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      • KCI등재

        음보 형성 방향성 비대칭

        조혜성 ( Hye-sung Cho ) 21세기영어영문학회 2016 영어영문학21 Vol.29 No.4

        The typology of stress systems shows asymmetries in the directionality of iambic foot paring. Under Optimality Theory, such asymmetries have made some analysts attracted to the asymmetric application of alignment constraints, dispensing with the constraint A<sub>LL</sub>-F<sub>T</sub>-R and keeping only the constraint. A<sub>LL</sub>-F<sub>T</sub>-L. This study contends that there is a close correlation between the size of minimal feet a language allows for and directionality of alignment constraints cross-linguistically. Focusing on the typology of directionality in unary and binary stress systems, this study tries to show that asymmetric alignment approaches are typologically untenable, considering that the unary systems put top priority on exhaustive foot parsing into prosodic words and as a result, symmetrical foot parsing directionality is indispensable. Binary stress systems showing iambic footing asymmetries, however, place value on achieving eurhythmic goals because the unattested right-aligning iambic patterns include unfavorable initial lapse. Iambic asymmetries are explained by the interaction of *LAPSE constraint with symmetric alignment constraints. The typology of bidirectional stress systems, although they are rarely occur, also gives support to the mutual relation between minimal foot size and alignment directionality.

      • KCI등재

        Problems and Solutions with Direct/Indirect Financing Market for SMEs

        김용진,곽성철 한국중소기업학회 2013 기업가정신과 벤처연구 Vol.16 No.3

        The recent paradigm change to knowledge-based economy brings about much serious market risks to business, in particular to small and medium companies (SME), which requires direct financing such as issuing bonds and stocks rather than indirect financing such as bank loans. However, SMEs in Korea considerably depend on indirect financing. In 2012, 99.4% of Korean SMEs financing comes from bank loans, while issuing securities (bonds and stocks) takes only 0.6% of the total financing. On the contrary, major companies get 61.5% of their financing from bank loans and 38.5% from issuing securities. These numbers indicate that Korean SMEs face serious financial problems of high cost and low profit by using loans especially in the economic downturn. In this paper, we investigate the financing problems Korean SMEs experience and try to find solutions for the problems. The solutions focus on boosting up direct financing for SMEs. The direct financing market, named pre-board, was open as a third market in 2000 only for SMEs and innovative companies to get financing and secure liquidity by issuing securities. However, it has been snubbed by investors due to the dependence of SMEs on government policy loans as well as many fraudulent activities and unclear financial practices. This phenomenon is quite contrary to the cases in the countries like U.S.A (NYSE Alternext), England (London AIM), German (Entry Standard) and Japan (Tokyo AIM). The reason the direct financing markets of England and U.S.A are considered successful can be attributed to the fact that in those countries credit evaluation is driven by private sector rather than governmental sector and the capability of the private sectors is quite high. In this paper, we provide some examples of success and develop alternatives such as resolving information asymmetry, crowd-funding, new product development to solve the problems. The recent paradigm change to knowledge-based economy brings about much serious market risks to business, in particular to small and medium companies (SME), which requires direct financing such as issuing bonds and stocks rather than indirect financing such as bank loans. However, SMEs in Korea considerably depend on indirect financing. In 2012, 99.4% of Korean SMEs financing comes from bank loans, while issuing securities (bonds and stocks) takes only 0.6% of the total financing. On the contrary, major companies get 61.5% of their financing from bank loans and 38.5% from issuing securities. These numbers indicate that Korean SMEs face serious financial problems of high cost and low profit by using loans especially in the economic downturn. In this paper, we investigate the financing problems Korean SMEs experience and try to find solutions for the problems. The solutions focus on boosting up direct financing for SMEs. The direct financing market, named pre-board, was open as a third market in 2000 only for SMEs and innovative companies to get financing and secure liquidity by issuing securities. However, it has been snubbed by investors due to the dependence of SMEs on government policy loans as well as many fraudulent activities and unclear financial practices. This phenomenon is quite contrary to the cases in the countries like U.S.A (NYSE Alternext), England (London AIM), German (Entry Standard) and Japan (Tokyo AIM). The reason the direct financing markets of England and U.S.A are considered successful can be attributed to the fact that in those countries credit evaluation is driven by private sector rather than governmental sector and the capability of the private sectors is quite high. In this paper, we provide some examples of success and develop alternatives such as resolving information asymmetry, crowd-funding, new product development to solve the problems.

