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      • KCI등재

        젠더갈등은 어떻게 우리 사회의 주요 담론이 되었는가?: 보수언론의 젠더갈등 기사 분석을 중심으로

        홍지아 한국여성커뮤니케이션학회 2022 미디어, 젠더 & 문화 Vol.37 No.2

        This study examines the methods used by Korea’s major conservative media to create discourse regarding gender conflict in 2021, when the theme of ‘Men in their 20s undergoing reverse discrimination’ rose as a main deciding factor in the election. More specifically, this study examines the following: which individual or organization is specified to be the reason and agent of conflict when discussing gender conflict, whose voice is represented as the elites of discord who explain and criticize gender conflict while leading the discourse, the context of gender conflict shown in reports about gender conflict, who is pointed out as responsible of generating gender conflict, and whether reports of gender conflict focus on relaying the conflict or suggesting an alternative. To do this, this study examined and analyzed news from Chosun Ilbo, Donga Ilbo, and Joongang Ilbo in 2021. As a result, this study reveals that discussion of gender conflict in 2021 took place mostly in political circles and online, and the main speakers of gender conflict issues are a small number of elites of discord such as politicians, online male- dominated communities, Jin JoonGwan etc. Also, those who assume systematic sexual discrimination (such as the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, feminism or feminists) and promote policies preferential to women, which is the premise for reverse male discrimination, are targeted as the main contributor of gender conflict. Those excluded from the discourse of gender conflict are the history of sexual discrimination, discussion of existing sexual discrimination, and the voice of men and women of the real world in their 20s. This study points out the risk of the current gender conflict discourse having a negative effect on solving the social reconstruction crisis that Korea’s society is currently facing, and proposes the necessity of a constructive gender conflict discourse. 이 연구는 2021년 보궐선거 이후, ‘역차별 받는 20대 남성’이 대선을 준비하는 정치권의 주요 캐스팅보트로 소환되는 현상을 배경으로, 2021년 한국의 대표적인 보수언론(조선, 중아, 동아일보)이 생산하는 젠더갈등 담론을 분석한다. 보다 구체적으로는 젠더갈등의 주체와 원인으로 어느 개인이나 집단을 특정하는지, 젠더갈등에 대해 설명하고 비판하며 담론을 주도하는 이른바 담론 엘리트로 누구의 목소리를 소개하는지, 젠더 갈등에 대한 보도에서 적시되는 젠더 갈등의 내용은 무엇인지, 젠더갈등을 생산하는 책임은 누구에게로 집중되는지, 젠더 갈등에 대한 보도는 갈등의 중계와 대안제시, 어느 쪽에 비중을 두어 이루어지는지 등을 살펴보았다. 그 결과 2021년 젠더갈등이 발화되거나 논의되는 공간의 대부분이 정치권과 온라인이었으며 젠더갈등 이슈에 대한 주요 발화자는 이준석, 하태경 등 정치인들과 온라인 남초 커뮤니티, 진중권 등 소수의 담론 엘리트임이 밝혀졌다. 정치적 이유에 의한 ‘역차별 받는 이대남’의 전략적 소환은 ‘여성에 대한 구조적 성차별은 존재하지 않음’을 전제로 여성 우대정책을 펴는 여가부를 젠더갈등의 유발자로 비판한다. 또한 온라인 남성 커뮤니티의 게시판과 댓글을 기사화함으로 ‘역차별 받는 남성’과 ‘남성을 혐오하는 여성’의 대립구도를 통해 젠더갈등 담론을 구체화한다. 온라인 커뮤니티의 혐오 발화를 이대남/이대녀를 대표하는 목소리로 과잉재현하는 보도는 현실을 사는 이십대 여성과 남성들의 목소리를 삭제한 채 여혐과 남혐의 선정적 대립구도를 재생산한다. 또한 이러한 대립구도는 젠더갈등 담론을 특정 세대만의 문제로 축소하며 젠더갈등을 ‘그들만의 문제’로 고립시킨다. 이 연구는 현재의 젠더갈등 담론이 한국사회가 당면한 사회적 재생산의 위기 해결에 부정적인 영향을 미칠 위험성을 지목하며 생산적인 젠더갈등 담론의 필요성을 제안한다. 20대 남성의 역차별에 집중하며 정치인과 온라인 커뮤니티에 의해 주도되는 젠더갈등 담론은 노동 현장에서의 성차별, 돌봄노동의 젠더화로 인한 기혼 여성의 경력단절, 성폭력에 대한 여성의 일상화된 공포 등, 20대 남성의 시각에서는 보이지 않는 젠더갈등의 이슈들을 외면하거나 축소한다. 결국, 남녀가 동등한 기회를 누리는 교육을 제외한 노동, 돌봄, 젠더화된 범죄의 영역에서 이루어지는 구조적 성차별에 대한 논의를 배제하는 기형적 젠더갈등 담론이 생산되는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국사회 젠더갈등인식에 관한 탐색적 연구: 성별 조절효과를 중심으로

