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        감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률상 역학조사와 관련된 형사법적 쟁점

        장준혁 대한의료법학회 2022 의료법학 Vol.23 No.3

        As a result of a close review focusing on the case of obstruction of epidemiological investigation by a religious group A in Daegu, which was a problem when the pandemic of Covid-19 infection began in Korea around February 2, 2020, when an epidemiological investigator requested a specific group to submit a list, While there have been cases where an act of not responding or submitting an edited omission list was sentenced to the effect that the act did not fall under an epidemiological investigation, in the case of non-submission of the visitor list for the B Center, even though a ‘list of visitors’ was requested. Regarding the fact of refusal without a justifiable reason, ‘providing a list of persons entering the building is a key factual act that forms a link between epidemiological investigations accompanying an epidemiological investigation, and refusing to do so is also an act of refusal and obstruction of an epidemiological investigation. There are cases where it is possible to demand criminal punishment. Regardless of whether the request for submission of the membership list falls under the epidemiological investigation, there are cases in which the someones' actions correspond to the refusal or obstruction of the epidemiological investigation. A lower court ruling that if an epidemiological investigation is rejected or obstructed as a result of interfering with factual acts accompanying an epidemiological investigation, comprehensively considering whether or not the list has been diverted for purposes other than epidemiological investigation, the logic is persuasive. Epidemiological investigations such as surveys and human specimen collection and testing are conducted for each infectious disease patient or contact confirmed as a result of the epidemiological investigation, but epidemiological investigations conducted on individual individuals cannot exist independently of each other, and the This is because the process of identification and tracking is essential to an epidemiological investigation, and if someone intentionally interferes with or rejects the process of confirming this link, it will result in direct, realistic, and widespread interference with the epidemiological investigation. In this article, ① there are differences between an epidemiological investigation and a request for information provision under the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act, but there are areas that fall under the epidemiological investigation even in the case of a request for information, ② Considering the medical characteristics of COVID-19 and the continuity of the epidemiological investigation, the epidemiological investigator the fact that the act of requesting a list may fall under the epidemiological investigation, ③ that the offense of obstructing the epidemiological investigation in certain cases may constitute ‘obstruction of Performance of Official Duties by Fraudulent Means’, and ④ rejecting the request for information provision under the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act from September 29, 2020 In this case, it is intended to be helpful in the application of the Infectious Disease control and Prevention Act and the practical operation of epidemiological investigations in the future by pointing out the fact that a new punishment regulation of imprisonment or fine is being implemented. 2020. 2.경 대한민국에서 코로나19 감염증의 대유행이 시작될 당시 문제가 되었던 대구 지역 A종교단체의 역학조사 방해 사건을 중심으로 면밀히 검토한 결과, 역학조사관이 특정 단체에게 명단 제출을 요구하였을 때, 이에 불응하거나 편집된 누락 명단을 제출한 행위에 대하여 역학조사에 해당하지 아니한다는 취지로 선고된 사례가 있는 반면, B열방센터 행사 출입자명단 미제출 사건의 경우 ‘출입자 명단’ 등을 요구받았음에도 정당한 이유 없이 거부한 사실에 대하여 ‘출입자 명단의 제공은 역학조사에 수반되는 역학조사 간의 연결 과정을 형성하는 핵심적 사실행위로, 이를 거부하는 것도 역학조사 거부, 방해행위에 해당’하므로 적법하게 명단을 요구할 수 있어 처벌이 가능하다는 사례도 있다. 교인명단 제출요구가 역학조사에 해당하는지 여부와 관계없이 교인명단 제출 거부 또는 누락 행위가 곧 역학조사 거부·방해행위에 해당하는 경우도 있는데, 역학조사와 직접 관련성, 역학조사를 위한 것임이 외부적으로 표시되어 인식되었는지 여부, 명단의 역학조사 외의 목적으로 전용될 가능성 등을 종합적으로 고려하여 역학조사에 수반되는 사실행위를 방해함으로써 결과적으로 역학조사가 거부 내지 방해되는 결과가 발생한 경우에는 역학조사 방해가 된다는 하급심 판결의 논리가 설득력이 있다. 역학조사 결과 확인된 각 감염병환자등이나 접촉자 등에 대해 설문조사나 인체검체 채취 및 시험과 같은 역학조사가 실시되지만, 개별적인 사람에 대해 실시되는 역학조사가 서로 독립하여 존재할 수 없으며 역학조사의 연결 과정을 확인하고 추적하는 과정이 역학조사에 필수적으로 수반되며 이러한 연결고리를 확인하는 과정을 누군가 고의로 방해하거나 거부하게 되면, 역학조사가 직접적이고 현실적으로, 광범위하게 방해되는 결과가 발생하기 때문이다. 이 글에서는 주로 ① 감염병예방법상 역학조사와 정보 제공 요청은 차이점이 있으나 정보 제공 요청의 경우에도 역학조사에 해당되는 영역이 있다는 점, ② 코로나19의 의학적 특성과 역학조사의 연속성을 감안하면 역학조사관의 명단요구 행위가 역학조사에 해당할 여지가 있다는 점, ③ 특정한 경우에는 역학조사 방해죄가 위계공무집행방해에 해당할 수 있다는 점, ④ 2020. 9. 29.부터 감염병예법상 정보제공요청을 거부하는 경우에 징역형 또는 벌금형의 처벌규정이 신설되어 운용되고 있다는 점 등을 지적하여, 향후 감염병예방법의 적용 및 역학조사 실무 운용에 있어 도움이 되고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률상 손실보상청구에 관한 법적 고찰

