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      • KCI등재

        경주 월성과 신라 왕성체제의 변천

        최병현 한국고고학회 2016 한국고고학보 Vol.98 No.-

        Wolseong Fortress, in Gyeongju, is the site of the Royal Fortress of Silla, which contains completely the remains of this 1000 year old kingdom. Never once was the Silla capital located outside of Gyeongju, and Wolseong continued to be used as the Silla Royal Fortress from the time of the state’s inception in the Saroguk phase to until 935 CE when the kingdom fell to Goryeo. There exist many written records on Wolseong and the Silla palaces in literary sources such as the Samguk Sagi, and the area around Wolseong has been subject to archaeological investigation. The aim of this paper is to compile information from the existing research in order to examine the Royal Fortress system of Silla, with focus on Wolseong Fortress. Settlements were established in the area of Wolseong, which consisted of a naturally formed hill located on the banks of Namcheon River, and its environs from the prehistoric period. Wolseong hill became the central town (gukeup) of Saroguk from the Proto-Three Kingdoms Period in the late second century CE. During the Maripgan Period (356-514 CE), when Silla developed into a kingdom that maintained control of the Yeongnam region east of the Nakdong River, a earthen wall was constructed around the hill at Wolseong. It was during this period that Wolseong developed from the central town of Saroguk to the Royal Fortress of Silla. In the Middle Ancient Period of Silla (514-654 CE) the nature of Wolseong Fortress was transformed once again, so that it was no longer the capital fortress of a kingdom but became the site of a palace fortress. As a result, the Wolseong Complex evolved to consist of two areas. The area within Wolseong Fortress became the center of the palace complex, where the main palace structure was located. The area outside Wolseong Fortress came to house the administrative complex. In addition, with the establishment of a system of 경주 월성과 신라 왕성체제의 변천 | 91 ‘common roads’ (民里) laid out in a grid-like fashion, at the center of which was Hwangryongsa Temple (founded in 553 CE to the north of the Wolseong Complex), the Royal Capital of Silla began to develop. In the late seventh century, Wolji Pond was created and the East Palace established in the area east of Wolseong Fortress by King Munmu, who had achieved unification of the Three Kingdoms. As a result, the Royal Fortress of Silla was expanded to the area beyond Wolseong Fortress in order to include the East Palace. After the plan to move the state capital to Dalgubeol (present day Daegu) broke down, the Royal Fortress System was re-organized once more in the eighth century, accompanying which was the construction of the North and South Palaces outside the walls of Wolseong Fortress. In addition, the perimeters of the city grid were expanded, and by the late eighth century, the shape of the Royal Capital appears to have been finalized. These processes in the development of the Silla Royal Fortress system were influenced by the capital city systems and palace layouts of China. However, a distinctive feature of the Silla Royal Fortress system is the fact that the Chinese examples were not imitated indiscriminately.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 경주 치소성에 대한 일고찰

        박방룡 동국대학교 WISE(와이즈)캠퍼스 신라문화연구소 2023 新羅文化 Vol.63 No.-

        As Silla (新羅) was destroyed by Goryeo (高麗), Chisoseong (治所城) in Gyeongju (慶州), which was a provincial area is understood to have undergone some changes. From the records and excavated relics of Wolseong (月城), which was the palace-fortress during the Silla dynasty, the first Chisoseong seems to have been maintained. The second Chisoseong is presumed to be Namgoru (南古壘). Namgoru is clearly judged by a fortress as the excavation survey confirmed the wooden pillar (永定柱) facilities and the castle gate. Moreover, it is also based on the fact that it is marked as ‘Seokseongji (石城址)’ in a shape close to the flat square leading to the western fortress wall (西城壁) and northern fortress wall (北城壁) of Gyeongju-eupseong (慶州邑城) during the Japanese colonial period. This is also supported by the fact that 5 killometers in the estimated circumference of Namgoru is similar to that of Gimhae-goeupseong (金海古邑城) during the Goryeo Dynasty. In addition, the inner fortress wall (內城壁) of Gyeongju-eupseong was identified inside of the eastern fortress wall (東城壁), which is connected to Namgoru because it is going straight to the north. Therefore, Namgoru is an outer fortress, and Gyeongju-eupseong was built at the same time as an inner fortress. Meanwhile,*Former Director, Gongju․Buyea National Museum The third Chisoseong is judged by the first fortress of Gyeongju-eupseong based on the record that earthen fortress (土城) was renovated as a stone fortress (石城) in the 4th year of King Wu (禑王) of Goryeo.

