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        황월명(Huang, Yue-Ming)(黄,玥,明),김창경(Kim, Chang-Gyeong)(金昌庆,) 대한중국학회 2020 중국학 Vol.73 No.-

        李白笔下诗歌1054首,出现“海”字词汇有292次。其《古风五十九首》中有20首使用海意象。其诗歌中的海意象大多借海的外在物象与其内在情感意象想构建,展现“言在意外”之美。李白笔下的“海”有一部分是临海而作,有感而发,但大部分多“虚拟的海”,借助典故加以大胆的想象与夸张幻化出来的自己心中的海。或宣泄个人胸中之块垒,或是对人生际遇发出感慨,亦或是借典借神仙大海来表达自我情感。其笔下的大海的形象,正如其自己,诗人在描述海,表达海的同时,更像是在表达自我,抒发自我。在风格与创作的原则上,李白继承了《离骚》中的“自我”与《诗经》的“风雅”、“美刺”、及“现实”精神。此篇以《古风五十九首》为研究对象,分析其海意象的生成、组合和表达,透过诗人对海意象的构建分析其审美特色以及承载的诗人内在情感、内心世界。 The image of “Ocean” in Li Bai’s poems is mostly constructed from the external images of the ocean and his inner emotional images to show the beauty of “words beyond the meaning”. Some of Li Bai’s poems about “ocean” were written near the ocean based on his feeling, but most of them were about “virtual ocean”, which was the illusory ocean in his mind through bold imagination and exaggeration based on the allusions. Some of them expressed his depression or his perception about life, or expressed his feelings through allusions and the ocean of immortals. The image of the ocean in his works was just like himself. From this point of view, the image of the ocean is more like “materialized poet himself”. While describing and expressing the ocean, the poet was more like expressing himself. Li Bai sighed in his The 35th Ancient Style Poem that “Thinking of Emperor Wen of Zhou Dynasty in reading Taiga, and the influence of Song have collapsed for a long time. On the principle of style and creation, Li Bai inherited the “self” in Li Sao and the “elegance”, “beauty” and “reality” spirits of the Book of Songs. Therefore, this paper takes the text of Fifty-nine Ancient Style Poems as the subject, and starting from the “image of the ocean” involved in it, analyzes the poet’s inner feelings and inner mind through the “image of the ocean”.

