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      • KCI등재

        수산업협동조합의 수유지배구조에 관한 연구

        남수현 ( Soo Hyun Nam ) 한국수산경영학회 2002 수산경영론집 Vol.33 No.2

        Fisheries cooperative requires dual characteristics in performing its original function. Economic characteristic as an business enterprise and democratic characteristic as cooperative entity need to complete its objectives and survive in the complex rapidly-changing environment. After IMF crisis, fisheries cooperative received enormous government`s financial support and credit-business department is perfectly under government`s control. Regional fisheries cooperative also faces business failure, therefore pure cooperative movement can`t save the fisheries cooperative. Economic characteristic as an business enterprise is more emphasized than democratic characteristic as cooperative entity in recent years. The theory of corporate ownership and governance can be applied to explain the ownership and governance of fisheries cooperative because fisheries cooperative is now similar to an business enterprise. During the IMF crisis the board, the auditors and the minority shareholders in business enterprise were revealed to be powerless against the mighty influence of controlling shareholders. Unconstrained discretion exercised by those controlling shareholders not only led to the firms` insolvency, but also brought down the country`s financial system. During the past few years, Korea has experienced many institutional changes regarding its corporate governance structure. The introduction of outside directors, the strengthening of minority shareholders` rights, and enhanced accounting transparency are achieved to improve the efficiency of economic system. Investors, including institutional and individual, also seem to be more aware of governance issues now. Credit-business department of fisheries cooperative is recommended to introduce the institutions same as the case of the corporate governance structure. Fisheries cooperative except economic and credit-business department requires other prescriptions because it is emphasized as democratic cooperative entity. But we should be careful to interpret the ownership and governance structure because they are products of nations, eras and organizations.

      • KCI등재후보

        지방정부간 협력관계의 활성화 요인 연구

        김장기,신윤창 한국비교정부학회 2008 한국비교정부학보 Vol.12 No.1

        This Study is to analyze the activating factors of cooperative relation between local governments. Given the perspective review that cooperative theory is not a limited concept covering into local government, cooperative factor as an independent is described according to the following four factors: cooperative objective factor, cooperative condition factor, cooperative partner factor, cooperative program factor. To overcome the gap between cooperative viewpoint and practical level, the research is reviewed of empirical and positive analysis on the cooperative relation through the field survey and data collecting. By the results of analysis, this study show that cooperative objective factor and cooperative program factor have to deal with important meaning for the activating of cooperative relation. So, this study suggest that it's important to consider of environmental change and cooperative factors. Finally, local governments have to prepare of cooperative base and review of activating factors for the effects of cooperative relation with other local governments. This Study is to analyze the activating factors of cooperative relation between local governments. Given the perspective review that cooperative theory is not a limited concept covering into local government, cooperative factor as an independent is described according to the following four factors: cooperative objective factor, cooperative condition factor, cooperative partner factor, cooperative program factor. To overcome the gap between cooperative viewpoint and practical level, the research is reviewed of empirical and positive analysis on the cooperative relation through the field survey and data collecting. By the results of analysis, this study show that cooperative objective factor and cooperative program factor have to deal with important meaning for the activating of cooperative relation. So, this study suggest that it's important to consider of environmental change and cooperative factors. Finally, local governments have to prepare of cooperative base and review of activating factors for the effects of cooperative relation with other local governments.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스의 EU 초국경 지역개발 프로그램 내 협력 거버넌스 구축 사례 연구

