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        과업 상호의존성과 성과급 형태가 임금 만족에 미치는 효과

        문광수,소용준,오세진 한국자료분석학회 2008 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society Vol.10 No.2

        Incentive System is one of the most effective technique in human resource management because it is intimately related to the motivation of organizational employees. To motivate employees, the incentive system should be designed based on the job characteristic. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of task interdependence and types of incentive on pay satisfaction. The 231 self-reported questionnaires of employees in the 15 companies using incentive systems were used. Results indicated that the task interdependence by different job dimensions was statistically significant(F=9.777, p=.000), but the effect of the level of task interdependence on pay satisfaction was not significant(F=3.167, p=.077). However, the effect of different incentive types on pay satisfaction was significant (F=5.415, p=.001). Also the effect of the interaction of the level of task interdependence and different incentive types was significant (F=3.468, p=.024). Especially, the pay satisfaction was highest when the level of task interdependence was high and the employees received group(department)/team incentive. Pay satisfaction was comparable when employees received individual and organizational incentive regardless of the level of task interdependence. When received base(fixed) pay, the satisfaction was lower under the high task interdependence condition. These results suggest that the group/team incentive system might be an alternative plan to keep pay satisfaction of the performers under high task interdependence condition. Also, a job analysis about task interdependence is necessary to choose the effective incentive types. However, to generalize these results, more various job dimensions and employees should be examined. Future studies will be needed to provide appropriate indicators to organization. 본 연구의 목적은 과업 상호의존성과 성과급 형태가 임금만족에 미치는 효과를 알아보는 것이었다. 국내에서 성과급 제도를 실시하고 있는 15개 기업의 근로자, 231명을 대상으로 자료 분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과 비록 과업 상호의존성 수준에 따른 임금 만족의 차이는 유의미하지 않았지만, 성과급의 형태에 따른 임금 만족의 차이는 유의미하였으며, 성과급 형태와 과업 상호의존성 수준의 상호작용 효과도 유의미한 것으로 나타났다. 특히 개인 성과급과 조직 성과급은 과업 상호 의존성 수준에 상관없이 임금 만족 수준이 유사하였지만, 팀/부서 성과급 형태에서는 과업 상호의존성이 낮을 때 보다 높을 때 임금 만족이 확연히 높은 것을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 결과들은 현재 각 기업에서 과업 특성을 고려하지 않고 유행처럼 사용하는 일괄적인 성과급 사용에 문제점이 있다는 것, 특히 연봉제의 사용은 그 의미와 효과가 많이 퇴색하고 있다는 것을 간접적으로 시사해 주고 있다.


        Serena Yi Cheng,Kuo-Ching Wang,Ben Wu 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Introduction Business event are much important to economies of many destinations all over the world (Jago, Mair, Deery, & Bergin-Seers, 2008). As the term, “business events” is referred to be the MICE industry, encompassing with Meeting, Incentive, Conference/Convention, and Exhibition. The MICE industry underpins tourist visitation for many destinations. Such destinations have transferred into making substantial investments to provide the meeting/exhibition facilities and hotel needed for business events. Announced in the 5th of MICE and Luxury Travel Conference, India will generate 6.5 million outbound incentive tourists by 2030. Especially in these years, the number of MICE outbound tourists has been more than 1.5 million and the number of Luxury travel tourists has been up to 3.6 million (India Infoline Housing Finance Limited [IIFL], 2017). Research for one of the business events that remains in minority is incentives. Incentive travel, also known as IT, is defined as one of worldwide management tools which uses special travel experiences or recognizes participants who exceed the expectation on performance (Society of Incentive Travel Executives [SITE], 2013). According to the Incentive Federation, the number of U.S. business using non-cash rewards has raised dramatically from just 26% in 1996 to 84% of all U.S. businesses in 2016 (Incentive Federation, 2017). Incentive travel is becoming a field in which not only attractions and venues matter, but also the organization of parallel training activities and conferences around an incentive activity is possible (Celuch, 2014). The United States remains a primary destination for 82% of U.S. planners choosing U.S. in 2017 (Incentive Federation, 2017). Another popular incentive destination, Australia is also viewed as one of ideal destinations for incentive travel. Tourism Australia in 2008 indicated that 34% of incentive travelers is from China, 12% is from New Zealand, and 10% is from Japan. Taiwan has received over 10 million travelers from abroad in 2016. However, tourists from India traveling to Taiwan are only 33,000 passengers. According to report in 2016, International Congress & Conference Association [ICCA] announced that Taipei City has held 83 international conference and become top 10 destinations in Asia for The Best Stop to Meet Asia. However, is Taiwan a good incentive travel destination for India? Despite a limited amount of information on expenditure and the number of incentive programs, numerous gaps remain in our understanding of this sector of business events and cross-culture marketing, including how incentive travel organizers in India select their travel destination? And how this process may differ in source markets? This exploratory study aims to examine these site selection factors in the incentive travel context and identify any similarities and differences in how incentive travel is conceptualized, planned, and organized in India. Literature review Incentive Travel The incentive market has seldom been studied in great depth as an individual segmentation. Lewis (1983) carried out a concept that incentive travel represents a sizable market segment for hotel companies in many destination areas. Sheldon (1995) highlighted that travel was regarded as a motivating reward or incentive among America’s Fortune 100 companies, and that travel incentives were mostly used by companies in the service sector. Shinew and Backman (1995) identified the “trophy value” of travel incentives, and proposed that incentive travel allows long-lasting positive engagement in staffs’ job performance. Xiang and Formica (2007) used cognitive mapping to understand how incentive travel managers view the business environment, concluding with fast-pacing of incentive travel market, and global structural changes presenting challenges to incentive planners. Budget and cost, uniqueness of the destination, and availability of suitable facilities were thought to be factors influencing the choice of destination for incentive travel (Mair, 2005); however, this has not yet been demonstrated in empirical research. Convention Site Selection According to Crouch and Ritchie (1997) “the choice of destination can make or break the convention”. The first research by Fortin and Ritchie (1977) was considered the process undertaken by meeting planners when deciding on which location to choose for annual meeting or convention. The nine factors identified by Crouch and Ritchie (1997) are accessibility, local support, extra-conference opportunities, accommodation, meeting facilities, information, site environment and other criteria. Despite knowledge of the convention site selection process, very little research has considered how different types of meetings choose their destinations. In one of the few studies to consider the site selection process of incentive planners, Del Chiappa (2012) suggests a certain degree of “destination inaccessibility” could make incentive location being more extraordinary and exclusive. Mair, Jin, and Yoo (2016) indicated that incentive travel planners across three market- China, Australia, and America, shares similar perceptions on what characterizes incentive trips but differ slightly in the planning and operational phase pertinent to varying company characteristics and requirements. However, little is known about the cultural differences in incentive programs from one nation to the next. Methodology This research is an exploratory qualitative research, using in-depth interviews with incentive travel organizers, public relations professionals, company and staff who has participated in incentive travel to Taiwan and other Asian countries. Eight in-depth interviews (between 30 and 60 minutes) were carried out in India. The data collecting method is snowball sampling and 11 interviewees were invited by incentive organizers’ recommendations, while a list of qualified tour operators/specialists authorized by national tourism bureaus and organization (e.g., Ministry of Tourism Government of India or Travel Agents Association of India Active Member) are consulted as a sample frame, shown as table 1. Further, all interviewees were senior managers in their companies. For in-depth interviews, researcher has traveled to Mumbai, New Delhi and Jamshedpur in India between 12th and 26th Jan, 2018. Interviewees were asked to give some background on their incentive business. They were also asked to give information on how their incentive programs were structured and how they cooperate both with their incentive clients and with local suppliers of their incentive trips. Finally, they were asked in open-ended questions about their views on site selection, with eight site selection factors identified by Crouch and Ritchie (1997) and the outline designed by Mair, et al (2016). Findings This study explored site selection of incentive travel from the perspective of incentive planners, company, and participants. The finding suggests that the most popular incentive travel destination for Indian is Thailand with low expense and luxury hospitality. Most important part for choosing a destination is considering about food and beverage since there are a lot of vegetarian and chef should be familiar with Indian cuisine, for instance, foods in Singapore is more likely to be accepted by Indian. Both the operators and staffs from the company indicate that Indian travelers would like to have Indian cuisine and Bollywood show during the incentive trips, instead of local and cultural performance from the destination. Conference and accommodation facilities in China is well-prepared for MICE but expense is too high. Accessibility to Taiwan or to any countries won’t be a problem for incentive travel planners; nevertheless, there is still few direct flight from India to Taiwan which will influence the budget on overseas transportation. In addition, unfamiliarity with destination image of Taiwan reduces intention of visiting. However, since a new destination will be a motivator for encouraging employees to work hard, novelty destination for incentive trip is still important. One incentive travel planners suggest that enhancing the destination image by story-telling would help attracting Indian’s interests. Perceived risk will be reduces depending on local support (DMC). Incentive planners in India illustrate although decision maker is the representatives from companies, however, planners would give several packages of different countries, depending on budgets, basing on destination information from public relations professionals. It is obvious that public relations professionals and travel agencies are critical characters for site selection in India. F&B and budget are major considerations differing from other markets- China, Australia, and America. Conclusions This article interviewed incentive operators, public relations professionals, and company purchase incentive travel, and examined how incentive travel is conceptualized, planned, and organized in India. The study suggests government and bureau relating to MICE should get well prepared for cross-cultural incentive traveler, according to Indian culture. In addition, destination imagine promotion would be another effort for planners to select a site for incentive program. Since incentive planners in India are not familiar with Taiwan, local support/ DMC could look for public relations professionals from India as a connection, and put more focus on India as a potential market. Further study should explore the site selection in different countries, and marketing strategies. A limitation of this research that should be acknowledged is the small sample size. However, the initial conclusions from this research suggest that, while the site selection factors identified in other markets provide a useful place to start, incentive travel organizers do not rely on same factors. The findings from this project will provide a basis for future research in the area of incentive, and useful information for incentive planners/organizers in Taiwan and worldwide.