      • KCI등재

        일본어의 의미 확장의 제약에 관한 일고찰—형용사 관용구를 중심으로—

        손경호 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2018 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.78

        In this study, the constraints of semantic broadening in Japanese adjective idioms, which contain the literal meaning and semantic broadening of the metaphorical concept, were grouped into four types according to asymmetry and directionality. [Type A] The literal meaning of the word combination has a pair of opposite meaning. Semantic broadening of the metaphorical concept of the combination is bi-directional and has a pair of opposite meaning. [Type B] The literal meaning of the word combination has a pair of opposite meaning. However, semantic broadening of the metaphorical concept of the combination is uni-directional and does not have a pair of opposite meaning. [Type C] The literal meaning of the word combination is rarely used. Semantic broadening of the metaphorical concept of the combination is bi-directional and has a pair of opposite meaning. [Type D] The literal meaning of the word combination is rarely used. Semantic broadening of the metaphorical concept of the combination is uni-directional and does not have a pair of opposite meaning. Constraints can apply to semantic broadening of the metaphorical concept which is uni-directional. 日本語の形容詞慣用句の基本意味及び比喩的な概念の拡張意味、そして、非対称性と方向性による意味拡張の制約に関する分析を試みてその様相を次の四つにまとめた。 【Aタイプ】語結合の意味と比喩的な意味への拡張の両方とも双方向性を持ち、反義関係のペアとなる。 ○ 語結合の意味 : 肩身が広い / 肩身が狭い ○ 比喩的な拡張意味 肩身が広い (世間に対して面目が立ち、誇らしげに感じる)肩身が狭い (世間に対して顔向けできない、引け目を感じ、恥ずかし い) 【Bタイプ】語結合の意味は双方向性となるが、比喩的な意味への拡張は一方向性で制約となる。 ○ 語結合の意味 : 息が長い / 息が短い ○ 比喩的な拡張意味 息が長い (ひとつのことや活動が何年にもわたって長く続くさま) / *息が短い 【Cタイプ】語結合の意味はなくて、比喩的な意味への拡張のみで双方向性を持ち、反義関係のペアとなる。 ○ 語結合の意味 : *懐が暖かい / *懐が寒い ○ 比喩的な拡張意味懐が暖かい (所持の金銭がゆたかにある) 懐が寒い (所持の金銭が少ない) 【Dタイプ】語結合の意味はなくて、比喩的な意味への拡張のみで一方向性で制約となる。反義関係のペアとならない。 ○ 語結合の意味 : *尻が長い / *尻が短い ○ 比喩的な拡張意味尻が長い (長居である) / *尻が短い

      • KCI등재

        기능단계별로 나타난 의료면담의 제도 대화적 특징 연구

        진제희(Jin Jae-hee) 한국사회언어학회 2006 사회언어학 Vol.14 No.1

          This study examines how asymmetry is produced in medical interviews as institutional interaction. In medical interaction, there are two primary asymmetries caused by status and power differences: the asymmetry of knowledge and the asymmetry of tasks between participants. For this research, dialogues between a doctor and his patients were investigated. In terms of analysis, this paper identifies five functional stages into which the procedures of a medical interview are arranged: opening, examination, diagnosis, prescription, and closing. As a result, two distinct exchanges were found: the question-answer sequence and the directive-response sequence. First, initiation of each sequence was conducted mainly by the doctor at each stage. A distinctive feature of the exchange was that the doctor"s questions at the introduction stage did not have any special purpose but were just an automatic courtesy greeting. The doctor"s initiations were usually followed by the patient"s response without any interruption. Second, the directive-response sequence was the most distinct phenomenon at the prescription stage. Two different forms of directives were used: warning and advising. The doctor"s directives had two functions. The first function was to maintain the doctor"s institutional authority and the second was to gain patient compliance with the doctor"s directives.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국중소기업의 직,간접 금융시장 문제점과 대안

        김용진 ( Yong Jin Kim ),곽성철 ( Sung Xhul Kwak ) 한국중소기업학회 2013 기업가정신과 벤처연구 Vol.16 No.3

