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        기업 내·외부평판의 격차(GAP)와 ESG 성과의 관계: 내부평판 관리의 중요성

        박재현 한국경영컨설팅학회 2024 경영컨설팅연구 Vol.24 No.2

        Recently, studies in the field of corporate reputation have been conducted on the concept of corporate reputation and various factors. This study explored the definition of corporate reputation, classified it into internal and external reputation, and then conducted a conceptual exploration of the gap (GAP) between the factors. Based on the growing interest in ESG and the growing need for research on non-financial indicators, this study focuses on verifying the relationship between the internal and external reputation gap and ESG performance. Four hypotheses were established to achieve the research objectives of this study, and an empirical analysis using multiple regression models was performed on 774 companies participating in domestic ESG evaluation. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the positive gap between the internal and external reputations of a company had a positive effect on ESG management performance excluding the ESG social field, and in particular, the gap between the internal and external reputations meant that the internal reputations had a higher positive directional gap. Therefore, when the positive level of internal reputations is relatively higher than that of external corporate reputations, the influence on ESG management performance was also positive. The main implications of this study are that the positive difference in the reputation gap is a factor that affects ESG management performance, and that it can suggest the importance of managing internal and external reputations.

      • KCI등재

        조직평판이 구성원의 행태에 미치는 영향에 관한 분석

        노성민(Roh, Sung Min) 서울행정학회 2013 한국사회와 행정연구 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 첫째, 한국의 공공기관에 적합한 조직평판을 다차원적 구성물로 개념화하여 그 차원을 제시하고, 둘째, 이를 측정하기 위한 설문문항을 개발하며, 셋째, 우리나라 공공기관의 평판의 다차원성에 관한 경험적인 증거를 제시하는 것이다. 이를 위해 공공기관의 구성원을 대상으로 실시한 설문조사를 토대로 조직평판을 독립변수로, 조직몰입을 매개변수로 설정하고, 조직평판이 종속변수인 직무만족과 조직시민행동에 미치는 직·간접적인 영향 등에 대한 구조적 관계를 분석하였다. 분석결과, 장기간에 걸친 조직의 과거 행동에 대한 조직평판이 장기적인 관점에서 조직몰입에 영향을 미치게 되고, 조직몰입을 통해 조직의 과거 행동에 대한 조직평판이 장기적인 관점에서 조직몰입에 영향을 미치게 되고, 조직몰입을 통해 조직의 목표와 가치에 대한 믿음과 조직을 위해 일하고 그 조직의 구성원으로 남아 있으려 하는 의지가 강해지는 과정에서 자신의 업무에 대한 만족이 나타나며 직무성과가 향상되는 논리가 증명되었다. This study examines the relationship among organizational reputation, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior in public institutes. Four dimensions of organizational reputation are introduced: performative reputation, moral reputation, procedural reputation, and technical reputation. The results suggest that internal reputation (i.e., public institute members’ perceptions of their organization) does affect behavior and performance. The empirical findings also reveal that internal reputation directly or indirectly affects organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior in public institutes. As such, internal reputation has a substantive and widespread impact on the behavior of public institute members, and apositive internal reputation in an organization is highly associated with job satisfaction and desired organizational citizenship behaviors. More specifically, this study suggests that positive procedural reputation has the strongest direct impact on members’ behavior. High levels of autonomy, consistency, and rationality in procedures increase the likelihood that the public institutes will perform well. Organizational reputation and organizational commitment also have a statistically robust direct impact on organizational performance. Path analysis verifies that the other four reputation variables account for changes in organizational behavior. The results may be used to contribute to the effective management of public institutes, and also to the consolidation and expansion of reputation theory. These findings will help stakeholders including managers, directors, and staffs to better understand the complex and uncertain environment that an organization faces in terms of reputation management.