      • KCI등재

        학술연구 : 성과급 지급방식이 종업원의 임금에 관한 선호도에 미치는 영향: 행동경제학의 임금협상분야 적용에 대한 탐색적 연구

        이후경 ( Hoo Kyeong Lee ),전병준 ( Byung June Chun ) 한국중소기업학회 2010 中小企業硏究 Vol.32 No.4

        본 연구는 임금협상에 있어서 성과급의 지급방식을 어떻게 하느냐에 따라 직원들의 임금만족 수준이 달라 질 수 있다는 가정 하에, 행동경제학의 이론을 임금협상 장면에 적용하여, 제공된 협상 안에 따라 종업원의 임금에 대한 선호도, 태도 및 동기부여가 어떻게 변화하는 지를 검증하였다. 최대목표 달성률(100%)을 기준으로 순차적으로 제시되는 성과달성 보너스와 관련하여 종업원에게 제시되는 시간조건(초기·가중치·후기-가중치)과 위험조건(이득·손실 맥락)이 종업원의 임금과 관련된 선호도와 태도 및 동기부여에 어떤 영향을 미치는 지에 대해 살펴보는 것이 본 연구의 목표이다. 연구결과 목표달성 대비 성과급에 대한 가중치를 초기에 주거나 또는 후기에 주는 시간조건은 종업원의 임금과 관련한 선호도와 동기부여에 미치는 영향력이 중간 정도인 것으로 나타났다. 성과 보너스와 관련하여 제시된 조건에서 시간조건 보다는 이득·손실 맥락 통한 위험조건이 종업원의 태도에 더 강하게 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 구체적으로 가까운 미래의 이득 맥락에서는 작더라도 확실한 이득을 선호하기 때문에, 최대목표 달성가능성에 비교해서 초기에 비교적 낮은 수준의 목표를 달성할 경우에 높은 비율의 성과급이 제시되는 조건(즉, 초기-가중치 조건)을 선호하였다. 반면 미래의 손실 맥락에서는 100% 확실한 손실을 최대한 피하려 하고 작은 손실에도 더 민감한 경향성을 가지며 미래에 대한 낙관적 영향이 발생하기 때문에 최대목표 달성가능성에 근접할수록 더 적은 성과급이 삭감되는 조건(즉, 후기-가중치 조건)을 선호한 것으로 설명할 수 있다. 본 연구결과를 통해 행동경제학 이론이 임금협상 장연에 어떻게 적용될 수 있을지에 대한 시사점을 제시해줄 수 있다. 특히 개인별로 임금협상을 하는 중소기업 및 대기업에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다. This study, assuming that different wage negotiations may bring in different levels of employ-ees` pay satisfaction, verified the difference in preferences and satisfaction depending on the way of paying incentives and applied the behavioral economy to the wage negotiation table. In concrete, the purpose of this study is to examine, in the course of wage negotiations, the effects of the framed time condition and the gain/loss condition against an employee on choices and judgments. The results for the time condition are as follows: For the linear condition assuming a neutral circumstance where there was no time frame, Hypothesis I-1 was established putting the deduction condition on top of the add condition in preference, on the basis of a theoretical background where a selection would be made in terms of loss aversion. But the hypothesis was rejected. With respect to the initial-weighted incentive con-dition with a near future time frame, Hypothesis II-1, saying that the add condition would be more preferred than the deduction condition was supported. However, regarding the last-weighted incentive condition with a far future time frame, a hypothesis Hypothesis III-1, saying that the deduction condition would be more pre-ferred than the add condition was rejected. However, the selection rate for the deduction condition showed a gradual increase as the early condition, the comparison condition, and the last condition appeared in order (Hypothesis IV was supported). Looking into the results of the gain/floss context, Hypothesis V-1, saying that the initial-weighted incentive condition would be more preferred than the last-weighted one with respect to the add condition (gain context), was supported. Also supported was Hypothesis VI-1, saying that the last-weighted incentive condition would gain more preferences than the initial-weighted one with respect to the deduction condition (loss context). Hypothesis VII assumed that the selection of the two initial-last weighted conditions may vary according to the employee`s actual goal achievement. As a result, the hypothesis received partial support as it turned out to have been significant only in the deduction condition. Based on these results, the time frame in the wage negotiation table can be interpreted to impose moderate effects on the employee`s selection and judgment. Also, the gain/loss context had stronger effects than the time condition did. Concretely, the gain context in the near future prefers a small but certain gain, therefore preferred is a con-dition that presents a higher percent of incentive at the low level of goal accomplishment. As for the loss context, employees attempt to avoid a 100% sure loss the most, tend to be more sensitive to even a small loss, and have an optimistic propensity toward the future. In this respect, it turns out that the closer the em-ployee approaches to the maximum goal, the more he/she prefers the condition of cutting down smaller incentives. As there have been no studies so far that applied the principles of behavioral economics from the perspective of wage management, this study can be exploratory. However, various implications can be obtained. First, it could understand what effects loss aversion has on the employees ` negotiations. In particular, the se-lection rate for the last-weighted incentive condition in the loss condition was 71 %, the highest of the selection rates among incentive combinations. The possibility of goal accomplishment and motivation rate for achievement effort also reached the highest level. An enterprise needs to negotiate wages for employees to maximize their performance, so they seem to prefer the last-weighted incentive condition. In this light, if ei-ther of the two initial and last weighted incentive conditions is selected from the deduction conditions in or-der to maximize selection, satisfaction, and motivation level while on the negotiation table, the fairness and the motivation level of the employees favored by a company will be able to rise. This may possibly act as a win-win strategy both for the enterprise and the employees as the individuals can certainly see an increase in fairness for and satisfaction in negotiations. Second, selections vary by an individual`s degree of goal accomplishment. When the level of goal accomplishment is below average in the loss context, the selection rate of initial-weighted incentive condition was 14.2% higher than the last-weighted incentive. When over average, however, the last-weighted incentive con-dition had the higher figure of 77.3% compared to 22.7% for the initial-weighted. That is, high-performers exceeding average goals in the organization tend to prefer more risks than those who do not. It should be necessary to present a wage negotiation proposal in consideration with the employ-ees` past goal accomplishment level history. Third, the study showed what the compensation offering time meant. That is, how the satisfaction to changes in selections and negotiation results vary, according to the compensation in the far future time frame and a certain one in the near future time frame, while the employees are at the negotiation table. The results of this study indicated they generally preferred sure profits at the present time. This is also consistent with the meta-analysis results of Kuhnerger(1999). The analysis pointed out that selecting money or personal assets turned out to have less preference for risk than other conditions. Since, it may be assumed that wages are a significant factor that influences basic family life, well-being, and many other parts, the possibility of not taking risk may come automatically. Furthermore, most Korean businesses traditionally make an additional wage payment such as general increase or bonus payment in many cases. Accordingly, the term "deduction payment" may look so salient and influential that it may have brought about some reluctance. This may have occurred due to some of the participants with families who desire to keep a stable source of income. In light of all these factors, subsequent studies on wage negotiations need to fully consider the variables stated. Finally, it is encouraging to have revealed the fact that the leading theories of behavioral economics have been applied to wage negotiations, and it is of great significance to an individual. Though the theories of behavioral economics are also explained in existing wage management theories, no empirical evidence has been presented under the current circumstances. Findings of this study, therefore, are considered to be helpful for the theoretical aspects in the existing wage management. In spite of these implications, there are some limitations for generalizing the results of this research First, a researcher arbitrarily established the percentage for the incentive negotiation conditions presented by this study. Though the maximum weight was set at 10 percent for the maximization of independent variable ef-fects, it would have been better to investigate the actual percentage applicable to businesses and reflect it in the study. It is therefore necessary to look into the last-weight percent actually applicable in following studies. If possible, it would be beneficial for businesses to set the percentage by writing concrete functions in a cal-culable method. Second, detailed investigations have not been conducted toward the fairness, satisfaction, possibility of goal accomplishment, and will of performance effort. The study allowed the selection of one of two proposed in-centive conditions. This selection method, though widely used for research on existing behavioral economics, could have brought in more analysis and explanations, if the Likert scale measures had been conducted in more detail over each condition or the ones chosen by individuals. This method was not completed in consid-eration of possible restrictions in the generalization of results. This is because the participants are likely to become less attentive to a response or have lower concentration in the later part as the number of items grows. Taking this point into account, the study did not make comparison between the linear conditions that anyone would generally think of as fair and other conditions. Following studies should consider these points and maintain the respondents` attention to access more detailed and various information. Third, variables of individual differences examined in the study were restrictive. Only demographic varia-bles were mainly adopted for this study but it is necessary to gain further insight into influential variables on an individual`s selection during the wage negotiation process. For example, wage negotiations can be in-fluenced by an each individual`s trust for the organization or pay satisfaction, so can personality (Big 5), goal orientation, and risk aversion level. Following studies will need to carry out research on variables that can affect decision-making in wage negotiations. Lastly, selection for the study was based on a scenario instead of an actual situation, so no conclusions cannot be reached whether or not consistent results would come out during actual wage negotiation circumstance. In following studies, it is necessary to observe actual wage negotiations among employees cur-rently working. If future studies are conducted taking these limitations into consideration, they will be able to present vari-ous implications as to how behavioral economics theories can be applied in the wage negotiation process.

