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        중학교 운동선수의 팀 유형 및 성적과 집단응집력의 관계

        박재만(Jae-Man Park),백승엽(Seung-Yup Baek) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2013 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.7 No.2

        본 연구는 중학교 운동선수의 팀 유형 및 성적과 집단응집력의 관계를 규명하려는 것이다. 이에 따른 연구대상으로는 각 종목 경기연맹에 등록되어 있는 중학교 운동선수로 팀 유형과 성적별로 총 246명을 표집하였다. 중학교 운동선수의 집단응집력을 측정하기 위한 검사지로는 Carron, Widmeyer 와 Brawley(1985)가 개발한 집단환경 질문지를 토대로 이한규와 김병현(1994)이 우리나라 스포츠 팀 실정에 적합하게 개발하여 사용한 검사지를 사용하였다. 중학교 운동선수의 집단응집력을 스포츠 팀 유형과 성적별로 평균과 표준편차를 산출하고, 평균 차이를 검증하기 위하여 이원변량분석을 실시해 본 결과 다음과 같은 유의한 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 중학교 운동선수의 팀 유형과 성적별 개인적-사회응집력은 성적별로는 성적 상위집단의 경우에는 개인종목 선수들이, 팀 유형별로는 개인종목의 경우에는 성적 상위집단이, 단체종목의 경우에는 성적 하위집단이 더 높았다. 둘째, 중학교 운동선수의 팀 유형과 성적별 집단적-사회응집력은 성적별로는 하위집단 선수들이, 팀 유형별로는 개인종목 선수들이 더 높았다. 셋째, 중학교 운동선수의 팀 유형과 성적별 개인적-과제응집력은 성적별로는 성적 상위집단의 경우에는 개인종목 선수들이, 팀 유형별로는 단체종목의 경우에는 성적 하위 집단이 더 높았다. 마지막으로 중학교 운동선수의 팀 유형과 성적별 집단적-과제응집력은 성적별로는 성적 상위집단의 경우에는 개인종목 선수들이, 팀 유형별로는 단체종목의 경우에는 성적 하위집단이 더 높았다. The purpose of this study was to exam the relationship between middle school student athletes’ group cohesion and team pattern and record. The subjects were composed of a total of 246 middle school athletes. They were categorized by team pattern and record. The questionnaire to measure group cohesion was a version made by Lee and Kim(1994) based on Carron, Widmeyer and Brawley(1985)’s collective-environment questionnaire. To conduct the subjects; group cohesion, the researcher examined the M and SD, conducted ANOVA to test mean differences. The followings are the findings. First, the test on the subjects’ individual-social cohesion by team pattern and record reveals that in case of high-record groups, individual-sport players had more cohesion than team-sport players and that in case of individual-sport by team pattern, the high-record group had more cohesion than their counterpart and that in case of group sports, the low-record group had higher cohesion than the high-record group. Second, the test on collective-social cohesion indicates that by record the low-record group players had more cohesion than their counterparts and that by team pattern, the individual-sport players had more cohesion than their collective-sport players. Third, the test on individual-task cohesion indicates that by record the low-record group players had more cohesion than their counterparts. Fourth, the test on collective-task cohesion indicates that by record the high-record group players had more cohesion than their counterparts and that by team pattern in case of the group sports, the low-record player groups had more cohesion than their counterparts.

