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      • KCI등재

        Composition and Structure of Himalayan Oak (Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus) Forest under Various Degrees of Disturbance

        Sunil Prasad,Pooja Uniyal,D. S. Chauhan 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2015 Journal of Forest Science Vol.31 No.1

        Forest disturbance sometime considered as a tool of management as it believed that mid level disturbance constructs better micro-climatic conditions which ultimately boost up the plant diversity. The effect of different levels of disturbance on species composition and regeneration is very important. Present attempt was carried out in a temperate evergreen oak forest which was under various degree of disturbance. The study area is one of the large ranges of oak forest in Garhwal Himalaya and compensating various types of daily needs of local people. On the basis of IVI values Quercus leucotrichophora holds first position in all the disturbance zones whereas Myrica esculenta upgraded it’s rank in highly disturbed zone and showed less impacted species by disturbance. Berberis aristata and Eupatorium adenophorum in shrub layer and Anaphalis adnata and Bidens pilosa in herb layer were found as disturbance friendly species because they attained higher rank in highly disturbed zone whereas Caryopteris foetida was found disturbance-sensitive in shrub layer. The banj oak regenerated well under mid disturbance as compared to no and high degree of disturbance and a sharp downfall in the species diversity was recorded with increasing magnitude of disturbance. Density-diameter curves showed a reverse trend of lower density in higher girth classes. The results of the study should be useful for the forest management strategies.

      • KCI등재

        Composition and Structure of Himalayan Oak (Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus) Forest under Various Degrees of Disturbance

        Prasad, Sunil,Uniyal, Pooja,Chauhan, D.S. Institute of Forest Science 2015 Journal of Forest Science Vol.31 No.1

        Forest disturbance sometime considered as a tool of management as it believed that mid level disturbance constructs better micro-climatic conditions which ultimately boost up the plant diversity. The effect of different levels of disturbance on species composition and regeneration is very important. Present attempt was carried out in a temperate evergreen oak forest which was under various degree of disturbance. The study area is one of the large ranges of oak forest in Garhwal Himalaya and compensating various types of daily needs of local people. On the basis of IVI values Quercus leucotrichophora holds first position in all the disturbance zones whereas Myrica esculenta upgraded it's rank in highly disturbed zone and showed less impacted species by disturbance. Berberis aristata and Eupatorium adenophorum in shrub layer and Anaphalis adnata and Bidens pilosa in herb layer were found as disturbance friendly species because they attained higher rank in highly disturbed zone whereas Caryopteris foetida was found disturbance-sensitive in shrub layer. The banj oak regenerated well under mid disturbance as compared to no and high degree of disturbance and a sharp downfall in the species diversity was recorded with increasing magnitude of disturbance. Density-diameter curves showed a reverse trend of lower density in higher girth classes. The results of the study should be useful for the forest management strategies.