      • KCI등재

        R&D Investment Strategies under a Duopoly Zero-Sum Game Environment

        강원석(Wonseok Kang),임유신(Yoo Shin Im),엄태성(Taesung Eum) 피터드러커 소사이어티 2016 창조와 혁신 Vol.9 No.2

        이 논문은 제로섬게임 하에서 두 기업의 대칭적 R&D 투자전략을 연구하였다. 특정제품에 대한 경쟁이 포화 시장 상태에 이르렀을 때, R&D투자 전략들을 통해 이익구조를 개선해 낼 수 있는지를 밝혀내기 위해 전략적 게임모델을 활용하였으며, 특허보호가 되는 시장과 특허보호가 이루어 지지 않는 시장의 두 가지 다른 상황을 가정하여 R&D 투자게임 모델을 비교 분석하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다: (1)특허보호는 비전략적 R&D incentive를 증가시키지만, 전략적 R&D incentive는 감소시키게 되며 이는 토너먼트 효과와는 무관하다; (2)협력 R&D투자가 이루어지는 상황 하에서도, 특허보호가 비전략적 R&D incentive를 증가시키고, 전략적 R&D incentive를 감소시킨다; (3)특허보호가 이루어지는 시장에서는 협력 R&D투자가 선호되지만, 특허보호가 이루어지지 않는 경우에는 독립적인 R&D투자가 선호된다; (4)특허기술 라이센싱옵션이 가능할 경우에는 특허보호가 비전략 R&D incentive를 향상시키며, 특허 라이센싱옵션이 없을 때보다 항상 더 큰 R&D incentive를 유도한다; (5)특허기술 라이센싱은 특허보호 여부와 무관하게 협력 R&D투자의 경우보다 더 높은 비전략 R&D incentive를 발생시킨다. This paper investigates duopoly competition in two firms’ symmetric R&D investment strategies under a zero-sum game. Our primary focus is to identify the benefits of R&D investment strategies as they at some point reach the saturated competition of a certain product. In particular, with the goal of illustrating the variance in expected benefits using strategic gaming models, two different situations are compared and analyzed, one where patent protection is available, and another where it is not. In brief, we present the following findings: (1) Patent protection increases non-strategic R&D incentive, but strategic R&D incentive decreases regardless of the tournament effect; (2) in the R&D cooperation circumstance, patent protection increases non-strategic R&D incentive while decreasing strategic R&D incentive; (3) in a strategic context, cooperative R&D(independent R&D) achieves higher R&D incentive with (without) patent protection; (4) with the licensing of technology, patent protection enhances non-strategic R&D incentive, and licensing technology always yields a higher R&D incentive than the situations without licensing; (5) in a non-strategic context, technology licensing generates higher R&D incentive than R&D cooperation can generate regardless of whether or not patent protection is available.

