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        서예진흥 정책추진 현황에 따른 발전과제 제안

        변희정 한국서예학회 2023 서예학연구 Vol.43 No.-

        본 연구는 서예진흥법 입법 이후의 정책추진 과정과 현황을 살펴보고 이를 분석하여 현재 서예진흥 정책이 마주하고 있는 상황을 객관적으로 파악하고자 하였다. 더불어 효과적인 서예진흥 정책추진을 위해 당면한 문제를 진단하고, 이를 해결하기 위한 발전과제를 다각적으로 제시하는 데에 연구의 목적과 의의가 있다. 이를 위해 먼저 관계자 질의 및 검색 등 직접 자료를 수집하는 방식으로 서예진흥법의 입법과 시행과정, 중앙정부와 지방정부의 정책추진 현황, 기타 추진현황으로 구분하여 정책추진 경과를 파악하여 정리하였다. 이후 정책추진 과정에서 드러난 서예계의 문제점을 진단하고자 서예 분야 전문가 11인을 대상으로 ‘델파이(Delphi) 조사’를 실시하였다. 서예진흥 정책추진 인식조사, 서예진흥법 관련, 서예진흥 정책추진 경과 관련, 서예진흥 정책추진 향후 과제, 기타 의견’의 5가지 영역으로 유목화하여 총 10문항의 개방형 질문지를 설계하였고, 참여자에게 서술형으로 응답하도록 요구했다. 2023년 5월 17일(수)~5월 24일(수)까지로 8일간 진행된 조사를 통해서 다양한 의견을 수렴하였는데, 이를 분석해서 서예정책 추진에 따른 현안과 시사점을 도출할 수 있었다. 여기서 얻은 데이터를 요약한 내용에 본 연구자의 실무 경험과 기타 문헌자료를 참고하여 다음의 발전과제를 도출할 수 있었다. ‘정책추진 전문가 그룹의 발족, 예술경영 체계의 도입, 전문인력의 양성 및 배치, 서예교육학 체계 확립, 서예 전문 플랫폼 구축, 파트너십 및 거버넌스 체계 구축’으로 구분하여 각각의 주제에 따른 발전과제를 간략하게 제시하였다. 따라서 본 연구가 서예진흥 정책추진을 위한 현실진단과 서예계가 당면한 과제를 해결해나가는 데에 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있기를 기대해본다. 다만, 각각의 발전과제에 따른 대안의 제시가 구체적이지 못한 것은 본 연구의 한계점이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 발전과제별로 심도 있는 연구를 추가 진행하는 등의 후속 연구와 정책 현장에서의 반영이 필요하다. 이러한 과정은 본격적인 서예진흥 시대를 열어서 서예가 K-Culture를 대표하는 또 하나의 예술 장르이자 문화콘텐츠로 자리매김할 수 있는 원동력으로 작용할 것이다. This study aims to objectively identify the current situation facing calligraphy promotion policies by examining and analyzing the process and status of policy promotion after the enactment of the Calligraphy Promotion Act. The purpose and significance of the study are to identify the problems facing the effective promotion of calligraphy and propose various developmental tasks to resolve them. In order to do that, the researcher first identified and summarized the existing policy promotion progress by categorizing the legislative and implementation process of the Calligraphy Promotion Act, the policy promotion status of the central and local governments, and other promotion statuses through interviews with stakeholders and direct research methods like searching and gathering relevant information. Next, a "Delphi survey" was conducted with 11 experts in the field of calligraphy to identify the problems in the calligraphy system revealed during the policy promotion process. A 10-question open-ended questionnaire was designed, and participants were asked to respond in narrative form. It was divided into five areas: an awareness survey of the calligraphy promotion policy, calligraphy promotion law, the progress of calligraphy promotion policy, future tasks for calligraphy promotion policy, and other opinions. The survey was conducted for eight days from May 17 to May 24, 2023, and various opinions were collected and analyzed to identify current issues and implications for promoting calligraphy policy. After summarizing the obtained data, the following developmental tasks were gathered according to the researcher's practical experience and literature review. The developmental tasks under each topic were presented and categorized as follows: establishment of a policy promotion expert group, implementation of an arts management system, training and assignment of specialized personnel, establishment of a calligraphy pedagogy system, establishment of professional platform for calligraphers, and establishment of a partnership and governance system. Therefore, this study can be used to analyze the reality of the calligraphy promotion policy and resolve the challenges facing the calligraphy world. However, the lack of specific suggestions for alternatives to each development task is a limitation of this study. Therefore, conducting further in-depth research on each development task and reflecting on it in the policy field is necessary. This process has the potential to catalyze the full-scale calligraphy promotion and establishment of calligraphy as another art genre and cultural content representing K-Culture.