      • KCI등재

        공공조직 평판과 조직매력성 간 영향관계에 관한 연구: 외부평판과 내부평판의 영향을 중심으로

        이신우,이단비 고려대학교 정부학연구소 2024 정부학연구 Vol.30 No.2

        공공조직에 대한 부정적 인식은 능력 있는 공무원의 진입 혹은 기존의 공무원의 이탈에 부정적 영향을 준다고 할 수 있다. 최근 높아지고 있는 공직 기피 현상을 고려할 때, 공공조직의 매력성을 높이는 일은 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 이와 관련하여 본 연구에서는 공공조직의 내부 구성원인 공무원이 인식하고 있는 조직의 평판의 영향에 초점을 두고, 특히 내부평판이 외부평판에 대한 인식을 매개하여 조직매력성에 영향을 주는지를 살펴보았다. 미국 연방정부 공무원을 대상으로 하는 설문조사를 바탕으로 한 분석 결과 외부평판 인식이 조직매력성에 긍정적 영향을 주며 이는 부분적으로 내부평판을 통해 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 공공 조직평판 관리에 대한 중요성을 강조하며 조직평판이 공공조직의 주요 자원임을 경험적으로 분석하였다는 점에서 그 함의를 찾을 수 있다. Negative perceptions of public organizations have a critical impact on the recruitment and retention of talented public officials. With the current trend of individuals avoiding public sector jobs, it is crucial to enhance the appeal of public organizations as desirable workplaces. This study aims to investigate the influence of organizational reputation on the perceived attractiveness of public organizations, specifically focusing on internal members of these organizations. Additionally, it examines the potential mediating role of internal reputation in shaping the perception of external reputation. The empirical findings, based on a survey conducted among U.S. federal officials, demonstrate that a positive external reputation has a favorable effect on organizational attractiveness. Furthermore, it is revealed that internal reputation partially mediates this positive relationship between external reputation and attractiveness. These results underscore the significance of effectively managing organizational reputation in the public sector.

      • KCI등재

        한ㆍ중 택배서비스의 품질이 기업평판과 고객만족에 미치는 영향

        배희성,양미단,이양기 한국무역통상학회 2015 무역통상학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        There are two objectives of this research. The first, customer satisfaction of international couriers has a positive effect on firm reputation and customer satisfaction. The second, customer satisfaction of couriers has a positive effect on word of mouth and intention of reuse. To achieve the objectives, the conceptual and operational definitions of the measuring items were developed through prior research. The questionnaire was sent to Chinese students who are studying in Korean universities. The collected data were verified reliability and validity and the hypotheses were tested by multivariate regression. The implications of the results are as follows. First, assurance and empathy have a positive effect on firm reputation. Service quality is one of internal resources which is distinguished with competitors and the characteristics of the resource are useful, rare, hard to imitate and non-substitute. Therefore, the relationship between service quality and firm reputation can be explained by resource-based theory. Second, only empathy of sub-variables of service quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. This means that service quality of couriers has positive effect on firm reputation and it has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Therefore, this research verified the mediated effect of service quality on the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. Third, firm reputation of couriers has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Firm reputation is one of important internal resources in firms. Compared with competitors, couriers should enhance service quality with which they provide customers to enjoy superior reputation and as a result, they can achieve superior customer satisfaction. Therefore, the relationship between firm reputation and customer satisfaction can be explained by resource-based theory.