      • 친환경적 데이터 응용기술 활용 정책개발을 위한 기획연구

        강성원,이홍림 한국환경정책평가연구원 2020 기본연구보고서 Vol.2020 No.-

        Ⅰ. 연구의 배경 및 목적 □ 데이터 응용기술의 급속한 확대에 따라 요구되는 새로운 환경정책연구를 파악하고, 이를 수행하는 정책연구 로드맵을 구축 ㅇ 21세기에 들어서면서 데이터 수집, 축적, 분석, 확산과 관련된 데이터 응용기술이 급속하게 발전하였으나 데이터 응용기술이 환경에 미치는 영향은 불확실 - 데이터 응용기술: 데이터 수집, 축적, 분석, 확산 기술 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술의 사회경제적 파급효과 규모는 불확실하며, 사회경제적 변화가 환경에 미치는 영향도 불확실 - 데이터 응용기술이 1차~3차 산업혁명과 유사한 사회경제적 변화를 가져올 수 있는지 여부가 불확실 - 데이터 응용기술이 야기하는 사회·경제적 변화가 환경에 미치는 영향은 다양한 경로를 통해 복합적으로 발현 * 효율성 효과: 생산성 향상 → 자연자원 투입 절감 → 환경부담 완화 * 반등 효과: 생산성 향상 → 단위비용 하락 → 시장 확대 → 환경부담 심화 * 시장 확대효과: 기술진보 → 거래비용 하락 → 시장 확대 → 환경부담 심화 * 소비억제 효과: 데이터 응용기술 → 동일효용 제공을 위한 소비자 비용 최소화 조합 제공 → 소비억제 → 환경부담 완화 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술 확산에 따른 잠재적 환경 부담을 완화하고, 데이터 응용기술을 활용하여 환경정책의 개선을 도모하는 환경정책 개발이 필요 - 효율성 효과 및 소비억제 효과를 활용하여 반등 효과 및 시장 확대효과 억제 * 데이터 응용기술을 활용한 효과적인 유인기반(incentive-based) 정책을 통해 소비억제 효과를 강화하여 친환경적 소비를 촉진 - 데이터 응용기술을 활용하여 환경정책의 효과성을 제고하고 비용을 절감 ㅇ 본 연구의 목적은 데이터 응용기술 확산으로 인한 변화에 대응하기 위해 환경정책 연구과제 로드맵(2020~2029년)을 구축하는 것임 - 현황 파악 연구: 데이터 응용기술 확산이 환경에 미치는 영향에 대한 불확실성 해소 - 환경부담 억제방안 연구: 데이터 응용기술을 활용한 효과적인 유인기반 정책을 통해 소비억제 효과를 도모하고 이를 데이터 응용기술 확산에 따른 환경부담 억제에 사용 - 데이터 응용기술을 활용하여 현황 파악 연구 및 환경부담 억제방안 연구의 질 제고 Ⅱ. 연구현황 및 한계 □ 데이터 응용기술 관련 국내 연구는 데이터 응용기술의 확산 및 사회경제적 파급효과에 대한 연구보다 ‘활용방안’ 및 ‘활용환경’에 대한 연구가 중심 ㅇ NDLS, RISS에 수록된 빅데이터 관련 연구 중 2016년 이후 게재된 연구문헌 999건을 수집하여 주제별로 분류 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술 자체에 대한 연구는 6.7%, 사회경제적 파급효과에 대한 연구는 4.7%에 불과, 사회경제적 파급효과 대응방안 관련 연구는 11.4%에 그침 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술 활용사례 연구는 30.2%, 활용방안 연구는 30.6%, 활용과 관련된 제도적, 사회경제적 환경에 대한 연구는 16.3%로 가장 비중이 큼 □ 대부분의 문헌이 데이터 응용기술의 급격한 확산과 대규모 사회경제적 파급효과를 기본 전제로 하며 극단적 낙관론 혹은 비관론을 취함 ㅇ 활용방안 및 활용사례 연구, 파급효과 및 파급효과 대응방안에 관한 연구는 데이터 응용기술의 급속한 확산 및 대규모 사회경제적 파급효과를 전제로 함(77.0%) ㅇ 데이터 응용기술의 급속한 확산 및 대규모 파급효과 발생을 기본 전제로 하는 연구는 극단적인 낙관론 혹은 비관론을 취함 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술의 확산 결과에 대해 중립적인 입장을 전제로 하는 ‘활용과 관련된 제도적, 사회경제적 환경에 대한 연구’ 및 ‘기술 자체에 대한 연구’는 23.0%에 그침 □ 데이터 응용기술의 사회경제적 파급효과와 관련하여 보다 중립적인 접근이 필요 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술의 확산에 대해 전망하고, 이를 바탕으로 사회경제적 파급효과의 불확실성을 분석하는 연구가 요구됨 Ⅲ. 데이터 응용기술과 환경문제 1. 데이터 응용기술의 확산 □ 21세기 이후 데이터 수집-집적-분석-확산에 활용되는 기술이 급격히 발전하면서 사용이 확산되는 현상 발생 ㅇ 수집: 센서와 네트워크가 결합된 사물인터넷 보급으로 데이터 수집범위 확대 ㅇ 집적: 분산형 저장시스템의 발달과 클라우드 컴퓨팅의 확대로 대용량 데이터 접근성 증진 ㅇ 분석: GPU 연산기능의 강화로 거대 기계학습 모형 사용 시작 ㅇ 확산: 네트워크 기술의 확산으로 데이터 분석결과 활용범위 확대 □ 실시간 변동 데이터를 반영하여 갱신된 분석결과를 실시간으로 전달하는 환경을 조성하였으나, 갱신된 정보를 제품생산에 반영하는 자동화 및 로봇 기술은 초기단계 ㅇ 정보를 이용하여 생산-유통-소비를 연결하는 새로운 형태의 서비스 시장 창출 ㅇ ‘확산’ 단계의 병목현상 존재: 갱신된 분석 결과를 이용하여 제품 제조과정을 변화시키는 자동화 및 로봇기술은 아직 초기단계(예: 3차원 프린터) 2. 데이터 응용기술과 환경문제의 관계 □ 데이터 응용기술이 정보통신 외의 산업 생산성에 미치는 영향관계는 아직 불확실하며, 기술진보와 환경문제의 관계도 불확실 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술이 다른 산업의 기술진보를 유도할 수 있을지 여부는 아직 불확실 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술이 다른 산업 기술진보를 유도할 경우에도 환경문제와의 관계는 효율성 효과, 반등 효과, 시장 확대효과의 상대적 크기에 따라 결정 ㅇ 효율성 효과 및 반등 효과에 대한 전망이 불확실하여 데이터 응용기술 확산과 환경문제간의 관계는 불확실한 상황 □ 1차~3차 산업혁명과 비교할 때 데이터 응용기술의 발전이 산업 전반의 생산성 증진에 미치는 영향은 현재까지는 미약 ㅇ 1차, 2차 산업혁명 이후에는 전 산업에 걸쳐 지속적인 생산성 증대를 관찰할 수 있지만, 3차 산업혁명 이후 산업 전반의 생산성 증가는 단기에 그침 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술 발전을 상징하는 2010년대의 역사적인 사건들이 일어난 시기에 산업 생산성은 하락세로 나타남 - 데이터 응용기술 발전과 관련된 역사적 사건: 2011년 IBM 슈퍼컴퓨터 Watson의 < 제퍼디(Jeopardy!) > 퀴즈 프로그램 우승, 2016년 인공지능 알파고-이세돌 대국 ㅇ 향후 데이터 응용기술의 확산에 따른 전 산업 생산성 증가 전망에 대해서는 낙관론과 비관론이 혼재 - 낙관론: 3차 산업혁명부터 시작된 장기적 기술진보가 진행 중 - 비관론: 전 산업 생산성 증대가 확인되지 않았음 □ 데이터 응용기술의 발달에 따른 효율성 효과, 반등 효과, 시장 확대효과는 아직 통계적으로 확인되지 않음 ㅇ 1차, 2차 산업혁명 이후에는 반등 효과가 효율성 효과보다 크게 나타났고, 3차 산업혁명 이후에는 국제무역 시장이 확장되면서 환경오염물질 배출량이 급격하게 증가 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술 확산이 산업 전반의 생산성 증가를 야기하거나 시장규모를 급속히 확대할 경우 1~3차 산업혁명과 같이 환경오염물질 배출량이 증가할 위험 존재 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술 확산이 활발하던 2010년대에 산업 전반의 생산성 증진이 부진하고 국제무역량 증가가 정체상태였기 때문에, 3가지 효과 중 어떤 효과가 가장 클지는 아직 확인되지 않음 3. 데이터 응용기술 활용현황: 산업 □ 데이터 응용기술의 확산에 따라 ‘소비자 가치 극대화 시장’이라는 새로운 시장이 창출 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술은 실시간으로 변동하는 소비자 선호를 생산 및 유통 과정에 반영할 수 있는 도구를 제공하여 ‘소비자 가치 극대화 시장’이라는 새로운 시장을 창출 ㅇ ‘소비자 가치 극대화 시장’: 소비 단계에서 소비자가 제품으로부터 얻는 ‘가치(value)’를 극대화하는 서비스를 제공하는 시장 - 제조업: 개인 맞춤형 생산, 스마트 제품 - 서비스업: 소비자-공급자 정보 연계, 소유하지 않은 재화 소비(servitization) □ 제조업에서는 데이터 응용기술을 공정효율화 및 소비자가치 극대화 생산에 활용 중 ㅇ 공정효율화: 생산-유통과정에서 수집한 정보를 활용하여 생산 공정을 효율화하는 스마트 공장 도입 ㅇ 소비자 수요 정보를 제품의 생산에 반영하는 개인 맞춤형 생산, 소비자 사용 정보를 제품 판매 후 운용 방식에 반영하는 스마트 제품 생산 활성화 - 개인 맞춤형 생산: 스마트 공장/소비자-생산자 직접 연계(Amazon Third Party) - 스마트 제품 생산: 제품 구입 이후 소비자의 사용 정보를 반영하여 제품 운용 방식을 조정하는 서비스를 제공(스마트 전구, 스마트 폰) □ 서비스업에서는 데이터 응용기술을 활용한 ‘소비자 가치 극대화’ 시장이 창출됨 ㅇ 소유하지 않은 내구재를 소비하는 단기임대 및 구독(subscription) 서비스 시장 창출 - 차량 단기임대(SOCAR), 클라우드 서비스(Amazon Web Service, Google Cloud Service) ㅇ [교통] 소비자 수요에 적합한 교통수단/교통수단 조합을 실시간으로 도출하여 사용권을 제공하는 새로운 교통서비스 산업 창출 - 카카오 택시, 승차공유(Uber), 통합교통서비스(Whim: 다중 교통수단 결합서비스) □ 데이터 응용기술 확산에 따라 소비자 가치 극대화 시장이 확대될 전망이지만, 기업의 변화 및 산업구조 개편이 선결조건 ㅇ 생산 공정 효율화는 자동화 및 로봇 기술의 발전이 부진하여 진행이 더딜 것으로 전망 - 실시간 정보를 반영하는 자동화 설비는 아직 실현되지 않은 상황 · 예) 4세대 이상 자율주행자동차는 아직 개발단계 ㅇ 기업의 생산양식, 기업조직, 기업문화가 소비자 가치 극대화 시장에 적합하게 변화하여야 소비자 가치 극대화 시장 확대가 가능 - 생산양식: 개인 맞춤형 생산에 적합한 유연한(agile) 생산방식 - 기업조직: 다양한 실험이 자유로운 분권형 기업조직 ㆍ 소비자 정보 파악을 위해서는 다양한 실험이 필수적 - 기업문화: 데이터를 중시하는 기업문화 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술 역량이 있는 창업기업 위주로의 산업구조 개편 필요 - 데이터 응용기술은 데이터 응용기술 역량을 보유한 기업이 다른 산업에 진출하는 방식으로 주로 확산 ㆍ 애플사는 앱스토어(appstore)를 이용하여 애플리케이션 유통 시장에 진출 - 데이터 응용기술 활용 유인에는 강하고 비용 부담은 적은 창업기업의 역할이 중요 ㆍ 기존 기업은 대량생산 중심 생산양식, 수직적 기업조직, 절차중심 기업문화에 익숙하여 데이터 응용기술 활용에 적합하도록 변환하는 비용이 큼 4. 데이터 응용기술 활용현황: 정책 □ 증거기반 행정 원칙이 자리 잡고 개인정보보호 규제가 완화되었으며, 공공기관 정보공개가 활발하게 이루어져 데이터 응용기술 활용을 위한 기본적 제도가 정비 ㅇ 통계기반정책평가제도(2007년) 도입으로 정책 전 분야에 증거기반 행정원칙 적용 가능 ㅇ 2020년 「개인정보보호법」이 개정되어 가명정보 사용이 허용됨 ㅇ 2012년 이후 공공기관 정보공개 건수 및 공개율이 급증하는 등 공공데이터 공급이 활발하게 이루어짐 - 공개 건수: 28만 9,000여 건(2010년) → 63만 9,000여 건(2018년) - 공개율: 89.7%(2010년) → 96.1%(2013년) → 95.1%(2018년) □ 현재 데이터 응용기술은 단기예측, 정책대상 선별, 가상 정책실험(micro- simulation)의 도구로 정책에 사용 ㅇ 단기예측: New York Federal Reserve bank의 GDP Nowcasting - 경제현황 관련 정보를 실시간으로 업데이트하여 GDP 단기 예측치 생산 ㅇ 정책대상 선별: ‘복지 사각지대 발굴관리 시스템’ - 데이터 분석으로 복지 사각지대에 처할 위험이 있는 가구를 사전 선별하고 직접 방문하여 확인 ㅇ 가상 정책실험: 정책 관련 상황을 가상으로 재현하여 정책실험 도구로 활용 □ 데이터 분석결과의 인과관계 규명이 어려워 이를 정책증거로 사용하는 것은 제한적이나, 의사결정의 효율성 제고를 보조하는 정보 생산에 데이터 응용기술 활용 가능 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술로 도출한 결과는 입증의 책임(burden of proof)을 보장하기 어려워 정책 의사결정 시 핵심 자료로 활용하기는 어려움 - 정책 의사결정 시 사전적 법령심사가 주를 이루어, 이를 뒷받침하기 위해서는 입증의 책임을 감당할 수 있는 ‘증거’ 역할을 하는 정보가 필요 ㅇ 예측, 정책실험, 정책대상 선별 등 의사결정 효율성 제고에 ‘참고’가 되는 정보생산에 충분히 활용 가능 5. 데이터 응용기술과 환경문제: 전망 □ 데이터 응용기술 확산으로 소비자 가치 극대화 시장이 확대됨에 따라 환경오염물질 배출량이 증가할 전망 ㅇ 자동화(automation) 기술의 진보가 늦어져 효율성 효과 및 반등 효과가 가까운 미래에 발현할 가능성은 낮음 ㅇ 소비자 가치 극대화 시장이 새롭게 확대되면서 환경오염물질 배출량이 증대할 위험 존재 - 소유 없는 소비가 확대되면서 기존 내구재 사용 빈도가 증가하고, 내구재 구입시의 비용부담이 낮아져 신규 소비자가 유입될 가능성이 높음 - 데이터 응용기술을 활용하여 소비자의 비용을 절감하는 서비스를 제공할 시 추가지출 여력이 발생하여 타 상품의 소비가 증가하는 소득효과(income effect) 발생 □ 산업구조의 경직성 및 대기업 위주의 기업 생태계로 인해 데이터 응용기술의 확산 자체는 제한적이고 점진적일 전망 ㅇ 대기업은 산업 간 경쟁보다 산업 내 경쟁에 집중하고 있어 대기업 주도 산업개편을 기대하기는 어려움 - 2000년 이후 산업구조 변화는 경직적이고, 산업 내 집중도는 심화(이한득, 2016) ㅇ 정보통신기술 기반 산업구조를 주도할 역량이 있는 중견기업 비중이 낮은 상태로 기업 생태계가 유지되고 있어 중견기업 주도 산업개편 또한 기대하기 어려움 - 대기업은 투자 여력은 있으나 유인이 부재하고, 중소기업은 투자 여력이 부족 - 대기업 중심의 자원 집중이 2006년부터 2018년 까지 유지됨: 규모 상위 0.02% 사업체가 고용의 7.2%를 차지(2018년) ㅇ 창업기업의 성장이 부진하여 창업기업 주도 산업개편을 기대하기 어려움 - 창업기업은 업력이 증가할수록 영업이익률 및 순이익률이 낮아지는 경향을 보임 - 업력 7년 이하 창업기업(2016년)의 52.3%는 도매·소매업, 음식·숙박업 사업체이며, 출판·영상·방송통신·정보서비스업 사업체는 1.1%에 불과 □ 데이터 응용기술이 확산되면 소비자 가치 극대화 시장이 확대되어 소규모 사업장 배출량 및 소비단계 배출량 비중이 증가할 전망 ㅇ 개인 맞춤형 생산이 증가하면서 소규모 사업장 비중이 상승 - 유연한 생산에는 소규모 사업장이 유리: 1979년 GM 미국 고용 61만 8,365명 vs. 2019년 Apple 미국 고용 9만 명 ㅇ 소유하지 않는 소비가 증가하면서 내구재 소비 단계의 배출량이 증가 - 소유하지 않고 사용하는 사용자 수가 증가: 기존 내구재 사용 빈도 증가 - 배출원과 사용자가 분리되는 현상 발생: 배출원(서비스공급자) ≠ 사용자(가계, 기업, 개인) □ 인과관계 증명의 한계로 인해 데이터 응용기술은 환경정책 수립 시 ‘참고자료’ 생산용도로 활용될 전망 ㅇ 사전 법령심사 중심 정책운용에서 데이터 응용기술을 참고자료 생산에 사용 가능 Ⅳ. 중장기 연구목표 및 추진방향 1. 정책과제 □ 데이터 응용기술 확산에 따른 환경정책 과제는 소비자 가치 극대화 시장 확대에 따른 배출량 증가 및 배출원 구성변화에 대응할 수 있는 환경정책을 개발하는 것임 ㅇ 시장 확대효과에 따라 환경오염물질 배출량이 증대할 전망 ㅇ 소규모 배출원 배출 비중 및 소비단계 배출 비중이 증가하여, 배출량 직접규제 및 신규 내구재 효율규제가 중심인 기존 환경정책 효과가 약화될 우려 - 소규모 배출원 비중이 증가할 경우 배출량 직접규제 모니터링 비용 상승 - 소유 없는 소비가 확대될 경우 배출원인 사업장과 배출을 야기하는 가계가 분리되어 사업장 규제 효과가 약화되고, 기존 내구재 사용 단계의 배출량이 증가하여 신규 내구재 효율 규제 효과도 약화될 것으로 예상 ㅇ [기회요인] 데이터 응용기술을 활용한 소비자 비용절감 서비스를 제공하여, 소비자 가치 극대화 시장 확대 추세를 완화하고 환경오염물질 배출량을 억제 - 비용절감은 소비자가 추구하는 중요한 가치임. 소비자 가치 극대화 시장에서는 데이터 분석기술을 활용하여 비용을 절감하는 소비조합 도출 서비스 제공 가능 □ 유인기반 환경정책을 강화하여 배출원 구성변화 및 배출량 증대에 대응할 필요 ㅇ 상대가격을 조정하여 소규모 사업자, 내구재 사용자가 오염물질 배출량을 저감할 유인을 강화 - 친환경적 소비가 비용절감 소비가 되도록 조세·보조금을 사용하여 상대가격 조정 ㅇ 소비자 가치 극대화 시장에서 데이터 응용기술을 비용절감에 활용하여 친환경적 소비를 촉진 ㅇ [전제조건] 친환경 재화 및 서비스를 소비자 선택이 가능한 시장에 공급 2. 대응방안 □ 단기적으로는 데이터 응용기술 파악 및 환경 영향 전망 등의 현황 파악에 집중하고, 중장기적으로는 유인기반 환경정책을 강화하는 단계적인 접근이 필요 ㅇ 산업구조 및 기업 생태계의 경직성으로 데이터 응용기술 확산이 지연되는 기간을 이용하여 현황 파악 연구를 수행하고, 이를 바탕으로 유인기반 환경정책 설계 □ [단기] 현황 파악을 통해 데이터 응용기술과 환경오염 간 관계의 불확실성 해소 ㅇ 효율성 효과 및 반등 효과의 핵심 기술인 자동화 및 로봇 기술에 초점을 맞추어 데이터 응용기술의 현황을 파악 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술 확산에 따른 배출량 및 배출원 구성의 변화를 가계·사업체-산업-지자체-국가-지역-세계 수준에서 파악 - 가계 및 사업체 단위 현황 파악을 위해 데이터 응용기술을 적극 사용 □ [중장기] 유인기반 환경정책을 강화하고 친환경 소비대안(option) 공급 확대 ㅇ 친환경적 소비를 유도하는 조세·보조금 정책을 설계-도입-평가-개선 ㅇ 소비자 가치 극대화 시장에서 유통될 수 있도록 친환경적 재화 및 서비스를 공급 - 친환경적 재화 및 서비스의 예: 신재생에너지, 승차공유서비스, 친환경자동차 3. 정책연구 로드맵 □ 단기적으로는 데이터 응용기술 확산 및 그에 따른 환경부담 증감 현황을 파악하고, 중장기적으로는 유인기반 환경정책을 지원하는 연구를 수행 □ 단기(2020~2022년): 데이터 응용기술 자체에 대한 연구 및 데이터 응용기술과 환경의 관계에 관한 연구를 병행 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술 연구: 데이터 응용기술의 기술진보 현황 및 그에 따른 효율성 효과, 반등 효과, 시장 확대효과 파악 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술과 환경문제: 데이터 응용기술 확산에 따른 배출량의 증감 및 배출원 구성변화 파악 □ 중기(2023~2025년): 유인기반 환경정책 설계 및 도입 지원 연구 ㅇ 가격변화에 따른 배출원의 행위 및 배출량 변화의 영향관계를 규명하여 유인기반 환경정책의 효과를 파악 ㅇ 가격변화-배출원 행위 변화-배출량 변화-오염도 변화의 관계를 정량적으로 파악하여 정책 설계 근거를 도출 □ 장기(2026~2029년): 유인기반 환경정책 실효성 평가 및 개선방안 연구 ㅇ 가격-배출원 행위-배출량-오염도 각 단계의 인과관계를 실증적으로 규명하여 유인기반 환경정책의 효과를 파악하고 이를 주기적으로 반복하여 정책의 실효성 개선 □ 전 기간(2020~2029년): 친환경 소비대안(option)을 확대하고 관련 연구기반을 조성 ㅇ 친환경적 재화 및 서비스를 시장에 공급하는 방안을 마련하여 유인기반 환경정책의 효과를 제고 - 친환경 제품 및 서비스 개발 연구 및 시장 공급에 필요한 제도개선 연구를 병행 ㅇ 데이터 응용기술과 환경오염 간의 관계 규명을 위해서 소규모 배출원 및 가계의 경제적 행위, 기술 사용, 환경오염물질 배출을 연계하는 패널 자료를 구축 - 데이터 수집 기술(사물인터넷)을 이용하여 행위정보를 축적 ㅇ 유인기반 정책의 성과평가 및 제도개선을 위해서 소규모 지역단위 가격정보와 연계할 수 있는 소규모 지역단위 환경오염 현황 파악 연구를 수행 - 데이터 수집 기능을 활용하여 측정소가 없는 지역의 오염도를 수집 - 데이터 분석 기능을 활용하여 정확도가 높은 추정치를 도출 Ⅰ. Background and Aims of Research □ In this report, we identify a new demand for environmental policy research due to rapid expansion of data technology, and draw a research roadmap for this new demand. ㅇ In the 21st century, Data technology is rapidly progressing and expanding. However, the environmental effect of this data technology expansion is uncertain. - Data Technology : Technology for data collection, storage, analysis and distribution ㅇ The size of the socio-economic impact of data technology expansion itself is uncertain, and the environmental consequence of this socio-economic impact is also uncertain. - It is unclear if data technology could bring enormous socio-economic change comparable to the socio-economic changes caused by the 1st-3rd Industrial Revolutions. - The environmental consequence of the socio-economic change from data technology expansion is a complex mixture of diverse effects. * Efficiency effect : productivity growth → reduction of resource input → less environmental burden * Rebound effect : productivity growth → decreased unit cost → market expansion → more environmental burden * Market expansion effect : technology progress → decreased transaction cost → market expansion → more