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        국가대표출신 아이스하키 은퇴선수들의 직업전환과정

        박두제,원영신 한국스포츠사회학회 2014 한국스포츠사회학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        This qualitative research was to examine retirement and resocialization process of former Korean national ice hockey players. To achieve the purpose of this study, the researcher, former ice hockey player, applied ethnography mixed with narrative. Ethnographic observation, in-depth interviews, and a research diary were employed as main data. The data was analyzed with ethnographic data analysis suggested by Spradley(1979; 1980). Findings from this study were as follows. First, Korean ice hockey players had acquired the culture of Korean elite sports while they had been participating intense training. All participants were socialized in sports by establishing their identity as an athlete. In this process, right for learning was deprived; as a result, ice hockey players were isolated in a small ice hockey community. Second, the main reason of retirement of participants was military service, free choice, and deselection. These reasons of retirement were combined of reason for athletic retirement. Duty of military service and demand and supply of only two semi-professional ice hockey clubs in Korea gave rise to structural problem of Korean ice hockey. Third, all participants changed their occupation, which was irrelevant to ice hockey. While living in a small isolated ice hockey community, participants had been building up their athletic identity and sense of accomplishment. Since former hockey players equated the small hockey community with reality, they had crashed between value of life and actualities, and also had identity confusion. Forth, in career transition, although participants’ status was changed, identity was not; as a result, the identity of employee coexisted with athletic identity as a coach. The identity of the members of Korean national team was definitely obstacle to completely adapt to new life style. On the other hand, the identity was merit to return to the ice as a hockey coach. When it came to return to the ice as a coach, high reputation of the members of Korean national team and social support in field of hockey played an important role in career transition. To resolve fundamental problem of retirement of athlete and adaptation, first the student-athlete issue should be discussed and resolved. In addition, they should take back their right for learning to keep themselves from losing social stability. 본 논문은 질적 연구방법을 적용하여 국가대표 출신 아이스하키 은퇴선수들의 은퇴와 종목과 무관한 직업으로의 전환, 그리고 지도자로 회귀하는 과정을 탐색하고자 하였다. 연구 목적을 달성하기 위해 아이스하키 선수 경험을 가진 연구자는 문화기술지와 내러티브 연구 방법을 혼용하였다. 참여관찰, 심층면담, 연구자의 연구노트는 본 연구의 주요 연구 자료로 사용되었다. 수집된 자료는 Spradley(1979; 1980)의 문화기술적 자료 분석방법을 참조하여 분석되었으며, 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫 째, 아이스하키 선수들은 혹독한 훈련을 경험하면서 엘리트 스포츠 문화를 습득하였다. 운동에만 전념하기를 요구하는 한국 엘리트 스포츠 문화를 수용하고 아이스하키 선수로서 자신의 정체성을 확립함으로써 스포츠로의 사회화가 이루어졌다. 둘 째, 국가대표 출신 아이스하키 선수들은 군대, 자유의지, 그리고 선발제외 요인에 기인한 은퇴를 경험하였다. 셋 째, 연구 참여자들은 은퇴 이후 종목과 무관한 직종으로 직업을 전환하였다. 아이스하키라는 작은 사회와 현실을 동일시하면서 개인의 가치관과 현실 사이에서 마찰을 경험하였으며, 그 과정에서 정체성 혼란을 경험하였다. 넷 째, 신분이 변했지만 정체성은 변하지 못 하고 직장인과 지도자라는 서로 다른 정체성이 공존하였다. 국가대표라는 정체성은 직업전환을 하는 과정에서 일종의 장애물이었지만, 지도자로 회귀할 때는 그 반대였다. 국가대표가 가진 높은 인지도와 개인 레슨을 하면서 형성된 사회적 지지 기반은 그들이 되돌아오는데 중요한 역할을 하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Perception of Hockey Violence on Prospective Customers: An Experimental Approach

        ( Yong-chae Rhee ),( Jinwook Chung ),( Anna Pearson ) 한국체육학회 2021 International journal of human movement science Vol.15 No.2

