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      • KCI등재

        One Genus (γενος) -One Form (εἰδος) Hypothesis in Hellenistic Anthropogeny: Gender Discrimination as Quantitative Difference

        정해갑 한국중세근세영문학회 2013 고전·르네상스 영문학 Vol.22 No.1

        Do man and woman belong to the same genus or two different genera? To answer the question, this paper researched into the Hellenistic anthropogeny focusing on Plato and Aristotle, with the implication that they are philosophical founders of feminism as well as anti-feminism. The philosophical founders are really ambivalent in terms of gender discourse, and it seems so volatile to jump to a conclusion putting them on either side. Plato’s anthropogeny begins with the idea of metasomatosis, an idea that the first anthropoi were andres, the souls of whom were reincarnated in the bodies of women when they were corrupted in a cowardly manner. A female body is a defective form of the male genus. Plato argues, however, that philosophically there is only one virtue or excellence of any kind both men and women pursue, so no one can say there is one kind belonging to a man, another to a woman. Human beings are individuals, and gender difference is related to individual variations. His successor Aristotle tries to find a way to include gender difference in the concept of genus, with no dividing the human genus into two different forms. In terms of biological correspondence, a genus is made up of two genders in one form, for the continual reproduction of it. Gender difference is a kind of variation on the basis of quantitative inequality or deficiency, with which the semen of female is not capable of producing a living thing with soul in it. Only the semen of male provides the principles of form and of movement. Then, he is faced with a dilemma: How does it happen that a daughter resembles her mother? Aristotle comes to this conclusion that a mother can also be a progenitor, prevailing over the process of generation as an active principle, not merely a principle of matter and body. The Hellenistic anthropogeny works as the very matrix of modern sociobiological feminism and biopolitical feminism. Do man and woman belong to the same genus or two different genera? To answer the question, this paper researched into the Hellenistic anthropogeny focusing on Plato and Aristotle, with the implication that they are philosophical founders of feminism as well as anti-feminism. The philosophical founders are really ambivalent in terms of gender discourse, and it seems so volatile to jump to a conclusion putting them on either side. Plato’s anthropogeny begins with the idea of metasomatosis, an idea that the first anthropoi were andres, the souls of whom were reincarnated in the bodies of women when they were corrupted in a cowardly manner. A female body is a defective form of the male genus. Plato argues, however, that philosophically there is only one virtue or excellence of any kind both men and women pursue, so no one can say there is one kind belonging to a man, another to a woman. Human beings are individuals, and gender difference is related to individual variations. His successor Aristotle tries to find a way to include gender difference in the concept of genus, with no dividing the human genus into two different forms. In terms of biological correspondence, a genus is made up of two genders in one form, for the continual reproduction of it. Gender difference is a kind of variation on the basis of quantitative inequality or deficiency, with which the semen of female is not capable of producing a living thing with soul in it. Only the semen of male provides the principles of form and of movement. Then, he is faced with a dilemma: How does it happen that a daughter resembles her mother? Aristotle comes to this conclusion that a mother can also be a progenitor, prevailing over the process of generation as an active principle, not merely a principle of matter and body. The Hellenistic anthropogeny works as the very matrix of modern sociobiological feminism and biopolitical feminism.


        Genus-correspondences respecting spinor genus

        Ju, Jangwon,Oh, Byeong-Kweon Elsevier 2017 Journal of number theory Vol.180 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>For two positive definite integral ternary quadratic forms <I>f</I> and <I>g</I> and a positive integer <I>n</I>, if n ⋅ g is represented by <I>f</I> and n ⋅ d g = d f , then the pair ( f , g ) is called a <I>representable pair by scaling n</I>. The set of all representable pairs in gen ( f ) × gen ( g ) is called a genus-correspondence. In , Jagy conjectured that if <I>n</I> is square free and the number of spinor genera in the genus of <I>f</I> equals to the number of spinor genera in the genus of <I>g</I>, then such a genus-correspondence respects spinor genus in the sense that for any representable pairs ( f , g ) , ( <SUP> f ′ </SUP> , <SUP> g ′ </SUP> ) by scaling <I>n</I>, <SUP> f ′ </SUP> ∈ spn ( f ) if and only if <SUP> g ′ </SUP> ∈ spn ( g ) . In this article, we show that by giving a counter example, Jagy's conjecture does not hold. Furthermore, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for a genus-correspondence to respect spinor genus.</P>

