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      • KCI등재

        기후위기와 기업이 취해야 할 대응 고찰

        최용근 사단법인 한국법이론실무학회 2022 법률실무연구 Vol.10 No.3

        As many have pointed out so far, measures against global warming can be a business opportunity, and many companies are moving towards its realization. On the other hand, the momentum of global greenhouse gas emission growth has slowed due to the economic downturn, and some countries are predicting that it will start to decline, and the global warming problem appears to be heading in the direction of solving the problem ‘at first glance.’ As a result, interest in measures to combat global warming has diminished and the importance of measures to combat global warming has diminished. Therefore, this study intends to discuss how companies should recognize global warming in order to appeal again to the need for global warming countermeasures. In particular, we need to focus on the aspects of risk and recognize the issues of corporate governance and global warming. In business operations, risks associated with global warming are often classified into three categories: (1) physical risks, (2) regulatory risks, and (3) market risks. Physical risk can be defined as the risk that physical phenomena caused by climate change, such as sea level rise and abnormal weather, affect a company's business activities. For example, factories located in coastal areas risk flooding and shutting down operations due to rising sea levels, and there is a risk that rising temperatures and drought will affect harvests in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Regulatory risk can be defined as the risk that greenhouse gas emission regulations and energy management regulations to avoid global warming may limit business activities or impair business profitability. Representative risks include emissions trading systems and environmental taxes, and are the most easily imaginable risks associated with global warming. We must thoroughly examine the various regulatory trends and consider their impact on our company. Market risk can be defined as the risk that changes in social and consumer demand due to global warming will reduce or disappear business opportunities. This includes the risk of significant damage to our reputation in the global warming sector due to inadequate responses to physical and regulatory risks, and consequently loss of support from society and consumers. When considering market risk, it is important to assume changes in social and consumer demand. These changes may arise due to physical and regulatory risks. Therefore, to understand the impact of market risk, both physical and regulatory risks must be considered. Currently, many companies are still waiting and waiting to respond to the global warming problem. Waiting and continuing to watch increases the risk. A real wait to respond to the risk of global warming will be carried out after completing the preparations mentioned in this study.