        In this study we investigate if violence is a necessary tool for marketing hockey. Violence is an issue being addressed in many sports, with many professional sport commissions taking action to limit its occurrence. The National Hockey League, however, is not taking action and is acting as a bystander to the promotion of violence within professional hockey. More generally, is the promotion of violence needed in hockey? This study employed a quasi-experimental study in which the type of hockey each participant group is exposed to was manipulated in order to determine how different types of hockey influenced participant’s attitudes and intentions. The sample size of the study was 285 participants. The participants were divided into three groups (e.g., the Control Group, Experimental Group A, and Experimental Group B). Each group was shown a different video clip. Prior to the presentation of the video clip, a baseline survey which measured participants’ Fan Identifications, Attitudes Towards Hockey, Intentions to Watch Hockey on TV, and Intentions to Attend a Hockey Game. Following the video clip another survey was distributed to measure any change. The results indicate that skillful hockey is more attractive to the viewer than violent hockey. The positivity of skillful hockey should be incorporated into hockey marketing for super sport consumption. Further, the National Hockey League should stop acting as a bystander to the promotion of hockey violence and take a hard stance against violence in hockey.

      • KCI등재

        한국 파라 아이스하키의 2018평창동계패럴림픽 메달획득과정

        윤대중,최승아,김지훈 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2022 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.23 No.4

        [Purpose] The purpose of this study is to organize the historical development of paralympic-ice hockey by analyzing its development, the growth of para-ice hockey by year, the process by which it was introduction, its development, and the current position of para-ice hockey. [Method] The topic of para-ice hockey in Korea was analyzed through literature and releases papers relating to para-ice hockey, press releases(approximately 8,000 cases), and advice from relevant individuals. [Results] First, Korea's first para-ice hockey team was formed throught the efforts of coach Lee Sung-geun and director Park Chang-il. Second, with the establishment of a business team in the Gangwon-do office, the base of all winter sports was expanded. Third, ten years after the introduction of para-ice hockey in Korea, the national team won the right to participate in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Paralympics. Fourth, the Korea team won the frist bronze medal in the history of ice hockey in Korea at the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Paralympics. Fifth, today, five years after the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Paralympics, the situation of para-ice hockey is still difficult. [Conclusion] Although para-ice hockey was introduced less than 20 years ago, it was possible to win a bronze medal at the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Paralympics through the efforts, the systematic support, and the interest of the players. [목적] 이 연구의 목적은 파라 아이스하키의 도입과 전개 과정, 발전과정 등을 연도별 흐름을 분석하여 파라 아이스하키의 역사를 정리하는 것이다. [방법] 이를 위하여 파라 아이스하키와 관련된 문헌과 연구논문, 보도자료(약 8,000건), 관계자 자문 등을 통해 분석하였다. [결과] 첫째, 한국 첫 파라 아이스하키팀 구성은 이성근 감독과 박창일 원장의 노력으로 이루어졌다. 둘째, 강원도청의 실업팀 창단으로 동계스포츠 종목의 저변확대들 꾀하였다. 셋째, 파라 아이스하키 도입 10년 만에 2010밴쿠버동계패럴림픽 출전권을 획득하였다. 넷째, 한국 아이스하키 역사상 2018평창동계패럴림픽에서 동메달을 획득하였다. 다섯째, 2018평창동계패럴림픽이 5년이 지난 현재 파라 아이스하키의 상황은 여전히 어렵다. [결론] 파라 아이스하키가 도입은 20년이 채 되지 않았지만 선수들의 노력과 체계적인 지원, 관심을 통해 2018평창동계패럴림픽에서 메달을 획득할 수 있었다. 그러나 동계패럴림픽 이후 여건은 나아지지 않고 다시 어려웠던 시기로 회기되었다.

      • KCI등재

        아이스하키 폭력행위 불문율 내용과 사례를 통한 규칙제도화의 필요성

        조용찬,김현정 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2015 스포츠와 법 Vol.18 No.4

