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      • KCI등재


        장영위 영남중국어문학회 2016 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.73

        This paper research is based on “you/mei you” compare markers and sentence, which we call “you” comparative sentences. “you” comparative sentences generally consists of five parts: Comparative antecedent, a word “you/mei you”, comparative consequent, more value, comparing attributes. For writing convenience, we describe this kind of “you” comparative sentences as “A + you /mei you + B + X + Y” in formula. A represents Comparative antecedent, B represents more consequent, X represents more value, Y represents more properties, X + Y constitute the comparison results of the comparative sentences. This paper argues that “A + you/mei you + B + X + Y” is a construction, and analyzes the constructional meaning expressed by the structure, and then investigates the effect of the construction on the selection and constraints of other constructional elements. We find that words appearing on the position of comparative item A and B are mainly noun phrase or pronoun words, and can also bea verb phrase or subject-predicate structure. But because of the influence of many factors, comparative item A and B represent all kinds of as ymmetric phenomenon in specific language expression. “A+you/mei you+B+X+Y” mode of the comparative value is mainly composed of demonstrative pronoun, mainly having“zhe me, na me, zhe yang, na yang, zhe ban, na ban”, etc. “zhe me/na me” have two functions instructions of instructions and address in structure type. For the item of comparative attribute “Y” in the comparative sentences “you”, scholars have pointed out that the composition appeared on the Y position is mainly adjectives, can also act as by a small number of verbal words. But through the corpus, the author found that the items appeared on the Y position are adjectives, verbal phrases, nouns and nominal composition. In addition, the positive and negative forms in the comparative sentences have a big difference in the choice of comparing attribute “Y”.

      • KCI등재

        정조의 륙유(陸游) 존숭에 대하여

        전연 ( Tian Juan ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2017 民族文化硏究 Vol.76 No.-

        이 논문은 정조의 육유 존숭에 대해 고찰한 것이다. 2장에서는 정조가 급고각 본 『육방옹전집』 등 17세기 말부터 유입된 중국판 시선집을 자료적 바탕으로 삼아 『육율분운』 등을 편찬했으며, 육유를 두보와 같은 경지에 두고 추숭한 것은 『송시초』·『검남시초』 등의 영향을 받았음을 밝혔다. 3장에서는 정조가 육유 시를 시풍 쇄신의 방안으로 택한 이유를 살핀 바, 내용과 풍격의 측면에서 본다면 육유의 애국시가 지닌 忠君愛國의 유교적 이념과 한적시에 담긴 `원숙`·`평담`·`태평성세의 기상` 등의 특징들이 `초쇄지음`으로 요약되는 당대의 풍조와 반대였기 때문이다. 형식적인 면에서 정조가 율시를 강조하였는데, 그 이면에는 당시의 문인들이 시체에서조차 개성과 새로움을 추구하였던것에 대한 경계의 뜻이 담겨 있다. 특히 칠언율시는 육유를 배울 것을 제시했는데, 이는 기본적으로 육유의 칠언율시가 높은 경지를 이루었다고 보았기 때문이지만, 한편으로는 중국판 시선집들의 자극 속에서 육유 시에 대한 열정이 높아지면서 이에 따른 이해가 심화되었기 때문이며, 또한 고려 말부터 축적되어 온 육유 시에 대한 심미 경험을 본격적으로 수용·귀납한 결과이다. 정조의 육유 존숭책의 영향으로 이후 육유는 점차 칠언율시 학습의 전범으로 인식되었다. The paper makes a thorough study on the understanding and admiration of Jeo ngjo, the King of Joseon, toward Lu You. Firstly, it explores the series of publicati on of Lu You`s selected poetry sponsored by King Jeongjo, and the theory, brough t forward by the King, that Lu You is on a par with Du Fu and the relationship between this theory and the emergence, as well asintroduction, of various Lu You`s selected poetry works into Joseon during the late of Ming dynasty and early of Qin g dynasty are examined. The introduction of Complete Works of Lu You, published by Ji Gu Ge, a prominent Chinese publishing house at the time, has provided fund amental material for the compilation of a great many grand poetry collections, including Poetic Rhythms of Lu You, etc. Later on, Jiannan Selected Poems and Copy Version of Song Poetry were introduced into Joseon and spread rapidly as the main sources for the public to read about the works of Lu You. In these poetry and literature works, the similarities in life experience and literature features between Lu You and Du Fu have been reiterated time and time again, which has exerted influences on Korean literati. Since the late 17<sup>th</sup> century and early 18<sup>th</sup> century, when these poetry works were introduced into Joseon, Korean literati began to comment on them together. This is the root of thought for King Jeongjo to develop his theory that Lu You is on apar with Du Fu. Secondly, the article analyses the reasons why King Jeongjo made Lu You`s poetry a vital mean to restore discipline in the nationwide literature circle. The poetic works of Lu You can be mainly divided into two featured categories, those with grief and indignation, and those with leisure and refinement. On one hand, King Jeongjo hoped to enhance Confucianism via Lu You`s patriotic poems, so as to correct the prevailing poetic value in Joseon since the 18<sup>th</sup> century, which has been drifting farther away from the traditional pursue of individual liberation and person al expression; on the other hand, he hoped to uphold the characteristics of sophistication, indifference and the ambience of peace in Lu You`s poetry to alter the prevalent poetic fashion of pursuing sharpness, novelty and sadness.

