들은 중국 동북부와 러시아의 연해주에 해외 독립전쟁 기지를 구축하는 일에 앞장섰다. 이러한 제천의병의 투혼은 광복단(1913), 의열단(1919), 독립군(1920), 조선의용대(1938), 광복군(1940) 등의 무장투쟁으로 이어졌고, 광복 후에는 대한민국 국군 창설로 이어짐으로써 제천의병의 숭고한 정신은 면면히 계승되어 왔다. 그럼에도 제천의병에 관한 연구는 그것의 역사적 의미와 정신사적 가치를 재조명하거나 특정인물 연구에 치우쳤을 뿐, 일반국민들에게는 그다지 특별한 감흥을 불러일으키지 못하고 있다. 따라서 특정사실이 드라마나 영화, 애니메이션, 베스트셀러 도서, 광고, 대중가요 등 각종 문화콘텐츠와 어울려 대중들과 호흡하는 가운데 인지도가 상승하고, 관련명소를 찾고 싶은 욕구를 불러일으키는 등 다양한 시너지 효과가 생겨난다는 점에 착안하여 지방자치단체에서도 지역이 보유하고 있는 문화콘텐츠를 적극 발굴하고 대중화하려는 노력에 앞장서야 한다. 이 논문에서는 이 같은 문제의식을 바탕으로 어떻게 하면 제천의병에 관한 다양한 연구성과를 문화산업의 핵심개념인 ‘문화콘텐츠’로 정립하여 대중들로 하여금 친근하게 느끼고 활용하는 가운데 제천의병의 참된 의미를 깨달을 수 있도록 할 것인지 살펴보았다. 그 결과로써 ‘제천의병’을 원형으로 하는 스토리텔링과 더불어 문화콘텐츠화(문학, 영화, 드라마, 뮤지컬 등 장르 불문)하려는 노력이 지방자치단체를 구심점으로 하여 전 시민의 성원 속에 전개되어야 마땅하다는 점을 강조하였다. The Eulmi Incident (Oct. 1895), a historical incident where Empress Myeongseong was miserably assassinated by imperial Japanese killers, contributed to sudden rise of the Faithful Army (Euibyeong) of Jecheon under the leadership of Euiam Ryu In-seok and other comrades, which became a turning point of Korean faithful volunteer army's resistance to propagate around the country against imperial Japanese invaders. Furthermore, the Faithful Army of Jecheon played a pivotal role in forming a nationwide union of volunteer army forces spanning central region of Korean peninsula (including Chungcheong, Gyeonggi, Gangwon and Gyeongsang province). Unfortunately, they could not help but go into exile to avoid tenacious pursue by imperial Japanese army and Joseon's governmental army to suppress such a nationwide resistance, but military leaders of the Faithful Army of Jecheon took the leading initiative in establishing overseas bases for independence war across northeast China (Manchuria) and the Maritime Territory of Russia. Such a fighting spirit exerted by the Faithful Army of Jecheon was handed down to anti-Japanese armed struggles led by Gwangbokdan (Korea Liberation Corps, 1913), Euiyeoldan (Korean Patriotic Corps, 1919), Dongnipgun (Korean National Army Liaison Unit, 1920), Joseon Euiyongdae (Korean Volunteer Corps, 1938) and Gwangbokgun (Korean Independence Army, 1940). After the independence of Korea from imperial Japan (1945), the volunteer army forces of Korea contributed to foundation of the Republic of Korea (ROK) Armed Forces. This way, the noble spirit of the Faithful Army of Jecheon has been ceaselessly handed down to our contemporary Korean army forces. Nevertheless, conventional studies on the Faithful Army of Jecheon have been unfortunately limited to re-highlighting its historical implications and spiritual values or researching certain historic figures, but fail to create any special inspiration to our contemporary people. By the way, it is interesting that a certain historical fact may get along with various cultural contents (like TV drama, movie, animation, bestseller, commercial (ad) and popular song) and may live with our popular life, so that it may contribute to creating synergic effects (e.g. creating brand awareness and motivating people to visit relevant historic sites). Based on such a synergy, it is important that our local governments make positive efforts to excavate and popularize local cultural contents. Starting from these points of critical mind, this study sought to examine how we could establish a ‘cultural content’ (as a key concept of cultural industry) from the foundation of various research achievements regarding the Faithful Army of Jecheon, so people could get familiar with and use such a content, and could realize the true implications of the Faithful Army of Jecheon. As a result, this study came to a conclusion to emphasize that local governments should take the initiative in efforts to develop a storytelling based on ‘the Faithful Army of Jecheon’ and convert it into cultural content (literature, movie, TV drama, music or any other genres), so that the movements could be developed in civic support.