      • KCI등재

        1869年 光陽亂 硏究

        高成勳(Koh Seong-Hoon) 한국사학회 2007 史學硏究 Vol.- No.85

        1869년에 일어난 광양란은 이 시기 대표적 변란 유형의 민중봉기이다. 광양란의 주모자 민회행은 김학원과 교유하고 강명좌ㆍ전찬문ㆍ이재문ㆍ권학여 같은 자들과 뜻을 함께하며 변란을 준비하였다. 그리하여 강진에서 김학원과 함께 강진병영을 공략하고자 거사를 시도하였으나, 날씨문제 등으로 중도에 포기하였다. 이후 민회행은 광양성을 공략하기 위한 준비에 착수하였다. 민회행 등 70여 명은 1869년 3월 23일 밤에 광양성을 기습하여 점령하였다. 민회행이 이끄는 봉기군은 자신들을 ‘義兵’으로 일컫고 현감이 보관하고 있는 印符를 탈취하였다. 민회행은 사창미를 풀어 백성에게 나눠주도록 하고, ‘백성을 살해하거나 그들의 재물을 뺏지 말 것’을 포고했다. 성을 빠져나간 현감 윤영신은 민관군을 소집하는 등 곧바로 성지 탈환에 나섰다. 25일 밤에 봉기군이 점령하고 있는 광양성을 공격하여 탈환하고 인부를 되찾았다. 광양란의 주모자 민회행의 행적을 보면 이 사건의 본질이 변란임을 쉽게 알 수 있다. 민회행은 정감록과 같은 민중사상을 이용해 동조자를 모았으며, 그룹 안에서 ‘異人’으로 불리며 초인적 능력의 소유자로 알려졌다. 민회행은 스스로 의병으로 부르면서 그들의 거사가 정당하다고 주장하였다. 또 전국에서 동조하여 거사가 일어날 것이라고 하여 전국적 거사를 주창하기도 했다. 이러한 행동은 변란의 주요 특징이다. 그리고 광양란, 즉 민회행의 거사에 대해 정여립과 이인좌를 답습했다는 평가가 있음을 볼 때 이는 정치적 변란임을 말해준다. 이처럼 광양란은 조선 후기 이래 일어난 변란의 특징을 모두 포함하고 있지만, 여기에는 당시의 농민항쟁, 즉 임술민란의 영향도 받고 있다. 이를테면 민회행이 ‘진주의 민란을 본받아 읍폐를 교구하려 했다.’라는 데서 명백하다. 그리고 인부를 탈취한 것도 민란의 특징이다. 이로 볼 때 광양란의 본질은 변란이지만, 여기에는 이 시기에 만연한 민란의 영향도 적지 않다고 할 것이다. 한편, 정부에서도 광양란을 변란으로 보고 강력히 대응하였다. 『光陽縣賊變査啓跋辭』에 의하면, 심리에 회부된 자만도 74명이나 되었다. 그리고 국청을 열어 민회행, 강명좌 등 지휘부 6명 중의 5명을 『大明律』의 「모반대역조」를 적용하여 陵遲處死했고, 김문도는 모반대역의 불고지죄를 적용하여 참수했다. 이밖에 한경삼을 비롯한 주모자급 9명에게도 極律을 적용하였다. 정부에서 이러한 조처를 한 것은 진주민란 때 유계춘 등 3명만이 효수형을 당한 사례와 비교하면 매우 다름을 알 수 있다. 이때 대부분 변란이 거사모의 과정에서 告變으로 말미암아 실패하였지만, 광양란은 민란과 변란의 저항 형태가 결합하여 봉기에 성공했다는 역사적 의의를 지닌다. 아울러 李弼濟의 난 등 이후의 변란에도 적지 않은 영향을 미쳤다. 이필제의 난이 단발에 그친 것이 아니라, 진천ㆍ진주ㆍ영해ㆍ문경 등 네 곳에서 연속적으로 변란을 기도했음에도 봉기까지 이어진 것은 영해에서 한 차례뿐이었다는 사실을 고려하면, 광양란이 그만큼 변란으로서의 위치가 높다는 것을 말해준다 하겠다. Gwangyang Disturbance(光陽亂) in 1869 is a representative type of disturbances for popular uprisings of that time. Min Hwoi-haeng(閔晦行) who was the leader of Gwangyang Disturbance associated with Kim Hak-won and prepared for the disturbance with people who shared the same purpose such as Gahng Myeong-gwa, Jeon Chan-mun, Lee Jae-mun, Gwon Hak-yeo. Attempting the uprising to attack Gangjin barrack with Kim Hak-won at Gangjin, but giving it up because of bad climate conditions, hereafter, Min Hwoi-haeng began preparation to capture Gwangyang fortress. At the night on March 23rd, 1869, about seventy people including Min Hwoi-haeng, took a fortress by surprise. Uprising troops led by Min Hwoi-haeng identified themselves as 'Army of Justice' and took Inbu-the identification for the head of district-from the head of district. Releasing rice in the warehouse, Min Hwoi-haeng distributed it to people and declared not to murder people nor take their properties. Yun Young-sin, the head of district, who slipped out of the fortress, put himself forward immediately and gathered General Citizen Army to retake the Gwangyang fortress. At the night of 25th, he attacked Gawangyang fortress that