        한미애 ( Hahn Mi-ae ),정혜선 ( Jung Hye-sun ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해지역원 2020 지중해지역연구 Vol.22 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to compare examples of establishment of cooperative governance around the organizational process and role of working group in the process of conducting cooperative programs for cross-border regional development through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This study is valuable as a prior study of cooperative governance building cases between the European Union, member states and stakeholders. It is possible to suggest measures to solve problems at various community levels, and it is meaningful as an existing study to promote regional cooperation in Northeast Asia. The research subjects of the study are the Cross-border Regional Development Cooperation Program and working group surrounding France. The working group, a working group of Grande Region programs and programs of France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, is analyzed as a cooperative governance model of Ansell and Gash. The partnership in the process of hosting the Grande Region program has been shown to conform to the characteristics of cooperative governance presented by Ansell and Gash. First, cooperative governance was proposed by public institutions in the border areas of France, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. Second, various actors participated in the process of cooperation. Third, a formal conference was formed to discuss common objectives through a large-scale meeting. Fourth, small-scale cooperation was carried out as an interim output to establish cooperative governance. The role of the working group stood out in this process. The working group played a leading role not only in the process of cooperation but also in the process of initial conditions and institutional design. The results of this study will allow us to observe the process of establishing cross-border cooperation governance and the role of major actors, and contribute to the establishment of strategies for regional cooperation in Northeast Asia, which remain in early stages of regional cooperation.

      • KCI등재후보

        Research on Cross-Regional Environmental Governance Cooperation between China and Korea

        Jing, Qiwei,Lyu, Lin,Chen, Yuting 한국콘텐츠산업학회 2023 콘텐츠와 산업 Vol.5 No.2

        The current environmental issues have attracted worldwide attention due to their cross-border, public, global, and long-term nature, making it difficult for any one country to address them independently. The shared environmental challenges faced by human society and the common need for international environmental governance compel countries to break down the barriers of national borders, social systems, policies, culture, and religious beliefs. Sovereign governments and non-governmental organizations must actively coordinate and participate in joint governance, and cross-regional environmental governance cooperation has become an important form of international environmental governance. Based on a systematic description of the severe challenges of cross-regional environmental pollution faced by the Republic of Korea and China, this study explores and summarizes the international experience of cross-regional environmental governance cooperation in regions such as Europe, North America, and ASEAN in recent years. Additionally, this study analyzes the necessity of cross-regional environmental governance cooperation between China and the Republic of Korea from the perspective of game theory and economics. Building upon previous research, this study explores the framework and system for cross-regional environmental governance cooperation between China and the Republic of Korea. It designs the direction of regional environmental governance mechanisms and examines the implementation of specific measures in areas such as interest linkage, institutional guarantees, cooperation institutions, public participation, funding sources, and talent teams. The goal of this study is to provide strategic suggestions for promoting global cross-regional environmental governance cooperation.

