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      • KCI등재

        영국 행정심판제도의 변혁에 관한 고찰

        이일세 한국공법학회 2011 공법연구 Vol.39 No.3

        In the UK, tribunals are mainly a twentieth-century phenomenon, for it was long part of the conception of the rule of law that the determination of questions of law belonged to the courts exclusively. The growth of the welfare state led to the creation of the various tribunals. In the 1950s there was growing concern as to the range and diversity of tribunals, uncertainty as to the procedures they followed, and worry over the lack of cohesion and supervision. In 1955, as a result of the Crichel Down affair, the Franks Committee was set up and made its seminal report in 1957. The Franks Committee's central proposal was that there should be a permanent Council on Tribunals in order to provide some standing machinery for the general supervision of tribunal organization and procedure. And the Franks Report contained a series of valuable general recommendations concerning the constitution and procedure of tribunals. Many of the measures recommended by the Franks Committee were enacted in the Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1958, replaced by the Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1992. In 2001, for the first time since the Franks Report of 1957, a review of all tribunals was conducted. It was undertaken for the Lord Chancellor by a retired Court of Appeal judge, Sir Andrew Leggatt, assisted by an expert panel. Leggatt criticised the lack of system in tribunals, commenting that tribunals had grown up in haphazard way, created piecemeal by legislation. He proposed the creation of what would indeed be a system of administrative justice, “a single, overarching structure” that would give the individual improved access to all tribunals. Many of the Leggatt recommendations were incorporated in the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act(TCE Act) 2007. The TCE Act created two new generic tribunals, the First-tier Tribunal and the Upper Tribunal, into which existing tribunal jurisdictions could be transferred. In general there is a right to appeal on “any point of law” from a decision of the First-tier Tribunal to the Upper Tribunal. From the Upper Tribunal there is a further appeal to the Court of Appeal on “any point of law.” The TCE Act established the Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council to oversee the system of tribunals and inquiries, and abolished the Council on Tribunals, which previously performed the oversight role. Following the recommendations of the Leggatt Report, a Tribunals Service was created in 2006 as an Executive Agency of the Ministry of Justice. 영국의 경우 법적 분쟁에 대한 심판권은 배타적으로 법원의 권한에 속한다는 것이 오랫동안 법의 지배(rule of law)의 중요한 내용의 하나로 인식되었기 때문에, 행정에 관한 법적 분쟁에 대하여 일반 법원으로부터 분리된 행정부 내의 기관이 심판하는 행정심판제도는 원칙적으로 받아들여지지 않았었다. 그러나 20세기에 들어서 사회입법이 증가함에 따라 개개 행정분야의 특수한 분쟁을 효율적으로 해결하기 위해 다양한 종류의 행정심판소가 설립되게 되었다. 1950년대에 와서 행정심판소간의 통일성 결여와 감독장치의 미흡에 대한 우려가 증가하게 됨에 따라 행정심판제도에 대한 재검토가 요청되었는바, 그 첫 번째 시도가 1957년의 Franks보고서와 그에 기초한 1958년의 “행정심판소 및 심문법”(Tribunals and Inquiries Act)에 의해 이루어졌다. 1957년 법은 행정심판소에 대한 일반적 감독기능을 담당하기 위해 행정심판소심의회(Council on Tribunals)를 설치하고 행정심판절차를 정비하는 등 나름의 노력을 하였으나, 난립되어 있는 행정심판소의 통합에는 관심을 기울이지 못하였다. 점차 행정심판소의 난립이 심각해지고 또한 행정심판소심의회가 제 기능을 발휘하지 못한다는 비판이 일자 다시금 행정심판제도 개혁의 필요성이 크게 부각되었고, 이에 2001년의 Leggatt보고서와 그에 기초한 2007년의 “행정심판소, 법원 및 강제집행법”(The Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007)에 의하여 두 번째 변화가 이루어졌다. TCE법에 의해 종전의 행정심판제도는 획기적으로 변혁되었는바, 그 주된 내용은 다음과 같다. 종래 개별법에 의해 난립되었던 행정심판소를 일심행정심판소(First-tier Tribunal)라는 단일의 행정심판소로 통합하였고, 일심행정심판소의 재결에 대한 불복사건을 심리ㆍ재결하기 위하여 상급행정심판소(Upper Tribunal)를 설치하였다. 그리고 상급행정심판소의 재결에 대해서는 항소법원(appellate court)에 불복청구를 하도록 하였다. 관계 정부부처로부터 행정심판소의 독립성을 확보하기 위하여 행정심판소에 대한 행정적 지원을 하는 기관으로 법무부에 별도의 Tribunals Service라는 기관을 설치하였고, 또한 행정심판소의 조직과 활동에 대한 감독기관으로 종전의 행정심판소심의회(Council on Tribunals)를 대신하여 새로이 “행정정의 및 행정심판소심의회”(Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council)를 설치하였다. 그리고 대체적 분쟁해결방안의 하나로 조정(mediation)제도를 명문화함으로써, 재결 이전에 당사자간의 협상과 양보에 의한 분쟁해결이 가능하도록 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 정보정치화 사례연구: CIA 백서에 대한 파이스(Feith) 보고서 영향분석과 미상원정보위 1차 및 최종보고서 비교분석