        류연규(Yunkyu Ryu),김영미(Young-Mi Kim) 한국사회정책학회 2019 한국사회정책 Vol.26 No.4

        이 연구는 최근 한국사회에서 증폭되고 있는 젠더갈등 현상에 주목해, 젠더갈등에 대한 사회구성원들의 인식수준, 인식의 지형과 균열지점, 인식에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 탐색적 차원에서 규명하고자 하였다. 첫째, 누가 젠더갈등을 심각하게 인식하는지 분석한 결과, 20대가 다른 연령대에 비해, 보수성향이 중도성향에 비해, 평등하고 진보적인 성역할태도를 가질수록, 젠더불평등인식수준이 높을수록, 성차별경험이 많을수록 젠더갈등을 심각하게 인식했다. 둘째, 젠더불평등인식, 성차별경험과 젠더갈등인식의 관계에서 성별의 조절효과를 확인했다. 남녀를 구분해 분석한 결과, 여성은 젠더불평등인식이 높을수록, 성차별경험이 많을수록 젠더갈등을 심각하게 인식했다. 이에 반해 남성의 젠더갈등인식은 젠더불평등인식, 성차별경험과 무관했고, 20대, 대졸이상, 보수적 정치성향, 평등한 성역할태도를 가진 남성이 젠더갈등을 심각하게 인식하는 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구는 현재 증폭되고 있는 젠더갈등 현상을 이해하기 위해 개인의 젠더불평등인식, 성차별경험 등 다양한 사회경제적 특성에 대한 이해가 선행되어야 하고, 성별에 따라 다른 갈등해소 전략이 필요함을 실증적으로 규명하였다. This study explores the factors influencing gender conflict perception in Korea, where amplifying gender conflict has been experienced recently. The results of this study are as follows. First, the factors of gender conflict perception are gender inequality perception, experiences of sexual discrimination, conservative ideology, and young generation of twenties. Secondly, gender is a moderator of gender inequality perception and experiences of sexual discrimination. Women perceive more gender conflict as they perceive more gender inequality or experiences more sexism. On the other hand, men perceive more gender conflict as they are in 20s while gender conflict perception and sexual discrimination experiences are not statistically significant. The implication of this study is to empirically reveal the factors of gender conflict perception are gender conflict perception and sexual discrimination experiences and to suggest the strategies to settle the gender conflict being differed by gender.

