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        중국 이농여성의 사회경제적 특징과 도시정착 가능성

        이경아 한국중국문화학회 2007 中國學論叢 Vol.23 No.-

        This article first discusses about the Chinese rural-to-urban migrant women's socio-economic condition, then it examines recently changing Hukou(household registration) system. The Hukou system has restrained the migration since the planned economy Era and is responsible for the rural-urban inequality in contemporary China. It also tries to deduce the possibility of settlement that the rural-to-urban migrant women who hope to settle down in Chinese city have.In spite, many Chinese rural-to-urban migrant women are willing to settle down in the city nowadays, their settlement look very difficult. Because of their lower education level, they only get the 3D jobs that pay low wage. Moreover, having no citizenship, they are being exploited and treated discriminatingly in the city. According to the current Hukou system, the municipal government grants the citizenship restrictively only for people of high education level, profession, wealth who can make contributions to the city. In conclusion, most Chinese rural-to-urban migrant women should return to their hometown after few years of working. Otherwise they have to live as marginal persons in the city.

      • KCI등재

        국제사회 : 후진타오 정부시기 중국 농촌정책의 성과분석과 평가

        최성일 ( Sung Il Choi ),조준현 ( Jun Hyeon Cho ),박혜란 ( Hui Lan Piao ) 국제지역학회 2012 국제지역연구 Vol.16 No.4

        본 연구는 중국 후진타오 정부 10년의 농촌정책의 성과를 농촌주민의 소득증대 및 삼대격차의 축소라는 관점에서 고찰한 것이다. 후진타오 정부는 출범 초기부터 삼농문제를 비롯해 삼대격차 문제를 적극적으로 해결하겠다는 의지를 표명했으나 그 성과는 그다지 긍정적이지 못했다. 본 논문의 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 후진타오 정부 출범 이후 중국의 농촌주민 소득은 지속적으로 증가해 왔다. 하지만 도시주민의 소득이 상대적으로 더 빠르게 증가했기 때문에 도농간 소득 격차는 오히려 확대되어 온 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 지역적으로는 서부지역의 농촌이 다른 지역보다 소득이 상대적으로 낮은 수준이었으나, 농촌주민의 지역 간 소득격차는 축소되고 있었다. 하지만 농촌내부의 계층 간 소득 격차는 오히려 확대되어 왔다. 셋째, 도농격차의 주요 원인은 산업구조와 산업간 생산성의 차이에서 비롯되었으며, 이를 시정하기 위한 농촌의 공업화 정책이 비농업부문의 새로운 소득기회를 창출하면서 농촌 내부의 계층 간 격차를 더욱 확대시켰다. 결국 10년이 지난 지금의 시점에서 후진타오 정부가 시행한 농촌정책의 성과는 삼대 격차 가운데 지역간 소득격차를 제외한 이대 격차, 즉 도농격차와 계층간 소득격차를 더 확대시킨 것으로 나타났다. 새로이 출범하는 시진핑 정부가 ``민생`` 문제의 해결을 국정 과제로 표방한 것도 그러한 이유에서라고 할 수 있다. This study is to evaluate the performance of the rural policies during the period of Hujintao administration in China, focusing on income variation and income disparities in the Chinese rural area. Even if, at the initial stage, Hujintao government appeared to be determined to solve the problems such as the three agrarian issues and the three great disparities: regional, rural-urban and rich-poor disparity, the result was not so satisfactory at the present stage. The findings of this study are as follows. First, the income of rural residents has steadily increased over the last decade, but the income of urban residents has increased faster in the same period, and so the income gap between urban and rural regions was consequently widened. Second, regional income gap among rural residents was reduced for the last ten years, but the difference in income between the various classes inside the rural areas was getting more serious. Third, productivity variance between industries was the main reason behind widening urban-rural income gap in china. The policies to promote industrialization of rural villages led to widen the income gap between different classes in rural areas.