        백경희(Baek, Kyoung-Hee),김자영(Kim, Ja-Young) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2020 의생명과학과 법 Vol.24 No.-

        우리나라는 코로나 19 이전인 2015년 메르스 사태를 겪으면서 감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률에 기한 방역체계와 역학조사에 관한 체계를 구축하면서 시행착오를 거친 바 있다. 그리고 현재 우리나라를 비롯하여 전 세계는 코로나 19라는 감염병으로 인하여 전례 없는 언택트 시대를 경험하면서 사회적 거리두기가 장기화되고 감염병 경로가 불투명하여 역학조사에 한계점이 노출되고 있다. 대상판결은 감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률상 손실보상청구와 관련하여 메르스 사태 당시 원고인 X병원이 의료기관 내 방역을 위해 소요된 비용을 보건복지부에 청구한 것에 대해 피고인 보건복지부장관이 거부처분을 하자 이에 대해 X병원이 그 거부처분의 취소를 구한 것이었다. 쟁점이 된 것은 X병원이 손실보상금의 지급제외 기준에 해당하는 역학조사 시 금지행위 혹은 그와 동일시할 수 있는 행위를 하였는지에 대한 것이었고, 사실관계상 역학조사 과정에서 X병원에 방문한 환자의 접촉자 명단의 제출을 지연하는 것이 그러한 행위에 해당하는지가 문제되었다. 또한 대상판결의 경우 의료기관의 손실보상 청구의 쟁점 내에서 역학조사 진행 시 방역 당국의 부적절한 태도가 의료기관의 역학조사의 거부・방해・회피와 같은 금지행위와 어떠한 관계성이 있는지도 검토하고 있다. 코로나 19 사태에서 감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률상 역학조사 시 접촉자 명단 제출 지연 내지 거부 행위는 사회적 파장을 야기하고 있고, 국가의 감염 차단을 위한 방역 행위는 의료기관을 비롯하여 다수의 영업장에서 막대한 손실을 야기하고 있는 상황이다. 본고에서는 대상판결의 시사점을 검토하여, 역학조사 시 금지행위가 무엇인지와 손실보상 청구 제도, 손실보상금의 지급 제한과 관련된 법리를 분석하여 판례의 판단에 대한 평석을 하고자 한다. During the MERS outbreak in 2015, before Covid-19, Korea has undergone trial and error while establishing a system for quarantine and epidemiological investigations in accordance with the Act on Prevention and Management of Infectious Diseases. In addition, Korea and the world are experiencing an unprecedented era of untact due to an infectious disease called Covid-19, and social distancing is prolonged and the path of infectious disease is unclear, thus exposing limitations to epidemiological investigations. In the Supreme Court Decision, in relation to the claim for compensation for loss under the Act on the Prevention and Management of Infectious Diseases, there was a problem of compensation for the loss that the plaintiff Samsung Seoul Hospital, the plaintiff at the time of the MERS outbreak, requested the Ministry of Health and Welfare for the expenses for quarantine in medical institutions. The issue was whether or not Samsung Seoul Hospital engaged in an epidemiological investigation that met the criteria for exclusion of compensation for losses. In other words, it was questioned whether there was any prohibition by Samsung Seoul Hospital in relation to submitting the contact list of patients who visited Samsung Seoul Hospital during the epidemiological investigation process. In the case of Supreme Court Decision, it is reviewing how the inappropriate attitude in the case of an epidemiological investigation by the government within the issue of a medical institution s claim for compensation for loss has relation to the prohibited actions such as refusal, obstruction, and evasion of the epidemiological investigation by the medical institution. Even in the Covid-19 outbreak, delaying or refusing to submit a list of contacts during an epidemiological investigation under Act on Prevention and Management of Infectious Disease is causing social problems. In addition The state s quarantine action to block infection is causing enormous losses in medical institutions and many business sites. In this paper, we will review the implications of the case of Supreme Court Decision and analyze the legal principles of what are prohibited acts during an epidemiological investigation and whether the payment of loss compensation can be rejected or reduced for that reason.