      • KCI등재

        農巖계열 문인의 陸遊 관심에 대한 일고찰

        田娟(Tian, Juan) 한국고전번역원 2016 民族文化 Vol.47 No.-

        본문에서 신정하를 중심으로 하여 농암계열 문인들이 육유의 시문을 독서하고 비평한 양상을 살펴보았다. 주요 논지는 아래와 같다. 육유는 1만수 가량의 방대한 한시 작품을 남겼지만, 17세기 중후반까지는 조선문인들이 『名公妙選陸放翁集』과 『瀛奎律髓』에 수록된 700수도 안 되는 일부분만을 접할 수 있었다. 그렇지만 이러한 상황은 17세기말 18세기초에 이르러 달라졌다. 농암계열 문인들이 중국에서 새로 간행한 『宋詩鈔』·『劍南詩鈔』·汲古閣本 『陸放翁全集』 등 여러 시문집을 받아들였다. 이로써 육유 시에 대한 독서의 범위는 전시기 문인보다 훨씬 확대되었다. 뿐만 아니라 이전 시기에는 주목받지 못했던 육유의 산문까지 관심을 보였다. 김창협을 비롯한 농암계열 문인은 송시에 대해 비교적 개방적인 태도를 보였다. 그러나 그들은 형식을 중요시하며 험준하고 메마른 미감을 전형적인 송시보다 평이하고 자연스러우면서 ‘風致’가 느껴지고 당시의 맛도 함께 있는 진여의나 육유의 시를 선호하였다. 이러한 경향, 특히 육유에 대한 애호는 김창협·김창흡·김창업·이의현·이하곤·신정하 등 농암계열의 여러 문인들에게서 공통적으로 발견된다. 이들 모두 육유 시를 차운하거나 육유의 시풍을 본떠 지은 작품을 남긴 사실이 이를 증명한다. 그 시들을 살펴보면 대체로 자연경치나 일상생활을 묘사하는 것이 많은데, 그 원인 중 하나는 농암계열 문인들이 眞詩를 추구하였기 때문이다. 그리고 농암계열 문인 중에서도 신정하의 육유 애호가 가장 각별한 것으로 보인다. 신정하는 육유를 두보 이후의 유일한 시인이라고 높이 평가하였으며, 자신의 전생이 분명히 육유였을 것이라 하였다. 그는 산수풍경과 전원생활을 묘사한 육유의 閒適詩를 매우 좋아하였다. 특히 그는 자신이 별장을 운영하던 석호의 경치와 풍물이 육유가 살던 산음 鏡湖와 비슷하다고 여겨, 경호를 묘사한 육유의 시를 특히 아꼈다. 그리고 신정하의 시는 육유의 작품과 기교, 시의 미적 풍격 등 여러 면에서 유사성을 지니고 있다. 또한, 이전시기 문인들이 육유의 시에만 주목하여 그의 산문에 관심을 보이지 않았는데, 신정하는 이를 매우 못마땅하게 여겨 육유의 문장에 대한 재평가를 시도하였다. 그는 육유의 문장을 文統과 道統이 잘 아울려진 것이며 문장가로서의 솜씨, 도학자로서의 성리학 조예와 사대부로서의 經世濟國․愛國愛民의 덕성을 모두 갖춘 것으로 보았으며, 당송팔대가 이후 고문의 정맥을 이어받은 유일한 대가라고 평가하였다. This study investigates the response of the Nongam school, and in particular, Shin Jeong-ha, to Lu You’s writing. The main points are summarized below. Lu You was a prolific writer who left about 10,000 poems; but until the midand late-17th century, Joseon period writers were familiar with fewer than 700 of these poems. This situation changed in the late 17th and early 18th centuries as Nongam writers came into possession of several collections of poems and essays, newly published in China, such as A Representative Collection of Song Dynasty Poetry, Jian’nan shichao, and The Well-selected poetry of Lu Fang-weng. These works made available many more of Lu You’s poems than ever before. The Nongam school showed a relatively open attitude toward Song poetry. They preferred Lu You’s poetry because of its simple, natural elegance and a rugged and barren sense of beauty not typical of Song poems. All of the Nongam school writers composed poems either borrowing Lu You’s rhymes or imitating his style. The Nongam school pursued “genuine poetry” and this can be seen in their poems that mostly describe landscape scenery or everyday life. Among all of the Nongam writers, Shin Jeong-ha’s loved Lu You’s work the most. He valued Lu You as second only to Du Fu and said that he had taken Chinese poetry as high as it could go. Although he liked Lu You’s patriotic poetry, he preferred the more refined literary works depicting landscape and rural life. In particular, he was drawn to the poems that depicted Jinghu (Mirror Lake) where Lu You had once lived; the poems called to mind his own villa and the nearby lagoon. In terms of technique and aesthetics, Shin Jeong-ha’s poetry is similar to Lu You’s work. Writers in earlier periods focused exclusively on Lu You’s poetry, neglecting his prose. This upset Shin Jeong-ha whose appreciation of Lu You’s prose had been influenced by Kim Chang-Hyeop. He especially liked Lu You’s prose writings in which Chinese literary tradition was well harmonized with Confucian philosophical tradition. He appraised them, saying that Lu You had the skills of a good writer, he was knowledgeable about both Neo-Confucianism and how to govern a nation; as a nobleman and a bureaucrat, he helped the country and loved it and its people. Accordingly, Shin Jeong-ha praised Lu You as the only master who could succeed the eight great masters of the Tang and Song dynasties.

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 김유정론 연구

        김세령 ( Se Ryoung Kim ) 현대문학이론학회 2012 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.49

