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      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Flood Causes and Damages of Paddy Field in the Osong Region

        Da Ye Kim,Seung Jin Maeng,Hyo Sang Lee,Ho Jin Lee,Hyung Joon Chang,Seung Wook Lee,Hyung Keun Park 위기관리 이론과 실천 2021 Crisisonomy Vol.17 No.9

        2017년 7월 16일에 발생한 집중호우로 인하여 오송 제2생명과학단지 남쪽 정중3리, 봉산3리 및 서평2 리에 농경지 및 주택의 침수 피해가 발생하였다. 청주 지역에 발생한 홍수사상을 분석하고, 오송 지역에 미치는 영향을 확인하고자 관측 수문자료를 바탕으로 강우빈도 해석을 실시하였으며, 이를 통해 홍수사상의 재현빈도를 산정하고, 홍수사상이 확률강우량 산정에 미치는 영향을 확인하였다. 또한 홍수피해 지역의 분석을 위해 GATE2012 침수모의 프로그램을 이용하였으며, 연구 대상지 내 발생유량의 유입을 반영하지 않은 경우와 반영한 경우로 구분하여 모의하였다. 발생유량의 유입을 반영하지 않은 경우는 양배수장 미가동시과 정상 가동시로 구분하였고, 반영한 경우는 발생유량을 변화시켜 총 9가지 Case로 구분하여 침수분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구를 통해 연구 대상지의 유출량을 산정하여 침수형태를 분석하고 양배수장의 침수방어 역할을 판단할 수 있었으며, 추후 홍수시 농경 지 침수피해 분석의 신뢰성을 향상시키고 이를 통한 침수 방지 계획을 수립하는 데 기여하고자 한다. A severe rain storm that occurred on July 16, 2017, caused flooding of paddy fields and rural houses south of Osong Biovalley. To analyze the flood event that occurred in the Cheongju area and to verify its effects on the Osong area, rainfall frequency analysis was evaluated based on the observed hydrological data. The recurrence frequency of flood events was estimated through rainfall frequency analysis, and the effect of flood events on the estimation of probable rainfall was confirmed. The GATE2012 flood simulation program was used to analyze the flood-damaged area. The program simulation was performed by dividing it into the case where the inflow of the generated discharge within the study area was not reflected and the case where it was reflected. In the case of not reflecting the inflow of the generated discharge, it was divided into the non-operational and normal operation of the pumping and drainage station, and in the case of consideration, the generated discharge was changed and the inundation analysis was performed by classifying it into nine cases. Through this study, it is to improve the reliability of the analysis of flood damage in paddy fields during floods and to contribute to the establishment of a flood prevention plan.

      • KCI등재

        전자파표면유속계를 이용한 하천유량측정의 적용범위 확장을 위한 고성능 범용 전자파표면유속계의 개발

        김영성,원남일,노준우,박원철 한국수자원학회 2015 한국수자원학회논문집 Vol.48 No.8

        홍수기유량측정의어려움을극복하고자물과비접촉식으로유속을측정하여유량을산정하는전자파표면유속계를개발하여실무에적용하고 있다. 기존에 사용 중인 전자파표면유속계는 홍수용으로 연중 활용도가 낮아 이의 활용도를 높이고자 전자파표면유속계의 성능개선을 통하여 유속측정범위를확장하여평․갈수기에도하천유량측정이적용할수있게하였다. 즉기존홍수용전자파표면유속계의유속측정범위가0.5∼10.0 m/s이었던 반면, 금번 개발된 고성능 범용 전자파표면유속계는 0.03∼20.0m/s로 홍수기뿐만 아니라 평수기에 유속측정이 가능하도록 성능을 개선하였다. 전자파표면유속계를 이용한 저유속의 측정을 위해서 필요한 요소를 조사한 결과, 송신신호의 수신단 유입을 차단하여 저유속의 미세한수신신호에대한검출능력을향상할수있도록송수신격리도의개선, 이와함께공진기의위상잡음특성개선이저유속의검출에필수사항 임을파악하였다. 따라서이를감안하여안테나의송신부와수신부가분리된안테나를개발함으로써송수신격리도를개선하였고, 기존공진기의 위상잡음특성을개선하기위하여위상고정주파수합성기를공진기로적용함으로써저유속검출성능을개선하였다. 또한고성능범용전자파표면 유속계의 사용편의성 증진을 위하여 안테나의 소형, 경량화 제작을 가능토록 하고자 사용주파수(10 GHz→24GHz)를 변경하였다. 이와 더불어 기존전자파표면유속계사용자들의개선요구사항-측정유속안정화, 자체점검기능, 저전력, 방수방습-을반영함으로써현장에서유량측정하기에 간편한 기기로 개발하였다. To overcome the difficulties of discharge measurements during flood season, MWSCM(micowave water surface current meter) which measures river surface velocities without contacting water has been applied in field work since its development. The existing version of MWSCM is for floods so that its applicability is low due to the short periods of floods. Therefore the renovative redesign of MWSCM to increase the applicability was conducted so that it can be applied to the discharge measurements during normal flows as well as flood ones by extending the measurable range of velocity. A newly developed high-performance MWSCM for general use can measure the velocity range of 0.03-20.0 m/s from flood flows to normal flows, whereas MWSCM for floods can measure the velocity range of 0.5-10.0 m/s. The improvement of antenna isolation between transmitter and receiver to block the inflow of transmitted singals to receiver and the improvement of phase noise of oscillator are necessary for detecting low velocity with MWSCM technology. Separate type antenna of transmitting and receiving signals is developed for isolation enhancement and phase locked loop synthesizer as an oscillator is applied to high-performance MWSCM for general use. Microwave frequency of 24 GHz is applied to the new MWSCM rather than 10 GHz to make the new MWSCM small and light for convenient use of it at fields. Improvement requests on MWSCM for floods-stable velocity measurement, self test, low power consumtion, and waterproof and dampproof-from the users of it has been reflected on the development of the new version of MWSCM.