      • KCI등재

        ‘온난기의 발견’: 13세기 동아시아의 기후변동

        김문기 한국생태환경사학회 2023 생태환경과역사 Vol.- No.11

        What does the 13th century mean in East Asia’s climate change? In Europe, the 10th to 13th centuries are regarded as ‘the Medium Warm Period.’ Then how is it considered in East Asia? This article examines its characteristics by comparing studies in the three countries of Korea, China, and Japan on climate change in the 13th century. Above all, there was a significant difference in the research capabilities of the three countries. China, which is rich in the documentary and proxy data, was able to restore its own climate change pattern through studies by Zhu-kezhen(竺可楨), Man-Zhimin(滿志敏), and Ge-Quansheng(葛全勝). On the contrary, Korea and Japan, which lack the relevant data, were unable to construct their own climate change models. So they were inevitably influenced by European and Chinese studies. For example, Korean studies reversed their own interpretation within a few years though the same data were used, and Japanese studies used the Fairbridge-Graph created in the 1960s as an important criterion until the 2010s. Secondly, the 13th century was a very important period in Chinese academia. In the 1990s, Man-zhimin presented various evidences that the century’s climate was warm, challenging the Zhu-kezhen’s view of the 11th to 13th centuries as a cold period, which had an absolute influence on climate change research until then. Since then, the ‘Song-Yuan Warm Period’ view that the 12th century was cold but the 10th and 13th centuries were generally warm has gained strength. This proved that China also had a warm period like the medieval warm period in Europe. In this respect, it deserves to be called ‘the discovery of the 13th century warm period.’ Thirdly, unlike China, Korea and Japan do not pay much attention to the 13th century; It is generally viewed as a cold period in the process of transition from the Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age. Can the 13th century East Asia’s climate be interpreted so differently? In fact, studies in both countries have not reflected the latest research results of China. So it is necessary to reexamine the 13th century climate in the two regions by referring to Chinese findings. In particular, Korea needs to discover new proxy data and compare climate changes in neighboring China and Japan to create a climate change model from an East Asian perspective. Finally, ‘the 13th century warm period’ has an important implication for the current global warming. According to Chinese studies, the average temperature in the 13th century was similar to today’s, or some sections were higher. Although global warming is currently occurring very rapidly, this does not mean that it is an unprecedented event in history. This point is not intended to deny the seriousness of climate change. It should rather be recalled that the effects of climate change are by no means one-sided, and that human history has already undergone various changes. Accordingly, the role of history remains important. 지난 1천 년 동아시아의 기후변동에서 13세기는 어떤 의미가 있을까? 유럽에서 10~13세기는 ‘중세온난기(Medieval Warm Period)’로 알려져 있다. 그렇다면 동아시아의 13세기는 어떠했을까? 이 글에서는 13세 기후변동에 대한 한・중・일 3국의 연구를 비교하면서 그 특성을 찾고자 했다. 첫째, 13세기 기후변동연구에서 동아시아 3국의 연구 역량에는 현격한 차이가 있었다. 문헌자료와 대용자료가 풍부한 중국은 주커전(竺可楨), 만즈민(滿志敏), 거촨성(葛全勝) 등의 연구를 거치면서 자체적으로 독자적인 중국 기후변동을 복원할 수 있었다. 반면에 문헌자료과 대용자료가 부족한 한국과 일본은 독자적인 기후변동 모델을 만들 수 없었기에, 유럽이나 중국의 기후변동 연구에 일정한 영향을 받을 수밖에 없었다. 동일한 사료를 이용하면서도 몇 년 사이에 스스로 해석을 반대로 해버린 한국의 연구, 1960년대에 만들어진 페어브리지(Fairbridge) 곡선이 2010년대까지 중요한 준거가 되었던 일본의 연구가 그런 사례이다. 둘째, 중국 기후변동 연구에서 13세기는 매우 중요했다. 1990년대, 만즈민이 13세기가 온난하다는 다양한 증거들을 제시하면서, 그때까지 중국 기후변동연구에 절대적인 영향력을 끼쳤던 주커전의 관점이 도전받았다. 11~13세기를 한랭기로 보았던 주커전의 관점이 수정되고, 비록 12세기가 한랭했지만, 10~13세기는 전체적으로 온난했다는 ‘송원온난기’가 대세가 되었다. 이로써 중국에도 유럽의 중세온난기와 같은 온난기가 있었음이 증명되었다. 그 핵심적인 논거가 13세기의 기후였다. 이런 전환을 ‘13세기 온난기의 발견’이라고 할만하다. 셋째, 13세기를 뚜렷한 온난기로 보았던 중국과 달리, 한국과 일본은 13세기의 기후에 그다지 주목하지 않고 있다. 대체로 중세온난기에서 소빙기로 전환되는 과정의 한랭기 정도로 보고 있다. 과연 동아시아의 13세기 기후가 이렇게 서로 달랐을까? 한국과 일본의 이런 결론이 중국의 최신 연구 성과를 모르는 상태에서 이뤄졌다는 점에 주목할 필요가 있다. 중국의 기후변동을 참조하여, 한국과 일본의 13세기 기후를 다시 검토할 필요가 있다. 특히 문헌자료와 대용자료가 태부족한 한국은 새로운 대용자료를 발굴하고, 인접한 중국과 일본의 기후변동을 비교하여 동아시아 관점의 기후변동 모델을 만들 필요가 있다. 넷째, ‘13세기 온난기의 발견’은 오늘날 지구온난화 논의에도 중요한 시사점을 준다. 중국의 평가에 따르면, 13세기의 평균기온은 오늘날과 비슷하거나, 일부 구간은 더욱 높았다. 오늘날 지구온난화가 대단히 급격하게 이뤄지고 있지만, 그렇다고 이런 온난화가 역사에서 경험하지 못한 미증유의 사건은 아니라는 점이다. 물론, 이런 지적이 오늘날 지구온난화의 심각성을 부정하려는 것은 아니다. 다만, 기후변화의 영향은 결코 일방적이지 않으며, 인류 역사는 이미 다양한 기후변동을 겪었다는 사실을 상기하고 싶을 뿐이다. 이런 점에서 역사학의 역할이 여전히 중요하다고 생각된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        초,중학생의 지구온난화와 기후변화에 대한 인식

