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        ‘자성(自省)과 쇄신(刷新) 결사’에 대한 고찰 - 성립가능성과 수행을 중심으로 -

        김호성 한국선학회 2011 한국선학 Vol.30 No.-

        2011년 1월 26일, 대한불교조계종 총무원장 자승스님은 자성과 쇄신 결사“를 선언하였다. 그러면서 구체적으로 5대 결사를 선언하였다. 이는 사실상 종단 전체가 결사체(結社體)가 되었다는 점에서, 결사운동의 역사에서 볼 때 새로운 하나의 시도로 보였다. 과연 결사라고 할 수 있는가? 이러한 의구심 역시 적지 않게 일어난 것이 사실이다. 이 글은 먼저 이러한 의구심으로부터 출발하여 과연 자승 총무원장이 선언한 “자성과 쇄신의 결사”가 결사일 수 있는지를 검토한 디에, 특별히 수행결사에 대해서 살펴보고자 한 것이다. 우선 종단이 곧 결사라는 것은 종래 불교사에서 볼 수 있는 결사와는 다른 것이었다. 종단 안에서 종단의 어떤 문제를 극복하려고 하는 움직임이 결사였다는 점을 생각해 볼 때, ‘종단=결사’라고 하는 것은 결사의 종래 정의와는 맞지 않는 것으로 보였다. 즉 형식적인 측면에서 볼 때 종단결사는 결사라기 보다는, 오히려 결사의 해체라고 보아야 할 것이었다. 즉 형식적인 측면에서 볼 때, “자성과 쇄신 결사”는 결사라 할 수 없는 결사(卽非結社)일 뿐이었다. 그렇지만 결사를 형식보다는 그 정신에서 찾는 관점에서 볼 때, “자성과 쇄신 결사”는 결사라 이름할 수 있는 것(是名結社)로 보였다. 왜냐하면 그것은 템플스테이 예산 삭감 등의 문제로 불거지면서, 종단이 정부와의 정치적 유착관계를 단절하고 경제적으로도 독립적으로 운영해 나가고자 했던 선언으로 보였기 때문이다. 이런 점에서, 적어도 2011년 1월 26일 발표된 총무원장의 「담화문」은 탈권력의 자주불교와 자생불교의 선언으로서 큰 의미가 있는 것으로 보았다. 다만 그것이 앞으로 어떻게 지켜질 것인가 하는 점은 차후 이 결사를 평가하는 하나의 기준이 될 것으로 생각된다. 다음으로 구체적인 5대 결사 중에서 수행결사를 살펴보았다. 이에 대해서는 사실 아직도 준비중이라 할만큼 구체적인 프로그램을 갖고 있지 않다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 『지침서』에 나타난 바에 따르면, 윤리적인 수행법만을 제시하고 있다. 오계, 자자, 포살, 청규 등의 실천을 강조하고 있을 뿐이다. 이런 점은 한편으로는 윤리가 곧 수행의 출발점이라는 점을 강조하는 것으로 보인다. 즉 윤리적(倫理的) 수행 내지 윤리즉(倫理卽) 수행의 의미를 함축하고 있는 것으로 평가할 수 있었다. 이렇게 중심적인 수행법이 종단차원에서 제시되지 못하고 있다는 점은 어떻게 보면 대한불교조계종은 수행이라는 측면에서 볼 때는 어떤 하나의 수행법을 선택한 뒤, 그것만을 전수(專修)하는 종파불교적 정체성을 갖는다기 보다는 어떤 수행법이든지 근기에 맞게 실천하면 된다는 회통불교적 정체성을 갖는 것으로 판단된다. 이러한 점에서 수행결사는 중심없는 수행을 통하여, 궁극에는 결사의 해체를 의미하는 것이 아닌가 생각되었다. 결사의 궁극적 목적은 결사의 지속이 아니라 결사가 무용한 상황의 창조에 있다는 점에서 일단 “자성과 쇄신 결사”는 그 나름으로 큰 의미를 갖는 사건으로 평가할 수 있을 것이다. 다만 이러한 평가는 1월 26일에 선언된 「담화문」 자체에 대한 평가일 뿐, 그 이후의 전개과정을 다 넣어서 평가한 것이 아니라는 점에서 추후의 또 다른 평가를 기다려야 할 것이다. 그런 평가에서도 긍정적인 의미를 갖는 결사로 기록되고 평가되기를 기대해 본다. 그렇게 된다면 형식적인 측면에서의 결사여부에 대한 시시비비는 모두 잠재울 수 있을 것이다. Ven. Jaseung(慈乘), the President of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism released on January 26, 2011, an essay entitled “Statement: The Association for Self‐Reflection and Renovation.“ It was a surprising fact that the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism itself suggested the association. Moreover, the statement analyzed and self‐examined that the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism in modern and contemporary history lost independence from government power, and consequently Buddhism is mired in crisis. With the spirit of the association, he suggested “the order is not dependent on political power and let pursuit the way of self‐reliance and self‐esteem.” More specifically, the order has to be independent on the matter of financial aid from the government. The statement came after the government cut the budget for the temple stay programs last December. Even the associations soured over budget cutbacks to the temple stay programs from the government, and one of the purposes of the association is to be protected by the national culture. It could be possible, according to social circumstances, that the order may be dependent on some government funding and lost the spiritual aim to pursue Buddhism for oneself. Six months after the