      • KCI등재

        경주 월성의 역사공간 이미지 및 관광객 이용행태 분석

        강태호 ( Tai Ho Kang ),박종구 ( Joung Koo Park ),반상 ( Xiang Pan ),김상구 ( Sang Gu Kim ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2011 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        경주 월성은 신라시대 궁궐이 있었던 역사적 상징성이 있는 궁궐터로 왕경 경주의 대표적인 역사유적이다. 본 연구는 경주 월성을 대상지로 역사공간 이미지와 관광객들의 이용행태에 대한 조사를 실시하였다. 연구방법은 주로 현장조사와 설문조사 두 단계로 실시하여 수집된 데이터를 행태, 시간,공간별로 분석했다. 연구결과는 경주 월성의 주된 이용행태는 서서 하는 행위, 앉아서 하는 행위, 놀이/유흥 순으로 나타나고, 일반적인 역사문화유적지와 비교해 이용행태는 매우 단조로운 것을 알 수 있다. 경주 월성의 이용활성화를 위하여 주 진입로의 역할기능을 강화하면서 탐방객들을 월성 내 타 공간으로 분산시키기 위하여 각 동선코스를 사전에 안내하는 표지판, 야간조명, 식생정비, 도로정비 등을 필요하다. This study examines visitors` image and behavior characteristics of Wolseong palace in Gyeongju. This area has been a royal palace during Silla periods. So many scholars dedicate to the protection of this historical-cultural heritage. The research process consists of two main steps, such as on-site field investigation and survey research. The data were collected in summer and autumn. Collected data is classified into three groups to describe visitors` behavior, time, space, and then processed by statistical methods. The results are as follows: First, there is a shortage of programs and facilities. The result shows most visitors consider Wolseong palace as a pathway for walking. Hence better functions should be developed to attract more visitors but with least effect to historical remains. The founding is that increasing programs for history exploration, enhancing lighting installation, facilities, plant arrangement, road condition and so forth would be suggested.

      • KCI등재

        발천 정비와 월성 외곽공간 영역설정

        차순철 동국대학교 WISE(와이즈)캠퍼스 신라문화연구소 2020 新羅文化 Vol.55 No.-

        A comparative examination of the site conditions and characteristics of various remains surveyed around the area centering on Wolseong Fortress of Gyeongju and Balcheon Stream, which flows on the north side, confirmed that palaces and attached government offices were located inside the fortress where the site was developed through a large-scale mounding work to protect the palace and fortress against flood during the Three Kingdoms Period, and the moat, which is the external defense facility of the fortress changed from the shape of a puddle into a stone-built facility. The moat facility was reduced and buildings were constructed on the south and north sides of Balcheon Stream during the Unified Silla Dynasty period. These buildings show difference in their directions and scales. There are ancillary facilities related with Wolseong Fortress in the north of the moat, and a number of bridges, which connect to the fortress and are presumed as ceremonial or administrative buildings, were built over Balcheon Stream on the north side of the stream. The survey on Balcheon Stream and Wolseong Fortress moat confirmed when they were constructed and when the pit moat was changed into stone-built moat, and it is presumed that the two remains have changed with a sense of relevance maintained between them. Also, mounding, site development, and building construction took place around Balcheon Stream while the fortress was expanded followed by the construction of Wolji Pond and Donggung Palace, and it is deemed that a political space was developed centering on Wolseong Fortress. As a result, it is deemed that Silla completed the spatial structure of the capital city after the end of the 7th century, which is after the unification.

