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      • KCI등재

        여성범죄의 원인과 대책

        장중식 한국교정학회 2004 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.25

        Recently general trends in female crime increased quantitatively. It seems that this phenomenon results from the increased social activities of females due to their improved social and economic status. Of course female crimes arise from biological, physiological, psychological and social factor. The aim of this study is to present a countermeasure to prevent female crimes. Therefore, about countermeasures to prevent female crime. I try to take on conclusion proposing subsequent plan first of all female crime should approaches under victimology. I present following plan emphasizing point that must ready a basic treatment program in female's characteristic. 1. Correctional facilities for only female inmate should be established. 2. Vocational program should be provided to rehabilitate the female inmate. 3. Program for maintaining relationship with children are considerably needed in case of incarcerating female inmates. 4. Community treatment for female inmate should be expanded. 5. Medical service for only female inmate should be established.

      • KCI등재

        여성 성전환수술을 받은 환자의 호르몬 정량분석

        박정민,권용석,이근철,김석권,곽현,김상범 대한성형외과학회 2005 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.32 No.6

        Transgender is the severe type of gender identity disorder. The prevalence rate of transgender is reported to occur to about 1 out of 50,000 men, and about 1 out of 10,000 women. As for Korea, it is estimated to have about 1400 transgender patients. Lately, not only the numbers of them are increasing but also they are influencing our society increasingly. As for female transgender patients, they take female hormone for a long term before and even after the operation to maintain their physical identity of female. We have analyzed insulin like growth factor-1(IGF-1), insulin like growth factor protein binding-3(IGFBP-3), female hormone, male hormone and thyroid hormone in female transgender patients who have undergone the gender reassignment operation. We examined the changes of hormone level due to having female hormone steadily, and also examined how the steady use of the hormone could affect body organs. As for IGF-1, it showed significantly low in the female transgender group compared to control (319.30±37.4 vs 539±55.0, p<0.05). As for IGFBP-3, there was no significant difference (2859±200.3 vs 2607±262.5, p>0.05). As for female hormone, there was no significant differences in FSH(13.42 ±13.8 vs 8.95±3.5, p>0.05), estradiol(104.41±97.1 vs 121.68±60.2, p>0.05), and LH(7.62±5.6 vs 7.4±3.3, p>0.05). Even in comparison of testosterone, there was no significant differences(0.23±0.09 vs 0.33± 1.33, p>0.05). As for thyroid hormone, there was no significant differences in TSH and free T4(1.34±0.94 vs 1.71±0.12, 1.4±0.37 vs 1.46±0.17, p>0.05).Therefore, this study concludes that apart from the decreased level of IGF-1, the possible endocrine side- effect problem due to female hormone seems to be low because there was no differences of female, male, and thyroid hormone level compared with normal female. Further study will be required in metabolic change including bone metabolism occurred by decrease level of IGF-I.

      • KCI등재

        여성의 재산범죄에 대한 다각적 접근

        서주연 서울시립대학교 서울시립대학교 법학연구소 2013 서울법학 Vol.21 No.1

        Female crime increased last several years continuously. In so many reasons, female’s second offender problem is raised. But we just think “that's one of male's crime”, and no attention about it. Female's property crime is most serious problem in female crime. subscribe this, many researcher try to think it's reason, like a female's economic base, and social variables on female's property crime. But study of this was not enough. So the purpose of this study is think about female's property crime and try to figure it out. For this, we need some solution, like a focus on a female's economic base, and social atmosphere change. Futhermore, Korea has no correctional facilities for only female inmate, so it should be established, and vocational program should be provided to rehabilitate the female inmate. If we have more attention on female's property crime, it has a positive effect on female's crime. Government's supports also need for this. 인간의 범죄행위에 대한 그간의 연구는 남성에 의한 범죄행위에 초점이 맞추어져 있었다. 여성범죄는 남성에 의해 행해지는 범죄행위의 한 양상으로 치부되어 체계적인 연구가 미흡했던 것이다. 그러나 롬브로조를 시작으로 여성범죄에 대한 관심이 고조되기 시작하면서 이제 여성범죄는 다각적인 시각에서 접근되기에 이르렀다. 여성의 범죄행위는 여성의 해방운동에 초점을 맞추어 설명되기도 하고 여성의 경제적 문제가 고려되기도 한다. 여성범죄는 전세계를 막론하고 일정한 수준을 지속적으로 유지하고 있으며 이는 결코 간과할 수 없는 수준이다. 특히 여성범죄는 그 범죄유형에 있어 남성에 의한 범죄와는 달리 재산범죄에 편중된 양상을 보이고 있어 이에 대한 분석은 전체 여성범죄의 감소라는 측면에서도 의미있는 작업이 될 것이다. 특히 여성에 의한 재산범죄의 감소는 전체 여성범죄 감소에 영향을 줄 수 있는 만큼 이에 대한 체계적인 연구가 필요하다 하겠다. 특히 재산범죄로 수감 중인 여성들의 재범률이 30%를 육박하고 있어 이들의 재범률 감소는 여성에 의한 재산범죄 감소에 기여할 것으로 기대된다. 여성에 의한 재산범죄는 현 시대를 살아가고 있는 여성들의 사회ㆍ경제적 지위와도 관련이 있으며 이를 해결하기 위한 방안의 마련은 전체 여성범죄의 감소에 직결되므로 보다 다각적인 방면에서의 접근이 필요하다 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        여성가구주의 발생원인에 따른 빈곤특성 분석

