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        여성 노인과 여가 스포츠 : 여성 노인의 걷기 운동 사례연구

        배재윤 한국체육학회 2024 한국체육학회지 Vol.63 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 여성 노인의 걷기 운동 특성을 고찰하고 이해하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 걷기 운동을 하는 만 65세 이상여성 노인 33명을 대상으로 사례연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 여성 노인의 걷기 운동은 낮은진입 장벽에 따른 적은 부담감의 특성을 보였으며, 이는 걷기 운동을 선택한 이유로 지목되었다. 둘째, 여성 노인의 걷기운동은 용이한 접근성의 특성을 보였으며, 이는 일상생활 중 높은 활용성에 기반한 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 여성 노인의 걷기 운동은 건강 증진을 주된 목적으로 하는 특성을 보였으며, 이는 걷기 운동의 핵심 동기로 확인되었다. 넷째, 여성 노인의 걷기 운동은 함께 걷기를 통한 상호작용의 특성을 보였으며, 이는 걷기 운동이 타인과 소통하고 관계를 맺는 기능을수행하는 것과 맞닿아 있었다. 다섯째, 여성 노인의 걷기 운동은 자연환경을 즐기며 걷는 특성을 보였으며, 이는 걷기 운동을 통한 심리적 만족과 정서적 안정을 추구하는 것과 관련이 있었다. 여섯째, 여성 노인의 걷기 운동은 개인의 건강 상태와 선호에 따라 운동 강도를 스스로 조절하는 특성을 보였으며, 이는 특별한 지도 없이 운동이 가능한 종목의 특징과 맞닿아 있었다. 일곱째, 여성 노인의 걷기 운동은 높은 지속성의 특성을 보였으며, 이는 걷기 운동의 낮은 난이도와 운동 효과의 즉각적인 체감과 연결되어 있었다. 그러나 여성 노인의 걷기 운동에 관한 특성을 종합해 볼 때, 여가 스포츠 참여 경험의 부족과 이로 인한 종목 선택의 제한성이 반영된 결과라는 점에서 오늘날 노인체육의 현주소를 보여주는 동시에 향후노인체육 활성화 방안 마련에 시사하는 바가 크다. The purpose of this study is to examine and understand the walking exercise characteristics of elderly women. For this purpose, a case study was conducted on 33 elderly women over the age of 65 who engage in walking exercise. The results of this study are as follows. First, walking exercise for elderly women showed the characteristic of low burden due to low barriers to entry, which was in line with the reason for choosing walking exercise. Second, the walking exercise of elderly women showed the characteristics of easy accessibility, which appeared to be based on its high usability in daily life. Third, the walking exercise of elderly women was characterized as having the main purpose of improving health, which was confirmed as a key motivation for walking exercise. Fourth, the walking exercise of elderly women showed the characteristics of interaction through walking together, which was in line with the fact that walking exercise performed the function of communicating and forming relationships with others. Fifth, the walking exercise of elderly women showed the characteristics of walking while enjoying the natural environment, and this was related to the pursuit of psychological satisfaction and emotional stability through walking exercise. Sixth, the walking exercise of elderly women showed the characteristic of adjusting the exercise intensity according to the individual's health status and preferences, and this was in line with the characteristic of an sport that can be exercised without special guidance. Seventh, the walking exercise of elderly women showed characteristics of high sustainability, which was linked to the low difficulty of walking exercise and the immediate feeling of the exercise effect. However, in that the characteristics of elderly women's walking exercise are a result of their lack of experience participating in leisure sports and the resulting limitations in their choice of sports, it shows the current state of sports for the elderly today and has significant implications for developing plans to revitalize sports for the elderly in the future.

      • KCI등재

        Economic Status of the Korean Elderly Women: How Secure Are They?

        문정숙,이영애 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2010 Asian Women Vol.26 No.1