      • KCI등재

        일본 유통정책의 변화과정에 관한 고찰: 진흥정책 및 조정정책을 중심으로

        유기준 ( Ki Joon Yoo ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2010 유라시아연구 Vol.7 No.2

        The development of an industry including distribution sector is influenced by not only government policy but the related firms`` behaviors. Recently the conflicts between large-scale retailers and small and medium distributors are getting more serious in the distribution sector of Korea. Nevertheless a harmonious solution has not been suggested yet. This situation is the direct motive of this paper. I expect that this paper about the Japanese distribution policy is going to give us several suggestions. The distribution policy system is composed of competition policy, promotion policy, and adjustment policy. Competition policy intends to establish and maintain the fair trade order. The purpose of promotion policy is the reinforcement of distributors`` competitiveness, and the intention of adjustment policy is to coordinate the conflicts among various distributors. I investigates the development of promotion policy and adjustment policy since 1945 in this paper. Some conclusions are as below; Firstly, the primary object of promotion policy moved from the protection of small and medium distributors to their competitiveness reinforcement. Under the flag of distribution modernization, promotion policy was based on ‘the distribution revolution`` rather than ’the dual structure``. Secondly, Japanese government supported small and medium distributors by several methods including organizing them. But promotion policy transferred to systemizing distribution, building up distribution foundation, and suspending with city policy. Accordingly, the government``s intention of supporting small and medium distributors was not so successful. Thirdly, the conflict between small-medium distributors and large-scale retailers came up as a big socio-economic problem through 1960s after the ‘distribution revolution age.`` The major issue in adjustment policy was that government tried to regulate large-scaled retailers. Fourthly, there were various types of the regulation methods against large-scale retailers; the declaration system by inspection in advance, the assignment of restraining store establishment district, the administrative guidance, and the regulation by local autonomous entities. The regulation effect was very strong by these measures. Fifthly, the promotion policy was harmonious with the adjustment policy early in the 1970s. Government recognized that the competitiveness reinforcement of small and medium distributors could be realized through the regulation against large-scaled retailers. This intention has gone through 1980s and was the most distinctive feature in Japanese distribution policy. Sixthly, but since 1990s promotion policy and adjustment policy shifted to deregulation under the new distribution circumstances; open-door, competition-oriented, culture-oriented, local-oriented, and environment-oriented atmosphere. These two policies were converged into each other by including town planning factors in their policies. Accordingly deregulation in distribution policy becomes a major trend. But we have to decide finally about the changes of promotion policy and adjustment policy after the synthetic investigation including distribution competition policy.

      • KCI등재

        북극정책 모형 기반 한국의 최근 북극정책 특성 분석: 유럽과 협력 확대를 중심으로

        서현교 한국외국어대학교 EU연구소 2023 EU연구 Vol.- No.67

        After becoming an observer of the Arctic Council in 2013, the Korean government set the 1st Masterplan for the Korea’s Arctic Policy (2013-2017) as a follow-up action in the same year. The 2nd Masterplan for Korea’s Arctic Policy (2018-2022) was announced as a follow-up the 1st Masterplan, and Korea’s Arctic policy system was established step by step. Afterwards, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) declared the ‘2050 Polar Vision’ in December 2018 to prepare a long-term vision for Korea’s polar policy. The Polar Activities Promotion Act, led by MOF, in April 2021, was enacted and Korea laid the legal foundation for systematic fostering and support of integrated ‘Arctic and Antarctic activities’ in Korea. In November of the same year, ‘Arctic Activities Strategy for 2050’ was announced to establish a long-term direction for Arctic policies. And finally, in November 2022, MOF established and announced the 1st Basic Plan for the Polar Activity Promotion (2023-2027) based on the Polar Activities Promotion Act. The Polar Activities Promotion Act, led by MOF, in April 2021, was enacted and Korea laid the legal foundation for systematic fostering and support of integrated ‘Arctic and Antarctic activities’ in Korea. In November of the same year, ‘Arctic Activities Strategy for 2050’ was announced to establish a long-term direction for Arctic policies. And finally, in November 2022, MOF established and announced the 1st Basic Plan for the Polar Activity Promotion (2023-2027) based on the Polar Activities Promotion Act. In this study, precedent domestic and foreign studies related to the establishment of Arctic policies in Korea were analyzed, and the policy framework and contents from the 1st Masterplan for the Arctic Policy (2013-2017) to the 1st Polar Activities Promotion Basic Plan (2023-2027) were reviewed. In particular, based on the ‘Korea Arctic Policy Model’ developed through the research of Hyunkyo SEO (2019), ‘Arctic Activities Strategy for 2050’ and the 1st Basic Plan for the Polar Activity Promotion were analyzed, and differences and characteristics were examined. In conclusion, based on the analysis results, the policy directions of the 2nd Basic Plan for the Polar Activity Promotion (2028-2032), which correspond to the 2nd term polar policy of Korea, were proposed. Finally, recent governmental policies & projects based measures to strengthen cooperation with Europe were presented.