      • KCI등재

        상주시 역학조사 거부 사건 판례 분석과 입법론적 시사점 - 대법원 2022. 11. 17. 선고 2022도7290 판결

        박성민 대한의료법학회 2024 의료법학 Vol.25 No.2

        코로나19 대유행 상황에서 우리나라의 K-방역이 성공 사례로 뽑힐 수 있었던 이유 중에는 감염병예방법에 따른 체계적인 역학조사가 조속하고 원활하게 이루어졌던 것이 있다. 시급을 다투는 감염병 확산 상황에서 필요한 역학조사를 거부하거나 방해하는 행 위는 감염병 대유행과 그로 인한 많은 사람들의 생명과 건강 피해, 사회경제적 피해, 심할 경우 국가 안보 위기까지 야기할 수 있다. 역학조사 거부 등 방해 시 형사처벌 등 제재를 가함으로써 원활하게 역학조사를 진행하도록 하는 법 제도가 필요하다. 동시에 역학조 사 담당자로부터 명단 제공 요구 등 조사 요구를 받은 상대방과 자신의 인적사항 등 정보 가 제공되는 정보주체들의 불안과 피해, 권리와 자유의 제한을 최소화해야 하며 형사처 벌은 법치주의의 기본 원칙에 따라야 한다는 요청 역시 법체계에 반영되어야 한다. 상주 시 역학조사 거부 사건에서 검찰, 원심 법원, 대법원, 헌법재판소의 판단은 이러한 법체계 를 만들어가는 데 중요한 시사점이 있다. 장래 언젠가 또 다시 발생할 가능성이 있는 감염 병 대유행 위기를 대비해서 계속적으로 발전적인 논의를 이어갈 필요가 있다. One of the reasons South Korean response was considered a success during the COVID-19 pandemic was the prompt and efficient execution of systematic epidemiological investigations as mandated by the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act. In a critical situation where the spread of infectious diseases is imminent, refusing or obstructing necessary epidemiological investigations can lead to widespread pandemic outbreaks, endangering the lives and health of many people, causing socioeconomic damage, and in severe cases, threatening national security. Therefore, a legal system that imposes sanctions, such as criminal penalties, for refusing or obstructing epidemiological investigations is necessary to ensure smooth epidemiological investigation processes. At the same time, it is crucial to minimize the anxiety and harm to individuals who are required to provide information, as well as the restrictions on their rights and freedoms, when they receive requests for information from investigators. Criminal penalties should also adhere to the fundamental principles of the rule of law. The judgments of the prosecution, the lower courts, the Supreme Court, and the Constitutional Court in the Sangju epidemiological investigation refusal case provide significant insights into developing this legal framework. Continuous and progressive discussions are needed to prepare for the potential recurrence of pandemic crises in the future.