        서동구 세종연구소 2015 국가전략 Vol.21 No.4

        This research is purported to analyze the case of the distortion of intelligence on Iraq's WMD and Iraqi-Al Qaida connection which constituted the raison d'etre of the 2003 American invasion of Iraq. In addition, two reports by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence(SSCI) in 2004 and 2008 are analyzed to see if intelligence estimate on the Iraq War was swayed to serve political purposes. First, the paper puts analytical focus on the potential influence of the Pentagon's secret memo(so-called Feith Report) on the CIA White Paper regarding Iraq. As a result, it is assessed that so-called self-censorship of CIA analysts was caused by the indirect pressure from the policy community, which is a pathological phenomenon of politicization of intelligence. Second, as a result of the comparative analysis on the two reports by SSCI, other types of politicization such as the scapegoating of intelligence and partisan intelligence are found. In conclusion, some policy implications are suggested given the fact that the danger of politicizing intelligence on North Korea tends to be persistent. That is, high-level policymakers should allow analytical autonomy to the intelligence community and be advised not to ascribe their policy failures to those of the intelligence, thus evading the temptation of scapegoating intelligence. 본 연구의 목적은 2003년 봄 부시 행정부가 개전근거로 활용한 이라크의 WMD와 알 카에다와의 연계성에 관한 정보보고서가 어떻게 왜곡되었는지를 분석하는데 있다. 또한 2004년과 2008년 발표된 미상원정보위 조사보고서에 대한 분석을 통해 개전결정에 대한 사후판단이 정치적 목적에 의해 편향되었는지 여부도 판단한다. 이를 위해 먼저 CIA 백서내용의 변화과정에 국방부 비밀메모(Feith 보고서)가 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지에 분석의 초점을 맞추고 있다. 분석결과 국방부 비밀메모 등 정책기관으로부터의 간접압력에 따라 CIA의 자기검열(self-censorship)과 같은 정보정치화 현상이 초래된 것으로 판단된다. 다음으로 두 차례의 상원정보위 조사보고서를 비교 검토한 결과 정보희생양과 정보정파성이라는 또 다른 형태의 정보정치화 현상이 발생한 것으로 판단된다. 결론에서는 우리의 경우 대북정보의 정치화 가능성이 상존하기 때문에 고위정책결정자들이 정보분석의 자율성을 보장하는 동시에 정책실패를 정보기관에 의한 정보실패로 책임을 전가하려는 유혹에 빠지지 말아야 한다는 점을 정책적 함의로 제시하고 있다.

