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      • KCI등재

        유엔 안전보장이사회의 자산동결에 관한 제재결의 이행

        백지열(Paek, Ji Yeol) 국제법평론회 2021 국제법평론 Vol.- No.59

        The United Nations (UN) began to use asset freeze as a form of targeted sanction in the late 1990’s. The UN Security Council used asset freeze to prevent the sanctioned individuals or entities from engaging in harmful behaviors. Today, most of the UN’s sanctions regimes utilize asset freeze. Over the years, many advancements have been achieved in the implementation of the UN Security Council’s resolutions on asset freeze. However, there are many issues that still persist with regard to the implementation. This study examines and assesses the current status of the UN’s asset freeze system and Korea’s implementation of the sanction. To that end, this study compares the sanctions of the UN and the World Bank, along with a comparative analysis of the laws regulating the implementation of asset freeze. It also analyzes cases involving asset freeze such as the Bank Mellat case. Issues with the UN’s asset freeze system can be summarized as follows. Firstly, the effective implementation of the UN’s asset freeze sanctions is undermined by various factors. The obscure language of sanctions on asset freeze makes it difficult to articulate the targets and objects of asset freeze. In addition, the UN has failed to prevent individuals and entities subject to asset freeze from evading asset freeze through various means. Secondly, the UN’s asset freeze system lacks transparency. The public is only provided with summaries of why certain individuals and entities have been subjected to asset freeze. The UN does not publicly disclose the reasons for decisions on delisting requests. Furthermore, the UN due process is not guaranteed with regard to asset freeze. The UN does not directly notify asset freeze to those subject to the sanction, and the outcomes of delisting requests are restricted by the intentions of the relevant countries. The UN does not have its own review mechanism for delisting requests. The UN should address these issues with the asset freeze system. First, the UN should work toward effective implementation by adopting standardized definitions of terms related to asset freeze, and analyzing and addressing asset freeze evasions. Next, in order to promote transparency, the UN should provide sufficient information regarding the reasons for listing, and disclose the texts of decisions on delisting requests. Futhermore, the UN should guarantee due process by directly notifying asset freeze to those subject to the sanctions, and create a review mechanism for delisting requests. Issues with Korea’s implementation of asset freeze measures include the following. First, in Korea, the effectiveness of implementation is undermined by legislative gaps for certain transactions and sanctions regimes, and evasions of asset freeze using won-denominated accounts. In addition, Korea does not properly guarantee due process in its implementation of asset freeze. Korean laws lack provisions on delisting, and do not provide adequate procedural rights regarding asset freeze. Moreover, regulation of asset freeze implementation in Korea is divided between two regimes: the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act regime, and the Act on Prohibition Against the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction regime. Such division undermines alignment with the UN’s resolutions on asset freeze, and causes confusion regarding the relevant terms and procedures. Korea should address these issues with asset freeze implementation by working toward effective implementation of the sanctions, guaranteeing due process, and solving the issues caused by the division between two regimes. To achieve these improvement goals, this study proposes the enactment of the “Act on the Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions on Asset Freeze.”

