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      • KCI등재

        국내 실내디자인분야 관련법의 현황과 제도개선에 관한 연구

        이창노(Lee, Chang-No) 한국실내디자인학회 2013 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.22 No.1

        As the result of investigating domestic interior design (interior architecture) field-related laws, it was found that interior design (interior architecture) is not recognized as in independent area due to weak classification standards by Korean standard industrial classification and job classification. Korean standard industrial classification is applied as a standard setting limits to applicable targets and industrial fields for laws related to general administration and industrial policy other than various statistic purposes. Also, the standard industrial classifications regarding the industry field determines the laws or applicable tax rates, government support and such according to the classification, and thus is very important. Moreover, interior architecture field is largely different from general architecture due to specialization and distinct characteristics, but due to the comprehensive concept of architecture industry regulations, it is considered the proper assessment for the professionalism is not conducted. Also, interior architecture field has irrational contradictions that is not independent with a clear definition and industry field classification not only in legal system and trade customs. Therefore, The following is proposed as the plan to strengthen the domestic/international competitiveness and system improvements for interior architecture. (1)interior design (interior architecture) must be amended as an industrial classification that can coexist with architecture. (2)interior design (interior architecture) must be amended as a job classification that can coexist with architecture. (3)Among the design tasks of an architect, approval for the design task field of interior architecture field must be legislated. -In architect design standard contract (the existing architecture design task scope and quality standard table) of a structure, among the tasks by request of the owner, ①interior design tasks shall be legislated. It should be legislated so that interior design (interior architecture) majors can be included as well. (4)The task field of interior design that coexists with design must be amended. (5)National contract law - among contract method by negotiation, specialty item must be vitalized.

      • KCI등재

        디자인 초기 단계의 디자인 아이디어 발산 전략 식별

        이승원,현경훈 한국실내디자인학회 2023 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.32 No.1

        Interior design is intricate, as the designer should consider numerous design elements such as circulation, spatial composition, and energy efficiency. The complex interior design process involves both divergent and convergent thinking. In divergent design thinking, designers use micro- and macrostrategies. If we can identify a designer’s strategies in the design process, we can support the designers in diversifying and embodying their design ideas. Therefore, we propose a novel method that automatically detects idea divergence strategies of interior designers. To achieve this, we developed a floor plan retrieval system and conducted a user study with interior designers to analyze their design processes. The design exploration process of the designers was analyzed to detect their microand macrodivergence strategies and the point of transition between the two strategies. The user study results revealed that the explored floor plans had different design patterns depending on the micro- and macrodivergence strategies. Our study can enhance the understanding of automatically detecting the designer’s design intention and aid the design decision-making process in the future.

      • KCI등재

        이미지 생성 AI 파인튜닝과 활용 사례 - 실내 공간 상세 스타일 키워드를 중심으로 -

        정현,이진국 한국CDE학회 2023 한국CDE학회 논문집 Vol.28 No.4

        This paper explores the potential of Generative AI in the field of interior architecture, with a specific focus on implementing fine-tuning models based on various interior design styles. It highlights that spaces have unique preferences influenced by culture, region, and users, leading to evolving design styles. However, the base models of image-generation AI do not always reflect the changes and latest trends in interior design styles. Model fine-tuning of image-generation AI enables the visualization of spaces incorporating various interior design styles. The study evaluates the base model's performance on 25 diverse design styles, selecting styles for further training based on the results. This fine-tuning involves three main steps: data preparation and preprocessing, text alignment and hyperparameter optimization, and model training and construction. The findings show that fine-tuning effectively represents styles missed by the base model, generating high-quality images. It accurately portrays style characteristics and keywords, offering versatile design possibilities. This research enhances space visualization while accommodating diverse interior design styles and user preferences. It provides a practical mechanism for generating alternative designs to facilitate practical comparisons in interior architecture. Additionally, it highlights the potential application of Generative AI in various fields beyond interior architecture.