statement, Ven. Jaseung had a media day and announced on June 7, 2011, “We will normalize the relation with the government and seek a solution for traditional culture through communication and dialogue. We will return to the basic principles of harmony to find a solution from a broader perspective.” The order has accepted governmental support, and carried out its aims to preserve the traditional culture while pushing ahead with the revisions of the laws related to the traditional temples and cultural heritage. The order also still emphasized the importance of self‐reflection and the order has pursued a campaign of reform from early this year. As I have already pointed out, there is a still a possibility that the government and the order could go back to the relationship as “strange cohabitation” with regard to the budget, and each other will be using it for its own benefit. If so, the spirit of the Association could be diluted and finally could remain as a mere form. I would expect that the head of the order should lead directly and effectively, and the Association, during the remainder of the period, will see the good result of the Association in the future. In this paper, I did not deal the whole of the processing of the Association because the Association, as of October 31, 2011, is currently still going on during its nine months. For instance, it is difficult to analyze the trend of changes and data collections. More importantly, I would emphasize the foundational spirit of the Association: that the order wanted to pursue the independence of Buddhism in terms of the relationship with politics and the autonomy of Buddhism in terms of economic matters. Even though there are a lot of unexpected situations regarding the Association, I would estimate that the Association will be meaningful when the processes are going to harmonize all of its members. Next, I explored the specific aspects of the Association, and the meditational practice of the Association. This practice should be re‐estimated from a new perspective. From the practice association, I think the practical platform suggest two parts. The first is the aspect of ethical behaviors regarding mediation in the everyday life. The keywords of Korean Buddhism for practices such as the five precepts and the three refuges are nothing but the messages characteristic of ethical behaviors. In addition, these ethical forms are eventually the foundation of all meditational practice. These ethical forms are apart from political powers. The second one is “one practice in one day” will be result in the most tremendous practice that will overcome, in my mind, problems of sect Buddhism in Korean Buddhism. The Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism should pursue the synchronization of all Korean Buddhism in terms of the frame of Korean Buddhism by rejecting of the limited perspective that the Order has to focus on the Jogye Order. I would hope that when the Order, as the leader of Korean Buddhism, maintains a stance with catholicity and self‐retrospection in society and history in Korea, the spirit of the Association will sincerely carry a great weight.