environmental burden * Consumption control effect: data technology → optimized consumption → reduced consumption → less environmental burden ㅇ We need environmental policies to lessen the potential environmental burden from data technology progress, and utilize data technology to improve environmental policy - Use the efficiency effect and the consumption control effect to lessen the environmental burden from the rebound effect and market expansion effect * Make more use of incentive-based policy to promote environmentfriendly consumption via the consumption control effect of data technology - Make environmental policy more effective and efficient using data technology ㅇ To face the challenge of current data technology expansion, we aim to draw an environmental policy research roadmap from 2020 to 2029 which consists of the following research areas. - Fact finding : Lessen the uncertainty of the environmental consequence of data technology progress - Environmental burden relieving : Promote the consumption control effect of data technology using incentive-based environmental policy to lessen the environmental burden due to data technology progress - Improve the quality of fact-finding research and research on relieving the environmental burden by using data technology Ⅱ. Current Literature □ Current Korean Literature mainly focuses on ways to utilize data technology and the conditions for utilization regarding data technology expansion, rather than the expansion of data technology itself and the socio-economic consequences. ㅇ We collected 999 studies related to big data from NDLS and RISS, and categorized them according to the research topics. ㅇ The research on data technology itself was 6.7%, the research on socio-economic impact was 4.7%, and the research on the policy response to the socio-economic impact was 11.4%. ㅇ Studies on the data technology utilization was 30.2%, the research on data technology utilization methods was 30.6%, the research on the institutional and socio-economic environment regarding data technology utilization was 16.3% : Three largest categories □ Most of the literature is based on the premise that data technology is expanding rapidly and that it has large-scale socio-economic consequences. Also, most of them show either extreme optimism or pessimism on the nature of the socio-economic consequences of data technology expansion. ㅇ Data technology utilization case studis, data technology utilization method research, socio-economic impact research, and policy response research assume rapid expansion of data technology and large-scale socio-economic consequences of data technology expansion. Together, these two categories account for 77.0%. ㅇ The studies assuming rapid expansion of data technology and large-scale socio-economic consequences of data technology expansion have a view either extremely optimistic or extremely pessimistic on the nature of socio-economic change. ㅇ Studies maintaining a neutral view on the data technology expansion and the nature of socio-economic consequences are on the research on the institutional and socio-economic environment regarding data technology and the research on data technology itself. Together, these two categories account for only cover 20.3%. □ For the purpose of this report, we need a more neutral approach on the socio-economic impact of data technology progress. ㅇ We need a realistic perspective on data technology progress. From this realistic perspective, we should analyze the uncertainty of the socio-economic impact of data technology progress. Ⅲ. Data Technology and Environment 1. Data technology expansion □ Since the beginning of the 21st century, data collection-storage-analysisdistribution technology has been progressing and expanding rapidly. ㅇ Collection : ‘The Internet of Things’, a combination of sensor and network, expanded the coverage of data collection ㅇ Storage : Distributed database technology and cloud services expanded access to big data ㅇ Analysis : Introduction of GPU enhanced computing power to the extent sufficient to a use large-scale machine learning model ㅇ Distribution : Network technology made instant distribution of data analysis result possible □ Real time update of data analysis result is possible. However, material production cannot be instantly adjusted according to the updated analysis result due to the limit of automation and robotics technology. ㅇ A new type of service market connecting production, distribution, and consumption is emerging. ㅇ There is a bottleneck in distribution. Automation technology to update material production process instantly using updated data analysis result is still in the early stage of development (e.g. 3D printer). 2. Environmental consequence of data technology expansion □ The effect of data technology expansion on overall productivity is uncertain, and the general relationship between technological progress and the environment is uncertain. ㅇ It is still uncertain if data technology can enhance productivity of other industries overall. ㅇ If data technology can enhance productivity of other industries overall, the environmental impact would be determined by the relative intensity of the efficiency effect, rebound effect, and market expansion effect. ㅇ Since the prospect of the efficiency effect and rebound effect of data technology is uncertain, the relationship between the data technology expansion and the environmental problems is also uncertain. □ Up until now, the effect of data technology on the productivity other industries overall has been small, especially when it is compared to the effect of the 1st-3rd Industrial Revolutions on the productivity other industries overall. ㅇ The 1st and 2nd Industrial Revolutions were followed by a sustained productivity growth across industries. The 3rd Industrial Revolution was followed by a rather short period of overall productivity growth. ㅇ The symbolic events of data technology progress in 2010s occurred when overall productivity was actually decreasing. - Symbolic events of data technology progress in 2010s : IBM Watson vs. human Jeopardy! match in 2011, AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol Go match in 2016 ㅇ Opinions on the future prospects of overall productivity improvement due to data technology are mixed. - Optimistic opinion : long term technology progress since the 3rd Industrial Revolution is still under progress - Pessimistic opinion : No evidence is found on the overall productivity growth □ Statistical evidence supporting the efficiency effect, rebound effect, and market expansion effect of data technology are still rare. ㅇ After the 1st and 2nd Industrial Revolutions, the rebound effect dominated over the efficiency effect, and the pollutant emission increased rapidly. ㅇ After the 3rd Industrial Revolution, international trade expanded rapidly. And the pollutant emission also increased rapidly due to the market expansion effect. ㅇ If data technology would increases overall productivity or expand market significantly, then the pollutant emission can increase rapidly like it did after the 1st-3rd Industrial Revolutions. ㅇ Since both the overall productivity growth and the growth of international trade stagnated in 2010s, there is no statistical evidence on which effect is the most powerful. 3. Current data technology utilization : Industry □ ‘Consumer value maximization’ market is emerging due to data technology progress. ㅇ Recent progress of data technology makes it possible to update production and distribution according to changes in consumer preference in real time. ㅇ Utilizing this real time update tool, new market which ‘maximizes consumer value’ is emerging. ㅇ ‘Consumer value maximization’ market : A market which provides services that maximize ‘value’ consumers gain from products in the consumption stage - Manufacturing: Personalized production, smart goods - Service: Consumer-supplier networking, consumption without possession (Servitization) □ In the manufacturing industry, data technology is used for process optimization and consumer value maximization. ㅇ Process optimization : Smart factory, which can optimize the production process according to the information gatherd during production and distribution ㅇ Consumer value maximization : Personalized production applying personalized consumer data to production is increasing its share and smart goods updating operation patterns automatically according to the consumer utilization data are introduced. - Personalized production is conducted by smart factor or via consumerproducer networking like Amazon Third Party. - Smart goods producers update operation patterns of their products automatically according to the consumer utilization data after purchase (Smart bulb, Smart phone). □ In the service industry, data technology created a market for ‘consumer value maximization service’ ㅇ Short-term leases or subscription services offering durable goods without purchase - Automobile short-term lease(SOCAR), Cloud service(Amazon Web Service, Google Cloud Service) ㅇ [Transportation] A new transportation service offering a real-time optimal transportation mode or a combination of multiple transportation modes in response to consumers’ demand is emerging. - KaKao Taxi, Car Pool Service(Uber), Integrated Transportation Service (Whim) □ We expect the ‘consumer value maximization’ market should expand as data technology progresses. However the pace of expansion would depend on how data-friendly the reform will be at the company level and the information technology sector leading change in the industrial structure. ㅇ Process optimization would be sluggish due to the slow development of automation technology and robotics technology - Example) The fourth generation self-driving car is still under development. ㅇ At the company level, data-friendly operational, structural, and cultural reforms are required. - Operation : Agile production fit for personalized production - Structure : Decentralized structure fit for free experiments · It is necessary to experiment freely to obtain consumer demand data - Culture : Cultural environment which accepts the importance of data. ㅇ At the industry level, new data technology firms should lead industrial structure change. - Data technology usually expands through inter-industry expansion of firms with superior data technology capacity. · Apple entered the application distribution market via Appstore. - New firms tend to lead data technology utilization because they have lower legacy costs. · Old firms are accustomed to mass production, the centralized firm structure, and the procedure-oriented culture. So they have larger legacy costs and a weaker incentive to transform into a data-friendly firm. 4. Current data technology utilization : Policy □ In Korea, institutional environments for data technology utilization in policy are favorable in general. We already have a legal basis of the evidence based policy principle and active open public data policy. And we have recently had a data friendly amendment of the privacy protection law. ㅇ “Empirical evidence-based policy evaluation”, which provides a legal foundation for application of the evidence based policy principle to overall policies, was introduced in 2007. ㅇ In 2020, the privacy protection law was amended to allow the use of individual information with aliases. ㅇ Since 2012, the number of public data opening cases and the acceptance rate due to the ‘open public data policy’ has been rapidly increasing . - Cases : 289 thousands(2010) → 639 thousands(2018) - Acceptance rate: 89.7%(2010) → 96.1%(2013) → 95.1%(2018) □ In public