      • KCI등재

        장르 기반 텍스트, 문법 통합 모형에 대한 연구 -취업 목적 자기소개서를 대상으로-

        나은미 우리어문학회 2011 우리어문연구 Vol.41 No.-

        This study considered the necessity of an interated model of text and grammar based on the genus and it suggested a teaching method of self-introduction for employment by a case of this model. Writing differs from speaking on the relationship of communication elements due to loose contact between a addresser and a adressee. Loose contact leads to reinforcement of message and context, and message is replaced by structuralization of contents and completeness of sentences. The context is also shown by a verbalized writing convention, and especially the standardized context that occurs repeatedly becomes typicality of a certain genus. Since the adressee restores the context information through such language signs, the usage of conventional context is very important. Writing education that leads to a detailed output should teach context and grammar knowledge on relevant genus in an integrated way based on a certain genus. "Self-introduction for employment" is a writing about oneself, but the genus information of 'for employment' demands to show "'me' that satisfies the demands of the company" instead of "revealing me" . Moreover, such genus information affects the context composition by listing important and recent information first and it also influences the usage of specific words such as "Na, Jeo". Therefore, the understanding of the genus self-introduction for employment should be a priority, and strategies of text composition and language use should be included in the writing education. 이 논문은 장르 기반 텍스트, 문법 통합 모형의 필요성을 고찰하고, 이 모형의 사례로 취업 목적 자기소개서의 지도 방법을 제안한 것이다. 쓰기는 발신인과 수신인간의 접촉의 느슨함으로 인해 의사소통 요소의 관계가 말하기와 달라진다. 접촉의 느슨함은 메시지와 맥락의 강화로 이어지는데 메시지는 내용의 구조화 및 문장의 완결성 등으로 대체된다. 맥락 역시 언어화된 쓰기 관습으로 나타나는데, 특히 반복적으로 발생하는 정형화된 맥락은 특정 장르의 전형성이 된다. 수신인은 이러한 언어 표지를 통해 맥락 정보를 복원하기 때문에 습화된 표지의 사용은 매우 중요하다. 구체적인 산출물을 이어져야 하는 쓰기 교육은 특정 장르를 기반으로 하되 해당 장르에 대한 텍스트 지식과 문법 지식이 통합적으로 교육되어야 한다. '취업 목적의 자기소개서 '는 자신에 대해 쓰는 글이지만 '취업 목적' 이라는 장르지식은 '드러내고 싶은 나' 가 아니라 '기업의 요구에 맞는 나' 를 드러내도록 요구한다. 또한 이러한 장르 지식은 중요 정보, 최신의 정보를 먼저 나열하는 등 텍스트 구성에서도 영향을 미치며, '나, 저' 등 특정 어휘의 사용에도 영향을 미친다. 그러므로 '취업 목적 자기소개서' 장르에 대한 이해가 선행되어야 하며, 이를 기반으로 텍스트 구성 전략과 언어 사용 전략을 지도해야 한다.