        The Impact of Rural-urban Migration on Gender Relations in Chinese Households

        ZHANG, Chuanhong,GAO, Qijie,LI, Xiaoyun Ewha Womans University Press 2013 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.19 No.1

        The large scale of migrant flows has affected China’s development profoundly. Rural-urban migration, in particular, has been the main source of the China’s economic miracle in recent years and is also rapidly reshaping the demographic and social landscapes of Chinese cities and countryside. How has migration impacted migrants themselves? This article attempts to examine the way in which migration challenges traditional attitudes to gender and patriarchy based on this empirical study of 89 rural-urban migrant households in Beijing. It concludes that the rural-urban movement has to some extent changed the pattern of the gender-based division of labor, the gendered decision-making process and perceived fairness and satisfaction regarding gender relations in these households. A comparison between three different types of migrant households reveals that the change in women’s position in the labor force is the most important factor contributing to changes in domestic gender relations. However, due to the still gender-biased labor market regime and discriminatory policies towards migrants, the change has been limited. The findings have profound policy implications for improving the migrants’ lives in cities. 大规模的人口乡城流动无疑对中国经济和社会发展产生深刻的影响,是中国近年经济奇迹的主要动力,重塑着中国的人口和社会结构。但流动对流动人口本身的影响如何?本文通过比较北京89户乡城流动家庭流动前后夫妻性别关系的变化,探讨了流动对传统夫妻性别关系影响,得出流动在一定程度上改变了乡城流动家庭的夫妻性别分工,权利分配和性别满意度的结论。对三种不同类型的流动家庭的比较研究发现,流动后妻子在劳动力市场地位的变化是影响家庭性别关系的重要因素。本研究结论对进一步改善中国城市流动人口的生活具有非常深刻的政策涵义。

      • KCI등재

        The Impact of Rural-urban Migration on Gender Relations in Chinese Households

        Chuanhong ZHANG,Qijie GAO,Xiaoyun LI 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2013 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.19 No.1

        The large scale of migrant flows has affected China’s development profoundly. Rural-urban migration, in particular, has been the main source of the China’s economic miracle in recent years and is also rapidly reshaping the demographic and social landscapes of Chinese cities and countryside. How has migration impacted migrants themselves? This article attempts to examine the way in which migration challenges traditional attitudes to gender and patriarchy based on this empirical study of 89 rural-urban migrant households in Beijing. It concludes that the rural-urban movement has to some extent changed the pattern of the gender-based division of labor, the gendered decision-making process and perceived fairness and satisfaction regarding gender relations in these households. A comparison between three different types of migrant households reveals that the change in women’s position in the labor force is the most important factor contributing to changes in domestic gender relations. However, due to the still gender-biased labor market regime and discriminatory policies towards migrants, the change has been limited. The findings have profound policy implications for improving the migrants’ lives in cities.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 조선총독부의 정신계몽운동을 통한 식민통치 - 1930년대 심전개발운동(心田開發運動)을 중심으로 -