      • 디자인 정책의 집행 체계 확립

        금진우 ( Jin Woo Keum ) 한국정보디자인학회 2004 정보디자인학연구 Vol.7 No.-

        어떤 훌륭한 정책이 형성되었더라도, 그것이 효율적으로 집행되지 않으면 그 정책은 쓸모가 없게 된다. 따라서 정책의 집행은 정책의 형성 못지않게 중요시되며, 정책 과정에 소요되는 비용이 클 때 정책 집행의 중요성은 더욱 강조된다. 1990년대 이후, 디자인과 디자인 산업에 대한 정부의 정책적 지원이 눈에 띄게 늘어났다. 그러나 정부가 육성하려는 산업들은 국제 경쟁력을 갖지 못하거나 과잉 투자로 인해 부작용이 초래되었다는 비판이 있듯이, 디자인 정책 집행 역시 그 내용과 규모에 비해 그 결과는 만족한 수준이 되지 못하였다. 이런 비판은 정부의 디자인 지원 정책이 합리적이고 효율적으로 집행되지 못하였음을 암시한다. 디자인 정책 집행 과정의 속성으로 정책 해석, 집행 계획, 조직화, 집행 관료의 확보, 통제와 감청, 위기 관리, 공공 관계 등을 들 수 있다. 정책 집행은 복합적이자 역동적이며, 시한적 과정이기 때문에 그 중요성의 우선 순위는 대체로 상황적 관점에서 결정되어야 한다. 디자인 정책을 효율적으로 집행하기 위한 집행 체계에는 몇 가지 전제 조건이 따른다. 첫째, 디자인 정책의 집행은 기업과 디자인 관련 단체뿐 아니라 일선 디자이너들의 참여와 지지가 없으면 그 효율성은 기대하기 어렵다. 둘째, 디자인 정책의 집행은 능률성보다는 효과성에 역점을 두어야 한다. 셋째, 산업과 경제 구조 및 시대와 문화적 상황에 따라 디자인 정책의 효율성이 달라진다. 따라서 효율적인 디자인 정책 집행 체계의 구축을 시도하면서, 정부가 디자인 정책 집행을 위해 단계별로 유념해야 할 내용들을 제시하였다. 디자인 정책 집행 체계는 단기간에 개발되고 실행되는 것이 아니기에 디자인 정책 담당자들은 중 단기적인 문제들을 해결하는 데 역점을 두어야 한다. 나아가 효율적인 정책 집행을 위해서는 집행과정을 총체적 시각으로 보아야 한다. 결국 디자인 정책의 집행은 지속적인 정치적, 경제적, 사회적, 문화적 환경의 개선을 통해 효율성을 극대화 할 수 있다. Any good policy will be useless if it is not efficiently implemented. Therefore, the policy implementation is as important as the policy formation is and the importance of policy implementation is more emphasized when many expenditures are required in the course of policy. Since 1990`s, the policy support of the government for design and design industry has remarkably increased. However, it is criticized that the industries to be fostered by the government, are not equipped with the international competitive power or caused side effects due to the excessive investment, and the implementation of design policy also did not reach the satisfactory level in comparison of its contents and scale. This criticism indicates that the design support policy of the government was not implemented reasonably and efficiently. The properties of design policy implementation course include the policy interpretation, implementation plan, organization, securing implement officials, control and superintendence, risk management, public relations, etc. The policy implementation is complex, dynamic and time-limited so the priority of its importance should be determined from the situational point of view in general. To implement the design policy efficiently, the implementation system shall meet several preconditions. First, it is hard to expect the efficiency of design policy implementation without participation and support of frontline designers as well as enterprises and design-related groups. Second, the implementation of design policy shall focus on the effect rather than on the efficiency. Third, the efficiency of design policy varies with the industry, economic structure, times and cultural situations. Therefore, I proposed something to be kept in mind by stages when the government implements the design policy while trying to establish the efficient design policy implementation system. As the design policy implementation system cannot be developed and implemented in a short time, persons in charge of design policy shall give priority to solve the middle-and-short term problems. Furthermore, we have to look the implementation course from a general point of view for the efficient policy implementation. After all, the implementation of design policy can maximize its efficiency through the continuous improvement of politic, economic, social and cultural environments.

      • KCI등재

        Dynamics of Governance in IS Outsourced ERP Implementation

        Jong-Dae Kim,Ha-Eun Jeong 한국무역연구원 2017 무역연구 Vol.13 No.5

        New paradigm has been emerging in a way firms utilizing information and communication technology (I & CT) and corresponding business process innovation in order to maintain firms’ competitive advantage since early 90’s. Those are said to be Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and Business Process Reengineering (BPR) or Process Innovation (PI).In contrast to traditional methodology for developing in-house corporate information system (CIS), there need to develop new breed of methodology for ERP implementation for two reasons. One is distinctive set of features of ERP system; and, the other is the way and governance structure of working in ERP implementation. Regarding the governance structure, firms tend to work with consulting firms for ERP implementation since it is on its early stage in lifecycle. There has been a log of studies done in ERP implementation. Most of the previous studies concerned about implementation methodology and implementation impacts on firm’s performance and competitiveness. As firms used to work with outsourced consulting firm for their ERP implementation, there has been a few studies how to effectively and efficiently work with outsourced firm in ERP implementation. In our study, we borrowed Huber, Fisher, Dibbern and Hirschheim’s (2013-2014) process model and applied the model in ERP implementation. Firstly, we matched the three adaptation triggers along with ERP implementation process. Secondly, we observed the dynamics of governance types during the implementation process. Lastly, we proposed adaptation outcomes focusing on the ERP implementation process by exploring a well-known Korea company in its ERP implementation.