      • KCI등재후보

        미투 운동 이후 한국 신문에 나타난 성별 갈등 보도 분석

        김수아 언론중재위원회 2019 미디어와 인격권 Vol.5 No.1

        This study analyzed discourse on the issue of gender conflict currently apparent in media reports and observed the differences among media companies. Using the critical discourse analysis method, it first revealed the characteristics of media report texts, observed how the gender conflict issue connects with external discourse, and analyzed the social practice aspect of discourse. Analyses were made with regard to intertextuality among gender conflict discourses; reverse discrimination discourses, which were created centering on online communities; and feminism discourses held after the Megalia issue, along with the main reporting methods of the media, which serves as a mediator, and how aspects that ultimately connect gender conflict to discourses of generation conflict or government support are revealed. Based on such research, improvements were requested in the ethical dimensions of journalism such as those related to issues of direct quotation reports of the media and issues of formal objectivism, along with the importance of fact-checking and in-depth reports. In the reporting process, the conservative media tended to describe feminism and women as the factors that cause conflict while maintaining the good and bad structure as the center of conflict. As a result, it can be said that gender conflicts are caused by the complaints of women. However, as the government approval rate becomes an issue, conservative media argued that the policy failure is caused by the policy of feminism, but it shows political bias by highlighting it as an element of gender conflict. Moreover, the problem is that it is unclear whether these policies actually cause conflict. On the other hand, rather than using gender conflict as a material, the way in which the progressive media constructs the discourse, including the voices that lead the protests or claim gender equality, it can be said that it is a strategy to switch conflicts into conversation. To increase the quality of discourse and construct the meaning of sex discrimination, it is necessary to discuss not only the personal experiences but also the structural factors. Moreover, many citations have used online sources, and online communities and Naver portals have come up with stimulating comments under the attention economy structure. If the media would deliver it without filtration, it would introduce extreme opinions in the public sphere. In addition, the media should actively review the truthful effects of presenting the voices of men and women without explanations and structural frameworks. Therefore, if the media would only report in the form of direct quotes, the reader would need to think critically about it. The bias of citation according to the political tendency of the media also affects the direction of the article. It is the natural duty of the press to pursue objectivity and fairness, and several previous studies have pointed out the implications of the biases of the sources themselves. The biased nature of citation sources should be an important consideration of journalism because it affects the quality of news coverage, makes it difficult to understand matters, and affects media judgments about what matters. In the report about gender conflicts, the media used more he-sources, unlikely reflecting gender sensitivity. 이 연구는 최근의 미디어 보도에서 드러나는 성별 갈등 문제화 담론을분석하고 언론사별 보도 방식의 차이가 있는지를 살펴보았다. 비판적 담론 분석 방법을 활용하여 미디어 보도 텍스트의 특성을 드러내고, 성별갈등 이슈가 외부 담론과 어떤 방식으로 연결되는지를 살펴 담론의 사회적 실천 양상을 분석하였다. 메갈리아 이슈 이후의 페미니즘 담론, 온라인 커뮤니티를 중심으로 생성되어온 역차별 담론이 성별 갈등 담론과 어떤 상호텍스트성을 보이는지, 그리고 이를 매개하는 언론 보도의 주요 보도 방식은 무엇인지, 성별 갈등이 종국적으로는 세대 갈등 혹은 정부 지지도에 대한 담론과 접합하는 양상은 어떻게 드러나는지를 분석하였다. 이러한 연구 결과를 토대로, 미디어의 성인지 감수성 제고, 직접 인용 보도와 형식적 객관주의의 문제, 사실 확인과 심층 보도의 중요성 등 저널리즘 윤리 차원의 제고를 요청하였다.

      • KCI등재

        청년세대의 젠더 갈등 인식에 관한 연구

        김정인 서울행정학회 2024 한국사회와 행정연구 Vol.35 No.2

        근 한국사회에서 청년세대들의 젠더 갈등은 더욱 심각해져 가고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 청년세대의 젠더 갈등 인식 현황과 이에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 실증 분석하였다. 그 결과 청년들의 젠더 갈등 인식은 기성세대에 비해 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 특히 30대에서 젠더 갈등 인식이 가장 높게 나타났다. 또한 젠더 감수성이 낮을수록, 사회적 고립감이 클수록, 기회 공정성이 낮다고 인식할수록, 사회적 신뢰가 낮을수록, 성차별 경험이 있을수록 청년세대의 젠더 갈등 인식은 높게 나타났다. 그리고 청년세대의 젠더 갈등 인식에 미치는 영향 변수들은 연령대에 따라 차이가 나타났다. 20대(19세 포함) 청년들의 경우 보수주의적 정치성향이 강할수록, 성차별 경험이 있을수록 젠더 갈등 인식이 높게 나타났지만, 30대 청년들은 이와는 달리 젠더 감수성이 낮을수록, 사회적 고립감이 클수록, 사회적 불공정성 인식이 높을수록, 가족과 지인에 대한 신뢰가 낮을수록 젠더 갈등 인식이 증가하였다. 이러한 실증분석 결과는 향후 청년세대 젠더 갈등관리 방안의 필요성을 제시하고, 20대와 30대의 청년세대 맞춤형 젠더 갈등관리 방안을 마련하는데 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다. Recently, gender conflicts among the younger generation in Korean society have been intensifying. Our study empirically analyzes the current state of the perception of gender conflict among the youth and the factors influencing it. As a result, the perception of gender conflict among young people was higher compared to older generations, with those in their 30s showing the highest levels. Additionally, lower gender sensitivity, greater social isolation, lower perceived fairness of opportunities, lower social trust, and experiences of gender discrimination were associated with higher levels of the perception of gender conflict among the younger generation. Furthermore, the factors influencing the perception of gender conflict among the younger generation varied by age. For young people in their 20s(including 19-year-olds), higher levels of conservatism and experiences of gender discrimination led to increased the perception of gender conflict. In contrast, for those in their 30s, lower gender sensitivity, greater social isolation, higher perceptions of social unfairness, and lower trust in family and friends resulted in increased the perception of gender conflict. Our empirical analysis underscores the need for future strategies in managing gender conflicts among the younger generation, emphasizing the importance of distinguishing between those in their 20s and 30s in addressing gender conflicts among youth.