      • KCI등재

        지방정부 간 협력적 거버넌스 구축방안에 관한 연구: 지리산권관광개발조합을 중심으로

        문설아,임승빈 한국자치행정학회 2023 한국자치행정학보 Vol.37 No.3

        지방자치단체 협력체계 중 하나인 지방자치단체조합이 가진 문제점은 대부분의 지방정부간 협력 사업이 공통적으로 안고 있는 문제를 보여준다. 그러나 지방정부간 협적 사업은 많은 연구 성과에도 불구하고 실현되지 못한 부분에 대한 깊은 반성이 요구되어 왔으며, 지역경쟁력을 위한 지방자치단체간 협력적 거버넌스의 효율적인 구축은 합리적인 대안이 될 수 있다. 우리나라는 2020년도에 지방자치법을 32년 만에 전면 개정하여 자율과 책임이 조화된 획기적인 개선을 실현하였다. 특히, 지방자치법 전체개정안의 내용 중에서 지방자치단체간 협력체제의 하나인 특별지방자치단체의 도입은 광역행정수요에 효율적으로 대응하기 위한 방안으로 특별지방자치단체의 명칭 및 설치근거에 대한 규정과 함께 실질적인 활성화를 가능하게 하고자 하였다. 지금까지 지방자치단체는 행정 효율성을 높이고 상호 시너지를 창출하기 위해 필요할 때는 경쟁하고 협력하는 길을 택해왔다. 그러나 그동안의 많은 연구에도 불구하고 자립적인 지역 경쟁력 강화를 위한 지방자치단체간 협력적 거버넌스의 구축방안이 효과적으로 실행되지 못한 현실적 한계를 분석하고 어떻게 해결해 나갈 것인지 실천해야 할 때이다. 따라서 본 연구는 지방자치단체 간 협력 방안을 도출하기 위해 지방자치단체간 협력 사례 중 하나인 지리산권관광개발조합을 분석함으로써 제도적 수단으로의 대안적 지방자치단체간 협력거버넌스를 고찰하고자 지방정부간 거버넌스 체계의 성과와 한계를 살펴본 후 이를 바탕으로 지방자치단체 간 협력적 거버넌스를 개선할 수 있는 방안을 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 살펴본 협력적 거버넌스 이론과 지방자치단체간 관계의 사례 그리고 이를 둘러싼 요인에 대한 분석과 평가는 지방 정부의 지역 경쟁력 강화로 이끌어 주며, 협력을 촉진하기 위한 정부간 협력적 거버넌스 구축에 중요한 정책적 시사점을 제공한다. The problems of the Local Government Association, one of the local government cooperation systems, show the problems common to most inter-local government cooperation projects. However, despite many research results, deep reflection on what has not been realized is required, and efficient establishment of cooperative governance between local governments for regional competitiveness can be a reasonable alternative. In 2020, Korea completely revised the Local Autonomy Act for the first time in 32 years, realizing groundbreaking improvements that harmonize autonomy and responsibility. In particular, among the overall amendments to the Local Autonomy Act, the introduction of special local governments, which is one of the cooperative systems between local governments, is a way to efficiently respond to metropolitan administrative demands, along with regulations on the names of special local governments and the basis for their establishment. The goal was to enable practical activation. Until now, local governments have chosen to compete and cooperate when necessary to increase administrative efficiency and create mutual synergy. However, despite much research so far, it is time to analyze the realistic limitations in which the plan for establishing cooperative governance between local governments to strengthen independent regional competitiveness has not been effectively implemented and put into practice how to solve it. Therefore, in order to derive cooperation measures between local governments, this study analyzes the Jiri Mountain Area Tourism Development Association, one of the examples of cooperation between local governments, and examines alternative cooperative governance between local governments as an institutional means. After examining the achievements and limitations of , we analyzed ways to improve cooperative governance between local governments based on this. The analysis and evaluation of cooperative governance theory, examples of relationships between local governments, and the factors surrounding them examined in this study lead to strengthening the regional competitiveness of local governments and provide important policy implications for establishing cooperative governance between governments to promote cooperation. Provides implications.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회 지원환경은 사회적경제조직의 성과에 영향을 미치는가?: 네트워크와 협력거버넌스의 이중매개 효과를 중심으로

        조상미,간기현,이수진 세명대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2022 人文 社會科學硏究 Vol.30 No.3