      • KCI등재

        교육과정의 실행 기준에 관한 연구 - 교육과정 실행 요인 및 기준, 교육과정 실행의 실태 및 개혁의 과제 -

        김두정 ( Kim Doojung ),김소영 ( Kim Soyoung ) 인하대학교 교육연구소 2017 교육문화연구 Vol.23 No.2

        지금까지 교육과정에서의 기준은 내용기준, 성취기준 등 계획 측면에만 초점을 두고 있다. 교육과정 실행 측면에서의 기준은 소홀하게 취급되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 교육과정 실행 측면에서의 기준을 설정하고 그 기준을 토대로 한 교육과정 실행의 실태 및 개혁을 위한 과제를 탐구했다. 지금 단계에서 교육과정 실행 기준이라는 개념을 창안하고 그 실제적 효용성을 점검하는 의미에서 교육과정 실태와 개혁을 위한 과제를 분석하고 제안해 보고자 한다. 후속 연구들을 통해 기준의 세련화와 타당도가 더 깊이 탐구되기를 희망한다. 본 연구는 교육과정 실행 기준의 구안을 교육과정 실행에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구들로부터 도출하였다. 그러한 요인들을 교육과정 실행의 성패를 가르는 하나의 기준으로 될 것으로 보았다. 선행 연구를 토대로 교육과정 실행에 영향을 미치는 요인을 교육과정 문서, 학교, 학교 외부요인 등으로 종합하고, 교육과정 실행 기준 또한 교육과정 문서, 학교, 학교 외부 기준 등으로 설정하고 각 기준별 하위 요소들을 설정했다. 예를 들면 교육과정 문서 기준의 하위 요소는 (개정의) 필요성, (진술의) 명료성 등이다. 다음으로, 설정된 교육과정 실행 기준에서 주요한 하위요소를 중심으로 우리나라 교육과정 실행의 실태를 점검해 보는 의미에서 선행연구를 토대로 정리하였다. 마지막으로, 기준을 토대로 정리된 교육과정 실태를 중심으로 우리나라 교육과정 실행의 개혁을 위한 과제가 국가 교육과정 문서, 학교, 학교 외부 등의 측면에서 제안되었다. 그런데, 본 개혁의 과제에서 강조되어야 할 점은 각 교육과정 실행 기준별 개혁과 함께 각 기준 간의 공조와 협력 그리고 상호작용의 중요성 등이다(Westbury & Wilkof, 1978). 교육과정 실행은 교육과정 문서, 학교, 학교 외부 기준 간의 시너지 효과와 상호 작용이 극대화될 때 성공한다. So far, standards related to curriculum have primarily focused on curriculum planning aspects such as content standards and achievement standards, while standards in curriculum implementation aspects were relatively neglected. This study aims to enquire: 1) to set up curriculum implementation standards based on factors influencing on curriculum implementation, 2) to review Korea`s curriculum implementation practices in view of the standards, and to suggest tasks for the improvement of the curriculum implementation practices. The second and the third problems were raised in order to check utilities of established curriculum implementation standards as well as to refine and validate them. Three curriculum implementation standards were drawn from factors influencing on curriculum implementation based on related literature: curriculum document standard, school standard, and external standard to school. Each standard has also its subordinate elements. It is believed that those influencing factors have much impact on quality of curriculum implementation. So, the standards were drawn from the factors. Korea`s major curriculum implementation practices were reviewed in terms of the three curriculum implementation standards and their major subordinate elements. In addition, tasks for the improvement of the curriculum implementation practices were suggested in such areas as national curriculum documents, school practices, and related institutes or groups including ministry of education, school district, community, and parents. Finally it is especially emphasized that the three standards of curriculum documents, schools, and the institutes and groups should be closely related and interacted. Therefore, curriculum documents and all institutes and groups are commonly responsible for meeting all the three curriculum implementation standards and their subordinate elements.

      • KCI등재

        조직의 정보 니즈와 ERP 기능과의 불일치 및 그 대응책에 대한 이해: 조직 메모리 이론을 바탕으로

        정승렬,배억호 한국경영정보학회 2012 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol.22 No.2