        박재규 한국여성정책연구원 2009 여성연구 Vol.79 No.-

        The purposes of this study are to analyze the relation between the cause of female-headed household and her poverty, to examine what factors significantly affect her poverty, and to suggest some ways to reduce her poverty. In order to accomplish these works, this study uses the data of 1,327 female-headed households from the First KLoWF which is a nationally representative survey. According to data analysis, those who became female-headed household before 2000 were generally parted from their husbands by death. On the other hand, those who became recently female-headed household were mostly gotten divorced from their husbands or lived separately from their husbands. Among total female-headed households over one-fourth is poor less than the minimum cost of living. In particular, while the female-headed households who were separated from their husbands or lived separately from their husbands are poorer, those who are living with their husbands or are unmarried are less poor. Furthermore, the poor women among the female-headed households parted from their husbands by death or unmarried became mostly female-headed household before 2000, the poor women among the female-headed households gotten divorced from their husbands or lived separately from their husbands recently became the household head. From regression on factors affecting poverty, for those who parted from their husbands by death ownership of house and economic activity are significantly important, while for those who gotten divorced from their husbands education, school or non-school child, economic activity are significantly important. On the other hand, unmarried women who are older or recently became the female-headed households are poorer, but those who are participating in economic activity are less poor. And the female-headed household's education and economic activity are significantly important to her poverty circumstance. Given those findings, this study suggested some ways overcoming the poverty of female-headed household. In particular it emphasizes some differential ways for various kinds of female-headed households because the female-headed household's poverty status and factors affecting her poverty are differential according to the causes of female-headed household. 최근 여성가구주의 증가와 함께 빈곤층이 증가하는 현실에서 본 연구는 여성가구주 발생원인에 따라 빈곤현황을 비교하고, 빈곤에 영향을 미치는 요인이 여성가구주의 유형에 따라 어떤 차이가 있는지 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해서 본 연구는 한국여성정책연구원의 여성가족패널 자료 중 여성가구주 1,327명의 개인자료 및 가구자료를 이용하였다. 자료분석 결과에 의하면, 2000년 이전의 여성가구주 발생은 사별에 의한 경우가 많았지만 최근에는 배우자와의 이혼 및 별거에 의한 발생이 증가하고 있다. 즉 여성가구주 중 1/4 이상은 최저생계비 이하의 빈곤상태에 있었고, 특히 남편과 사별하였거나 이혼한 여성가구주가 상대적으로 많은 반면 배우자가 있거나 혹은 미혼의 여성가구주는 적었다. 또한 배우자와 사별하거나 혹은 미혼의 여성가구주 중에 빈곤층 여성은 2000년 이전에 발생한 사례가 많은 반면, 배우자와 이혼하거나 혹은 별거한 여성가구주 중 빈곤층 여성가구주는 최근에 발생한 경향이 있었다. 여성가구주의 빈곤에 영향을 미치는 요인분석에 의하면, 배우자와 사별한 여성가구주의 경우 자가주택 소유 여부와 경제활동참여가 중요한 요인이며, 이혼한 여성가구주의 경우는 교육수준과 미취학 및 초중고자녀, 경제활동참여 여부가, 미혼 여성가구주는 나이가 많거나 혹은 최근 여성가구주가 된 경우 가난하였고, 경제활동에 참여하고 있는 여성가구주일수록 상대적으로 가난하지 않았다. 배우자와 동거하는 여성가구주의 경우는 여성가구주의 교육수준과 경제활동참여가 유의미한 영향을 미치고 있었다. 이상의 분석결과를 바탕으로 본 연구는 여성가구주의 빈곤극복을 위한 몇 가지 정책을 제안하였는데, 특히 여성가구주의 발생원인에 따라 빈곤실태가 상이하며 또한 빈곤에 영향을 미치는 요인도 상이하다는 점을 고려하여 각각에 대한 차별적 접근을 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        청소년 여성의 피임제 사용 경험에 관한 연구

