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        A Study of the Logistics Development in Hai Phong Port

        Dae-Gwun Yoon,Thi Bich Thuy Doan 한국항해항만학회 2018 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.42 No.2

        Vietnam is entering an important phase of urbanization that corresponds to the current economic development. Developing logistics of Vietnam in general, and Haiphong particularly, is urgent in order to meet the need for the economic development of Viet Nam in this period of international integration. Hai Phong’s development record over the past 20 years is remarkable. In conjunction with the local government’s efforts, external factors, such as increasing direct foreign investment, is turning Hai Phong into Vietnam’s logistics hub. However, even though Hai Phong accounted for 98% of North Vietnam’s throughput, its logistics services are low level, the ports are fragmented, and the port management scale is backward, with the legal system overlapping. This paper has systematically evaluated the development of Haiphong city during recent years, then offers some solutions to develop logistics for Hai Phong ports.

      • KCI등재

        An Analysis of Container Terminals’Performance in Hai Phong, Vietnam

        팜띠항응(Nga Pham Thi Hang),박성훈(Sung-hoon Park),김현진(Hyun-Jin Kim),여기태(Gi-Tae YEO) 한국국제상학회 2021 國際商學 Vol.36 No.2

        베트남 제2의 항만인 하이퐁을 대상으로 컨테이너 터미널의 효율성을 분석한 연구는 극히 제한적이다. 이러한 측면에서 본 연구는 하이퐁 지역의 15개 컨테이너 터미널을 대상으로 10년간의 효율성 분석을 진행하는 것을 목적으로 하였으며, 연구의 방법은 DEA 윈도우 및 초효율성 분석을 활용하였다. 먼저, DEA 윈도우 방법을 이용하여 2010년부터 2019년 까지 15개 컨테이너 터미널의 동적 효율성을 산출했다. 연구결과 가장 효율적인 실적을 나타낸 터미널은 Green 터미널이었으며, Dinh Vu, Hai An 그리고 PTSC 순으로 나타났다. 다음으로, DEA CCR과 DEA BCC 모형을 통해 2019년의 규모 효율성을 계산했다. 또한 2019년에 대해 초효율성 분석 방법인 slacks-based measure를 통해 세부적인 순위를 비교했다. 분석결과 Vip Green 터미널이 가장 효율적이었다. 반면에, Transvina, Doan Xa, Tan Cang 189, Tan Cang 128, Chua Ve, and Nam Hai 터미널은 규모 손실을 겪고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 하이퐁 지역의 15개 컨테이너 터미널의 효율성에 대한 시사점을 제공하며, 연구의 결과는 이해관계자의 전략 의사결정에 중요한 역할을 할 수 있다. Purpose : Few empirical investigations have been conducted to compare the performance of container terminals in Hai Phong, one of the two largest port systems in Vietnam. This study sought to analyze the efficiency of 15 container terminals in the Hai Phong area over the course of 10 years. Research methodology : A set of data envelopment analysis (DEA) methods were used. First, window DEA was carried out to investigate dynamic changes in efficiency among the 15 container terminals on the basis of data spanning the period 2010 to 2019. Afterwards, two basic models, namely, DEA CCR (Charnes-Cooper-Rhodes) and DEA BCC (Banker-Charnes-Cooper), were used to examine the terminals’ scale of efficiency in 2019. Finally, a detailed ranking comparison of all the terminals for 2019 was performed using a slacks-based measure of super efficiency in DEA. Results : The window DEA results indicated that throughout the 10-year period, the most efficiently performing terminal was the Green Terminal, followed by Dinh Vu, Hai An, and PTSC Dinh Vu. In 2019, the Vip Green Terminal was the most efficient, whereas several terminals, such as Transvina, Doan Xa, Tan Cang 189, Tan Cang 128, Chua Ve, and Nam Hai, suffered tremendous scale-related losses. Conclusions : This study offers important insights into the comprehensive performance of 15 container terminals in Hai Phong. Changes in efficiency over 10 years were investigated, after which the terminals were ranked for 2019. These results play a crucial role in helping concerned stakeholders determine strategic decisions.

      • KCI등재

        1874~1945년, 하이 퐁(Hải Phong, 海防)의 개항(開港)’과 한국 사회

        윤대영(Youn, Dae-yeong) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2009 인천학연구 Vol.10 No.-