        · Research topics: The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of the support environment of the local community on the performance of the social economy organization, and how the network and cooperative governance affect the performance of the social economy organization. · Research background: The purpose of this study is to determine the linkage between the support environment according to the government support policy and the actual growth of the local community network and governance, which in turn affects the performance of the social economy organization. · Differences from prior research: In the meantime, if the impact on social economic organizational performance on some factors among support environment, network, and governance has been partially analyzed, this study expanded from the previous study to identify the above factors in one model. · Research method: Structural equation model analysis using AMOS 28.0 programs to analyze the causal relationship between the effect of the support environment on social economy performance and whether the support environment affects social economy performance through the double mediation of network and cooperative governance. · Research results: First, it was found that each of the support environment, network, and cooperative governance had a positive (+) effect on the performance of social economy organizations. Second, it was found that network and cooperative governance each had mediating effects in the relationship between support environment and social economy organization performance. Third, it was found that network and cooperative governance had a double mediating effect in the relationship between support environment and social economy organization performance. · Contribution points and expected effects: The theoretical domain was expanded by verifying the influence of the support environment on the performance of social economic organizations and the dual mediating effect of network and cooperative governance. In order to enhance the performance of social and economic organizations, it is important to resource regional networks and solidarity environments where network and cooperative governance can be created, and civil society itself should be awakened and made efforts together. · 연구주제: 본 연구의 목적은 지역사회의 지원환경이 사회적경제조직의 성과에 미치는 영향을 파악하는 것으로, 지역사회 지원환경이 네트워크, 협력거버넌스를 통해 사회적경제조직의 성과에 영향을 미치는지 그 영향관계를 파악하고자 하였다. · 연구배경: 정부 지원정책 기조에 따른 지역사회 지원환경이 실질적으로 지역사회 네트워크, 거버넌스를 성장시키고 이를 통해 사회적경제조직의 성과에 영향을 미치는지 그 연계성을 파악하고자 한다· 선행연구와의 차이점: 그동안 사회적경제조직 성과에 지역사회 지원환경, 네트워크, 거버넌스 중 일부 요인에 대해 부분적으로 사회적경제조직 성과에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다면 본 연구에서는 기존 연구에서 확장하여 위 요인을 하나의 모형에서 포괄적으로 확인하였다. · 연구방법: 지역사회 지원환경이 사회적경제조직 성과에 미치는 영향 및 지원환경이 네트워크, 협력거버넌스를 이중매개로 사회적경제조직 성과에 영향을 주는지에 대한 인과관계를 AMOS 28.0 프로그램을 활용하여 구조방정식모델분석법(SEM)법으로 검증하였다. · 연구결과: 첫째 지역사회 지원환경, 네트워크, 협력거버넌스 각각 사회적경제조직 성과에 정(+)의 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째 지역사회 지원환경과 사회적경제조직 성과와의 관계에서 네트워크, 협력거버넌스가 각각 매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째 지원환경과 사회적경제조직 성과와의 관계에서 네트워크, 협력거버넌스의 매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. · 공헌점 및 기대효과: 사회적경제조직 성과에 대한 지원환경의 영향과 네트워크, 협력거버넌스의 이중매개효과를 검증함으로써 이론적 영역을 확장하였다. 사회적경제조직의 성과 제고를 위해 네트워크와 협력거버넌스가 조성될 수 있는 지역 관계망, 연대 환경의 자원화가 중요하며 시민사회 스스로 각성과 노력도 함께 이루어져야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        협동조합의 거버넌스 실천: 전주아이쿱소비자생활협동조합 사례연구

        김아영 ( Kim Ah-young ),조영정 ( Cho Young-jeong ),장승권 ( Jang Seung-kwon ) 한국협동조합학회 2016 韓國協同組合硏究 Vol.34 No.3