        The ice hockey which is called as a flower of winter sports stimulated many spectator's excitement with tough physical fight and speedy, dynamic game lead. But because of sports injury and accidents of players caused by frequent physical fights during a game, the seriousness of its problem was raised now. These kind of violence act becomes worse because of unwritten rule which was not written, but being recognized and kept unconsciously by coaches and players. The coach and player have a duty to prevent violence act and violation of rule beforehand, which could happen during game, by correctly understand and well-acquainted with game rules, and the Korea Ice Hockey Association has a duty to place punishment like warning, leave and suspension seriously according to player's intention on sports injury and violation of the rule, which happened during game, in the relation with rule they established after confirmation if they kept game rule, and this is for fair and safe game. But because of unwritten rule which has been kept unconsciously between players and players, players and judges in ice hockey, many players get frequent injuries and aftereffects after retirement, and criminal liability could be placed on intended violence beyond simple violation of rule. They do intended violence act when the spirit of their team is lowered down, they need to change flow of a game or team goalie was checked, they fight with fist and without any equipment, and judge doesn't involve right away but involves after a player is fell down etc., and these unwritten rule is not only the act which is not harmonize with sportsmanship but something also that must not be allowed on ice according to the spirit of sports. If we take a look of game rules written by Korea Ice Hockey Association, even though the physical fights happen frequently, which cause player's injury, the punishment on it is not much serious, so it is become a issue. And among many violation of the rules, heavy punishment is laid on the player if he doesn't obey the judge's restriction, this means that the role of judge is important. The content of ice hockey's unwritten rule, which was reported by media, was reestablished and classified as danger of injury and unconsciously recognized rule between players, and cases of various violence act related to unwritten rule and also various accidents and injuries which would be caused by this were presented, and the need for systemization of ice hockey rule was suggested in this study. 동계스포츠의 꽃이라고도 하는 아이스하키는 거친 몸싸움과 스피디하고 박진감 넘치는 경기진행으로 많은 관중들의 흥미를 자극하였다. 하지만 경기 중 빈번히 발생하는 몸싸움으로 선수들의스포츠상해 및 사고를 유발하여 그 심각성이 대두되었다. 이러한 폭력행위에는 불문율이 존재하여더욱 문제가 되고 있는데, 불문율이란 경기규칙으로써 명문화되지 않은 내용을 감독, 선수들이 서로 알게 모르게 납득하면서 지키고 있는 규율을 뜻한다. 경기에 참여하는 지도자와 선수들은 경기규칙을 정확하게 이해하고 숙지함으로써 경기 중 일어날수 있는 폭력행위 및 규칙위반을 미연에 방지해야 할 의무가 있고, 대한아이스하키협회는 제정한 경기규칙과 관련하여 경기 중 발생하는 스포츠상해 및 폭력행위에 대해 경기규칙을 준수하였는지 확인 후 고의여부에 따라 경고, 퇴장, 출장정지 등 처벌을 엄중하게 부여해야 할 의무가 있으며, 이는공정하고 안전한 경기진행을 위함이다. 하지만 아이스하키에서 선수와 선수, 선수와 심판 사이에서암묵적으로 지켜지고 있는 폭력행위 불문율로 인해 많은 선수들은 잦은 부상과 은퇴 후 후유증을겪고 있으며, 고의성을 띄는 폭력행위는 단순한 규칙위반을 넘어 형사책임까지 적용될 수 있다. 경기 중 팀 분위기가 다운되거나 경기 분위기를 바꿀 때, 우리 편 골리가 체킹 당했을 때 고의적으로 폭력행위를 가하며, 장비를 사용하지 않고 맨주먹으로 싸우고, 심판은 몸싸움이 일어나면바로 개입하지 않고 누구 하나가 쓰러지면 개입하는 등 이러한 불문율은 선수들의 스포츠맨십에어긋나는 행동일 뿐만 아니라 스포츠정신에 입각하여 경기장 안에서 허용되지 말아야 될 사항이다. 대한아이스하키협회가 제정한 경기규칙을 살펴보면 선수들의 부상을 야기하는 몸싸움이 빈번히발생함에도 불구하고 규칙위반에 관련된 처벌이 엄중하지 않아 문제가 되고 있다. 또한 여러 가지규칙위반 중에서 심판의 제재에 수용하지 않을 때 중징계가 내려지며, 이는 심판의 역할이 중요한 것을 알 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 매스컴를 통해 보도된 아이스하키 불문율 내용을 상해위험성과선수들 간의 암묵적인 룰로 재정립하여 구분하였고, 불문율에 관련된 폭력행위 각종 사례와 이를통해 발생할 수 있는 각종 사고 및 상해들을 제시하였으며, 이에 따른 아이스하키 규칙제도화의필요성에 대한 제언을 하는 바이다.