        Klaus-Peter Wiedmann,Carmen Rodriguez Santos,Gaetano Aiello,Raffaele Donvito,Bruno Godey,Daniele Pederzoli 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        Fashion brands are influenced by multiple identities. Even though, for example, the brand name might still be associated with one or more creative founders (Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Hermès, Adidas, Joop) the brand image, and moreover the overall brand reputation are influenced by many different identities. For instance, a specific product identity (e.g., Gucci’s Bamboo Bag), the identity of the city or country of origin (Florence, Italy), the identities of well-known key customers as brand ambassadors (Sophia Loren, Vanessa Redgrave, Lady Diana, Naomi Watts etc.). Of course, also fashion brands who are not directly associated with the name of creative founders are composed of the effects of several identities. In the case of e.g. Nike especially successful athletes (Steve Prefontaine, Michael Jordan etc.), specific sports and sport events, and product lines tailor-made for them did help to build a strong brand reputation. All in all, it seems to be expedient to understand fashion brands as more of less complex systems composed of several identities. To deal in more detail with such “brand systems” is becoming particularly important against the background of several strategic challenges – e.g., when fashion brands are growing older and the creative founders lose their specific gravitational power, when in the process of internationalization new countries gain more and more importance who’s citizens might not have a strong access to the existing brand reputation drivers, or simply when in the context of the growing global competition the fashion brand needs to be “refreshed”. Against the background of cultural differences, or even - as within countries - lifestyle differences between different groups of customers, it can also be quite possibly that very different reputation drivers account for the success of a brand. Thus, it is necessary to identify, in different contexts, the relevant reputation drivers, and to analyze which interplay of those drivers might be particularly promising. Is it the creative founder, the corporate heritage, the country and/or city of origin, a special designer, a specific corporate culture, an outstanding product design, attractive key customers etc.? Which combination of such identity factors leads to what kind of success (e.g., brand loyalty, brand trust, price premium)? Will, for instance, heritage especially lead to brand trust, whereas an outstanding product design and specifically attractive key customers create the readiness for a higher price premium? And, is it necessary to create sub-brands to especially highlight specific identities in the process of building a brand system (e.g., the sub-branding of a Michael Jordan product line in the case of Nike)? Or is sufficient to only communicate an alignment with the brand (e.g., ads showing Naomi Watts wearing a Gucci Bamboo Handbag)? In other words, which kind of brand system, and which kind of brand communications has to be designed to attract specific target groups and to sustain competitive advantages? The present contribution aims to present a conceptual framework for analyzing “brand systems” in the fashion industry. Concomitantly, an approach of measuring such brand systems will be presented. Furthermore, a concept for analyzing the impact of several sub-identities on the development of the overall brand reputation and brand success against the background of existing contingencies will be outlined. With the introduction and discussion of such a conceptual framework it especially is intended to initiate the launching of an international research project which attempts to find an answer basically to the following question: Which via an integrated branding and brand systems communication carefully crafted composition of sub-identities might be how successful under what kind of situational conditions?

      • 대기업과 중소기업의 직무만족도 차이

        서운채,김형중 한국정보통신설비학회 2016 한국정보통신설비학회 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.09

        The object of this study is to analyze the internal reputation factors that affected the job satisfaction by big data analysis in the social media for corporate reputation. The result showed salaries and benefits is major factors that affected job satisfaction for all objects, senior management is highest factors for large corporation, and company culture is highest factors for medium-small company.

      • KCI등재

        대구지역 향토음식의 인식도에 관한 연구

        고범석(Beom Seok Ko),강석우(Seok Woo Kang) 한국조리학회 2004 한국조리학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        The aim of the present study was the effect of Deng-In dong Steamed rib on recognition degree of a citizen for popularization and publicity of a local food. A total of 201 adults, 99 women and 102 men aged over the 20 years, participated in this study. The subjects were all from Dae gu city. This analyses of data were done with SPSS for WINDOWS, Version 10.0. First, Dong-In Bong steamed rib in Dea gu was thought of as a local food. Second, the steamed rib was recognized as a local food with an international reputation. Third, there were no significant differences in preference, local area, recognition, standard and relation Between the rib and other local foods. Therefore, the present findings present the needs of public information, development, preservation and success for inter-nationalization of a local food with the national financial and political support.