      • KCI등재

        해양성의 기표를 통한 바다 이미지 변천에 관한 연구: 〈갯마을〉과 〈명량〉을 중심으로

        조정희(Cho, Jeunghee) 한국영화학회 2020 영화연구 Vol.- No.85

        이 연구는 해양성이라는 기표를 통해 해양영화 속 바다 이미지가 시대에 따라 어떤 식으로 변천해 왔는지 알아보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 영화는 태생적으로 사회적 시스템의 규칙과 상업적 속성을 동반하기 때문에 이미지를 나열하는 것만으로 대중의 헤게모니를 간파할 수 없다. 장르는 지적, 정서적 차원과 삶에 대한 태도 면에서 그 시대 관객 사회의 보편적 수위를 감지할 수 있는 장치이므로, 해양영화는 바다 이미지를 통해서 시대상과 새로운 인식을 형상화시킨다. 그래서 해양영화가 보여주는 바다 이미지는 단순한 자연물과 철학적인 사유물이 아닌 영화적 사유를 대변하는 매개체가 된다. 이 연구의 관심사도 여기에 있다. 그 시대 관객들이 해양영화라는 장르의 별칭이외에 바다를 매개로 한 영화를 어떻게 이해하고 소비하고 있는지 확인하는 것이다. 당대 영화에는 당대의 사고가 반영되어 있는 만큼 해양성을 기표로 제작된 영화에는 그 시대의 사회 · 문화적인 의식이나 이데올로기가 반영되어 있다. 이러한 사고를 바탕으로 해양성이 반영된 김수용의 〈갯마을〉(1965)과 김한민의 〈명량〉(2014)에 적용시켜 확인해 볼 것이다. 4 · 19 민주화 운동과 5 · 16 군사정변으로 시작된 1960년대는 우리 현대사에서 정치 · 경제 · 사회적으로 격변한 의미 있는 해이다. 이러한 시대적 분위기를 대변하듯이 〈갯마을〉의 바다 이미지는 국가가 이끄는 원칙과 규범에 수동적으로 일관하면서 운명론적 세계관을 답습하는 태도가 보인다. 그리고 〈명량〉은 임진왜란 국난의 위기와 아픔이 2014년 대한민국의 내 · 외부적인 상황과 결부되어 위기를 극복하고자 하는 지도자와 백성의 염원이 바다 이미지와 연결되어 있다. 이러한 연구를 위해 첫째, 한국영화가 표현하는 해양성과 해양영화의 장르적 개념을 먼저 확인한다. 둘째, 바다가 보여주는 속성 안에 숨어 있는 사회적 의미행위를 살펴 두 작품에서 보이는 바다 이미지의 변화 양상을 분석한다. 이를 통해 해양영화에 대한 위상을 높이고 그 가치를 확인하면서 우리 사회를 짚어보는 계기를 마련하고자 한다. This study examines how the image of the sea in a Ocean Film has changed with the times through the sign of maritime nature. The film is accompanied by social rules and commercial attributes from birth. So the audience needs to be thoroughly analyzed. The genre is a device that can sense the universal water level in the audience society of that era. Ocean Film explain the times through sea images. Therefore, the Ocean Film does not simply express the sea image, but philosophically explains it. The research interest is also here. It is to see how the audience understands and consumes Ocean Film. The contemporary film reflects the thinking of the day. Ocean Film Reflects the social and cultural consciousness and ideology of the era. This is confirmed by applying it to Kim Soo-yong’s 〈The Seashore Village〉(1965) and Kim Han-min’s 〈The Admiral: Roaring Currents〉(2014). The 1960s began with 419 and 516. The 1960s is a meaningful year of political, economic, and social upheaval in the modern history of Republic of Korea. The sea image of 〈The Seashore Village〉 follows the fateful worldview, passively consistent as the state leads. And 〈The Admiral: Roaring Currents〉, the situation of Joseon is the same as the internal and external situation of Korea in 2014. The trauma that the audience feels is connected to the image of the sea. Through this, we consider how the sea image has changed over time. And now, I want to provide an opportunity to look into our society. For these studies First, we will first check the maritime characteristics of Korean films and the genre concepts of Ocean Film. Second, examine the acts of the semantic meaning expressed by the sea image. In addition, the changes in the sea image seen in the two works are analyzed. Through this, I would like to raise the status of Ocean films and provide an opportunity to confirm its value.

      • KCI등재

        한ㆍ중 해양문학론 논의의 현황과 방향성 모색

        남송우(南松祐) 동북아시아문화학회 2016 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.47

        The thesis is about the review of theory of ocean literature of Korea and China to search for its future direction. For the result, the common issues to be discussed in ocean literature in two nations was found that ocean experience was the foundation of ocean literature. There was a bit of difference of range of ocean literature according to the definition of ocean experience. However, the common ground for ocean literature were around experience, material, life. The future direction of ocean literature should consider not only the ocean experience but more about the original image of ocean as the spiritualized literature. It is because the earth which suffers for the development of human nature started to reveal its limit not to bear the suffering any more. If the way to solve the ecological crisis facing the earth could not be found, it would be impossible to see the future of human being. Where can it be found to solve the problem by the roots? Would it be possible if land-centered paradigm of present to be changed with ocean-centered? Could not it be available to find the way in ocean which has the beauty of life, coexistence, exchange, and openness? This would be the part of ocean literature, and the foundation for the healing of ecological crisis using ocean literature. Therefore, the writer to give a shape to prototypical image of ocean in the ocean literature should raised and ocean culture contents to be developed and spread. This can be the future direction for ocean literature of Korean and China, both of which is developing based on the ocean. That is, it is one of the realistic tasks of ocean literature which should be considered and realized as the identity of literature of northeast asia region.