        최근에 일어나고 잇는 지식기반 경제로의 패러다임 전환은 기업들, 특히 중소기업들에게 많은 시장위험을 초래하고 있다. 이러한 패러다임의 변화가 기존의 은행 중심의간접 금융에서 회사채나 주식을 발행하는 방식의 직접금융 중심으로 움직이기 때문이다. 하지만 한국의 중소기업들은 대부분 간접금융에 의존하고 있다. 2012년에는 한국 중소기업들이 99.4%의 자금 조달을 은행에 의존하고 있고 회사채나 주식발행에 의한 조달은 0.6%에 그치는 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 대기업들의 경우는 61.5%만 은행으로부터의 금융이고 38.5%는 증권발행을 통해서 일어났다. 이러한 현상은 한국중소기업들이 경제침체기에 간접금융에 의존함으로써 높은 비용과 낮은 이익이라는 심각한 금융문제에 부딪히고 있음을 나타낸다. 이 논문에서는 한국의 중소기업들이 당면하고 있는 금융문제와 이에 대한 대안을 모색해보고자 한다. 대안들은 중소기업용 직접금융을 활성화하는데 초점을 두고 검토되었다. 2000년에 중소기업과 혁신기업들의 직접금융 조달을 위해 프리보드로 불리는 직접금융 시장이 제3시장으로서 개장되었다. 하지만 중소기업들의 정책금융 의존 심화, 기망적 행위의 증가, 그리고 부투명한 금융관행 등으로 인해 투자자들로부터 외면받고 있다. 이러한 현상은 미국(NYSE Alternext), 영국( London AIM), 독일( Entry Standard) 그리고 일본(Tokyo AIM) 등과 차이가 있다. 영국이나 미국에서 직접금융이 성공적이라고 평가받는 이유는 이들 국가에서 신용평가가 정부가 아닌 민간에서 이루어지고 이들 기관들의 역량이 높다는 것에 기인한다. 이 논문에서는 정보비대칭의 해소, 크라우드 펀딩, 신상품 개발 등의 대안과 사례들을 논의한다. The recent paradigm change to knowledge-based economy brings about much serious market risks to business, in pariticular to small and medium companies (SME), which requires direct financing such as issuing bonds and stocks rater than indirect financing such as bank loans. However, SMEs in Korea considerably depend on indirect financing. In 2012, 99.4% OF Korean SMEs financing comes from bank loans, while issuing securities (bonds and stocks) takes only 0.6% of the total financing. On the contrary, major companies get 61.5% of their financing from bank loans and 38.5% from issuing securities. These numbers indicate that Korean SMEs face serious financial problems of high cost and low profit by using loans especially in the economic downturn. In this paper, we investigate the financing problems Korean SMEs experience and try to find solutions for the problems. The solutions focus on boosting up direct financing for SMEs. The direct financing market, named pre-board, was open as a third market in 2000 oniy for SMEs and innovative companies to get financing and secure liquidity by issuing securities. However, it has been sunbbed by investors due to the dependence of SMEs on government policy loans as well as many fraudulent activities and unclear financial practices. This phenomenon is quite contrary to the cases in the countries like U.S.A (NYSE Alternext), England (London AIM), German (Entry Standard) and Japan (Tokyo AIM). The reason the direct financing markets of England and U.S.A are considered successful can be attributed to the fact that in those countries credit evaluation is driven by private sector rather than governmental sector and the capability of the private sectors is quite high. In this paper, we provide some examples of success and develop alternatives such as resolving information asymmetry, crowd-funding, new product development to solve the problems.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 청자의 영어 파열음-마찰음 쌍의 지각 동화와 변별

        남영자 언어과학회 2019 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.88

        Discrimination of non-native contrasts often differs as a function of stimulus presentation direction. The present study examined these directional asymmetries by assessing the Perceptual Assimilation Model (PAM). Korean listeners completed a forced-choice identification test and a categorical AX discrimination tests on six English stop-fricative contrasts, /pi/-/fi/, /bi/-/vi/, /di/-/ði/, /pu/-/fu/, /bu/-/vu/ and /du/-/ðu/. The identification test results yielded uncategorized-categorized (UC) assimilations for /bi/-/vi/, /pu/-/fu/ and /bu/-/vu/ and category-goodness (CG) assimilations for /pi/-/fi/, /di/-/ði/ and /du/-/ðu/. The discrimination test results revealed that directional asymmetries in which performance was better in the fricative to stop direction than the reverse direction were found for both UC and CG assimilation types, inconsistent with PAM. These results suggest that in non-native stop-fricative perception directional asymmetries might be modulated by language experience. (Chung-Ang University)

      • KCI등재

        Reducing the Effectiveness of Agricultural Policy by Information Asymmetry: the case of the Compensation Program for Farm Closure for FTA

        Seongtae Ji 한국국제농업개발학회 2021 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.33 No.2