      • KCI우수등재

        한국인의 젠더정체성과 젠더갈등

        김기동(Kim, Gidong),정다빈(Jung, Da Bin),이재묵(Lee, Jae Mook) 한국정치학회 2021 한국정치학회보 Vol.55 No.4

        이 연구는 한국인들의 젠더정체성에 대한 직접적인 측정을 통해 생물학적인 성별이 아닌 사회학적인 젠더정체성을 이용하여 젠더갈등을 분석한다. 특히, 젠더갈등에 대한 간접적인 측정방식에서 벗어나, 사회정체성 이론에 근거하여 내집단 성별과 외집단 성별을 구분하고, 각각에 대한 정서적 태도격차로서 표현되는 젠더갈등을 측정함으로써 분석을 실시한다. 본 연구의 주요 분석결과에 따르면, 첫째, 한국인들의 젠더정체성은 성별과 소속집단에 따라 그 수준이 상이하다. 둘째, 사회정체성 이론이 제시하듯이, 젠더정체성이 높을수록 젠더갈등의 수준도 높다. 또한, 이러한 패턴은 남성보다 여성에게서 더욱 두드러진다. 셋째, 다른 연령집단보다 20대가 더 높은 젠더갈등 수준을 보인다. 넷째, 젠더갈등 수준이 높은 사람들일수록 정당정치에서의 정서적 양극화 수준도 높은 것으로 확인됨에 따라 젠더갈등의 정치화 가능성을 시사한다. We examine gender identity and gender conflicts among South Koreans. By measuring gender identity, we analyze gender conflicts via sociological gender, instead of biological sex. In addition, relying on social identity theory, we provide direct measures of gender conflicts based on in-group and out-group gender. According to our findings, first, the level of gender identity is different depending on one’s sex, income level, residence region, religion, and partisanship. Second, individuals with higher levels of gender identity are more likely to show higher levels of gender conflicts. And, this pattern is more salient among women than among men. Third, the twenties are more likely than other age groups to have higher levels of gender conflicts. Lastly, as individuals have higher levels of gender conflicts, they are more likely to show higher levels of partisan affective polarization as well, which implies the possibility of politicization of gender conflicts.