        Until recently, successful implementation of ERP systems has been a popular topic among ERP researchers, who have attempted to identify its various contributing factors. None of these efforts, however, explicitly recognize the need to identify disparities that can exist between organizational information requirements and ERP systems. Since ERP systems are in fact “packages”-that is, software programs developed by independent software vendors for sale to organizations that use them-they are designed to meet the general needs of numerous organizations, rather than the unique needs of a particular organization, as is the case with custom-developed software. By adopting standard packages, organizations can substantially reduce many of the potential implementation risks commonly associated with custom-developed software. However, it is also true that the nature of the package itself could be a risk factor as the features and functions of the ERP systems may not completely comply with a particular organization’s informational requirements. In this study, based on the organizational memory mismatch perspective that was derived from organizational memory theory and cognitive dissonance theory, we define the nature of disparities, which we call “mismatches,” and propose that the mismatch between organizational information requirements and ERP systems is one of the primary determinants in the successful implementation of ERP systems. Furthermore, we suggest that customization efforts as a coping strategy for mismatches can play a significant role in increasing the possibilities of success. In order to examine the contention we propose in this study, we employed a survey-based field study of ERP project team members, resulting in a total of 77 responses. The results of this study show that, as anticipated from the organizational memory mismatch perspective, the mismatch between organizational information requirements and ERP systems makes a significantly negative impact on the implementation success of ERP systems. This finding confirms our hypothesis that the more mismatch there is, the more difficult successful ERP implementation is, and thus requires more attention to be drawn to mismatch as a major failure source in ERP implementation. This study also found that as a coping strategy on mismatch, the effects of customization are significant. In other words, utilizing the appropriate customization method could lead to the implementation success of ERP systems. This is somewhat interesting because it runs counter to the argument of some literature and ERP vendors that minimized customization (or even the lack thereof) is required for successful ERP implementation. In many ERP projects, there is a tendency among ERP developers to adopt default ERP functions without any customization, adhering to the slogan of “the introduction of best practices.” However, this study asserts that we cannot expect successful implementation if we don’t attempt to customize ERP systems when mismatches exist. For a more detailed analysis, we identified three types of mismatches-Non-ERP, Non-Procedure, and Hybrid. Among these, only Non-ERP mismatches (a situation in which ERP systems cannot support the existing information needs that are currently fulfilled) were found to have a direct influence on the implementation of ERP systems. Neither Non-Procedure nor Hybrid mismatches were found to have significant impact in the ERP context. These findings provide meaningful insights since they could serve as the basis for discussing how the ERP implementation process should be defined and what activities should be included in the implementation process. They show that ERP developers may not want to include organizational (or business processes) changes in the implementation process, suggesting that doing so could lead to failed implementation. And in fact, this suggestion eventually turned out to be true when we found that the application of pr... Until recently, successful implementation of ERP systems has been a popular topic among ERP researchers, who have attempted to identify its various contributing factors. None of these efforts, however, explicitly recognize the need to identify disparities that can exist between organizational information requirements and ERP systems. Since ERP systems are in fact “packages”-that is, software programs developed by independent software vendors for sale to organizations that use them-they are designed to meet the general needs of numerous organizations, rather than the unique needs of a particular organization, as is the case with custom-developed software. By adopting standard packages, organizations can substantially reduce many of the potential implementation risks commonly associated with custom-developed software. However, it is also true that the nature of the package itself could be a risk factor as the features and functions of the ERP systems may not completely comply with a particular organization’s informational requirements. In this study, based on the organizational memory mismatch perspective that was derived from organizational memory theory and cognitive dissonance theory, we define the nature of disparities, which we call “mismatches,” and propose that the mismatch between organizational information requirements and ERP systems is one of the primary determinants in the successful implementation of ERP systems. Furthermore, we suggest that customization efforts as a coping strategy for mismatches can play a significant role in increasing the possibilities of success. In order to examine the contention we propose in this study, we employed a survey-based field study of ERP project team members, resulting in a total of 77 responses. The results of this study show that, as anticipated from the organizational memory mismatch perspective, the mismatch between organizational information requirements and ERP systems makes a significantly negative impact on the implementation success of ERP systems. This finding confirms our hypothesis that the more mismatch there is, the more difficult successful ERP implementation is, and thus requires more attention to be drawn to mismatch as a major failure source in ERP implementation. This study also found that as a coping strategy on mismatch, the effects of customization are significant. In other words, utilizing the appropriate customization method could lead to the implementation success of ERP systems. This is somewhat interesting because it runs counter to the argument of some literature and ERP vendors that minimized customization (or even the lack thereof) is required for successful ERP implementation. In many ERP projects, there is a tendency among ERP developers to adopt default ERP functions without any customization, adhering to the slogan of “the introduction of best practices.” However, this study asserts that we cannot expect successful implementation if we don’t attempt to customize ERP systems when mismatches exist. For a more detailed analysis, we identified three types of mismatches-Non-ERP, Non-Procedure, and Hybrid. Among these, only Non-ERP mismatches (a situation in which ERP systems cannot support the existing information needs that are currently fulfilled) were found to have a direct influence on the implementation of ERP systems. Neither Non-Procedure nor Hybrid mismatches were found to have significant impact in the ERP context. These findings provide meaningful insights since they could serve as the basis for discussing how the ERP implementation process should be defined and what activities should be included in the implementation process. They show that ERP developers may not want to include organizational (or business processes) changes in the implementation process, suggesting that doing so could lead to failed implementation. And in fact, this suggestion eventually turned out to be true when we found that the application of proces...