was captured by the uprising troop, and succeeded retaking the fortress with Inbu, the identification for the head of district. In accordance with the deeds of Min Hwoi-haeng who was the leader of this uprising, this upheaval should be identified as nothing but a disturbance. Not only Min Hwoi-haeng gathered fellows using popular ideology such as Jeonggamrok(鄭鑑錄), but also he was known as the preterhuman who possessed supernatural power in the troop. Min Hwoi-haeng titled his troop as 'Army of Justice' and justified his uprising. Moreover, he declared the national uprising as he kept insisting the uprising with nationwide supports. These are the typical characteristics of a disturbance. In additon, since Min Hwoi-haeng is judged to follow Jeong Yeo-rib and Lee In-gwa, the Gwangyang Disturbance, in other words, Min Hwoi-haeng's uprising should be identified as a political disturbance. Hence, Gwangyang Disturbance including all the typical characteristics of disturbances ever since the later Joseon Dynasty, was also influenced by a peasant revolt that is Imsul revolt-a peasant revolt that was raised throughout the nation starting from Jinju in Gyeongsang-do province in 1862--. It seems obvious with the words of which saying 'Min Hwoi -haeng tried to remedy the abuses of villages modeling after Jinju Revolt'. Besides, taking an Inbu from the head of district can be considered as a typical action of revolts. Therefore, the fundamental purpose of Gwangyang Disturbance had the characteristics of disturbance with the influence of peasant revolts. Meanwhile, government judged Gwangyang Disturbance as a disturbance, and made a strong countermove. According to 『Gwangyang-hyeon Disturbance History』(光陽縣賊變査啓跋辭), there were seventy four people who were sent over to the court. In the trial, 「rebellion and treason provision」 by 『the code of Daemyeongryul』 was applied to five in six commanders including Min Hwoi-haeng, Gahng Myeong-gwa, and they were sentenced to death by dismemberment(the most cruel penalty). In addition, Kim Mun-do was decapitated by the negligence of rebellion & treason, and death sentences were applied to nine more people of leading the disturbance including Han Gyeong-sam. It is easily noticeable that the government's action towards this disturbance is very distinctive from the case of Jinju Revolt that resulted 30,000 decapitations including Yu Gae-chun. Since most revolutions of the time were failed by inform of rebellions, the successful uprising of Gwangyang Disturbance with the union of peasant revolts and disturbances, has a significant historical meaning as well as weighty influences to the later disturbances such as Lee Pil-je's disturbance. Considering despite Lee Pil-je's disturbance was not merely one shot upr

