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      • KCI등재

        회생절차와 사고신고담보금 관련 법률관계

        성민섭 한국민사법학회 2009 民事法學 Vol.47 No.-

        This article is to review types of disputes and related legal issues incurred or to be incurred from or in connection with the accident notice deposit of the note-drawer in case where the reorganization proceeding of the note-drawer has commenced; and to research into the precedents of Supreme Court and the past and current theories regarding the above in the critical point of view. As to the disposal of the accident notice deposit in reorganization proceeding, the main issues are (i) whether the note-holder may demand the paying bank to reimburse the accident notice deposit pursuant to the contract for disposal of accident deposit (relationship of the reversion of accident notice deposit) and (ii) whether the right of reimbursement of the note holder of accident notice deposit, which was forfeited due to failure to making report of claims (right) in the reorganization proceeding, or of which the terms and conditions were revised due to modification of reorganization plan, is forfeited or whether the content of the right is changed (relationship between the right of note proceeds and the right of reimbursement of accident notice deposit); the above issues are directly related to how to decide the essential nature or legal characteristics of the accident notice deposit and contract for disposal of accident notice deposit. The precedents of Supreme Court and majority opinions see the above as the contract for the third party, while minority opinions see it as the contract for deposit for reimbursement. However, the former tends toward the manner of formation of right and thus it is not proper or sufficient to explain the substantial contents, while the latter is the view overlooking the essential nature of the system of accident notice deposit, which cannot be explained at all by the legal theory of deposit of reimbursement, such as non-existence of intent of reimbursement and the like. Accordingly, the author views it proper that the legal characteristics of the contract for disposal of accident notice deposit is the contract for the third party in terms of form (creation and reversion of rights) and the untitled contract (nichtbenannter Vertrag) similar to escrow in terms of substantial contents. According to the author’s above view, it is deemed to be possible that (i) a note-holder may demand the paying bank to reimburse the accident notice deposit even though the reorganization proceeding as to the note-drawer has commenced, and (ii) a note-holder may request the reimbursement of the accident notice deposit in full as set forth in the contract for disposal of accident notice deposit regardless of whether the right has been forfeited in the reorganization proceeding or the content of note claim has been revised pursuant to the reorganization plan. Accordingly, it is deemed to be inconsistent while the Supreme Court made a distinction between the case where the right was forfeited in the reorganization proceeding and the case where the content of note claim was revised pursuant to the reorganization plan, Supreme Court held that the right for reimbursement of accident notice deposit was also forfeited only for the former case. Therefore, it is deemed to be reasonable that the note-holder, whose right was forfeited in the reorganization proceeding, may also file a legal action against the trustee of the note-drawer "seeking for a consent to reimburse the accident notice deposit" or "confirmation of the right of reimbursement of accident notice deposit to revert to the note-holder", and then he/she may be entitled to exercise the right of the accident notice deposit in accordance with the judgment of such legal action.