        협동조합의 거버넌스 실천이란 사회적 가치와 경제적 가치의 추구라는 이중 목적을 달성하기 위해 다양한 이해관계자들이 합의를 이루어가는 과정이다. 또한 참여와 소통을 전제로 하여 구성원들의 자발적이고 적극적인 상호작용을 기반으로 한 커뮤니케이션 과정이기도 하다. 협동조합 이사회는 거버넌스의 핵심 기관으로 조합원의 이해와 요구를 반영한 사업을 효율적으로 지속하고 조합원의 능동적 참여를 이끌어 내야하는 과제를 가지고 있다. 이를 위해 협동조합 이사회는 활발한 커뮤니케이션을 통해 환경 변화에 반응하며 새로운 의미를 형성하는 생성거버넌스(generative gover-nance)를 만들어 간다. Weick(1995)의 커뮤니케이션을 기반으로 하는 의미생성(sensemaking) 이론은 협동조합의 생성거버넌스를 살펴보는데 유용하다. 의미생성이란 상황과 이슈에 대해 조직내 공통된 의미를 창출하는 것을 말하는데, 이를 통해 조직 구성원들은 변화된 상황에 대응하며 조직이 추구하고 있는 목적을 향해 나아간다. 협동조합의 거버넌스 실천을 살펴보고자 전라북도 전주의 전주아이쿱소비자생활협동조합 이사회가 위기 상황을 새로운 기회로 변화시킨 사례를 탐색적으로 연구하였다. 이 연구를 통해 협동조합은 활발한 커뮤니케이션을 통해 생성거버넌스를 만들어 가고 있으며 이러한 과정이 의미생성이라는 것을 확인하였다. The aim of the paper is to investigate “cooperative governance practice,” a concept that is either not practically or theoretically developed. Cooperative governance practice is the process of consensus among various stakeholders to achieve the dual purposes of cooperatives, i.e, economic and social value creation. Weick`s (1995) sensemaking theory provides a valuable perspective for cooperative generative governance. Sensemaking is the ability to create shared meanings of given situations and issues within an organization. It compels members to adapt themselves to everchanging environments and to achieve their organization`s own goals. The present research is an exploratory case study of the Jeonju iCOOP Consumer Cooperative, which investigates cooperative governance practice, particularly BOD`s attempt to turn a crisis into an opportunity. The study concludes that cooperatives practice generative governance, which is the process of sensemaking with active communication.

      • KCI등재후보

        자치단체간 협력관계의 실태분석과 정책방향

        김선기,한표환 한국지방자치학회 2003 한국지방자치학회보 Vol.15 No.2

        This study is designed to provide policy implications to promote cooperative relationships among local governments. A theoretical inquiry into intergovernmental cooperation was, first, made founded upon recent four models - Intergovernmental Relations Model, Exchange Model, Negotiation Model, Co-productive Approach Model, Process Model of Cooperation. A survey questionnaire was then conducted for local civil servants to evaluate the performance and attribute of intergovernmental cooperative relations, with specific reference to newly reclassified cooperative projects. It is made clear that there exist great dissimilarities among different and even similar levels of local governments from the viewpoint of cooperative frequency, goal attainment, bargaining power, gains sharing, and cooperative attitudes. New policy implications were derived from the survey results, including the construction of cooperative foundations, the improvement of cooperative means and institutions, and the establishment of cooperative supporting systems. It is noteworthy that new means of cooperation such as Pre-agreement, Information Open Pooling and Management, Big Deal, Quota Allocation etc, as well as financial incentives are suggested to compensate shortcomings of the present cooperative system and promote cooperative relationships.

      • KCI등재후보

        협동조합의 조합원 가치와 거버넌스에 관한 고찰

        장경수 한국협동조합학회 2006 韓國協同組合硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze theoretically the weakness of corporate governance of cooperatives and to propose strategies for strengthening governance. The objective of cooperatives cited in agricultural cooperative law could motivate the inefficiency of cooperative management. Some characteristics of cooperatives such as one member-one vote rule and owner = customer relationship may become sources of the weakness of corporate governance. The multi-business system with non-profit principle produces the agency problem of managers of non-financial business divisions. Strategies for improving corporate governance should be based on the objective redefined as the maximization of membership value. Including non-member stakeholders in the governance of cooperatives improves internal governance because of their higher incentive to monitor management. For preventing the agency problem of managers in non-financial business divisions, the evaluation and disclosure of performance compared with competing firms within their industries should be required. Risk-based rules for deposit insurance and capital adequacy enhance soundness of cooperative management. And the national federation`s role as external governance is crucial to make up for the lack of market discipline.

