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        조선 초기 목조건축물 상부가구 도리열 구조의 공포 형상 적용 및 변형

        이우종 대한건축학회지회연합회 2017 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.19 No.3

        이 연구에서는 조선 초의 여러 건물의 실내 도리 하부를 지지하기 위한 구조를 결구할 때 도리 방향의 수평재들, 즉 도리장혀와 뜬창방을 주두, 소로, 첨차, 화반 등과 어떤 방식으로 조합하여 공포의 형상, 즉 공포의 결구 방식 및 장식성을 실내 상부가구에 도입하였는지를 살펴보았다. 그 결과 다포계와 주심포계에서 각각 특징적인 기법을 발견할 수 있었다. 우선 다포계의 초기 건물들에서는 도리 하부에 간략하게 재현한 공포들을 수평재 사이의 주간에 늘어놓아 상부공포대를 형성하는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 주심포계에서는 수평재들 위아래와 사이사이에 주두, 소로, 또는 첨차 등을 추가하여 대공이나 내주 위의 지지점에 유사 공포조직을 형성하는 방식으로 상부가구에 공포 형상을 구현하였다. 이들 두 방식은 조선 초의 가장 이른 시기인 15세기 초까지는 각각 상당히 독자적인 성격과 질서체계를 유지하는 것으로 보인다. 하지만 15세기 후반으로 넘어가면서 일부 건물들에서 질서가 흐트러지고 두 계통의 수법이 서로 뒤섞이는 모습을 볼 수 있다. 그리고 1484년의 개심사 대웅전 상부가구에서는 상부공포대와 유사 공포조직이 서로 상당한 정도로 융합된 결과물이 나타난다. The purpose of this study is to show the systems of purlin-row frameworks in roof structures which include horizontal wood parts under pulins(dori) such as dorijanghyeos(wood strips supporting purlins) and ddeunchangbangs(lintels crossing in the roof structures) in wood buildings of early Joseon period, and their conditions of adapting shapes of gongpo system for structural and ornamental solutions. In dapo type buildings of late 14th and early 15th century, sangbugongpodaes(upper layer of gongpo in roof structures) were structured between dorijanghyeos and ddeunchangbangs, with cheomchas(bracket arm), soros(small supporting wooden blocks) and bokhwabans(decorated wooden board of camel’s hump). In Jusimpo type buildings of early 15th century, horizontal parts under pulins were directly thrusted into the frames of cheomchas, soros and judus(capitals) to form analogues of gongpo systems. In late 15th century, the orders of both methods disturbed and they were fused and transformed drastically in the roof structure of Gaesimsa Daeungjeon.

      • AI 객체검출 기계학습 시 공포상세도의 첨차 중첩 미인식 사례 연구

        전해완(Chun, Hae-Wan),이승재(Lee, Seungjae),류성룡(Ryoo, Seong-Lyong) 대한건축학회 2022 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.42 No.2

        This study focuses on the AI object detection errors of Chum-Cha parts in Gongpo detail drawing. AI object detection is to detect four main components such as Ju-du, Soro, Sal-mi, and Chum-cha in Gongpo, and its performance and analysis are essential to developing AI-based CAD applications. We found Chum-Cha detection errors in the overlapped drawing parts. The Chum-Cha parts in the Gongpo detail drawing are represented without elevation difference, so AI object detection makes an error. We examine various cases of Chum-Cha parts, and experimental results confirm our analysis.