      • KCI우수등재

        오보와 정정보도가 기사 속 인물에 대한 인상 형성과 변화에 미치는 영향사진과 사진 속 감정의 역할을 중심으로

        이재신 한국언론학회 2018 한국언론학보 Vol.62 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of photographs of victims in correction articles on emotional and cognitive impression formation and change. In this study, two experiments were conducted to examine the influence of the presence of photographs in the article (experiment 1) and the directionality of emotions in the photographs (experiment 2) on impression formation and subsequent impression changes. The results of the study showed that the correction articles positively changed the impressions formed by the observers under all experimental conditions. Especially, the negative impression was decreased when the photographs were provided both in the false report and correction articles and when the negative pictures were provided in the false report and when the positive photographs were provided in the correction report. In contrast, cognitive impression evaluation was relatively less affected by photographs. 본 연구에서는 오보와 정정보도의 인물과 사진 속 감정이 기사 속 인물에 대한 인상의 형성과 변화에 미치는 영향을 실험을 통해 살펴보았다. 연구에서는 두 번의 실험을 진행하여 기사 속 사진의 존재여부(실험1)와 사진 속 감정(실험2)이 인상 형성과 이후의 변화에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 연구결과는 정정보도가 모든 실험 조건에서 오보로 인해 형성된 인상을 긍정적으로 변화시킨다는 것을 보여주었다. 특히 오보와 정정보도에서 모두 사진을 보여주거나(실험1) 기사 내용에 부합하는 감정을 표현하는 사진을 제공하는 경우에(실험2) 기사 속 인물에 대한 부정적 감정이 가장 크게 감소했다. 이와 달리 인지적 인상 평가는 두 실험에서 사진과 감정에 의해 상대적으로 적은 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of First-time Adoption of K-IFRS on Consolidated Financial Statements

        Kim, Jung Ae(김정애),Choi, Jong Seo(최종서) 한국국제회계학회 2013 국제회계연구 Vol.0 No.49

        우리나라는 회계투명성 제고 및 국제적 회계기준 일치를 위해 한국채택 국제회계기준을 도입하였다. 우리나라는 K-IFRS를 2011년 도입하기 이전에 2009년부터 국제회계기준을 조기도입할 수 있도록 허용하였다. 본 연구의 목적은 K-IFRS로의 전환이 재무제표에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 본 연구는 풀무원기업을 대상으로 K-IFRS 최초 도입 시점의 재무제표와 일반기업회계기준을 적용한 재무제표를 비교분석하여 K-IFRS의 전환이 풀무원기업의 재무제표에 미치는 영향을 살펴본다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 풀무원 기업의 국제회계기준 도입은 재무성과에 재무상태에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 첫째, 국제회계기준을 최초도입한 시점에 작성된 자산, 부채 및 자본은 일반기업회계기준으로 공시된 자산, 부채 및 자본 보다 증가한 것으로 드러났다. 둘째, 최초로 국제회계기준에 의하여 작성된 영업이익, 법인세차감전 이익, 당기순이익, 및 포괄이익은 일반 회계기준으로 작성된 이익들에 비하여 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 이 증가의 원인으로는 풀무원기업의 종속기업의 변화의 영향이 큰 것으로 나타났다. The Korean government has recently allowed firms to adopt K-IFRS from fiscal year 2009 prior to the adoption of K-IFRS in 2011, which required them to prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with K-IFRS. This study investigates the effect of the first-time adoption of K-IFRS on key financial measures of Pulmuone, focusing on illustrating how K-IFRS affect Pulmuone"s consolidated financial statements. The findings show that K-IFRS adoption at Pulmuone affects its financial performance and financial position. The assets, liabilities and equity based in K-IFRS on January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008 all increased. Operating income, income before tax, income and comprehensive income drastically increased compared with accounting policies based on K-GAAP. The study also demonstrates that Pulmuone"s transition to K-IFRS appears to introduce volatility in consolidated financial position and income statement figures.