      • KCI등재

        Group-level Diversity and Performance: An Exploration of Mediators

        성지영 아시아.유럽미래학회 2018 유라시아연구 Vol.15 No.1

        This study examines the inter-relationship between diversity (demographic and information), cohesion (social and task) and performance at the group level. Data were collected from 99 work teams in an electronic equipment manufacturing firm in Korea. Based on social categorization and information/decision-making perspectives, this study proposes that group cohesion mediates the relationship between work group diversity and group performance. Given various dimensions of diversity, this paper focuses on age composition for demographic diversity and organizational tenure as a criterion for information diversity. It is hypothesized that social (interpersonal) cohesion mediates the relationship between demographic (i.e., age) diversity and group performance, and that task cohesion functions as a mediator between information (i.e., organizational tenure) diversity and group performance. In the first stage of analysis of the relationship between group diversity and cohesion, it was found that age diversity is negatively associated with social cohesion, but organizational tenure diversity is positively related to task cohesion. Diverse age composition in the workgroup weakens social cohesion. On the other hand, organizational tenure diversity enhances task-related group cohesion. Greater information diversity with respect to diverse organizational tenure produces more elaboration and expansion of task-relevant information because members are more likely to possess multiple concerns and agendas and to hold more comprehensive knowledge that will enable them to locate the best solutions for the team task. This result has interesting implications for research into the effects of demographic and information diversity on performance at the group level. In the second stage relating to mediation, the results show that task cohesion positively transmits the effect of information diversity to group performance. However, social cohesion no longer functions as a mediator between demographic diversity and group performance. The present study contributes to the literature on both diversity and group cohesion. On the issue of diversity, both demographic and information diversity constitute a valuable source of variability in organizations. Social and task group cohesion increase the benefits of team diversity by fostering enlarged pools of ideas and perspectives. Task group cohesion also ensures that information disparities among team members do not to lead to harmful effects of diversity as long as optimal team composition is properly managed. This study extends and enhances explanations of how diversity and group cohesion matter in teams. Social and task group cohesion are necessary components of a more complete picture of how diversity influences group performance. The results reflect the fact that the substantive effect of diversity is transmitted through group cohesion. Based on the findings and discussion presented in the present study, practical implications are provided to the organizations seeking to cope with an increasingly diverse workforce at the same time attaining high performance. In this study, an integrative model is tested incorporating the influences of work team diversity and cohesion to reveal and examine inconsistencies found in the extant literature on diversity. Hopefully, the results of this study may constitute the basis for expanding the body of knowledge concerning multifaceted relationships between diversity, cohesion and performance.

      • KCI등재

        집단 다양성과 사회적 응집성의 관계: 비선형관계의 탐색

        성지영 ( Jee Young Seong ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2016 유라시아연구 Vol.13 No.4

        This study extends and enhances explanations of how work group diversity is associated with social cohesion in teams. This study developed a framework to predict social cohesion as viewed from social categorization and information-decision making perspectives, and proposes that work group diversity influences important team outcomes. The study examined the effect of three dimensions of diversity― age, gender and rank (hierarchical status)―on social cohesion in 27 teams of a marine transport company in South Korea. Previous research on the relationship between work group diversity and group outcomes has produced inconsistent results. This study addresses this issue by examining the relationship between work group diversity and social cohesion that is particularly relevant when considering group composition. It examined the possibility that the relationship between work group diversity and social cohesion is curvilinear in nature. The results showed that there exists an inverted U-shaped curvilinear relationship between rank diversity and group social cohesion. As rank diversity increases, the intensity of social cohesion at the group level is raised, but only up to a certain point and beyond that, social cohesion is expected to reduce. This result implies that a high level of rank diversity does not necessarily guarantee a high level of group social cohesion. As to the effect of age diversity and gender diversity on group social cohesion, no significant curvilinear relationship was found between both age and gender diversity and social cohesion. The interaction effect of age diversity and gender diversity on group social cohesion was found significant. Age diversity and gender diversity interacted to affect group social cohesion in such a way that the effect of age diversity on group social cohesion was stronger when gender diversity is low than when gender diversity is high. However, the interaction effect of gender diversity and rank diversity on group social cohesion was only marginally significant, and the interaction effect of age diversity and rank diversity was statistically insignificant. The effect of gender diversity on group social cohesion is much greater when age diversity is high than when age diversity is low. In other words, when gender diversity is low, groups with higher age diversity show much lower level of group social cohesion than the groups with lower age diversity. But when gender diversity is high, little difference was found between low and high age diversity groups in their social cohesion. In sum, this study reported an inverted U-shaped relationship between work group diversity and social cohesion. After passing that peak of rank diversity, higher rank diversity does not enhance, but hampers, the degree of group social cohesion. This study also attempted to examine whether sub-dimensions of socio-demographic diversity interactively affect group outcomes. The results indicated that age diversity and gender diversity interact to affect group social cohesion. The interaction effect of age diversity and gender diversity on group social cohesion needs more explanation. The results of this study rendered interesting implications for future research into the effects of demographic diversity on group outcomes. It provided an alternative way of explaining the effect of diversity in work teams on group social cohesion. In the context of work group diversity, this study focused on the interaction of different dimensions of diversity. It contributes to the literature on both diversity and group cohesion. Theoretically, this study combined the information/decision-making and social categorization perspectives into the categorization-elaboration model (CEM). With respect to diversity, demographic diversity constitutes a valuable source of variability. The synergistic effect of sub-dimensions of demographic diversity catalyzes group social cohesion. To extend these results further, it would be of great interest to examine the impact of these factors on the relationship between diversity and group social cohesion more systematically. Further research is needed to provide insights into the outcomes of demographic diversity. The benefits of team diversity may be enhanced by encouraging enlarged pools of ideas and competing perspectives in teams. The implications of these results for future research and practice are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠사회학 : 체조선수들의 선수만족과 집단응집력에 관한 연구