      • KCI등재

        제천지역 문인 이상필(李相弼)의 삶과 시세계

        최도식 한국문학이론과비평학회 2012 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.57 No.-

        This research studied Lee Sang-Pil’s life and literature in Jecheon local literature. The purpose of this study is to clarify Lee Sang-Pil’s life and poetry. Lee Sang-Pil was aspiring novelist and poet. He was active in the center literary circle of Seoul. Korea since the war, Lee Sang-Pil was forgotten from Korea Literature history. Lee Sang-Pil had been abducted to North Korea in World Literary Dictionary of Mun Seok Su. However in contrast, Lee Sang-Pil lived in the hometown Jecheon City. Still, he was a poet, and educator and historian. He died in 1975 in Jecheon City. Lee Sang-Pil born in 1917. In 1937 he published first poetry remaining dream . And remaining dream mean the lead of Contemporary literature form Chungbuk and Jecheon. Also, this cultivated a large number of modern literature from Jecheon local. In 1955 he published second poetry nostalgia-elegy. There are a lot of his poetry that Publication does not. Lee Sang-Pil’s poems is an object of loss. He has lost a mother, sister,lover and hometown, pastoral of space in poems. The mother, sister, lover is a motherland and ethnic. His poem sublimate to poem of lamentation. Hometown signified a deficient space in the life of the current, signified the lost paradise. Pastoral of space make a recovery and regain the lost paradise. The image of hometown in poem is a Utopia image from recuperate the lost homeland. Later Poems is to change perceptions. “Live the way of life” will entrust the laws of nature and a sense. And they will live with the belief that what is right. And this is outgoing to wisdom. Deliverance of one’s soul as knowing is delivered from worldly existence. This study means that Jecheon local literature introduction in academia. It informs with the existence of Jecheon local literature as Lee Sang-Pil’s life and literary world lighting. Since “The Jecheon Literary Association” was formed, until now it is the basis of preparation for research into Jecheon local literary activity. And this study is the foundation that Jecheon local literary can be attached to Korea literature history. 제천에서 태어나 제천에서 살다가 제천에 묻힌(生於堤, 長於堤, 死於堤) 이상필은 1937년 제1시집 『잔몽』을 출간한다. 그리고 1949년에서 1950년 초반 『문예』에 소설이 추천된다. 그는 당시 중앙문단에서 촉망 받던 소설가이며 시인이었다. 하지만 6·25동란 이후 제천으로 내려와 후학을 양성하며, 1955년에는 제2시집 『향수애가』를 제천에서 출간한다. 문덕수는 『세계문예대사전』에서 이상필이 “납북, 행방불명”된 것으로 기술하고있다. 그러나 그는 1975년 작고할 때까지 제천에서 거주한다. 그는 고향인 제천에 자리 잡고 문학인으로서, 교육가로서, 향토사가로서의 삶을 산다. 이상필의 시는 대상 상실의 시이다. 그의 대상 상실은 결핍, 부재로 인해 끊임없이 욕망을 환기시킨다. 그가 잃어버리고 상실한 대상은 어머니, 누이, 임만이 아니었다. 그에게 어머니, 누이, 임은 원초적 어머니로 표상되는 조국이며 식민지인으로 살아가는 우리 민족이었다. 그렇기에 대상 상실로부터 그가 욕망하는 것은 구원의 여인이며 온전한 조국이었다. 채워질 수 없는 대상에 대한 욕망이 환기하는 상실감에서 그의 시는 애도로 승화된다. 그의 시에서 끊임없이 등장하는 고향의 이미지는 고향 상실로부터 고향을 회복하고자 하는 유토피아적 이상으로 그려진다. 고향은 자연과 어우러진 건강한 노동의 공간이며 생명의 온전한 안식처로서의 의미를 갖는다. 그런데 6·25동란 이후고향은 폐허가 된다. 그런 고향은 현재의 삶 속에서 결핍된 공간이며, 상실된 낙원으로 의미화 된다. 하지만 그는 풀피리의 세계, 곧 초금의 세계로 회귀하여 ‘전원’의공간을 회복하고 상실된 낙원을 회복하고자 한다. 이상필이 초·중기 시에서 ‘인식’으로서의 앎을 추구했다면 후기 시에서는 ‘해탈’로서의 앎이 그려진다. 그에게 “인생의 산다는 방식”은 자연의 순리와 이치에 세계를 맡기는 것이며, 옮음에 대한 신념으로 살아가는 것, 대원(大圓)의 세계로 나아가는 것이었다. 그리고 그는 마음으로부터 얻어지는 앎, 해탈로서의 앎을 덧없는무상(無常)이자 ‘꿈’으로 인식했다. 이상필의 시는 제천의 지역성을 담고 있다. 전원 공간을 배경으로 한 시들을비롯해 「의림지 호반에서」, 「초가를 보면서」, 「제천팔경풍물시」등에서도 제천의 지역성이 담긴다. 이것은 이상필의 문학이 갖는 제천지역문학으로서의 특수성이다. 따라서 이상필의 시세계에 대한 조명은 격동기 우리문학의 보편성과 제천 지역문학의 특수성을 찾는 것이자 잊어지고 잃어버린 문학사에 대한 봉합에 의미를 갖는다.