policy, data technology is used for short-term forecasting, policy intervention target selection, micro-simulation ㅇ Short-term forecast: GDP Nowcasting by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York - Update GDP estimates using real time economic data ㅇ Policy intervention target selection: ‘An identification and management system for welfare blind spots’ in Korea - Find families suspected to be in a welfare blind spot using data analysis, then confirm their status via personal contact · Welfare blind spot: Families qualifying for welfare benefits but not on the actual beneficiary list ㅇ Micro-simulation: Simulate a policy-related situation for policy experiment □ Due to weak causality analysis capacity of data analysis, data technology is not fit for providing evidence for policies. However, it can improve public decision making efficiency by providing relevant information ㅇ The results of data analysis do not provide causality argument strong enough to be used as evidence for policy - In Korea, pre-enforcement review of ordinances is principal in policy decision making. To support legal decisions, we need evidence strong enough to bear the burden of proof ㅇ Short-term forecasting, policy intervention target selection, micro-simulation can provide information to promote efficiency in policy related decision making 5. Data technology and environment : Perspective □ As data technology expands, pollutant emissions are expected to increase due to the expansion of the ‘consumer value maximization’ market. ㅇ Because of automation technology development stagnation, the efficiency effect and rebound effect would not be realized in the near future. ㅇ Expansion of the new ‘consumer value maximization’ market would likely to increase pollutant emissions. - Utilization without possession would increase utilization of already produced durable goods, and would increase new consumers by eliminating the burden of purchasing. - Consumer cost minimization services using data technology could create the income effect, and increase overall consumption. □ In korea, data technology expansion would be limited and slow-faced due to the high market concentration and rigid industrial structure. ㅇ The industrial structural change led by large firms is not likely to happen in Korea because Korean large firms focus on intra-industry competition rather than inter-industry competition. - Since 2000, industrial structure has been rigid, and intra-industry concentration has become stronger. ㅇ The IT-based industrial structural change led by medium-sized firms is not likely to happen in Korea because Korea does not have many medium-sized firms that have both an incentive and capacity to lead industrial structural change. - Big firms lack the incentive, and existing SMEs are short of capacity to lead IT-based industrial structural change. - Business resources have been concentrated on big firms in 2006~2018. : 0.02% of firms with largest revenues have 7.2% of employment(2018). ㅇ The IT-based industrial structural change led by new firms is not likely to happen in Korea because Korean new firms do not grow fast and lack technological capacity. - The profit ratio of new firms tend to decrease, not increase during seven years after entry. - 52.3% of new firms younger than 7 years in 2016 are in retail-wholesale, restaurant business, and accommodation industry. New firms in the IT industry are only 1.1%. □ If data technology expands, pollutant emissions from small firms and consumption will increase due to the ‘consumer value maximization’ market expansion. ㅇ The share of small firms would increase due to the expansion of personalized production. - Small firms have an advantage in agile production : U. S. employment of GM in 1979 was 618,365, but U. S. employment of Apple in 2019 was 90,000. ㅇ The share of consumption related pollutant emission would increase due to the expansion of ‘utilization without purchase.’ - The number of users without purchase increases : utilization intensity of existing durable goods increases - Pollution emitters and users are separated : Emitter(service provider) ≠ User(household, firm, individual) □ For environmental policy, data technology would be mainly used to produce ‘reference information’ due to weak causality analysis capacity. ㅇ Since pre-enforcement review of ordinances is principal in policy decision making, data technology can only provide ‘reference material’, not crucial evidence. Ⅳ. Medium and Long-term Research Goal and Strategy 1. Policy challenge □ In the face of data technology expansion, we need to develop environmental policies to reduce pollutant emission resulting from the ‘consumer value maximization’ market expansion, and policies which can effectively limit the pollutant emission from small establishments and consumption. ㅇ Due to the market expansion effect of the ‘consumer value maximization’ market, pollutant emission should increase. ㅇ Also, the share of emission from small establishments and emission from consumption would increase, and would make current environmental regulation- focusing on direct control of pollution from large establishments and direct control of new durables- less effective. - As pollution from small establishments would increase, direct control of pollutant emission from establishments would become less effective due to increasing monitoring costs. - As the ‘utilization without purchase’ service would expand, the emissions from establishments would be caused by consumers. This separation of the emitter and emission point also makes direct control of pollutant emission from establishments less effective. - As the ‘utilization without purchase’ service would expand, pollutant emission from utilization of old durables becomes more important. This trend would make direct control of new durables less effective. ㅇ [Opportunity] Data technology could be used to provide a consumer expenditure minimization service. The consumer expenditure minimization service could help reduce consumption and consequentially reduce pollutant emission from consumption. - The ‘consumer value maximization’ service can provide services minimizing consumer expenditure using data technology, because cost minimization is highly valued by consumers. □ Incentive-based environmental policy would be more effective to face the pollutant emission increase and composition change of pollutant emission due to data technology expansion. ㅇ By manipulating relative prices, incentive based policy can motivate small establishments’ owners and durable good users to emit less pollutants. - Adjust tax and subsidies to make environment-friendly consumption expenditure-minimization consumption. - Combined with the expansion of the ‘consumer value maximization’ market, incentive-based environmental policy can encourage ‘consumer value maximization’ service providers to use data technology to promote environment-friendly consumption. - To make incentive-based environmental policy effective, it is necessary to supply environment-friendly goods and services to the ‘consumer value maximization’ market. 2. Policy response strategy □ We need a staged response strategy. In the short run, we should concentrate on fact finding regarding data technology and its environmental impact. In the long run, we need to develop effective incentive based environmental policy. ㅇ The rigid industrial structure and high resource concentration on big firms would slow down data technology expansion. We should use that time to confirm facts about data technology. Then we would be able to develop incentive-based environmental policy based on those facts. □ For the short term, we should clear the uncertainty regarding the relationship between data technology and the environment. ㅇ Follow the development of automation technology and robotics technology closely to understand the efficiency effect and rebound effect of data technology. ㅇ Study the relationship between data technology expansion and the size and composition of pollutant emission on various levels : Household and establishment - Industry - Local government - Country - Region - World - Aggresively employ data technology to find facts regarding household and establishment. □ In the long run, we should develop and provide incentive-based environmental policy and environment-friendly consumption options. ㅇ Design, implement, evaluate, and improve tax and subsidy policies to encourage environment-friendly consumption. ㅇ Supply environment-friendly consumption options so that they can be utilized in the ‘consumer value maximization’ market. - Environment friendly consumption options : Renewable energy, carsharing service, environment-friendly automobiles 3. Research roadmap □ In the short run, it is necessary to find empirical evidence regarding the relationship between data technology and pollution emission. In the long run, we would study micro-foundations for incentive-based environmental policy. □ Short-term strategy (2020~2022) : Check empirical evidence regarding data technology itself and the relationship between data technology and pollution emission. ㅇ Research on data technology : Follow the development of data technology and check empirical evidence on the efficiency effect, rebound effect and market expansion effect. ㅇ Research on the relationship between data technology and pollution emission : Check empirical evidence regarding the effect of data technology on the size of pollution emission and the composition of emitters. □ Medium-term strategy (2023~2025) : Study micro-foundation for incentivebased environmental policy design and activation. ㅇ Check empirical evidence of the effect of relative price change on the behavioral change of emitters and consequential change of emissions. This evidence could provide micro-foundation for the activation of incentive-based policy. ㅇ Check empirical evidence on the causality chain of ‘relative price change, emitter behavior change, pollutant emission change, and pollution level change. This evidence could be used to design incentive-based policy. □ Long-term strategy (2026~2029) : Evaluate the effectiveness of incentive-based environmental policy and provide modification ideas. ㅇ Periodically check empirical evidence on the causality chain of price, emitter behaviors, emission, and pollution to evaluate incentive-based environmental policy.’ Using this information, develop modification design for current policy. □ For the whole period (2020~2029) : Increase supply of environment-friendly consumption options, and strengthen research bases. ㅇ To improve effectiveness of incentive based environmental policy, increase supply of environment-friendly goods and services to market. - Perform research on development of environment-friendly goods - Study to improve institutional environment to promote market supply of environment friendly goods and services ㅇ To check evidence on the relationship between data technology and pollutant emission, construct panel data on small establishments and households covering economic behaviors, data technology utilization, pollutant emission. - Utilize data collection technology such as ‘the Internet of things’ to accumulate data on economic behaviors. ㅇ For incentive-based policy evaluation and modification, check empirical evidences on the relationship between pollution and the price structure at the regional level. - Utilize data collection technology to collect pollution data of regions without pollution measuring stations. - Utilize data analysis technology to obtain accurate estimates of pollution of regions without pollution measuring stations.

