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      • KCI등재

        尙古堂 金光遂의 古董書畵 趣味와 繼承에 대하여

        오상욱(Oh, Sang-uk) 한국고전번역원 2015 民族文化 Vol.46 No.-

        본고에서는 尙古堂의 家系와 당시 교유한 인물들을 중심으로 18세기 고동서화가 갖는 의미와 그가 조선의 문인들에게 끼친 영향에 대해 살펴보았다. 조선후기 고동서화 수집가로 알려진 김광수는 명나라 尙古 華珵(1438~1514)을 私淑하고 본받았다. 好古에 마음이 있었으며, 이로 인해 벼슬을 버리고 유불도[三敎]에 몰두한 것과 고동서화를 소장하고 감상하는 공간을 따로 마련한 것들을 비교해보면, 그는 화정을 닮아가려하였다. 그리고 수집벽은 가문과 부친 金東弼(1678~1737)의 영향을 받았고, 조선후기 고동서화의 취미에 대해서 후대에 여러 문인들에 끼친 영향은 실로 컸다. 李德履, 南泰寬, 李匡師, 李德懋, 柳得恭, 朴齊家, 徐常修, 李廷燮 등의 문인들에게 고동서화의 취미를 유행시키고 전파하는데 영향을 끼쳤으며, 나아가 「청명상하도」라는 서화를 통해 朴趾源, 李德懋, 洪大容, 李東山, 趙榮祏, 金昌業, 曹命采등 고동서화의 취미 소장자를 밝히고, 훗날 「청명상하도」가 서상수에게 계승되었듯이 지식층의 고품격문화인 고동서화 취미를 계승한 것에 큰 공이 있다. 18, 19세기에 많은 수집가와 감식 전문가들이 등장하지만, 고동서화 개척자 겸 수집가이면서 옛것에 탁월한 재주와 취미를 겸비한 자는 金光遂였다. 특히 그는 서화 그리고 청동 골동품을 소장하고 수집하는 癖이 있었는데, 그의 호 ‘尙古堂[옛 것을 숭상하다]’을 보면 얼마나 옛것을 좋아하였는지를 단적으로 잘 알 수 있다. “세상 모두가 나를 버렸듯이 나도 세상에 구하는 것이 없다. 그러나 내가 風雅를 선양하여 태평시대를 서로 이어놓음으로써 300년 조선의 풍속을 바꾸어놓은 일은 먼 훗날 혹시라도 나를 알아주는 자가 있을 것이다.”라며 스스로 300년 조선의 풍속을 바꾼 일, 즉 조선후기 문인들에게 고동서화 수집벽으로 확실하게 각인시킨 김광수였다. 18세기 고동서화가 갖는 의미는 골동품을 단순한 사치품으로 여기지 않고, 선인들의 고아한 格調와 韻致가 깃든 高玩品으로서, 性情과 好古의 趣味를 길러주고, 風流와 情趣 있는 생활을 느끼게 하는 媒介物이었다. 또 단순한 수집보다는 그 眞髓를 향유할 수 있는 안목과 진위를 가릴 수 있는 정확한 감식력을 갖출 것을 강조하였다. 이렇듯 고동서화의 완숙한 취미를 위해서는 충분한 수집욕과 소장욕이 필요하며, 문인 취향과 밀접한 관계를 갖고 전개되었던 고동서화의 수집에서 김광수라는 인물이 여러 고동서화를 소장하고서 문인들 사이에 볼거리로 제공하고, 함께 감상하면서 고동서화에 대한 인식은 더욱 높아져 갔다. 나아가 고동서화 취미는 한층 豊饒해졌고, 문인들의 격을 높이는데 일조하였으니, 상고당이라는 고동서화 수집가의 작은 행동이 조선의 문인생활에 큰 변화를 일으켰으며, 고동서화 취미 유행에 있어 교두보 같은 역할을 하였다. This study will explore the meaning of old paintings and calligraphic works in the late Joseon period. Focus will be placed on the collector Sanggodang Kim Gwang-su(1699-1770) and the influence he had on the literary men with whom he interacted. Kim Gwang-su, well known in the late Joseon as a collector of old paintings and calligraphic works, took the Ming literatus Hwajeong (Hua Cheng 華珵, 1438-1514) as his model. His decision to resign his office, immerse himself in the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, to enjoy antiquities and establish a separate place in which he could both store and appreciate old paintings and calligraphy, was modeled on Hwajeong’s life. His mania for collecting was probably influenced by his father Kim Dong-pil (1678-1737). Kim Gwang-su in turn influenced future generations by his taste in old paintings and calligraphy. In particular, his mania was taken up by Lee Deok-ri, Nam Tae-gwan, Lee Gwang-sa, Lee Jeong-seop, Lee Deok-mu, Yu Deuk-gong, Park Je-ga, and Seo Sang-su. The painting Spring Festival along the River (cheongmyeong sanghado) made a great contribution by transmitting high cultural tastes to intellectuals such as Seo Sang-su as well as Park Ji-won, Lee Deok-mu, Hong Dae-yong, Lee Dong-san, Cho Young-seok, Kim Changeop and Cho Myeong-chae. Among many collectors and connoisseurs of the 18th and 19th centuries, Kim Gwang-suwas known as a pioneering collector of old paintings and calligraphic works who had remarkable taste. In addition to the old paintings and calligraphic works already mentioned, he also collected bronze antiquities. His pen name, Sanggodang (Hall of Reverencing Antiquity), reflects this interest. His collecting mania changed 300 years of literati custom. He commented on this himself, saying: “Just as the entire world abandoned me, so I have nothing to seek from the world. But someone far in the future will probably recognize me for changing three hundred years of Joseon customs by taking the lead in connecting peaceful eras.” The antiques were regarded not only as simple luxuries but also as works of art transmitting the nobility and refinement of their predecessors, which served to help people develop their character, arouse their interest in enjoying old items and provide refined tastes and an elegant life. Emphasis was placed on training artistic judgment in enjoying the essence of the art and on developing a correct appreciation in ascertaining the truth rather than simply collecting items. A strong desire to collect and possess items was required to obtain maturity in taste with regard to old paintings and calligraphic works. Except for Kim Gwang-su, almost nobody had collected and appreciated paint, calligraphic works, and antiquities on the basis of wide-ranging knowledge. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he set off a boom for collecting old paintings and calligraphic works in the Joseon period. He served as a bridge, connecting contemporary literati with the old paintings and calligraphic works that had come into fashion. It is a considered opinion that the simple fact of Kimg Gwang-su’s collecting old paintings and calligraphic works made a huge difference in Joseon.