        이 글은 김유정 문학이 한국문학사에서 유의미한 전통으로 자리매김되었던 기원을 살펴보기 위해서 1950년대 김유정론에 주목하였다. 이러한 작업은 김유정 문학을 보다 깊이 이해하는데 의미 있는 시사점을 제공해줄 것이다. 1950년대 김유정론은 1930년대의 단편적인 논의나 회고담을 넘어 전문화된 실천비평을 보여주며, 문학사적인 접근을 통해 김유정 문학에 대한 본격적인 평가를 내리고 있다. 정창범의 김유정론 은 김유정의 작품세계를 두 계열로 유형화하면서 편의상의 분류라는 한계를 드러내기도 하지만 김유정 문학의 주요 특징을 의미있게 포착하고 있다. 인간 김유정을 희화화한 유형에 대해서는 김유정의 삶과 구체적인 작품을 밀착시켜 논의를 심화시켰고, ``시굴띄기의 어리석음``의 유형에 대해서는 부정적인 평가를 내리고 있다. 김유정의 문학에서 드러나는 ``시굴띄기의 어리석음``은 1930년대의 내적 구조와 부합되면서 그만의 독특한 작품세계로 형상화되었다는 점에서 긍정적인 가치를 인정받고 있다. 그러나 오늘의 시점을 고려하여 평가할 때 시대감각이 변화된 1950년대에도 여전히 지속되고 있는 ``시굴띄기의 어리석음``은 시대착오적인 현상이라는 점에서 계승할 만한 현재적 가치가 있는 ``고전``이 되지 못하고 청산할 ``한국의 전통적인 생리``로 평가 받는 것이다. This article focuses on the criticisms of Kim You-jeong`s novel in the 1950s, which was established as a significant tradition, These tasks provides more in-depth understanding of Kim You-jeong`s literature. The criticisms of Kim You-jeong`s novel in the 1950s shows more specialized practice criticism than in the 1930s. First, Jeong Chang-beom divides into two groups, namely literature which caricature Kim You-jeong and is melted country bumpkin`s stupidity. Jeong Chang-beom make a negative estimation about Kim You-jeong`s novel on the history of literature, Secondly, Jeong Tae-yong highly appreciates Kim You-Jeong`s novel as traditional which is humble literature, namely writer comes down until character, active nihilism, national sentence, Thirdly, Yoon Byeong-ro presents a balanced account of Kim You-jeong`s novel, he divides Kim You-jeong`s novel into three groups, in other words "I" story novel, the traditional Korea vocabulary novel, and life group novel, The criticisms of Kim You-jeong`s novel in the 1950s Take the realistic limit due to time constraints. but they evaluates comprehensively Both Marginal and value of the Kim You-jeong`s novel Analyzing his main works, Based on these results, Since the 1960s, The criticisms of Kim You-jeong`s novel become active.

      • KCI등재

        談“X?有Y”, “有YZ”句式中“有”的詞類歸屬

        최신혜 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2017 中國學論叢 Vol.55 No.-

        When You indicates something which is possessed (mainly abstract thing) is many or big, it is possible for degree adverb to appear before You. Y is an abstract noun in the `X hen You Y` construction. `You + abstract noun` presents the meaning of property, so the whole construction `You + abstract noun` is adjectival, therefore it can be modified by degree adverb. What hen modifies is the whole construction `You Y`, and You is a verb in this construction. You in the `You Y Z` experienced a grammaticalization from verb, and it functions as an indefinite marker before the indefinite subject(Y). Due to its grammaticalization and difficulty in defining its part of speech, we propose that define the part of speech of You in the `You Y Z` construction as auxiliary word.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 전종서(錢鍾書)의 륙유론(陸游論)

        이치수 ( Chi Soo Lee ) 영남중국어문학회 2015 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.70

        Lu You was a prominent poet of China’s Southern Song Dynasty, he became a subject of comments by many people from the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties through the present day. Qian Zhongshu also made some analysis on Lu You in his book Tan Yi Lu, Annotated Selection of Song Poetry, Guan Zhui Bian and Manuscripts of Qian Zhongshu. After we read through his books about Lu You, there could be several point to be made. The first, Qian Zhongshu dicussed about Lu You and his poems in many ways. The second, he’s quoted Chinese and the Western research materials to comment Lu You’s poems, trying to substantiate his opinion. The third, If we want to get a general overview, we have to read his books carefully, including Tan Yi Lu and Annotated Selection of Song Poetry. It will help us to understand whole meaning of Qian Zhongshu’s point of view about Lu You. The fourth, in Lu You, Qian Zhongshu took measures of evaluating the works based on figuring out characteristics of the poet who is a subject of study, meanwhile comparing him with other authors to display his distinct features. Lastly, There are a few things we should carefully consider, such as understanding of Lu Benzhong’Huo Fa, honoring Mei Yaochen, evaluation of poem in Late Tang Dynasty and main message of Lu You’s pomes. This has not alone main contents of Qian Zhongshu’s point of view about Lu You but also has significance to understand Lu You’s poems. And there are many sources, which also need to be studied in depth.