      • KCI등재

        삼한의 ‘祭天’과 동예 舞天의 포용성

        채미하 공주대학교 백제문화연구소 2020 백제문화 Vol.0 No.62

        This thesis compared Jecheon and Moocheon with Korea ancient Jecheon and studied embracing aspect of Jecheon in Samhan and Dongye. First of all, Jecheon and Moocheon were not national big festivals, however their societies were got united by Jecheon. This Jecheon held on October in Samhan and Tongye were not only thanksgiving event but also New year ceremony and had similar feature with Nabje in China. And one of the ritual ceremonies of Jecheon, ‘singing, dancing and drinking day and night’ was for consolidating the societes as well as descarding past things. Referring from this, it was assumed the people in community settled the past conflicts throught ‘singing, dancing and drinkg day and night’. Though they served spirits at Byeolup besides Jecheon at Gukup in Samhan and the rite for tigers were held in each Upraks in Tongye, it was probable that those rites for spirits and tigers were also made altogether during Jecheon. 본 글은 삼한의 ‘祭天’과 동예의 舞天을 한국 고대 ‘제천’과 비교 검토하면서 삼한과 동예의 ‘제천’이 지니고 있는 포용적 측면을 살펴본 것이다. 우선 삼한의 ‘제천’과 동예의 무천은 ‘國中大會’는 아니지만, ‘제천’을 통해 사회를 통합해 나갔다고 보았다. 이와 같은 삼한과 동예의 10월 ‘제천’은 추수감사제적 성격만 있는 것이 아니라 신년의례이며, 중국 臘祭의 성격도 있다고 하였다. 그리고 ‘제천’의 제의 과정의 하나인 ‘晝夜飮酒歌舞’는 공동체의 결속을 다지는 행위이기도 하지만, 지난 것에 대한 폐기를 의미하기도 한다고 하였다. 이 점을 염두에 둘 때 공동체 구성원은 ‘주야음주가무’를 통해 과거의 갈등을 해소하기도 하였다고 보았다. 한편 삼한은 國邑의 ‘제천’ 외에 別邑에서는 ‘事鬼神’하였고 동예는 읍락단위로 ‘祭虎’하였지만, ‘제천’ 때 별읍의 귀신과 읍락의 호신에 대한 제사도 함께 이루어졌을 것이라고 하였다.

      • A Study on Local Characteristics of Jecheon-si and CRIME Prevention Countermeasures

        Oh Sei youen J-INSTITUTE 2018 Public Value Vol.3 No.2

        The research analyzes relevant risk factors to crime prevention among safety elements, reducing life quality index of Jecheon-si citizens, and direct causal factors in cause-and-effect relationship, hence accordingly suggests a safe-city construction plan via joint citizen, the government and the academia network cooperation. To achieve such an objective, correlations between crime types and rates in Jecheon, in Chungcheongbuk-do province and in all cities are comparatively analyzed. Proposing effective safety measures against crimes based on the research results of Jecheon, characteristic analysis of crime occurrences in Jecheon and its tailored anti-crime safety mod-ule system should be established, through practices by joint cooperation among citizen, the government and the academia network. Then, according to regional crime types in Jecheon, various crime prevention programs will actively need to be developed and operated.