        윤기엽(尹紀燁) 원광대학교 원불교사상연구원 2020 원불교사상과 종교문화 Vol.86 No.-

        일제강점기에 조선총독부가 시행한 조선의 식민통치 방식은 동화정책(同化政策)으로서 이것은 1940년대까지 일관되게 추진되었다. 1920년대의 총독부는 문화정치를 표방하면서 일선융화를 목표로 지방개량(地方改良)사업을 통해 지방사회를 통제, 관리하고자 했다. 1931년 우가키(宇垣) 총독은 내선융화를 촉진하고 농촌의 부(富)를 증진시킨다는 목표 아래 농촌진흥운동(農村振興運動)을 시행하였고, 결국 농촌문제의 근본적 해결은 농민들의 정신개발에 있다고 보고 정신계몽운동인 심전개발운동(心田開發運動)을 전개해 갔다. 총독부가 주도한 심전개발운동은 불교계를 적극 활용했는데, 이것은 불교에 대한 대중적 친밀감과 1920년대 조선불교단(朝鮮佛敎團)의 활동에서 찾을 수 있다. 심전개발운동은 일본의 국체명징운동(國體明徵運動)의 여파로 한 차례의 변화를 겪었고, 1937년 중일전쟁의 발발로 또 한 번의 큰 변화를 겪었다. 중일전쟁 이후 총독부는 전시체제로 전환하여 농촌민에게 생업보국(生業報國)을 강조하고, 내선일체(內鮮一體)를 내세우며 황국신민(皇國臣民)을 강요했다. 국민정신총동원운동이 시작되면서 심전개발운동도 여기에 편입되어 전쟁 동원에 참여하는 정신계몽운동을 전개해 갔다. 결국 총독부가 주도한 정신개발의 궁극적 목적은 조선인을 일본인과 같은 황국신민화 하는데 있었음을 확인하게 된다. The colonial rule implemented by the Chosun-chongdokbu(朝鮮總督府) during the Japanese colonial period was a policy of assimilation, which was consistently promoted until the 1940s. In the 1920s, the Chosun-chongdokbu advocated cultural politics, emphasizing a policy of indiscrimination against Koreans. After the March 1st Independence Movement, the Chosun-chongdokbu tried to control and manage local societies through farmers" enlightenment by implementing a local improvement project for the purpose of Chosun-Japan harmony. In 1931, governor Ugaki(宇垣) implemented the Rural Promotion Movement with the aim of promoting Chosun-Japan harmony and enhancing the wealth of rural areas. The early Rural Promotion Movements tended to focus on cultivating morality in the aspect of life and spirit, and even after the March 1933 notification, a plan for the economic rehabilitation of farmers was prepared, but the significance of spiritual life was still emphasized. Eventually, as the fundamental solution to the rural problems lies in the spiritual development of the farmers, the Simjeon(心田) Development Movement, a spiritual enlightenment movement for farmers, was implemented. The Simjeon Development Movement, which started with the initiative of governor Ugaki, actively utilized the Buddhist community, the reason can be found in the public intimacy of Buddhism and the activities of the Chosun Buddhist group(朝鮮佛敎團) in the 1920s. Governor Ugaki is highly likely to use the Buddhism as the vanguard of the Simjeon Development Movement in the name of the Buddhism revival, taking into account the cooperative activities of the Chosun Buddhist group. The Simjeon Development Movement suffered a change in the aftermath of the appointment of governor Minami(南) in 1936 and the movement for the nation system by Japanese emperor. In January 1936, the three principles of the Simjeon Development Movement were announced, and the focus was on edifying the people of Chosun into the royal subject of the Japanese emperor. The Simjeon Development Movement did not provide a great help to the actual improvement of rural life, but when the Chinese-Japanese War broke out, it suffered another big change. At the outbreak of the Chinese-Japanese War in July 1937, the governor Minami converted the post Chinese-Japanese War to a wartime system, and emphasized that rural residents must strive to be royal to the nation as a rear duty. In addition, by advocating Chosun-Japan unity, he forced the Koreans to be unified with the Japanese as the imperial subjects. As the Governor prescribed the National Spirit Mobilization Movement as a spiritual movement for the whole nation and as a national movement for the whole country, the Simjeon Development Movement was also incorporated into the National Spirit Mobilization Movement and launched a spiritual enlightenment movement that actively participates in the mobilization of the war. In this way, it is confirmed that the ultimate purpose of various policies focused on the development of the Chosun people"s spirit led by the Chosun-chongdokbu was to make Chosun people the subjects of the imperial state who was united with the Japanese.

      • KCI등재

        중국 도시화율의 재구성과 과잉/과소 도시화 문제의 성격

        전광희(Kwang-Hee Jun) 한국인구학회 2004 한국인구학 Vol.27 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 중국의 도시화율을 재구성하고 그것을 바탕으로 과잉/과소 도시화 논쟁을 재점검하는 것이다. 연구는 과거에 발표된 도시화율에 비하여 2000년 센서스 보고서에 발표된 36.01%의 도시화율이 신뢰할만한 수치인가하는 질문에서 출발한다. 여기에 대한 답은 부정적이다. 따라서 이 연구는 유엔의 도시/농촌 인구성장 예측기법을 사용하여, 도시화율에 관한 두 세트의 시계열 자료를 재구성한다. 이 연구는 그 중 하나인 1982~2000년 자료를 바탕으로 과잉/과소 도시화 문제의 성격을 해명한다. 이 연구는 1인당 국민소득과 도시화의 관계를 해명하기 위한 두 종류의 회귀모형을 개발한다. 세계은행의 자료를 바탕으로 전세계의 경제발전과 도시화 수준에 관계에 관한 회귀방정식을 추정하고, 선형방정식보다 로그방정식이 예측력이 높음을 확인한다. 로그방정식의 추정결과에 따르면, 중국은 1978년 개혁ㆍ개방정책 이전에는 과잉 도시화되었고, 최근에 들어 오히려 도시화의 지체로 인한 과소 도시화의 문제가 통계적으로 유의미한 현상이 되고 있다. 분석의 결과는 중국이 1978년 시장경제를 도입한지 15년이 지난 이후에야 도시화 지체현상이 나타나고 있음에 주목하면서, 중국의 각종 도시정책이 도시발전에 강력한 장애물로 규제력을 행사하였음을 강조한다. The purpose of this study is to reconstruct the level of urbanization and reexamine the nature of over/underurbanization problems in China. The study begins with a critical question about whether or not the urbanization level of 36.01 percent in 2000, as published in the 2000 Chinese Census Report, is a reliable figure when it is compared with the levels of urbanization, as published in the four previous Census Reports. The answer is in the negative. Thus, the study uses the UN methods of rural/urban population projection to reconstruct two time-series data sets of the Chinese levels of urbanization. The study then attempts to elucidate the nature of over/underurbanization problems using the second data set of 1982-2000 urbanization levels. This study develops two types of regression models that might help to explain the relationship between urbanization and economic development. Using the country data from the World Bank (2003), it estimates the two regression models, and finds the logarithmic model has more predictive power than the simple linear model does. According to results from the logarithmic equation model, China was apparently overurbanized before the adoption of economic reform policy in 1978, while the problem of underurbanization has become rather a statistically significant phenomenon in more recent years, particularly beginning in the mid-1990s. In this regard, it is very important to note that the strong intervention by the Chinese socialist government in urban affairs (e.g., Hokou registration system) has exerted prohibitive constraints on the "statistical level" of urbanization in contemporary China.