        This study examined the economic status of elderly women and specified risk factors for elderly women in poverty. The contributions of this study were to improve the understanding of the economic conditions of older women and to provide considerable policy implications for elderly demographic changes in the future. The data for this study were from the baseline wave of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLoSA) and the sample consists of 2,419 elderly women. To examine the economic status of older women, poverty rates based on absolute and relative poverty thresholds were used, and income portfolios were analyzed. Multivariate analysis was used to provide an estimate of the extent to which older women correlated with poverty. The major findings were: (1) the poverty rate for elderly women was more than 40 percent in a given year; (2) older women living alone were economically vulnerable in terms of poverty rate and income distribution; (3) private transfers were the main source of income for older women living alone and for poor elderly women in general; (4) elderly women’s living arrangement, current employment status, holding of income from assets, pensions, and private transfers, net-worth level, and educational attainment correlated with elderly women poverty; (5) incomes from government transfers were not sufficient to preclude poverty among older women in later stages of life. Thus, income maintenance programs for poor elderly women need to be strengthened in order to prevent older women from becoming poor. In addition, improving younger women’s life chances by expanding their lifetime work is needed in order to make possible their financial security in later life. This study examined the economic status of elderly women and specified risk factors for elderly women in poverty. The contributions of this study were to improve the understanding of the economic conditions of older women and to provide considerable policy implications for elderly demographic changes in the future. The data for this study were from the baseline wave of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLoSA) and the sample consists of 2,419 elderly women. To examine the economic status of older women, poverty rates based on absolute and relative poverty thresholds were used, and income portfolios were analyzed. Multivariate analysis was used to provide an estimate of the extent to which older women correlated with poverty. The major findings were: (1) the poverty rate for elderly women was more than 40 percent in a given year; (2) older women living alone were economically vulnerable in terms of poverty rate and income distribution; (3) private transfers were the main source of income for older women living alone and for poor elderly women in general; (4) elderly women’s living arrangement, current employment status, holding of income from assets, pensions, and private transfers, net-worth level, and educational attainment correlated with elderly women poverty; (5) incomes from government transfers were not sufficient to preclude poverty among older women in later stages of life. Thus, income maintenance programs for poor elderly women need to be strengthened in order to prevent older women from becoming poor. In addition, improving younger women’s life chances by expanding their lifetime work is needed in order to make possible their financial security in later life.