        김은애(Eunae Kim),이인영(Inyoung Lee),이순희(Soonhee Lee) 이화여자대학교 생명의료법연구소 2017 Asia Pacific Journal of Health Law & Ethics Vol.10 No.3

        Women using the contraceptive pill to avoid the unwanted pregnancy fall into two classes, the adult female and the female adolescent. The sociocultural and economic situation of the female adolescent should naturally be different from the adult female’s situation. Therefore, about the burdens, discomfort, inconvenience of purchasing and taking the contraceptive pill, the female adolescent can have different experiences from the adult female. Especially, the general contraceptive pill is classified as general pharmaceuticals for smooth supply, so anyone can purchase it at drugstore. But the emergency contraceptive pill is classified as special pharmaceuticals to prevent its misuse, so it can be purchased at drugstore only by persons who have the doctor’s prescription. Therefore, the female adolescent’s situation can make them more difficult to use the emergency contraceptive pill. However, the contraceptive pill can be used appropriately not only for the adult female but also for the female adolescent. For this, it must take precedence to confirm and comprehend the female adolescent’s situation related to purchasing and taking the contraceptive pill as well as to synthesize and analyze their different experiences in the process from purchasing to taking the contraceptive pill. So, to know their actual experiences related to purchasing and taking the contraceptive pill, and to look into their thought and opinion both about the policies to classify the contraceptive pill and about the ways for the public relations as the works to promote understanding of the appropriate use of the contraceptive pill, we interviewed 20 female adolescents who have taken the contraceptive pill. As a result, we could know that not only the current way and price to purchase the contraceptive pill, especially the emergency contraceptive pill was almost impossible or very onerous to the female adolescent but also the current medication counseling at hospital and drugstore was insufficient or seldom enacted. And we also could know that many of them hope for the improvement of the policies reflecting their actual experiences and considering their thought and opinion.