      • KCI등재

        호텔기업에서 조직평판이 정서적 몰입, 직무만족 및 이직의도에 미치는 영향

        윤연선(Yoon Yeon-Sun),김준섭(Kim, Jun-Seop),구동우(Koo, Dong-Woo) 한국외식경영학회 2020 외식경영연구 Vol.23 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 호텔종사원들의 호텔 조직에 대한 내부 평판을 기반으로 하여 호텔종사원들의 조직에 대한 몰입, 직무에 대한 만족, 그리고 이직의도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 조사하는 것입니다. 본 연구는 전국의 호텔에서 근무하고 있는 213명의 호텔종사원으로부터 몇 가지의 가설을 개발하고 데이터를 수집했다. 이에 대한 실증분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 호텔종사원의 조직평판은 정서적 몰입과 직무에 대한 만족이 통계적으로 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 호텔종사원의 정서적 몰입은 직무만족에는 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미친 반면 이직의도에는 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 분석되었다. 셋째, 호텔종사원의 직무만족은 이직의도에는 유의한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 호텔의 내부고객인 호텔종사원이 호텔조직에 대한 좋은 평판은 그들로 하여금 정서적 몰입과 직무만족에 영향을 미치고 타 조직으로의 이직하려는 의도를 감소시킨다는 것을 알수 있었다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of hotel employees organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and turnover intention based on the theoretical concept of internal reputation focused on hotel employees. This study developed several hypotheses and collected data from 213 hotel employees working in hotels nationwide. As a result, First, the organizational reputation of hotel employees showed that emotional commitment and job satisfaction had a statistically significant positive effect. Second, the emotional commitment of hotel employees had a significant positive (+) effect on job satisfaction, but not on turnover intention. Third, job satisfaction of hotel employees did not significantly affect turnover intention. In conclusion, it was found that the good reputation of the hotel organization, which is the hotel s internal customer, influences their emotional commitment and job satisfaction and reduces their intention to turn to another organization.