      • KCI등재

        Urban and Regional Development Policy in East Asia

        George S. Tolley,Jonathan Hersh,Mihai Sturdza 한국경제발전학회 2008 經濟發展硏究 Vol.14 No.1

          Rapid economic development imparts a common thread to urban and regional policies in East Asia. Because economic development has taken root at different times, policies differ among countries. Early development encounters shifts from traditional to modern production. Low-skilled wages are kept low by supplies of labor from traditional production. Urban and regional population distribution is subject to great change. Concerns center on infrastructure needs due to urban influx. When lowcost labor supplies run out, wages rise throughout the economy. Infrastructure needs due to rising incomes as well as rising population take on importance. When technology transfer from other nations no longer provides the major impetus to growth, policy needs are shaped increasingly by global changes in a high-tech world.<BR>  Many countries have regions with persistently lagging per capita incomes due to amenity compensation, cost of living differences, human capital composition, time taken for inter-generational migration, and lags in technology transfer. In western China, labor flows within provinces have been more important to development than inter-provincial migration. Massive rural-urban migration is projected to continue for more than a generation, keeping unskilled wages low throughout China. Growth source analysis for the provinces of China reveals the strong roles of capital, technology and inter-industry shifts in western China’s growth. The west will have to grow even faster than the rapidly growing east to catch up.<BR>  Concerns in rapidly growing cities throughout East Asia include primal city problems, making cities more competitive, large-scale development projects, infrastructure, environment, amenities, historic preservation, and the smart growth movement. Greater collaboration is needed between economists and urban planners.