      • Ocean Color Monitoring of Coastal Environments in the Asian Waters

        Tang, Danling,Kawamura, Hiroshi The Korean Society of Oceanography 2002 Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography Vol.37 No.3

        Satellite remote sensing technology for ocean observation has evolved considerably in these last twenty years. Ocean color is one of the most important parameters of ocean satellite measurements. This paper describes a remote sensing of ocean color data project - Asian I-Lac Project; it also introduces several case studies using satellite images in the Asian waters. The Asian waters are related to about 30 Asian countries, representing about 60% of the world population. The project aims at generating long-term time series images (planned for 10 years from 1996 to 2006) by combining several ocean color satellite data, i.e., ADEOS-I OCTS and SeaWiFS, and some other sensors. Some typical parameters that could be measured include Chlorophyll- a (Chl-a), Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM), and Suspended Material (SSM). Reprocessed OCTS images display spatial variation of Chl-a, CDOM, and SSM in the Asian waters; a short term variability of phytoplankton blooms was observed in the Gulf of Oman in November 1996 by analyzing OCTS and NOAA sea surface temperature (SST); Chl-a concentrations derived from OCTS and SeaWiFS have also been evaluated in coastal areas of the Taiwan Strait, the Gulf of Thailand, the northeast Arabian Sea, and the Japan Sea. The data system provides scientists with capability of testing or developing ocean color algorithms, and transferring images for their research. We have also analyzed availability of OCTS images. The results demonstrate the potential of long-term time series of satellite ocean color data for research in marine biology, and ocean studies. The case studies show multiple applications of satellite images on monitoring of coastal environments in the Asian Waters.

      • KCI등재후보

        Earth Observation Mission Operation of COMS during In-Orbit Test

        조영민,Cho, Young-Min Korea Society of Satellite Technology 2013 한국위성정보통신학회논문지 Vol.12 No.2

        Communication Ocean Meteorological Satellite (COMS) for the hybrid mission of meteorological observation, ocean monitoring, and telecommunication service was launched onto Geostationary Earth Orbit on June 27, 2010 and it is currently under normal operation service after the In-Orbit Test (IOT) phase. The COMS is located on $128.2^{\circ}$ East of the geostationary orbit. In order to perform the three missions, the COMS has 3 separate payloads, the meteorological imager (MI), the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI), and the Ka-band antenna. Each payload is dedicated to one of the three missions, respectively. The MI and GOCI perform the Earth observation mission of meteorological observation and ocean monitoring, respectively. During the IOT phase the functionalities and the performances of the COMS satellite and ground station have been checked through the Earth observation mission operation for the observation of the meteorological phenomenon over several areas of the Earth and the monitoring of marine environments around the Korean peninsula. The operation characteristics of meteorological mission and ocean mission are described and the mission planning for the COMS is discussed. The mission operation results during the COMS IOT are analyzed through statistical approach for the study of both the mission operation capability of COMS verified during the IOT and the satellite image reception capacity achieved during the IOT. 통신, 해양, 기상의 세 분야 복합 임무를 수행하는 천리안위성(Communication Ocean Meteorological Satellite: COMS)이 2010년 6월 27일 지구정지궤도로 발사된 이후 궤도상시험을 마치고 현재 정상운영 임무를 수행하고 있다. 천리안위성은 정지궤도의 동경 $128.2^{\circ}$에 위치한다. 세 임무를 수행하기 위해 천리안위성에는 3가지 탑재체인 기상탑재체(Meteorological Imager: MI), 해양탑재체(Geostationary Ocean Color Imager: GOCI), 통신탑재체(Ka-band Antenna)가 실려 있다. 각 탑재체는 각각의 임무를 전담하여 수행한다. 기상탑재체(MI)와 해양탑재체(GOCI)는 각각 기상 관측과 해양 모니터링을 위한 지구 관측 임무를 수행한다. 궤도상시험 기간 동안 천리안위성과 지상국의 기능과 성능이 지구 관측 임무 운영을 통해 점검되었다. 지구 관측 임무는 지구의 여러 영역에 대한 기상 현상 관측과 한반도 주변의 해양 환경 모니터링으로 구성된다. 천리안위성 궤도상시험에 대한 기상 및 해양 임무 운영 특성을 기술하고 천리안위성 임무 계획에 대해 논하였다. 궤도상시험 임무 운영 결과로서 시험 기간 동안의 임무 계획 결과와 위성 영상 수신 상황에 대한 통계 분석 및 종합 결과를 제시하여 궤도상시험에서 검증된 천리안위성의 임무 운영 능력과 달성된 위성 영상 수신 역량을 연구하였다.