      • KCI등재후보

        Designing female-oriented computer games : Emotional expression

        稅琳琳(Lin-Lin Shui),이원정(Won-Jung Lee) 한국만화애니메이션학회 2010 만화애니메이션연구 Vol.- No.20

        최근 여성 게이머의 수가 급속히 증가하면서, 전자 게임 산업계에서는 아직 상당 부분 미 개척된 여성 시장을 공략할 방법을 모색하기 시작했다. 중국 인터넷 네트워크 정보 센터(CNNIC)에서 최근 발표한 게임시장 조사보고서에 따르면, 중국 내 전체 게이머의 수는 2009년에 24.8%가 증가한 69,130,000명에 이르며, 이 중 거의 40%에 이르는 38.9%가 여성 게이머이다. 중국 상하이의 I리서치 회사에서 작성한 일련의 연구 보고서는 2003년에서 2009년 사이에 여성 게이머가 8%에서 49% 이상으로 급격히 증가하였다는 것을 보여주고 있다. 이는 과거에 게임 제작 회사들이 남성 게이머에게 얼마나 신경을 쏟았는지 그리고 여성 게이머를 얼마나 간과해왔는가와 상관없이, 게임회사들은 이제 이러한 현실에 직면해야하고, 이에 맞춰 마케팅 정책을 바꿔나가야 한다는 것을 의미한다. 본 연구에서는 첫째 비디오 게임에서의 성별에 따른 선호 요소를 분석하여, 남성 게이머들은 전자 게임을 하면서 공격, 폭력, 경쟁, 빠른 동작의 요소에 더욱 끌리는 반면, 여성 게이머들은 인물의 관계를 이해하는 게임의 정서적, 사회적 측면에 관심을 가진다는 점을 보인다. 관련문헌에서도 여성 게이머들은 익숙한 환경을 지닌 게임, 게이머들이 함께 할 수 있는 게임, 한 가지 방식 이상으로 승리할 수 있는 게임 그리고 캐릭터가 죽지 않는 게임을 선호한다는 점을 지적하고 있다. 둘째, 정서적 측면에서 본 여성 친화적 게임의 특성을 논하면서, 펫 게임(육성 게임), 드레싱 게임(옷 입히기 게임), 사회적 시뮬레이션과 같은 시뮬레이션 범주가 여성 게이머가 가장 선호하는 타입이라는 것을 제시한다. 왜냐하면 이러한 게임들은 여성 게이머에게 절대적으로 매력적인 사랑, 공유, 질투, 우월, 신비와 같은 정서를 가득 채우기 가장 적합한 게임 타입이기 때문이다. 마지막으로, 앞서 논의한 내용과 연관해서, 여성 지향적인 게임 디자인과 관련한 몇 가지 원리를 제안한다. 이는 호감 가는 외모의 주 캐릭터의 소개, ‘생동감 있는’ NPC와 함께할 재미있는 이야기 만들기 그리고 타인 돌보기와 분류, 선별하는 여성적 특성과 관심을 만족시킬 수 있는 방법들을 포함한다. Recently, as the number of female players has increased rapidly, the electronic gaming industry has begun to look at ways to appeal to the largely untapped female market. According to the latest game market investigative report by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), the total number of game players in China increased by 24.8% in 2009, reached 69,130,000 people, and 38.9% of them are female players. This growth in the number of female player is corroborated by a series of investigative reports from IResearch Company in Shanghai, China: from 2003 to 2009, the number of female players grew from 8% to more than 49%. Therefore, no matter how much attention the game production companies have given to male players or how they have ignored the female players before, the companies would be sensible to face up this reality and adjust their marketing policy a bit more. This article analyzes gender preferences in video games which shows that male players are more likely to be attracted to elements of aggression, violence, competition and fast action in electronic game-playing, while female players are drawn to emotional and social aspects of the games such as an understanding of character relationships. The literatures cited indicates that female players also show apparent preference for games with familiar environments, games that allow players to work together, games that have more than one way to win, and games in which characters do not die. It also discusses the characteristics of female-friendly games from the aspect of emotion, pointing out that the simulation games involving pet, dressing-up, and social simulation games are very popular with female players. Because these are the most suitable game types to fill with emotions of love, share, jealousy, superiority, mystery, these are absolutely attractive to female players. Finally, in accord with the above, I propose some principles of designing female-oriented games, including presenting a good-looking leading character, making the story interesting with “live” NPCs(Non-Playing Characters), and finding ways to satisfy female nature instincts such as taking care of others and the inborn interest of classifying and selecting.

      • KCI등재

        여성범죄자처우의 문제점과 과제

        박영규 한국교정학회 2008 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.39

        This study is an empirical research to investigate the causal factors related to the crimes committed by women in Korea. In so doing, this study looks at the yearly changes in the proportion of female offender and female crime rates for the last 30 years. It also tests the effects of the economic and social variables on woman's crime. It seems that this phenomenon results from the increased social activities of females due to their improved social and economic status. Since the 1980s, female crime that had generally recorded lower than male crime in Korea started to increase at an alarming rate. During the speedy progress of industrialization and democratization, Korea's traditional extended family system was replaced with nuclear family, which brought in several changes to many women's way of thinking and values. Of course female crimes arise from biological, physiological, psychological and social factor. There is no single solution to female juvenile delinquency. But first of all, it is necessary to provide gender-specific programs for abused girls. Gender-specific programs must not only consider the risk factors leading girls to delinquency, but also focus on the protective and mitigating factors that foster strengths in adolescent girls. The aim of this study is to present a countermeasure to prevent female crimes. We present following plan emphasizing point that must ready a basic treatment program in female's characteristic. 1. Correctional facilities for only female inmate should be established. 2. Vocational program should be provided to rehabilitate the female inmate. 3. Program for maintaining relationship with children are considerably needed in case of incarcerating female inmates. 4. Community treatment for female inmate should be expanded. 5. Medical service for only female inmate should be established. 종래 여성에 대한 시설내처우에는 범죄를 행한 여성이 「여자다움」을 결하고 있다는 인식 하에, 전통적인 여성의 역할인 「현모양처」를 목적하는 교육을 하였다. 특히 그것은 여자소년에 관하여는 현저하였다. 한편 종래 여성범죄자는 피해자적 특징을 강하게 가지고 있었다. 그러나 최근에는「남편으로부터의 폭행」(domestic violence)에 대한 반격으로서의 살인행위에 정당방위를 인정하여야 한다는 주장이 제기되는 실정이다. 범죄발생의 메카니즘에 관하여 새로운 관점에서 「피해자로서의 여성」의 범죄를 고려할 필요가 있게 되었다. 그런데 여자수형자의 처우에 관해서는 수형자수가 적고 시설이 적어 여러 문제가 제기되고 있다. 특히 시설이 하나이므로 여자수형자는 그 대부분이 그 거주지에서 상당히 멀리있는 장소에서 형의 집행을 받게 된다. 동시에 시설의 수가 적은 것은 다시 분류처우의 점에서 문제가 제기되며, 사회복귀를 위한 직업훈련 내지 교도작업의 종류가 적다는 것이다. 이상과 같이 여성범죄에는 여성범죄 특유의 문제가 있으며, 그 처우에서도 여성 고유의 문제가 있다. 여기에서 그 과제가 나온다. 첫째, 직업훈련의 강화와 여성전용교정시설의 증설이다. 둘째, 교정시설의 개방화와 사회내처우의 확대이다. 셋째, 여성전문 의료서비스의 확충과 여성교육의 강화이다. 넷째, 여성범죄자에 필요한 새로운 대응으로서 성인여성 「멘토링 프로그램」의 실시라고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of the Retrogression of Feminism in Female Gaze among Female-Oriented Contents