      • KCI등재

        아동농촌소설이 꿈꾸는 중국몽: 《우링위엔에 살아요(家住武陵源)》와 《달리는 다이얼뉴(奔跑的岱二牛)》의 성장 서사를 중심으로

        송연옥 한국중국소설학회 2021 中國小說論叢 Vol.64 No.-

        This study attempts to examine the cultural status and role of Chinese rural children’s novels in the process of Chinese Dream being actualized and shared in reality. To that end, this study first considered China’s rural policy from the 1980s to 2018 and the changes in spatial images and children’s figures in children’s rural novels. The result shows that children’s novels have used rural and rural children’s figures in a way that suited national ideology, actively embracing the government’s policy of dualization of urban and rural area rather than reflecting the actual reality of rural areas. I then analyzed We Live in Wu Ling Yuan(家住武陵源) and Running Dai Erniu(奔跑的岱二牛) as texts for the new-era Chinese Children’s Literature. The Rural Dream in children’s rural novels embodies the current problems of rural area and the concerns related to the growth of children, and solves them through literary imagination. In the process, readers who indirectly experience the inner growth of the main character and the ontological and epistemic changes share the ideological fantasies of the Chinese Dream and form a rational and emotional consensus. However, urban and rural hierarchies still exist in the new-era rural children’s novels, which also applies to the Han, China’s main nationality, and ethnic minorities. ‘Improvement and education’ are required for the Han male children and ‘conservation and conformity of traditional culture’ for minority ethnic female children. The mechanism is naturally internalized in the text and forms a strong deep structure, roughly and arbitrarily combining ‘child growth’ with ‘development of rural areas’. In this way, China’s Rural Dream is incarnated in the novels, taking root in the minds of children and adolescents. 본 연구는 중국몽이 현실에 전사되고 공유되는 과정에서, 당대 중국의 농촌아동소설이 위치하고 있는 문화적 심급과 그 작용을 고찰하기 위한 시도이다. 그러기 위해 먼저 1980년대부터 2018년까지의 중국의 농촌정책과 아동농촌소설 속 공간적 이미지 및 아동 형상의 변화를 통시적으로 고찰하였다. 결과, 아동소설은 농촌의 ‘실제 현실’을 반영하기보다는 정부의 도농이원화 정책을 적극 수용하여, 국가 이데올로기에 적합한 농촌과 농촌아동형상을 탄력적으로 소비하고 있었다. 이어 신시기 농촌소설 텍스트로 《우링위엔에 살아요(家住武陵源)》와 《달리는 다이얼뉴(奔跑的岱二牛)》를 분석하였다. 아동농촌소설에 파종된 농촌몽은 현 중국 농촌의 해결과제 및 아동의 성장과 관련된 고민을 구체적으로 형상화하고, 이를 문학적 상상력을 통해 해결해나간다. 이 과정에서 주인공의 내적 성장과 존재론적⋅인식론적 변화를 간접체험하는 독자층은 중국몽의 이데올로기적 환상을 공유하며 이성적⋅감성적 공감대를 이룬다. 하지만 신시대 농촌아동소설에서 도시와 농촌의 위계는 여전히 존재했으며 이는 한족과 소수민족에도 적용된다. 한족 남자 아동에게는 ‘향상성과 교육’이, 소수민족 여자 아동에게는 ‘전통문화 보전과 순응’이 요구된다. 이 기제가 텍스트 안에 자연스럽게 내면화되는 동시에 ‘아동의 성장’과 ‘농촌의 발전’으로 봉합되며 강력한 심층구조를 형성하고 있다. 이로써 중국의 농촌몽은 소설 속에 구체적으로 육화되며 아동청소년의 내면에 뿌리내리고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 현당대 담장그림(牆繪)의 변화과정과 그 특징