        본논문에서는 FTA 국내보완대책의 일환으로 추진되고 있는 폐업지원제도의 정부실패 사례를 살펴보고 그 원인을 규명하였으며, 더 나아가 이를 개선하기 위한 방안을 제시하였다. 1. 폐업지원제도는 FTA 이행에 따른 시장개방과정에 국내 농업의 경쟁력 제고와 농가 소득안정을 목적으로 정부가 동원한 정책수단의 하나임. 그러나 제도 운영과정에서 정부실패 사례가 나타남. 2. 폐업과정에서 신규 농가가 진입하여 정책효과가 저감되고, 예상보다 많은 농가가 폐업함으로써 해당 산업의 가치사슬이 왜곡되고, 폐업 후 타 작목으로 전환하면서 풍선효과가 나타나 간접피해를 유발하고, 생산규모가 자연적으로 감소하는 가운데 인위적인 폐업지원으로 비효율적 예산 투입이 이루어지고, 지원금 단가가 높아 과도한 폐원을 유도함. 3. 이와 같은 정부실패의 주요 원인은 정책 이해관계자 사이의 정보비대칭과 정보 부족임. 결국, 폐업지원제도의 운영과 정에서 나타난 정부실패를 해소하고 제도의 효과를 높이기 위해서는 제도 이해관계자 사이의 정보비대칭 혹은 정보 부족문 제를 해소해야 함. 4. 구체적인 대안으로 생산·가격·소득정보에 대한 이해관계자의 접근성을 높임과 동시에 사후 컨설팅사업 병행, 수입피해를 소명한 농가에 한해 지원하는 ‘신청주의’ 도입 등이 필요함. In this paper, we analyzed the case of government failure of the Compensation Program for Farm Closure, which is being promoted as part of the domestic supporting measures against FTAs. We identified the causes and suggested several ways to improve the program. The Compensation Program for Farm Closure is one of the policies implemented by the government to enhance the competitiveness of domestic agriculture and stabilize farm household income in the process of FTA implementation. However, during the course of the operation of the program, the government failed. The main reason for government failure is information asymmetry and lack of information among policy stakeholders. As a result, it is necessary to resolve the problem in order to overcome the government failure and improve the effectiveness of the Compensation Program for Farm Closure. As a concrete alternative, it is necessary to improve the accessibility of stakeholders to production, price, and income information, and provide management consulting services at the same time. Only farmers who prove the damage caused by the FTA should be supported through the program.

      • KCI등재

        다방향 불규칙파의 굴절에서 발생하는 방향분산함수의 비대칭성

        이창훈(Lee Changhoon),정재상(Jung Jae-Sang),조용식(Cho Yong-Sik) 대한토목학회 2007 대한토목학회논문집 B Vol.27 No.3B

        본 연구에서는 다방향 불규칙파랑에서 주 방향을 기준으로 좌우 비대칭성이 고려된 방향분산함수를 제안하였다. 제안된 비대칭계수를 사용하면 파향각의 왜도를 최대로 ±1까지 표현할 수 있어서 비대칭의 최대 한도까지 표현할 수 있다. 해안선에 경사지게 다방향 불규칙파랑이 입사하는 경우 수심이 얕아지면서 굴절의 영향으로 방향 성분파가 주 방향을 중심으로 좌우 대칭성이 깨어졌고 입사각이 클수록 수심이 얕아질수록 비대칭성이 더 크게 나타났다. 방향의 대칭성뿐만 아니라 비대칭성을 고려한 스펙트럼 모형은 대칭성만을 고려한 Gada와 Suzuki(1975)의 모형보다 다방향 불규칙 파랑의 굴절 현상을 더 잘 근사하게 재현함을 알 수 있었다. In this study, the directional spreading function is suggested which considers directional asymmetry from the peak direction of multi-directional random waves. The suggested asymmetry parameter can express the skewness of wave direction up to ±1, which is a possible maximum value. For the case of multi-directional random waves which are propagating obliquely over a sloping bed, we found that the directional symmetry has been broken down due to the refraction. The degree of asymmetry increases as the incident angle of predominant waves increases and also the water depth decreases. The present method which considers directional asymmetry as well as symmetry gives more accurate solution than Goda and Suzuki's (1975) method which considers only directional symmetry.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Directional Asymmetry of Gonadal Development in Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis)

        Park In-Seok,Zhang Chang Ik,Kim Young Ja,Bang In Chul The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Scienc 2005 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.8 No.4

        Directional (sinistral) asymmetry (DA) occurs when the traits of one side of a supposedly bilaterally symmetrical organism differ in a random way from those of the other side. We examined asymmetries in gonadal growth traits within both sexes of hatchery reared ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis. The pattern of the gonadal growth from hatching to 320 days after hatching was a type of DA except for the growth in gonad weight from 140 to 180 days after hatching, although the ovary of the right side tended to exhibit more pronounced DA phenomenon.

      • KCI등재

        Directional Asymmetry of Gonadal Development in Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis)

        박인석,방인철,장창익,김영자 한국수산과학회 2005 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.8 No.4

        Directional (sinistral) asymmetry (DA) occurs when the traits of one side of a supposedly bilaterally symmetrical organism differ in a random way from those of the other side. We examined asymmetries in gonadal growth traits within both sexes of hatchery reared ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis. The pattern of the gonadal growth from hatching to 320 days after hatching was a type of DA except for the growth in gonad weight from 140 to 180 days after hatching, although the ovary of the right side tended to exhibit more pronounced DA phenomenon.

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