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Leihong Zhang,Yiqiang Zhang,Runchu Xu,Yangjun Li,Dawei Zhang 한국광학회 2024 Current Optics and Photonics Vol.8 No.3
Information-hiding technology is introduced into an optical ghost imaging encryption scheme, which can greatly improve the security of the encryption scheme. However, in the current mainstream research on camouflage ghost imaging encryption, information hiding techniques such as digital watermarking can only hide 1/4 resolution information of a cover image, and most secret images are simple binary images. In this paper, we propose an equal-resolution image-hiding encryption scheme based on deep learning and computational ghost imaging. With the equal-resolution image steganography network based on deep learning (ERIS-Net), we can realize the hiding and extraction of equal-resolution natural images and increase the amount of encrypted information from 25% to 100% when transmitting the same size of secret data. To the best of our knowledge, this paper combines image steganography based on deep learning with optical ghost imaging encryption method for the first time. With deep learning experiments and simulation, the feasibility, security, robustness, and high encryption capacity of this scheme are verified, and a new idea for optical ghost imaging encryption is proposed. Information-hiding technology is introduced into an optical ghost imaging encryption scheme, which can greatly improve the security of the encryption scheme. However, in the current mainstream research on camouflage ghost imaging encryption, information hiding techniques such as digital watermarking can only hide 1/4 resolution information of a cover image, and most secret images are simple binary images. In this paper, we propose an equal-resolution image-hiding encryption scheme based on deep learning and computational ghost imaging. With the equal-resolution image steganography network based on deep learning (ERIS-Net), we can realize the hiding and extraction of equal-resolution natural images and increase the amount of encrypted information from 25% to 102% when transmitting the same size of secret data. To the best of our knowledge, this paper combines image steganography based on deep learning with optical ghost imaging encryption method for the first time. With deep learning experiments and simulation, the feasibility, security, robustness, and high encryption capacity of this scheme are verified, and a new idea for optical ghost imaging encryption is proposed.
( Panduranga H T ),( Dr. Naveen Kumar S K ),( Sharath Kumar H S ) 한국정보처리학회 2013 Journal of information processing systems Vol.9 No.3
Abstract-Hardware-Software co-simulation of a multiple image encryption technique shall be described in this paper. Our proposed multiple image encryption technique is based on the Latin Square Image Cipher (LSIC). First, a carrier image that is based on the Latin Square is generated by using 256-bits of length key. The XOR operation is applied between an input image and the Latin Square Image to generate an encrypted image. Then, the XOR operation is applied between the encrypted image and the second input image to encrypt the second image. This process is continues until the nth input image is encrypted. We achieved hardware co-simulation of the proposed multiple image encryption technique by using the Xilinx System Generator (XSG). This encryption technique is modeled using Simulink and XSG Block set and synthesized onto Virtex 2 pro FPGA device. We validated our proposed technique by using the hardware software co-simulation method.
Image Encryption Research based on Key Extracted from Iris Feature
RuiYun Xie,MingFei Wang,BenZhai Hai 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Security and Its Applicat Vol.9 No.6
The encryption algorithm has disadvantages like the long key making memory difficult and uneasy safekeeping, which causes a potential threat to the information security. Therefore, a new direction of the encryption method research is to combine the biometric information with the traditional encryption algorithm. The key extracted from the iris and AES encryption algorithm are used in the image encryption algorithm. The db2 wavelet decomposition to the iris region is performed, and the third level high frequency coefficient is extracted as the iris feature codes, from which a 192 bit key is generated by using the stochastic mapping function. The randomness of the key extraction is analyzed. The proposed algorithm is employed to do the encryption test to the image. The encryption effect is compared with the scrambling encryption effect of the classic Arnold method. The experiment results show that security of the encryption image gained by using the proposed algorithm is higher, achieving the purpose of protecting image information.