        김명철(MyoungChulKim),노영태(YoungTaeRoh) 한국체육학회 2005 한국체육학회지 Vol.44 No.5

        How do gymnasts to recognize satisfaction of athlete and group cohesion level? The purpose of this study was to investigate prove the relation of satisfaction of athlete and group cohesion The subjects of this study were middle school gymnasts, high school gymnasts, and college gymnasts in Korea Gymnastic Association. 400 data were gathered and 391 data of them were analyzed excluding 9 false data. Satisfaction of Athlete was classified in to task achievement satisfaction social interaction satisfaction and coaching directions satisfaction. Group cohesion was classified in to group task oriented cohesion, group social oriented cohesion, individual task oriented cohesion and individul social oriented cohesion The frequancy analysis and MANOVA were performed, using SPSS WIN 11.0 Ver program as statistical method. The result of these researches was as fallow, first, The showed was in task achievement satisfaction, social interaction satisfaction and coaching directions satisfaction, that is in all part of satisfaction of athletes, male gymnasts were higher than female gymnasts, second, Gymnasts who had experienced winnig more than 7 time prizes was higher in task achievement satisfaction, social interaction satisfaction and coaching directions satisfaction third, The showed was in group task oriented cohesion, group social oriented cohesion, individual task oriented cohesion and individul social oriented cohesion, that is in all part of group cohesion, male gymnasts was higher than female gymnasts, forth, Gymnasts who had experienced winning more than 7 time prizes was higher in group task oriented cohesion, group social oriented cohesion, individual task oriented cohesion and individul social oriented cohesion of group cohesion.