      • 차량 인테리어 디자인에서의 생성형AI의 활용과 한계 - 한국적 디자인요소 기반 생성이미지 제작사례

        박영빈(Young Bean Park),주다영(Da Young Ju) 한국자동차공학회 2023 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2023 No.11

        The development of artificial intelligence in the era of the fourth revolution is having a major impact on various fields of society in general. here. Among them, “Generative AI” performs various tasks in the fields of creation, art, and design, replacing the role of existing designers. To investigate the possibilities and limits of such “Generative AI” and its design value and potential for use in future vehicle design development research, we developed a “Generative AI” model that was trained on traditional Korean images. Based on the generated and learned images, we also investigated their applicability in actual vehicle design research by deriving images that can be used in vehicle interior design. Furthermore, based on the generated and learned images, we derived images that can be used for car interior design, and examined the possibility of application to actual vehicle design research. As a result, it was found that the value and role of “Generative AI” in the design field is gradually increasing, and “Generative AI” in future vehicle design will have excellent design value, economy, and efficiency, Therefore, based on this study, future vehicle designers who will collaborate with “Generative Ai” are expected to have an essential understanding of artificial intelligence, so they can be reborn as designers with design capabilities and a high understanding of artificial intelligence.

      • KCI등재

        벙커의 건축학, 외부의 실내장식-이태준의 『별은 창마다』에 대한 일 고찰

        이경훈 상허학회 2009 상허학보 Vol.25 No.-

        Window glass depicted in Stars on Every window is not just a material thing. It suggests the historical movement that produces ‘the scenery’ and ‘the inside’. The glass which exists between them is the modern condition of existence. The suicide Jeong-un has dreamed on proves the fact that the inevitable alienation functions from the eternal space to the individual interiority omnipresently. For example, Kang Young-ho’s suicide(The other shore of Passion) is the historical pleasure of realist and the self affirmation of modern man. Meanwhile, window glass is related to the architecture which discovers and appropriates(reconstructs) the scenery at once. By sublating to architecture, space is conquered. Architecture is the idea and the purpose of the scenery. Therefore, the scene in which Jeong-un and Ha-young runs with trunk of designs for the new village movement is significant. They are united together as developers. Jeong-un’s suicide is another name of architecture or technology. And under the situation of the late colonial period, it goes to the dissatisfaction to the western style buildings. By making Ha-young design the house that can endure the bombs and fire, this novel supports the war architecturally. One more theme of this novel is the interior decoration of house. It organizes and expresses the modern subjectivity and freedom. And it also the display of bourgeois life. But the interior decoration which is the metaphor of capitalist society contradicts this novel’s idea that emphasizes ‘eternal and good house in national terms’. Therefore, interior decoration disappears at last. This conclusion of Stars on Every window is very different from the design and interior decoration of Yi Sang’s works. For Yi Sang exhibited himself instead of drawing the bird’s eye view entitled ‘Co-prosperity of Great Asia’. Furthermore, becoming a trod chrysanthemum flower, he accomplished the interior decoration of street. And the very street of Tokyo which existed outside his room was the inside of empire and society. 『별은 창마다』에 서술되는 유리창은 단순한 사물이 아니다. 그것은 “풍경”과 “내면”을 발생시키는 역사적인 작용을 암시한다. “풍경”과 “내면” 사이에 놓인 유리는 근대인의 존재 조건이다. 정은이 꿈꾸는 자살은 이 불가피한 소외가 무궁한 공간에서부터 개인의 내면에 이르기까지 편재함을 증명한다. 예를 들어 강영호(『애욕의 피안』)가 실천한 자살은 리얼리스트의 역사적 쾌락이었으며 근대인의 철저한 자기긍정이었다. 한편 유리창은 “풍경”을 발견하는 동시에 전유(재구성)하는 “건축술”과도 관련된다. 공간은 건축으로 지양됨으로써 정복된다. 건축은 “풍경”의 이념이자 목적이다. 따라서 정은이 “새 동리 운동”을 위해 하영과 함께 “설계도가 하나 가득 든 추렁크를 들고” 달려가는 장면은 의미심장하다. 주인공들은 “개발자”로 결합한다. 정은이 말하는 “자살”은 “건축술”과 테크놀로지의 다른 이름이다. 그런데 이는 식민지 말기의 상황을 배경으로 서양식 집에 불만을 느끼는 일로 나아간다. 하영은 폭탄과 화재에 견디는 집을 설계하거니와, 이렇게 이 소설은 제국의 전쟁을 건축으로써 지원한다. 이 소설이 제기하는 또 하나의 테마는 실내장식이다. 그것은 근대적 주체성과 자유를 조직하고 표현한다. 그것은 부르주아적 근대인의 삶을 “진열”하는 것이기도 하다. 하지만 자본주의 사회를 은유하는 실내장식은 “국가적으로 보아 영구한 좋은 집”을 강조하는 소설의 이념과 모순된다. 따라서 실내장식은 결국 소멸된다. 『별은 창마다』의 이러한 결론은 이상의 작품들에 구현된 “설계” 및 실내장식과 대비된다. 이상은 “대동아공영”을 전망하는 조감도를 그리는 대신 자기 자신을 박제로 진열했기 때문이다. 더 나아가 그는 스스로 짓밟힌 국화꽃이 됨으로써 거리의 실내장식을 성취하기도 했다. 그리고 방 바깥의 도쿄 거리야말로 제국과 사회의 안쪽이었다.