      • KCI등재

        서비스 상황에서 한국인의 발화 개시 양상

        안정근 대한언어학회 2020 언어학 Vol.28 No.1

        This study looks at the opening utterances in service context for Koreans. The service was divided into the public sector such as residential center, provincial office, and health center and the private sector such as cafe, bank, and store. The utterances were written down by students at a university for a semester in 2019 and analyzed by their pattern and frequency in use. The findings in the study are as follows: 1) For Koreans, ‘Mu-eos-eul do-wa-deu-lil-kka-yo?’ ('What can I help you?') and its variants are used most particularly in public sector as opening utterances, 2) 'An-nyeong-ha-se-yo' ('Hello') is used the second most, 3) 'Eo-seo o-se-yo' ('Welcome') and its variants are used the third most particularly in private sector , 4) 'Eo-tteon-il-lo o-syeoss-eo-yo?' ('What for do you come?') is followed by, and 5) 'Eo-tteoh-ge o-syeoss-eo-yo?' ('How do you come?') is used least. The utterances except a few were initiated by the officers or employees in the service. This study contributes to the study of pragmatics for Koreans first investigating the features of opening utterances in service in depth and calling attention to the use of 'Eo-tteoh-ge o-syeoss-eo-yo?' which might be interpreted as ‘Why do you come here?’. This study examines the opening utterances in service industry contexts for Koreans. The service industry was divided into the public sector, such as community centers, provincial offices, and health centers and the private sector, such as cafes, banks, and stores, to investigate the differences in the utterances. The opening utterances in service were observed and written down by university students for a semester in 2019 and analyzed for their pattern and frequency in use. The findings in the study are as follows: For Koreans, as opening utterances in the public sector, 1) ‘Mu-eos-eul do-wa-deu-lil-kka-yo?’ ('What can I help you?') and its variants are used most, 2) 'An-nyeong-ha-se-yo' ('Hello') the second most, 3) 'Eo-tteon-il-lo o-syeoss-eo-yo?' ('What for do you come?') and its variants the third most, 4) 'Eo-seo o-se-yo' ('Welcome') is followed by, and 5) 'Eo-tteoh-ge o-syeoss-eo-yo?' ('How do you come?') is used least. In private sector, on the other hand, 1) 'Eo-seo o-se-yo' and its variants are used most, 2) 'An-nyeong-ha-se-yo' the second most, 3) ‘Mu-eos-eul do-wa-deu-lil-kka-yo?’ the third most, 4) 'Eo-tteon-il-lo o-syeoss-eo-yo?' and its variants are followed by, and 5) 'Eo-tteoh-ge o-syeoss-eo-yo?' ('How do you come?') is used least. The utterances but a few were initiated by the officers or employees in the service. This study contributes to the study of pragmatics for Koreans first investigating the features of opening utterances in service in depth and calling attention to the use of 'Eo-tteoh-ge o-syeoss-eo-yo?' which might be interpreted as ‘Why do you come here?’.