        이지숙 ( Ji Sook Lee ),박혜경 ( Hye Gyeong Park ),정철 ( Cheol Cheong ) 경북대학교 과학교육연구소 2011 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.35 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary and middle school (grade 5 and 7) students` perceptions of global warming and climate change. A total of 239 students completed opened-form questionnaire consisting of cartoons regarding global warming and climate change. The results showed that are as follows. Elementary and middle school students had low level of perception of global warming and climate change. A majority of students rightly believed that the global warming is related to greenhouse gases, glacier, environmental pollution, etc. Also, Many students had scientific concepts about the cause of global warming while some of the students had misconceptions that destruction of the ozone layer will cause an global warming. We have found that some of the students of elementary and middle school had confused between the cause of global warming and ozone depletions.

      • KCI등재

        Northward expansion trends and future potential distribution of a dragonfly Ischnura senegalensis Rambur under climate change using citizen science data in South Korea

        신수경,Jung Kwang Soo,Kang Hong Gu,당지희,Doohee Kang,Han Jeong Eun,김진한 한국생태학회 2021 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.45 No.4

        Background: Citizen science is becoming a mainstream approach of baseline data collection to monitor biodiversity and climate change. Dragonflies (Odonata) have been ranked as the highest priority group in biodiversity monitoring for global warming. Ischnura senegalensis Rambur has been designated a biological indicator of climate change and is being monitored by the citizen science project “Korean Biodiversity Observation Network.” This study has been performed to understand changes in the distribution range of I. senegalensis in response to climate change using citizen science data in South Korea. Results: We constructed a dataset of 397 distribution records for I. senegalensis, ranging from 1980 to 2020. The number of records sharply increased over time and space, and in particular, citizen science monitoring data accounted for the greatest proportion (58.7%) and covered the widest geographical range. This species was only distributed in the southern provinces until 2010 but was recorded in the higher latitudes such as Gangwon-do, Incheon, Seoul, and Gyeonggi-do (max. Paju-si, 37.70° latitude) by 2020. A species distribution model showed that the annual mean temperature (Bio1; 63.2%) and the maximum temperature of the warmest month (Bio5; 16.7%) were the most critical factors influencing its distribution. Future climate change scenarios have predicted an increase in suitable habitats for this species. Conclusions: This study is the first to show the northward expansion in the distribution range of I. senegalensis in response to climate warming in South Korea over the past 40 years. In particular, citizen science was crucial in supplying critical baseline data to detect the distribution change toward higher latitudes. Our results provide new insights on the value of citizen science as a tool for detecting the impact of climate change on ecosystems in South Korea. Background: Citizen science is becoming a mainstream approach of baseline data collection to monitor biodiversity and climate change. Dragonflies (Odonata) have been ranked as the highest priority group in biodiversity monitoring for global warming. Ischnura senegalensis Rambur has been designated a biological indicator of climate change and is being monitored by the citizen science project “Korean Biodiversity Observation Network.” This study has been performed to understand changes in the distribution range of I. senegalensis in response to climate change using citizen science data in South Korea. Results: We constructed a dataset of 397 distribution records for I. senegalensis, ranging from 1980 to 2020. The number of records sharply increased over time and space, and in particular, citizen science monitoring data accounted for the greatest proportion (58.7%) and covered the widest geographical range. This species was only distributed in the southern provinces until 2010 but was recorded in the higher latitudes such as Gangwon-do, Incheon, Seoul, and Gyeonggi-do (max. Paju-si, 37.70° latitude) by 2020. A species distribution model showed that the annual mean temperature (Bio1; 63.2%) and the maximum temperature of the warmest month (Bio5; 16.7%) were the most critical factors influencing its distribution. Future climate change scenarios have predicted an increase in suitable habitats for this species. Conclusions: This study is the first to show the northward expansion in the distribution range of I. senegalensis in response to climate warming in South Korea over the past 40 years. In particular, citizen science was crucial in supplying critical baseline data to detect the distribution change toward higher latitudes. Our results provide new insights on the value of citizen science as a tool for detecting the impact of climate change on ecosystems in South Korea.