      • 근대제천역사인물과 지역문화

        김호일 ( Kim Ho-iil ) 세명대학교 지역문화연구소 2012 지역문화연구 Vol.11 No.-

        Jecheon the troops since the uprising Topknot Cutting Edict of loyalty from shipbuilding lasted until after the fall of the homeland that are familiar to everyone. Jecheon the county has produced a variety of Lee dohchul’s Chunsaengmun Incident, Woo Duk-Soon's Patriotic Deed in Harbin, first theologian Choi Byeongheon, writers Lee Sang-Pil, little giant Lee Gu-Young in the modern history of Korea. Regular Conference held and achievements of systematic Jecheon-si live in the publishing business, such as the elderly, the testimony to the meaning of this great honor, proud in Jecheon City MS; (tentatively) established, in the spirit of Jecheon Containing Most times worthy plays concert . photographic exhibitions, and other cultural events held regularly Jecheon and local anti-Japanese movement, national movement, documentary or drama productions of effort is needed.

      • KCI등재

        COVID-19 팬데믹 상황에서 제천시 로컬푸드에 대한 지역사회 소비자 인식과 이용 현황: 기술 연구

        신혜령,박수진 대한지역사회영양학회 2023 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        Objectives: This study aims to explore consumer awareness and usage patterns of local food in Jecheon city during the COVID-19 pandemic, contributing to the establishment of the Jecheon City Food Plan. Methods: Surveys were conducted from July 24 to August 24, 2021, using a combination of web-link and self-administered methods for adults living in Jecheon city (n = 250). Descriptive analysis, t-test, importance and satisfaction analysis (ISA) of local food choice attributes were performed using SPSS Statistics. Results: Participants prioritized freshness when purchasing agricultural products. The freshness of Jecheon local food was the selection attribute with the highest consumer satisfaction and could provide purchase motivation. Approximately 73.6% of respondents understood the concept of local food, and 70% were familiar with Jecheon's local food. Notably, 94.8% expressed an intention to purchase but held negative views on selling local food in other areas. The need to increase the supply of local food to vulnerable populations and public school catering was highly recognized. The ISA identified ‘affordable price’, ‘delivery service’, and ‘product information’ as areas requiring improvement. On the other hand, ‘freshness of products’, ‘quality for the price’, and ‘support for local farmers and economy’ were identified as attributes to be maintained and strengthened. Conclusions: Consumers in Jecheon city recognized local foods as more than just 'consumer goods’. Our findings suggest the need for further research on local food revitalization and more comprehensive local food planning to enhance consumer satisfaction.