      • 하위개념 발명에 대한 상위개념 발명의 동일성 -신규성 판단시와 우선권 주장 인정여부 판단시를 중심으로-

        김관식 ( Kwan Shik Kim ) 한남대학교 과학기술법연구원 2013 한남법학연구 Vol.1 No.1

        발명의 동일성 문제는 신규성, 선원성 판단을 위한 전제로서 매우 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있으므로 상위개념과 하위개념 발명의 동일성 문제는 특허법상 주요한 주제 중의 하나이다. 그런데 양자의 발명이 상위개념과 하위개념의 발명의 관계에 있을 때에는 양발명의 동일성 판단은 그 시간적 선후관계에 따라 아래와 같이 판단이 상이하게 되어 상위개념에 대하여 하위개념의 발명은 신규성, 선원성 판단시에 원칙적으로 동일하지 않고 반면에 하위개념에 대하여 상위개념의 발명은 동일한 발명으로 취급된다. 이러한 판단방법은 최근까지 우선권주장 인정여부 판단시에도 특별한 차이가 없는 것으로 일반적으로 취급되었으나 최근의 특허법원 판결에서는 우선권 주장인정여부 판단시에는 하위개념 발명에 대하여 상위개념 발명이 동일하지 않은 것으로 판단하여 신규성, 선원성 판단시의 기준과 결과적으로 상이하게 되었다. 현재 하위개념 발명에 대하여 상위개념 발명이 동일하다고 판단하는 것은 구미(歐美)에서 신규성 판단시에 채택된 ``후침해 선신규성 부정의 원리’에 기초한 것이나, 이는 종전 진보성의 개념이 신규성의 개념과 구분되어 있지 않던 시절에 처음 도입된 것으로 진보성의 개념이 신규성의 개념과 분리되어 있는 현재에도 적용이 가능한지에 대해서는 상당한 의문이 들고, 이러한 점에서 하위개념 발명에 대하여 상위개념 발명의 동일성을 부정한 특허법원의 판단은 비록 우선권 주장 인정 여부 판단시에 그 사정의 범위를 제한할여지가 전혀 없는 것은 아니나, 하위개념에 대하여 상위개념 발명이 동일하다고 한 판단이 타당하지 않다는 점은 우선권 주장인정 여부시의 전술한 판례에서 명확하게 드러나게 되었다고 생각되고 나아가 이러한 판단 방법이 신규성 및 선원성 판단시에도 마찬가지로 적용이 되어야 할 것으로 생각된다. Determination of identity of genus-inventions and species-inventions is one of the most important issues in the field of patent law, since the determination plays an important role as the prerequisites for the determination of novelty and/or priority of inventions. The determination of the identity, however, depends on the comparing order of inventions: genus-inventions are determined to be identical to the species-inventions; species-inventions are in principle not to be identical to the genus-inventions. The method is generally thought to be applied to the cases for the approval of national-priority under the Korean Patent Act §55. Recent precedent by the Patent Court of Korea, however, shows that this is not the case: the species-invention is not identical to the genus-invention. The decision results in the discrepancy between the criteria for the determination of identity of genus-species inventions. The origin of the de facto principle that the species-invention is identical to the genus-inventions can be traced to the old maxim: “That which infringes, if later, would anticipate, if earlier.” The maxim, however, was formed before the inventive-step was introduced apart from the novelty requirement, which makes the applicability of the principle these days in doubt. The recent precedent by the Patent Court seems to make the opinion more persuasive that in principle the species-inventions are not identical to the genus-inventions and the newly introduced criterion should replace the old criterion for the determination of the identity between the genus-inventions and species-inventions.