      • KCI등재

        『향약구급방』으로 본 고려시대 의안

        이현숙(Lee Hyun-sook) 한국역사연구회 2019 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.112

        Examined in this article are the Eui’an(医案, medical case report) documents in Bi’ye Baeg’yo-bang(備預百要方, Hundreds Formula of Preparatory Medicine) and Hyang’yak Gu’geup-bang(鄕藥救急方, First Aid Medicine with Korean Medication). The latter is the only Goryeo medical text from the Goryeo period that is currently in tact, and is well known for being a medical manual that contains simple prescriptions using local medicine in emergency situations. The Eui’an texts are usually deemed as clinical examination reports. Such concept was established during the Chinese Song period, when medical practitioners’ interest in clinical cases significantly increased alongside their heightened recognition of such reports’ importance. Yet the Eui’an texts that we can find from Goryeo period’s medical texts feature formats and contents that are entirely different from the ones that were created and used during the Yuan and Ming periods. They actually show qualities of a more preliminary analysis. Reasoning behind the prescription, expected effects, and how the diseases spreaded, are all recorded. Bi’ye Baeg’yo-bang, a Goryeo period medical manual of which only fragments remain today, contains three Eui’an documents. One quoted a Goryeo precedence (Gyeong’heom-bang: Prescription from Experience) that used quinces in treating extremities’ austerity. Two other Eui’an documents were from The medical literature of Liu Yuxi(772~843), Chuan Xinfang(傳信方, Recipes Transmitted with Verification). Meanwhile, total of 549 prescriptions in Hyang’yak Gugeub-bang include four Goryeo-produced Eui’an-texts and 14 Chinese ones. Only three percent of the prescriptions have Eui’an documents attached to them, yet considering the fact that “Gugeub-bang” (Emergency treatments) texts from the Joseon period did not have any attached Eui’an documents at all, we should say Hyang’yak Gugeub-bang was a rather unique case. Apparently, the Eui’an documents in Hyang’yak Gugeub-bang were included to raise credibility of the prescriptions. In response to potential doubts, which was expected as in some cases materials that could be hardly called medicine were proposed, or the recommended prescriptions were too simple. Presenting real clinical cases surely could have gone a long way to ensure beliefs in the effects of said prescriptions. Also, it should be noted that the compiler of Hyang’yak Gugeub-bang listed seven Eui’an documents in a chapter named “Gojeon Nokheom-bang,” as the title itself implies that the compiler was expecting the Scholar-officials (“Sadaebu”) of the time to be the most primary readers of this book. The book is written in plain sentences, clearly intending to raise the contents’ accessibility while ensuring effortless recollections of suggested treatments that would enable swift implementations, for readers Sadaebu figures) who would not have had any extensive firsthand medical knowledge or experience. Most of the Eui’an documents are from China, and their insertion here shows us how Chinese prescriptions were being absorbed into Goryeo medical treatments, as such Chinese treatments are introduced here in modified versions to use Goryeo local medicine. At the same time, a Chinese Eui’an document, containing a story of a well-known Chinese figure being cured by such treatment, would have considerably boosted the readers’ trust in such prescription and made them far less hesitant to rely on such method. Also quoted here is apparently a Shilla Eui’an document which was sent to Dang (by a Shilla Buddhist priest studying in China) and became part of a Chinese treatment(Tang by treatment of Wireyngseon(威靈仙, Chinese Clematis)), obviously with the intention to highlight the merits of Korean peninsula’s traditional medicine as well. Overall, the Eui’an documents inside Hyang’yak Gugeub-bang seem to have been inserted under the goal of facilitating the Goryeo people’s embracement of certain Chinese prescriptions. And they also let us know that Chines