      • KCI등재

        노년여성의 귀환과 탈가부장제의 징후들

        김경연 ( Kim Kyung-yeon ) 민족어문학회 2018 어문논집 Vol.- No.82

        이 글은 청년을 인간의 표준으로 결정하고 미개인, 광인, 여성과 더불어 노인을 비인간으로 축출한 근대 휴머니즘의 폭력적 메커니즘에 주목하면서, 젠더적 관점에서 노년을 재독하고자 했다. 젠더·인종·계층/계급에 따라 노년을 살아가는 경험은 다르며, 때문에 이러한 차이를 간과한 노년 연구란 부분적이며 추상적일 수밖에 없다. 노년을 젠더의 관점에서 읽어야 하는 이유도 여기에 있다. 가부장적 자본주의 체제를 살아온/가는 노년여성들의 삶이 남성노년들과 같을 수 없으며, 중산층 여성노인과 가난한 박카스 할머니의 현실이, 혹은 칠십의 나이에 일본군 위안부였다는 사실을 증언한 김학순이나 밀양 송전탑 투쟁의 최전선에 서는 여든 일곱 김말해의 노년이 침묵하는 노년여성들의 삶과 같을 수는 없다. 이 같은 복수의 노년여성들의 실존을 상기하면서 본고는 노년의 여성들을 재현하는 여성서사에 주목했다. 남성중심적인 문학의 주변부에서 거대/주류 서사가 누락하거나 은폐한 여성/타자들의 삶을 미시적으로 천착한/하고자한 것이 여성문학이라면, 노년여성의 억압, 침묵, 분투를 가시화한 여성서사를 통해 가부장적 자본주의 체제를 이반하는 노년여성의 재현 가능성을 탐사해 보는 일은 유의미할 것이다. 이를 위해 먼저 노년여성들의 삶을 기록/재현한 서사물의 계보들, 특히 청년의 시대였던 근대의 여성문학 속에서 여성노인들이 재현되는 양상에 주목하였다 전통적인 가부장제와 대결하면서. 새로운 집의 발명을 열망했던 근대 청년여자들의 서사는 근대가 배제하거나 누락한 노년여성의 삶을 가시화하는 한편, 전근대 가부장들이 상상한 ‘헌신적인 어머니’와 근대 청년들이 매도한 ‘혐오스러운 노파’와는 변별되는 이질적인 어머니/할머니들을 조형했다. 그러나 이 차별화된 재현에도 불구하고, 문학을 통한 근대적 가치의 전파가 신여성 작가들의 욕망이자 사명인 이상 노년여성들의 삶을 부조한 경우는 드물었으며, 더구나 어머니/할머니라는 젠더 역할을 국한되지 않는 개별적 욕구를 지닌 인간으로서 노년여성의 삶을 천착한 경우는 거의 부재했다. 그렇다면 근대의 황혼이 도래하고 전지구적 노후의 시간을 살고 있는 지금 이곳의 여성작가들은 다시 노년과 젠더의 문제를 어떻게 사유하고 있을까. 이 글은 근대 청년여자의 서사에 이어 신경숙, 김숨, 권여선 등 87년 이후 집의 혁명을 추동하고 자본주의 가부장제의전복을 열망했던 이른바386세대 계보의 여성작가들의 소설 속에서 노년여성의 삶이 재현되는 양상을 살폈다. 그들이 다시 쓰는 늙은 여자들의 이야기 속에서 가부장제가 발명한 숭고한 어머니/할머니는 더 이상 매끄럽게 관철되지 않는다. 어머니/할머니가 아닌 단지 ‘이모’로 늙어가는 「이모」 (권여선)의 ‘윤경호’는 물론이고, 어머니/할머니라는 젠더호명에 복종하며 살아왔던 『엄마를 부탁해』 (신경숙)의 ‘박소녀『’나 여인들과 진화하는 적들』 (김숨)의 ‘정순자’ 역시 더 이상 “길들여진 좌절의 협조자”로 남지 않는다. 실종을 빌어 가부장의 집으로부터 탈주하고(박소녀), 자기를 멸함으로써 모성으로부터 해방되고자 하며(정순자), 가족/세상과 절연하고 고유한 ‘나’로 말년을 살아가는(윤경호) 그들은 세상과 화해하기보다 불화하며 가부장제가 가공한 사랑과 행복의 집에 은폐되었던 폭력과 슬픔을 적발하는 불길하고 불온한 모성/여성이 된다. 집/친밀성의 오랜 수호자였던 이들 늙어가는 여자들을 통해서 아이러니하게도 친밀성의 판타지는 내파되는 것이다. This paper aimed to reperuse the elderly life from gender perspective, while paying attention to the violent mechanism of modern humanism that defined youth as the human standard and inhumanely ousted the elderly in the same way as barbarians, madmen and women. The experience of the elderly life varies among different genders, ethnicities and social classes. For this reason, studies on the elderly life that overlook such differences are partial and abstract. This is the very reason why the elderly life must be interpreted from gender perspective. Lives of elderly women who lived or are living in patriarchal capitalism cannot be identical to lives of elderly men. The reality of an elderly middle class woman cannot be the same as the reality faced by a poor elderly prostitute. Recalling the existence of such diverse lives of elderly women, this paper focused on the female narratives reproducing elderly women. If women’s literature attempted to inquire microscopic lives of women or the others either omitted or concealed by the major or mainstream narratives in the peripherals of the male-centered literary world, it would be a meaningful effort to explore the reproducibility of elderly women deserting from the patriarchal capitalism through the female narratives that visualize the oppression, silence and struggle of elderly women. As a part of such effort, the author of this study examined the genealogy of narrative works that recorded or reproduced lives of elderly women, especially the ways in which elderly women were reproduced in modern women’s literature from the era of youth. Narratives of young modern women who longed for new finding of home and confronted the traditional patriarchy visualized lives of elderly women either excluded or omitted by the modern world, while on the other hand shaping new mothers and grandmothers who are differentiated from ‘devoted mothers’ imagined by the pre-modern patriarchs and ‘hateful old women’ denounced by modern youths. Despite such differentiated reproduction, it was rare to find works that depicted lives of elderly women because the desire and mission of modern female authors were to spread modern values through literature. Furthermore, there was almost complete absence of works that viewed lives of elderly women as human beings with their own needs instead of constraining them to the gender role of a mother or grandmother. As the entire world is welcoming the dusk of the modern era with global aging, how are female authors of the contemporary world dealing with the elderly and gender issues? This paper examined the ways in which lives of elderly women were reproduced in novels written by female authors of the so-called 386 generation who drove household revolution and wished for overturn of the patriarchal capitalism since 1987, such as Kyung-sook Shin, Soom Kim and Yeo-sun Kwon. In the midst of their stories about old women, the noble mothers and grandmothers invented by patriarchy are no longer found to be a matter of course. ‘Gyeong-ho Yoon’ in “Aunt” (Yeo-sun Kwon) simply grows old as an aunt instead of a mother or grandmother. ‘So-nyeo Park’ in “Please Look After Mon” (Kyung-sook Shin) yields to the gender-bound nicknames like mother and grandmother. ‘Soon-ja Jeong’ in “Women and Their Evolving Enemies” (Soom Kim) no longer remains to be a tamed helper of frustration. She runs away from patriarchal home as if she has gone missing (So-nyeo Park), she tries to be freed from maternity by destroying her existence (Soon-ja Jeong) and she lives an independent elderly life isolated from her family and the world (Gyeong-ho Yoon). These figures become unfortunate and rebellious mothers or women who confront the world instead of reconciling with it, revealing the violence and sorrow concealed underneath fake love and happiness created by patriarchy. The fantasy of intimacy is ironically imploded by these aging women, who have long been the guardians of their home and intimacy.