      • 이어도 종합해양과학기지의 비디오 이미지를 이용한 Whitecap coverage 관측 기법 수립

        김선신(Sun-Sin Kim),민용침(Yong-chim Min),정종민(ong-min Jeong),민인기(In-Ki Min),정진용(Jin-Yong Jeong),심재설(Jae-Seol Shim) 한국연안방재학회 2016 한국연안방재학회지 Vol.3 No.4

        Result from the global environmental changes represented by global warming, environmental variables including the sea temperature and sea surface height rise, ocean acidification, etc are reported to being in progress rapidly. Many studies have been carried out to understand the cause of the environmental changes and to deal with the impact. The environmental changes are closely related to the interaction between the ocean and atmosphere, especially in the boundary layer between them. So many studies on the energy and material, such as carbon dioxides, exchanges between the ocean and atmosphere are under going. In recent years, whitecap is recognized as the important parameters for the interaction between the ocean and atmosphere. There have been many efforts to observe and qualifying variables related to whitecap. Whitecap is the direct result from the wave breaking which have large temporal and spatial variability, and it is very hard to do quantitative observation. Previous studies have suggested the analytical solution, which defined the whitecap coverage, calculated from the wind, as a primary variable. Recently, owing to development in the image processing technologies, videos and still images are being used to observe whitecap coverage. But it has been very hard to obtain the continuous, precise wave images in the ocean. In this study, wave image obtained in the Ieodo Ocean Research Station were used to reduce the error of the conversion from image to whitecap coverage, and the formula which suggested by Sugihara et al. (2007). Specifically, it presented Pixel intensity threshold determination method and criteria image sampling frequency of Whitecap.

      • KCI등재

        GOCI Chlorophyll-a 결측 자료의 복원을 위한 DINEOF 방법 적용

        황도현 ( Do-hyun Hwang ),정한철 ( Hahn Chul Jung ),안재현 ( Jae-hyun Ahn ),최종국 ( Jong-kuk Choi ) 대한원격탐사학회 2021 大韓遠隔探査學會誌 Vol.37 No.6

        해색 원격 탐사를 통해 chlorophyll-a를 추정하면 식물성 플랑크톤, 해양일차생산력의 전 지구적 분포를 파악할 수 있다. 하지만 위성으로 관측된 해색 자료는 구름이나 기상 상황 등에 의하여 결측 데이터가 발생한다. 본 연구에서는DINEOF를 이용하여GOCI chlorophyll-a 산출물의 결측 자료를 복원하고자 하였다. DINEOF는 시·공간 자료에 기반을 두어 결측 자료를 복원하는 방법으로, 정확도는 GOCI chlorophyll-a 영상의 일부를 제거한 뒤 복원 영상과 비교하여 교차 검증하였다. 연구지역에서DINEOF를 위한 최적의 EOF 모드는 10-13이었다. 시·공간 복원 자료 결과에서는 오후 시간대 chlorophyll-a 농도가 증가하는 경향이 반영되었고, 노이즈에 해당되는 이상치는 필터링 되는 효과를 보였다. 따라서 DINEOF는 결측이 발생한 영상에 대하여 복원 자료로 활용 가능할 것으로 보이며, 이를 통해 해양 환경 모니터링을 위한 기초 자료로 사용 가능할 것으로 판단된다. If chlorophyll-a is estimated through ocean color remote sensing, it is able to understand the global distribution of phytoplankton and primary production. However, there are missing data in the ocean color observed from the satellites due to the clouds or weather conditions. In this study, the missing data of the GOCI (Geostationary Ocean Color Imager) chlorophyll-a product was reconstructed by using DINEOF (Data INterpolation Empirical Orthogonal Functions). DINEOF reconstructs the missing data based on spatio-temporal data, and the accuracy was cross-verified by removing a part of the GOCI chlorophyll-a image and comparing it with the reconstructed image. In the study area, the optimal EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Functions) mode for DINEOF was in 10-13. The temporal and spatial reconstructed data reflected the increasing chlorophyll-a concentration in the afternoon, and the noise of outliers was filtered. Therefore, it is expected that DINEOF is useful to reconstruct the missing images, also it is considered that it is able to use as basic data for monitoring the ocean environment.