      • Study on Evaluation Model of Urban resilience in response to Flood

        Chen, An,SHI Yu,CHEN Yinghua 한국도시행정학회 2019 한국도시행정학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2019 No.12

        Flood disaster is a kind of natural disaster that tests the level of the urban resilience, for it’s strong sudden occurrence, high frequency and serious loss to urban population and wealth. This paper analyzes the influencing factors of urban resilience, constructs the evaluation model of urban resilience to deal with flood disasters, and takes urban resistibility, adaptability and recovery as the three first-level indexes, ecological resistance and economy resistance, infrastructure resistance, disaster intensity, direct loss, infrastructure recovery and psychological recovery time as the second grade index. 22 tertiary indicators such as annual average precipitation and forest coverage were selected for assessment. The evolution law of evaluation model is also discussed from the stage of flood development. Finally, the data of Super typhoon “Mangkhut” in Guangdong Province landing in 2018 are selected for case analysis, and the urban resilience level to flood in Guangdong Province was obtained, which provided a reference for rationally responding to flood risks and carrying out the construction of urban resistance to flood.

      • KCI등재후보

        1925년 일제의 京城府 二村洞 水害對策과 都市開發 構想

        김태웅 역사학연구소 2017 역사연구 Vol.- No.33

        In July 1925, the highest flood in the 20th century occurred on the Korean Peninsula.For Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, the rain fell between 300 and 500 millimeters between July 16 and 18. Due to the flooding of the Han River, the number of victims and property losses reached 647 and 130 million won. At this time, the authorities abolished Ichon-dong which connects to the Hangang River. It is evident that Japan rejected the request for the construction of the dam by the Korean people in Ichon-dong, which is based on national discrimination. Also, this ouster of the Japanese was closely related to urban development plans designed according to the logic of capital accumulation. Thus, the residents of Ichon-dong were expelled from the homes of the people immediately after the floods. Instead, the idea of a plan for a Japanese plan began to materialize. Although the idea of this initiative was not realized immediately due to fiscal deficit, the Korean people's lives in Ichon-dong were counted as a root. 1925년(을축년) 7월 한반도에서는 20세기 최고의 홍수가 발생하였다. 서울과 경기의 경우, 비가 7월 16일과 18일 사이에 300~500밀리미터가 내릴 정도였다. 한강 범람으로 인해 사망자와 재산 피해액이 각각 647명, 1억 3천만 원(1년 예산의 58%)에 이르렀다. 한강에 연접한 이촌동의 경우, 이 홍수로 말미암아 廢洞이 되었다. 이러한 폐동을 야기한 홍수 피해는 일제가 이촌동 조선인 주민의 요구대로 이 지역에 제방을 수축하였다면 예방할 수 있었다. 그러나 일제는 이런 요구를 수용하지 않은 채 일본인 거주 지역에만 제방을 수축하였다. 심지어 을축년 홍수 이후에는 이촌동을 폐동으로 만들어 조선인의 거주를 금지하였다. 일제 당국의 이러한 시책은 1920년대 초부터 추진해 왔던 ‘대경성’ 도시개발계획의 일환으로 龍山을, 日本人을 위한 日本人의 商業地區로 개발시키고자 한 의도에서 비롯되었다. 이후 재원 부족으로 소기의 계획대로 추진하지 못하였지만 일제는 시시때때로 이촌동 조선인 주민을 축출하고자 하였다. 이는 일제가 수행했던 수해 복구의 底意 즉 실제를 잘 보여준다. 여기에는 도시계획을 추진했던 일제당국, 일본인 상공인들 특히 토목 청부업자의 그림자가 엿보인다. 이촌동이라는재난의 현장에서 민족 차별의 논리와 자본 축적의 논리가 결합하여 관철되고있음을 확인할 수 있다. 일제는 민족·계급 차별의 논리에 입각하되 개발의 논리와 연계하여 조선인 빈민 배척을 넘어 일본인 자본가의 이윤 축적을 지원하기에이른 것이다. 이는 일제가 그들의 통치 근거로 자주 내세웠던 公共性의 훼손을의미한다.