      • KCI등재

        통일부 정책 홍보 유튜브 콘텐츠의 효과: S-O-R 모델을 중심으로

        최종환 한양대학교 평화연구소 2023 문화와 정치 Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구는 통일부가 정책 홍보를 위해 활용하는 유튜브 콘텐츠의 효과를 파악하기 위해 수행되었다. 글로벌 미디어 플랫폼으로 성장한 유튜브에서 어떻게 정책 홍보를 할 것인가 논의하는 작업은 중요한 과제로 떠올랐다. 이에 본 연구는 정책기대 수준(고vs저)에 따라 이용자들이 콘텐츠를 어떻게 인식하는지 살펴보았다. 또, 콘텐츠의 지각된 특성으로, ‘진정성’과 ‘유사성’, ‘흥미성’, ‘관계성’을, 콘텐츠 품질로 ‘정보 다양성’, ‘정보원 적합성’을 설정했다. 이들 변인이 ‘정책이해’에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 분석했다. 이어, ‘정책이해’가 ‘정책수용’에 영향을 주는지, 이 과정에서 이용자의 정치성향은 어떠한 관계가 있는지 확인했다. 분석결과, ‘정책기대’ 수준이 높은 집단은 그렇지 않은 집단보다 콘텐츠의 지각된 특성, 콘텐츠 품질 변인을 모두 높게 인식했다. 또, ‘진정성’과 ‘정보 다양성’, ‘정보원 적합성’이 ‘정책이해’에 정적(+) 영향을 주었음이 밝혀졌다. ‘정책이해’는 ‘정책수용’에 정적(+) 영향을 주었으며, 이용자의 ‘정치성향’은 둘 관계에서 조절효과를 주지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 통일부 정책 홍보 유튜브 콘텐츠의 효과를 높이기 위해 기관 본연의 역할을 강조함으로써 진정성을 높일 필요가 있다고 제안했다. 또 다양한 정보원을 활용함으로써 통일이 가져다 줄 수 있는 이익을 강조할 필요가 있다고 주장했다. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of YouTube content utilized by the Ministry of Unification for policy promotion. Given the growth of YouTube as a global media platform, discussing how policy promotion should be conducted on this platform has become an important challenge. To this end, the study investigates how users perceive content based on their levels of policy expectations (high vs. low). Additionally, the study establishes perceived content characteristics, including 'authenticity,' 'similarity,' 'interest,' and 'relevance,' as well as content quality factors such as 'information diversity' and 'suitability of information sources.' The research analyzes the impact of these variables on 'policy understanding.' Furthermore, it explores whether 'policy understanding' influences 'policy acceptance' and investigates the relationship between users' political orientations in this context. The analysis results indicate that the group with high 'policy expectations' perceives content characteristics and content quality variables more positively than the group with low expectations. Additionally, 'authenticity,' 'information diversity,' and 'suitability of information sources' positively affect 'policy understanding.' 'Policy understanding' positively influences 'policy acceptance,' and users' 'political orientations' do not appear to have a moderating effect on this relationship. The study suggests that to enhance the effectiveness of the Ministry of Unification's policy promotion YouTube content, emphasizing the organization's inherent role to increase authenticity is essential. Furthermore, the research emphasizes the need to highlight the benefits of reunification through the use of various information sources.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 경제안보정책과 일본형 산업정책의 유산