      • KCI등재후보

        상법상 회사와 협동조합 지배구조 비교를 통한 일자리 안정성 고찰

        김진수 농협대학교 협동조합경영연구소 2017 협동조합경영연구 Vol.47 No.-

        The Cooperative Basic Law was enacted in Korea in 2011 with the hope that cooperatives would create more stable jobs. According to a survey conducted by Nonghyup University, the main purpose of building cooperatives was also to create jobs. Although cooperatives are relatively inefficient in increasing the number of jobs in terms of size, they are used as a means of personal entrepreneurship and are also favored by the government. There are various opinions about why cooperatives have higher job security than general companies. To understand governance, it is necessary to recognize that cooperatives are associations, not capital-based organizations. For them as cooperatives, having democratic organization and operation is essential. The Cooperative Basic Law has separate provisions for the organizational structures of the cooperative, for example, the general assembly, the council, and the auditor. The law stipulates that a cooperative is similar to a limited liability company, meaning that it applies the provisions of a limited liability company in accordance with the judgment of a legislator. However, the regulations on the governance structure are specified separately to clarify the difference between a limited liability company and a cooperative. The Cooperative Basic Law has a board of directors and officers in a fashion similar to that of the corporate governance structure of a cooperative. However, cooperatives have as core principles a democratic organizational structure and operation, and the high job stability of a cooperative is derived from the cooperative management of its board, which coordinates a number of interests. Because officers are in a position to be responsible for the competitive business of the cooperative, they are like the professional managers of a corporation, and they consider business profit. Article 41 (1) of the Cooperative Basic Law stipulates that "the chief director shall represent the cooperative and execute the work of the cooperative according to the constitution of association." In accordance with this provision, the chairperson of the cooperative board automatically becomes an executive officer. If the chairperson of cooperative is also an executive with a strong business mind, there is a fear that the job stability will be lowered due to the deterioration of the organization’s characteristics as an association. 2011년 협동조합이 안정적인 일자리를 만들어내기를 기대하며 협동조합기본법이 제정되었다. 최근 농협대학교가 한 실태조사에서도 일자리 창출이 주된 협동조합 설립이유였다. 협동조합은 상대적으로 일반회사보다 규모면에서 많은 일자리를 만들어내지는 못하나, 개인창업의 한 수단으로 활용되고 있으며 정부지원에서도 우대를 받고 있다. 일반회사보다 협동조합이 높은 일자리 안전성을 보이는 이유는 어떤 특성 때문인가에 대한 다양한 의견이 있다. 본 글에서는 협동조합의 지배구조를 일반회사와 비교하면서 특성을 살펴보겠다. 지배구조를 이해하기 위해 먼저 협동조합이 자본 중심의 조직이 아닌 결사체임을 고려하여야 한다. 결사체로서 협동조합은 민주적 조직 구성과 운영이 필수적이다. 협동조합기본법은 협동조합의 총회, 이사회, 감사 등 조직구성에 대해서는 별도의 규정을 두고 있다. 협동조합기본법이 협동조합이 유한책임회사와 유사하다는 입법자의 판단에 따라 유한책임회사의 규정을 준용하도록 하였으나 지배구조에 대해서는 별도 규정을 두어 유한책임회사와 협동조합의 차이점을 명백히 하고 있다. 협동조합기본법은 협동조합에 주식회사의 지배구조와 유사하게 이사회, 임원을 두고 있다. 그러나 협동조합은 민주적 조직 구성과 운영을 핵심원리로 하고 있다. 협동조합의 높은 일자리 안정성은 다수의 이해관계를 조정하는 이사회 중심의 협동조합 경영에서 비롯된다고도 할 수 있다. 임원은 기본적으로 사업체인 협동조합의 경쟁적 사업(Business)을 책임지는 위치에 있기에 주식회사의 전문경영인과 마찬가지로 영업이익 중심의 사고를 한다. 기본법 제41조 제1항에서는 “이사장은 협동조합을 대표하고 정관으로 정하는 바에 따라 협동조합의 업무를 집행한다”고 규정하고 있다. 이 조항에 따라 협동조합 이사회의 이사장이 자동적으로 임원을 겸할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 사업체의 성격이 강한 임원을 이사장이 겸하고 있는 경우 결사체적 성격이 퇴색되어 일자리 안정성이 낮아질 우려가 있다.

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