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        국제영어에 대한 국내 문헌 분석과 초등영어교육에 대한 시사점: 다중언어주의 관점에서

        조현희 현대영미어문학회 2023 현대영미어문학 Vol.41 No.4

        This study aimed to identify the main issues discussed in the literature on global Englishes published in Korea and to derive implications for primary English education. Journals from 1997 to 2023 were collected from the Korea Education and Research Information Service database using search terms such as ‘world Englishes’, ‘English as a world language’, ‘global Englishes’, ‘English as a global language’, and ‘lingua franca English’. The articles were categorized by topic and analyzed for their major findings. The common theme woven throughout the articles was the recognition by both primary teachers and students of the importance of teaching and learning global English varieties. However, there was a tendency to rely on North American English standards, reflecting the hegemonic world order influenced by native speaker ideology. This had a negative influence on teachers and students in gaining competence as an English speaker. Implications and suggestions are provided from the findings of the study.

      • KCI등재

        대학 영어와 세계시민의식 관계 연구

        주미란(Joo, Meeran) 한국영어어문교육학회 2021 영어어문교육 Vol.27 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between college English education and global citizenship, and to present the meaning and future direction of English curriculum as college English. To achieve the research goals, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 190 college students who are taking a compulsory English course. The collected data was analyzed through t-test and ANOVA. The result of the analysis showed that first, the group with high English proficiency had higher level of global citizenship than the group with low English proficiency; second, the group with high interest in English had higher global citizenship than the low group; third, the group with high interest in foreign languages had higher global citizenship than the low group’ fourth, the start time of English learning did not lead to differences in level of the global citizenship; fifth, the students who had experience in staying abroad more than one month had the higher level of global citizenship than the ones who had visited abroad only one or two times. These results imply that English education is closely related to global citizenship. Lastly, the direction of future college English courses was discussed based on the results.

      • KCI등재

        Examining the Effectiveness and Challenges of an EMI Global Program in South Korea: A Case Study

        김기태 한국중앙영어영문학회 2023 영어영문학연구 Vol.65 No.2

        This study examines the effectiveness and challenges of an English-medium instruction (EMI) global program at a private regional college in Korea. The data for this study was primarily collected from semi-structured interviews of graduate and undergraduate students at the Linton Global School (LGS) at Hannam University. The interviews revealed overall student satisfaction with the effectiveness of the global program in improving student fluency in English. However, student interviews also revealed challenges to the LGS global program related to four major themes including: one, students admitted into the global program with low English proficiency; two, professors using Korean in class; three, student dissatisfaction with general education elective courses; and four, student noncompliance with the English Only Policy (EOP). The study recommends providing additional academic support and resources for students with low English proficiency, professors abiding by the EOP policy, the assignment of qualified faculty for general education courses, and the hiring of a bilingual dormitory manager. The study also advocates the creation of a new “culture” that encourages and promotes the EOP policy. Additional suggestions for further research on the EMI global program at LGS are included.

      • KCI등재

        A Critical Review of Literature on English as a Global Language Published in Korea

        조현희 서울대학교 교육종합연구원 2023 The SNU Journal of Education Research Vol.32 No.4

        This study aimed to explore key issues and findings in the literature on global Englishes published in Korea, employing a critical perspective. A total of 84 journal articles published between the year 1992 and April 2023 were gathered from the database provided by Korea Education and Research Information Service. The search terms used were ‘lingua franca English’, ‘world Englishes’, ‘English as an international language’, and ‘global Englishes’. Qualitative analysis was conducted using the scoping review method to identify major topics and issues within the literature. The analysis revealed a recurring issue: While teachers and students acknowledged the importance of teaching and learning global Englishes, they were constrained to adhere to the North American English variety due to the prevailing hegemony of the native speaker paradigm. This constraint negatively affected both teachers and students in developing competence in English. In terms of research landscape, there was a discernable impact of change in English education policies and curricula on some of the studies, but not all. The study concludes with implications and suggestions drawn from its findings.

      • KCI등재

        The Ideological Construction of English: A Critical Review on the Discourse of English in East Asia

        ( Han Yi Lin ) 범태평양 응용언어학회 2014 Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Ling Vol.18 No.1

        This research investigates the ideological character of the English language in East Asia. It focuses on the prevailing beliefs, values and propositions relating to English as a global language and the spread of English in the non-English East Asian countries, namely China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. By analyzing how English is presented in governmental and educational documents, news reports and advertisement, it examines the presentation and construction of discourses and explores public assumptions on the English language. First, in the second section, it reviews the development of English in East Asia in the late 20th and early 21st century. The third section discusses the relations between language, ideology and discourse. Section Four illustrates the research questions and the rationale and hypothesis of this study. In the fifth section, the construction of discourses concerning English and ideological assumptions regarding the English language in these East Asian countries is investigated. Finally, discourses and presuppositions identified in the texts and their implications are discussed. This study suggests that discourses concerning English in East Asia are conditioned by the external global structure and the local socio-cultural context. Concepts such as globalization, internationalization, economic development, national competitiveness and individual competitiveness influence the discourses on English. In the context of East Asia, the ideology of English consequently functions as part of the mechanisms involved in the global spread of English.