      • KCI등재

        신라 형성기 경주 도심지구 고분군 및 생활·생산유구의 분포양상과 의미

        이원태 중앙문화유산연구원 2024 중앙고고연구 Vol.- No.44

        This study examined the distribution of ancient tombs in Downtown Gyeongju from the Shilla was formed, correlating them with the burial and settlement remains to analyze the early Iron Age to the early Three Kingdoms period and the late Three Kingdoms period to early Shilla period chronologically and to discuss the spatial significance in relation to the Wolsong, Hwangseong-dong, and Cheongundong sites. As a result, it is suggested that Downtown Gyeongju, particularly Sajeong-dong 114-1, Gyo-dong 158-2, and Najung, indicates strong evidence that there were human settlements there during the early Iron Age, while settlement communities were established around Tap-dong in the early Three Kingdoms period, considering Tapdong #1 Wooden Gasket Tomb. During the late Three Kingdoms period, mounds were constructed around Wolsong North Burial Cluster, while the settlers were residing in the adjacent Wolsong South-North areas. It is evident that Wolsong had already begun to build wooden chamber tombs and settlement communities from the late 2nd century to the 3rd century. Therefore, it seems that the dominating power that formed the Wolsong North Burial Cluster acted as the governing power and Wolseong was the center of Saroguk at least by the initial phase of wooden chamber tomb construction. During the Shilla was formed, the tombs were clustered in and around Wolsong North Burial Cluster, forming collective burial grounds with shared graveyards. In terms of layout, there was a distinct trend towards rectangular shapes and it has highly possible that there were large-scale settlements forming around Balcheon and the Wolsong North. In particular, the residential areas were carefully planned to reorganize the spatial layout alongside the construction of Wolsong. In interpreting the growth of power within Wolsong North Burial Cluster, emphasis was placed on production facilities. Specifically, the ironworks and pottery kilns discovered at the Hwangseong-dong and Cheongun-dong sites became the driving force behind the Wolsong North Burial Cluster's authority. Additionally, it is possible that earthenware was supplied to the settlements of Deokcheon-ri as there were two kilns discovered at the Sangsin-ri site in the southern region. However, unlike pottery kilns, it was assumed that ironworks were monopolized by the Wolsong North Burial Cluster's authority, including operations at Dalcheon Mines. In conclusion, it is possible that the authority of Wolsong North Burial Cluster applied the principle of monopoly of ironworks through the ironworks at the Hwangseong-dong and Cheongun-dong sites and Dalcheon Mines to internal and external economic and political growth and took advantage of some spatial features of the area such as Hyeongsan River Trail. 이 글은 신라 형성기 경주 도심지구 고분군 및 생활유구를 결부해서 분포양상을 초기철기~원삼국 전기와 원삼국 후기~신라 조기 순으로 검토하고 월성과 황성동·천군동 생산유구를 연계하여 공간적 의미에 접근하였다. 그 결과 경주 도심지구는 사정동 114-1번지, 교동 158-2번지, 나정유적의 수혈을 통해 초기철기에 사람이 정주했을 가능성이 크고 원삼국 전기는 탑동 1호 목관묘 등으로 볼 때 탑동 일대를 중심으로 단위취락의 형성을 시사한다. 원삼국 후기는 월성북고분군을 고정해서 분묘를 조성하였고 인접한 월성남북구역에 거주하여 이미 월성은 기원 2세기 후엽부터 3세기에는 목곽묘가 조영되고 단위취락의 조성을 의미한다. 따라서 월성북고분군 세력에 의한 월성의 사로국 국읍 역할은 늦어도 목곽묘 단계에는 시작되었던 것으로 보인다. 신라 조기는 월성북고분군을 고정해서 분묘가 공동된 묘역을 이루는 공동묘지의 양상이 가속화되는데, 평면형태는 세장화가 뚜렷해지는 한편 발천과 월성북구역을 중심으로 취락이 형성되었을 가능성도 고려된다. 특히 주거가 계획적으로 축조되어 월성축조와 함께 공간구성에 재편이 이루어진 것으로 이해된다. 월성북고분군 세력의 성장과 관련해서 생산시설에 비중을 두어 해석하였다. 즉 황성동·천군동유적의 제철유구에서 생산된 철기는 월성북고분군 세력의 원동력이 되었다. 한편 남부지구의 상신리유적에서 토기가마 2기가 확인되어 덕천리 집단으로 토기가 공급되었을 가능성이다. 하지만 토기가마와 달리 제철유적은 월성북고분군 세력의 통제에 따라 그들에게 독점운영된 것으로 판단되는데, 달천광산도 포함된다. 결국 월성북고분군 세력은 황성동·천군동유적의 제철유구 및 달천광산을 통한 철생산의 독점시장원리를 대내외 경제·정치적 성장에 형산강길 등을 공간적으로 최대한 활용했을 가능성이다