      • KCI등재

        교육과 배움에 관한 도넛이론 탐구

        박동섭 ( Dong Seop Park ) 한국초등교육학회 2015 초등교육연구 Vol.28 No.4

        본고는 佐伯의 도넛이론에 기초해서 교육과 배움의 고쳐보기 및 도넛이론의 확장의 도모를 연구 목적으로 삼았다. ‘교육과 배움의 도넛이론’은 학습자(I)가 외부세계(THEY)세계에 대한 인식을 넓히고, 그 세계에 대한 인식을 깊게 하려고 할 때에 필연적으로 2인칭적 세계(YOU세계)와의 관계를 경유해야 한다고 보는 교육과 배움에 대한 이론이다. 이 연구목적을 달성하기 위하여 먼저 도넛 이론의 발생배경에 관해서 논의하고, 두 번째 교육과 배움을 설명하는 도넛이론의 구체적인 모습에 관한 소개 및 음미를 시도하고, 세 번째 도넛 이론으로 교육과 배움을 고쳐봤을 때 학교교육과 배움을어떻게 재편성 할 수 있는지 그 가능성을 고찰하고, 마지막으로 도넛 이론의 확장을 도모하였을 때 우리 눈앞에 새롭게 등장하는 교육과 배움의 모습은 어떤 것이 되어야할지에 대한 고찰을 시도하였다. 바람직한 I와 YOU의 관계는 I가 YOU의 사고방식, 말하는 방식, 느끼는 방식을 전부인 것인 양 받아들이는 것이 아니고, 양자는 THEY세계를 함께 탐구하는 관계가 되어야 한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 THEY 세계의 재구축은 교육과 배움을 ‘비용 대 효과’로 논하지 않고, ‘소비자 마인드’로 교육과 배움에 임하지 않는 2인칭적 타자 즉 YOU의 수를 조금씩 늘여나가는 것을 통해 가능하다는 결론에 도달하였다. In this essay, I inquire into rethinking on education and learning based upon Saeki’s Doughnut Theory. The Doughnut Theory claims that there are three phases in the process of education and learning: the I-phase, the YOU-phase, and the THEY-phase.The I-phase signifies the learning process of a student. The YOU-phase signifies the interaction with classmates and teacher. The THEY-phase signifies people and cultures in the outer world surrounding the world of I and YOU(WE). To this end, firstly I inquire onf the origin of Doughnut Theory for edcuation and learning. Secondly, I attempt to introduce the concrete aspects of Doughnut Theory, which describes education and learning, while examining it. Thirdly, I inquire possibility of reorganization of schooled-education, when we attempt to rethink and learning based on Doughnut Theory. Finally, I attempt to inquire into what kind of the new aspects onf education and learning, when we aim at extending Doughnut Theory. In conclusion, I found that the a new THEY-WORLD might be reconstructed through lengthening the number of YOU don’t consider education and learning activity as cost performance ratio, and approach to it in consumer mentality.