        Zhouming Xue,최원호 사단법인 한국융합기술연구학회 2023 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.9 No.4

        The researcher observes a trend in China where Danmei content and Female-oriented TV series are gaining popularity. The former has been restricted by policy and its popularity has come to an abrupt end, but the Female-oriented TV Series is continuing to grow in popularity. Both types of film and television content can be categorised as female-oriented content. The concept of the "female gaze", which serves the visual desires of women and enables them to achieve visual satisfaction, has emerged. This study was conducted to analyse the influence of the “female gaze” in visual female-oriented film and television content on the development of feminism. The research methodology of this article combines three methods: documentary analysis, textual analysis, and comparative study approach to analyse the characteristics of female-oriented content, and the representation of the male gaze. The purpose is to demonstrate that female-oriented content, while purportedly catering to a female audience, is actually a retrograde form of feminism. Firstly, the development and characteristics of the two types of female-oriented content selected for this article are sorted out. It shows that the representation of female-oriented content still reflects the relationship between one strong and one weak, and the implicit adherence to patriarchy, the cult of the powerful. Then, by sorting through the three developments of the feminist movement, it is concluded that the purpose of the feminist movement was to eliminate gender inequality and essentially to pursue equal rights. Next, the male gaze is therefore expressed as a separate section since it serves as a symbol of feminist theory in the sphere of film and television. Essentially, it is an illustration of gender inequality, expressing the subjectivity of the male and the subordination of the female. Finally, the characteristics of female-oriented film and television content are compared with those of feminism and male gaze. Results of the study showed that the textual characteristics of female-oriented content are different from the core claims of feminism and, therefore, are not a progression of feminism. Besides, the feminine gaze embodied in feminist content is essentially a repetition and reinforcement of the male gaze. This proves that the female-oriented content is not only not a progression of feminism, but rather a regression. Based on the findings of the study, it was proposed that if feminism is to truly develop and progress, the spirit of the feminist quest for equality and independence should be exhibited in the visualised texts. The particularity and importance of this article is that it is one of the lesser ones to argue that female-oriented content has a negative effect on the development of feminism. The popularity of female-oriented content in film and television has not lasted long in China, and the number of articles analysing this content is limited. It is hoped that the ideas in this article will provide some insight for subsequent researchers.

      • KCI등재후보

        꽃마을한방병원 韓方婦人科에 不姙을主訴로 來院한 患者에 대한 實態分析

        위효선,강정희,권수경,이희영,조현주,최은미,강명자 대한한방부인과학회 2005 大韓韓方婦人科學會誌 Vol.18 No.1

        Purpose : To investigate clinical-epidemologic aspect of infertility patients in Conmaul Oriental Hospital. Methods : From 2003, 5 to 2004, 4, a total 1223(female 943, male 280) patients was recruited, and their medical records were reviewed retrospectively. Results : The mean age of female was 31.83±3.63 yesrs, and 34.08±3.66 years in male. The mean BMI of female was 20.83±2.74, and 24.36±3.03 in male. The most common occupation of female was profession, administration, management.The primary infertility was 52.9% and the secondary infertility 47.1%. The most common past history in female was laparotomy. The mean duration of infertility was 3.32 ± 2.5 years and 3.9 ± 2.63 years in female and male. 83.6% of secondary infertility women experienced abortion. The incidence of patients with both combinded infertility factors of female and male was the most highest, and the most common single factor was ovulatory. 92.4% of female patients took sterility tests, 71.0% of male patients took semen analysis. 50.8% female took ovulation induction, IUI, IVF before coming. 8.91% of female and 72.14% of male were accompanied by their spouse. 61.2% of female took sterility test with their spouse. Female's duration of treatment was longer than man's. The most reliable source of choices was encouragement of family members, acquaintance. Conclusion : In this study, we presented staus concerend with infertility and the characteristics of patients went to oriental hospital. Furthermore, the study about oriental treatments and the results of that treatments is required.