      • KCI등재

        기업 내부마케팅과 외부평판 관리가 종업원 이직의향에 미치는 영향 -항공,관광산업에 대한 시사점-

        유재미 ( Jae Mee Yoo ) 한국항공경영학회 2015 한국항공경영학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        항공산업은 가치창출과정에서 인적서비스가 집약적으로 요구되는 환대산업(hospitality industry)으로 우수 인적자원의 관리, 유지가 매우 중요하다. 종업원 이직은 새로운 직원 채용, 교육, 대체에 이르기까지 기업에 물리적, 시간적 비용을 발생시키기 때문에 종업원을 내부고객으로 보는 내부 마케팅개념이 도입되어 이직관리에 활용되고 있다. 그런데 관광산업에서 종업원 이직율은 환대(hospitality)산업중에서도 높게 나타나 실무, 연구에서 관심을 받고 있다. 관광산업은 항공산업과 목적과 수단 관계이기 때문에 높은 이직률로 인한 관광상품의 품질저하는 관광수요 및 항공수요에 직·간접적으로 영향을 줄 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 관광산업에서 높게 나타나는 종업원 이직문제를 항공산업의 성공적인 내부마케팅 시스템과 외부 평판관리라는 두 차원을 가지고 탐색해보고자 했다. 최근 대한항공의 회항 사태는 종업원 이직율 증가라는 결과를 불러일으켰는데 이는 사회적으로 좋게 인식되는 기업이라는 외부평판이 내무마케팅만큼이나 종업원 이직에 영향을 줄 수 있음을 보여준다. 구체적으로 관광산업 중 카지노, 골프업 종업원을 대상으로 했는데 두 업종은 관광인프라의 핵심으로 이들의 서비스품질 유지는 관광상품 및 항공수요 개발 및 유지에 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 또한, 이들은 도박, 환경훼손, 빈부문제 등 사회적 논란과 부정적 인식의 대상이 된다는 공통점이 있다. 항공산업역시 소음과 배기가스 배출 등 환경문제 유발의 주체로 비판의 대상이 되지만 외부 이해관계자들에 대한 커뮤니케이션 노력을 통해 대외 평판을 효과적으로 관리하고 있다. 카지노, 골프와 같이 외부편견과 부정적 인식에 맞닥뜨리는 업종의 종업원은 조직과 자신을 분리함으로써 자신의 자긍심을 높이 려 하기 때문에 조직 몰입, 동일시 등이 낮아지고 궁극적으로 조직을 떠나게 된다. 사회적으로 논란이되는 업종이나 기업의 경우 내부마케팅활동 뿐 아니라 타인의 인식 관리 즉 기업의 외부평판 관리가 이직의향에 미치는 영향을 함께 탐색하는 것이 필요한 이유다. 연구결과, 성과급, 교육, 커뮤니케이션 만족도 등의 내부마케팅활동이 이직의향에 부정적 영향을 주는 것으로 확인됐고 내부마케팅활동의 영향력을 통제한 상황에서도 외부평판 관리 중 서비스품질관리차원이 이직의향에 유의하게 부정적 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 연구를 통해 기업이 내부마케팅 활동을 통해 직접적으로 종업원 이직 관리를 할 수 있다는 점과 사회적 논란을 일으키는 업종이나 기업의 경우 이직관리에 있어 내부마케팅 뿐 아니라 외부평판 관리가 함께 고려돼야 한다는 시사점을 얻을 수 있다. 외부이해관계자에 대한 커뮤니케이션을 통한 긍정적 이미지 형성이 종업원 이직에 직접 영향을 줄 수 있기 때문이다. Airline and tourism industries are complementary to each other as means and goals. They are in common in need of intensive human services to create value. It is critical for them to hire, manage, and maintain qualified employees. Academic and practical fields have paid attention to relatively high turnover rate in tourism industry. Inconsistent and unqualified services due to high turnover of employees in tourism industry could influence airline demand as well as the demand for travel. Thus, this study explores how to manage high turnover rate in tourism industry employing two systematic dimensions of internal marketing and external reputation management which has been successfully settled in airline industry. The paper selects casino and golf among tourism industries because they are important anchor and vehicle in developing tourist attractions. Well developed infra of casino and golf services could increase the volume of tourists and in turn, lead to increased demand of airline industry. However, they have been perceived negatively in society as their controversial characteristics. The employees in controversial firms tend to disidentify themselves with organization to protect their self esteem, which leads to leave the firms. External reputation of organization in controversial firms influences on employee``s turnover. Airline industry also can be get involved in a dispute as its noise and air pollution, however it has attenuated criticism from external stakeholders Airline and tourism industries are complementary to each other as means and goals. They are in common in need of intensive human services to create value. It is critical for them to hire, manage, and maintain qualified employees. Academic and practical fields have paid attention to relatively high turnover rate in tourism industry. Inconsistent and unqualified services due to high turnover of employees in tourism industry could influence airline demand as well as the demand for travel. Thus, this study explores how to manage high turnover rate in tourism industry employing two systematic dimensions of internal marketing and external reputation management which has been successfully settled in airline industry. The paper selects casino and golf among tourism industries because they are important anchor and vehicle in developing tourist attractions. Well developed infra of casino and golf services could increase the volume of tourists and in turn, lead to increased demand of airline industry. However, they have been perceived negatively in society as their controversial characteristics. The employees in controversial firms tend to disidentify themselves with organization to protect their self esteem, which leads to leave the firms. External reputation of organization in controversial firms influences on employee``s turnover. Airline industry also can be get involved in a dispute as its noise and air pollution, however it has attenuated criticism from external stakeholders

      • KCI등재

        최고경영자의 리더십 특성이 내부고객만족과 경영성과에 미치는 영향

        정용주(Jung, Yong Ju),전희준(Jeon, Hea June) 한국서비스경영학회 2018 서비스경영학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        In this study, we looked at what healthcare institutions need to achieve effective performance in rapidly changing environments. We analyzed the impact that factors’ relationship such as leadership, internal customer satisfaction, and managerial performance, and how reputation and size of hospitals can affect these relationships. Research shows that transformational leadership and servant leadership have a causal relationship in internal customer satisfaction. Internal customer satisfaction was also confirmed to have a significant influence on hospital managerial performance. It was confirmed that the hospital"s reputation and size (number of beds) have a significant influence on the relationship between internal customer satisfaction and hospital performance. The lower level of the reputation and the smaller the hospital size was, the greater the impact of causal effect of internal customer satisfaction to managerial performance.

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