      • KCI등재

        지구온난화의 지역적 특성: 전례 없는 기후 시기에 대한 선형 전망

        신호정,장찬주,SHIN, HO-JEONG,JANG, CHAN JOO 한국해양학회 2016 바다 Vol.21 No.2

        기후변화를 일으키는 외부강제력이 전지구적으로 동일하게 주어지더라도 그에 따른 기후변화와 되먹임 효과는 지역마다 다르게 나타난다. 따라서 기후변화에 나타난 내부변동성 및 다른 잡음 효과로부터 지구온난화 신호를 구별하기 위한 기후변화 탐지는 전구평균뿐만 아니라 지역규모에서도 이뤄져 왔다. 본 논문은 지구온난화로 인해 미래에 전례 없는 기후가 나타나는 시기를 추정하고 그 지역적 차이를 분석함이 목적이며 이를 위해, 기후모형 자료를 이용한 기존 연구와는 달리, 관측 자료를 이용하여 내부변동성을 추정하고 미래 온도변화를 전망하였다. 전례 없는 기후 시기는 미래에 예측된 지표 온도가 과거 관측 기록에 나타난 온도 범위를 벗어나 전례 없이 따뜻한 기후가 이후로도 지속되는 시점으로 정의하였다. 1880년부터 2014년까지 관측된 지표온도 아노말리의 연평균 시계열을 이용하여 온난화 선형추세를 계산하였고, 이 추세로부터 벗어난 최대 변이 값을 내부변동성의 크기로 간주하였다. 관측 자료로 구한 온난화 선형추세와 내부변동성의 크기가 미래에도 유지된다고 전제하고 계산한 결과에 따르면, 육지에서 전례없는 기후는, 아프리카는 서쪽에서, 유라시아는 인도와 아라비아 반도 남부 등 저위도에서, 북아메리카는 캐나다 중서부와 그린란드 등 고위도에서, 남아메리카는 아마존을 포함하는 저위도에서, 남극대륙은 로스해 주변지역에서 향후 200년 이내에 비교적 빨리 나타나며, 우리나라를 포함한 동아시아 일부 지역에서도 200년 이내로 빨리 나타난다. 반면에 북유럽을 포함하는 고위도 유라시아 지역과 미국과 멕시코를 포함하는 북아메리카 중남부에서는 400년 이후에 나타난다. 해양에서는 전례 없는 기후가 인도양, 중위도 북대서양과 남대서양, 남극해 일부 해역과 남극 로스해, 북극해 일부 해역에서 200년 이내로 비교적 빨리 나타나는 반면, 내부변동성이 큰 동적도태평양, 중위도 북태평양 등의 일부 해역에서는 수천 년이 지나야 오는 곳도 있다. 즉, 전례 없는 기후시기는 육지에서는 대륙마다 서로 다른 양상을 보이고 해양에서는 온난화 추세가 큰 고위도 해역을 제외하면 내부변동성의 영향을 많이 받는다. 결론적으로 지구온난화로 인한 전례 없는 기후는 특정 시기에 공통적으로 나타나는 것이 아니라 지역에 따라 시기적으로 상당한 차이가 있다. 따라서 기후변화 대응책을 마련할 때 온난화 추세뿐만 아니라 내부변동성의 크기도 함께 고려할 필요가 있다. Even if an external forcing that will drive a climate change is given uniformly over the globe, the corresponding climate change and the feedbacks by the climate system differ by region. Thus the detection of global warming signal has been made on a regional scale as well as on a global average against the internal variabilities and other noises involved in the climate change. The purpose of this study is to estimate a timing of unprecedented climate due to global warming and to analyze the regional differences in the estimated results. For this purpose, unlike previous studies that used climate simulation data, we used an observational dataset to estimate a magnitude of internal variability and a future temperature change. We calculated a linear trend in surface temperature using a historical temperature record from 1880 to 2014 and a magnitude of internal variability as the largest temperature displacement from the linear trend. A timing of unprecedented climate was defined as the first year when a predicted minimum temperature exceeds the maximum temperature record in a historical data and remains as such since then. Presumed that the linear trend and the maximum displacement will be maintained in the future, an unprecedented climate over the land would come within 200 years from now in the western area of Africa, the low latitudes including India and the southern part of Arabian Peninsula in Eurasia, the high latitudes including Greenland and the mid-western part of Canada in North America, the low latitudes including Amazon in South America, the areas surrounding the Ross Sea in Antarctica, and parts of East Asia including Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, an unprecedented climate would come later after 400 years in the high latitudes of Eurasia including the northern Europe, the middle and southern parts of North America including the U.S.A. and Mexico. For the ocean, an unprecedented climate would come within 200 years over the Indian Ocean, the middle latitudes of the North Atlantic and the South Atlantic, parts of the Southern Ocean, the Antarctic Ross Sea, and parts of the Arctic Sea. In the meantime, an unprecedented climate would come even after thousands of years over some other regions of ocean including the eastern tropical Pacific and the North Pacific middle latitudes where an internal variability is large. In summary, spatial pattern in timing of unprecedented climate are different for each continent. For the ocean, it is highly affected by large internal variability except for the high-latitude regions with a significant warming trend. As such, a timing of an unprecedented climate would not be uniform over the globe but considerably different by region. Our results suggest that it is necessary to consider an internal variability as well as a regional warming rate when planning a climate change mitigation and adaption policy.