      • KCI등재

        An outbreak of patients with neurologic symptoms exposed to an unknown stench in a high school near an industrial complex: An epidemiologic investigation

        Baek Kiook,Jo Seongmin,박철용,사공준 한국역학회 2022 Epidemiology and Health Vol.44 No.-

        OBJECTIVES: In a high school in Korea, seven students visited the emergency room with non-specific neurological symptoms after a stench occurred during the entrance ceremony. A total of 105 patients visited the medical center over five days. A team of environmental and epidemiologic experts was assembled to investigate the incident. METHODS: Our team, consist of experts of epidemiology, participated in the investigation one month after the incident. Until then, only air samples were analyzed. We received results on air samples analyzed by other investigators, medical records of some students and police’s patient interview data. Additional investigation and interview were performed. The events were reconstructed in spatial and temporal order. RESULTS: A cluster of patients were observed in the south and some parts of north sides of the upper floor. A stench similar to that at the time of the incident has been sensed about two years in school area. Students consistently stated that similar stench occurred frequently in the vicinity of the school. According to students’ statements, odor pattern was mainly that of something burning. Some students’ CO-Hb was observed to be > 1.5%. CONCLUSIONS: In the investigation process, two suspected sources were identified; a science room storing chemicals downstairs of the auditorium, and various industrial facilities located near the school. Combining the scattered evidence, our team considered toxic puff gas, maybe from incineration or leak in a specific area for a short time, was the cause of the incident. We describe our approaching process and the limitations encountered during investigation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        An outbreak of neurologic symptoms among patients exposed to an unknown stench in a high school near an industrial complex: an epidemiological investigation

        Kiook Baek,Seongmin Jo,Chulyong Park,Joon Sakong 한국역학회 2022 Epidemiology and Health Vol.44 No.-

        OBJECTIVES Seven students at a high school in Korea visited the emergency room with non-specific neurological symptoms after a stench was noticed during a school entrance ceremony. In relation to this incident, 105 patients visited medical institutions over 5 days. A team of environmental and epidemiological experts was assembled to investigate the incident. METHODS Our team of experts participated in the investigation 1 month post-incident. Previously, only air samples had been analyzed. We received results of air samples analyzed by other investigators, medical records of some students, and data from police interviews of patients. Additional investigation and interviews were conducted, and the events were reconstructed in spatial and temporal order. RESULTS A cluster of patients was observed on the south side and parts of the north side of the upper floor. A stench like that reported during the incident had been noticed for about 2 years near the school. Students consistently described a similar stench occurring frequently in the vicinity of the school. According to student statements, the odor mainly resembled something burning. The carboxyhemoglobin levels of some students were observed to be >1.5%. CONCLUSIONS In the investigation, 2 suspected sources were identified: a science room storing chemicals downstairs from the auditorium and various industrial facilities near the school. Combining the scattered evidence, we considered a toxic puff of gas, perhaps from brief incineration or leakage in a specific area, to be the likely cause of the incident. We describe our approach and the limitations encountered during the investigation.