        이정환 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2024 국제지역연구 Vol.33 No.1

        일본의 경제안보정책은 미중경쟁과 중첩된 전세계적 경제의 안보화에 대한 일본의 전략적 대응으로, 글로벌 추세가 된 신산업정책의 맥락 속에서 이해될 수 있다. 하지만, 최근 일본의 경제안보정책은 정부의 적극적 시장 개입으로 국가적 산업경쟁력을 증진 하려 했던 전후 일본의 발전국가 모델과 연결되어 논의되기도 한다. 본 연구는 최근 일 본의 경제안보정책을 일본 산업정책의 통시적 변천 속에서 위치 지워 분석하고 있다. 일본의 경제안보정책은 2022년에 입법화한 경제안보추진법의 세부 내용인 특정중요물 자 안정공급 지원사업과 특정중요기술 연구개발 지원사업을 양대 축으로 하여 2023년 에 집행되기 시작했다. 일본 경제안보정책의 핵심 기조와 세부적 정책 내용을 살펴보 면, 1980년 <1980년대 통산정책 비전> 문서 이래로 사라졌던 추격형 모델이 특정중요 물자 안정공급 지원사업에서 부분적으로 재등장하였다는 점이 특징적이다. 그러나, 추 격형 모델은 경제안보정책 전반에 있어서 중심적인 것은 아니다. 특정중요기술 육성개 발 지원사업에서는 1980년대 이래로 일본의 산업기술정책에서 지속되던 선도적 기술혁 신 창조 모델과 이를 위한 기술혁신 산관학 생태계 구축 방법론이 주로 발견된다. 추격 형 모델의 부활로 일본의 경제안보정책을 규정짓는 것은 현재 진행 중인 경제안보정책 을 과도하게 단순화해서 이해하는 것이면서 동시에 일본 산업정책의 역사적 변천을 획 일화하는 것이기도 하다. Japan’s economic security policy can be understood in the context of the New Industrial Policy, which has become a global trend, overlapping with U.S.-China competition. However, recent Japanese economic security policies are often discussed in relation to the postwar Japanese developmental state model, which sought to promote national industrial competitiveness through active government intervention. This study analyzes Japan's recent economic security policy by situating it in the context of changes in Japanese industrial policy. Japan's economic security policy began to be implemented in 2023 after the Economic Security Promotion Act was enacted in 2022. It has two main pillars: ‘Promotion for Ensuring Stable Supply of Key Products’ and ‘Promotion for Enhancing Development of Advanced Critical Technologies.’ ‘Promotion for Ensuring Stable Supply of Key Products’ is partially characterized by the reemergence of the catch-up vision, which had been absent since the 1980s. However, the other pillar of the Economic Security Promotion Act, ‘Promotion for Enhancing Development of Advanced Critical Technologies,’ is not based on a catch-up vision. In the ‘Key and Advanced Technology R&D through Cross-Community Collaboration Program,’ the idea of creating leading technological innovations and the methodology of building a technological innovation industry ecosystem for this purpose have mainly been found in industrial technology policy since the 1980s. To characterize Japan's economic security policy as a revival of the catch-up type is an oversimplification of the ongoing economic security policy and a homogenization of the historical evolution of Japanese industrial policy.

      • KCI등재

        A study on the effects of government policy PR on the credibility and fairness of public policies: with the focus on the government's Covid-19 vaccination policy

        고준석 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2021 에피스테메 Vol.- No.26

        According to the government's promotion of the Covid-19 vaccination policy, it may have relevance to the public’s perception of the reliability and fairness of the government’s epidemic prevention policy. This study analyzed how the public trust in the government's policies and the fairness of the government's quarantine policy decisions change depending on the public satisfaction with the government’s Covid-19 quarantine policy. The purpose of this study is to show whether the government's promotion of its quarantine policy affects the reliability of its policies and public perceptions of the fairness of its policy decisions. This study used the ‘Survey on public perceptions using the scientific culture and media of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’ as the main analysis data. The survey targeted 1,000 panels nationwide who agreed in advance out of 1.3 million panels secured by Embrain. An Internet survey with 1,000 samples was conducted. As a result of performing multinomial logistic regression analysis with policy reliability and fairness as the dependent variables, it was found that the higher the public's satisfaction with the government's promotion of its Covid-19 vaccination policy, the higher the government's trust in the quarantine measures. Regardless of the demographic characteristics, it was confirmed that when public satisfaction with the government's vaccination policy was high, the reliability of the government's measures also turned out to be high. Second, it was found that the higher the level of public satisfaction with the media’s publicizing of the Covid-19 vaccination policy carried out by the government, the fairer the government's epidemic prevention policy decisions. However, although the level of public satisfaction with policy promotion was high, many respondents held the opinion that the government's early message about easing quarantine caused the fourth wave of the pandemic. The results of this study imply that the government's promotion of Covid-19 quarantine policies should be more transparent in order to improve the credibility and fairness of its public policies, and that quarantine policy messages should be carefully announced.