      • KCI등재

        관계적 제네라: 크리스토퍼 볼라스의 이론에 근거한 부부의 관계적 공간에 대한 고찰

        이아람 한국목회상담학회 2019 목회와 상담 Vol.32 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the relational space in which couples can sustain the paradox of separateness and relationship within a relationship. For this purpose, based on the theory of Christopher Bollas, I proposed a new concept called relational genera. Bollas suggested a neologism for psychic genera, inspired by Freud's theory of repression of unconsciousness. Bollas argues for psychic genera based on the theory of reception of unconsciousness, which Freud mentioned but did not develop further. This space is for the development of unconsciousness that is not allowed in consciousness, which entails uncertainty but ultimately leads to a new perspective of oneself and the world. That is, the space in which a generative internal object is formed. Psychic genera construct internal objects based on their experience with care providers, so there is a limit to explaining the construction of a shared object in a mutual relationship between couples. Therefore I based my concept on Bollas' fourth object; the couple took a look at the process in which each of them sent the fourth object of the original family through unconscious murder and the construction of a new fourth object for the couple. The couple will construct their own shared object through the experience of sustaining each other through the inevitable ruthless aggression that accompanies this process. These experiences are enough good living together, accompanied by the laws of love, to compose a new psychic structure for couples. I suggest this as a new concept called relational genera: the couple who constructed the relational genera now accept differences, negotiate, and create new meanings. 본 연구는 부부가 관계 속에서 개별성과 관계성의 역설을 살아내는 관계적 공간에 대한 고찰을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해서 대상관계학자인 크리스토퍼 볼라스의 이론을 기반으로 관계적 제네라라는 새로운 개념을 제안하였다. 볼라스는 심리적 제네라라는 신조어를 제안하였는데, 이는 프로이트의 무의식의 억압 이론에서 영감을 받은 것이다. 볼라스는 프로이트가 언급은 하였지만 더 이상 발전시키지 않은 무의식의 수용 이론을 기반으로 제네라를 주장한다. 이는 의식에서는 허용되지 않은 무의식의 발달을 위한 공간으로서 불확실성이 수반되지만, 이를 통해 궁극적으로 자신과 세상을 향한 새로운 관점을 지니게 된다. 즉, 생성적인 내적 대상이 형성되는 공간인 것이다. 심리적 제네라는 돌봄 제공자와의 관계 경험을 토대로 공유된 대상을 구축하는 것이기에, 부부라는 상호적 관계에서의 공유된 대상의 구축을 설명하기에는 한계가 있다. 따라서 볼라스의 네 번째 대상의 개념을 토대로, 부부가 각자 원가족의 네 번째 대상을 무의식적 살인을 통해 떠나보내고 부부만의 새로운 네 번째 대상을 구축하게 되는 과정을 살펴보았다. 부부는 이러한 과정에 수반되는 필연적인 무자비한 공격성을 서로가 견뎌주는 경험을 통해서 부부만의 공유된 대상을 구축하게 된다. 이러한 경험은 사랑의 법이 수반되는 충분히 좋은 함께 산 경험으로 부부만의 새로운 심리적 구조를 구축하게 되는 것이다. 필자는 이를 관계적 제네라라는 새로운 개념으로 제안하는데, 관계적 제네라를 구축한 부부는 이제 서로의 차이를 다름으로 수용하고 협상하며 새로운 의미를 생성해나가게 되는 것이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Floristic Characterization of the Temperate Oak Forests in the Korean Peninsula Using High-rank Taxa

        Kim, Jong Won 한국식물학회 1996 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.39 No.2

        The order of Rhododendro-Quercetalia mongolicae representing temperate oak forests in Korea was characterized in terms of presence of taxa of different rank. 140 releve's were analysed for percentage contribution of each species, genera and families in syntaxa under consideration as well as extraction of diagnostic genera and families for syntaxa by an ordination technique. The Rhododendro-Quercetalia is characterized by high diversity of tree and shrub species contributing 40% of the total floristic composition as well as by a high contribution of the genus Rhododendron and the absence of the genus Fagus, characteristic of the Querco-Fagetea sensu lato. The character families for the Rhododendro-Quercetalia include Liliaceae and Compositae, whereas Acer, Carex, Viola, Rhododendron and Quercus are the most common among genera. Rhododendron and Quercus are regarded as the transgressive charactergenera, whereas the families of Pinaceae and Ericaceae are considered companions (in sense of the terminology of the Braun-Blanquet syntaxonomy) for the order. Family appeared to be an inadequate rank for diagnoses of alliances and suballiances. On the other hand, genus was found to be the most effective rank in differentiating the alliances and suballiances. The Lindero-Quercenion shares the same character-genera with the order Rhododendro-Quercetalia. Character genera of the suballiances Callicarpo-Quercenion are Carpinus, Styrax, Smilax and Callicarpa, and those of the Pino-Quercion list Euonymus, Saussurea and Tilia.

      • KCI등재

        장르 기반 텍스트, 문법 통합 모형에 대한 연구 -취업 목적 자기소개서를 대상으로-

        나은미 ( Eun Mi Na ) 우리어문학회 2011 우리어문연구 Vol.41 No.-

        This study considered the necessity of an interated model of text and grammar based on the genus and it suggested a teaching method of self-introduction for employment by a case of this model. Writing differs from speaking on the relationship of communication elements due to loose contact between a addresser and a adressee. Loose contact leads to reinforcement of message and context, and message is replaced by structuralization of contents and completeness of sentences. The context is also shown by a verbalized writing convention, and especially the standardized context that occurs repeatedly becomes typicality of a certain genus. Since the adressee restores the context information through such language signs, the usage of conventional context is very important. Writing education that leads to a detailed output should teach context and grammar knowledge on relevant genus in an integrated way based on a certain genus. ``Self-introduction for employment`` is a writing about oneself, but the genus information of ``for employment`` demands to show ``me`` that satisfies the demands of the company instead of revealing ``me``. Moreover, such genus information affects the context composition by listing important and recent information first and it also influences the usage of specific words such as Na, Jeo. Therefore, the understanding of the genus ``self-introduction for employment`` should be a priority, and strategies of text composition and language use should be included in the writing education.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of the Phylogenetic Relationships in the Genus Spiraea Based on the Nuclear Ribosomal DNA ITS Region