      • KCI등재

        일본에서의 유죄협상제도에 관한 논의와 입법화

        안성훈(An Sung Hoon) 한국형사소송법학회 2016 형사소송 이론과 실무 Vol.8 No.2

        조사과정의 녹음・녹화 의무화와 유죄답변협상제도의 도입, 통신감청 범위의 확대를 주요 내용으로 하는 일본 개정 형사소송법이 2016년 5월 24일 성립되었다. 본 개정 법률에는 많은 중요한 개정 내용을 포함하고 있는데, 특히 중요한 내용으로는 ① 조사과정의 녹화・녹음제도의 도입, ② 증거개시제도의 확충, ③ 피의자국선변호 적용범위의 확대, ④ 통신감청 적용범위의 확대, ⑤ 협의・합의제도(유죄답변협상제도)의 도입, 형사면책제도의 창설, 증인 등의 사생활 보호의 철저 등이 있다. 이들 개정 내용 중 협의・합의제도와 관련하여 구체적으로 제도의 특징과 내용, 제도 도입을 둘러싼 논의 상황에 대해서도 살펴보았다. 현재 유죄답변협상제도는 미국뿐만 아니라 대륙법계 국가인 독일, 프랑스, 이탈리아, 스페인도 일부 변형된 형태로 도입되어 운용되고 있으며, 최근 우리나라에서도 제한적 유죄답변협상도와 면책조건부 진술제도 도입과 관련한 논의가 활발히 제기되고 있다. 이러한 배경에는 법원에서의 국민참여재판제도의 운영과 공판중심주의 강화, 그리고 뇌물죄와 조직범죄, 마약범죄, 금융범죄 등 그 제보자의 진술이 절실히 필요한 범죄들의 진술 확보의 곤란성, 그리고 피의자나 피고인의 인권 강화에 따른 열악한 수사환경 등을 극복하기 위한 대책마련의 필요성이 강하게 제기되고 있다는 점에 있다. 이러한 우리나라의 상황은 앞서 제도를 도입한 일본의 상황과 별반 다르지 않다는 점에서 일본의 협상・합의제도의 도입은 우리나라에 많은 시사점을 제공해 주고 있다. The revised criminal procedure act in Japan that contains compulsory audio and video recording of investigation processes, the introduction of plea bargaining, and expansion of the scope of communication monitoring has been established on May 24, 2016. This law contains many important legislative revisions: particularly, ① the introduction of the audio and video recording of investigation processes; ② the expansion of the evidence discovery system; ③ the expansion of the public defender system to the accused; ④ the expansion of the scope of communication monitoring; and ⑤ the introduction of the plea negotiation and agreement system (plea bargaining), the creation of criminal immunity, and thorough protection of privacy for witnesses. Among these revisions, this study focused on reviewing the discussions centered on the characteristics, contents, and introduction of plea bargaining. Currently, plea bargaining is introduced not only to the United States, but also to countries based on the Continental law, such as Germany, France, Italy, and Spain, as a revised form. In South Korea, there is an active discussion about an introduction of a limited scope of plea bargaining and the deposition under conditional immunity. Behind such a growing interest in these systems is an urgent need for taking measures to cope with recent changes in the criminal investigation environment, such as the introduction of the civil participation in criminal trials and reinforcement of the principle of public trial, the difficulty in securing depositions of crimes like bribery, organized crimes, narcotic crimes, and financial crimes in which informers’ depositions are crucial to the investigation, and poor investigation conditions due to the strengthened rights of the accused or accuser. In that such circumstances in South Korea are not so dissimilar to those in Japan that introduced the aforementioned system, the introduction of plea bargaining in Japan offers us some important implications to consider.

      • KCI등재후보

        연골표면에 침착한 면역물질의 양상에 관한 연구

        유대현(Dae Hyun Yoo),정성수(Sung Soo Jung),이인홍(In Hong Lee),배상철(Sang Cheol Bae),김성윤(Seong Yoon Kim),김신규(Think You Kim),정현기(Hyun Kee Chung),최일용(Il Yong Choi) 대한내과학회 1993 대한내과학회지 Vol.45 No.6

        Background: Immune deposits were found on the articular surface of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis even though the prevalence and pattern of immune deposits were differnt between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Authors conducted this study to compare the pattern and positive rate of immune deposits on surface of articular cartilage between rheumatoid arhtritis and osteorthritis. Methods: Articular cartilages were obtained from patients who were conducted total joint replacement surgery at knee or hip joint. Selected cases were 15cases of rheumatoid arthritis, 45cases of osteoarthritis. Immune deposits were searched using direct immunofluorescent technique with FITC conjugated anti-IgG, IgA, IgM, C, antibody. Results: 1) Positive rate of immune deposits on articular cartilage was 66.7% in rheumatoid arthrtis and 26.7% in osteoarthritis. 2) Granular staining pattern was found in only 6patients out of 10positive patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In osteoarthritis, the pattern of immune deposits was not granular but nongranular pattern such as intermittent linear or linear pattern. 3) Positive rate in primary osteoarthrits and secondary arthritis was 32%, and 26.7% respectively. 4) Rheumatoid factor was reactive not only in 6cases with granular pattern but also in 3cases without immune deposits and in 2cases with nongranular pattern. Coclusion: Immune deposits was found more frequently in rheumatoid arthritis than osteoarthritis and granular pattern was noted in cases with rheumatoid arthritis only. The differences in prevalence and pattern of immune deposits between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis may be due t different antigen, mechanism of immune deposition or another unknown factors. Further investigation have to be conducted in these respects.