      • KCI등재

        習近平 집권 1·2기 권력집중화 양상 비교 분석 -人民日報 1면 보도를 중심으로-

        한강우(Han, Gang-woo) 한국아시아학회 2019 아시아연구 Vol.22 No.2

        본 논문은 중국 정치에 있어서 집단지도체제의 붕괴, 혹은 1인 지도체제 구축을 가늠할 수 있는 시 주석에 대한 보도 태도가 중국 언론에서는 어떤 식으로 나타나고 있는가에 대한 궁금증을 확인하는데 그 목적이 있다. 중국 언론에서는 집권 1기 들어 시작된 시진핑 주석의 권력 집중화가 집권 2기에서는 어떤 식으로 나타나고 있는지를 알아보기 위해 중국 지도부의 움직임을 가장 잘 포착할 수 있는 중국공산당 기관지 인민일보 1면 기사를 통해 보도기사와 사진기사, 그리고 편집태도 등을 분석하였다. 그 결과 시진핑 주석이라는 동일 인물의 집권 1기와 집권 2기 지면 등장 빈도, 정치활동 분야, 뉴스 밸류 측정, 편집 태도 등 양적·질적 분야 모두에서 시 주석으로의 권력집중화 현상이 두드러졌음을 확인하였다. 이는 2022년 하반기에 열릴 중국공산당 제20차 전국대표대회에서 시진핑의 역할이 확대되고 강화될 것임을 예시(豫示)하는 것이어서 미래 중국공산당 지도체제와 정치체제에 상당한 변화가 예상된다고 하겠다. The purpose of this study is to identify how the Chinese press has expressed the attitude of the report about Xi that can measure the collapse of the collective leadership or the establishment of the one-man rule. This paper analyzed news articles, photo, and editorial attitudes through the first-coverage of the People’s Daily, a Chinese Communist Party newspaper that can capture the movement of the leadership of Chinese government, in order to comprehend Xi Jinping’s centralized authority at a second term, which has commenced since his first term. As a result, the power concentration to Xi was remarkable in qualitative and quantitative aspects, such as the frequency of appearing in the first-coverage, the fields of political activities, the measurement of news value, and editorial attitude with the identical character named Xi Jinping during second term compare to first term. The move exemplifies that Xi Jinping’s role will be expanded and strengthened at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to be held in the second half of 2022, which is expected to change considerably in the future leadership and political system of the Communist Party of China.

      • KCI등재후보

        특허를 받을 수 있는 권리를 양수한 자가 우선권을 주장한 경우 출원인의 동일성 판단 기준 대법원 2019. 10. 17. 선고 2016두58543 판결을 중심으로

        손천우 사법발전재단 2019 사법 Vol.1 No.50

        When a person who has inherited the right to obtain a patent for first-filed invention makes a priority claim based on the first-filed invention when filing an application for the later invention, the lower court’s decision and the practice of the KIPO required the identity of the applicants for the first-filed and later-filed inventions. These were the result from applying Article 38(4) of the Patent Act to the priority claims. Article 38(4) of the Patent Act, however, does not apply to the procedure concerning priority claims, as it is a regulation that seeks convenience and swiftness in application screening by easily confirming the participant and the person to register the patent. Given that the domestic priority system allows inventors to protect their accumulated performance with patent rights in consideration of continuous technological development, it is reasonable to assume that the inventors can claim priority even if they have not reported amendment of the patent applicant at the time of the filing of the later invention if the inheritance was made in a legitimate manner. There are some cases where, after the filing of an application of the earlier invention, new inventors are involved, or some of the inventors are replaced and apply for the later-invention, the modified version of the earlier invention. The conventional practice has been denying the identity of the applicant. The subject case is significantly meaningful in that it has removed these absurdities and reached a reasonable conclusion by interpreting the provisions of the Patent Act with regard to the purpose of the priority system, divisional application and conversion of application in harmony with Article 55 of the Patent Act concerning domestic priority claims. The foregoing decision is expected to provide much implications for priority disputes in the future. 선출원 발명에 대한 특허를 받을 수 있는 권리를 특정승계한 자가 후출원을 하면서 선출원에 기초하여 우선권 주장을 하는 경우 종래 하급심법원의 판결과 특허청의 실무는 후출원 시에 선출원과 후출원의 출원인이 동일해야 할 것을 요구하고 있었다. 이는 특허법 제38조 제4항을 우선권 주장에 그대로 적용한 결과이다. 그러나 특허법 제38조 제4항은 특허에 관한 절차에서 참여자와 특허를 등록받을 자를 쉽게 확정함으로써 출원심사의 편의성과 신속성을 추구하고자 하는 규정으로 우선권 주장에 관한 절차에 그대로 적용된다고 볼 수는 없다. 국내우선권 제도는 기술개발이 지속적으로 이루어지는 점을 감안하여 발명자의 누적된 성과를 특허권으로 보호받을 수 있도록 하는 것이라는 점에서 특허를 받을 수 있는 권리를 적법하게 승계받았다면 반드시 후출원 시에 특허출원인변경신고를 하지 않았더라도 우선권 주장을 할 수 있다고 보는 것이 타당하다. 선출원 발명의 출원 후에 새로운 발명자들이 참가하거나 발명자들이 일부 교체되어 선출원 발명을 개량한 발명을 후출원 발명으로 출원하게 되는 경우도 있는데, 종래의 실무에 따르면 이러한 경우에 선출원과 후출원의 출원인의 동일성을 부정해야 하는 결과가 된다. 대상판결은 이러한 불합리한 점을 제거하고 우선권 제도의 취지와 분할출원, 변경출원에 관한 특허법의 법문을 국내우선권 주장에 관한 특허법 제55조와 조화롭게 해석함으로써 합리적인 결론을 도출하였다는 점에서 큰 의의가 있고, 향후 우선권 주장과 관련된 분쟁에 많은 시사점을 줄 것으로 생각한다.