      • KCI등재

        제3자에 의한 부동산임차권침해와 임차권에 기한 방해배제청구권

        최민수 ( Min-su Choi ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2016 법학논총 Vol.40 No.2

        This study deals with the Infringement of the leasehold interest on real property by the third party and the Claim for Removal of Disturbance based on the leasehold. In case of violation or disturbance of the leasehold interest on real property by the third party, it comes into question whether the leaser may exercise the Claim for Removal of Disturbance based on the leasehold. Since it is stipulated that real right refers to a right to directly control a certain thing and the holder of a real right may claim removal of disturbance against the disturber when realization of the real right is disturbed, there is no objection to accept that the real right holder can have the claim for a real right, if realization of the real right is disturbed. The issue is whether the tenant may claim removal of disturbance based on the bond of leasehold if the leasehold interest on real property is disturbed by the third party. The academic theories and precedents have not been consistent on this issue. Unlike the past when the precedents under the Civil Law accepted the Claim for Removal of Disturbance based on the bond due to inviolability of bonds, the precedents under the current Civil Code are not clarifying positions on acceptance of the Claim for Removal of Disturbance. Rather, it can be considered that the current precedents take the affirmative position on the Claim for Removal of Disturbance about the leasehold interest on real property under a real right in the method of public notice. The issue of acceptance of the Claim for Removal of Disturbance on the claim infringement cannot be discussed with the effects of all bonds, acknowledged by nature of bonds, and the Claim for Removal of Disturbance should be discussed by limiting the case to Infringement of the leasehold interest on real property. Therefore, if the leasehold interest on real property of the creditor is violated or disturbed by the third party, the Claim for Removal of Disturbance based on the leasehold interest on real property may not be acknowledged from the general character of the bonds as bonds are, in principle, a relative right. However, if the leasehold interest on real property has an opposing power to the third party or acquire occupation, the Claim for Removal of Disturbance may be acknowledged based on the absolute dominance of the ownership, which is the source of bonds. This may be because if bonds have an opposing power, the power may be exercised not only to the assignee of the object to be leased but also to the third party except for the assignee, including exclusivity and priority of use of the object. For the leasehold that acquired occupancy, the state of occupancy can also be regarded as being assigned the control power of the ownership to the object so that the leasehold became strengthened. Therefore, it may be considered that only the leasehold interest on real property under a real right in the method of public notice may exercise the Claim for Removal of Disturbance against the third party, if the third party illegally occupies the leased property.

      • KCI등재

        비정합 삼각함수 외란이 존재하는 시스템의 외란 보상 이득을 이용한 제어기 설계

        한민수(Minsoo Han),김인혁(In Hyuk Kim),장수영(Su Young Jang),손영익(Young Ik Son) 제어로봇시스템학회 2018 제어·로봇·시스템학회 논문지 Vol.24 No.6

        Disturbance observer-based controllers have been widely used in various control applications to compensate for plant uncertainties and external disturbances. This paper considers mismatched disturbances that do not satisfy the matching condition, which implies a disturbance enters the system in the same channels as the control input. The disturbance is supposed to be a biased sinusoidal signal with a known frequency. Since it is difficult to completely reject the effects of mismatched disturbances on the system, this paper proposes a controller to reduce the effect of mismatched disturbances on the output of the controlled system. The proposed controller consists of an observer-based state feedback controller and a compensation term using the estimated disturbance. By using the original system model, the proposed method estimates the system states, as well as a disturbance with unknown amplitude and phase but a known frequency. The estimated disturbance is used for the disturbance compensation input by multiplying the proposed disturbance compensation gain. To test the performance of the proposed method, comparative computer simulations have been performed for a fourth-order numerical example and a dc-motor system.

      • KCI등재

        모델 기반 외란 관측기와 Waterfall 해석을 이용한 광 디스크 외란 분석

        최진영(Choi, Jin-Young),이광현(Lee, Kwang-Hyun),전홍걸(Jun, Hong-Gul),이문노(Lee, Moon-Noh),양현석(Yang, Hyun Seok),박노철(Park, No-Cheol),박영필(Park, Young-Pil) 한국소음진동공학회 2006 한국소음진동공학회 논문집 Vol.16 No.1

        A novel disturbance measurement method, model based disturbance observer (MBDO) for optical disk drives (ODDs), is proposed and the disturbance analysis using the proposed method is performed under various conditions. In ODDs, the quantitative and qualitative analysis for the generated disturbance during normal operation is very important to successful servo loop design. However, the disturbance measurement is difficult, and high precision measurement is necessary. Furthermore, the conventional disturbance measurement method using a LDV (laser Doppler vibrometer) has many difficulties in eccentricity direction due to the vertical movement of an optical disk. To solve this problem, the MBDO is proposed. First, the relationship between the servo loop for ODDs and the generated disturbance are briefly reviewed. Second, the principle of the MBDO is introduced, and the disturbance measurement results, which are measured by the MBDO and a LDV, are compared. In these experiments, test DVD-ROM disks are used to generate quantitative/qualitative disturbance. Then, the disturbance analysis under various conditions is performed using waterfall technique. This technique clearly shows the disturbance trend from the inner part of an optical disk to the outer part of it. Finally, the various disturbances measurement results are summarized and some remarks for it are commented.