      • KCI등재

        암묵적 태도검사(Implicit Association Test, IAT)를 이용한 남녀 중학생의 가정교과에 대한 성편향성 태도 연구

        김은정 ( Eun Jeung Kim ),이윤정 ( Yoon-jung Lee ),김지선 ( Jisun Kim ) 대한가정학회 2019 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.57 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to develop an Implicit Association Test to measure students’ gender-biased attitude toward Home Economics, a required subject in middle-school and to examine the effects of gender, gender-biased attitude toward Home Economics, and gender egalitarianism on the perception of the subject. A total of 508 male and female middle-school students were surveyed using Qualtrics. The results revealed that the students had a gender-biased attitude of perceiving Home Economics as feminine as a whole, and this tendency was more evident among female than male students. To the contrary, their attitudes toward Home Economics as a subject was generally favorable when asked explicitly using self-administered questions. Among the high school elective classes, students preferred ‘fashion’ most, followed by ‘dietary life’, ‘technology and home economics’, and ‘family life culture’. Female students, students with patriarchal attitude, and students who has gender-biased attitude toward Home Economics were more likely to perceive Home Economics as an alienated and less important subject. The generally positive explicit attitude toward Home Economics may be the results the social desirability effect due to the education. However, the home economists should develop a plan to overcome the gender-biased implicit attitude in order for the value of Home Economics as a subject to be fully addressed.

      • KCI등재

        일제 강점기 전남지역 화교의 정착과정과 경제·사회적 활동

        양세영 ( Yang Se-young ) 전남대학교 호남학연구원 2021 호남학 Vol.- No.70

        본 고는 그동안 연구되지 않았던 전남지역 화교의 이주와 생활상을 인구통계학적 관점에서 검토함으로서 광주·전남화교 연구의 기본적인 토대를 구축하는데 목적을 두었다. 나아가 전남화교가 타 지역 화교와 비교하여 갖는 특징이 무엇인지 발굴하고, 국내 화교사 전체 맥락 속에서 차지하는 의의를 찾는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 본고는 일제 강점기를 중심으로 전남화교의 정착과정과 경제·사회적 활동을 살펴보았다. 전남화교의 기원은 1893년 목포로 이주한 2명의 상인이며 전국에서 4번째로 화교가 이주한 지역으로서의 의의가 있다. 1917년에는 전남의 22개 시·군지역 전체에 화교가 분포하여 거주하였고, 1925년에는 일제 강점기 중 가장 많은 화교가 거주하는 발전기를 맞았다. 이러한 화교인구의 증가와 정착의 확대는 포목업을 중심으로 하는 활발한 상업활동의 결과다. 중국에서 들여온 값싸고 품질좋은 포목제품은 농업중심사회이며 인구가 많아 수요가 컸던 전남지역에서 높은 경쟁력을 가졌다. 포목업외에도 잡화점, 주물공업, 음식업, 채소재배, 건축과 단순노동 등의 경제 활동에 화교들은 종사하였다. 그러나, 1931년 만보산 사건과 1937년 중일전쟁의 발발로 이러한 경제활동은 큰 타격을 받았고 본국으로 귀환하는 화교들이 늘어났으며, 지역 경제 침체와 함께 전남지역의 화교비중은 전국에서 비교적 낮은 수준으로 전환되었다. 사회적으로는 중화상회라는 단체 설립을 통해 지역별로 공동체를 형성하였으며, 만보산 사건 중에는 다른 지역에 비해 큰 피해가 없었다. 이는 화교가 전남지역 주민과의 관계가 비교적 좋았고. 특히 1930년 광주-여수 철도 부설 현장에서 일본인 건설업자에 대항하여 동맹파업을 하는 등 국내 화교사에 유례가 거의 없는 긴밀한 관계를 유지한 것에 기인한다고 볼 수 있다. 일제 강점기의 일정기간 융성했던 화교사회와 활발했던 경제활동은 향후 광주·전남과 중국간 교류 활성화의 필요성과 이를 위해서는 지역경제의 발전이 선행되어야 한다는 것을 시사한다고 할 수 있다. This paper primarily attempted to establish the basic foundation for the research on the overseas Chinese of Jeollanam-do by reviewing the migration and life of them from a demographic perspective, which had not been studied before. Furthermore, the purpose is to discover the characteristics of Jeonnam overseas Chinese compared to other local Chinese and to find the significance in the entire context of overseas Chinese history in Korea. To this end, this paper examined the settlement process and economic and social activities of Jeonnam overseas Chinese during the Japanese colonial period. The origin of Jeonnam overseas Chinese is two merchants who migrated to Mokpo in 1893, which is significant in that Jeonnam was the fourth region in the country where Chinese immigrated. In 1917, overseas Chinese were distributed and lived throughout entire areas of 22 city and counties in Jeollanam-do, and in 1925, they faced the development period in which the largest number of overseas Chinese lived during the Japanese occupation. This increase in the overseas Chinese population and expansion of settlement are the result of active commercial activities centered on the textile industry. Cheap and high-quality textile products imported from China were highly competitive in Jeollanam-do, where demand was high due to the large population in agricultural society. In addition to the textile industry, overseas Chinese were engaged in economic activities such as miscellaneous goods stores, casting industries, food, vegetable cultivation, architecture and simple labor. However, the Manbosan Incident in 1931 and the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937 hurt these economic activities, and the number of overseas Chinese returning to their home countries increased, and the proportion of overseas Chinese in Jeollanam-do shifted to a relatively low proportion nationwide. Socially, communities were formed by region through the establishment of an organization called the Chinese Commercial Association, and during the Manbosan Incident, Jeonnam was one of safest areas where Chinese people could live across the country without much damage. This can be attributed to the good relationship with residents of Jeollanam-do, and the close relationship that is unprecedented in the history of overseas Chinese in Korea, such as an alliance strike against Japanese builders at the Gwangju-Yeosu railway site in 1930. The active economic activities with the Chinese society, which flourished from 1917 to 1930 during the Japanese colonial period, suggest that relationship and exchanges between Jeonnam and China need to be further activated, and for this, the development of the local economy must precede.

