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      • KCI등재

        『춘추』에서 신뢰 개념과 정치적 이상

        엄연석 한국중국학회 2003 中國學報 Vol.48 No.-

        The purpose of Confucius compilation of Ch-chiu春秋 would lie in making its model through the evaluation of historical events and man s act of that period on the basis of the standard of li(propriety 禮). When this intention being contemplated, it must be very significant that we study the Chun-Chiu in point of view of confidence. So, this essay intends to elucidate the meaning of confidence as a Confucian morality, which was offered in the Ch-Chiu Tso-chan . In the Chun-Chiu Tso-chuan, the concept of confidence can be defined as a several meaning. At first, the term of confidence in this book means the ruler or people s self-confidence of Confucian morality which they must internalize or cultivate in the mind. Here the Chun-Chiu Tso-ch made emphasis on the belief of the re德, and understand it to encompass such a concrete item of Confucian virtue as benevolence and righteotlsness, rite and music, faithfulness and reciprocity, filial piety and reverence, modesty. And the te is not only the ultimate criterion through which the rulers are endowed with the authority fro Heaven and govern the state, but also is regarded as more mighty power than anything. On the other hand, the Chun-Chiu Tso-chuan makes the composing elements of confidence. That is to say, the relation of confidence between state and state, or person and p e m can be accomplished through the li禮. In the Chun-Chiu Tso-chuan, the li禮 is interpreted as the unchangeable law of nature, and defmed as that which man must obey in the actual process of model emulation. This li is founded on justices as the universal rationality, and becomes the primary structure through which rulers achive the harmony of all state and establish the relation of confidence. In the Chun-Chiu Tso-chuan, the meaning of confidence also permeates into the transcendental realm of Heaven In other word, the ruler can obtain the confidence from people because Heaven bestows the soveregin on him. The people believe in the decree of Heaven because it is morally just and prize and penalty by it concur with the moral righteousness or mistake of human act. In case of Chun-Chiu Tso-chuan, the relation among the Heaven, the son of Heaven, prince, subject and people is connected with the organic and reciprocally restricted circularity trough the medium of confidence. And it also composes of an important meaning of confidence that the subject confirms to the decree of soveregin. Moreover, the confidence makes harmony and stability maintain among the states, and it protects the people and makes them enjoy a peaceful life. And in the Spring and Automn period, several prince's states planed a great many meeting or covenant, and concluded a friendly treaty with one another. Such affairs as meeting, covenant or treaty also were that time an important method for maintenance of confidence. In the last analysis, it can be said that the confidence in the Chun-Chiu Tso-chuan be kept up through the intentional endeavor for political order on the bask of Confucian moral and the rule of propriety.

      • KCI등재

        [특집, 조선시대 지식,지식인 생산체계 : 17~18세기 평산 신씨를 중심으로] : 신흠의 상수역학과 역사철학 - 邵易과 春秋를 중심으로 -

        전성건 ( Sung Kun Jeon ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2014 民族文化硏究 Vol.65 No.-

        본 논문은 조선의 지식사회로서의 모습을 다각도로 살펴보려는 .조선시대 지식,지식인 재생산 체계에 관한 연구-17~18세기를 중심으로.의 일환으로 작성되었다. 여기에서는 평산 신문의 일원 가운데 핵심 인물인 상촌 신흠의 상수역학과역사철학을 邵易과 春秋에 대한 그의 시각을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 신흠이 소역과 춘추를 대하는 관점은 심학정신을 기반으로 하는데, 그것은 中正한 마음을 학문 의 토대정신으로 생각하는 것으로, 천지만물의 보편적 이치인 一理를 파악하기 위해 요구된 것이다. 이를 대략적이나마 구체화하면 다음과 같다. 먼저, 상촌 신흠의 수학과정을 통해서 드러나는 그의 학문정신을 심학정신으로 규정하고, 그가 易學과 史學을 어떻게 이해하고 있는지를 살펴보았다. 복희의 先 天圖를 역학의 원형으로 간주하는 신흠은 천지만물에 내재해있는 一理를 파악하 기 위해서는 中正한 마음을 갖고 있어야 한다고 주장하였다. 신흠은 복희로 대표 되는 上古시대, 문왕으로 대표되는 中古시대, 그리고 공자로 대표되는 下古시대라 는 역사단계를 토대로 자신만의 독특한 역사철학을 전개한다. 다음으로, 소옹 역학에서 一理가 도출되는 과정을 살펴보고, 그것이 현실세계 에서 어떻게 구현되고 묘사되는지, 신흠 자신이 임금에게 상주한 .陳言箚.를 구 체적으로 분석하여 검토해 보았다. 또한 .彙言.과 .求正錄. 등에 보이는 그의 상 수역학과 역사철학의 관점을 통해 그가 당대의 문제의식을 어떻게 파악하고 있는 지 君子와 小人의 분별이라는 측면에서 살펴보았다. 마지막으로, 신흠에 의해서 마련된 학문전통인 상수역학과 역사철학을 기반으 로 한 易學과 曆法이 어떻게 후대로 전수되는지를 살펴보았다. 신흠의 아들인 樂 全堂 申翊聖은 신흠의 학풍을 계승하여 만년에 상수학 연구에 침잠하는 한편, .皇 極經世書東史補編.을 저술하여 상수학적 관점에서 단군에서부터 고려 공양왕 시 기까지의 역사를 정리해 인조에게 바치기도 한다. 신익성의 아들인 春沼 申最 또 한 .皇極經世書.의 圖說 관련 글과 .洪範皇極內篇.의 數義를 통해 상수학 중심의 가학을 잇는다. 또 華隱 申炅은 曆理에 정통해서 효종시기 역법의 교체과정에서 자문을 받기도 한다. 이를 통해 알 수 있는 것처럼 당대에 신흠 가문은 삼대에 걸쳐 상수 역학에 정통했던 것으로 인식되었다. This paper is on the universal principle and situatinal principle in the case of Shin-Heum. He put emphasis on the impartial heart-mind to the principles. Subjects of this study is Shaoyong’s I-Ching Learning, Chun-Chiu, and so on. Shaoyong’s I-Ching Learning is on the basic matter of universal principle and Chun-Chiu is on the basic matter of situatinal principle. We can examine that his learning spirit is based on the perspective of mind-learning through his learning experience. He have learned the I-Ching, Chun-Chiu and so on since he was a little child. He applied mind-learning to the two books. The mind-learning is located between I-Ching and Chun-Chiu which are standard in the real world which is a lot of things to iron out. Shin-Heum was absorbed in finding out the universal principle in the cosmological nature and finally discovered the universal principle and the Meaning of Number. Universal principle is a kind of natural law going through one and again the universal principle is divided into situational principles which are recognized as the numbers. We can understand solutions to the problems of real world through comprehending to discover the meanings of numbers. In short, Shin-Heum’s viewpoint of world and history was formed by the cosmological law which is discovered not only in the nature, but also in the ancient chinese books of I-Ching and Chun-Chiu. Therefore the books is the exemplary standard for a person who is getting down to earth persistingly.

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