      • KCI등재

        橘山 李裕元의 燕行과 記錄 - 燕槎日錄 을 중심으로 -

        김인규 동방한문학회 2022 東方漢文學 Vol.- No.91

        YeonsaIlrok(燕槎日錄) is the encyclopedia of Lee You-won, departing from Seoul on July 30, 1875, arriving in Beijing on October 1, and departing again from Beijing to Seoul on November 2, and on December 16 of the same year. It is a book that records the journey back to Seoul from work by date. Lee You-won also recorded the daily life of the day, and while introducing the scenery and local characteristics, expressed the feelings he had gained from the performance in YeonsaIlrok . If you look at the existing Imhapilgi(林下筆記) or Gaogoryak(嘉梧藁略) , it is often seen that Lee You-won basically took notes and rearranged the works, or organized or referred to the documents he had seen. However, in YeonsaIlrok , he expresses his emotions and thoughts he felt everywhere in poetry, as well as what he actually encountered through the performance, or records the content he exchanged with Chinese writers who had fellowship with him. This point adopts a completely different writing method from Imhapilgi and Gaogoryak . If Imhapilgi and Gaogoryak are from the perspectives of editors and critics, YeonsaIlrok is a work that reflects the world of pure self-consciousness. And in YeonsaIlrok , someone sees Lee You-won’s work and writes a critique or appreciation for it. Although the two weeks consist of short contents, it can be said that it is a characteristic that distinguishes them from other performance records. In addition, YeonsaIlrok records meetings with people who held important positions in China and Japan at the time, and most of these conversations were about Joseon. Although the content does not correspond to Lee You-won’s arrest, it was obvious that the contents of this meeting would have a great impact on Joseon, so he left all the details on record. In the end, through YeonsaIlrok , this paper is of great significance in that it is possible to examine the effect of Lee You-won’s second performance, which had not been studied before, on his life and as a poet. This point will be sufficient as another example of understanding the characteristics of 19th century writers by discovering Lee You-won’s status as a general literary writer beyond a politician or prose writer. 燕槎日錄 은 이유원의 연행록으로 1875년 7월 30일 서울에서 출발해 10월 1일에 북경에 도착한 후, 11월 2일에 다시 북경에서 서울로 출발하고, 같은 해 12월 16일에 서울로 돌아오는 여정을 날짜별로 기록한 저술이다. 이유원은 연사일록 에서 그날의 일상들을 기록하기도 하며, 풍광이나 지역의 특색들을 소개하면서 연행에서 얻은 감회들을 표현하였다. 기존 林下筆記 나 嘉梧藁略 을 보면 이유원은 작품을 지을 때 기본적으로 메모와 재배치, 혹은 자신이 봤던 문헌들을 정리하거나 참고하는 경우가 종종 보인다. 하지만 연사일록 은 실제 자신이 연행을 통해 접했던 내용들을 비롯해 자신의 감회나 도처에서 느낀 생각들을 시로 표현하거나 그와 교유했던 중국 문인들과 주고받은 내용들을 기록했다. 이 점은 임하필기 와 가오고략 과는 완전히 다른 저술 방식을 채용한 것이다. 이 두 저서가 편집자와 비평가로서의 안목을 가지고 지은 것이라면, 연사일록 은 순수한 자기의식 세계가 투영된 작품이라 할 수 있다. 그리고 연사일록 은 이유원의 작품을 보고 누군가 비평, 혹은 감상을 頭註로 기록하고 있다. 그 두주는 짧은 내용으로 이루어져 있지만 다른 연행록과는 구별되는 특징이라고 할 수 있다. 또한 연사일록 은 당시 중국과 일본에서 요직을 맡았던 인물들의 회담을 기록하고 있는데, 이들 대화는 대부분 조선에 관한 언급이었다. 내용은 비록 이유원의 연행에 해당되는 부분은 아니지만, 이 회담 내용이 조선에 큰 영향을 끼칠 것이라는 것은 자명한 일이었기 때문에 이유원은 모든 내용을 기록으로 남겼던 것이다. 결국 본고는 연사일록 을 통해 기존에 연구가 되지 않았던 이유원의 2차 연행을 통한 기록이 그의 삶에 어떠한 영향을 끼쳤는지와 시인으로서의 이유원을 살필 수 있다는 점에서 큰 의의를 발견할 수 있다. 이 점은 그간 이유원을 정치가, 혹은 산문가를 넘어 종합 문학가로서의 위상을 발견하여 19세기 문인들의 특성을 파악하는 또 하나의 예로 충분할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        鳳溪 尹揄의 交遊와 時弊 改革案