      • Orientation and International Strategies for the East Asian Journal of Business Economics

        Kim, Byoung-Goo,Kim, Young-Ei East Asia Business Economics Association 2018 East asian journal of business management Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose - The purpose of this study was to review and analyze EAJBE (The East Asian Journal of Business Economics) of EABEA (The East Asia Business Economics Association) and all of their published articles of 2013 to 2017 and to revise and update the existing publication standards and practices in order to improve the overall quality and reputation of EAJBE. Research design, data, and methodology - This paper applied an analytical approach, a case study method, to analyze and examine the published articles and the publication standards and practices of EAJBE (East Asian Journal of Business Economics) from their first publication. Results - The EAJBE has been issuing academic journals four times a year since its foundation. Although it is a journal based in Korea, overseas scholars publish articles steadily compared to other academic journals and the EAJBE raises the level of globalization. The level of internationalization of association's management and editorial members is also high, making the overall academic journal more cosmopolitan. Conclusions - Although the EABEA (The East Asia Business Economics Association) is a newly formed, the association is actively managing the academic community and making two major goals for the development of the academic journal. First, this journal is actively attracting overseas scholars, and is raising the level of internationalization. As an integrated academic conference is held with overseas scholars, they actively exchange with overseas scholars by contributing and publishing their papers. Second, it is seeking to establish national and international ties by publishing the papers of Korean scholars as well as abroad and holding academic contests regularly.

      • KCI등재

        한국경제발전학회 25년의 역사

        이상철(Sang-Cheol Lee),김용복(Yong Bok Kim) 한국경제발전학회 2020 經濟發展硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        이 글에서는 한국경제발전학회가 창립된 이후 25년 동안의 학회 역사를 살펴보았다. 학회에서 생산된 각종 회의록, 총회 자료, 뉴스레터, 그리고 회원명부 등을 분석하고, 이를 통해 학회 창립 배경, 회원의 확충 과정과 회원 구성의 변화, 학회 각종 활동의 전개 과정 등을 살펴보았다. 또 학회지인 『경제발전연구』에 수록된 논문을 활용하여 논문의 양적·질적 변화 과정과 저자 등의 변천 과정을 분석하였다. 지난 25년 동안 한국경제발전학회의 역사는 회원 구성이 점차 다양화되고, 학회의 저변이 확대되는 과정이었다. 학회의 저변을 더욱 확대하는 것과 병행하여, 창립 당시의 철학과 지향점을 어떻게 발전적으로 계승해 나갈 것인가가 여전히 중요한 과제로 남아 있다. This article examined the history of the society for 25 years since the founding of the Korea Development Economics Association. We analyzed the minutes, general meeting materials, newsletters, and membership lists produced by the society. Through this, we examined the background of the founding of the society, the process of membership expansion and membership composition, and the progress of the activities of the society. In addition, this article analyzed the quantitative and qualitative change of the papers and the authors, using the papers included in the Journal of Korean Economic Development. The history of the Korea Development Economics Association for the past 25 years has been a process of diversifying the initial membership and expanding the base of the society. In parallel with expanding the base of the society, how to continue to inherit the philosophy and orientation of the founding days remains an important task.