      • KCI등재

        이상기후변화가 낙동강 유역의 수문·수질요소에 미치는 영향

        장재호,안종호 한국수자원학회 2012 한국수자원학회논문집 Vol.45 No.11

        가뭄, 홍수와 같은 이상기후에 따른 낙동강 유역의 수문과 수질에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위해 강우 시나리오기반의 장기유출 유역모의를 통해 지표유출과 오염부하량 발생 특성을 살펴보았다. 전반적으로 가뭄년도에서는 지표유출량 감소에 따라 오염부하량 감소현상을, 홍수년도에는 강우유출 증가에 따른 부하량 증가를 나타냈으나, 상류유역의 댐 직·하류와 같은 특정유역에서는 가뭄 시 댐 운영으로 인한 방류효과와 토양수분량의 변화 등의 물리적 요인들로 인해 SS부하량의 증가현상이 나타났다. 가뭄에 따른 SS의 농도변화는 유량변화에 따라 민감하게 반응하여 가뭄년도의 평수량 및 갈수량 시기에 높은 농도분포를 나타내었고 T-P는 상대적으로 본류구간보다는 유량이 비교적 적은 지류구간에서 높은 농도범위를 나타내었다. 반면, 홍수년도의 경우 SS와 T-P 모두 기준년도와 유사한 농도범위에서 완만한 형태의 변화를 보였다. 또한, 유출량이 적은 건기 시에는 SS 부하량 유출도 감소하지만 유출량이 증가할수록 부하량이 급격히 증가하는 반면, T-P의 경우 건기 시에 부하량 유출이 크고 강우 시에는 오히려 감소하여 건기일수와 강우패턴에 지배적으로 각기 다른 영향을 받는 것으로 판단된다. SWAT model is applied to simulate rainfall-runoff and pollutant loadings in the Nakdong River basin as the condition for extreme droughts and floods. The year 1994 and 2002 are chosen as the drought and flood year, respectively, through the analysis of past rainfall data for 30 years. The simulation results show decreases in both runoff and pollutant loadings for the drought year but increases for the flood year. However, the pollutant loadings on some upper sub-basins increase for drought year due to highly-regulated dam discharge and soil moisture change. Collectively, extreme droughts and floods have negative impacts on water quality, showing elevated SS loadings during wet season and concentrated T-P concentrations during low flow season. The extent of these impacts is highly influenced by antecedent dry days and precipitation patterns.

      • Development of a multimodel‐based seasonal prediction system for extreme droughts and floods: a case study for South Korea

        Sohn, Soo‐,Jin,Tam, Chi‐,Yung,Ahn, Joong‐,Bae John Wiley Sons, Ltd. 2013 International journal of climatology Vol.33 No.4

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>An experimental, district‐level system was developed to forecast droughts and floods over South Korea to properly represent local precipitation extremes. The system is based on the Asia‐Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Climate Center (APCC) multimodel ensemble (MME) seasonal prediction products. Three‐month lead precipitation forecasts for 60 stations in South Korea for the season of March to May are first obtained from the coarse‐scale MME prediction using statistical downscaling. Owing to the relatively small variance of the MME and regression‐based downscaling outputs, the downscaled MME (DMME) products need to be subsequently inflated. The final station‐scale precipitation predictions are then used to produce drought and flood forecasts on the basis of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI).</P><P>The performance of three different inflation schemes was also assessed. Of these three schemes, the method that simply rescales the variance of predicted rainfall to that based on climate records, irrespective of the prediction skill or the DMME variance itself at a particular station, gives the best overall improvement in the SPI predictions. However, systematic biases in the prediction system cannot be removed by variance inflation. This implies that DMME techniques must be further improved to correct the bias in extreme drought/flood predictions. Overall, it is seen that DMME, in conjunction with variance inflation, can predict hydrological extremes with reasonable skill. Our results could inform the development of a reliable early warning system for droughts and floods, which is invaluable to policy makers and stakeholders in agricultural and water management sectors, and so forth and is important for mitigation and adaptation measures. Copyright © 2012 Royal Meteorological Society</P>

      • KCI등재

        활동기반 모형을 이용한 상습 침수 지역의 대피경로 분석

        김주영,유연승,이승재,Kim. Jooyoung,Yu. Yeonseung,Lee. Seungjae 한국방재학회 2013 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.13 No.3