      • KCI등재

        여성가구주의 발생원인에 따른 빈곤특성 분석

        박재규(Chaekyu Park) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) 2009 여성연구 Vol.77 No.-

        The purposes of this study are to analyze the relation between the cause of female-headed household and her poverty, to examine what factors significantly affect her poverty, and to suggest some ways to reduce her poverty In order to accomplish these works, this study uses the data of 1,327 female-headed households from the First KLoWF which is a nationally representative survey According to data analysis, those who became female-headed household before 2000 were generally parted from their husbands by death On the other hand, those who became recently female-headed household were mostly gotten divorced from their husbands or lived separately from their husbands Among total female-headed households over one-fourth is poor less than the minimum cost of living In particular, while the female-headed households who were separated from their husbands or lived separately from their husbands are poorer, those who are living with their husbands or are unmarried are less poor Furthermore, the poor women among the female-headed households parted from their husbands by death or unmarried became mostly female-headed household before 2000, the poor women among the female-headed households gotten divorced from their husbands or lived separately from their husbands recently became the household head From regression on factors affecting poverty, for those who parted from their husbands by death ownership of house and economic activity are significantly important, while for those who gotten divorced from their husbands education, school or non-school child, economic activity are significantly important On the other hand, unmarried women who are older or recently became the female-headed households are poorer, but those who are participating in economic activity are less poor And the female-headed household's education and economic activity are significantly important to her poverty circumstance Given those findings, this study suggested some ways overcoming the poverty of female-headed household In particular it emphasizes some differential ways for various kinds of female-headed households because the female-headed household's poverty status and factors affecting her poverty are differential according to the causes of female-headed household 최근 여성가구주의 증가와 함께 빈곤층이 증가하는 현실에서 본 연구는 여성가구주 발생원인에 따라 빈곤현황을 비교하고, 빈곤에 영향을 미치는 요인이 여성가구주의 유형에 따라 어떤 차이가 있는지 분석하고자 하였다 이를 위해서 본 연구는 한국여성정책연구원의 여성가족패널 자료 중 여성가구주 1,327명의 개인자료 및 가구자료를 이용하였다 자료분석 결과에 의하면, 2000년 이전의 여성가구주 발생은 사별에 의한 경우가 많았지만 최근에는 배우자와의 이혼 및 별거에 의한 발생이 증가하고 있다 즉 여성가구주 중 1/4 이상은 최저생계비 이하의 빈곤상태에 있었고, 특히 남편과 사별하였거나 이혼한 여성가구주가 상대적으로 많은 반면 배우자가 있거나 혹은 미혼의 여성가구주는 적었다 또한 배우자와 사별하거나 혹은 미혼의 여성가구주 중에 빈곤층 여성은 2000년 이전에 발생한 사례가 많은 반면, 배우자와 이혼하거나 혹은 별거한 여성가구주 중 빈곤층 여성가구주는 최근에 발생한 경향이 있었다 여성가구주의 빈곤에 영향을 미치는 요인분석에 의하면, 배우자와 사별한 여성가구주의 경우 자가주택 소유 여부와 경제활동참여가 중요한 요인이며, 이혼한 여성가구주의 경우는 교육수준과 미취학 및 초중고자녀, 경제활동참여 여부가, 미혼 여성가구주는 나이가 많거나 혹은 최근 여성가구주가 된 경우 가난하였고, 경제활동에 참여하고 있는 여성가구주일수록 상대적으로 가난하지 않았다 배우자와 동거하는 여성가구주의 경우는 여성가구주의 교육수준과 경제활동참여가 유의미한 영향을 미치고 있었다 이상의 분석결과를 바탕으로 본 연구는 여성가구주의 빈곤극복을 위한 몇 가지 정책을 제안하였는데, 특히 여성가구주의 발생원인에 따라 빈곤실태가 상이하며 또한 빈곤에 영향을 미치는 요인도 상이하다는 점을 고려하여 각각에 대한 차별적 접근을 제안하였다

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