      • Using Field-Based Epidemiological Methods to Investigate FMD Outbreaks: An Example from the 2002 Outbreak in Korea

        Wee, S.-H.,Nam, H.-M.,Moon, O.-K.,Yoon, H.,Park, J.-Y.,More, S. J. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008 Transboundary and emerging diseases Vol.55 No.9

        <P>Summary</P><P>Relevant to foot and mouth disease (FMD), most published epidemiological studies have been conducted using quantitative methods and substantial regional or national datasets. Veterinary epidemiology also plays a critical role during outbreak investigations, both to assist with herd-level decision-making and to contribute relevant information to assist with ongoing national or regional control strategies. Despite the importance of this role, however, little information has been published on the use of applied (field-based) epidemiological methods during disease outbreaks. In this study, we outline an investigative template for FMD, and a case study of its use during the 2002 FMD outbreak in Korea. Suitable for use during field-based epidemiological investigations of individual farms within a broader regional/national response, the template considers three steps including confirming infection, estimating date of introduction and determining method of introduction. A case study was conducted on IP13 (the 13th infected premises), the only IP during the 2002 FMD outbreak in Korea that was geographically isolated from all other known cases. The authorities first became aware of FMD on IP13 on 2 June, however, infection may have been present from 12 May. Infection was confirmed on 3 June 2002. FMD was probably spread to IP13 by a contract worker who had participated during 2–4 May in the culling operations on IP1. Other routes of spread were ruled out during the investigation. The contract worker lived in the locality of IP13 and worked on a part-time basis at a pork-processing plant that was adjacent to this farm. The contractor became heavily contaminated during the cull, but did not comply fully with cleaning and disinfection requirements once the cull had been completed. The investigative template contributed structure and focus to the field-based investigation. Results from this case study demonstrate the need for strict management of personnel in disease control and adherence to the sanitary rules by all those involved.</P>

      • 업무상 질병 판정을 위한 조사와 근로자의 참여

        김구열(金求烈) 서울대 사회보장법연구회 2018 사회보장법연구 Vol.7 No.1

        업무상 질병에 대한 증명책임을 부담하는 대부분의 근로자는 현실적으로 자신의 질병이 업무상 질병에 해당한다는 점(특히 ‘인과관계’의 유무에 대한 판단)을 증명하는 데 어려움을 갖고 있다. 관련 법규는 근로자가 겪는 이러한 어려움을 완화해줄 수 있는 수단들로 직업성 질환 역학조사, 사업장 방문조사 등을 규정한다. 이러한 조사의 공정성을 확보하고, 근로자가 부담하는 증명책임을 실질적으로 완화하며, 조사의 내실화를 기하고, 이를 통하여 근로자의 사회보장수급권의 보호 수준을 강화하기 위하여 알 권리 등에 바탕을 둔 근로자측의 참여가 필요하다. 이러한 참여는 조사 참석권, 조사 결과 요구권, 의견제시권의 세 가지 권리로 유형화할 수 있다. 현행 법규는 근로자대표, 질병을 입은 근로자 및 그 대리인이 업무상 질병판정을 위한 조사에 참여할 수 있도록 한다. 그러나 이러한 제도들은 사업주 측의 참여와 근로자 측의 참여의 불균형 문제를 해결하지 못하고 있다. 또한근로자대표는 질병을 입은 근로자의 이익을 제대로 대변하지 않을 우려가 있고, 「요양업무처리규정」의 법적 성격으로 인하여 질병을 입은 근로자와 그 대리인의 참여가 제대로 보장되지 못할 우려가 있다. 이러한 문제의식을 토대로 근로자의 참여권을 각기 다른 내용으로 규정한 세 개의 입법안이 국회에 발의되어 있다. 이러한 수정 및 보완에 대하여 행정력이 낭비되고 관련 분쟁이 장기화될 수 있다는 우려가 제기될 수 있으나, 근로자 참여가 허용되지 않는 경우를 예외적으로 규정함으로써 이를 극복할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 또한 영업비밀유출로 인하여 사업주 측에 손해가 발생할 수 있다는 우려가 있을 수 있으나, 근로자의 참여권을 보장하여 얻는 근로자의 이익이 근로자의 참여권을 배제하여 사업주가 얻는 이익보다 더 크다고 볼 수 있다. Most workers who bear the burden of proof of occupational disease have difficulty in demonstrating that their disease is work-related(especially the existence of “causality”). Relevant regulations provide for epidemiologic investigation and workplace investigation as means to alleviate the difficulties that the workers face. In order to ensure the fairness of these investigations, to substantially mitigate the burden of proof by the workers, to strengthen the quality of the investigation, and to raise the level of protection of workers’ right to social security, the right of participation to these investigations of workers is necessary, which is based on their right to know. The right can be classified into three rights : the right to participate in the investigation, the right to request information, and the right to offer an opinion to the investigation. Relevant regulations enable employee representatives and the workers to participate in these investigations. However, they does not solve the problem.. of imbalance between employers’ participation and workers’ participation. In addition, employee representative may not represent the interests of the workers who have suffered occupational disease, and due to the legal nature of the 「The Regulation for the Treatment of Care」, the participation of the workers and their representatives is not guaranteed. Based on the awareness of the problem, three proposed legislations have been brought before the National Assembly that have defined the rights of participation of workers. Concerns may be arised that administrative power will be wasted and the dispute will be protracted, but it seems possible to overcome the concerns by stipulating an exception that the participation of the workers is not allowed. Furthermore, there may be concerns that due to the leakage of trade secrets, the employer may make a loss. However, the benefits of the workers obtained by guaranteeing the rights of participation are considered to be greater than those of the employers, excluding the rights.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Experience of 16 years and its associated challenges in the Field Epidemiology Training Program in Korea