      • KCI등재

        성별 갈등 새말과 언어 태도

        이정복 한국어학회 2024 한국어학 Vol.103 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 2000년 이후 만들어진 ‘갈등 관계’를 나타내는 새말을 사회언어학적 관점에서 분석하는 것이다. 국립국어원에서 20년 동안 조사한 새말을 분석한 결과, 갈등 관계 새말은 513개로 나타났다. 그 가운데 성별 갈등 새말이 32.2%로 가장 높은 비율을 차지했다. 성별 갈등 새말은 2000년부터 약 10년 동안 조금씩 증가하다가 2008, 2009년에 최고 수준에 이르렀고, 이후 서서히 줄어들었다. 사회경제적 요인과 매체 환경의 변화 때문에 성별 갈등 새말이 점차 늘어났다. 2010년 이후 성차별 문제가 사회적으로 크게 부각되고, 관련 연구 및 여성 운동이 증가한 덕분에 성별 갈등 새말이 점차 줄어든 것으로 해석되었다. 성별 갈등 새말의 81.2%가 여성에게 불리하거나 여성을 차별, 비하, 배제하는 내용인데, 형태론적 요인의 작용으로 최근 들어서 갈등 관계 새말이 성별 균형을 이루게 되었다. 새말 형성에서 보이는 언어 현실과 달리 화자들의 언어 태도는 아직도 강한 성별 대립 상태에 있음을 분석했다. 언어 상황과 언어 태도 사이의 거리를 좁히기 위해서는 새말 형성에 놓여 있는 사회적 의미를 화자들에게 충분히 알리는 홍보와 교육이 필요함을 지적한다. The purpose of this study is to analyze neologisms being ‘conflict relationships’ created since 2000 from a sociolinguistic perspective. As a result of analyzing the neologisms surveyed by the National Institute of the Korean Language for 20 years, there were 513 words related to conflict. Among them, neologisms of gender conflict accounted for the highest proportion with 32.2%. It gradually increased for about 10 years since 2000, reached the highest level in 2008 and 2009, and then gradually decreased. Due to changes in socioeconomic factors and the media environment, neologisms of gender conflict gradually increased. Since 2010, we interpreted that neologisms of gender conflict have gradually decreased thanks to the large social emphasis on gender discrimination, and the increase in related research and women’s movements. 81.2% of gender-conflict neologisms are unfavorable to women or have content that discriminates, degrades, or excludes women, but recently, due to the action of morphological factors, neologisms related to gender conflict have achieved gender balance. Unlike the linguistic reality seen in the formation of words, the analysis showed that netizens’ linguistic attitudes are still in a state of strong gender conflict. We pointed out that to narrow the distance between the language situation and linguistic attitudes, publicity and education are necessary to sufficiently inform the speakers of the social meanings that lie in the formation of neologisms.

      • KCI등재

        국군간호사관학교 여생도의 양성평등의식, 집단자존감과 성역할 갈등

        김지은,김지연,김현,전윤경 국군간호사관학교 군건강정책연구소 2019 군진간호연구 Vol.37 No.1

        Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the level of gender egalitarianism, collective self-esteem, and gender role conflict among Korea Armed Forces Nursing Academy (KAFNA) female cadets and to analyze correlations among variables. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study. Data were collected from 229 female cadets from all student years. The self-reported questionnaire was composed of items about general features, gender egalitarianism, collective self-esteem, and gender role conflict. Results: The mean score of gender egalitarianism, collective self-esteem, and gender role conflict was 3.72±0.32, 3.81±0.51, and 4.24±0.55 respectively. School year, one of the general features was significantly related with the level of collective self-esteem and gender role conflict. Discipline score was significantly related with self -esteem. Gender egalitarianism and gender role conflict had significant correlation. Conclusion: Based on the results, it is recommended to consider KAFNA female cadets' level of gender egalitarianism, collective self-esteem, and gender role conflict with KAFNA' uniqueness compared to other military organizations when developing relevant educative programs.

      • Work-Family Conflict and Health among Married Workers in South Korea: A Gender Analysis