      • KCI등재

        칸트의 『판단력비판』에 나타난 디자인의 여러 양상들

        금빛내렴 ( Bpitt Naeh Ryeom Kum ) 한국미학예술학회 2017 美學·藝術學硏究 Vol.50 No.-

        우리는 몇몇 연구들을 통해, 칸트 미학과 디자인에 관해 고찰할 수 있는데, 예컨대, `부속미로서 디자인`, `파레르곤으로서 디자인` 등을 들 수 있다. 이들 앞선 연구들은 칸트의 개념들을 통해서 우리에게 넓은 의미의 디자인의 특성들에 관한 새로운 조망을 제공한다는 데 큰 의의를 지니고 있으나, 각각의 디자인 산물에 관해 상세히 분석하지 못한 아쉬움이 남아 있다. 그래서 이번 연구는 칸트의 저술에 나타난 구체적인 디자인 산물 자체에 초점을 맞추어 그가 당대의 산물을 어떻게 바라보고 이해하였는지 살펴보기 위한 시도로 이루어졌다. 즉, 『판단력비판』을 중심으로 칸트의 미학과 예술 체계를 통해 디자인의 여러 양상들을 고찰하기 위한 것이다. 우선, 우리는 칸트가 그의 학적 체계에 대한 디자인적 은유로서 건축을 예로 들고 있는 것에 주목하였는데, 이는 더 나아가 그가 건축을 하나의 관조의 대상인 미적 예술로서 뿐만 아니라 어떤 목적과 결부된 디자인으로서도 관심을 지니고 있음을 드러내고자 함이다. 그 다음, 칸트가 어떤 체계 속에서 예술을 분류하는지 간략히 도표와 함께 설명하였는데, 이는 오늘날의 디자인과 상이한 당대의 예술을 어떻게 디자인 개념으로 고찰할 수 있는지를 해명하기 위함이다. 예술에 관한 정의와 분류는 시대마다 차이를 보이기는 하지만, 우리는 조형예술(건축·조각·회화)의 아버지라고 일컫는 `디세뇨(디자인)` 개념을 근거로, 『판단력비판』 안에서 현대 디자인에 참고할 만한 것들을 살펴볼 수 있다. 칸트 시대에도 무슨 디자인이란 칭호만 갖지 않았을 뿐이지 분명 디자인은 존재했고 칸트 또한 이것들에 종종 관심을 갖고 있음을 그의 저작들 속에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 예컨대, 가구, 의복, 반지, 담배갑, 장신구, 융단[양탄자], 벽지, 액자, 주택, 종교 건축물, 공공 시설물, 주랑(柱廊), 화단, 정원[조경, 원예], 놀이공원, 축제, 도안[선묘], 색채, … 그리고 청각적인 소리까지. 이것들은 모두 『판단력비판』안에서 발견되는 용어들인데, 우리들이 일상적으로 살아갈 때 다들 이러저러한 방식으로 필요하거나 마주치는 것들로서 오늘날 관점에서 충분히 디자인 영역의 한 부분을 담당하는 것들이기도 하다. 이것들을 감안하여, 우리는 디자인 조형의 기본이 되는 선(線)과 그 선을 위주로 한 패턴 디자인을 살펴보았고, 건축 (공간·실내·가구) 디자인, 조경 디자인과 제품 및 장신구 디자인을 살펴보았으며, 감각의 아름다운 유희의 예술에 포함되는 컬러 디자인과 사운드 디자인을 함께 살펴보았다. 그리고 아울러 디자이너의 역할 및 그에 대한 경고도 짧게나마 언급하였다. 물론 칸트가 살았던 시대의 상황은 현재 우리가 살고 있는 시대와 상이하며, 근대의 산업 디자인 개념을 갖고 인공물들이 활발히 양산되었던 것도 아니다. 하지만 인공의 산물로서 기예(기술, 예술, Kunst)에 대한 칸트의 비평은 현대의 디자인 산물에 대해 새롭고 의미 있는 시각을 제공할 수 있을 것이다. Previously, I have studied “design as adherent beauty” and “design as parergon” by combining with Kantian aesthetics and design. These prior studies have a great significance in providing us with a new perspective on the characteristics of design in a broad sense through the concepts of Kant, but there is a lack of detailed analysis of each design product. Thus, this study focuses on the specific design artifacts presented in Kant`s writings and attempts to see how he viewed and understood the products of his time. In other words, it is to examine various aspects of design through Kant`s aesthetic and artistic system in Critique of the Power of Judgment(Critique of Judgement; the 3rd Critique). First, we have noticed that Kant exemplifies architecture as a metaphor for his scientific system. Because we want to show further that he is interested not only as fine art, but also as a design associated with some purpose. And then, we explained with a diagram how Kant classifies the arts. This is to explain how the arts of that time different from today`s designs can be considered as a design concept. Although the definition and classification of arts may vary, on the basis of the concept of “disegno(design)” which is called the father of formative arts(architecture, sculpture, painting), we can look for something worthy of reference to modern design in the 3rd Critique. Even if there was no title of design, there were definitely design activities in Kantian era and he was also interested in them. For example, furniture, clothing, rings, tobacco box, accessories, carpets, wallpapers, picture frames, houses, religious buildings, public facilities, pillared corridor, flower beds, gardens, amusement parks, festivals, drawing, colors, … and even acoustic sounds. All these are found in the 3rd Critique which, when we live in our daily lives, are those that are needed or encountered in various ways and that are parts of the design domain enough from today`s point of view. Taking these into account, we looked at the line being basic element of design, the pattern design that focused on lines, architecture(space, interior, furniture) design, landscape design, product and accessory design, and color design and sound design which are included in arts of beautiful play of sensations. We also briefly mentioned the role of the designers and the warning to them. Of course, the situation of the era when Kant lived differs from that of our present age, and the artifacts at that time were not actively mass produced with modern industrial design concept. However, Kant`s criticism of arts as artificial products could provide a new and significant perspective on contemporary design products.