      • KCI등재


        EUNICE ODUFA ERHAGBE 숭실대학교 법학연구소 2019 法學論叢 Vol.45 No.-

        기후 변화는 우리 시대의 가장 큰 세계적 도전 과제 중 하나가 되었다. 나이지리아에서의 화석연료 사용은 환경에 파괴적인 영향을 미치는 기후변화의 주요 원인 중 하나이다. 본 논문은 우선 비재생 에너지원의 과도한 사용, 산업화, 계획법의 미집행이 기후변화 및 지구온난화의 원인이 되고 있음을 발견하였으며, 둘째로, 기후 변화가 홍수, 사막화, 산성비, 생태계 파괴 면에서 나이지리아 환경에 끼치는 부정적인 영향을 찾아냈다. 또한 나이지리아에 국가 및 국제법이 존재하고 있지만, 국가 차원의 법률이 효과적으로 시행되고 있지 않는 동안 국제법은 법적 구속력이 없다는 것을 알아냈다. 이러한 바람직하지 못한 배경 속에서, 기후변화에 대처하는 것이 필요해졌다. 유엔은 1992년 기후변화협약(CCR)을 제정하기 위한 몇 가지 결의안을 채택함으로써 기후변화의 문제를 해결하려고 시도했다. 그러나 나이지리아에서는 2007년이 되어서야 이 중요한 도전에 대한 구체적인 조치를 취하기 시작하였다. 이는 2007년에 운영되기 시작한 국가 환경 표준 및 규제 집행 기관(NESREA) 관련 법령 채택으로 이어졌다. 따라서 본 논문은 기후변화에 대처하는 나이지리아에서의 법의 역할을 검토한다. 즉, 나이지리아의 국가 법이 기후 변화에 대처하기 위해 국제법과 대응 메커니즘에 대하여 어떻게 보완하는지를 살펴볼 것이다. 또한 관련 법이 나이지리아의 기후 변화 통제에 미치는 영향 및 효과를 분석하고자 한다. Climate change has become one of the greatest global challenges of our time. The use of fossil fuels in Nigeria is a major contributor to climate change that has several devastating effect on the environment. This paper found, firstly that the excessive use of non-renewable energy sources, industrialization and the non-implementation of planning laws are responsible for climate change and global warming. Secondly, it found that climate change has negatively impacted the Nigerian environment in terms of flooding, desertification, acid rains and destruction of the ecosystem. It also found that although there are laws at the national and international levels, these laws at the national level are not effectively enforced while those at the international level are not legally binding. As a result of its undesirable effects, it has become necessary to deal with climate change. The United Nations has attempted to address the issues of climate change by adopting several resolutions leading to the establishment of the Climate Change Regime, (CCR) in 1992. In Nigeria however, it was not until 2007 that concrete steps towards addressing this salient challenge of climate change was taken. This led to the legislation adopting the National Environmental Standards and Regulation Enforcement Agency (NESREA) which became operational in 2007. This paper therefore examines the role of law in combating climate change in Nigeria. It looks at how the national laws in Nigeria complements the international laws and response mechanism to combat climate change. It analyses the effectiveness of these laws and the extent to which these laws effect climate change control in Nigeria.