        차수진,정혜주 한국사회보장학회 2015 한국사회보장학회 정기학술대회 Vol.2015 No.2

        The patriarchal culture and institutions have been slow in adjusting to the labor market change, which makes the work-family conflict an important social issue in South Korea. South Korea’s one of the lowest female labor market participation rate among OECD countries is one of the evidences of the high work-family conflict. According to the role strain theory, work family conflict occurs when the role in the workplace and the role in the family collides each other. There have been many efforts to test this theory of the work-family conflict in various societies. Also, only few of previous studies on the work-family conflict focused on the health outcomes. The goal of this study is to identify (1) the physical and mental health consequences of the work-family conflict and (2) its gender difference among South Koreans. Using the data from the 2012 Korean General Social Survey (KGSS), 498 married workers were included as a study population. Work-family conflict was measured with 2 variables in 2 domains each: (1) work to family and (2) family to work conflict. Health outcomes were divided into physical health and mental health; (1) physical health was measured with self-rated health and (2) mental health was measured with depressive symptoms (The Patient Health Questionnaire-9) and suicidal behavior (Korean version of Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview). Socio-demographic, work domain, and family domain factors were considered as confounders of the associations between work-family conflict and health outcomes. All analyses were conducted using STATA version 12. Firstly, there were consistent associations found between work-family conflicts and health outcomes among total married workers. Poor self-rated health, depressive symptoms and suicidal behavior were positively associated with strain based and time based work-to-family conflicts and strain and responsibility based family-to-work conflicts, when all possible confounders were adjusted. Secondly, slight gender moderating effects on these associations were found, even though it was not statistically significant. Among women, strain based and time based work-to-family conflicts were significantly associated with all health outcomes; poor self-rated health, depressive symptoms, and suicidal behavior. On the contrary, among men, strain based family-to-work conflict and responsibility based family-to-work conflict were significantly associated with poor self-rated health and suicidal behavior. Regarding socio-demographic, work and family domain factors, caregiving hours were negatively associated with poor self-rated health both among men and women. However, managerial position and presence of children younger than 6yrs old had positive association with depressive symptoms and suicidal behavior only among women and working hours and income level had positive association with depressive symptoms and suicidal behavior only among men. The results suggest that the work-family conflicts have negative impacts on the health outcomes of the married workers in South Korea and there are gender moderating effects in terms of the fact that the work-to-family conflict has more association with women and the family-to-work conflict with men. Therefore, family friendly policies should be introduced focusing on this gender difference to improve the health of the married working population. For women who have children younger than 6 years of age, reducing their household burden as well as improving their status at work and for men, increasing hours spent at family and adjusting working hours would be needed. By doing these, it would be possible not only to enhance the health of married workers but also to reduce the gender gaps in the labor market, the so called sexual division of labor, too.

      • KCI등재

        맞벌이 기혼 남성의 전통적인 성역할태도와 직무소진간의 관계: 기본 심리적 욕구 만족을 통한 일→가정 갈등의 조절된 매개효과

        신윤정,김은하 한국상담학회 2021 상담학연구 Vol.22 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the moderated mediating effect of work-to-family conflict through satisfaction of basic psychological needs (competence, relatedness, and autonomy) in the relationship between traditional gender-role attitudes and job burnout of double-income married men. For this, traditional gender-role attitude, basic psychological needs satisfaction, work-to-family conflict, and job burnout were measured for 200 double-income married men, and analysis was conducted through SPSS Macro. As a result, work-to-family conflict fully mediated the relationship between traditional gender-role attitudes and job burnout. That is, as people have more traditional gender-role attitudes, they are more likely to experience job burnout via work-to-family conflict. Second, among the three basic psychological needs satisfaction, competence needs satisfaction was found to moderate the association between traditional gender role attitudes and work-to-family conflict. It means that the impact of traditional gender attitude on work-to-family conflict could be reduced when the competence need is satisfied within the relationship with spouse. Third, the moderated mediating model was supported in that the mediating effect of work-to-family conflict on the relationship between traditional gender-role attitudes and job burnout. That is, those who have low or average competence needs satisfaction are more vulnerable to job burnout due to more work-family conflict as their traditional gender role attitude increases, but those who have high competence needs satisfaction are not vulnerable to job burnout because they do not experience much conflict between work-to-family, even if they have a high traditional gender role attitude. 본 연구에서는 맞벌이 기혼남성을 대상으로 전통적인 성역할태도와 직무소진간의 관계에서 (부부사이의) 기본 심리적 욕구(유능성, 관계성, 자율성) 만족을 통한 일→가정 갈등의 조절된 매개효과를 확인하였다. 이를 위해, 200명의 맞벌이 기혼남성을 대상으로 전통적인 성역할태도, 기본 심리적 욕구 만족, 일→가정 갈등, 직무소진을 측정하였고, SPSS Macro를 통해 분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 먼저, 일→가정 갈등이 전통적인 성역할태도와 직무소진간의 관계를 완전 매개하는 것으로 나타났는데, 즉, 성역할태도가 전통적일수록, 일→가정 갈등을 많이 경험하고 궁극적으로 직무소진을 경험할 가능성이 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 둘째, 세 가지 기본 심리적 욕구 만족 중 유능성 욕구 만족이 전통적인 성역할태도와 일→가정 갈등을 조절하는 것으로 나타났는데, 이는 배우자와의 관계에서 유능성 욕구를 만족할수록, 전통적인 성역할태도가 일→가정 갈등에 미치는 영향이 감소한다는 것을 의미한다. 셋째, 전통적인 성역할태도가 직무소진에 미치는 영향에서 유능성 욕구 만족을 통한 일→가정 갈등의 매개된 조절효과가 나타났다. 즉, 유능성 욕구 만족이 낮거나 보통인 사람은 전통적인 성역할태도가 높을수록 일→가정 갈등을 많이 겪어 직무소진에 취약하지만, 유능성 욕구 만족이 높은 사람은 전통적인 성역할태도가 높더라도 일→가정 갈등을 많이 겪지 않아 직무소진에 취약하지 않다는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        대구지역을 중심으로 본 젠더파트너십 강화방안