      • 1974년 국립경주박물관 부지의 발굴조사와 성과 : 도로 유구를 중심으로

        이현태 국립중앙박물관·(社)동원고고미술연구소 2019 동원학술논문집 Vol.20 No.-

        1974년 박물관 부지에서는 도로 유구와 배수로, 석렬, 건물지 등 다양한 유구가 발굴조사 되었다. 신라 왕경 내에서 박물관 부지가 차지하는 중요성이 상당함에도 불구하고 1974년에 조사된 유구와 관련해서는 『박물관신문』 에 약보고만 이루어진 채 40여 년의 시간이 흘렀고, 2016년 발굴조사 보고서가 간행되었다. 경주 월성이 신라 왕경의 중핵을 차지한다는 점에 대해서는 별다른 이견이 없다. 다만 월성의 내부 공간이 넓지 않기 때문에 여러 연구자가 일정한 시점부터는 월성의 범위, 즉 궁궐의 범위를 월성 외곽까지 확장해 이해하고 있다. 확장된 궁궐의 범위에는 국립경주박물관 부지도 포함된다. 따라서 박물관 부지는 신라 왕궁, 나아가 신라 왕경을 연구하는 데 있어 적지 않은 위치를 점한다고 할 수 있다. 이 글에서는 도로 유구를 중심으로 1974년에 조사된 박물관 부지의 유구에 대해 살펴보았다. The Gyeongju National Museum site adjoins Wolseong, where the royal palace of the Silla Kingdom was located, and hence occupies a very important place in research of the Silla royal palace and the ancient royal capital. The site has been excavated several times over the years. During construction work on the new Gyeongju National Museum building, some of the archaeological features were damaged, which led to emergency excavations being carried out in 1968 and 1974. As yet, no official report has been written on the features excavated in 1968, while the features excavated in 1974 were revealed in a recently published excavation report. Hence, this paper examines the features excavated in 1974.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 일본의 원자력안전에 관한 거버넌스 비교‒경상북도 경주 월성1원전과 이바라키현 동해 제2원전사례를 중심으로‒