      • KCI등재후보

        기후변화와 국제정치적 쟁점

        이신화(Shin-wha Lee) 고려대학교 평화연구소 2008 평화연구 Vol.16 No.2

        지구온난화와 같은 기후변화는 오늘날 국제사회가 직면한 가장 심각한 이슈 중 하나이다. 기상이변이나 대기오염 등을 포함한 환경문제는 발생 국가뿐 아니라 다른 국가에도 영향을 미치게 되고 정치적, 경제적, 사회적, 인도적 결과 역시 심각해진다는 점에서 많은 나라들의 국익 및 안전과 밀접하게 관련되어 있다. 따라서 환경문제를 국가 및 세계 안보 차원으로 재조명하기 위해서는 이에 대처하는 각국의 정치적의지 제고 및 시민들의 인식전환이 중요하다. 즉 환경문제가 어떻게 국가적, 지역적 이해관계에 영향을 미치는가를 규명하는 학문적 노력과 더불어 지구 환경 보호를 위한 국제협약 및 규범을 준수 · 이행하고자 하는 개별 국가의 실천의지와 역량을 강화시키는 한편 환경보전 생활화 및 교육을 통한 대중의 환경의식과 적응력 향상이 필요하다. 이러한 맥락에서 본고는 기후변화 이슈의 중요성 및 국제정치적 쟁점에 관해 다룬다. 구체적으로, 지구온난화와 기후변화현상은 무엇이며 왜 국제사회의 주요이슈로 대두되었는가? 기후변화로 인한 안보적, 인도적 파급효과는 무엇인가? 기후변화문제의 원인과 책임 및 대처방안과 관련한 주요 국가와 국제기구의 입장과 다응은 무엇이며, 이떠한 갈등과 협력요인을 가지고 있는가? 등의 문제가 제기될 수 있다. 따라서 본고는 기후변화현상을 단순한 환경문제의 차원을 뛰어넘어 인류의 안전과 평화 및 복지를 저해하는 안보문제의 측면에서 고찰하여, 나아가서 기후변화에 대한 국제사회의 대응과 관련한 지구환경외교의 본질과 구도에 대해 논한다. Environmental problems created by natural resource degradation and climate change, including global warming, are some of the most serious challenges that the international community currently faces. However, large-scale problems such as climate-related disasters and air pollution have transnational spillover effects and create challenges that are not Limited to mere environmental damage. The problems stemming from climate change and resource scarcity generate tremendous negative political, economic, social and humanitarian consequences not only for the country of origin but also for neighboring countries and the rest of the world. Thus, it is important to understand environmental problems within the much broader context of national interests, regional and global security. In order to foster a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of environmental problems, we must seek to enhance public awareness and strengthen the political will of national states to deal cooperatively with environmental threats. This paper intends to highlight to the importance of issues related to climate change and their relevance in terms of global politics. More specifically, this paper asks what particular phenomena have emerged as a result of global warming and climate change and why have these issues become global problems? What are the security and humanitarian implications that countries must deal with because of climate change? What positions and/or strategies should major countries and international organizations utilize to cope with the causes and consequences of climate change? What kinds of instances of cooperation and conflict in intergovernmental relations will occur in the face of global warming and other environmental crisis situations? To address these inquiries, this paper will discuss climate change from a security perspective and also will also analyze the issues from a more comprehensive dimension beyond just the environmental problems. It will also discuss the characteristics and dynamics of global environmental diplomacy by examining how states and the international community deal with climate change.