      • 주심포 공포 AI 객체검출 기계학습시 도면 표현과 부재 인식 과정의 관련성 연구

        이준규(Lee, June-Kyu),전해완(Chun, Hae-Wan),이승재(Lee, Seung-Jae),류성룡(Ryoo, Seong-Lyong) 대한건축학회 2022 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.42 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the judgment of AI object detection by comparing the method of traditional architecture experts and the results of AI object detection. The results of AI object detection for Gongpo members can be summarized as follows. First, AI object detection understands the structure of Gongpo even if several members are overlapped in the drawing. Second, when AI recognizes Gongpo members, it determines based on the location and relationship of the members, which is not very different from the criteria distinguished by experts. Third, in addition to the location and relationship of the member, the shape of the member is also used, but it is not yet completely distinguished.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        다포불전 공포의 외목도리 지지 방식에 관한 연구

        김효장 ( Hyo Jang Kim ),신웅주 ( Woong Ju Shin ) 조선대학교 공학기술연구원 2014 공학기술논문지 Vol.7 No.1

        This study aims to verify the correlation between the change of bracket structure and changes in overall size focusing on the meaning of vertical expansion of Dapo style Buddhist hall s bracket structure in Joseon era. At the same time, by analyzing the features and structuring method, it classifies styles. Then, verifies the root cause of changes through comparative analysis. 1. The study analyzed the different styles of Dapo style Buddhist halls by analyzing the cross section of bracket structure at top part of pillars. Classifying by time, it was found that it is not a specific trend in certain era but modifications were made when required. 2. From the observation into heights of each structure of each style, Sal-mi bracket arm type appeared to have the highest average height of bracket and this is likely to be coming from the difference in the number of Je-gong. 3. Looking into the size and Chulmok interval depending on number of Chulmok of Dapo style Buddhist halls, different Chulmok intervals were observed even from the buildings with same number of Chulmok. This study, to clarify the features of Dapo style architecture in Joseon era, verifies the correlation between the change of bracket sets and changes in overall size focusing on the meaning of vertical expansion of bracket structure, and can be a basic data for reference when designing Dapo style Buddhist halls.

      • KCI등재

        조선말기 궁궐건축의 다포계 공포의 살미 조형에 관한 연구

        양태현(Yang Tae-Hyeon),천득염(Cheon Deuk-Youm) 대한건축학회 2011 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.27 No.8

        The architectures of DaPo type had developed being used for the main buildings of palaces and temples, the development has been more specially on the design than the construction. The existing buildings like the Kunjongjon in GyeongBok-gung, the Injungjun in the Changduk-gung and the Junghwajeon, in the Deoksu Gung are Royal Palaces including the technical and the idea from the epoch when Salmi(an elaborate curlicue ornamentation at the top of a pillar) had spent years perfecting its design. The Korean traditional wooden architectures have developed and been more important on an overall harmony than in part. SalMi is really necessary for the formation of GongPo(bracket) and in suit with the architectures, being changed from the length to diagonal lines angle to diagonal cuttings angle to curvature on the DanBu(end of zones) The efforts for the design had sublimated the balance and harmony, it was enough to appear the great glory and magnificence on the architectures of Dapo type of the 19th royal palaces with Chogak style and Wungong style. The aim of study is to understand the feature of SalMi considering the length, the diagonal lines angle, the diagonal cuttings angle and curvature on the DanBu on the architectures of Dapo type of the 19th royal palaces.