      • KCI등재

        Informal Support as an Influential Factor in Elderly Women's Health: The Importance of Same-Sex Friendship in US

        Kim, Jeoung-Hee 한국보건교육건강증진학회 1999 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        It is known that the role of informal support for elderly women is critical to their physical and mental health, adjustment in old age, and their overall life salisfaction. Elderly women's situation such as social losses, widowhood, living alone, and geographic relocation etc. may result in a need for more informal supports for elderly women's health than ever before. Particularly, women's same-sex friendships were rated higher fur overall quality, intimacy, enjoyment, and nurturance. Unlike a generally accepted notion that later life for women is a time of isolation and loneliness, elderly women tend to maintain and reestablish their friendship regardless their marital status and living situation. Although studies on informal support fur elderly women were inconclusive in many ways, elderly women's firiendship tends to be stable despite of changing health status and life events. The relative importance between daughters and friends was also controversial. This study suggests that more research with reliable measurements is necessary for the practical prevention and intervention program of elderly women's health on this issue.


        Economic Status of the Korean Elderly Women

        Chung-Sook Moon,Youngae Lee 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2010 Asian Women Vol.26 No.1

        This study examined the economic status of elderly women and specified risk factors for elderly women in poverty. The contributions of this study were to improve the understanding of the economic conditions of older women and to provide considerable policy implications for elderly demographic changes in the future. The data for this study were from the baseline wave of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLoSA) and the sample consists of 2,419 elderly women. To examine the economic status of older women, poverty rates based on absolute and relative poverty thresholds were used, and income portfolios were analyzed. Multivariate analysis was used to provide an estimate of the extent to which older women correlated with poverty. The major findings were: (1) the poverty rate for elderly women was more than 40 percent in a given year; (2) older women living alone were economically vulnerable in terms of poverty rate and income distribution; (3) private transfers were the main source of income for older women living alone and for poor elderly women in general; (4) elderly women’s living arrangement, current employment status, holding of income from assets, pensions, and private transfers, net-worth level, and educational attainment correlated with elderly women poverty; (5) incomes from government transfers were not sufficient to preclude poverty among older women in later stages of life. Thus, income maintenance programs for poor elderly women need to be strengthened in order to prevent older women from becoming poor. In addition, improving younger women’s life chances by expanding their lifetime work is needed in order to make possible their financial security in later life.

      • KCI등재

        여성노인의 건강증진을 위한 노인건강관련 정책분석과 과제

        이상매,최수일,고재욱 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2012 스포츠와 법 Vol.15 No.1