      • KCI등재

        근대 유럽 사회의 기후 변화에 대한 역사학적 접근 - 베네치아의 해수면 변화를 중심으로 -

        이성재 한국세계문화사학회 2016 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.0 No.38

        The phenomenon of Anthropogenic global warming is one of the main interests of current generation. While global warming is widely understood to be due to the multiplication of carbon dioxide, the alternative view is also quite persuasive. This study tries to contribute to this controversy by historical analysis, taking a critical position on the situation that the climate-related forecasts and policies have been focused on carbon dioxide-caused global warming. Concretely, this study will compare Venice in the paintings and current Venice and estimate the sea-level change, which allows to determine how much sea-level rise has been due to global warming. Venice is considered being submerged as a consequence of two problems: land subsidence and sea level rise due to global warming. We should distinguish these two problems in order to exactly know the sea level rise due to global warming. The Venetian painter Canaletto and his pupil Belloto made accurate reproductions of Venetian buildings using a camera obscura on the site. Since the Canaletto’s time, first half of the 18th century, the movement of algae belt is 61±11cm. In this period, the average submersion rate of Venice was 1.9mm/year. About half of the movement of algae belt is due to land subsidence, the other to thermal expansion of oceanic water. A painting by Véronèse provides us another opportunity to know the sea level in 1571. From 1571 to the first half of the 18th century, the average submersion rate of the city was 1.2mm/year, mostly due to land subsidence. In short, their paintings indicate that the sea level of Venice had barely risen from 1571 to the first half of the 18th century, and has been gradually risen thereafter. But just the half of rise since the first half of the 18th century is due to global warming considering the land subsidence. It is not easy task to forecast the future climate. However, historians can contribute to this issue because historical studies show long-term climate changes. (Chungbuk National University) 지구 온난화는 현 세대의 최대의 관심사 중 하나이다. 현재는 이산화탄소 증가에 의한 지구 온난화가 지배적인 주장으로서 받아들여지고 있지만 이에 대한 반론도 만만치 않다. 본 연구는 현 기후 변화에 대한 예측과 정책이 지구 온난화 한 방향에만 맞추어져 있는 상황을 비판적으로 바라보면서, 역사학적 분석을 통해 이 문제에 기여하고자 한다. 구체적으로 본 연구에서는 베네치아를 그린 과거의 그림과 베네치아의 현재 모습을 비교하여 해수면 변화를 추정함으로써 지구 온난화가 어느 정도의 해수면 상승을 야기했는지를 볼 것이다. 베네치아는 지반 침하와 지구 온난화로 인한 해수면 상승으로 인해 가라앉고 있다. 따라서 이 둘을 구별해야만 지구 온난화의 영향을 정확히 파악할 수 있다. 베네치아 화가인 카날레토, 그의 제자인 벨로토 그리고 그 이전에 활동했던 베로네세는 과거 베네치아 건물들을 정교하게 그려냈다. 카날레토가 활동하던 시대, 즉 18세기 전반기 이래 현재까지 해초 띠의 움직임은 61±11cm이었다. 이 시기에 베네치아의 평균적 침하율은 연간 1.9mm이었다. 따라서 해초 띠 움직임의 절반 정도는 지반 침하에 의한 것이고 다른 절반은 대서양의 온도 상승에 기인한 것이다. 베로네세의 그림은 1571년의 해수면의 높이를 알게 해준다. 1571년부터 18세기 전반기까지 베네치아의 평균 침하율은 연간 1.2mm이었다. 이는 대부분 지반 침하때문이었다. 즉 카날레토, 벨로토, 베로네세의 그림을 통해 베네치아의 해수면이 1571년에서 18세기 상반기까지는 거의 상승하지 않았으며, 18세기 상반기 이후부터 점차 상승했음을 확인할 수 있었다. 물론 후자의 상승에서도 건물의 침식을 고려한다면 온난화가 베네치아의 해수면 상승의 절반 정도만 설명하고 있다는 결론을 도출할 수 있다. 사실상 기후 변화에 대해서 미래의 예측을 하는 것은 많은 변수를 고려해야 하기 때문에 쉽지 않은 일이다. 그럼에도 역사학계의 이러한 작업들은 분명 장기적인 흐름에서의 기후 변화 양상을 보여준다는 점에서 그 의미를 가질 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        의학강좌/기후 변화와 건강