      • KCI등재

        일출목 초익공 공포의 기원과 변천

        전해완,류성룡 한국건축역사학회 2020 건축역사연구 Vol.29 No.3

        In Korean traditional architecture, the Gong-po style is divided into the Jusimpo, Dapo and Ikgong. Jusimpo and Chulmok-Ikong, where only Gong-po is placed on the column, differ in form of Gong-po depending on the viewpoint. Since ‘Chulmok-Ikgong’ has been generally regarded as ‘One Chulmok-Two Ikgong’, the precedent researches have been conducted mainly on ‘One Chulmok-Two Ikgong’ in the Gong-po style classification. However, when it comes to ‘One Chulmok’, the style of Ikgong can be organized from the one to three steps and this study is particularly for examining the occurrence and transformation of ‘One Chulmok-One Ikgong’. One of the case study sites, Bonghwa Cheongamjeong was originally built in the 16th century, and is believed to have been repaired from ‘Non Chulmok-One Ikgong’ to ‘One Chulmok-One Ikgong’. Since the beam linked directly to the upper part of a capital, it does not connect the eave trave(architrave) in between. Also, Soro which supports Jangyeo(the architrave strip) has been placed and linked in comparatively lower position. It is confirmed by the signigicant difference in the hierarchy of Gong-po forms in one architecture. The Jeonju-Hyanggyo Daeseongjeon, which was built in the 17th century among the subjects, was similar with ‘One Chulmok-One Ikgong’, but it was found to be the type of Jusimpo form because the bottom of the beam and the top of the Ikong are apart. And Gongan is confirmed at Cheomcha. In the 17th century, it can be seen that Heot-Cheomcha disappeared and Ikgong was started to use as a constant figure. The end of the 18th century, it can be seen that it was changed into a ornament added on Haeng-gong, being seen in the case of Hwaseong Dongjangdae. In conclusion, it can be seen that ‘One Chulmok-One Ikgong’ were developed in both the Jusimpo and Ikong style. The transformation into ‘One Chulmok-One Ikgong’ was inevitable consequence related with an elevation difference between the eave trave and the column trave. 출목익공 이라고 하면 일출목 이익공만을 생각하는 것이 일반적이다. 하지만 출목이 하나 있을 때 익공이 한개 사용되는 건축부터 세개 사용되는 건축까지 다양하게 확인된다. 그 중 일출목 초익공은 무출목 초익공과 공포의 기본 단수는 같고, 처마도리가 추가되면서 일출목 초익공 형태가 되는 것에 착안하여 일출목 초익공 건축의 발생과 변화양상에 주안점을 두었다. 봉화 청암정은 16세기 창건된 건물로 본래 무출목 초익공형식에서 일출목 초익공으로 보수된 것으로 추정되는데 보뺄목이 주두 상부에서 직절되어 처마도리를 받칠 수 없음에도 불구하고 처마도리장여 하부의 소로가 주두 결구 높이보다 하부에 위치하는 점, 하나의 건축 내 공포 형식의 위계 차이가 크다는 점에서 확인된다. 17세기 초반에 건축된 전주향교 대성전은 주심포 형식으로 살미가 상부의 보뺄목과 떨어져 있는 형태이다. 17세기에는 헛첨차가 사라진 일정한 모습이 널리 사용됨을 알 수 있으며 18세기 말에는 수원화성 동장대와 같이 행공을 추가한 의장적인 형태로 변화함을 알 수 있다. 결론적으로 일출목 초익공 건축은 헛첨차의 주심포 공포 중 전주향교 대성전과 같은 형식에서 발전하였다. 무출목 초익공에서 일출목 초익공으로의 변화는 처마도리의 위치 및 주심도리 하부 부재의 높이 차이로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        다포불전 공포의 외목도리 지지에 관한 연구

        김효장,신웅주 대한건축학회지회연합회 2015 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.17 No.4

        This study aims to verify the correlation between the change of bracket structure and changes in overall size focusing on the meaning of vertical expansion of Dapo style Buddhist hall’s bracket structure in Joseon era. At the same time, by analyzing the features and structuring method, it classifies styles. Then, verifies the root cause of changes through comparative analysis. 1. The study analyzed the different styles of Dapo style Buddhist halls by analyzing the cross section of bracket structure at top part of pillars. Classifying by time, it was found that it is not a specific trend in certain era but modifications were made when required. 2. From the observation into heights of each structure of each style, Sal-mi bracket arm type appeared to have the highest average height of bracket and this is likely to be coming from the difference in the number of Je-gong. 3. Looking into the size and Chulmok interval depending on number of Chulmok of ‘Dapo’ style Buddhist halls, different Chulmok intervals were observed even from the buildings with same number of Chulmok. This study, to clarify the features of Dapo style architecture in Joseon era, verifies the correlation between the change of bracket sets and changes in overall size focusing on the meaning of vertical expansion of bracket structure, and can be a basic data for reference when designing Dapo style Buddhist halls.

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