        Among Vietnam's traditional cities, Hai Phong was formed in special situations such as independence movement. When the Trung Sisters rebelled, Le Chan also directly led her troops to fight against the Chinese forces, causing them to suffer great losses, but the overall situation was unfavourable. At the two Battles of B?ch đ?ng River in 938 and in 1288 the Vietnamese forces defeated the Chinese invaders and put an end to Chinese imperial domination of the Vietnamese. It took place at the Bach Dang River, near Halong Bay in northern Vietnam. H?i Phong has existed as a significant port from the XVth century, and was one of Vietnam's principal trading centers. When Vietnam was invaded by the French, the city became France's main naval base and trading port in Indochina. Since then, French colonialists speeded up urbanization process of Hai Phong city by building sea ports, river ports, warehouses; Ha N?i~H?i Phong railway, H?i Phong~Yunnan railway, some urban infrastructure etc. After that French, Chinese and Vietnamese ship building and repairing factories were established quickly. Industries, machinery, processing, chemistry were also expanded. H?i Phong became known to the Korean society since the XIXth century. The news concerning the dynamism of the Vietnamese port system were reportedly frequently in the Korean press. In the meantime Korean people took a trip to H?i Phong by way of southern China. On the other hand, H?i Phong was implicated in the Korean independence movement. Supported by Chinese Nationalists, a number of Korean patriots risked determined to go to Kunming by way of H?i Phong in order to enter Yunnan Military Academy at Kuming. The Korean emigrants to Indochina also started to settle down in the port.

      • A Study on Development and Assessing Situation of Hai Phong Logistics

        Thi Bich Thuy Doan,Dae Gwun Yoon 한국항해항만학회 2017 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2017 No.추계

        Hai Phong is the important transportation hub of the northern Vietnam with many advantages. Hai Phong can connect with orthers provinces by road, railway, airport, seaport system and inland waterway. So far, Hai Phong is develop so fast However, Hai Phong’s logistics services are still low level and less competitive. The human resources are lacking of experiences and also low quality, the logistics enterprises are small, low capital and they can not compete with foreign companies. Further more, the infrastructure are invested but there are still have some problems inside. This paper has assessed and systemized the situation of development of Hai phong.

      • KCI등재

        A Study of the Logistics Development in Hai Phong Port

        Yoon, Dae-Gwun,Doan, Thi Bich Thuy Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2018 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.42 No.2

        Vietnam is entering an important phase of urbanization that corresponds to the current economic development. Developing logistics of Vietnam in general, and Haiphong particularly, is urgent in order to meet the need for the economic development of Viet Nam in this period of international integration. Hai Phong's development record over the past 20 years is remarkable. In conjunction with the local government's efforts, external factors, such as increasing direct foreign investment, is turning Hai Phong into Vietnam's logistics hub. However, even though Hai Phong accounted for 98% of North Vietnam's throughput, its logistics services are low level, the ports are fragmented, and the port management scale is backward, with the legal system overlapping. This paper has systematically evaluated the development of Haiphong city during recent years, then offers some solutions to develop logistics for Hai Phong ports.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국형 신도시 수출을 위한 국내 건설업체의 베트남 진출 전략

        김용진(Kim, Yong Jin),홍성조(Hong, Sung Jo),안건혁(Ahn, Kun Hyuck) 한국부동산학회 2011 不動産學報 Vol.46 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The model of Korean New City has recently emerged as a main export. In line with this national trend, many Korean companies are interested in Vietnamese development market which has great potential for growth. The purpose of this study is to establish the entry strategies for Vietnamese New Town Development as an export model of Korean New Town. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This study refers to the literatures of research material reports, Vietnamese Investment Law, Vietnamese Building Code, other publications, internet materials, etc. Also, the interview and the questionary with the public officers of Hai-Phong and Vietnamese Central Government were car rid out. All of the mentioned in the above are based on the entry strategies for Vietnamese new town development. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS 1. As measures to fund for a Vietnamese new town development, 1)BTL, BLT, BTO, BOT, 2) exchange of land development rights are possible. However, the inviting ODA and the public finance aids from Vietnamese local governments are impractical. 2. There are few incentive program in Vietnam, and among them, the Investment Law’s Article 27, Article 28, Article 29 would be applicable. Also, a joint-venture contract or a partnership with Vietnamese national construction firm would be helpful during development. 3. To reduce a risk of delay for immigrants, compensation, approval and etc., a Public-Private Partnership is recommended. 2. RESULTS This study suggests that appropriate entry strategy for each country which would be the target for export model of Korean new town should be established. The practical study for China, Southeast Asian countries, CIS(Commonwealth of Independent States), Mideast countries, and African countries should be deepened and accumulated.

      • KCI등재

        하이퐁에서의 여성 해기사에 대한 고찰

        도황친 ( Do Hoang-chien ),윤대근 ( Yoon Daegwun ) 한국해운물류학회(구 한국해운학회) 2018 해운물류연구 Vol.34 No.1