      • KCI등재후보

        Group Size에 따른 게임활동 및 수행성적과 집단응집력의 관계

        권순일(Kwon Soon-Il),김승재(Kim Seung-Jae) 한국체육과학회 2003 한국체육과학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        The present study implemented a series of game activities (18-20 games of simplified basketball for each team in the form of full-league games) for 16 weeks to 10 teams for 4:4 games, 5 for 6:6, 5 for 9:9, and 4 for 12: 12 to determine the influence of game activities performed with different group Size on the group cohesion of children. To measure the degree of group cohesion, the items testing group cohesion were derived respectively from the GEQ (Group Environmental Questionnaire) and the Personality Inventory (PI) - GEQ was developed by Carron, Widmeyer, and Brawley (1985) based on the definitions. After the tests of validity and reliability, 17 items of group cohesion measurement tools were written ultimately. Finally, after the pre- and post-tests, collected data were statistically processed using the SPSS/PC+10.0 statistical package. The result is as follows: 1. As a result of analyzing the changes in the overall group cohesion comparing the experimental and control groups, it was found that there were significant differences between the two groups (p<.001). Therefore, hypothesis 1 (i.e, there will be no differences in the development of group cohesion in the fifth-grade elementary school students before and after the game activities of simplified basketball) was rejected. 1-1. As a result of conducting a one-way ANOVA to rank the groups with different Size by the degree of cohesion improvement, there seemed to be a significant difference in their improvement (F=1074, p<.001) The post-test on the rate of change after the game implementation demonstrated that {4 3} and {2 1} are homogeneous groups. The change rates in group cohesion can be ranked as follows: 6:6>4:4>9:9>12:12 game groups (from the highest to the lowest). 2. As a result of analyzing the changes in overall group cohesion depending on the performance, it was found that there was a statistically significant difference between the winner and loser groups (p<.001). Therefore, hypothesis 1-4 (i.e, performance result will not have an influence on the development of group cohesion) was rejected.

      • 군자적 리더십이 집단 효능감과 집단 응집성에 미치는 영향

        류수영(Ryu, Su Young),이경묵(Lee, Kyungmook) 한국인사관리학회 2009 한국인사관리학회 학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.2009 No.3

        본 논문은 군자적 리더십이 집단 효능감과 집단 응집성에 미치는 영향을 밝히는 연구이다. 이를 위해 리더에 대한 신뢰가 군자적 리더십과 집단 효능감 및 집단 응집성의 관계를 매개하는 지를 검토하였다. 가설 검증을 위해 18개 국내 기업의 99개 팀으로부터 개인 데이터를 수집하여 집단 수준의 데이터로 변환하여 분석하였다. 동일방법오류 문제를 해결하기 위해 데이터를 십자설계(criss-cross design)하였고, 매개모형검증을 위해 Baron & Kenny(1986)가 제안한 방식에 따라 회귀분석을 하였다. 리더에 대한 신뢰의 매개효과를 검증한 결과, 군자적 리더십이 리더에 대한 신뢰를 매개하여 집단 효능감과 집단 응집성에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구결과는 군자적 리더십이 리더에 대한 신뢰를 바탕으로 리더십의 효과성을 얻는다는 것을 발견하였다는 점에서 주요한 의의가 있다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 본 연구의 이론적, 실천적 시사점과 연구의 한계 및 미래 연구방향에 대해 논의하였다. This study aims to reveal the influncing mechanism of Kunja‟s leadership on group efficacy and group cohesion. We tested the traditional assumption on leadership that trust is the core of leadership and the effective leaders should be trusted by their subordinates, otherwise, they could not lead or affect on their people and make desirable performance. Therefore, we propose main hypothesis that Kunja‟s leadership would affect on group efficacy and group cohesion mediated by trust in leader. To identify the mediating effects of trust in the leader on the relationship between Kunja‟s leadership, and group efficacy and group cohesion, we collected 99 team data from 18 domestic organizations. We considered a basic team data set as the team consisted of 6 members and each team data were randomly divided into two sub-teams. Next, independent variables and dependent variables of each sub-team were crossed each other to avoid common method bias problem (Podsakoff et al., 2003). We performed the regression analysis for testing the mediating roles of trust in the leader following the procedures of Baron & Kenny(1986). According to Baron & Kenny(1986), to identify mediating roles of trust in the leader between Kunja‟s leadership, and group efficacy and group cohesion in this study, Kunja‟s leadership must significantly affect on trust in the leader in step 1. Next, trust in the leader must significantly influence on group efficacy and group cohesion respectively in step 2. And the coefficient of Kunja‟s eadership in step 3 must be smaller than that of in step 1 after controlling trust in the leader and trust in the leader must significantly impact on group efficacy and group cohesion respectively. The results show that trust in the leader perfectly and strongly mediate the relationship between Kunja‟s leadership, and group efficacy and group cohesion respectively (see <Table 1>). Table 2 shows the significance of regression coefficients difference of Kunja‟s leadership between in step 1 and in step 3. Sobel test also supports the mediating roles of trust in the leader. We can deduce three implications from our results. First, Kunja‟s leadership is the effective leadership concept to explain and predict group dynamics, group efficacy and group cohesion, contributing to group performance. In addition, this result supports nomological validity of Kunja‟s leadership. Second, Kunja‟s leadership would be much better concept to explain and predict trust in the leader than other leadership models (e.g. transformational leadership). It is possible that sincerity(信) and righteousness(義) included Kunja‟s leadership model would reinforce a leader to cultivate self in the individual level and to practice socialized power as an agent in the higher level. These properties of Kunja‟s leadership would contribute to overcome the inauthenticity of transformational leaders, for example, abusing or deceiving members‟ needs for leaders‟ self interests and limitations of authentic leadership arising from extremely emphasizing on the self separated from contexts. Third, strong supporting of mediating effects of trust in the leader implies that leaders must obtain trust from their people before directing them what to do. According to these results, if leaders follow the principle of Kunja‟s leadership, then they would necessarily obtain trust from their people. Otherwise, they cannot lead positive members‟ working attitude such as high group efficacy and group cohesion and these interrupt leaders to motivate their people toward goals they want to reach and to produce allocated group performance. Our research cannot show how Kunja‟s leadership facilitates and develops members‟ trust in the leader in detail. We attribute this to it that we treated and measured trust as one dimension. Therefore, we suggest for the future research that multi