        Moo-Sik Lee,Eun-Young Kim,Sang-Won Lee 한국역학회 2017 Epidemiology and Health Vol.39 No.-

        OBJECTIVES: The field epidemiologist system of South Korea, which employs public health doctors who are relatively more readily available, was created in 1999 to ensure a ready supply of experts for epidemiological investigations and enable an effective response for new and reemerging infectious diseases. However, the 2015 outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome revealed limitations in the existing systems of management of field epidemiologists and communicable diseases. METHODS: The present study aims to evaluate data on current states, administrative reports, and other literature on the field epidemiologist system that has been in place in South Korea for 16 years since 1999 and to suggest appropriate future improvements in this system. RESULTS: By suggesting methods to evaluate the field epidemiologist system and training programs and by suggesting ways for the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to conduct evaluations on its own, the present study provides supporting evidence for improvement of systems for training of experts in epidemiological investigations. Moreover, based on the findings, this study also suggests methods to systematically train experts in communicable diseases management and a sustainable system to establish the basis of and develop strategies for a systematic and phased management of field epidemiologist training programs. CONCLUSIONS: The present study suggests the possibility of establishing dedicated training facilities, revising the guidelines on training and improvement of the competency of public health experts, while not limiting the scope of application to communicable diseases.

      • KCI등재

        감염병 예방 및 관리를 위한 한의사의 역할과 정책적 과제: 혼합연구방법론을 적용하여

        김주철,천혜선,이희정,임정태,Juchul Kim,Heasun Chun,HeeJung Lee,Jungtae Leem 대한한의학회 2023 대한한의학회지 Vol.44 No.2

        Objectives: This study investigated the role of Korean medicine doctors in the national quarantine system and the status of their duties through questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews with Korean medicine staff who participated in COVID-19 work. Methods: We developed a questionnaire survey to investigate the status and perception of Korean medicine doctors' participation in responding to infectious diseases, and the results were derived by conducting frequency analysis and T-test using SPSS program. The measurement variables of this study were the status of COVID-19 related work participation and perception of Korean medicine doctors' role in infectious diseases, and the maximum significance level was 0.05. Results: There were 300 respondents to the survey, and as for the COVID-19 related work, Korean medicine treatment for COVID-19 patients accounted for the most(52.7%), and various preventive and treatment tasks such as epidemiological investigations and specimen collection were conducted. Conclusion: According to this study, it was confirmed that there are sufficient legal and administrative grounds for Korean medicine doctors to perform specimen collection and epidemiological investigations. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a policy framework to solidify the status of Korean medicine doctors in national infectious diseases in the future.