        Aging society older women is higher than the average life span of elderly men aged women, new research on health promotion should be emerging. To do this, to improve the health of older women the central government, government agencies, associations (groups) to try to analyze health-related policies, through this, life satisfaction and health of elderly women to enable policy to seek the challenge. In addition to analysis of empirical data over 60 years of age residing in Seoul, a total of 375 female patients aged specimens were used for analysis. Study of elderly women and the relationship between health promoting behavior variables were verified. The results of this study to improve the health of elderly women on policy issues following suggestions. First, the old man's real and spontaneous movement for the practice of exercise prescription components, namely the form of exercise (aerobic, endurance, strength, flexibility, balance), exercise intensity, exercise duration, exercise steps, considering the senior physical education program development. Supply is required. Second, the central government and administered by government agencies for the elderly sports due to the duplication of similar projects and subjects to prevent wasteful spending ministries and senior physical education department is required to install, the third, the elderly individual needs and characteristics development of appropriate programs should be considered. Fourth, the male dominated occupations suitable for women in health promotion program development and women's physical characteristics should be developed considering the program. Finally, the current senior management-led development and dissemination of physical education programs in local and private switching center, and it is required to promote government policies. 고령사회 여성노인의 평균수명이 남성노인보다 높고 여성노인의 건강증진에 대한 새로운 연구가 대두되어야 한다. 이를 위해서 여성노인의 건강증진을 위해 중앙정부, 정부산하기관, 협회(단체)의 건강관련 정책을 분석해보고, 이를 통한 여성노인의 생활만족과 건강증진활성화를 위한 정책과제를 모색해보고자 한다. 또한 실증적 자료 분석을 위해서 서울에 거주하는 60세 이상의 여성노인 총 375명의 표본을 분석자료로 활용되었다. 연구조사는 여성노인의 건강증진행위와 관계변인들을 검증하였다. 본 연구결과에 대한 여성노인의 건강증진 정책과제에 대해 다음과 같이 제언하고자 한다. 첫째, 노인의 실질적이고 자발적인 운동실천을 위한 운동처방요소, 즉 운동형태(유산소, 지구력, 근력, 유연성, 평형성), 운동강도, 운동시간, 운동단계를 고려한 노인체육프로그램 개발․보급이 요구된다. 둘째, 중앙정부 및 정부 산하기관에서 시행하는 노인체육에 대한 유사한 사업과 대상자의 중복으로 인한 예산낭비를 방지하기 위해 노인체육전담 정부부처 및 담당부서 설치가 요구되며, 셋째, 노인개별 욕구와 특성에 적합한 프로그램 개발이 고려되어야 한다. 넷째, 남성위주의 건강증진프로그램에서 여성 적합 직종개발과 여성의 신체적 특성을 고려한 프로그램이 개발되어야 한다. 끝으로 현재 관 주도의 노인체육 프로그램 육성과 보급을 지역 및 민간중심으로 전환하고 이를 위한 정부정책 추진이 요구된다.

      • KCI우수등재

        여성노인의 일과 빈곤

        박명선 한국사회학회 2002 韓國社會學 Vol.36 No.2

        ‘빈곤의 여성화’는 여성가구주와 여성노인의 경제적 궁핍을 중심으로 전개되고 있다. IMF 이후 사회학이나 여성학에서 비정규직 여성노동자와 여성가구주에 관한 논의는 활발히 진행되어 왔으나 생산노동과 재생산노동의 어느 역할도 담당하지 않는 것으로 간주되는 여성노인은 주목받지 못하였다. 이는 성인지적 관점이 결여된 노인연구에서도 마찬가지이다. 그러나 여성노인은 남성노인과 다른 원인으로 더 심각한 노후의 경제적 궁핍을 겪고 있으며, 공적인 소득보장제도가 미비한 상황에서 여전히 농업이나 행상 등의 경제 활동을 통한 적은 수입에 의존하고 있다. 또한 노인부부가구에서든 자녀동거가구에서든 여성노인은 가사노동은 물론이고, 본인이 수발노동의 일차적 대상자가 되어야 함에도 불구하고, 배우자를 위한 수발노동의 일차적인 담당자로서의 역할도 수행하고 있다. 한편 여성노인의 경제적 궁핍은 가부장제적 복지국가의 사회적 배제의 결과이기도 하다. 그러므로 이들의 노후생계는 기본적인 사회권 보장의 차원에서 성통합적 복지정책을 통해 일차적으로 국가가 책임져야 한다. 더불어 여성노인들이 일을 통해 지속적으로 사회적 역할을 담당하면서 사회에 통합되도록 이들의 취업노동뿐만 아니라 보호ㆍ부양노동을 시민 노동으로 인정할 수 있는 세대간 연대가 이루어져야 한다. 이에 여성시민단체, 여성노동조합 및 여성농민회가 주축이 되어 여성노인의 능력고취를 뒷받침할 수 있는 여성노인의 조직화를 진행해야 할 것이다. ”Feminization of Poverty” is being proceeded with the female-householders and the economic destitution of the elderly women as a central figure. After the so-called IMF period, the discussion of non-standard female workers and female householders went on actively. However the elderly women who were regarded as having no part in productive and reproductive labor were unnoticed. The geriatric studies that are short of the gender awareness perspective also don’t give much attention to them. Nevertheless, the reasons that the elderly women suffer from economic destitution are different from those of the elderly men. Income security policies are insufficient so that most elderly women still have to rely on small income through pedlary or farming. In addition, they take charge of the housework regardless of whether they live with a spouse or with offspring. Although they are the one who need to receive attendance and caring, the elderly women playa primary role of attending and caring. On the one hand, financial deficiency of the elderly women are resulted from social exclusions of a patriarchal welfare state. Therefore, for the sake of the security of social rights it seems reasonable for the government to take responsibility for taking care of the elderly women during their later life through gender-integrated policies. In addition, there should be a solidarity between generations to recognize not only employment labor but also caring-supporting work as civil labor so that elderly women can be socially united by working and continuously observing a social role in the community. Accordingly Women’s Associations United, Women Workers’ Association United and Women Farmers’ Association in Korea should lead the procedures of elderly women’s systematization which will support the encouragement to develop the capabilities of old women.


