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      • KCI등재

        집중방식이 과제수행에 미치는 영향

        노정석,김장환,Roh, Jung-Suk,Kim, Jang-Hwan 대한물리치료과학회 2006 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to introduce the effect of attentional focus on performance of task. Previous studies has shown that motor learning can be enhanced by directing performers's attention to the effects of their movements(external focus), rather than to the body movement producing the effects(internal focus). Wulf and colleagues have invoked the 'constrained action hypothesis' to explain the comparative benefits of adopting an external rather than an internal focus of attention. This hypothesis proposed that when performers utilize an internal focus of attention, they may actually constrain or interfere with automatic control processes that would normally regulate the movement, whereas an external focus of attention allows the motor system to more naturally self-organize. Electromyography(EMG) was used to determine neuromuscular correlates of external versus internal focus differences. EMG activity was lower with an external relative to an internal focus. This suggest that an external focus of attention enhances movement economy, and presumably reduces 'noise' in the motor system that hampers fine movement control. Focusing on a more remote effect seems to facilitate the discriminability of the effect from the body movements that produced it and to be more beneficial than focusing on a very close effects. There might be an optimal distance of the effect, at which ti wis easily distinguishable from the body movement but at which it is also still possible for the performer to relate this effect to the movement techniques. Future Studies of motor learning of patient need to accommodate these new finding and account for the role of the learner's attentional focus and its influencing on learning.

      • KCI등재

        기업분리의 단기성과: 분리설립과 분리매각의 비교

        조정일,심한택 대한경영학회 2005 大韓經營學會誌 Vol.18 No.1

        Firms generally increase focus by spinning off unrelated divisions to their own shareholders and by selling unrelated assets to others. However, sell-offs is often motivated by liquidity constraint or paying down debt. Thus, both types of divestitures have a significantly positive influence on share prices of a parent and spin-offs outperform sell-offs because of higher increase in focus comparing to sell-offs.The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of divestitures on share prices and further to provide evidence on association between increase in focus and the stock market performance. Our results are as follows. First, we find that spin-offs and sell-offs have significantly positive abnormal returns around the announcement day. Second, spin-offs is higher than sell-offs in cumulative abnormal returns until the announcement day. Third, the cumulative abnormal returns is higher for the focus-increasing spin-offs and non-focus- increasing sell-offs. Thus, the result suggests that spin-offs is consistent with the focusing hypothesis but sell-offs is rather consistent with the financing hypothesis. Finally, the result is confirmed by cross-sectional regression. 기업분리는 일반적으로 집중화 가설(focusing hypothesis)로 설명되어진다. 분리설립은 비효율적인 사업부문을 분리하여 독립된 회사로 운영함으로써 기업의 사업집중화를 도모하고 분리매각은 비효율적 자산이 높은 가치를 창출하는 기업으로 전환되어 사업집중화를 도모한다는 것이다. 하지만 분리매각의 경우 재무적 곤경(financial distress)을 회피하여 기업의 재무구조의 건실화를 추구하는 방법의 하나로 분리매각을 선택하기도 한다. 이러한 긍정적 정보로 인해 공시일 부근에서는 양(+)의 초과수익률이 나타날 것이다. 또한 분리매각은 재무적 곤경으로 인해 이루어질 수 있기 때문에 음(-)의 초과수익률을 갖는 이후에 이루어지며 분리설립의 공시효과가 분리매각 보다 클 것으로 예상할 수 있다.본 연구는 분리설립과 분리매각의 단기성과인 공시효과를 분석하였다. 다음으로 기업분리의 단기성과와 사업집중화의 관계를 분석하기 위하여 사업집중화의 증감에 따라 분리설립과 분리매각을 분류하고 단기성과를 비교분석하였다. 본 연구는 기업분리 공시일을 전후 61일간의 주가반응을 비교분석하기 위하여 전통적인 사건연구방법의 하나인 시장-위험조정모형을 이용하였다. 기업분리 이후 사업집중화의 변화를 측정하기 위해 사업부 내지는 제품라인별 매출액을 기준 Herfindahl지수를 산출하였다.1997년~2002년 동안에 공시된 31건의 분리설립과 37건의 분리매각에 대한 평균초과수익률을 검증한 결과 분리설립은 공시일 기준 -10일에서 유의적인 양(+)의 초과수익률이 분리매각은 공시일 부근에서 유의적인 양(+)의 초과수익률이 나타났다. 공시일 이전의 누적평균초과수익률에서는 분리설립의 누적평균초과수익률이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 분리매각은 음(-)의 초과수익률을 그리고 분리설립은 양(+)의 초과수익률을 갖는 기간 이후에서 이루어진다는 것을 어느 정도 확인할 수 있었다.분리설립은 분리 이후 사업집중화가 증가한 경우와 증가하지 않은 경우 차이를 보였으며, 따라서 집중화된 분리설립의 공시효과가 더 크게 나타났다. 분리매각은 비집중화된 분리매각의 공시효과가 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 분리설립은 집중화 가설이 분리매각은 재무적 가설이 더 타당하다는 실증적 연구결과라 할 수 있다. 추가적으로 누적평균초과수익률에 대한 횡단면 회귀분석 결과 분리설립에서는 Herfindahl지수가 유의적인 양(+)의 관계를 보였다. 이에 반해 분리매각에서는 부채비율이 유의적인 음(-)의 관계를 보였다.