        정만호 ( Jung Man-ho ) 한국한문고전학회 2021 漢文古典硏究 Vol.43 No.1

        이 글은 윤유와 민준의 교유, 그리고 윤유의 시폐 개혁안의 내용과 장단점을 분석한 것이다. 필자는 자료 조사를 통해 윤유의 『봉계집』을 확보한 후 윤유가 민준과 각별한 관계임을 파악하였다. 추가 조사를 통해 민준의 『성재집』을 발견하였고, 두 사람의 친분을 확인하였다. 두 사람의 우정은 「尹鳳溪贈閔松村詩圖」에 오롯이 담겼다. 이 그림에는 윤유와 민준의 시가 2수씩 수록되었고, 그림의 제작 배경과 목적을 알려주는 민준의 기문도 기재되었다. 윤유의 아우 윤부와 조카 윤시교의 시도 있으므로, 그들의 문집까지 찾아보았으나 윤시교의『춘락와유집』만발견하였다. 네 사람은 모두 충남 논산시에 거주하였으며, 소론의 핵심인 윤증과 혈연 또는 사승 관계에 있는 인물이다. 그 중에서도 윤유는 윤원거의 아들로서 학문적 연원이나 성취 면에서 중심인물이라 생각하여 『봉계집』 고찰을 먼저 시도하였다. 윤유와 민준의 교유는 「윤봉계증민송촌시도」를 중심에 두고 두 사람의 문집에서 발견되는 시문을 통해 고찰하였다. 이 그림은 두 사람의 우정뿐 아니라 두 집안의 世誼가 후손들에게 영원히 전해지기 바라는 염원에서 제작되었다. 시를 기록한 부분이 일부 손상되었지만 300년 이상 온전히 전해졌으니 일정 부분 목적을 달성했다 하겠다. 윤유의 시폐 개혁안은 「辛巳擬上封事」에 담겼다. 윤유는 ‘정치의 근본을 바르게 할 것[端治本]’을 要道로 제시하고, 先務로는 ①어진 재상 선택[擇賢相] ②신중한 인재 선발[精選擧] ③관리에게 믿고 맡길 것[專任使] ④언로의 개방[開言路] ⑤예산 절약[節財用] ⑥풍속 정화[正風俗] ⑦신상필벌[明賞罰] ⑧군정의 엄격한 정비[嚴軍政] ⑨폐단의 개혁[革弊瘼]을 제시하였다. 그의 개혁안은 이전 시기에 자주 거론되었던 것들로, 방안 자체의 독자적 특징은 부족하다. 오히려 기존에 개별적으로 제기되었던 개혁안들을 종합했다고 보는 것이 타당하다. 항목은 다르지만 財用과 人事를 중복 언급하여 두 사안에 치중된 한계도 나타난다. 그러나 미관말직에 있던 인물이 초야에 머물던 시기에 시대의 병폐를 진단하고 개혁안을 만들었다는 점, 女色 등 숙종의 치부까지도 신랄하게 비판한 점, 각 개혁안을 유기적 관계로 구조화하려는 시도 등은 평가할 만한 부분이다. 비록 실제 올리지는 않았지만 15,000자 가량의 장문인 이 글은 율곡 이이 이후 지어진 만언봉사의 대열에 포함될 수 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다. This article analyzes the frendship between Yoon You and Min Jun, and the strengths and weaknesses of Yoon You’s draft reform plan of the evils of the times. After securing Yoon You’s 『Bonggyejip』 through literature survey, I found that Yoon You had a special relationship with Min Jun. Through further investigation, I discovered Min Jun's 『Seongjaejip』, which confirmed the friendship between the two. The friendship between the two was fully contained in 「Yunbonggyejeungminsongchonsido」. This painting included two poems each by Yoon You and Min Jun, and Min Jun's writing, which tells the background and purpose of the painting. Since it also contained the poems of Yun You's younger brother Yun Bu and nephew Yun Si-kyo, I searched their collections, but only found Yun Si-kyo's 『Chunrakwayoujip』. All four lived in Nonsan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, and