        21세기의 국제무역 및 국제경기의 변화와 4차 산업혁명 시대 도래에 따른 해운 및 해사기술 발전이 급속도록 전 지구상의 육상 및 해상에 전개되고 있다. 아시아의 떠오르는 경제개발국가인 베트남에서도 이러한 환경변화가 육상뿐만 아니라 해상분야에서도 산업계, 학계, 국가, 지자체 전반에 확산해 오고 있는 상황이다. 이러한 상황에 발맞추어 상대적으로 임금이 낮고 기술 및 경제개발에 적극적으로 부각되고 있는 베트남 하이퐁에 있는 해양대학과 해운분야, 산업계, 고등학교 등을 대상으로 여성 해기사에 대한 진출과 진출에 따른 여러 가지 대두되고 있는 어려운 문제점을 파악해보고, 분석을 하였다. 여성 사회 인력 및 사회 전반에 대한 여성 해기사에 대한 인식의 결여 및 부족, 여성 차별, 해운 환경의 불확실성이 주요 고려점으로 제기되었다. 이러한 분석된 결과를 바탕으로 베트남 하이퐁에서의 향후 여성해기사들이 해기 사로써 진출할 방안들을 제시하였다. With 360,000,000 ㎢ of saline water on the earth together with the development of technology, the 21st century is the age of shipping and maritime industry. In this field, sea transportation plays an important role in the evolution as well as the satisfaction the demanding of human. However, the problem I want to mention in my writing is the fact that when talking about shipping almost people think about male sailors. This situation is appearing in various countries in the world. The main reasons for this case are from the lack of awareness, gender discrimination, the fear from sea and the unacceptable of shipping company. This problem appeared in Hai Phong from older generation and becomes the thinking of citizen so that the most important activities must be created the seminar, vocational guidance as well as provide more information for people in Hai Phong about working on board and shipping.


        Thanh-Trung VU,Thi-Thu-Hang DOAN 국제이네비해양경제학회 2022 International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Vol.18 No.1

        The concept of sustainability was first introduced a few decades ago, and it has gradually become the primary concern of many nations and firms around the world. Sustainability is a broad concept that encompasses three pillars, namely, economic, social, and environmental, represented as profit, people, and nature. It implies that firms can only sustainably develop if they grow without compromising the benefits of their stakeholders. Thus, this study aims to identify, through the participatory approach and the Delphi method, an appropriate set of sustainability indicators to strategically evaluate Hai Phong port's sustainable development achievements. The paper will critically review past studies on port sustainable development to find the most frequently used indicators for assessing port sustainability. These indicators vary because of the availability of data and the researcher's perceived level of importance given to each indicator. Finally, we employ the Delphi method to narrow down the initial set of sustainability indicators based on consensus on the importance of indicators and availability of data among experts. Some indicators that are not important and statistical data unavailable are eliminated. Therefore, the final set includes all crucial indicators for evaluating the sustainability of Hai Phong seaports with collected data.

      • KCI등재후보

        베트남 하이퐁항의 투자방안

        하명신,장병기,배상욱 한국물류학회 2005 물류학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        베트남은 동남아시아 국가들중 가장 경제성장가능성이 높은 국가 중의 하나이다. 본 연구는 베트남의 항만들중 하이퐁항을 선택하여 재무분석 및 그에 근거한 진출전략을 제시하고자 하였다. 재무분석의 결과 기본조건하에서는 재무적 타당성이 있는 것으로 식별되었으며, 민감도 분석에서도 투자타당성은 유지되는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 건설비의 20% 증가시 처리실적이 30%이상 감소하지 않거나, 건설비의 40%증가시 처리실적이 20%이상 감소하지 않고, 심지어 건설비의 60%증가시 처리실적이 10%이상 감소하지 않는다면 여전히 투자타당성은 유지되는 것으로 식별되었다. 그러나 베트남은 사회주의 국가들 중의 하나이므로 하이퐁항의 투자시 전략적 접근이 필요한 상황이다. 주요사항은 베트남 정부와의 장기적 우호관계 유지, 유력한 현지 파트너의 선정, 철저한 계약관계 형성, 이종문화에 대한 이해 등을 들 수 있다. Vietnam is one of the most economically promising countries in Southeast Asia. This study aims at suggesting the entry strategies for the Vietnamese port development on the basis of the financial analysis. For the purpose of the study, first, the Vietnamese port industry is briefly introduced and the best port to invest is revealed. Second, the financial analysis is conducted on Hai Phong, selected as the best port for investment. Positive results are found in the basic conditions for the port development. Its results also indicate that the financial validity will be maintained when the construction cost increases up to 60 percent and that the financial validity will still be maintained when the construction cost increases up to 100 percent provided that containerised cargoes increase by about 20 percent. This study also suggests strategies for future development and significant issues for investors. It is supposed that the actual investment in the Hai Phong port development will be fairly acceptable in terms of the rapidly developing Vietnamese economy and the significantly increasing economic exchange between Korea and Vietnam.

      • A Study On The position of Women in shipping In Hai Phong of VietNam

        Hoang Chien Do,Dae Gwun Yoon 한국항해항만학회 2017 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2017 No.추계

        In the 21st century, maritime industry is the field, which play an important role in the improvement of human. Due to geographical conditions and the development of technology, the demanding of human can be solved easier by shipping. With the advantage of the location and the help of modern technology, maritime in dustry bring various advantage for HaiPhong. In this field in general or the job such as assistant, marketing and the contribution of women is undeniable. Meanwhile, with the field of shipping, there are some problems, which are preventing women from the work of seafaring. However, in the current, female employees are necessary in all the work, the thinking of the job for only male still exit in the brain of citizen. Therefore, the solutions for this problem need to set not only in maritime industry but also for the others heavy industry.

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