        양영봉(Liang, Yong-Feng),권인영(Kwon, In-Young) 한국만화애니메이션학회 2020 만화애니메이션연구 Vol.- No.61

        ‘담장 그림’은 장회(牆繪), 장화(牆畫), 또는 장체화(牆體畫)라고 불리는 독특한 장르로서 주로 건축물의 옥외 벽면을 장식하는 것을 말한다. 벽화(壁畵)는 주로 실내 장식 위주이고, 종교 및 특정 계층을 위한 것이었다면 담장그림은 실외를 장식하고, 대중의 공용성과 도시 환경의 장식이라는 점에서 다르다. 근대의 그래피티(Graffiti, 塗鴉)와 담장그림은 모두 벽면위에 그림을 그리는 행위라는 점에서 동일하나 목적성이 달라 전자는 개인의 감정과 사상을 강조하고 반사회성 및 반항성을 가진 반면에 후자는 집단성과 함께 친사회적이라는 점에서 구별된다. 담장 그림에 대한 선행연구는 중국 근대 담장그림의 전체적 면모를 파악하기에는 부족하고 또한 도시를 장식하던 담장 그림이 농촌지역으로 확대되었다는 주장은 설득력이 있으나 어떤 맥락에서 전환되었는지에 관하여 통시적 관찰이 부족하였다. 담장 그림의 선전 교육적 기능과 환경 미화 및 문화산업에 관한 연구 역시 통합적 관점이 부족하다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 중국 현당대 담장 그림의 전개 과정을 통시적으로 파악하려고 한다. 중국의 현당대시기를 다섯 개로 구분하여 각 시기별 담장 그림을 중심으로 그것이 가지는 미술형태와 기능의 변화를 파악하였다. 담장 그림의 변화 단계는 1)항전시기(1931-1945), 2)대약진운동(1958-1960), 3)문화대혁명(1966-1976), 4)개혁개방(1978-2004), 5)농촌진흥전략기간(2017-현재)으로 나눌 수 있다. 중국 담장 그림은 현당대 중국 사회의 변화 따라 변모하였다. 담장 그림은 항전의 기치, 문화운동의 선전, 계급투쟁, 사회계도의 수단이었으며, 2005년 이후 아름다운 농촌 건설을 위한 문화전략이 드러나기 시작하였다. 최근 농업진흥전략시기에 이르러 농촌 담장 그림은 농촌 문화산업을 주도하고 있어 다양하고 우수한 작품들이 등장하여 차세대의 새로운 콘텐츠가 될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 2016년 중국은 농촌 관광을 대대적으로 추진하였고 문화 소비는 이미 하나의 유행이 되었다. 문화소비의 기호가치 생산은 모든 것을 느끼고 ‘의미’를 시각화하기 위해 노력하는 과정이다. 이런 면에서 농촌 담장 그림예술은 더 이상 하나의 벽면장식 수단으로만 국한되지 않는다. 담장 그림은 마을의 면모를 개선하고 농촌 경관을 향상시킬 뿐만 아니라, 농촌 관광의 소비 격을 높여 농촌 문화콘텐츠를 향상시킬 수 있으며, 최근 중국정부의 농촌 관광 추진으로 농촌 담장 그림예술은 벽면장식 수단으로 그치지 않고, 마을 환경경관을 개선하고 농촌 관광의 소비 격을 높여 농촌 문화콘텐츠로서 가치를 제고하고 있다. This study discusses the origin, change, function and significance of Chinese rural wall painting to Chinese politics, society and culture from the perspective of art anthropology. It puts forward the significance of the regeneration and re-creation of wall paintings for the future Chinese countryside, and also it brought up some questions and suggestions from the aspects of art noumenon, art cost and value. Chinese Rural Wall Painting originated from Chinese frescoes, and the concept of "成教化,助人倫" in Chinese frescoes has been deeply rooted in people"s hearts. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement promoted the innovation of the artistic form and concept of the ancient Chinese frescoes. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Rural Wall﹣Painting of China formally appeared. After the founding of China, the Rural Wall﹣Painting of China went through three stages: the first 30 years after the founding of the People"s Republic, 27 years after the reform and opening up, and the construction of new countryside. The development of China Rural Wall﹣Painting has different characteristics with the constant changes of national policies. In the period of new rural construction, Chinese Rural Wall﹣Painting aims at beautiful rural construction and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Especially in the period of rural revitalization, Chinese rural fence painting is in various forms. In conclusion, suggests that relevant departments should attach importance to the reproduction and re-creation of rural wall paintings, combine rural tourism and cultural industry, raise the cost of art and produce more high-quality works, so as to reinforece functions and meanings for the future with the Chinese Rural Wall - Painiting that inevitably combines the characteristics of local tourism and industrialization.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 양개도(楊開道)의 향촌건설방안과 ‘중국(中國) 향약제도(鄕約制度)’ 연구

        최은진 ( Choi Eun Jin ) 이화여자대학교 이화사학연구소 2021 梨花史學硏究 Vol.- No.62

        In this article I focus on the mechanism of action between the intellectuals and the modern knowledge imported from the West which is inherent in the study of Chinese township regulations, maintaining the same perspective as the previous studies suggesting that Yang Kai Dao's research on township regulations is a part of rural sociology research. Yang Kai Dao argued the rural autonomy should be established to solve the plights in rural areas. While he contemplated the function of rural institutions through which rural autonomy could have been realized, His focus of research extended to the Chinese township regulations system. His study on the Chinese township regulations was to examine the rural autonomy in China historically from the perspective of rural governance. He analyzed the township regulations in terms of the modern organizational theory and pointed out civil administration over the bureaucracy as the essence. He highly appreciated the civilian character led by the intellectual elite of the Lushi township regulations, so it was inevitable that he criticized their corruption. By referring to the process in which Liang Shuming's rural construction movement was put into practice, he contemplated how to apply township regulations and insisted that organizations should be combined so as not to stay in theory. He believed that through education and the conscious efforts of the community it was possible to instill awareness of civil rights in farmers. He also believed that and rural leaders who play important roles in self-governing rural organizations should also have modern knowledge and a basic understanding on rural autonomy. Throughout his research on township, I couldless that he thought the modern learning from the West was needed for rural autonomy. Thus, it was validated that the mechanism for spreading modern knowledge through the rural village construction movement was functioning in Yang Kai Dao's village construction plan.

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