      • KCI등재

        Ocean Image Formation Algorithm Using Altimeter Data for Next Generation Satellite SAR

        강영근,김철기,박성욱 한국전자파학회 2022 Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science Vol.22 No.2

        Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) obtains two-dimensional images of the Earth’s surface. Spatial resolution is one of the most important factors in evaluating SAR performance. Therefore, high operating frequencies are preferred for obtaining high resolution images. In fact, Ku-band and Ka-band are used in the automobile SAR (Auto-SAR) and the aircraft SAR (Airborne-SAR). However, the operating frequencies of the satellite SAR (Spaceborne-SAR) are limited to the X-band because of the wide Doppler frequency band caused by the satellite’s high velocity. To overcome this frequency limitation in satellite SAR, we propose a low-complexity SAR algorithm that forms images of the ocean using satellite altimeter data with an operating frequency of the Ku-band (13.575 GHz). The algorithm requires the burst mode pulse transmission technique frequently used in SAR altimeters. To validate the proposed algorithm as being suitable for ocean image formation, point target simulation and analysis are performed, and some quantitative results are provided.

      • KCI등재

        Wave height measurement scheme using wave detector based on convolutional neural network and PPM calculator with ocean wave images

        황일규,Lee Minkyu,Han Junsub,Choi Jeeun 대한조선학회 2023 International Journal of Naval Architecture and Oc Vol.15 No.-

        The measurement of wave height is essential for weather analysis, safe navigation of ships, and ship design. This study proposes a low-cost and direct method for measuring wave height using ocean wave images. The proposed scheme comprises a Wave Detector based on Convolutional Neural Networks that takes two-dimensional ocean images as input, and a PPM Calculator that measures the size of an object in the image. The study explains the configuration and implementation of the Wave Detector and the basic principle of the PPM surface generating method for the PPM Calculator, with support from ground experiments. The proposed scheme is validated using two types of wave height measurement sensors and three types of real ocean images for theWave Detector, as well as two rounds of ground experiments for the PPM Calculator. The results show that the wave height values measured by the proposed scheme are highly consistent with the values from the measurement sensors.

      • RGB 합성영상을 이용한 적조탐지 기법 연구

        박수호(Suho Bak),윤홍주(Hong Joo Yoon) 한국생태공학회 2016 한국생태공학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        In this study, we propose a method of separating red pixels by producing RGB composite image using GOCI (Geostationary Ocean Color Imager) image of COMS (Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite). The RGB composite images were generated by applying the additive color mixture after representing the computational result of the optical characteristics of the red tide zone in red, green, and blue images. In the case of red tide, all of the computation results of the three formulas made using optical characteristics are used as high pixels, and they are shown in white on the composite image. Comparisons of red tide pixels in RGB composite images and red tides data of the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute showed similar distributions, and one of three expressions tended to be underestimated in turbid sea water such as Yeoja Bay. In order to improve the quality of synthesized images, further study on the optical characteristics of the red tide area is needed, and it is expected that a higher level of detection ability can be secured by improving the formula causing underestimation.

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