      • KCI등재

        실행의 깊이에 따른 교사신념 및 지식과 교육과정 실행 간의 관계: 초등 사회과 수행평가를 중심으로

        최진영 ( Jin Young Choi ),이경진 ( Kyung Jin Lee ) 한국교육과정학회 2008 교육과정연구 Vol.26 No.1

        This study first examined the relationships between elementary teachers` beliefs and knowledge and their implementation in terms of depth of implementation (superficial implementation vs deep implementation). Then, the study investigated whether these relationship differed according to years of teaching experiences. To provide answers to these research questions, this study examined elementary teachers` implementation of performance assessment in social studies. The sample for this study comprised 700 elementary teachers and data were gathered via a questionnaire. Correlational analysis and multiple regression were run and the results were as follows. First, the relationships between teachers` beliefs and knowledge and their implementation differed according to depth of implementation. While the relationships between teachers` beliefs and their implementation became smaller according to depth of implementation, the relationships among teachers` knowledge and their implementation became larger. Second, the influences of teachers` beliefs and knowledge on superficial implementation (formats of assessment) were similar but the influences on deep implementation(cognitive demands and purposes of assessment) were different. Teachers` knowledge had a larger influence on deep implementation than teachers` beliefs. Third, the relationship patterns among teachers` beliefs and knowledge and their implementation differed according to years of teaching experiences. Based on these results, this study discussed implications for supporting teachers` deep implementation.

      • KCI등재

        Dynamics of Governance in IS Outsourced ERP Implementation: Case-based Exploratory Study

        김종대,정하은 한국무역연구원 2017 무역연구 Vol.13 No.5

        New paradigm has been emerging in a way firms utilizing information and communication technology (I & CT) and corresponding business process innovation in order to maintain firms’ competitive advantage since early 90’s. Those are said to be Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and Business Process Reengineering (BPR) or Process Innovation (PI). In contrast to traditional methodology for developing in-house corporate information system (CIS), there need to develop new breed of methodology for ERP implementation for two reasons. One is distinctive set of features of ERP system; and, the other is the way and governance structure of working in ERP implementation. Regarding the governance structure, firms tend to work with consulting firms for ERP implementation since it is on its early stage in lifecycle. There has been a log of studies done in ERP implementation. Most of the previous studies concerned about implementation methodology and implementation impacts on firm’s performance and competitiveness. As firms used to work with outsourced consulting firm for their ERP implementation, there has been a few studies how to effectively and efficiently work with outsourced firm in ERP implementation. In our study, we borrowed Huber, Fisher, Dibbern and Hirschheim’s (2013-2014) process model and applied the model in ERP implementation. Firstly, we matched the three adaptation triggers along with ERP implementation process. Secondly, we observed the dynamics of governance types during the implementation process. Lastly, we proposed adaptation outcomes focusing on the ERP implementation process by exploring a well-known Korea company in its ERP implementation.