      • KCI우수등재

        스포츠심리학 : 고교 축구선수의 집단응집력 개념 구조

        홍성찬(SungChanHong),정청희(ChungHeeChung) 한국체육학회 2004 한국체육학회지 Vol.43 No.6

        This study was to verify and confirm the conceptual structure of group cohesion by abstracting the factors consisting of group cohesion in high school football players. Through the pilot test, We chose the open-questionnaire, collected the factors consisting of the group cohesion in high school football players from 193 football players and analyzed the results through the inductive method. Consequently, 615 group cohesion cases have been collected. Basic 117 case data of group cohesion have been collected by excluding similar or repeated resulting data. The data were classified according to 24 detail domains and 13 general territories such as support, motivation, conversation, position, environment, interaction, respect, effort, role, goal, spirit, estimation, and compensation respectively. On the basis of integral results of open-questionnaire by categorization, the 78 questions for group cohesion of high school football players have been developed and revised in two sequences. The first revision was pre-investigated to 89 students at 3 different high schools. In the second revision grasping suitability and clearness of questions through the expert meeting , We cleared 29 questions and selected the 49 questions. There were two actual investigations. Based on the exploratory factor analysis, we confirmed 12 questions in 4 factors such as goal(3 questions), effort (3 questions), support (3 questions), and motivation(3 questions) in the second actual data analysis. The values of confirmatory factor analysis showed a roughly good agreement standard. Inconclusion, conceptual structure of group cohesion of high school football players is composed of 4 general factors as follow: goal, effort, support and motivation showing agreement with the preceding studies about group cohesion. In addition, as reflecting Korean cultural characteristics, this is to say that specific traits as high school students and a sport "football" were influenced.