      • KCI등재

        Charles Bonnet Syndrome Following Trans-Sphenoidal Adenomectomy without Optic Nerve Atrophy

        Jangho Park,안준호,박준범,조수현 대한신경정신의학회 2016 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Vol.13 No.5

        Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS) can develop after trans-sphenoidal adenomectomy (TSA); however, the neural mechanisms remain unknown. Sensory deprivation and releasing phenomenon are both hypothetical explanations for this condition; however, there is no definite evidence that strongly supports either supposition. We report the first case of CBS after TSA without optic nerve atrophy. Postoperatively, the patient’s vision seemed to be relatively well preserved, apart from the left-side hemianopsia in the right eye. Distinctive visual hallucinations only appeared when his eyes were closed, and these responded to quetiapine in a dose-dependent manner. Dose dependent change in colors and formation of hallucination was reported. Two weeks after quetiapine initiation, the patient’s CBS was completely resolved. This unique case suggests that blocking sensory input from the periphery is more critical than neural damage of the bottom-up connection to the visual association cortex. In addition, quetiapine should be considered as a specific treatment for CBS.

      • KCI등재

        First observation on courtship behavior of short-tailed viper snake, Gloydius saxatilis (Squamata: Viperidae) in Korea

        도민석,남기백,유정칠 국립중앙과학관 2017 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.10 No.4

        Most reptile species have their own mating patterns. Therefore, courtship behaviors are important factors in understanding taxonomic features and species-specific breeding habits in the genus. This study explores the mating behaviors of the short-tailed viper snake (Gloydius saxatilis) which has never been reported. From September 2012 to August 2013, we observed the courtship behaviors of short-tailed viper snakes in Chunma Mountain County Park, Namyangju City, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. In this study, 10 courtship behaviors from three snake couples were considered and compared. The results showed that, in general, most courtship behaviors of G. saxatilis were similar to those of other species of the family Viperidae. However, the most remarkable behavior of female short-tailed viper snakes was “quivering,” which had not yet been reported in females from the other species of the family Viperidae. These results can provide valuable information for research in systematics of short-tailed viper snakes.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of First-time Adoption of K-IFRS on Consolidated Financial Statements : Case Study of Pulmuone Company

        김정애,최종서 한국국제회계학회 2013 국제회계연구 Vol.0 No.49

        The Korean government has recently allowed firms to adopt K-IFRS from fiscal year 2009 prior to the adoption of K-IFRS in 2011, which required them to prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with K-IFRS. This study investigates the effect of the first-time adoption of K-IFRS on key financial measures of Pulmuone, focusing on illustrating how K-IFRS affect Pulmuone's consolidated financial statements. The findings show that K-IFRS adoption at Pulmuone affects its financial performance and financial position. The assets, liabilities and equity based in K-IFRS on January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008 all increased. Operating income, income before tax, income and comprehensive income drastically increased compared with accounting policies based on K-GAAP. The study also demonstrates that Pulmuone's transition to K-IFRS appears to introduce volatility in consolidated financial position and income statement figures.

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