Digital Image Encryption Technology Based on Chaos
이상훈,박상용,이원형 (사)한국컴퓨터게임학회 2022 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 Vol.35 No.2
In the era of Internet and big data, the research of digital image encryption algorithm based on chaos has become one of the research hot spots in the field of information security. Compared with traditional text data, digital images have the characteristics of large amount of data and high redundancy. Traditional methods such as DES, AES and RSA can not meet the requirements of digital image encryption. Because of its initial sensitivity and inherent randomness, chaos is very consistent with the confusion and diffusion concepts of cryptography, so the research on chaotic image encryption has developed rapidly. In this paper, the following research work is mainly focused on chaotic image encryption: Aiming at the dependence of key on plain text image, an image encryption algorithm based on bit plane and improved Logistic map is proposed. The algorithm takes the low 4-Bit bit matrix of the scrambled plain text image as the control parameter of the improved Logistic map, which enhances the dependence of the key on the plain text image, and has a remarkable one-time secret characteristic. According to different bits of image information, encryption algorithms with different strengths are designed to improve the efficiency of the algorithms. Aiming at the diffusion mode of image encryption, an image encryption algorithm based on hyper chaotic system and block modulo is proposed. The algorithm uses hyper chaotic system to alliterative generate chaotic sequences, divides random image blocks around encrypted pixels, and performs integral modulo operation on pixel values in the blocks to obtain encrypted pixel gray values, which effectively expands the diffusion range and enhances the randomness of diffusion.
웨이브렛 패킷 변환의 특성을 이용한 영상 암호화 알고리즘
신종홍,Shin, Jonghong 디지털산업정보학회 2018 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.14 No.2
Encryption of digital images has been requested various fields. In the meantime, many algorithms based on a text - based encryption algorithm have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a method of encryption in wavelet transform domain to utilize the characteristics of digital image. In particular, wavelet transform is used to reduce the association between the encrypted image and the original image. Wavelet packet transformations can be decomposed into more subband images than wavelet transform, and various position permutation, numerical transformation, and visual transformation are performed on the coefficients of this subband image. As a result, this paper proposes a method that satisfies the characteristics of high encryption strength than the conventional wavelet transform and reversibility. This method also satisfies the lossless symmetric key encryption and decryption algorithm. The performance of the proposed method is confirmed by visual and quantitative. Experimental results show that the visually encrypted image is seen as a completely different signal from the original image. We also confirmed that the proposed method shows lower values of cross correlation than conventional wavelet transform. And PSNR has a sufficiently high value in terms of decoding performance of the proposed method. In this paper, we also proposed that the degree of correlation of the encrypted image can be controlled by adjusting the number of wavelet transform steps according to the characteristics of the image.
A Multi-Stage Encryption Technique to Enhance the Secrecy of Image
( Arindom Mondal ),( Kazi Md ),( Rokibul Alam ),( G. G. Md. Nawaz Ali ),( Peter Han Joo Chong ),( Yasuhiko Morimoto ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2019 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.13 No.5
This paper proposes a multi-stage encryption technique to enhance the level of secrecy of image to facilitate its secured transmission through the public network. A great number of researches have been done on image secrecy. The existing image encryption techniques like visual cryptography (VC), steganography, watermarking etc. while are applied individually, usually they cannot provide unbreakable secrecy. In this paper, through combining several separate techniques, a hybrid multi-stage encryption technique is proposed which provides nearly unbreakable image secrecy, while the encryption/decryption time remains almost the same of the exiting techniques. The technique consecutively exploits VC, steganography and one time pad (OTP). At first it encrypts the input image using VC, i.e., splits the pixels of the input image into multiple shares to make it unpredictable. Then after the pixel to binary conversion within each share, the exploitation of steganography detects the least significant bits (LSBs) from each chunk within each share. At last, OTP encryption technique is applied on LSBs along with randomly generated OTP secret key to generate the ultimate cipher image. Besides, prior to sending the OTP key to the receiver, first it is converted from binary to integer and then an asymmetric cryptosystem is applied to encrypt it and thereby the key is delivered securely. Finally, the outcome, the time requirement of encryption and decryption, the security and statistical analyses of the proposed technique are evaluated and compared with existing techniques.
시각 암호화와 가상 위상영상을 이용한 광 암호화 시스템
김인식,서동환,신창목,조규보,김수중,노덕수 한국광학회 2003 한국광학회지 Vol.14 No.6
We propose an encryption method using visual cryptography and virtual phase images. In the encryption process, the original image is shared by virtual images and the decryption key image. We multiply the virtual phase images with each complex image, which has the constant value of its sum after performing the phase modulation of the virtual images and the decryption key. The encryption cards are made by Fourier transforming the multiplied images. It is possible to protect information about the original image because the cards do not have any information from the original image. To reconstruct the original image, all the encryption cards are placed on each path of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer and then the lights passing through them are summed. Since the summed image is inverse Fourier transformed by a Fourier lens, the phase image is multiplied with the decryption key and the output image is obtained in the form of intensity on the CCD plane. Computer simulations show a good performance of the pro-posed optical security system.