      • Proceedings from the Ice Hockey Summit III: Action on Concussion

        Aynsley M Smith(Aynsley M Smith ),Patrick A Alford(Patrick A Alford ),Mark Aubry(Mark Aubry ),Brian Benson(Brian Benson ),Amanda Black(Amanda Black ),Alison Brooks(Alison Brooks ),Charles Burke(Charle 사피엔시아 2019 Exercise Medicine Vol.3 No.-

        Objectives: The Ice Hockey Summit III provided updated scientific evidence on concussions in hockey to inform these five objectives: (1) describe sport related concussion (SRC) epidemiology, (2) classify prevention strategies, (3) define objective, diagnostic tests, (4) identify treatment and (5) integrate science and clinical care into prioritized action plans and policy. Methods: Our action plan evolved from 40 scientific presentations. The 155 attendees (physicians, athletic trainers, physical therapists, nurses, neuropsychologists, scientists, engineers, coaches and officials) voted to prioritize these action items in the final Summit session. Results: (1) establish a national and international hockey data base for SRCs at all levels; (2) eliminate body checking in Bantam youth hockey games; (3) expand a behavior modification program (Fair Play) to all youth hockey levels; (4) enforce game ejection penalties for fighting in Junior A and professional hockey leagues; (5) establish objective tests to diagnose concussion at point of care (POC); and (6) mandate baseline testing to improve concussion diagnosis for all age groups. Conclusions: Expedient implementation of the Summit III prioritized action items is necessary to reduce the risk, severity and consequences of concussion in the sport of ice hockey.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠심리학 : 인지전략들이 하키패스(hockey pass) 과제에 미치는 효과

        고의석(WiSugKo),홍석범(SeogBeomHong),장종문(JongMoonJang) 한국체육학회 2005 한국체육학회지 Vol.44 No.6

        The effectiveness of two different cognitive learning strategies were compared on the learning and performance of a self-paced motor skill, hockey pass. Specifically, investigated was the influence of (a) non-awareness strategy, which is preplanning the movement and performing the task without conscious attention to it; and (b) five-step strategy, which includes five sub-strategies: readying, imaging, focusing, executing, and evaluating. Thirty six middle school students (male) with no experience in hockey were randomly assigned to one of three different groups (non-awareness strategy group, five-step strategy group, and control group). They performed 80 trials to learn a simulated hockey pass task in a practice session and then another 20 trials in a retention/transfer session. A target for the hockey pass task was 12m apart from a participant in the practice session and 14m apart from a participant in the retention/transfer session. Deviation scores from the center of the target were recorded. The results of the experiments indicated that participants who used the non-awareness strategy as well as participants who used the five-step strategy, performed the hockey pass task better than the participants who did not use any specific cognitive learning strategy. However, the superiority of the five-step strategy over the non-awareness strategy that results of a few research showed was not confirmed in this study.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국 남자하키 최고의 순간 (1998년∼2007년)

        하웅용,백봉주 한국스포츠학회 2011 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        As this is a study on history of Korean male hockey, it researched by placing limit especially upon the period from 1998 to 2008 that can be said to be golden age in Korean male hockey. With a documentary research through the primary and the secondary literature, and a research method through in-depth interview and photo application method, the following conclusions were elicited. Korean male hockey is now maintaining its existence difficultly while suffering hard adversity several times as non-popular item. In order for this Korean male hockey to rise high in the world’s top again, it is thought to be required the positive intervention and support of the government and the relevant officials to the executive department of Korea Hockey Association, and lots of efforts and passion in hockey players. Also, even people’s much interest and love will be able to play a big role for Korean male hockey to develop again.

      • KCI등재

        여성 아이스하키 동호인의 경기 참여 촉진을 위한 실행연구

        박두제(Doo Jae Park),원영신(Young Shin Won),이재희(Jea Hee Lee) 한국여성체육학회 2013 한국여성체육학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to explore the problems that female members in ice hockey club had been experiencing with playing ice hockey club, especially in body checking, using action research. For investigation, the first author, the researcher, and coach had been persistingly observed study participants` all practices on the ice and matches for five years and had been written research diary about observation. The data were analyzed by causal chains analysis. The first author applied the practical process of coaching program for study participants twice in 2011 and 2013. Findings of this study were as follows. First, during the first phase of practical processing, coaching style which focused on developing ice hockey technique could not arouse women`s interest of participation into ice hockey. Second, the coaching style which combined technique with psychological approach could bring the change on study participants` interest into ice hockey. Third, the cognition of women`s participation into sports had been changed by the practical processing for the investigation. Therefore, considering new coaching programs for either female players in ice hockey club can be the first step to promote the game participation of female members in ice hockey club.