      • KCI등재후보

        Kingdon 모형을 적용한 인성교육진흥법 정책 형성 분석

        반민수(Min Soo Pan) 한국지방교육경영학회 2021 지방교육경영 Vol.24 No.1

        이 연구는 Kingdon의 정책 창 모형을 적용하여 인성교육진흥법 정책 형성 과정을 분석하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 2011년~2014년 사이에 인성교육진흥법 형성에 관한 세가지 흐름(문제의 흐름, 정치적 흐름, 정책대안의 흐름)을 분석하고 정책의 창이 열리게 되었을 때의 과정과 정책 선도가를 파악하였다. 분석 결과 인성교육진흥법 제정 정책결정과정에서 세 가지의 흐름 중 가장 큰 영향을 미친 것은 문제의 흐름이었고, 특히 세월호 참사가 결정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 세월호 참사를 계기로 세 가지 흐름이 결합되어 정책의 창이 열리게 되었다. 그리고 대표적인 정책 선도가는 인성교육범국민실천연합과 국회 인성교육실천포럼, 교육부였다. 이 세 단체는 민간, 국회, 행정부에서 각자의 역할을 수행하면서 긴밀하게 협력하였다. 이러한 분석을 통해 인성교육진흥법 정책은 예측 불가능하게 만들어졌고, 정책의 창이 열렸을 때 정책 선도가의 적극적인 역할을 확인할 수 있다. 이러한 정책형성 과정에 따라 향후 인성교육진흥법 정책 변동이나 다른 교육정책의 형성 과정에서 국회의 책임 있는 법안 심사와 언론 및 시민단체의 감시가 필요함을 할 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the process of policy formation of the Character Education Promotion Act by Using Kingdon’s policy window model. From 2011 to 2014, three streams(problem stream, policy stream, political stream) related to the formation of the Character Education Promotion Act were analyzed, and the process and policy entrepreneur were identified when the policy window was opened. As a result of the analysis, the problem stream was the most influential among the three flows in the decision-making process for the enactment of the Character Education Promotion Act, and the Sewol ferry disaster had a decisive effect. With the Sewol ferry disaster, the three flows were combined to open a window of policy. In accordance with the cause of the reinforcement of the character education promotion policy caused by the Sewol ferry disaster, a policy window was opened and legislation was quickly enacted. And the representative policy entrepreneur were the People's Practicing Federation for Character Education, the National Assembly Character Education Practicing Forum, and the Ministry of Education. These three organizations worked closely together, playing their respective roles in the private sector, the National Assembly, and the government. Through this analysis, the policy of the Character Education Promotion Act was made unpredictable, and it is possible to confirm the active role of the policy entrepreneur when the policy window opens. According to this policy formation process, it may be necessary to review the legislation responsibly by the National Assembly and to monitor the media and civic groups in the process of policy changes in the Character Education Promotion Act or the formation of other education policies in the future.

      • KCI등재

        일본 스포츠 진흥정책의 시사점

        백윤철 ( Yun Chul Baek ),김한양 ( Han Yang Kim ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2011 법학논총 Vol.35 No.2

        Can the country intervene actively which extent of sports? Japan is restricting extent that the country intervenes conforming in sports promotion process to sports condition maintenance part mainly, but is establishing continually variouser law in other overseases. And is limiting various kinds to law about individual item of with sports fundamental law that rule Japanese sports whole synthetically safety, job, facilities, formation, education, doping, engagement, broadcasting of sports. Can establish sports promotion policy because event, people athletic meeting, sporting event, teenagers sports, company sports, outdoor activity, leading figure, institution, improvement of the sports level, accident prevention, pro sports player`s practical use of game technology, scientific research were listed Health Sports Day by measure for sports promotion for substance of Japanese sports promotion law. But, sports promotion law are defective concreteness and compelling because there are a lot of instruction regulation or enumeration regulation similarly with Korea Japan. Sports promotion general planning was notified in September 13, 2000 according to regulation of sports promotion law article 4 the first clause. This plan is to become reference guideline of sports promotion measure that is based on local real condition as that present ``According to sports promotion law, that from long-term and synthetic viewpoint the country do by target basic direction of future sports promotion``. Future, as major agenda of sports administration first, policy to push link of whole life sports maintenance substantiality second of area sports environment for social realization, synthetic elevation plan third of the international game level, whole life sports and game sports and school athletic club sports was included. And submited policy of that unfold area sports club by each city, county, village during Japan, 10 years making the more sports activity rate by 50% 1 times a week in adult`s occasion for realization of these major agenda. The Korea has duty to establish sports promotion policy like Japan. And the country has responsibility to develop because connect sports industry, sports policy and sports event. Current people sports promotion law abolishes within near time and fit and suitable sports basis law must establish fast hereupon in the world in correct and new sports in stream present age by method.