      • KCI등재

        2007년 이후 한국사회경제학회의 연구동향과 진로

        박지웅(Park Ji Ung) 한국사회경제학회 2018 사회경제평론 Vol.31 No.1

        올해로 한국사회경제학회(약칭 한사경)와 같은 해에 태어난 87년 체제는 역사적 종말을 고하게 되었다. 한사경 창립 30주년을 맞이하여 본 논문은 지난 10년간의 한사경 연구동향을 정리하였다. 이러한 정리는 새로운 체제 속의 한사경의 진로 모색에 일조할 것으로 기대한다. 지난 10년간 주요 연구동향은 다음과 같다. 2007년 미국의 서브프라임모기지 사태로 비롯된 글로벌 금융위기는 글로벌 경제위기로 확산되면서 경제학의 위기마저 초래하였다. 한사경은 경제학의 위기에 대처하면서 불평등의 경제학의 연구에 집중하면서 정치경제학 뿐만 아니라 다양한 접근과 방법론으로 주류경제학을 비판하였다. 그러나 지난 10년간의 보수정권 하에서 진보경제학의 전선이 퇴각하면서 진보경제학은 지식재생산의 위기를 겪으면서 주변화 되어 갔다. 새로운 체제가 들어서면서 전선의 복구 이상으로 중요한 것은 새로운 체제와 시대에 조응하는 진보경제학으로 거듭 나는 것이다. 이것은 우리나라의 유일무이한 진보경제학의 종합학회로서 한사경의 책임이기도 하다. Nowadays 87 regimes born in the same year with the Korean Association for Political Economy(KAPE in abbreviation) have ended historically. This paper surveys the research trends of KAPE after 2007 for the 30th founding anniversary. This survey is expected to help research way forward of KAPE. The main contents of the surveys are as follows. Global finance crisis caused by subprime mortgage crisis in 2007 expanded to global economic crisis resulting in the crisis of economics. KAPE criticized the mainstream economics with different approach and methodology as well as political economy copying with the crisis of economics and then focused on economics of inequality. However, the progressive economics is depressed under the conservative regime after 2007. As a result, the progressive economics have experienced the crisis of reproduction of knowledge and have become the peripheral science in Korea. With new regimes after 87 regimes, more important than restoration of the progressive economics is rebirth as the progressive economics corresponding to new regime and new era. This is responsibility of KAPE as the single association of the progressive economics in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        한국가정과교육학회 20년 활동의 성과와 과제

        조재순,전미경,이윤정 한국가정과교육학회 2009 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        Since its establishment in 1989, Korean Home Economics Education Association has served as the premiere academic organization in the field, through the semiannual meetings, the journal, and other informal activities. The Association has played important roles in organizing the members and guiding the academic community in reacting to the many challenges that Home Economics Education in South Korea had to encounter due to the social and curricular changes. This study reviews the past 20 years' activities of Korean Home Economics Education Association in order to illuminate its accomplishments in terms of academic and non-academic activities. An assessment of the environmental changes was conducted, followed by thorough analyses of the semiannual meetings, informal activities, and the journal. The article is also discussing future tasks that the Association would need to pay attention to and thrive to accomplish in order to continue serving its role of guiding the academic community. 1989년에 창립된 이래, 한국가정과교육학회는 학술대회, 학술지 및 다양한 활동들을 통하여 이 분야의 주요 학술단체로서의 역할을 수행해 왔다. 사회적 환경 및 교육과정에서의 변화로 인하여 가정과교육이 맞게 된 다양한 도전과 문제들에 대응하기 위하여 학회는 회원들을 조직화하고 학술공동체를 이끄는 노력을 해 왔다. 이 연구는 지난 20여 년간의 한국가정과교육학회의 활동을 검토해 봄으로써 학회가 이루어 온 성과들을 정리하였다. 특히 가정과교육을 둘러싸고 있는 환경적 변화에 대하여 분석한 내용과, 지금까지의 학술대회 및 특별활동, 학술지를 분석한 결과를 제시하였다. 또한 이를 통하여 학회가 주도적 역할을 계속 수행하기 위하여 앞으로 관심을 기울이고 해결해야 할 과제들을 제시하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Business Associations and the Developmental State in Korea The Case of the Machinery Industry in the 1960 and 1970s