      • KCI등재

        파라아이스하키 활성화 전략: 대한장애인아이스하키협회의 현황 분석을 중심으로

        신미애,원동현 미래융합통섭학회 2024 융합과 통섭 Vol.7 No.3

        연구목적 이 연구의 목적은 대한장애인아이스하키협회의 현황분석을 중심으로 파라아이스하키의 활성화 전략을 제시하는 것이 이 연구의 목적이다. 연구방법 연구방법은 질적연구와 양적연구의 형태를 갖추고 있는 델파이 기법을 3라운드 실시하였다. 결과 연구결과는 3개의 범주로 재정, 행정, 경기가 구성되었으며 재정범주의 전략은 후원사 확보 및 지속, 행정범주의 전략은 대학생 인턴십의 활용, 경기범주의 전략은 경쟁력 제고를 위한 지도자 및 선수 양성으로 구성되었다. 결론 결론으로 대한장애인아이스하키협회는 파라아이스하키 발전을 위해 지속적으로 노력을 해온 것이 확인되었으며 발전의 기간을 지나 현재는 정체된 기간을 지나고 있는 것으로 보여진다. 장애인체육이 가진 한계와 제한이 있어 가시적인 성과를 나타내는 것이 쉽지는 않겠지만 지속적인 노력이 수반된다면 다시 한번 도약할 수 있는 시기가 올 것으로 보여진다. PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to present a strategy for revitalizing para ice hockey centered on the analysis of the current status of the Korean Para Ice Hockey Association. METHOD As for the research method, the Delphi method, which has the form of qualitative and quantitative research, was conducted in three rounds. RESULT The results of the study were composed of three categories: finance, administration, and competition, and the strategy of the financial category consisted of securing and sustaining sponsors, the strategy of the administrative category consisted of the use of internships for university students, and the strategy of the competition category consisted of training leaders and athletes to enhance competitiveness. CONCLUSION In conclusion, it has been confirmed that the Korea Para Ice Hockey Association has been making continuous efforts for the development of para ice hockey, and it seems that it has passed through a period of development and is now going through a period of stagnation. It will not be easy to show tangible results due to the limitations and limitations of para-sports, but if continuous efforts are made, it is expected that there will come a time when it will be possible to take a leap forward once again.

      • KCI등재

        GPS를 활용한 주니어 여자 필드하키 선수들의 포지션별 움직임 및 운동 강도 차이 분석

        최민경,이금주,김미선 한국체육과학회 2023 한국체육과학회지 Vol.32 No.5

        [Purpose] This study aims to analyze the characteristics of exercise intensity according to three positions (Forwards, Midfielder, Defender) for junior female field hockey players utilizing GPS. [Methods] The research analyzed a total of 8 matches played in preparation for the 2023 Asian Junior World Cup, with 19 junior female field hockey players participating. The variables studied were total distance covered (TD, unit: m), low-intensity distance covered (LID, 0-10.9km/h), moderate-(MID, 11-15.9km/h) and high-intensity distance covered (HID, >16km/h), sprint distance (>20km/h)and efforts (unit: bouts), and acceleration and deceleration efforts (unit: bouts). One-way analysis of variance was used to validate statistically significant differences in movement by position and exercise intensity. [Results] The study found that, in terms of LID, defenders moved the most compared to forwards and midfielders. However, no significant differences in position were noted for MID, HID, sprint distances, sprint efforts, acceleration and deceleration efforts. [Conclusion] Although these results differ from previous studies, it's believed that factors such as team tactics and strategy based on current conditions, and the unlimited player substitution rule in field hockey, influenced the findings. Future research should consider analyzing the activities of junior female field hockey players by quarter and position in relation to match outcomes. Furthermore, there's a need to develop systematic and differentiated field hockey-specific training programs by position, leveraging such GPS data actively.

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