      • 작가의 작품분석을 통한 실내건축디자인론 교육사례

        어성신(Eo, Sung-Sin),김지현(Kim, Ji-Hyeon),황연숙(Hwang, Yeon-Sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2018 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.20 No.2

        It is necessary to suggest interior design which reflects the design trend suitable for a historical stream and highlights artistic values, as the quality of human life is improved in modern society. Hence, the education in which adolescents can acquire basic knowledge for capabilities related with observation, analysis, understanding, expression and creativity, from various perspectives is required. Such a fundamental theory education can cultivation their creative problem-solving ability in planning the interior design, help them understand the essence of the interior design and substantially increase spatial essential values through reasonable design. This study attempted to allow students to learn basic theories of interior architecture design and enhance their understanding of them, by analyzing authors’ works, as educational cases in the textbook of interior architecture design theories. It can influence design ability which can be practically applied to spaces, by fostering theoretical insights and knowledge with various perspectives.

      • KCI등재

        실내디자인 및 건축설계 분야 NCS 실무과목에 대한 특성화고 교사의 인식

        박은진(Eun-Jin Park),유현석(Hyun-Seok Yoo) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2022 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.22 No.4

        목적 이 연구의 목적은 실내디자인 및 건축설계 분야 NCS 실무과목의 운영 현황과 특성화고 교사의 인식을 분석하여 NCS 실무과목의 개선방안을 제시하는데 있다. 방법 이 연구에서는 전국 38개 공업계 고등학교의 건축 기준학과 실무과목을 지도하는 교사 58명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 실내디자인 및 건축설계 분야 실무과목의 학과적용 현황, 실무과목 운영에 대한 교사의 인식수준, 실무과목의 운영을 위한 건축계열 교사의 요구사항 등을 분석하였다. 결과 현재 전국 특성화고에서는 건축 기준학과 과목 중 실내디자인 과목의 편성 비율이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 실무과목을 지도하고 운영하는 교사들은 대체로 실무과목 학습모듈, 교수-학습방법, 평가방법 등에 대한 만족도가 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 또 대부분의 교사들은 건축설계 분야 신규 실무과목의 개발에 대한 필요성을 크게 인식하였으며, 고교 학습자 수준에 적합한 학습모듈 개발과 직무수행에 필요한 기자재 확충, 교사의 현장 중심 전문교육 지도역량 개발이 필요한 것으로 인식하고 있었다. 결론 현재 특성화고 학습자 수준을 고려하여 현재 NCS 실무과목의 수정·보완이 필요하며, NCS 실무과목의 활용성 개선을 위해 현장 중심의 지도역량을 갖춘 전문교사 양성 방안이 마련될 필요가 있다. Objectives The purpose of this study is to suggest improvement plans for NCS practical courses in the Interior design and architectural design field by analyzing the operating status of NCS practical courses and the perceptions of specialized high school teachers. Methods In this study, a survey was conducted targeting 58 teachers who taught practical courses in the architecture department of 38 technical high schools nationwide. In the field of Interior design and architectural design, the status of application of practical courses, teachers awareness level on the operation of practical courses, and requirements of architecture teachers for the operation of practical courses were analyzed. Results Currently, among the subjects in the Interior design and architectural design field, the ratio of interior design subjects is the highest in specialized high schools nationwide. It was found that teachers who instruct and operate practical subjects were generally less satisfied with the practical subject learning module, teaching-learning method, and evaluation method. In addition, most of the teachers recognized the need for the development of new practical subjects in the field of architectural design. Most of the teachers recognized that