      • KCI등재

        초급 외국인 학습자와 계승어 학습자의 상호작용 비교 연구 -형태 초점 양상을 중심으로-

        이복자 국제한국어교육학회 2018 한국어 교육 Vol.29 No.3

        Bok Ja Lee. 2018. A Comparative Study on Differences in Interaction between Beginning Foreign Learners and Heritage Learners: Focused on Form. Journal of Korean Language Education 29-3: 197-225. The purpose of this study is to compare the difference in the interactions between beginning language learners and heritage learners on their forms based on the interaction hypothesis. In this study, three types of information gap activities were used to analyze Language Related Episodes (LREs) while investigating the interaction patterns in language use between four pairs (eight learners) of foreign learners and four pairs (eight learners) of English-speaking heritage learners. The result indicated that foreign learners had a high focus on form during interaction. In particular, they had a tendency to focus on vocabulary rather than grammar, and they conducted self-repair by examining and mostly adjusting their speech to postposition and tense. However, in the problem-solving process, they showed a limited ability in interaction, and thus directly asked others to settle the problem or resorted to using English due to their lack of ability to employ various communication strategies. However, heritage learners had a relatively low focus on form compared to foreign learners. Yet, they also focused more on vocabulary rather than grammar and conducted self-repair in interaction, especially for vocabulary. In addition, they were skillful at using various communication strategies such as indirect expressions, use of alternative words, evasion, and delaying, to expand speech and prevent communication breakdown. They focused less on grammar and mostly did not provide negative feedback in interaction. (Yonsei University)

      • KCI등재

        영어 전치사구 도치 구문과한/영 통ㆍ번역

        이광호 한국통번역교육학회 2022 통번역교육연구 Vol.20 No.1

        he purpose of this research is to explain the syntactic and semantic characteristics of English PP Inversion Constructions and propose how to avoid the problems arising in the translation of Korean to and from English. This paper has identified the syntactic position of the inverted PP by employing Rizzi’s Split CP Hypothesis. Also, this paper has discussed the differences in discourse functions between the preposed PP and the inverted subject, explaining restrictions on the usage of English PP Inversion. It has been shown that only unaccusative verbs allow subject-verb inversion with preposed PP and that the fronted PP functions as a Topic, whereas the inverted subject at the end of the Inversion Construction functions as a Focus. It has also been argued that modal and aspect auxiliary verbs cannot occur in English PP Inversion Constructions. Furthermore, this paper has suggested that it is necessary to teach the students of translation syntactic and semantic characteristics of English PP Inversion and other constructions so that they can have a good understanding of English linguistics required for successful translation of Korean and English.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 좌향전이 이중타동구문의 논항 실현 양상 고찰

        강병규 ( Byeong Kwu Kang ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2015 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to account for the mechanism of Chinese left-transfer ditransitive construction(also called malefactive source construction). In Chinese, a malefactive-source verb is a verb which can take a subject and two objects which refer to a theme and a recipient(source). According to linguistics considerations, these objects are called direct and indirect. This is in contrast to monotransitive verbs, which take only one object. In Chinese, it is common to differentiate the objects of a ditransitive verb using word order or context. The main idea of this paper is that the semantic prototype of ditransitivity is defined by the ‘the Maximally Distinguished Arguments Hypothesis’. According to the Maximally Distinguished Arguments Hypothesis, the A-R-T argument categories should be defined so as to be maximally semantically distinct.