최현준 ( Hyunjun Choi ) 한국항행학회 2016 한국항행학회논문지 Vol.20 No.6
최근 다양한 형태의 영상 콘텐츠가 제작되고 있고, 이를 위한 저작권 보호기술에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 컬러 영상을 위한 영상암호화 기술을 제안한다. 이 기술은 영상을 RGB 색차성분으로 분할한 후, 윤곽선을 기준으로 쿼드트리 분할을 수행한다. 쿼드트리 분할 후, 선정된 블록들을 대상으로 암호화를 수행한다. 색차성분을 대상으로 암호화를 수행하여 암호화 효율을 측정하고, 컬러 영상으로 재구성한 후에도 암호화 효율을 측정한다. 암호화 효율은 시각적인 측정방식과 객관적인 화질평가 방식을 이용한다. 실험결과 PSNR 수치는 색차성분의 경우 7~10[dB], 컬러 영상의 경우 16~19[dB]로 측정되었다. 본 논문에서 제안한 영상암호화 기술은 향후 다양한 디지털 영상 콘텐츠의 저작권 보호에 사용될 것으로 보인다. Recently, various types of image contents are being produced, and interest in copyright protection technology is increasing. In this paper, we propose an image encryption technology for color images. This technique divides the image into RGB color components and then performs quad-tree decomposition based on the edge of image. After the quad-tree partitioning, encryption is performed on the selected blocks. Encryption is performed on color components to measure encryption efficiency, and encryption efficiency is measured even after reconstitution into a color image. The encryption efficiency uses a visual measurement method and an objective image quality evaluation method. The PSNR values were measured as 7~10 dB for color difference components and 16~19 dB for color images. The proposed image encryption technology will be used to protect copyright of various digital image contents in the future.
암호화 기법 및 공간적인 암호화 기법을 사용한 가역 데이터 은닉기법
정수목 국제문화기술진흥원 2021 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.7 No.1
본 논문에서는 기밀데이터를 암호화한 후, 암호화된 기밀데이터를 공간적으로 암호화하여 커버 이미지에 은닉 하여 기밀데이터의 보안성을 크게 강화한 가역 데이터 은닉기법을 제안하였다. 암호화된 기밀데이터를 공간적인 암호 화 기법으로 커버 이미지에 은닉하여 결과 이미지를 생성하면, 결과 이미지의 화질이 매우 우수하여 원본 커버 이미 지와 결과 이미지를 시각적으로 구분할 수 없다. 암호화된 기밀데이터가 공간적으로 암호화되어 은닉되었기 때문에, 결과 영상의 어느 위치에 암호화된 기밀데이터가 은닉되어 있는지를 알 수 없어 결과 영상으로부터 암호화된 기밀데 이터를 추출할 수 없다. 암호화된 기밀데이터를 추출하여도 기밀데이터가 암호화되어 있어서 원본 기밀데이터를 알 수 없게 된다. 따라서 제안기법을 사용하여 기밀데이터를 영상에 은닉하면 기밀데이터의 보안성이 크게 향상된다. 제 안된 기법은 의료, 군사 등의 응용 분야에 효과적으로 사용될 수 있다. In this paper, we proposed a reversible data hiding technique that greatly enhances the security of confidential data by encrypting confidential data and then spatially encrypting the encrypted confidential data and hiding it in the cover image. When a result image is generated by hiding the encrypted confidential data in the cover image using a spatial encryption technique, the quality of the result image is very good, and the original cover image and the result image cannot be visually distinguished. Since the encrypted confidential data is spatially encrypted and concealed, it is not possible to know where the encrypted confidential data is concealed in the result image, and the encrypted confidential data cannot be extracted from the result image. Even if the encrypted confidential data is extracted, the original confidential data is not known because the confidential data is encrypted. Therefore, if confidential data is concealed in images using the proposed technique, the security of confidential data is greatly improved. The proposed technique can be effectively used in medical and military applications.