        최근 기상이변으로 인한 자연재해 피해가 증가하면서 세계적으로 이를 대처하기 위해 대피 시스템 개발, 최적 대피 경로 설정 등의 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 본 연구는 상습침수지역의 도로 침수로 인해 도로 기능을 상실하였을 때, 도로 이용자들이 신속하게 대피하고 효율적인 도로교통 운영을 위해 대피경로분석의 방법론을 제시하였다. 분석의 방법은 가구통행실태조사 데이터를 통해 활동자료를 구축하고 이를 인간활동기반 교통수요분석 프로그램인 MATSim(Multi Agent Transportation Simulation)을 활용하여 상습침수지역인 신월지하차도를 분석지역으로 선정하였다. 수도권 가구통행실태조사 데이터 기반의 활동기반모형을 구축하여 침수지역의 통행패턴을 토대로 도로 침수를 가정한 시나리오를 적용하여 도로 침수시 우회교통패턴 및 대피경로 분석을 통해 도시부 도로 대피 경로 설정을 위한 기초연구를 수행하였다. Recently, a research on development of evacuation route system is being carried out to handle the natural disaster occurring due to increasing weather abnormality. This paper deals with a methodology for searching evacuation route and effective traffic operation when roads areas are prone to floods. The methodology is that we made activity based model by using household travel survey data and then modeling it by applying a flooding scenario in traffic demand analysis program, MATSim in Ssinwol-dong, Kangseo-Gu, Seoul. Therefore, analysis of the result shows that travel pattern can be known in worst scenario cases. And it will be used effectively in decision making for evacuation route or efficient urban road operation when road area is prone to flood, or flooded.

      • KCI등재

        Gender relations, urban flooding, and the lived experiences of women in informal urban spaces

        Singh Deepshikha 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2020 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.26 No.3

        This study draws on qualitative data about gendered vulnerabilities and resilience in situations of urban flooding in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. Women in informal urban spaces comprise marginalized groups who face greater risks in times of disaster owing to their inferior socioeconomic status and the hazardous geographical space they occupy. This study provides insights into the lived experiences of women in such spaces that are shaped by unequal gender relations and flooding. Women's narratives are analyzed and presented as part of my research findings. Unequal gender relations, combined with socioeconomic disadvantage, are important factors for their vulnerability and limited resilience. The perspectives of urban disadvantaged women, which have been long ignored, need to be actively integrated into disaster risk reduction planning. The implications of a gendered approach to disaster risk reduction by prioritizing the empowerment of urban disadvantaged women is discussed and suggested.



        MATSUMOTO TAKENORI,CHUNG SEUNG-JIN 계명대학교 한국학연구원 2017 Acta Koreana Vol.20 No.1

        The Man’gyŏng River is a medium-sized river passing through the southwestern Chŏlla region, one of the most productive rice cultivation areas of Korea. This article analyzes projects related to water management, such as the construction of irrigation facilities, river improvement, and farmland rearrangement, conducted in the river basin during the period of Japanese colonial rule (1910–1945), with an emphasis on the reactions of local Korean peasants. Immediately after the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905), Japanese immigrants began to acquire land around the middle and lower reaches of the river, and by the time of the colonization of Korea in 1910, large Japanese landowners had established modern-style irrigation associations for supplying water to their farms, which were tilled by Korean tenants. However, construction of developmental infrastructure, such as railways, roads, and irrigation facilities induced the exacerbation of flood damage once the river overflowed because of the obstruction of water drainage. The interests of local Korean peasants and those of large Japanese farm owners clashed over the issue of preventing flood damage. Eventually, the colonial government decided to proceed with the river improvement project proposed by the Japanese-led irrigation associations.

      • KCI등재


        마츠모토다케노리,정승진 계명대학교 한국학연구원 2017 Acta Koreana Vol.20 No.1

        The Man’gyŏng River is a medium-sized river passing through the southwestern Chŏlla region, one of the most productive rice cultivation areas of Korea. This article analyzes projects related to water management, such as the construction of irrigation facilities, river improvement, and farmland rearrangement, conducted in the river basin during the period of Japanese colonial rule (1910–1945), with an emphasis on the reactions of local Korean peasants. Immediately after the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905), Japanese immigrants began to acquire land around the middle and lower reaches of the river, and by the time of the colonization of Korea in 1910, large Japanese landowners had established modern-style irrigation associations for supplying water to their farms, which were tilled by Korean tenants. However, construction of developmental infrastructure, such as railways, roads, and irrigation facilities induced the exacerbation of flood damage once the river overflowed because of the obstruction of water drainage. The interests of local Korean peasants and those of large Japanese farm owners clashed over the issue of preventing flood damage. Eventually, the colonial government decided to proceed with the river improvement project proposed by the Japanese-led irrigation associations.

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