      • KCI등재

        코로나 19 동선 관리를 위한 적정 앱 서비스와 도입: 고위험 지역 설문 연구

        노미정 한국병원경영학회 2022 병원경영학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        Purposes: Prompt evaluation of routes and contact tracing are very important for epidemiological investigations of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). To ensure better adoption of contact tracing apps, it is necessary to understand users’ expectations, preferences, and concerns. This study aimed to identify main reasons why people use the apps, appropriate services, and basis for voluntary app services that can improve app participation rates and data sharing. Methodology/Approach: This study conducted an online survey from November 11 to December 6, 2020, and received a total of 1,048 survey responses. This study analyzed the questionnaire survey findings of 883 respondents in areas with many confirmed cases of COVID-19. This study used a multiple regression analysis. Findings: Respondents who had experience of using related apps showed a high intention to use contact-tracing apps. Participants wished for the contact tracking apps to be provided by the government or public health centers (74%) and preferred free apps (93.88%). The factors affecting the participants’ intention to use these apps were their preventive value, performance expectancy, perceived risk, facilitative ability, and effort expectancy. The results highlighted the need to ensure voluntary participation to address participants’ concerns regarding privacy protection and personal information exposure. Practical Implications: The results can be used to accurately identify user needs and appropriate services and thereby improve the development of contact tracking apps. The findings provide the basis for voluntary app that can enhance app participation rates and data sharing. The results will also serve as the basis for developing trusted apps that can facilitate epidemiological investigations. 연구목적: 적절한 동선 파악과 동선 추적은 코로나19 역학조사를 위해서 매우 중요하다. 동선 추적 앱 도입을 활발히 하기 위해서는 사용자들의 앱에 대한 기대, 선호 그리고 우려하는 부분에 대한 이해가 필요하다. 본 연구는 동선 추적 앱의 사용률을 높이고, 데이터 공유를 원활히 할 수 있게 해주는 자발적 앱 서비스에 대한기본적 특징과 적절한 서비스를 찾고자 하였다. 또한 사람들이 왜 동선 추적 앱을 사용하려고 하는지에 대한 주요요인을 확인하였다. 연구방법: 이 연구는 2020년 11월 11일부터 12월 6일까지 온라인 서베이를 실시하였고, 통 1,048명의 응답 데이터를수집하였다. 응답 데이터 중 2020년 가장 많은 코로나19 확진자가 나온 지역의 883명의 응답자 데이터를 분석에 사용하였다. 결과: 코로나 19 관련 앱을 사용해본 경험자들은 동선 추적 앱에 대한 높은 사용의도를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 응답자들은 보건소와 같은 공공기관에서(74%), 무료(93.88%)로 앱을 제공해주기를 원했다. 동선 추적 앱 사용의도에 영향을 미치는 요인으로는 예방적 가치, 기대성과, 인지된 위험, 촉진기능, 노력기대 등으로 나타났다. 또한 개인정보 보호 및 개인정보 노출에 대한 사용자들의 우려를 해결하고 자발적 앱 사용이 필요한 것으로 분석되었다. 함의: 본 연구 결과는 동선 추적 개발에 있어, 적절한 서비스와 사용자들의 니즈를 파악하는데 유용할 것이다. 사람들의앱 참여율과 데이터 공유를 높일 수 있는 자발적 앱 개발을 위한 기반을 제공해준다. 또한 본 연구는 역학조사에 협조가 가능한 신뢰 가능한 동선 추적 앱 개발의 근간을 마련할 수 있다.

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