      • KCI등재

        개인의 아이디어 제안과 채택에 대한 연구: LMX, TMX, 그리고 혁신지원풍토의 조절효과를 중심으로

        손건강,오원경,김민수 한국기업경영학회 2015 기업경영연구 Vol.22 No.5

        Innovation in organizations has long been recognized as a source of competitive advantage and is essential for prosperity and growth. Innovation is commonly characterized as a process that composed two broad stages: idea generation and idea implementation (Clegg, Unsworth, Epitropaki, & Parker, 2002; West, 2002). Idea generation, the first stage of the process, involves behaviors producing ideas regarding improving or modifying organizational products, policies, or procedures by employees in organization(Amabile, 1988). The Idea implementation which is the second stage of the process refers to the extent to which the ideas generated by employees are successfully adopted by the organization (Amabile, 1988; Clegg, Unsworth, Epitropaki, & Parker, 2002; West, 2002). Prior research in organizational behavior has focused on the production of novel and useful ideas for innovation than idea implementation in organizations. However, recent evidence suggests that the implementation of such ideas can be of great value to the organization, thus considering the idea implementation as an important process (Birkinshaw et al., 2008). Based on earlier research, there were inconsistent results the relationship between idea generation and idea implementation. Therefore, this study verifies this relationship. Although members generate a lot of ideas for organization’ innovation, all ideas doesn’t accept or implement by the organization (Choi & Chang, 2009). In the view of social-political process, the relationship with team leader and other members and support climate for innovation in organizations are crucial factor for implementing their ideas. If their ideas don’t get agreement and support from team leader and other members, the ideas would not converted into successful innovative performance. For this reason, this study examined moderating effects of LMX, TMX, and support climate for innovation between member’s idea generation and implementation. To test hypotheses, A survey was conducted to gather data from 228 members and 49 teams in domestic companies. Questionnaire consists of two version: the idea implementation for leaders and the rest variables for members separately. The result of the hypotheses about idea generation and idea implementation showed that members’ idea generation influenced idea implementation. Also there are moderation hypotheses indicated that TMX in individual level moderated the relationship between idea generation and idea implementation. But, LMX was not significant. Lastly, supportive climate for innovation in team level moderated the relationship between idea generation and idea implementation. In this study, we distinguished the concept and found a positive association between idea generation and idea implementation. Also, we verify the importance of social exchange relationship with others in innovative process. That is, we found that team member exchange and team’ climate was important for idea implementation. In these points, our research has several theoretical implications and practical implications. Team leaders should realize their role of exchange relationship among team members for innovative performance. And the support, the will, and rewards of organization for innovation have also crucial. 조직 내 혁신의 중요성에도 불구하고, 아직까지 국내에서 혁신과정에 대해 다룬 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 혁신과정의 두 단계인 아이디어 제안과 아이디어 채택 단계를 살펴보고자 하였다. 먼저, 개인의 아이디어 제안이 아이디어 채택에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 살펴본다. 다음으로 개인의 아이디어 제안과 채택 간의 관계에 있어 개인의 사회적 교환관계, 즉 리더와의 교환관계와 팀 구성원들과의 교환관계가 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 살펴보고, 더 나아가 팀의 혁신지원풍토의 효과까지 살펴보고자 하였다. 자료 수집은 2013년 하반기에 설문지 응답법을 통해 이루어졌고, 최종적으로 49개 팀, 228명으로부터 설문지를 회수하여 최종 통계분석에 사용하였다. 실증분석 결과, 첫째, 아이디어 제안은 아이디어 채택에 유의미한 정(+)의 관계를 갖는다. 둘째, 아이디어 제안과 아이디어 채택 간 관계에서 LMX는 유의미한 조절효과를 갖지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, TMX는 아이디어 제안과 아이디어 채택 간 관계를 조절하는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 팀의 혁신지원풍토 또한 개인의 아이디어 제안과 아이디어 채택 간 관계를 조절하는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        전술 번들링과 전략실행의 효과에 관한 연구