        Women, Family and the Care of the Elderly in South Korea : With an Analysis of a Women's Life History

        Han, Jeong-Won 숙명여자대학교 아세아여성문제연구소 2003 Asian Women Vol.16 No.-

        As the elderly population is increasing and young population is declined, social issues around elderly care are emerged in Korea. A number of studies that have been done on the welfare of elderly people in Korea point out the various aspects of the problem of ageing in Korean society. However, some researches overlook the importance of the inherent emotional bonding between the cared and carers. It is reasonable to approach elderly care problems through enhancing the ability of elderly people and improving provisions for them. Elderly care, however, is much more than something you can buy from the shop. It is intrinsically a very personal and intimate affair not so much a transaction as a relationship. That is exactly why the family has been at the centre of the elderly care system. A proper look at elderly care requires a thorough examination of those who are doing the real work of caring for the elderly. In spite of changes of family structure, family size and women's participation in the labour market, the traditional norm of filial piety and the centrality of the family still remain strong. Thus, in this article, after exploring the meaning of family and care, a woman's caring work is going to be examined from a feminist perspective with an analysis of a Korean woman's life history.

      • KCI등재

        노화 과정에 따른 노인과 여대생의 식생활, 건강 상태 및 혈액 성상 비교 연구

        신경옥(Kyung Ok Shin),정근희(Keun Hee Chung),최경순(Kyung Soon Choi) 동아시아식생활학회 2009 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.19 No.5

        The principal objective of this study was to supply basic material determine basic information regarding effective health promotion regimens for elderly women via a comparative survey of health status by aging age between elderly women (=70 y) and college women. The subject groups of elderly women (=70 y) and college women were selected and surveyed from March to October, 2008, in the Seoul area. The average age of the elderly women assessed in this study was 78.64±7.30, the average height was 147.07±5.72 ㎝, and the average weight was 50.47±7.44 ㎏. As compared with college women, a higher percentage of elderly women ate breakfast regularly, but the elderly women also experienced difficulties in chewing due to dentures, and therefore ate their meals with large quantities of liquids, and usually ate their meals within 10 minutes. The majority of elderly women suffered from at least one disease, and the most common symptom reported was hypertension (25%). 52.2% of elderly women and 47.8% of college women reported that they exercised 1~2 times per week. They reported that their favorite exercise was light exercise, such as jogging and athletics (73.1%). As compared with college women, the smoking rate was lower among elderly women, but some of the elderly women were long-time smokers or alcoholics. The differences in red blood cells counts, Hb, hematocrit, and MCV of the between elderly women and college women were significant. In addition, but the MCH and MCHC were higher in elderly women compared with college women and the total cholesterol of elderly woman (175.62±38.89 ㎎/dL) was significantly lower compared with college woman (186.13±28.19 ㎎/dL). TG (127.89±51.25 ㎎/dL) and LDL-cholesterol (120.51±32.88 ㎎/dL) of elderly woman were significantly higher than TG (79.71±40.9 6㎎/dL) and LDL-cholesterol(103.78±22.94 ㎎/dL) of college woman (p<0.05). The levels of HDL-cholesterol (58.78±12.90 ㎎/dL) in the college women was significantly higher than the HDLcholesterol levels (48.17±13.79 ㎎/dL) of the elderly women (p<0.05). Serum vitamin C levels in elderly women were significantly higher than those of college women (p<0.05), whereas no significant difference was detected between the two groups. Consequently, it can be concluded that the appropriate education programs for dietary habits and health promotion are necessary for a healthier life. Additionally, it is necessary for individuals to precisely determine precisely their own health status, and develop appropriate dietary programs for themselves.