        박성하 한국일본근대학회 2020 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.70

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the changes of nuclear safety governance and the direction of nuclear safety governance through the comparative analysis of actual cases of the governance operation of nuclear power plants in Korea and Japan after the Fukushima nuclear accident. Recently, It showed that the government, local governments, local residents, and business owners have not yet reached sufficient social agreements. Recently,It showed that the social consensus about the nuclear power plant have not yet reached sufficient social agreements the process of expressing opinions of the government, local governments, local residents, and business owners in response to the problem of restarting and extension of the operation period the Togai-mura No. 2 nuclear power plant in Japan and the activities of the Public Relations Committee on the suspension of the construction of the No. 5 and No. 6 Shin-Kori Nuclear Power Plant, and the activities of the private verification team for Wolseong No.1 in Gyeongju in Korea. These activities also indicate that local residents are increasingly demanding participation in social discussions on nuclear power plant safety. Therefore, in order to resolve various conflicts through these discussions, it is necessary to obtain sufficient social consensus among stakeholders such as the government, local governments, local residents, and business operators. For this, I would like to propose the following three measures. First, it should be operated as cooperative governance in which governments, local governments and residents can participate. Second, it must be operated transparently in order to obtain the procedural justification of stakeholders. Third, it should be operated as a governance that is jointly responsible for results. 본 논문의 목적은 후쿠시마 원자력 사고 이후 한국과 일본의 원자력발전소 입지지역 거버넌스 운영 실태와 실제 사례 비교 분석을 통해서 원전 거버넌스의 변화 양상과 원자력안전 거버넌스가 지향해야 할 방향을 모색해 보는 것이다. 최근 일본에서의 동해 제2원전의 재가동 및 가동기간 연장의 문제로 자치체와 주민들의 의견 표출 과정과 한국에서 진행된 신고리 원전 5・6호기 공사 중단에 관한 공론화위원회 활동 및 경주 월성1호기 민간검증단 활동은 아직 정부, 지자체, 지역주민, 사업자 등 이해관계자들 간 충분한 사회적 합의를 끌어내지 못하였다는 사실을 보여 주었다. 하지만 이러한 활동들은 지역 주민들의 원전 안전에 대한 사회적 논의에 참여의 요구가 확대되고 있다는 사실을 말해주고 있다. 따라서 이러한 논의들이 다양한 갈등을 해결하기 위해서는 정부, 지자체, 지역 주민, 사업자 등 이해관계자들 간 충분한 사회적 합의를 끌어낼 필요가 있겠다. 이를 위해 다음의 3가지 방안을 제언하고자 한다. 첫째, 정부, 사업자, 지자체, 주민 등이 모두 참여하는 협력적 거버넌스로 운영되어야 한다. 둘째, 이해 관계자들의 절차적 정당성을 획득하기 위해서 투명성이 확보되어야 한다. 세째, 결과에 대해서는 공동으로 책임지는 거버넌스로 운영되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        삼국시대 식물질 축성재료에 대한 검토 - 경주 월성과 함안 성산산성을 중심으로