        한수진(Su-Jin Han),김언수(Eon-Soo Kim) 한국인사조직학회 2007 인사조직연구 Vol.15 No.4

          이제까지의 경영전략 분야는 전략의 수립과 내용 측면의 연구가 많이 진행되어, 전략수립에 비해 전략실행에 대한 연구와 이해는 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 이와 같은 전략실행 연구의 부족함을 일부 메우고자, 전략을 행동으로 옮기는 구체적인 방법이라 할 수 있는 실행전술(implementation tactic)에 초점을 맞춘다. 전략실행은 조직 구성원들이 함께 움직일 경우에만 성공할 수 있으므로 실행전술을 ‘경영자가 자신이 의도하는 전략적 방향으로 직원들을 움직일 수 있도록 영향력과 권력 기반으로 몰입을 증가시키고 저항을 줄이기 위해 발휘되는 책략’으로 상정하였다. 본 논문에서는 기존 전술연구들을 통합, 정리하여 9가지의 실행 전술을 도출하였으며, 이를 토대로 실행 전술의 효과성을 파악하였다. 실행 전술은 사용 순서나 실행 내용 즉, 전략에 따라 그 효과성이 다르게 나타날 것이며, 다양한 전술들이 동시다발적으로 혹은 순차적으로 사용될 수 있을 것이라고 예측하였다. 이와 같이 다양한 전술들을 순차적으로 혹은 동시에 결합하여 사용하는 것을 “전술 번들링(tactic bundling)”이라고 이름 붙였다. 이러한 예측들을 실증 분석하기 위하여 9개월의 참여관찰과 인터뷰를 포함한 총 2년 4개월 동안 심층사례 연구를 수행하였다. 연구결과로는 첫째, 개별전술 혹은 전술 번들링은 그 사용 순서 및 결합되는 전술의 유형에 따라 효과성에 차이가 있다. 감정적 전술의 경우 타 전술과 결합되는 모든 경우에서 긍정적 효과가 발견되었으며, 강압적 전술의 경우는 그 사용순서에 따라 효과가 전혀 다르게 나타났다. 둘째, 전술의 효과성은 전략 내용(대상의 가시성여부, 이해관계의 대립정도)에 따라 효과 차이가 발생한다. 전술을 많이 사용하면 효과적이라는 전술 번들링 효과는 일반적인 현상이지만, 필요 이상의 번들링은 경제성(parsimony)에 반하는 현상으로 비효율성을 증가시키게 된다. 따라서 전략 내용에 따른 적정수준의 전술 규모 및 사용이 고려되어야 한다.   Organizations in today’s hyper-competitive environment need to formulate a strategy in order to survive and to sustain competitive advantages. Unfortunately, only a small number of them achieve the intended result, indicating a gap between formulation and implementation. Thus, knowledge and wisdom for successful strategy implementation is in high demands, from business circles and academicians alike. Until now, strategy implementation has received much less research attention than strategy formulation, even though the number of studies on strategy implementation has recently increased.<BR>  Under these circumstances, the study raises the following research questions. What are the strategy implementation tactics and the pattern of tactic usage? And what kind of implementation tactic and usage are effective to achieve implementation objective and to mitigate employee resistance for change?<BR>  To address these questions, this study first reviews relevant theories and existing research on the following topics: concept of strategy implementation, strategy implementation tactics drawing upon power and influence tactics studies, resistance as the consequence of implementation tactics, and the contextual factors and their interactions. Based on the literature review, a general strategy implementation process is mapped out, which incorporates the implementation cases, implementation tactics, and resistance.<BR>  To follow the process of implementation, a two-year, in-depth case study was conducted using a participant-observation method at a Korean subsidiary of a multinational pharmaceutical company. While the implementation process of this company is one big case, it is composed of thirteen sub-cases. Therefore, this study has an element of both singleand multiple-case study.<BR>  To evaluate the effectiveness of certain tactics applied to change events and programs i.e., sub-cases, two criteria were used. Based upon whether intended changes, programs, and policies were actually introduced and implemented, and change in the resistance level, the sub-cases were classified into three categories: (1) success: when planned change did happen and there was little resistance from employees or resistance was reduced, (2) partial success: when planned change happened but employee resistance could not be addressed, and (3) failure: when change did not happen as planned and resistance remained high. Level of employee resistance was measured, before and after certain tactics were applied. Using intra- and inter-rater comparison coding method, implementation tactics were divided into nine specific types. Using the same process as in the implementation tactic coding procedure, employee resistance was classified into commitment, compliance, indifference, passive resistance, and active resistance, depending on the strength of resistance. To examine the relation between strategy and effectiveness of tactics, we also divided strategy into four groups based on two dimensions, conflict of interest and tangibility of change target.<BR>  Major findings of this study are as follows. First, there seems to be an effective way of using strategy implementation tactics. Nine implementation tactics are developed in this study, based on the existing implementation, power, and influence tactics. Nine implementation tactics are classified into four groups: 1) rational, 2) emotional, 3) manipulation, and 4) coercive tactics.<BR>  Second, each tactic has different result depending on the context, that is, the specificity of the case and order of tactic usage. Rational tactics seem to be the natural choice in the course of introducing new changes because the CEO, a change agent, tries to persuade employee to understand direction and intention of new program or policy with rational methods. While rational tactics were used 100% of the cases, they were rarely used alone. All the cases wh