        김영화(Kim, Young-Hwa) 경북대학교 사회과학연구원 2008 사회과학 담론과 정책 Vol.1 No.-

        여성과 남성의 역할 갈등으로 나타나는 사회적 갈등은 많은 부분에서 소모적이고 비효율적이다. 그리고 성별갈등이 개인 간의 관계, 가족, 직장, 지역사회에 직접적, 간접적으로 미치는 영향은 지대하다고 볼 수 있다. 또한 기존의 성별역할고정관념으로 인한 역할 배분은 개인이 가진 능력과 잠재력을 개발하고 발굴하지 못하게 만든다. 이 논문은 “지역사회 젠더파트너십 강화방안”에 관한 것이다. 젠더파트너십은 성인지적 시각과 성 평등 의식이 전제되지 않는다면 논할 수 없는 주제이다. 젠더파트너십은 전통적 성역할고정관념을 타파하고, 남녀로서가 아니라 개인의 성향과 능력을 존중함으로써 강화되기로 하고, 또한 젠더파트너십이 강화됨으로써 이러한 성별갈등이 감소되기도 한다. 따라서 젠더파트너십은 성 주류화를 이끌어 내고 성 평등사회를 만들어 나가는 데 필수적인 전제가 된다. 특히 대구지역의 보수성과 폐쇄성은 전국적으로 유명하다. 이에 남녀 갈등적 요소는 다른 지역보다 더욱 심각하게 나타날 수 있으며, 인적자원을 개발하고, 여성의 잠재인력을 활용하는데 매우 심각한 장애요인으로 작용할 수 있다. 젠더 파트너십은 단기적으로 여성의 경력 단절 현상을 막고 재취업의 길을 모색하는 데, 장기적으로는 남녀 모두 행복한 사회를 만드는 데 매우 중요한 기반이 된다. 본 연구에서는 젠더파트너십에 대한 이해를 위해 전제되는 몇 가지 중요한 개념과 성별 갈등요인이 무엇인지에 대한 분석, 젠더파트너십에 대한 지역민의 인식조사, 파트너십연구과제, 정책적 제안 등으로 전개된다. 대구지역사희 젠더파트너십의 모색은 각 영역별로 나누어 개인 및 가족적 차원, 직장 및 조직적 차원, 지역사회 차원으로 살펴보고 있다. Social conflicts generated role conflicts between men and women are unproductive and inefficient in many fields in a society. And gender conflicts might influence enormously on the personal relationship, family, working places and community, directly and indirectly. Moreover the role distribution through a traditional fixed idea of sex roll has kept away from using one"s own abilities and potentialities. This article is about “the idea for enforcement of gender partnership in Daegu-community”. Gender partnership is one of the topics which can not discussed, unless gender sensitive perspectives and consciousness of gender equality are premised. Gender partnership breaks down traditional fixed idea of sex roll and is enforced by respecting individual character and abilities not by treating as men and women, in turn these gender conflicts are reduced by enforcement of gender partnership. Thus gender partnership is the key of gender-mainstreaming and the gender equal society. In particular Daegu area is very famous for conservative and closing locality within Korea. So the factors of gender conflicts could be appeared much more serious than other areas and function in developing human capital and utilizing potentialities of women"s power as an obstacle. Gender partnership is the most important basement for protecting from job-interruption for women and trying to be reemployed in short period, and to build a “happy” society for both, men and women, in a long run. In this research, some important concepts for better understanding gender partnership are examined and then, the factors of gender conflicts, the concrete ideas of partnership, at the last, the future tasks of research on the gender partnership are studied. The research for gender partnership in Daegu-community is divided into three level, personal and family level, working places and organizations, community level.

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