        안소현(Ahn, Sohyeon) 한국고고학회 2022 한국고고학보 Vol.- No.122

        월성 서성벽과 성산산성 동성벽의 식물유체 출토양상을 통해 삼국시대 성벽 축조에 관련된 식물질 재료의 구체적인 종류를 밝히고, 그 성격과 의미를 살펴보고자 하였다. 그 결과, 두 지역의 성벽 기저부에 포함된 식물유기체 구성물의 공통적인 특징을 발견할 수 있었다. 월성 서성벽의 기저부를 이루는 구성물은 곡물 껍질, 볏짚, 목재 가공 잔사, 목탄, 각종 종실류 등의 식물질 폐기물이 주를 이루고, 토기편, 동물뼈 등이 함께 포함되어 있다. 이와 같은 구성물의 조합은 일상생활의 다양한 활동으로 발생한 부산물로 보이며, 성산산성 동성벽의 기저부 조성 공정에 해당하는 부엽층의 구성물도 같은 맥락으로 추정하였다. 월성 서성벽 체성부에서는 농작부산물인 볏짚을 주재료로 하는 벼과식물의 줄기와 잎을 성토층 사이에 반복적으로 깔아 흙벽을 쌓아 올린 축조기법을 확인하였다. 볏짚은 높은 규산질을 함유하여 흡수 및 발수, 경도 면에서 우수한 재료로서 성벽 안정성에 기여했을 것으로 생각된다. 지금까지 부엽공법은 성토구조물의 견고한 축조를 위해 식물을 보강재로 이용하는 공법을 포괄적으로 이르는 용어로 사용되어 왔다. 이번 검토 결과로 밝혀진 성벽 축조에 관련된 식물유기체의 성격으로 본다면 생활에서 발생한 잡다한 식물 잔해를 대량으로 메워 기저부를 조성한 일종의 ‘매립 공정’과 나뭇가지 및 초본류의 정선된 재료를 성토층 사이에 까는 ‘부설 공정’으로 유형 구분하여 이해할 필요가 있다. 한편 선행연구를 바탕으로 성벽 기저부의 식물 포함양상이 성벽 축조에 앞서 행해진 의례를 의미하는 것일 가능성에 대한 논의 필요성을 제기하였다. 사원과 성 등의 고대 공공건축물의 기저부에서 발견되는 기초매납물(foundation deposits) 사례를 살펴보면, 이는 종종 재화와 음식물을 포함한 다수의 품목으로 구성된 대규모 제물의 흔적으로 추정되며, 쓰레기와 명확하게 구분되기 어렵기 때문이다. 월성과 성산산성의 사례와 같이 성벽의 문지 아래에서 발견되는 유물 및 동식물유체가 다량 혼재된 구성물의 조합은 폐기물처럼 보일 수 있지만, 그 일부는 의례의 결과물일 수도 있다는 점을 고려해야 한다. This research aims to examine the types and characteristics of plant materials used in ancient rampart construction techniques and their implications. For this, it analyzes the plant remains excavated from the west rampart of Wolseong and the east rampart of Seongsan Sanseong. The results of the analysis demonstrate some common characteristics of plant materials found in the base of the ramparts at both sites. In the case of Wolseong, plant wastes such as husk, rice straw, wood processing residues, charcoal, and various seeds and fruits form the majority of materials alongside some pottery fragments and animal bones. It is assumed that these materials, also found in the base of Seongsan Sanseong s east ramparts, were the by-products of various daily activities. For the technique of stacking up the main body of Wolseong s west rampart, crop by-products, such as rice straws and other Poaceae stems and leaves, were used. Rice straws are presumed to have contributed to the stability of the earthen walls due to their high concentration of silica, which made them excellent construction material with high water absorptivity and hardness. The “leaf mat method” has been used as a broad term referring to the use of plant materials for reinforcing earthen structures. This study suggests that the two distinctive processes which fall under this broad term should be distinguished. One is the “filling process” in which a large amount of miscellaneous plant debris from daily lives are stacked up. Another is the “laying process” in which selected substances, such as branches and herbaceous materials, are placed in between soil layers. In relation to the preceding research, this study suggests the possibility that, despite the rubbish-like appearance of the artifacts and ecofacts discovered from the doorway of the rampart, they may have been the remains of a foundation ritual.