      • KCI등재

        비선형 시스템에서의 백스테핑 기법을 이용한 새로운 퍼지 외란 관측기 설계

        백재호(Jaeho Baek),이희진(Heejin Lee),박민용(Mignon Park) 大韓電子工學會 2010 電子工學會論文誌-SC (System and control) Vol.47 No.2

        본 논문은 불특정한 외란을 가진 비선형 시스템에서의 백스테핑 기법을 이용한 새로운 퍼지 외란 관측기 설계 방법을 제안한다. 먼저, 퍼지 논리 시스템을 이용하여 불특정한 외란을 관측하기 위한 관측 입력을 가진 퍼지 외란 관측기를 설계한다. 제안된 외란 관측기가 불특정한 외란을 관측하는 것을 증명하기 위해 외란 관측 오차 시스템을 도입한다. 백스테핑 기법을 도입하여 각 단계에서의 퍼지 외란 관측기의 파라미터 적응 규칙과 외란 관측기의 관측 입력을 유도하고 외란 오차 시스템의 안정성을 증명한다. 제안된 외란 관측기의 명확성을 증명하기 위해서 모의 실험 예제들을 제공한다. This paper is proposed a novel fuzzy disturbance observer based on backstepping method for nonlinear systems with unknown disturbance. Using fuzzy logic systems, a fuzzy disturbance observer with the disturbance observation input is introduced for unknown disturbance. To guarantee that the proposed disturbance observer estimates the unknown disturbance, the disturbance observation error dynamic system is employed. Under the framework of the backstepping design, the fuzzy disturbance observer is constructed recursively and an adaptive laws and the disturbance observation input are derived. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the validity of our proposed disturbance observer for nonlinear systems.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 수면 문제와 주관적 인지 저하의 관계에서 정서적 문제의 매개효과

        권희진,박수현 한국건강심리학회 2021 한국심리학회지 건강 Vol.26 No.1

        The relationship between sleep disturbance and subjective cognitive decline has recently come into the spotlight, as researchers continue to look at the effects of sleep disturbance on the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease and the overall well-being of older individuals. Nevertheless, the results of the studies have shown mixed results in tracing the relationship between the process of sleep disturbance and objective indices of decline in cognitive functioning as well as symptoms of depression and anxiety. This present study therefore aimed to examine this process and the effects of affective disturbance. A total of 101 community dwelling older adults in Korea participated in the study, and had their sleep disturbance level, affective disturbance, subjective cognitive decline, and objective cognitive functioning assessed. The results indicated that affective disturbance fully mediated the relationship between sleep disturbance and subjective cognitive decline, even when controlling for objective cognitive functioning. Such results suggests the possibility that subjective cognitive decline, concurrent with sleep problems in the elderly, may be associated with affective disturbance, and affecting depression and anxiety in particular, therefore emphasizing the importance of utilizing a biopsychosocial approach when addressing the health-related complaints of older adults. 수면 문제는 노년기에 흔히 경험하는 문제들 중 하나로 인지기능의 저하와의 관련성이 확인되어왔다. 최근에는 특히 치매의 조기 진단과 노년기 심리적 웰빙에 영향을 주는 주관적 인지 저하와의 관련성이 주목받고 있다. 한편, 수면문제가 주관적인지 저하에 영향을 미치는 과정에서 객관적인지 기능의 저하 여부와 우울, 불안 등의 영향에 대한 연구 결과가 혼재되어 있는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 노인의 수면 문제가 주관적 인지 저하에 영향을 미치는 기제를 구체적으로 살펴보고자 하였다. 특히 정서장애의 대표적 증상인 우울과 불안, 걱정 등 세 가지 요인으로 구성된 정서적 문제가 수면 문제와 주관적 인지 저하의 관계에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 국내 지역사회 만 60세 이상 성인 101명을 대상으로 수면 문제와 정서적 문제, 주관적 인지 저하, 객관적 인지기능을 측정하였다. 상관분석 결과, 수면 문제와 정서적 문제, 주관적 인지 저하가 모두 서로 유의한 정적 상관을 보인 반면, 객관적 인지기능은 이들 세 변인과 유의한 상관을 보이지 않았다. 객관적 인지기능을 통제한 후, 수면 문제와 주관적 인지 저하의 관계에서 정서적 문제의 매개효과를 검증한 결과, 정서적 문제가 수면 문제와 주관적 인지 저하의 관계를 완전매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 노인들이 수면 문제를 경험하면서 나타나는 주관적 인지 저하가 실제 인지 수행의 저하로 인한 것이기보다는 정서적 문제와 더 큰 관련이 있을 가능성을 제기하며, 노인들의 건강 및 기능 관련 문제 호소에 대한 생물심리사회적 접근의 중요성을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        속도 오차 외란이 반작용 휠 제어에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구