it was necessary to develop a learning module suitable for the level of high school learners, to expand the equipment necessary for job performance, and to develop the teacher s field-oriented professional education guidance capability. Conclusions It is necessary to revise and supplement the NCS practical courses in consideration of the current level of learners in specialized high schools. In addition, in order to improve the usability of NCS practical courses, it is necessary to prepare a plan for nurturing professional teachers with field guidance capabilities.

      • KCI등재

        전문대학 실내건축디자인 교과현황 분석 및 교육방향 연구

        김성주,소준영 한국실내디자인학회 2023 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.32 No.1

        The curriculum of the Department of Interior Architecture and Design in Korea is still insufficient to adopt subjects for capabilities related to smart construction technology, and there is no research on the curriculum in the field of smart technology. Therefore, by examining the importance and necessity of the smart construction technology curriculum for fostering future talent, we intend to suggest a direction for improvement and change in the interior architecture design curriculum necessary to foster future human talent. In Chapter 2, contemplate theory regarding the concept, utilization plan, and goal of smart construction technology. in Chapter 3, investigated the educational status of interior architecture design-related departments centering on 16 colleges that introduced an advanced major course among junior colleges across the country, and identified the problems by analyzing the characteristics. Chapter 4 surveys the necessity of education and the importance of job duties in the university curriculum for executives and careerists engaged in the field of interior architectural design, survey awareness of changes in smart construction technology, and draws a conclusion by analyzing the prospects for introduction and activation in companies. As a result of the study First, 8.71% of architectural interior design experts said smart construction technology will be activated in the future, and 82.22% answered that introduction of related smart technologies within 5 years, indicates that the trend of change in the indoor architecture design field is rapidly progressing. Second, it will need to be reflected in future curriculum development since based on the introduction of high-tech smart construction technology, more than half of the students positively evaluated high tech in all areas, and a necessity for education is highly important in big data, AI, BIM, virtual and augmented reality, and 3D printing factors.

      • 한국 건축 및 실내디자인 분야의 미래적 전망과 전략에 관한 연구

        최상헌 중앙대학교 건설환경연구소 2001 環境科學硏究 Vol.12 No.1

        In the future, the field of architecture and interior design will be interrelated and form the quality of human life based on their own academic characteristics. I tried to find out the present problems which affect the qualities of architecture and interior design. As a conclusion, I suggest 3 categories of 7 issues to have the international power of competition for the visions and strategies of the architecture and interior design. Those are as follows ; put an emphasize on the humanity and scientific personality, put an emphasize on the natural personality and environmental personality, and put an emphasize on the local personality, international personality and creativity.

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