      • KCI등재후보

        중ㆍ고등학교 태권도 선수들의 자아존중감과 집단응집력 분석

        안효자(An Hyo-Ja),정성필(Chung Sung-Pil),박은석(Park Eun-Seok),김공(Kim Kong) 한국체육과학회 2009 한국체육과학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        This study is aimed at grasping the actuality of group cohesion which has a significant influence on Taekwon-do trainees' socialization, group stabilization, and continuous solidarity, investigating the level of self-respect, and putting into practical use the materials as fundamental data for enhancing middle school players and high school players' self-respect and cohesion. The results are as followings. First, middle school and high school Taekwon-do players' sex and grade didn't have a significant difference in self-respect and cohesion. Religion had a significant difference in the group atmosphere of cohesion. The players having religions such as catholicism and buddhism made better group atmosphere than those who didn't have a religion. Second, middle school and high school Taekwon-do layers' current poom(grade) and prize-winning history didn't have a significant difference in self-respect and cohesion. Players' career had a significant difference in negative self-respect and group atmosphere of cohesion. The players with longer than three years' career had a higher negative self-respect than those with shorter than three years' career. The players with shorter than three years' career made a better group atmosphere than those with longer than three years' career. Third, affirmative self-respect factors had a statistically significant (+) influence on cohesion acceptance and group participation, but negative self-respect factors had a statistically significant (-) influence on cohesion group atmosphere. Generally speaking, group living through sports player living in adolescence may have a negative factor on player living and school living for middle school and high school Taekwon-do players, which may also have a direct influence on adolescent sports players' score and academic score. Even if outer aspects such as playing skills and physical ability should have an affirmative influence, players may have a difficulty in skill promotion and player living without psychological systematic management such as cohesion through players' self-respect and group living aided by parents.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠 사회학 : 고교야구 팀의 커뮤니케이션 만족과 선수 사기(morale) 및 집단 응집력의 관계

        최영래(YoungLaeChoi),홍미화(MiHwaHong),원영신(YoungShinWon) 한국체육학회 2005 한국체육학회지 Vol.44 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze if the satisfaction of communication affects team moral and group cohesion among high school baseball teams.201 high school baseball players selected by stratified cluster random sampling in Seoul and Kyongggi-Do participated in this study and self-assessment was adapted in this study.Factor analysis, scale reliability analysis, co-relation analysis and multiple regression analysis were done by the collected data.The result of this study were as follow.First, individual desire was significant for communication with coaches, head coaches and other team players, and satisfaction of communication when the satisfaction of communication was analyzed to the moral of the players. For team desire, communication with coach and other players had significant differences.Second, the variable, the satisfaction of communication with coaches, had significant differences for group centered socially oriented cohesion, individual centered task oriented cohesion, group centered task oriented cohesion, and individual centered socially oriented cohesion. when the satisfaction of communication was analyzed to the group cohesion. The variable, satisfaction of communication with the head coaches, group centered task oriented cohesion; the variable, the satisfaction of communication with other team players, affected group centered task oriented cohesion, group centered socially oriented cohesion, individual centered socially oriented cohesion.

      • KCI등재

        업무적 및 사회적 그룹일체성에 영향을 미치는 사무공간 디자인 특성 고찰

        이소영 대한건축학회 2006 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.22 No.6

        The workplace environment has rapidly evolved in response to changing technologies, organizational contexts, demographic changes, etc. Open offices with panel based systems have often provided rigid workspaces, which are insufficient to support growing needs of collaborative activities and individual activities simultaneously. Flexible workplace strategy has been emphasized to increase informal communication and collaborative works, and to contribute to group cohesiveness without sacrificing individual works and privacy. The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of physical environmental features such as existence of a designated shared space for a team, and flexible arrangement of workstation, movable office systems, and openness/accessibility for individual workstation, on group cohesiveness. Questionnaire items were developed for this study. Questionnaires were distributed to office employees working in manufacturing corporate in Michigan, U.S.A. Usable 384 questionnaire were analyzed for this study using SPSS 12. Site visits were also conducted. Employees who work in a team are likely to have higher task group cohesiveness. Participants who have a designated shared space have higher social group cohesiveness than people who do not have one. The degree of enclosure of the designated shared space is positively related to social group cohesiveness. However, the degree of enclosure is not related to task group cohesiveness. The results found that flexible work environmental features are positively related to task group cohesiveness but not to social group cohesiveness. Different from expectation, openness and accessibility were not significantly related to either task group cohesiveness or social group cohesiveness.

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