        김지철,이형준,유지훈,오화석,Kim, Jichul,Lee, Hyungjun,Yoo, Jihoon,Oh, Hwasuk 항공우주시스템공학회 2016 항공우주시스템공학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        There are many possible disturbance sources on such a spacecraft, but reaction wheel assembly (RWA) which is generally used for spacecraft attitude control is anticipated to be the largest. These effects on degradation of performance of spacecraft such as attitude stability. In reaction wheel, disturbance caused by imbalance and speed error. It is hard to emulate speed error disturbance because it is not coincide with wheel frequency. This paper concentrates on emulating and analyzing the speed error disturbance. Firstly, classify the causes that lead to speed error disturbance which generate RPM fluctuation. Secondly, simulated with disturbance driver module and reaction wheel assembly which are developed by Spacecraft Control Lab. Experimental investigations have been carried out to test the disturbance emulator module as a disturbance generator for RWA. Measurements and test have been conducted on various fault. Frequency analysis of test data show that speed error disturbance effects on wheel settling wheel speed or fluctuation type.

      • Effects of intensity and seasonal timing of disturbances on a rocky intertidal benthic community on the southern coast of Korea

        Kim, Sangil,Kang, Yun Hee,Choi, Chang Jae,Won, Nam‐,Il,Seo, In‐,Soo,Lee, Hyuk Je,Jung, Sukgeun,Park, Sang Rul Springer Japan 2014 Ecological research Vol.29 No.3

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>The effects of intensity and timing of disturbances on recovery of marine benthic organisms were investigated on a rocky intertidal shore in Gwangyang Bay, Korea. We hypothesized that the recovery pattern of the benthic community structure would be affected by disturbance intensity and season. Twenty‐eight permanent plots were set up, with disturbance intensity (cleared plots and sterile plots) and seasonal disturbance (fall 1999 and spring 2000) incorporated into the experimental design. To monitor natural seasonal variation in benthic community abundances, we established seven permanent unmanipulated plots. Turf‐forming algae were observed in the unmanipulated plots throughout the experimental period, whereas green algae and invertebrate presence varied with season. In the disturbance‐intensity experiment, turf‐forming and green algae were dominant in cleared plots. The highest coverage of sessile organisms was observed in sterile plots, which exhibited the highest species richness because of their relatively low macroalgal coverage. Seasonal effects of disturbance were an important factor in the recovery pattern of benthic organisms under high disturbance intensity. Coverage of green algae was higher in sterile spring plots than in sterile fall plots; this result was attributed to low spatial competition, as the disturbances occurred just before green algal blooms. On the other hand, the abundances of barnacles and bivalves were highest on sterile fall plots, as these organisms were suppressed by green algal blooms in other periods. These results indicate that the effects of disturbance intensity on benthic community recovery patterns can be influenced by season of disturbance.</P>

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