      • 제천 지역사와 의병 연구의 현황과 과제

        김의환 ( Kim Eui-hwan ) 세명대학교 지역문화연구소 2013 지역문화연구 Vol.12 No.-

        현재 제천 지역사는 많은 부분에서 연구가 진행되었고, 제천시는 이를 토대로 ‘의병의 고장’이라는 슬로건 아래 지역 축제를 개최하는 등 문화와 산업의 브랜드화에 활용하고 있다. 일찍부터 제천에는 사람이 살면서 우리나라 최초로 발견된 동굴유적인 점말 용굴을 비롯하여 창내 유적과 황석리 및 양평리 유적 등 다양한 유적이 있어, 당시의 생활 모습을 이해할 수 있다. 삼국시대 제천의 대표적 유적은 의림지와 성곽 유적이다. 덕주산성 · 망월산성 · 와룡산성 · 황석리산성 · 제비랑산성 등의 발굴 보고서가 있고, 1990년대 이후 의림지와 관련한 자료의 조사와 함께 다양한 분야에서 연구가 진행되었다. 제천에는 불교문화 유적이 많다. 덕주사지 · 월광사지 · 장락리사지 · 사자빈신사지 · 신륵사지 등이 있으며, 신륵사는 아도화상이 창건하고 원효대사 · 무학대사 · 사명대사가 중창한 사찰이고, 월광사는 원랑선사와 관련된 선종계통이다. 이곳에는 많은 불교 유물이 있으나 구체적인 연구가 이루어지지 않았다. 조선시대 제천에는 제천향교와 청풍향교를 비롯하여 남당서원과 봉강서원 및 황강서원 등 여러 서원이 건립되어 사족들의 향촌활동 공간이 되었는데, 앞으로 사족 지배체제의 실상을 이해할 수 있는 본격적인 연구가 필요하다. 제천을 대표하는 인물의 하나는 권상하이다. 그는 ‘강문팔학사’를 비롯한 황강학파를 배출하여 그의 사상과 활동 및 인물성동이론에 대한 연구가 이루어졌고, 최근에는 이 가문의 재지사족으로서 활동과 위상을 검토한 길이 있다. 강정일당은 문집을 남긴 여성 성리학자로 주목된다. 근대 분야에서 가장 많은 연구가 진행된 것은 의병이다. 많은 연구자들이 호좌의진의 조직과 참가계층, 의병장의 생애와 활동상은 물론 의진의 연합과 갈등, 의병에서 고종의 역할 등 많은 부분을 밝혀 지역사 연구의 모범 사례라고 하겠다. 일제 시기 제천 연구는 구체적인 분석 없이 개괄적으로 언급하는 수준에 머물고 있으며, 동명국민학교의 동맹휴학 등 교육사 분야의 연구가 진행된 정도이다. 특히 격변기였던 현대 제천의 사회상 역시 앞으로 연구가 가장 시급한 분야이다. A regional history of Jecheon(堤川) was carried out recently in many field. Jecheon city presented a slogan such as area of justice army, and held a local carnival. It contributed to brand of culture and industry in many local field. Many people have lived in Jecheon since time out of mind. They bequeathed there footprints on the sands of time such as Jeommal cave, Changnae site, Hwangseokni site and Yangpyeongni ruin. We can understand what life was like for the people through these historic sites. Uirimji(義林池) and castle are representative historic sites in the Samkook period. For example, Deokju castle, Mangwol castle, Waryong castle, Hwangsokni castle and Jebirang castle are famous sites in this region. There are many temple sites in Jecheon. Deokju, Wolgwang, Jangnangni, Sajabinsin and Silleuk temple sites was representative ruins in this region. Jecheon has not only confucian school of Jecheon and Cheongpung but also lecture halls of Namdang, Bonggang and Hwanggang which sajok working as a important persons in Joseon Dynasty. A justice army is most active field in the research of modern history. As a result, we have various catagories of research of productions in a Hojwa justice army field. A contemporary period was a time of political rapid change. So, we have to research pictures of society of Jecheon in contemporary age.

      • 제천의 의학인물과 한의학전통

        안상우(Sang-woo Ahn) 한국의사학회 2009 한국의사학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        Jecheon is a place of Korean Medicine with many historical characters, medical tales and cultures. One of the most renowned characters is Lee Gong Gi(李公沂), a 扈聖功臣 (title given to the 86 people that escorted King Seonjo during the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592) at the level of Huh Jun(許浚) and famous royal physician of Joseon who served King Seonjo and reached the highest position of chief physician. He was recognized for his talent as a royal physician and was conferred with the title of 扈聖功臣 Rank 3 after attending on King Seonjo during the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. Despite the fact that he was a renowned man of medicine, he didn’t get as much attention as 許浚or Yang Ye Soo(楊禮壽) because documents on his work had not been studied. In this study, the author was able to study Lee Gong Gi(李公沂) based on documents such as 『朝鮮王朝實錄(True Record of the Joseon Dynasty)』, 『內醫院先生案(Naeeuiwonseonsengan)』, 『醫科先生案(Euigwaseonsengan)』 and on 『避難行錄(Pinanhengrok)』 by Yakpo Jeongtak (1526~1605) who was a governmental pharmacist at the time of Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. According to 『內醫院先生案』 and 『醫科先生案』, Lee Gong Gi’s son Lee Young Nam followed his father’s footsteps and became the chief royal pharmacist and 崇政大夫(one of the governmental titles of Joseon Dynasty). As for Jecheon’s Korean medical traditions, many forms of medical tales and cultures are preserved such as the tales of Neokgogae, Mountain Ami’s medical water cave, Otmaru and Seonsimgol. These tales are divided into various types of great doctors, medical herbs and devoted sons and have been passed down with the origin of traditional medicine still intact. Moreover, ancient documents and artifacts on Traditional Korean Medicine that reflect the area’s medical culture have been discovered. Not only is Jecheon a place of medical culture but along with Jecheon Drug Market it also carries on the tradition of medical herbs production and possesses the largest new medical herbs market in Korea. In conclusion, Jecheon is a traditional place of Korean Medicine with many medical cultures and characters from a unique history.

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