      • KCI등재

        경주 월성북고분군 출토 대부완의 분류와 편년

        박형열,성학경 영남고고학회 2019 嶺南考古學 Vol.- No.83

        This writing is on the subject of “Pedestal bowl” and mainly focused on categorizing objects regarding shape-related differences, changes of those objects in timeline and the locations of Silla pottery in different historical periods. Pedestal bowl is Bowl with Pedestal attached to it, and it is recognized in two different sorts: Handle pedestal bowl, if it has Handle and Pedestal bowl, if it doesn't have Handle. In detailed categorization, Pedestal bowl can be called differently: Notched band with Pedestal bowl, if its body has Notched band and Patternless- bowl of heels if its body doesn't have Notched band. In other Silla pottery researches previously done, the term of Pedestal bowl is mixedly used with words such as Handle- cup and Pedestal dish, which contributes more difficulties to a recognition of changes of Silla pottery in a time frame. Sometimes, errors were encountered by researchers from Chronology of Pedestal dish because Silla pottery was mistakenly put in the same category with Pedestal dish. In those reasons, each specific sorts of Pedestal bowl need to be correctly recognized and examined along with Pedestal bowl, Long-neck jar, Short-neck jar as a sub-class sort of Silla pottery. In this review, the subjects are discussed as the following order. First, Pedestal bowl and Pedestal dish are put in different groups through the exact definition of terms, and Pedestal bowl is sub-categorized through comparisons of its shapes. Moreover, changes which can be observed from objects are reviewed in regards of time and marked in period terms, chronically. Finally, Pedestal bowl is studied in terms of its changes in a time frame, the specifics of which are based on chronical records of each sort, and tried to be located in the specific time slot in a larger category of Silla pottery. In the process of this study, I recognized that Notched band with Pedestal bowl and Patternless-bowl of heels are normally not discovered together in many cases. Moreover, Handle Pedestal bowl was considered to have gone through some periods of its changes in shapes which were similar to Notched band with Pedestal bowl, and those changes were accompanied by its decrease in size. Also, it was also seen that Pedestal dish and Long-neck jar were not normally buried together, and uncategorized middle or small sized tombs can be recognized chronically through studies of its Pedestal bowl. 본 글은 대부완을 대상으로 형태적 차이에 의한 기종분류와 각 세부 기종별 변화양상을 확인하고 신라토기에서의 시간적 위치에 대하여 살펴보았다. 대부완은 대각이 붙은 완으로 파수의 유무에 따라 파수가 있는 것은 파수대부완, 파수가 없는 것은 대부완으로 분류할 수 있으며, 대부완은 완신부에 돌대의 유무에 따라 있는 것은 돌대문 대부완, 없 는 것은 소문 대부완으로 구분할 수 있다. 기존 신라토기 연구에서는 대부완을 파배나 고배 등과 혼동하여 용어를 사용하므로 그 변화양상을 이해하기 힘들 거나 고배와 함께 분류되어 고배 편년에서 오류를 나타내는 경향도 관찰되었다. 이런 점에서 대부완의 각 세부 기종 을 구분할 필요가 있으며 신라토기의 한 기종으로 고배, 장경호, 단경호 등과 함께 연구되어야할 필요가 있다. 따라서 본 글에서는 다음의 순서로 글을 작성하였다. 먼저 용어 정리를 통해 대부완과 고배를 분리하고 대부완의 형태 비교를 통해 세부 기종을 나누었다. 다음 세부 기종별로 변화양상을 정리하고 각 기종별 편년을 하였다. 그리고 각 기종별 편년을 종합하여 대부완의 변화양상을 정리하고 신라토기 안에서의 시간적 위치를 검토하였다. 여기에서 알 수 있었던 점은 돌대문대부완과 소문대부완은 서로 공반되지 않는 경우가 많고 파수대부완은 크기가 작아지며 돌대문대부완과 비슷한 형태변화를 거치는 것을 확인하였다. 또한 고배와 장경호가 부장되지 않거나 확인불 가인 중소형 고분에서 대부완을 통한 시기구분이 가능할 수 있다는 점을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        신라 적석목곽분 기원 연구의 방향

