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      • KCI등재

        해양오염물질 분류 규정의 비교와 대미수출시 수출업자의 대응방안

        이정선(Jung-Sun Lee),조혁수(Hyuk-Soo Cho) 한국통상정보학회 2020 통상정보연구 Vol.22 No.3

        위험물은 전세계 컨테이너 화물의 약 10%를 차지하고 있으며, 최근 위험물과 관련한 해상사고가 증가하고 있다. 위험물의 해상운송을 위해서는 국제규칙인 IMDG Code에 준하여 위험물을 분류, 포장, 표시 및 표찰을 부착해서 운송해야 한다. 위험물 중 해양오염물질은 해양환경에 나쁜 영향을 미칠 수 있어 해상운송 시 특별한 주의가 필요하다. 미국으로 수출되는 해양오염물질의 경우 미국 국내법인 미연방규정(CFR)을 준수해야 하는데, IMDG Code의 해양오염물질 분류 목록과 CFR의 해양오염물질 분류 목록이 상이하여 우리나라 수출업자들에게 혼란을 야기할 수 있다. IMDG Code에서는 해양오염물질로 분류되어있지 않아 해양오염물질 마크를 부착하지 않아도 되나 CFR에서 해양오염물질로 분류된 경우, 미국내 물품반입을 위한 수입통관과 내륙운송을 위해서 MP Mark의 부착은 필수적인 부분이고, 불이행에 따른 통관거절 및 계약해지의 리스크가 존재한다. 이에 본 연구에는 IMDG Code와 CFR를 비교하여 상이하게 분류된 해양오염물질을 정리하여 제시하고 대미수출시 대응방안을 제시하였다. Dangerous goods account for about 10% of all container cargoes in the world and maritime accidents related to dangerous goods are increasing recently. In order to transport dangerous goods by sea, dangerous goods must be classified, packaged, marked, and labeled in accordance with the International Regulations called IMDG Code(International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code). Marine pollutants(MP) among dangerous goods may adversely affect the marine environment, so special care is required when transporting by sea. Goods exported to the United States must comply with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations(CFR), a domestic regulation in the United States. However, the classification lists of marine pollutants between the IMDG Code and the CFR are different, so it may cause confusion for Korean exporters. In the IMDG Code, it is not classified as a marine pollutant, so Korean exporters do not need to attach the MP Mark, but if it is classified as a marine pollutant by CFR, the MP Mark must be attached for import customs clearance and inland transportation into the United States. In this situation, in addition to the incidental work for issuing the MP Mark for Korean exporter, there may be a situation in which the cost is added to the exporter. Furthermore, care should be taken because the contract may be terminated if customs clearance is rejected due to failure to issue the MP Mark. Therefore, this study summarized and provided marine pollutants lists classified differently between the IMDG Code and CFR.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Enhancement of the International Regulatory Regime for Sea Transport of Radioactive Material through Improving the INF Code

        Ji-Hoon Suk 한국항해항만학회 2012 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.36 No.7

        The transport of radioactive material by sea is strictly governed by the international regulatory regime which is established by both IAEA and IMO. Nonetheless, although the current regime is well established, due to catastrophic results of potential accident, it is essential to keep identifying areas where further enhancement is necessary. This paper reviews the current regulatory regime governing sea transport, such as IAEA Regulations, IMDG Code and INF Code. Then, specific requirements of the INF Code are analyzed for the purpose of identifying areas where improvement is necessary from the perspective of ships. Through this analysis, this paper identifies areas to be improved and proposes to improve the INF Code which can supplement the current regulatory regime for sea transport of radioactive material.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Enhancement of the International Regulatory Regime for Sea Transport of Radioactive Material through Improving the INF Code

        석지훈 한국항해항만학회 2012 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.36 No.7

        The transport of radioactive material by sea is strictly governed by the international regulatory regime which is established by both IAEA and IMO. Nonetheless, although the current regime is well established, due to catastrophic results of potential accident, it is essential to keep identifying areas where further enhancement is necessary. This paper reviews the current regulatory regime governing sea transport, such as IAEA Regulations, IMDG Code and INF Code. Then, specific requirements of the INF Code are analyzed for the purpose of identifying areas where improvement is necessary from the perspective of ships. Through this analysis, this paper identifies areas to be improved and proposes to improve the INF Code which can supplement the current regulatory regime for sea transport of radioactive material.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Enhancement of the International Regulatory Regime for Sea Transport of Radioactive Material through Improving the INF Code

        Suk, Ji-Hoon Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2012 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.36 No.7

        The transport of radioactive material by sea is strictly governed by the international regulatory regime which is established by both IAEA and IMO. Nonetheless, although the current regime is well established, due to catastrophic results of potential accident, it is essential to keep identifying areas where further enhancement is necessary. This paper reviews the current regulatory regime governing sea transport, such as IAEA Regulations, IMDG Code and INF Code. Then, specific requirements of the INF Code are analyzed for the purpose of identifying areas where improvement is necessary from the perspective of ships. Through this analysis, this paper identifies areas to be improved and proposes to improve the INF Code which can supplement the current regulatory regime for sea transport of radioactive material.