      • KCI등재

        신장 조직 검사에서 사구체 면역침착을 보인 베게너 육아종증 1예

        서영진 ( Young Jin Seo ),김윤정 ( Yoon Jung Kim ),문지미 ( Ji Mi Moon ),최혜윤 ( Hae Yoon Choi ),우진현 ( Jin Hyun Woo ),최성재 ( Seong Jae Choi ),이영호 ( Young Ho Lee ),지종대 ( Jong Dae Ji ),정운용 ( Woon Yong Jung ),송관규 ( G 대한신장학회 2009 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.28 No.6

        Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) in Wegener`s granulomatosis patients typically has been characterized by pauci-immune glomerulonephritis (PIGN). In some patients, however, significant amount of glomerular immune deposits was detected and reported that they may have poor prognosis. A 30 year-old-female visited due to the skin rash of both lower extremities, arthralgia and nasal stiffness. She had sinusitis, lung opacity, and proteinuria. Serologic PR-3 ANCA was positive and histologic findings of nasal cavity and lung also showed necrotizing vasculitis and granuloma. Thus we could diagnose Wegener`s granulomatosis. However, gross hematuria developed and renal function worsened in spite of treatment with high dose prednisolone and oral cyclophosphamide. Therefore we performed a kidney biopsy. The kidney biopsy showed crescentic glomerulonephritis with Ig A deposition in the mesangium. We experienced a case of Wegener`s granulomatosis patient with significant IgA deposition in glomeruli. We report this case with brief review of the literature.


        Effect of Different Spray Dried Plasmas on Growth, Ileal Digestibility, Nutrient Deposition, Immunity and Health of Early-Weaned Pigs Challenged with E. coli K88

        Bosi, P.,Han, In K.,Jung, H.J.,Heo, K.N.,Perini, S.,Castellazzi, A.M.,Casini, L.,Creston, D.,Gremokolini, C. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2001 Animal Bioscience Vol.14 No.8

        A total of 96 piglets were weaned at 19 and 13 days in Exp. 1 and 2, respectively, and allotted to one of four diets: three with different spray dried plasmas (SPs) and one with hydrolysed casein (HC). SPs were from pigs (SPP), mixed origin (SMP), and mixed origin with standardized level of immunoglobulins (SMPIG). All the diets contained 1.7% total lysine, 25% of the test protein source, 45% corn starch, 15% lactose, 2% sucrose, 7% soybean oil. At d 4 and d 2 in Exp. 1 and 2, respectively, piglets were perorally challenged with $10^{10}$ CFU E. coli K88. Growth performance, immunity, and health condition were measured for 15 days and 14 days in Exp. 1 and 2, respectively. To investigate apparent ileal digestibility and nutrient deposition, all piglets were sacrificed at d 14 in Exp. 2. In 1. 3 piglets died in HC diet and 1 in SPP diet. HC diet showed higher mortality (p<0.01) than other diets. In Exp. 2, no clinical sign of infection was detected, no difference for the content of E. coli K88 was found in feces at 4 and 6 days after the infection, and no E. coli K88 was found in the jejunum at the end of experiment. In both experiments, feed intake was lower for HC diet and ADG was 96, 106, 122 and 155 for HC, SPP, SMP and SMPIG diet, respectively (HC vs others, p<0.05; SMPIG vs other SP, p<0.01). Heal apparent digestibility of nitrogen in sacrificed piglets was higher for HC diet (p<0.05). After the challenge, K88-specific titers in saliva (Exp. 1) and in plasma (Exp. 2) were reduced in SMP and SMPIG. The piglets positive to the adhesion of the used E. coli strain to the intestinal brush borders had a significantly reduced growth (p<0.01) and a higher K88-specific IgA titer in plasma, in comparison with negative ones. This effect was independent of the diet. The data show the relevance of spray dried plasma sources and particularly of SP with standardized level of immunoglobulins for the feeding of early-weaned at the risk of infection by enterotoxigenic bacteria.