      • KCI등재

        아랍어 명사구 이동에 대한 연구

        최진영(Choi, Jin-Young) 한국이슬람학회 2021 한국이슬람학회논총 Vol.31 No.1

        The focal point of this paper is to make a minimalist study on NP-movement in Arabic constructions such as passive construction, raising construction, and topicalized construction. In addition, this study is going to explain the characteristics of each NP-movement, and the cause of the movement by the check theory as well as establishing X-bar schema by virtue of VP-internal subject hypothesis. It will be argued that the NP-movement in the passive construction must be moved to the SPEC1 position in order to be checked for the nominative case from Tense of Inflection. In the case of the NP- movement in the raising construction which contains raising verb and modal verb, it will be proved that the upward NP-movement from SPEC1 to SPEC2 within the IP domain is not accepted, but NP-movement is generated through the left dislocation to SPEC3 position in the CP domain. Finally, in the topicalized construction, the NP-movement takes the shape of the upward movement from SPEC1 to SPEC2. It will be analyzed that the NP is shifted by the focus rule, which is considered as the semantic rule, not the syntactic rules. At this time, the subject NP is checked for incomplete nominative case, which shows that Arabic T-quality is weak as opposed to English strong T-quality. Recently, the transformational-generative theory has evolved from the minimalist theory to the optimistic theory in order to ultimately build up the universal grammar that satisfies the universal qualities of individual languages to the fullest, while satisfying the external basis of individual language phenomena. In other words, the goal of the universal grammar is to maximize the explanatory adequacy in principles while maintaining the objective adequacy for individual languages. Therefore, the theory of Arabic grammar should satisfy the maximization of the explanatory adequacy in the framework of the universal grammar.

      • KCI우수등재

        The Interaction Hypothesis Examined through Korean University EFL Learners

        ( Hae Moon Lee ) 한국영어영문학회 2003 영어 영문학 Vol.49 No.5

        The interaction hypothesis (Long 1983a, b, c) is the first testable hypothesis that proposed the role of interaction, especially meaning negotiation, for SLA. The interaction hypothesis has two versions, the original and the revised. The original interaction hypothesis proposed that meaning negotiation between a native and a non-native speaker promotes comprehension and in turn, the comprehension of input promotes acquisition. In the revised version, Long(1996) proposed that the reason why meaning negotiation promotes SLA is not comprehension but `focus on form.` The present study examines the original interaction hypothesis with Korean university EFL students for both theoretical and practical purposes. The revision of the hypothesis implies a fuudamental difference in its theoretical position but Long`s revision was motivated mainly by the conflicting findings from the previous empirical studies. The goal of the present study is to improve the research method of the previous studies and to find the rationale for the revision. from a practical perspective of English education, the effect of interaction between the native and non-native speaker or between the non-native speakers is an important issue in Korea. because English class is operated by those two types of interaction in the current communicative teaching trend, but the effects of them have rarely been examined. findings suggest that the meaning negotiation was more effective for EfL vocabulary Iearning but it was not due to comprehension. In turn, it was suggested that the new nedium should replace comprehension, though the present study could not find whether the new medium is `focus on form.`

      • KCI등재

        초점구조의 통사적 분석

        조동인 ( Dong In Cho ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2011 인문학연구 Vol.38 No.4

        본 논문의 목적은 Breul(2001, 2004)이 제시한 통사적 체계에 근거하여 한국어 초점구조를 분석하고 Chomsky(1995)가 제시한 연쇄이론을 변형하여 한국어의 다양한 초점구조를 보이는 것을 목적으로 한다. 초점은 다양한 언어적 장치를 통해서 나타난다. 이러한 이유로 이에 대한 정의와 연구방법이 다양하다. 어떤 학자들(Jones 2006, Dechaine 2002, E. Kiss 1998a; 1998b, Brody 1990; 1995, etc.)은 초점구조에 대한 통사적 접근법을 취한다. 이 접근법은 초점을 통사구조 내에서 wh-이동처럼 이동현상으로 간주한다. 그러나 Lambrecht(1994, 2001)는 초점에 대한 연구는 언어적 구성요소들(예, 통사-의미 접합점, 담화-화용 접합점) 간의 접합점에서 연구되어야 한다고 주장한다. 더욱이 Breul(2001, 2004)은 초점구가설과 [±foc] 자질을 가정하고 초점구조를 범주적, 확인적, 단언적으로 분류하였다. 그는 통사, 의미 그리고 억양 내에서 통합적인 접근법을 취하였다. 이와 같이 통사와 의미의 경계에서 Han(1998)은 -은/는의 어휘적 분석의 한계를 밝히면서 한국어의 명사-은/는에서 -은/는이 주제 혹은 초점으로 해석되는 이유를 설명하려고 하였다. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the focus structure in Korean based on the syntactic framework proposed by Breul(2001, 2004), and to show various focus structures in Korean modifying the chain theory proposed by Chomsky(1995). Focus is represented by various means of linguistic devices. That`s why its definition and its research method is varied. Some linguists take syntactic approach to the analysis of focus structure(Jones 2006, Dechaine 2002, E. Kiss 1998a; 1998b, Brody 1990; 1995, etc.). This approach generally considers the focus is a kind of movement like wh-movent within the syntactic structure. However, Lambrecht(1994, 2001) argues that the research on focus should be done in the interface of some components of linguistics, e.g. syntax-semantic interface, discourse-pragmatic interface). Furthermore, assuming FocP-hypothesis and [±foc] features, Breul(2001, 2004) tries to categorize the focus structure into three: categorical, identificational, and thetic focus structure. He takes integrated approach to the analysis within the interface of syntax, semantics and intonation. Likewise, on the boundary of syntax and semantics, Han(1998) tries to explain why the -(n)un in NP-(n)un in Korean is interpreted as topic or focus, finding the limitations of the lexical analysis of -(n)un.