were in a blood-related or teacher-student relationship with Yun Jeung, the core of Young Doctrine. Among them, I thought Yun You, the son of Yoon Won-geo, was a central figure in terms of academic origin and achievement, so I first tried to examine 『Bonggyejip』. I examined Yun You and Min Jun's friendship through poems found in the writings of the two, centering on 「Yunbonggyejeungminsongchonsido」. This painting was made not only for the friendship of the two, but also with the desire that the two families' longstanding friendship would be passed on to their descendants forever. Some of the poems recorded were damaged, but it has been handed down for more than 300 years in whole, so it can be said that it has achieved its purpose to some extent. Yoon Yu's reform plan of the evils of the times was included in 「Sinsauisangbongsa」. Yoon Yu suggested "making the foundation of politics right" as the right path, and presented as primary tasks ① selection of wise ministers, ② careful recruitment of talents, ③ trusting officials in management ④ keeping the forum of opinions open, ⑤ saving the budget, ⑥ correcting customs, ⑦ bringing justice both to services and crimes, ⑧ strict maintenance of military administration, and ⑨ reform of the evils. Those proposed in his reform plans had been frequently discussed in the previous period, so they lacked a distinct characteristic. Rather, it is reasonable to see that his reform plans synthesized those raised individually before. They reveal limitations of focusing on two issues by mentioning talents and personnel appointments in duplicate under different items. However, it is worth appreciating the fact that a person who held a meager position in seclusion diagnosed the ills of the times and made reform plans, criticized King Sukjong's indulgence in women, and attempted to structure each reform plan into an organic relationship, etc. Although it was not actually submitted, his writing, which was a long text of about 15,000 characters, is meaningful in that it can be included in the ranks of Maneonbongsa after Yulgok Yi Yi.

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