        홍윤철 대한의사협회 2008 대한의사협회지 Vol.51 No.8

        Climate changes, particularly global warming, are attributable to human activities, mainly fossil fuel burning which releases greenhouse gases such as CO2. The emissions of CO2 continue to rise, and climate models project 1.1°C to 6.4°C rise of average surface temperature over the 21st century. Health effects from global warming range from increased mortality by extreme weather, floods, and storms to increase of diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and diarrhea. Korea is not immune to health impacts from global warming. Data on daily temperature of Seoul in 1994 showed a clear association with daily mortality. Rise of sea and surface temperatures also indicates possibility of increase in infectious diseases in Korea. Concentrations of ambient pollutants, particularly ozone, were shown to be associated with surface temperature. Therefore, we are already in the influence of climate change. Adaptation strategy to climate changes is basically a matter of public health. Well-prepared programs for responding to climate changes will minimize health risks. The most effective responses are strengthening of the key functions of environmental management, surveillance, and response to natural disasters and changes of disease patterns associated with global warming. We need to intensify our efforts in preventive public health, and ensure sustainable development and protection of ecosystem for human health.

      • KCI등재

        기후변화 관련 어휘 사용 및 기후위기 담론의 전개 양상

        강희숙 한국언어문학회 2023 한국언어문학 Vol.125 No.-

        If there is a problem that has emerged as a global disaster along with the COVID-19 pandemic, it is climate change. This is why the discourse of “climate crisis” has been actively conducted from various angles in recent years. Based on these facts, this study focused on analyzing the use of words related to climate change and how the ideological tendencies pursued by media companies correlate with climate issues, especially the "climate crisis" reports that have been increasingly used recently. The results of the study are summarized as follows. First, based on data from BIGKinds, a news big data analysis service provided by the Korea Press Promotion Foundation, it was confirmed that relatively various language variations have been appearing in climate change-related terms over the past 30 years, such as "climate change," "weather variation," "abnormal climate," "climate crisis," "climate disaster," and "extreme climate.“ Second, in our society, the term "climate change" has been used more frequently since the 2000s instead of "weather change" over the climate issue, which is markedly different in nature from natural fluctuations in the past, and "climate change" has been the most frequently used to date. Third, "climate change" showed a sudden upward curve in contrast to other years by showing 15,455 times in 2009 and 26,945 times in 2021. It was confirmed that there is a close correlation between the climate change cause discourse of "global warming" in 2009 and the climate change response discourse of "greenhouse gas reduction" and "carbon neutrality" in 2021. Fourth, the second most frequent vocabulary after "climate change" is "climate crisis," which has shown a total frequency of 33,827 over the past 30 years, and this phenomenon has appeared as a distinct trend, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fifth, media reports that focus on highlighting the "climate crisis" issue have been confirmed to have a clear correlation with the ideological tendencies of media companies, and in newspaper editorials as well as general articles, liberal media companies are more actively approaching the "climate crisis" issue than conservative media companies.

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