      • KCI우수등재

        The Politics of Global English

        ( David Damrosch ) 한국영어영문학회 2014 영어 영문학 Vol.60 No.2

        Writers in England`s colonies and former colonies have long struggled with the advantages and disadvantages of employing the language of the colonizer for their creative work, an issue that today reaches beyond the older imperial trade routes in the era of “global English.” Creative writers in widely disparate locations are now using global English to their advantage, with what can be described as post-postcolonial strategies. This essay explores the politics of global English, beginning with a satiric dictionary of “Strine” (Australian English) from 1965, and then looking back at the mid-1960s debate at Makerere University between Ngugi wa Thiong`o and Chinua Achebe, in which Achebe famously asserted the importance of remaking English for hi own purposes. The essay then discusses early linguistic experiments by Rudyard Kipling, who became the world`s first truly global writer in the 1880s and 1890s and developed a range of strategies for conveying local experience to a global audience. The essay then turns to two contemporary examples: a comic pastiche of Kipling-and of Kiplingese-by the contemporary Tibetan writer Jamyang Norbu, who deploys “Babu English” and the legacy of British rule against Chinese encroachment in Tibet; and, finally, the Korean- American internet group Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries, who interweave African-American English with North Korean political rhetoric to hilariously subversive effect.

      • KCI등재

        Modeling a Community of Practice for Global Competence: A Collaborative Autoethnography of College EFL Learners

        오은주,김은영,명민정,전소현,김연재,장영현,윤수진 한국교양교육학회 2023 교양교육연구 Vol.17 No.5

        In our increasingly interconnected contemporary society, the imperative of nurturing global citizenship and competence is evident when it comes to addressing the multifaceted challenges stemming from globalization. This study explores strategies for bridging the gap between in-class and out-of-class learning while expanding the reach of global competence into out-of-class learning settings. Building upon the General English course model by Oh (2021), which focuses on fostering global citizenship and competence, this research investigates the feasibility of implementing a supportive Community of Practice (CoP) model tailored for out-of-class learning environments. This study specifically assesses the potential of an online CoP model as a platform for the continuous cultivation and application of global citizenship and competence. Employing a collaborative autoethnographic approach, the research delves into the experiences of five university-level English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners actively participating in this CoP. The research scrutinizes various dimensions of their engagement, encompassing their experiences within the CoP, prospective enhancements to the model, and the impact of digital tools on their learning journey, such as machine translation and ChatGPT on their learning journeys. The findings of this study illuminate the transformative effects of CoP activities on learners' attitudes, learning strategies, and the development of global citizenship and competence. Furthermore, it underscores the pivotal role of learners proactively harnessing technology, such as the ones mentioned above, in advancing both their level of global citizenship and their language proficiency. Additionally, the research underscores learners' comprehension of the rationale behind learning activities as a critical factor in fostering meaningful engagement. Ultimately, this research offers a blueprint for nurturing the essential skills and perspectives necessary for learners to evolve as engaged global citizens in an interconnected and interdependent world. It aligns with the imperative of fostering global competence in response to the pressi ng demands of our globali zed era.

      • KCI등재

        특수목적영어(ESP)의 세계 영어들을 통한 통합적 교육: 관광 및 컨벤션 영어를 중심으로

        송경숙 새한영어영문학회 2022 새한영어영문학 Vol.64 No.1

        This study explores how to expand the horizons of World Englishes in ESP with a reference to Tourism and Convention English by utilizing various multimedia resources and how to empower Korean university students’ global awareness and intercultural communicative competence. This paper first briefly reviews the previous studies about the Korean university students’ language awareness and attitudes towards Standard English and World Englishes, and then investigates the implementation of the ESP course, Tourism and Convention English. This study confirms that not only educational goals and changing needs of learners but also centrality and peripherality of World Englishes need to be incorporated in the ESP course design and development.

      • KCI등재후보

        Two-Tiered English Education in Jeju

        Mi-Sun Kim 세계환경사회거버넌스학회 2016 World Environment and Island Studies Vol.6 No.1

        Jeju is expected to be transformed into an international city where English is commonly used since the implementation of the special law for making Jeju a free international city in 2001. Jeju special selfgoverning province has successfully established globally renowned international private schools with strong competitiveness and high academic achievement to enhance competitiveness of English education through the Jeju global education city project. The international schools in Jeju have been providing students with competitive English education. For example, they have realized the limitations of the current English education in Korea and introduced English immersion education based on the successful examples of foreign nations that have practiced the immersion education for a long time. They have overcome the markedly low ability of speaking and writing by adopting the English immersion education through Jeju global education city project. Furthermore, Jeju global education city has been facilitating the development of Jeju free international city by establishing a community where people are strongly encouraged to speak in English. However, the efficiency of English education systems in Korea including Jeju is very poor. There have been a lot of researches regarding problems of English education systems in public schools in Korea compared with the amount of time and money invested into it. To solve the problems found in English education in Korea, reading and grammar-oriented teaching methods must be changed to speaking-oriented methods to enhance competitiveness of English education in Korea. Furthermore, it is better for Korean companies not to require all the applicants to submit their formal English proficiency test scores. Instead, they can ask applicants who need to use English in their positions to submit their English scores in order to reduce English frenzy in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        국제어, 글로벌 언어로서의 영어

        송경숙(Song Kyong-Sook) 새한영어영문학회 2011 새한영어영문학 Vol.53 No.1

        This paper explores English as an international and global language with reference to Korean university students’ language attitudes towards standard English and World Englishes, and discusses pedagogical implications. This paper first introduces the notion of international language, and explains the spread and various roles of English around the world. After introducing the notion of standard English, this paper examines Korean university students’ language attitudes towards standard English, as well as learning standard English and World Englishes. It was found that Korean university students consider not only American and British English as standard English, but also Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand English as attractive candidates. Korean university students also demonstrate positive attitudes and open-mindedness about learning English in the Inner Circle countries (U.S, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) as well as English in the Outer Circle countries (Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Philippine). This paper confirms the critical language pedagogy and paradigm shift in teaching/learning English as an international and global language, and World Englishes.

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