      • KCI등재

        정책집행 오류의 유형에 관한 연구

        오성덕(Oh, Seong-deok),조현구(Cho, HyunKoo),이철주(Lee, Cheouljoo),심광호(Sim, Kwang-ho) 한국정치정보학회 2015 정치정보연구 Vol.18 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 한국 정부 및 공공기관이 추진하는 정책집행에서 발생하고 있는 문제점 및 결함 즉, 오류(errors)의 유형을 감사원 감사결과보고서의 감사결과들에서 탐색하는데 있으며, 이를 통해 향후 우리나라 정부 및 공공기관에서 그러한 집행오류에 대한 정책적 및 제도적 대응을 모색하는데 도움이 되고자 하는데 있다. 이를 위해 먼저 기존의 관련 연구들로부터 정부 정책의 집행 오류로서 정책집행 체계(집행내용의 불명확성 및 비일관적 체계, 집행절차의 미이행 및 형식적 적용, 왜곡된 의사전달체계), 정책집행 주체(집행주체의 소극적 의욕 및 태도, 자기조직 중심의 관료규범), 정책집행 자원(불필요한 예산지출 및 부채증가, 부적절한 인사남용, 불충분하고 비신뢰적인 정보공유, 법규에의 불일치), 정책집행 행태(비협조 및 합의·조정의 어려움, 의도적인 집행의 지연·연기, 정책목표 및 수단의 임의변경, 부집행, 불응) 등 4개 분야에 14개의 유형을 도출하였다. 이러한 정책집행의 오류의 틀을 바탕으로 2003년 3월부터 2013년 2월까지 10년간 실시된 감사원 감사 중 특정감사와 성과감사의 결과보고서 중 150개의 보고서를 대상으로 내용분석(content analysis) 방법을 적용하여 우리나라 공공정책에서 이러한 집행오류의 유형이 도출되는지를 분석하였다. 분석결과, 첫째, 우리나라 정부의 정책집행과정에서 정책집행의 체제, 주체, 자원, 행태 분야의 집행오류 유형 14개가 정책분야에 곳곳에서 만연하여 발생하고 있어 정책형성 후 실질적 집행과정이 원활하지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 10년간의 기간 동안 감사원 감사결과보고서 1개당 평균 20개의 집행오류가 중복하여 발생하고 있었고 이 중 정책집행 자원분야에서 집행오류 즉, 불필요한 예산지출 및 부채증가, 부적절한 인사남용, 불충분하고 신뢰성이 낮은 정보의 공유, 법규에의 불합치와 관련된 문제점이 심각한 것으로 드러났다. 셋째, 특히 ‘법규에의 불일치’에 해당하는 집행오류가 전체 집행오류(2,873개)중 가장 높은 비율인 36.4%를 차지하는 등 모든 정책분야의 집행에서 가장 폭넓게 발생하고 있어 정부 및 공공기관에서 기본적인 법제의 준수를 벗어나는 행태에 대한 근본적인 접근이 모색되어야 할 것으로 보인다. 한편, 노무현 정부(2003년 3월~2008년 2월)와 이명박 정부(2008년 3월~2013년 2월)로 나누어 시도한 내용분석 결과, 정권의 성격과는 상관없이 모든 집행오류의 유형이 지속적으로 발생하고 있었고, 두 정권 모두에서도 ‘법규에의 불일치’가 역시 가장 심각한 집행상의 문제로 나타나고 있었으며, 상대적으로 노무현정부에선 비협조 문제가, 이명박 정부에서는 집행절차의 미준수 문제로 정책성과의 달성을 어렵게 했던 것으로 분석되었다. Recognizing that there have been significant defects and flaws, defined as “implementation errors” in this study, in the implementation phase of the Korean government and public agencies’ public policies and programs, this study explored to derive the types of such errors, which have negatively influenced the South Korea’s public polices, by analyzing the contents of public audit result reports that the Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea (BAI) have issued. From the review of the previous studies, each of which has partly dealt with some problems in the implementation phase of public policies, this study developed an implementation error type framework, which represents the typology of errors occurred in the 4 aspects: the system, subject, resources, and behavior of the policy implementation. Based on the framework of implementation errors, employing an empirical method of “content analysis” on the BAI’s 150 audit result reports, which were produced during the 10 year period from 2003 to 2013, the study finds that the Korean government and public organizations’ policy implementation has partaken of all the features of implementation errors. First, all 14 types of implementation errors in the aspects of system, subject, resources, behavior have been ubiquitous and widespread in the process of policy implementation of the South Korean government, thereby putting a serious impediment in the way of smooth and effective implementation. Second, there were average 20 implementation errors per audit report during the 10 year period, the gravest ones of which were unnecessary budget expenditure or debt increasement, inappropriate abuses of personnel practices, sharing of insufficient and unreliable information/data, non-compliance with the laws/regulations in the aspect of implementation resources. Third, the type of error which occurred most widely across all the policy areas is the “non-compliance with the laws/regulations,” as the error type makes up 36.4%, the highest proportion of the total 2,873 errors. This means that alleviating or removing non-compliance with the laws/regulations in effective ways should be the top priority of government branches and public agencies in South Korea. Finally, the two separate content analyses on both the Roh administration(2003~2008) and the Lee administration(2008~2013) show that all the types of implementation errors have occurred in the public sector, regardless of the political regime. In particular, the results of content analyses show an interesting difference between the two regimes: the “lack of coordination and cooperation between public agencies” was relatively a major obstacle to smooth policy implementation under the Roh administration, while “nonfulfillment of due process” might produce major difficulties in achieving public agencies’ performance objectives under the Lee administration.

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