      • KCI등재

        국제해상물건운송에 있어 계약당사자의 위험물 선적에 따른 법적 책임의 문제점에 관한 고찰- NYK Argus호 사건을 중심으로-

        박지문 한국무역상무학회 2019 貿易商務硏究 Vol.82 No.-

        본 논문은 NYK Argus호 사건을 중심으로 대형컨테이너선으로 운송중의 화학물질발열을 원인으로 하는 사고에 대해 송하인의 위험물분류·표시의무위반에 기초한 불법행위책임의 여부, 제조업자의 표시·경고상의 결함에 의한 제조물책임의 여부에 대해 분석한다. 이를 바탕으로 위험물의 해상운송에 관한 법적 문제를 분석한 후 그 시사점을 도출하고자 한다. The shipper's strict liability shall not be accepted if the carrier is aware of the nature of the dangerous goods, or if it is deemed that the carrier was aware of the danger of the cargo, even if there is no notice of the shipper on the dangerous goods. In such a case, the carrier will be obliged to take care to avoid damage caused by the shipment of dangerous goods. For example, if it is assumed that the carrier knew the cargo risk based on the IMDG Code and violated the IMDG Code cautions during the shipment and transportation of dangerous goods, the carrier may be liable for negligence. Therefore, the carrier must be able to prove the no fault of the carrier in relation to the handling and transport of dangerous goods, in strict compliance with international conventions and rules relating to dangerous goods. In the NYK Argus case, it is important to consider how the NVOCC is not a party, but what to do if the responsibility as a shipper, NVOCC, is questioned. On the contrary, as one of the reasons for supporting the shipowner 's faultless responsibility, the type of dangerous goods and the degree of danger are varying, and the responsibility of the shipper is imposed at a higher level. Therefore, there is a high need to secure the safety of those currently engaged in transportation.

      • 천진항 사고에 따른 안전한 위험물 관리방안

        안정민(Jung-Min An),이홍훈(Hong-Hoon Lee) 한국항해항만학회 2015 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2015 No.추계

        최근 중국 천진항에서 발생한 폭발사고로 인하여 위험물에 대해 규제가 강화되고 있다. 이는 국내에서 수출되는 화학제품에도 영향을 주어 국제기준과 상이한 부분까지도 충족해야만 수입통관이 가능한 규제가 되었다. 2004년부터 국제적으로 강제화 된 위험물 운송규정(IMDG Code)을 준수하여 위험물을 수출하고 있는 국내 산업계에도 상당한 피해가 되고 있으나 중국정부의 요구에 따라야만 통관이 가능하기 때문에 물류의 효율성 측면에서 많은 어려움이 가중 되었다. 국내에서도 안전한 위험물 관리 필요성이 대두되고 있지만 단편적인 임시방편의 정책은 오히려 경제적 비용 손실과 불필요한 규제 가중으로 연결되기 되기 때문에 장기적으로 안전한 동시에 효율적인 위험물 관리방안을 찾아야만 국내 화학산업의 지속적인 성장이 가능하다. After the huge explosive accident in port of Tianjin, it is being strengthened on the dangerous goods regulations. This also has been make an extra impact which must meet international standards and even different parts became possible import customs regulations exporting from Korea. Since 2004, internationally in compliance with the enforced the transport of dangerous goods regulations (IMDG Code), but becomes substantial damage to the domestic industry that exports of dangerous goods is a lot of difficulties in the logistics of efficiency due to possible follows only the clearance to the needs of the Chinese Government. In Korea and secure hazardous materials management needs have emerged, but piecemeal ad hoc policy is connected economically costly and unnecessary regulations weighted long-term safe at the same time enables continuation of the development of the only domestic chemical industry to find effective hazardous materials management plan it is .

      • KCI등재

        해상운송에서 위험물에 대한 운송 당사자간 위험분담에 관한 연구

        양정호(Yang, Jung Ho) 韓國貿易商務學會 2009 貿易商務硏究 Vol.43 No.-

        In modern industrial society carriage of dangerous goods by sea becomes more increasing than ever before. Dangerous goods are required for special care and handling in that shipment of dangerous goods could affect safety of the vessel and other cargoes. It is also true that dangerous goods could be used as a means of terrorism. This article investigates allocation of risk and liabilities between parties involved in the carriage of dangerous goods by sea. More specifically, this study examines principles of strict liability of the shipper in shipment of dangerous goods with some limitations based upon recent cases. Furthermore this article investigates the issues on identity of shipper who bears strict liability to the carrier where there exist actual or documentary shipper other than the contractual shipper. Lastly, whether it is reasonable that the transfer of strict liability to the transferee, who does not have opportunity to verify dangerous nature of the goods before shipment, by endorsing bills of lading will be discussed critically.

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