        Man Kyu Huh(허만규) 한국생명과학회 2012 생명과학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        조팝나무속(genus Spiraea) 식물은 다년생 목본으로 주로 아시아와 유럽에 분포하고 있다. 한국의 14종을 포함한 전 세계 38분류군에 대해 핵 내 리보솜 전사 서열(ITS)로 이 속의 유전적 관계를 평가하였다. 이 분자생물학적 자료로 분류군의 분지군은 잘 분리되었다. 47 계통(38 분류군: 14개 한국 분류군, 33개 세계 분류군, 9개 중복 분류군). 전체 689 bp 중에서452자리는 절약-정보적이었고, 527자리는 변이를 나타내었으나 절약-비정보적이었고, 159자리는 분류군 전체에서 변이가 전혀 없었다. 비록 계통도에서 잘 분리되었지만 형태적 특성과 지리적 분포와는 일치하지 않았다. 분리되는 자리수는 430이었으며 핵산 다양도(π)는 0.281이였다. 중립가설 하에서 Tajima 검증 통계값(D) 은 0.5보다 큰 2.325였다. 따라서 자연 도태가 유전적 변이를 증가시키는 방향으로 작용하고 있었다. Genus Spiraea is composed of many long-lived woody species that are primarily distributed throughout Asia and Europe. In this study, we evaluated a representative sample of the 38 taxa in the world, including 14 in Korea, with nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer sequences (ITS) to estimate genetic relationships within the genus. The molecular data allowed us to resolve well-supported clades in the taxa. In 47 world accessions (38 taxa: 14 Korean taxa, 33 world taxa, and 9 overlapping taxa), total alignment length was 689 positions, of which 452 were parsimony informative, 527 variable, 75 singleton, and 159 constant characters. Although the phylogenic tree showed that many taxa of genus Spiraea were well separated from each other, many branches were not congruent with the morphological characteristics and geographical distributions of the genus. There were 430 segregating sites and the nucleotide diversity (π) value was 0.281. Under the neutral mutation hypothesis, the probability that the Tajima test statistic (D) is positive (2.325) is more than 0.5. Therefore, there may be a site at which natural selection, which increases genetic variation, is operating.

      • KCI등재

        Taxonomic Status of Endemic Plants in Korea

        김근옥,홍선희,이용호,나채선,강병화,손요환 한국생태학회 2009 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.32 No.4

        Disagreement among the various publications providing lists of Korean endemic plants makes confusion inevitable. We summarized the six previous reports providing comprehensive lists of endemic plants in Korea: 407 taxa in Lee (1982), 570 taxa in Paik (1994), 759 taxa in Kim (2004), 328 taxa in Korea National Arboretum (2005), 515 taxa in the Ministry of Environment (2005) and 289 taxa in Flora of Korea Editorial Committee (2007). The total number of endemic plants described in the previous reports was 970 taxa, including 89 families, 302 genera, 496 species, 3 subspecies, 218 varieties, and 253 formae. Endemic plants listed four times or more were collected to compare the data in terms of scientific names and synonyms (339 taxa in 59 families and 155 genera). If the varieties and formae were excluded, the resulting number of endemic plants was 252 taxa for the 339 purported taxa analyzed. Seven of the 155 genera analyzed were Korean endemic genera. Among the 339 taxa, the same scientific names were used in the original publications for 256 taxa (76%), while different scientific names were used for 83 taxa (24%). The four largest families were Compositae (42 taxa, 12.4%), Ranunculaceae (19 taxa, 5.6%), Rosaceae (19 taxa, 5.6%), and Scrophulariaceae (19 taxa, 5.6%). Saussurea (Compositae) had the highest number of taxa within one genus (17 taxa; 5% of total endemic taxa).

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