      • KCI등재후보

        외식업체 종사원의 직무만족을 위한 인센티브제도 활성화 방안 연구

        조문식 ( Moon Sik Cho ) 관광경영학회 2010 관광경영연구 Vol.44 No.-

        The purpose of this study on the activating method of incentive system for job satisfaction. Respondents are divided into four groups. Actually revenue generating by incentive system is required to have three factors, status incentive, social incentive, financial incentive. Therefore employees will be encouraged & motivated effectively to participate in incentive system. It suggested a few proper way available to be adopted in food industry wage system which was set through seniority rule. So food industries are accentuating the applying of Incentive System to solve these problems. For Incentive System might make food industry employees to be more active. In my study it suggested a tangible way to satisfy food industry employees practically and emotionally. Therefore, in order to fulfill incentive system successfully, food industries should throughly investigate fairly reward system and show management`s concern. For that reason, this study investigated the way to reach the greatest degree of their profits through performance evaluation of a food industry for the employee.

      • KCI등재

        도시재생사업과 관련된 현행 인센티브 제도의 분석

        이인성(Lee, Insung),유나경(Yu, Na-Kyoung) 한국도시설계학회 2010 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        인센티브 제도는 도시재생사업을 지원하는 중요한 방법으로서, 민간이 주도하는 도시재생사업을 공공의 목적에 맞게 바람직한 방향으로 유도하고, 도시재생사업의 공공기여를 적정수준에서 보상해주는 기능을 가지고 있다. 그러나 현재 우리나라의 인센티브 제도는 여러 가지 문제점들로 인하여 도시재생사업을 효율적으로 유도하고 지원하는 수단이 되지 못하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 국토의계획과이용에관한법률, 도시및주거환경정비법, 도시개발법, 도시재정비촉진을 위한 특별법 등 우리나라의 도시재생사업 관련법에서 규정한 인센티브 제도의 문제점을 분석하여 개선방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 분석을 통해 발견된 문제점 중 가장 심각한 것은 여러 법들의 인센티브 적용이 일관성이 없다는 것이다. 각 법에 규정된 인센티브 프로그램들은 인센티브 부여조건, 산정식, 인센티브의 종류를 각각 다르게 규정하고 있어서, 혼란을 가져오며 법적용의 형평성을 저해하고 있다. 또한 이들 인센티브 프로그램들은 인센티브의 부여조건과 수단에 있어서 매우 제한적이어서 인센티브의 효율적 활용을 가로막고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제점을 개선하기 위해서 다음과 같은 방안을 제시하였다. 첫째, 각 법령에 분산 규정되어 있는 인센티브와 관계된 법조항들을 모법에 통합조정할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 현재 도촉법 등에 규정된 확대된 범위의 인센티브 부여조건을 모든 도시재생사업에 확대 적용할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 행정적, 재정적 인센티브의 확대 도입을 적극적으로 고려해야 할 것이다. Incentive system can be an effective tool to accomplish the goals of urban regeneration projects. Incentive system can guide the private development to meet public needs, and compensate the private developers’ contribution of providing public facilities. The present incentive system in Korea, however, cannot effectively guide and support urban regeneration projects due to several problems. This study intended to analyse the problems and explore future directions of amendment for the incentive systems determined in the laws related to the urban regeneration, such as Urban Planning Law, Urban Redevelopment Law, Urban Development Law and Urban Regeneration Law. The most serious problem found in the analysis was inconsistency in the incentive programs. The incentive programs of the laws are different in the requirements, calculation method and types of incentives. These differences can cause confusions and inequalities. In addition, the incentive programs’ limitations in the requirements and the types of incentives can restrict a positive applications of the incentive system. Based on the analysis, the following directions were suggested. First, the incentive systems should be integrated into a coherent structure in a law of high hierarchy. Second, the wide range of incentives which the Urban Regeneration Law provides should be applied into all types of urban regeneration projects. Third, the application of administrative and financial incentives need to be expanded.