      • KCI등재

        실체법상 무효인 금전채권 압류와 배당요구효 - 집행공탁 및 추심을 중심으로 -

        장재형 대한변호사협회 2023 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.512

        A third-party obligor's obligation is extinguished by execution deposit, and so the attachment or provisional attachment made after the deposit is invalid under the substantive law as it is against a claim that does not exist. However, in the case of a attachment or provisional attachment applied prior to the end of a dividend claim, the execution court can recognize the effectiveness of the dividend claim even if the attachment or provisional attachment is invalid due to the extinguishment of the bond. However, it is questionable whether the law can easily change the law into a dividend request because it sets the term to prevent confusion and delay in the dividend process, especially in the case of bond execution. This is not only contrary to the interpretation of the law, but also risks undermining the procedural stability of the execution case and fairness with other creditors. Furthermore, it is outside the scope of the interpretation of legislative theory that the effect of invalid attachment is recognized as a demand for dividends by adding subjective requirements of the execution court according to the voluntary attitude of a third debtor or depositor. In addition, it is not logically appropriate compared to the case of the collection report which is invalid under other substantive laws, and the decision to limit the amount of attachment & transfer orders. 집행공탁이나 추심으로 제3채무자의 채무는 소멸하고, 공탁이나 추심 후 이루어진 압류나 가압류는 존재하지 않는 채권에 대한 것으로 실체법상 무효이다. 그런데 집행공탁의 경우 배당요구의 종기(終期)인 공탁 사유신고 이전에 신청한 압류·가압류도 정당한 배당요구권자이면 공탁으로 인한 피압류채권의 소멸로 가압류나 압류가 무효라 하더라도 사유신고서의 기재 내용으로써 집행법원이 이를 알 수 있었으면 배당요구의 효력은 인정할 수 있다는 것이 최근 대법원판결의 입장이다. 그러나 압류와 배당은 서로 다른 별개의 제도이고, 담당 공무원의 직무도 각각 분리되어 서로 연계되어 있지 아니하며, 제도의 취지도 전자는 처분금지효를 본질로 하고 이에 위반한 처분행위에 대해 개별상대효설을 취하는 것이 현재 통설, 판례의 입장이며, 후자는 배당절차의 혼란과 지연을 막기 위해 그 종기(終期)를 설정하고 특히 채권집행의 경우 법률에서 이를 정면으로 규정하고 있는 점에서, 무효인 압류를 무효 전환의 법리를 가져와 배당요구로 전환된다고 쉽게 인정할 수 있는지 의문이다. 이는 법문상의 해석에 반하는 것은 물론, 이로 인한 집행사건의 절차적 안정성과 다른 채권자와의 형평성을 해할 위험이 있다. 나아가 법률문제에 관하여 위와 같은 제도에 따른 각 요건 이외에 별도로 현실에서 사유를 신고하는 제3채무자나 공탁관의 임의적인 태도에 집행법원의 주관적 요건까지 추가하여 무효인 압류를 배당요구로 인정하는 것은 입법론으로는 몰라도 해석의 범위를 벗어난 것이다. 또한 이는 다른 실체법상 무효의 경우인 추심 신고는 물론, 압류액수의 제한 결정 나아가 전부명령의 경우와 비교하여도 논리적으로 타당하지 않다.

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