      • KCI등재

        Korean and European Perspectives on 19th Century Chosŏn Material Culture : Kyŏngdo Chapchi Versus Ethnographic Collecting

        Katharina Süberkrüb 인하대학교 다문화융합연구소 2023 다문화와 교육 Vol.8 No.3

        After the opening of the Chosŏn Dynasty to foreign powers in 1876, European interest in the Korean peninsula included the collection of objects of material culture, art and science. Ethnographic museums began to collect strategically by commissioning Europeans living in Korea to acquire Korean material culture. The image of Korean culture in Europe was shaped by Korean and European intermediaries. Research therefore requires a transcultural approach that includes Korean and European perspectives. This article focuses on the perspectives of the Korean Sirhak scholar and historian Yu Tŭkkong (柳得恭, 1748 - 1807) and the German physician, anthropologist and ethnologist Georg Thilenius (1868 - 1937) on late Chosŏn Dynasty culture. Yu Tŭkkong is the author of the Kyŏngdo chapchi (Capital Miscellany, 京都雜志), a Korean primary source from the late 18th or early 19th century that lists and explains the material culture of the upper class of late dynastic Korean society and describes holidays, festivals and customs. In his position as director of the Hamburg Museum of Ethnology, nowadays Museum am Rothenbaum – Kulturen und Kunste der Welt (MARKK), Georg Thilenius wrote a multi-page wish list to a collector in Korea of objects he wanted to add to the museum's collection in the early twentieth century. By filtering out the categories and subcategories of Korean material culture mentioned by the authors, corresponding ontologies can be created. This helps to understand the different views of Korean material culture: Yu's indigenous view on culture and Thilenius' Eurocentric view. For this article, headgear and artworks have been selected as exemplary objects to demonstrate the results and the influence on the image of late Chosŏn dynasty culture from the Korean and European perspectives.

      • KCI등재

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