      • KCI등재

        국내 유통진흥정책과 유통조정정책에 대한 고찰

        김대윤,권승구 한국유통과학회 2013 유통과학연구 Vol.11 No.4

        Purpose – The purpose of this study is to systematically review the background of the Korean distribution promotion policy and distribution adjustment policies along with related regulations and policies. Research design, data, and methodology – Domestic distribution policy and relevant laws were examined through a review of existing research literature. The results of the development process of the domestic distribution policy, promotion policies, and adjustment policies are summarized below. Results - The results are summarized as follows. First, the purpose of the development of the domestic distribution promotion policy was to strengthen the competitiveness of the small and medium business industry through structural advancement of the small and medium industry. By expanding the managerial base for the small and medium industry, a new balance could be created in the national economy. There was a requirement for an early assistance policy for small and medium businesses as a base of these businesses in the distribution industry developed from their original model of catering to a traditional market of retail shops. Since 1996, there was a need for this early assistance policy due to the expansion and rapid growth of large scale stores causing a change in the consumption pattern for distribution markets and the decline of large enterprises. Second, the government supports small and medium business distribution through distribution promotion policies by supporting an organization promoting small business and supporting innovation in the distribution system. Third, in 1961 a business mediation system was established to protect small and medium industries. The Small and Medium Business Administration advises conglomerates to postpone acquisitions, restrain expansion of the business, or to reduce business scale if small businesses undergo an adverse effect such as decreasing demand because large companies are expanding into their areas. Fourth, the Distribution Adjustment Policy managed large-scale store regulation as follows: ① limitation on construction by urban planning ordinance, ② limitation on location based on traffic impact assessments, ③ regulation based on business guidelines by chiefs of autonomous bodies, ④ regulation on mandatory holidays and limitation of business hours. This large-scale store regulation is a policy introduced by authority to increase competitiveness of small and medium business distribution by the government. Conclusions - As discussed in this study, the distribution promotion policy and distribution adjustment policy are government distribution policies focused on the protection of the small and medium distribution businesses. This study is timely, since it was planned when the strengthening of the revisions of the Distribution Industry Development Act, aimed to protect small and medium retailers and merchants, was under discussion. The significance of this study is that it offers insights for the development of new policies in the future and an opportunity to consider the background of the distribution policy by the government.

      • KCI등재

        정책변동의 관점에서 본 개발촉진지구정책과 신활력지역정책의 도입특성 비교

        김영단 ( Kim Young Dan ) 한국지방행정연구원 2017 地方行政硏究 Vol.31 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to compare and analyze the characteristics of development promotion zone adopted in Young Sam Kim`s administration and new revitalizing regions adopted in Moo Hyun Roh`s administration from a perspective of adopting new policies. Specifically, it is focused on the understanding of the policy issues, ideas as policy alternatives to solve these issues, the channels of polices, and the detailed goals when the policies of development promotion zone and new revitalizing regions were adopted. The reason why development promotion zone could be adopted is that the Young Sam Kim`s administration recognized the limit of the development policies for certain areas as the necessity for developing the underdeveloped zones had been appeared and this recognition of problems was combined with the ideas as policy alternatives that are development promotion zones. However, the idea was constrained and the development promotion zones for developing certain areas that had been used was re-used. Conclusively, the goal of policy has been changed from resource development into development for underdeveloped areas. On the other hand, the reason why policy of new revitalizing regions could be adopted was that new momentum of policy change was necessary as limit of policies for developing underdeveloped areas such as islands development, hinterlands development, resources development in border areas and development promotion regions etc. was recognized. The recognition of problems could be merged with ideas as policy measure, which is the new revitalizing regions based on regional innovation. As a result, it can be said that the goal of policy has been changed from hardware development into software development and the policy means have been changed from regional development method into regional innovation centered method.

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