        ( Seok-jin Eom ),( Jae-young Choi ) 서울대학교 행정대학원 2017 Journal of Policy Studies Vol.32 No.3

        This research examines a way the Korean developmental state achieved a synergy between state and society for industrial development: business associations. In the machinery industry, a business association was involved in formulating industrial policy for promoting the machinery industry and in implementing policy programs such as the prohibition of the import of machinery made in foreign countries. The association also functioned as a channel through which information relevant to the industry was provided to government. The association had a professional staff and an internal governance structure that helped prevented rent seeking and encouraged synergy between public and private sector.

      • KCI등재

        Business Associations and the Developmental State in Korea The Case of the Machinery Industry in the 1960 and 1970s

        엄석진,최재영 서울대학교행정대학원 2017 The Korean Journal of Policy Studies Vol.32 No.3

        This research examines a way the Korean developmental state achieved a synergy between state and society for industrial development: business associations. In the machinery industry, a business association was involved in formulating industrial policy for promoting the machinery industry and in implementing policy programs such as the prohibition of the import of machinery made in foreign countries. The association also functioned as a channel through which information relevant to the industry was provided to government. The association had a professional staff and an internal governance structure that helped prevented rent seeking and encouraged synergy between public and private sector.

      • KCI등재

        KODISA 학술지 성장전략: 2017 개관 및 미래 성장개요

        Hee-Joong Hwang,Dong-Jin Shin,Jung Wan Lee,Dong-Ho Kim,이종호,Byung-Goo Kim,Tae-Joong Kim,Yong-Ki Lee,Eung-Kyo Suh,Min Soo Kang,서원재,Jong-Jin Kim,Fan Zhang,Shuai Su,Myoung-Kil Youn 한국유통과학회 2018 유통과학연구 Vol.16 No.5

        Purpose – Journals of Korea Distribution Science Association (KODISA) made great efforts in responding to the constant shifts in academic paradigms and in producing synergetic effects among KODISA journals to achieve the goal of maintaining their status in the world’s reputable scholarly journals. The aim of this study is to analyze the current practice and performance of KODISA journals and develop strategies that will continuously meet and respond to the changes and success in the future. Research design, data, and methodology – This is a case study, an analytical approach, which focuses on analyzing current and previous strategies, practices, and performances of the four major journals of KODISA and the association. The organizational structure, including election and terms of KODISA officers, new membership, and members of editorial board, is discussed and analyzed. The citation, submission, publication, and rejection rates of all four journals are examined, and the progress, including the status of indexing of each journal, is discussed. Results – The analysis indicates that KODISA has significantly invested its resources into improving its journals and attracting new members. The analysis also shows the strategy of the organizational structure, which includes election and terms of officers and editorial board members that implemented over the years, was successful. Both Journal of Distribution Science (JDS) and Journal of Finance, Economics, and Business (JAFEB) are indexed in SCOPUS, with East Asian Journal of Business Management (EAJBM) in the final stage of the SCOPUS indexing evaluation, and International Journal of Industrial Distribution and Business (IJIDB) will complete and submit their indexing evaluation materials to SCOPUS this summer. Conclusions – The success and progress of KODISA and its journals clearly support the need for continuous development, analysis, revision, and implementation of strategies. Based on the analysis, conducting the annual performance reviews of the association and its journals and planning and strategizing based on the reviews since 2011 have greatly contributed to the overall success. In terms of meeting the short term strategy, KODISA has to continue developing relationships with relevant and appropriate scholarly/academic associations to expand the scope of its business, establishing independence of each journal and its respective procedures and practices and improving the quality of the journals and their publications through KODISA’s international conferences.

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