      • KCI등재후보

        분리공모(Equity Carve-outs)의 동기에 관한 연구

        김지수 ( Chi Soo Kim ),조정일 ( Jeong Il Jo ) 한국금융공학회 2008 금융공학연구 Vol.7 No.3

        본 연구에서는 우리나라 기업에서 분리공모를 시행하는 동기를 분석하였다. 분리공모의 시행동기로써 재무적 가설과 정보비대칭가설, 집중화가설과 역선택의 가설을 검증하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 분리공모 모기업의 재무적 특성과 이항로짓분석, 횡단면회귀분석과 모회사의 성장성 및 모회사와 자회사의 영업성과 추이 등을 분석하였다. 이러한 분석의 결과, 분석방법에 따라서 분리공모의 추진 동기가 혼재되어 나타났지만 분리공모의 추진동기로써 집중화와 역선택 가설은 어떠한 분석에서도 지지되지 않았다. 반면에 재무적 가설과 정보비대칭 가설은 분석방법에 따라 여러 분석에서 지지되는 결과를 보였다. 따라서 우리나라 기업에서 분리공모는 주로 자금조달을 위한 재무적 동기에서 행해지거나 모회사의 저평가 혹은 자회사의 고평가에 관한 정보비대칭적 상황을 바탕으로 행해지는 것으로 여겨진다. 우리나라에서 분리공모에 대해 어느 특정 가설이 일관되게 지지되지 않는 것은 분리공모가 재무적 필요성을 비롯하여 모회사의 저평가나 자회사의 고평가 등 시장상황에 따라 다양한 동기에 의해 추진되고 있기 때문으로 판단된다. In this study, we examined the motivation of the equity carve-out for Korean firms. In order to test financing, asymmetric information, corporate focus and adverse selection hypotheses as motives for the equity carve-out, we carried out various analyses including binomial-logistic analysis and cross-sectional regression. However, the results were mixed. Nonetheless, few points can be made clear. While both corporate focus and adverse selection hypotheses were not supported by any of analyses, financing and asymmetric information hypotheses were supported in many cases. It means that equity carve-outs were carried out mainly to finance insufficient fund of parent firms or to take advantage of undervaluation of parents or overvaluation of subsidiaries under asymmetric information. Also, the fact that no unique hypothesis was not consistently supported in any of analysis seems to imply that very diversified factors might act as motives behind equity carve-outs in Korean firms.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Task Complexity and Planning on L2 Speaking Performances and Focus on Form

        Jisu Ryu,Byungmin Lee 한국응용언어학회 2018 응용 언어학 Vol.34 No.4

        Despite the synergistic effects of task complexity and planning on speaking performances and focus on form, as implied in previous studies, past research solely looked at their individual effects. Thus, this study explored effects of task complexity and planning on L2 spoken performances and focus on form. Korean EFL low-intermediate learners (n=40) completed picture description tasks in four different conditions (i.e., simple no planning [SN], complex no planning [CN], simple planning [SP] and complex planning [CP]) with post-task questionnaires. Results showed that task complexity and planning had interaction effects on lexical complexity and accuracy. In addition, positive main effects of task complexity were found on syntactic complexity. Positive main effects of planning were identified on syntactic complexity and fluency. In addition to performance scores, individual learners’ responses to the questionnaires provided further evidence of how they manage attentional resources. Despite the learners’ predisposition to meaning, the successful channelling of attention to form was achieved through increasing task complexity (i.e., from SP to CP). Despite theoretical dichotomy of prior research in the field (i.e., Cognition Hypothesis vs. Trade-off Hypothesis), the current study proposes the potential complementarity of these two frameworks: cognitively demanding tasks coupled with planning time may likely lead to enhanced performances in terms of complexity, accuracy, and fluency of Korean EFL low-intermediate learners. Pedagogical implications are also discussed.

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