      • KCI등재

        독일의 기업투자 인센티브제도 분석과 한국의 외국인투자 인센티브제도에 대한 정책시사점

        이성봉 ( Seong Bong Lee ),김선민 ( Sunmin Kim ) 한독경상학회 2013 經商論叢 Vol.31 No.4

        본 연구는 독일의 기업투자 인센티브제도 내용을 분석하고, 그 내용을 종합하여 독일제도의 특징을 도출하고, 이를 기초로 한국의 외국인투자 인센티브제도에 대한 정책적 시사점을 제시 하고 있다. 본 연구결과 독일의 기업투자 인센티브의 내용과 투자유치전담기관의 지원서비스와 관련하여 네 가지의 특징이 도출되었다. 첫째, 독일 기업투자 인센티브는 기업경영의 장기적 지속가능성에 초점을 맞추고 있다는 점이다. 둘째, 인센티브를 제공하는 정부의 정책목표와 인센티브를 받는 기업의 필요 사이의 균형을 추구하고 있다는 점이다. 셋째, 인센티브관련 다양한 차원의 협력시스템 구축을 통하여 인센티브 효율성을 제고하고 있다. 넷째, 투자유치 전담기관이 인센티브관련 투자자 밀착형 전문 지원서비스를 제공하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 독일 기업투자 인센티브제도의 한국에 대한 정책 시사점이 외국인투자 인센티브의 개편방향 및 운영효율화 방안을 중심으로 도출되었다. 첫째, 그동안 집중되어온 투자단계 의 인센티브뿐만 아니라 운영단계의 인센티브를 포괄하는 인센티브 패키지의 설계가 필요하다. 둘째, 투자유치 정책목표 중심에서 벗어나 외국인투자가의 필요를 최대한 반영하여 이 둘이 적절하게 조화되는 인센티브의 설계이다. 셋째, 중앙정부, 지자체, 공공지원기관, 민간금융기관 등 다양한 차원의 협력체제 구축을 통한 인센티브 운영 효율성 제고이다. 넷째, 국내진출이후 활용 가능한 다양한 투자 및 운영관련 인센티브까지 포함하는 Invest Korea의 투자인센티브 지원서비스의 강화이다. 본 연구는 국내에서 처음으로 독일의 기업투자 인센티브 제도를 종합적으로 분석하여 그 특징들을 도출하고 이를 기반으로 한국의 외국인투자 인센티브 제도에 대한 정책 대안을 제시하고 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다고 하겠다. 그러나 본 연구에서 다룬 독일 제도는 국내 기업의 투자에 대한 인센티브와도 함께 비교되어야 하는데 이를 수행하고 있지 못하다는 점에서 한계점이 있으며, 향후 추가적인 연구가 필요하다고 하겠다. This study analyses the structure and contents of investment incentives in Germany, and suggests their policy implications to FDI (foreign direct investment) incentive system in Korea. As research results, four characteristics can be found in incentive system in Germany: Firstly, the German incentive system focuses on the long term viability of investing company, not just on subsidizing financial needs. Secondly, it follows the balanced approach between government`s policy objectives and companies` investment and operational needs. Thirdly, the German incentive system works efficiently based on cooperative trust relations among related parties, including federal and state government, public financial institutions, and commercial banks. Fourth, the national investment promotion agency, Germany Trade and Invest provides professional high quality supporting services to foreign investors regarding the incentives. Based on those analysis on German investment incentive system, this study suggests four policy recommendations on FDI incentive system in Korea: Firstly, the FDI incentive system in Korea should not only focus just on investing stage, but also extend to the operational stage of business after setting up the production facilities in Korea. It is recommendable for Korean government to incorporate incentives designed for domestic investment into the incentive package for foreign investors. Secondly, the Korean incentive mechanism should be flexible enough to reflect the complex needs of foreign investors. Thirdly, the system should be formulated to promote the cooperative working mechanism among related parties regarding FDI incentives, such as central government, local governments, various governmental agencies, and commercial financial institutions. Fourth, it is necessary for Invest Korea, the national investment promtion agency, to enforce the counseling capability to foreign investors regarding incentives.

      • KCI등재

        사회적 비용을 감소하기 위한 입법과 Incentive의 활용 -새로운 패러다임 하에서의 담배꽁초회수법 제정 제안-

        가정준 ( Jung Joon Ka ) 한국법정책학회 2013 법과 정책연구 Vol.13 No.3

        경제적 유인을 통한 특정 목적을 달성하기 위한 입법 방법은 단속과 처벌에 익숙한 법문화에서는 그 패러다임의 변화를 받아들이기는 쉽지 않을 것이다. 단속과 처벌이 따르는 법률들을 제정할 당시 이들이 가지고 있는 치명적 내재적 약점인 제재비용인 사회적 비용의 증가를 입법자들이 얼마나 고려하는 지 궁금하다. 이러한 ‘부정적 유인’을 통한 제재는 그 단속비용이 투여되면 그 효과가 바로 보이기 때문에 많은 경우 입법자들은 이를 선호하는 것 같다. 하지만 지속적 단속비용이 투여되지 않으면 용두사미가 되는 것이 ‘부정적 유인’의 한계이기도 하다. 또한 ‘부정적 유인’에 투여되는 사회적 비용에 비해 얻게 되는 효과가 적은 분야에 이러한 방법을 사용하고 있는 것은 사회적 비효율성을 보여주는 예가 될 수도 있다. 이에 비해 ‘긍정적 유인’을 통한 입법은 그 설계와 제정 과정이 쉽지 않지만 적은 사회적 비용을 투하하여 지속적인 효과를 얻을 수 있는 장점이 있다. ‘담배꽁초회수법’은 ‘긍정적 유인’의 방식을 통한 입법으로 이를 통해 얻게 되는 이익과 효과를 고려하여 제안을 하였다. 제안된 법안이 입법으로 성사 여부를 떠나 ‘부정적 유인’에 익숙한 우리나라 현실의 입법 방법을 보다 효과적인 ‘긍정적 유인’을 통한 입법 방법을 법경제학적 측면에서 제시함으로써 보다 효과적이고 효율적인 법제정을 위한 기초가 되고자 본 논문을 작성하여 보았다. I totally agree with Judge Posner`s statement that as rational maximizers people are likely to response to incentive in somehow. I believe that this incentive can be classified into positive and negative incentive in lawmaking and its enforcement. Most of time lawmakers have used negative incentive when they propose drafts such as fine, penalty, and punishment. It is not difficult to find out the effectiveness of these kinds laws when a government puts significant resources into negative incentive-oriented laws. The social resources are supposed to become significant and continuous when such outcomes are expected. Governmental budget, like social resources, are limited and used according various social demands. Without significant and continuous supports, it is not easy to expect that such laws and their enforcement are effective. Sometimes, lawmakers pass negative incentive-oriented law without considering how to assign a national budget. Such law is likely to become inefficient because the significant amount of social resource is required, but its outcomes are insignificant. Likewise, positive incentive-oriented laws such as subsidy and supports require significant amount of social resources, but aim with targeted purpose and groups. It is not easy to find out such positive incentive-oriented laws because of hardships in making and allocating. However, its efficiency is relatively strong despite narrowed effectiveness in targeted areas. I have suggested the way to decrease social costs in lawmaking by applying incentive, in particular Draft for Cigarette Butts Recycling and Litter Reduction Act. If we can find the way to reduce our wastes in particular by recycling cigarette butts, many positive outcomes are expected such as reducing fires by mistakes, environmental contamination into rivers and sea, social costs to enforce no littering. In addition, I believe that it is the time to think of a new way in drafting laws by using more positive incentives.

      • KCI등재

        평택당진항의 항만인센티브제도의 관리기준 개선에 관한 연구

        홍상태 국제e-비즈니스학회 2023 e-비즈니스 연구 Vol.24 No.5

        목적은 평택당진항이 1986년도에 개항하여 2022년에는 화물취급량 11,617만톤으로 연평균 12.7%로 높은 성장률을 나타내고 있다. 그러나 최근 2018년에 115,146천톤에서 2022년 116,717천톤을 취급하여 연평균 3% 수준으로 저성장 하고 있다. 화물유치 확대를 위한 다양한 인센티브를 지급하고 있지만 화물유치 성과에는 미미한 수준이므로 항만인센티브 지급 기준를 재정립하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 방법으로는 국내·외 주요 항만들의 인센티브 지급 사례 분석과 학술적 이론을 바탕으로 인센티브 지급기준과 사후 평가제도를 제시하였다. 결과는 항만운영의 관행적으로 지급되던 것을 인센티브 지급체계를 설정하였고, 수혜사업자들의 동기 부여를 위한 사후 평가제를 도입하여 실적에 따른 차별적 지급 기준을 제시하였다. 결론은 평택당진항의 항만인센티브 지급을 보다 더 체계화 하기 위해 인센티브 지급 기준 설정과 효율적 운영을 위해 사후 평가제 기준을 제시하였다. Research Purpose: Pyeongtaek-Dangjin Port has shown significant growth since its establishment in 1986, with a cargo handling volume of 116.717 million tons in 2022, indicating an average annual growth rate of 12.7%. However, in recent years, from 2018 with 115.146 million tons to 2022 with 116.717 million tons, it has experienced a relatively low growth rate at an average of around 3%. Despite offering various incentives to attract cargo, the port's performance in cargo attraction has been modest. Thus, the purpose is to redefine the criteria for granting port incentives. Research Methods: Incentive payment standards and a post-evaluation system were presented based on analysis of incentive payment cases in major domestic and foreign ports and academic theory. Results in Research: We established an incentive payment system, departing from conventional practices in port operation, and introduced a post-performance evaluation system to provide differentiated incentive criteria based on actual performance. Research Conclusion: We have proposed criteria for setting incentive payment standards and a post-evaluation system to make the Pyeongtaek-Dangjin Port's incentive payment system more systematic and efficient.

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