      • KCI등재

        운동 중재에 따른 노인여성의 골밀도 차이에 대한 메타분석

        이향범,임경묵 한국체육교육학회 2023 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        Purpose: This study aims to investigate the effects of exercise interventions on bone density in elderly women by conducting a meta-analysis of studies published in Korea. Based on the selected studies according to the inclusion criteria, this study aims to provide guidelines for designing an exercise intervention program suitable for improving bone density in elderly women. Method: This literature search followed the PICOS format and focused on domestic studies published from January 1, 2002 until February 21, 2023, using the keywords "elderly," "exercise," and "bone density." The search was limited to Korean studies and conducted using the Korea Citation Index(www.riss4u.net), the National Assembly Library(www.nanet.go.kr), and the Korean Studies Information Service System(kiss.kstudy.com). A total of 39 researches, including 12 theses and 27 academic journal articles, were selected for analysis through the selection process from a total of 573 researches identified. The statistical analysis for the Meta-Analysis was conducted using R 4.2.2 to calculate effect sizes. Results: According to the overall effect size of exercise participation on bone density in elderly women, the result was .45. Exercise was found to have a moderate effect on the bone density of elderly women. The results for the effect size of exercise intervention according to the type of exercise are as follows: the effect size according to exercise frequency was .52 for less than 3 times a week, .43 for 3 times a week, and .43 for more than 4 times a week. The effect size according to exercise duration was .21 for less than 12 weeks, .52 for 12 weeks, and .25 for more than 13 weeks. The effect size according to exercise time was .02 for less than 60 minutes, .60 for 60 minutes, and .29 for more than 70 minutes. The effect size according to exercise type was .44 for aerobic exercise, .48 for anaerobic exercise, and .35 for combined exercise. Conclusion: Based on the results above, it can be concluded that exercise intervention programs for elderly women have a moderate effect size on bone density, indicating that exercise has a positive impact on bone density in elderly women. Therefore, in designing exercise intervention programs for the management of bone density in elderly women, it is necessary to specify exercises using weight-bearing or non-weight-bearing aerobic or resistance training forms, performed at least 3 times a week for a duration of 12 weeks or more, depending on the health status of elderly women. 목적: 본 연구는 운동 중재가 노인여성의 골밀도에 미치는 효과를 규명하기 위하여 국내에 발간된 연구를 대상으로 메타분석을 실시하여. 선정기준에 의해 최종 선정된 연구를 바탕으로 노인여성의 골밀도에 적합한운동 중재 프로그램을 설계하기 위한 가이드라인을 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 방법: 문헌 검색은 2002년 1월 1일부터 2023년 2월 21일까지 발간된 국내 연구를 대상으로 PICOS 형식을 따라진행하였다. 메타분석을 위한 자료선정은 ‘노인’, ‘운동’, ‘골밀도’를 키워드로 한국학술연구정보원(www.riss4u.net) 과 국회도서관(www.nanet.go.kr), 한국학술정보(kiss.kstudy.com)에서 검색된 국내 연구로 한정하여 진행하였다. 검색된 총 573편 중 선정과정을 통해 학위논문 12편, 학술지 27편 총 39편의 논문이 분석대상으로 최종선정되었다. 메타분석의 통계분석은 R 4.2.2 프로그램을 이용하여 효과크기를 계산하였다. 결과: 노인여성의 운동참여에 따른 골밀도에 대한 전체 효과 크기의 결과는 .45이다. 운동은 노인여성의 골밀도에 중간 정도의 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 운동 중재 유형별 효과크기에 대한 결과는 다음과 같다. 운동빈도에 따른 효과크기는 3회 미만 .52, 3회 .43, 4회 이상 .43로 나타났고, 운동기간은 12주 미만 .21, 12주 .52, 13주 이상 .25, 운동시간은 60분 미만 .02, 60분 .60, 70분 이상 .29, 운동유형은 유산소 운동 .44, 무산소 운동 .48, 복합운동 .35로 나타났다. 결론: 이상의 결과를 종합하면 노인여성에 대한 운동중재 프로그램을 실시한 후 골밀도에 중간 정도의 효과크기를 가지며, 운동 중재 프로그램이 노인여성의 골밀도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 노인여성의 골밀도 관리를 위해 운동 중재 프로그램 설계 시 12주 이상, 주 3회 이상 체중 부하를 이용한 유·무산소 혹은 복합운동 형태의 운동을 노인여성의 건강상태에 따라 구체화하여 구성할 필요가 있다고 생각된다.

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