        최병현(Choi Byung Hyun) 중앙문화재연구원 2016 중앙고고연구 Vol.0 No.21

        신라가 낙동강 이동지방을 지배하는 마립간시기, 즉 신라 전기에 수도 경주의 중심고분군에 출현한 적석목곽분은 지상적석식과 상부적석식의 두 유형이 큰 시차 없이 출현하여 각각 신라 중앙의 왕실과 귀족집단의 묘제로 조영되었다. 그러한 적석목곽분의 구조 가운데 묘곽의 형식이나 상부적석식의 묘광 내 목곽과 사방적석 등은 신라 조기 점토충전목곽묘와 석재충전목곽묘의 구조를 이어받은 것으로 보여, 그 기본적인 계승관계가 인정된다. 그러나 지상적석식 초기 대형분의 복잡한 내부구조와 거대 고총으로의 출현, 상부적석식에서 묘광 위의 상부적석과 호석으로 보호된 원형 고대봉토의 출현은 전시기 석재충전목곽묘로부터의 자생적인 진화·발전으로 보기 어렵다. 월성북고분군에서 고총 적석목곽분의 출현은 신라 조기 석재충전목곽묘로부터의 점진적인 변화·발전과정이라기보다는 여전히 신라 전기양식토기가 성립하는 4세기 중엽쯤의 돌연한 현상이었던 것으로 보인다. 신라는 사로국시기에도 외부 세계와 접해왔고, 고대국가로 성립하면서 중국에 견사하는 등 외부 세계와 접촉이 끊이지 않았다. 그러한 신라가 비약적으로 발전하는 마립간시기에 적석목곽분이 출현하여 왕실 무덤부터 고총화한 데에는 외부로부터 받은 자극이나 충격도 작용하였을 가능성이 있다. 이상이 신라 적석목곽분의 출현과 관련하여 아직 필자가 갖고 있는 기본적인 생각이지만, 필자의 주장을 포함하여 지금까지 학계에 제시된 신라 적석목곽분의 기원이나 계통론은 사실 모두 쉽게 입증되기 어려운 가설들일 뿐이다. 1990년대 초 울산 중산리유적의 발굴조사를 계기로 신라 적석목곽분의 목곽묘 자체발전설이 제기된 이후 이를 입증해 보려는 많은 노력이 있어 왔지만 별다른 성과는 보이지 않는다. 오히려 그동안의 연구에서는 목곽묘와 적석목곽분의 구조를 왜곡하거나 확대·과장한 해석들이 난무하였다. 가설을 입증하려는 노력은 더욱 계속되어야 하겠지만 정확한 사실들에 기초해야 하며, 그 과정에서 자료를 왜곡하거나 확대·과장하는 해석은 지양되어야 한다. 그보다는 차라리 미래의 새로운 자료 출현을 기다리는 것이 온당하다 During the Maripgan period, also known as the Early Silla phase, when the Silla state controlled the region east of the Nakdong River, wooden chamber tombs with stone mounds were constructed in the central burial grounds of the Gyeongju region, the capital of Silla. These wooden chamber tombs with stone mounds comprise two subtypes that appear almost simultaneously: the subtype with an above-ground burial chamber and the subtype with a subterranean burial chamber. They were used as the burials of the royalty and the aristocracy of the Silla center, respectively. Some architectural elements of the wooden chamber tombs with stone mounds, such as the burial chamber structure or the use of wooden panels or the packing of stones (in the case of the subtype with the subterranean burial chamber), can be understood as having been inherited from the wooden chamber tomb embellished with packed stones or packed clay of the Incipient Silla phase. As such, a continuity of traditions can be proposed. However, there are also elements that cannot be regarded as having developed from these earlier types of tombs. They are 1) the complicated internal structure of the early, large-scale, wooden chamber tombs that had burial chambers located above ground; 2) the construction of the enormous ‘high mounds’; 3) the addition of stones on top of the wooden burial chamber structure (in the case of the wooden chamber tomb with a subterranean burial chamber); and 4) the use of a circular earthen mound surrounded by a circle of protective stones. As such, the appearance of stone chamber tombs with stone ‘high mounds’ at the Wolseong North Burial Grounds can be regarded as a phenomenon that appeared abruptly around the mid-4th century, when the Early Silla pottery style came to be established, rather than as the result of a gradual development from the wooden chamber embellished with stone packing of the Incipient Silla phase. Even during the Saroguk phase, Silla established links with the outside world; with its formation as an ancient state, Silla continued to maintain these links, for example sending envoys to China. During the Maripgan period, which witnessed the rapid development of the Silla state, wooden chamber tombs with stone mounds emerged and those used as royal tombs came to be embellished with ‘high mounds’. It may be that this change was generated by foreign influences. The author’s basic understanding of the process by which the Silla wooden chamber tomb with stone mound originated, as outlined above, is admittedly based on assumptions that are not easily proven – this is the same for other theories regarding the origins and lineage of this tomb type. Following the excavation of the Jungsan-ri site, in Ulsan, in the early 1990s, some researchers have come to propose that the wooden chamber tomb with stone mound developed indigenously from the wooden chamber tomb. However, although much effort has come to be invested, this has yet to be proven. In the meantime, interpretations based on distortions or exaggeration of the structure of wooden chamber tombs or wooden chamber tombs with stone mounds have been rife. As such, it can be argued that efforts to prove the proposed theories regarding these tombs must be based on facts, and that a distortion or exaggeration of these facts should be discouraged. A better strategy may be to sit back and wait for the future discovery of new archaeological material.

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