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        무질서 속의 질서 : 존 혹스의 『희화화』와 리처드 파워즈의 『황금 벌레 변주곡』 John Hawkes's Travesty and Richard Powers's The Gold Bug Variations

        김상구 한국현대영미소설학회 2003 현대영미소설 Vol.10 No.2

        Various literary criticisms, theories and cultural theories emerge in the second half of the 20th century. These become (new) paradigms and critical tools of, or approaches to the interpretations of literature, arts, and even to the aspects or phenomena of culture. One of them is Chaos Theory, and it is one of the ways to interpret literary texts as a feedback cycle. This theory together with Poststructuralism, Russian Formalism, and theories of Hermeneutics see literary texts not as a well wrought urn, but as a reservoir of chaos. Based on this view, Chaos Theory shows that chaos is inherent at the bottom of a system or an organ, indicating that simple systems move to the complexity and vice versa. Followers and critics of Chaos Theory say that chaos has such basic constructs as strange attractors, fractals, self-similarity, bifurcation, and unpredictability. Strange attractors do not explicate or emphasize the organized structures out of chaos but ordered descent into chaos. Also it reveals or captures the actuality-consistencies and vagaries-of human behavior patterns better than do homeostatic points. Fractal boundaries or dimensions convey two important concepts. First, seeing depends largely on observer's perspective. Second, accuracy of measurement relies on the definition of the process. Thus, it embraces fuzzy boundaries or dimensions, that is, the gray (ambiguous) area of behavior patterns. From this perspective, the more different the boundaries seem, the more they resemble each other when viewed from the appropriate levels. This points out that in situations, points of nonsimilarity can be found as those of similarity. Bifurcation means splitting into two, adding complexity to a system or an organ. To closely look into this phenomenon, after a period of time, natural processes tend to bifurcate, and then, after another period of stability, another bifurcation takes place. In such processes, the system or the organ goes out of control, that is, it becomes chaotic. These confused states can serve as opportunities for creative change. Unpredictability has two definitions. One is the relation to the function of strange attractors, and the other is the operation of "the butterfly effect". The above-mentioned basic constructs are core characteristics of Chaos Theory. Just as such basic constructs occurred together or sequentially in natural phenomena, so in literature such constructs are alluded or metaphorized. In Travesty, Hawkes witnesses the opposite phenomena-disorderly order-occurred from the collision of cars in France and then he creates Travesty through his imagination, so Powers considerably takes emergent phenomena like as unpredictability as a basic construct of Chaos Theory in The Gold Bug Variations. For them, imagination and emergent phenomena are key factors for the creation of their novels. The two factors here are like as the fact that abundant order comes from or exists at the edge of chaos. In Travesty Hawkes believes that nothing disturbs the essential integrity of the tableau of chaos. That is, he certainly shows that if design inevitably surrenders to debris, debris inevitably reveals its innate design(58-9). The ontological scheme of debris/design that Hawkes proposes is like the concept of strange attractor in Chaos Theory-like the mediated point between the right movement of pendulum and the left one of it, and like the in-between dimension(level) between water and ice. Such a phenomenon can be called a paradox. So, like the driver in the novel, Hawkes prefers "the flickering shadow of imagination to the explosive and flaming manifestations of nature, that is, the order of imagination in progress in his head"(57). In The Gold Bug Variations, Powers indicates that the complex social phenomena are the sources of the emergent phenomena. So the novel posits the special age of history together with the emergent phenomena. In such a relation, the narrative structure of The Gold Bug Variations is very complex. However, it has the recursive structure of Chaos Theory. In other words, the novel, like Bach's The Goldberg Variations, endlessly connects structurally, but it structurally returns to the basic plot or story like Bach's Variations's tone. Characters are also emblems for order, anti-order, and chaotic, like those of Hawkes's Travesty. In short, Travesty, though it is very small(128pages) in volume compared with that of The Gold Bug Variations(639pages) and The Gold Bug Variations vice versa, they are, in a certain sense, fractals, small or large, in terms of Chaos Theory. The two novels, therefore, are allusions or metaphors of Chaos Theory.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        When She Stumbles and Topples: Revisiting Chaos for Women’s Ministry

        박종환 장로회신학대학교 기독교사상과문화연구원 2019 장신논단 Vol.51 No.4

        Most women live with ambiguous emotions toward their religious communities. They dwell in the midst of a realm in which they often see themselves as people on the margins or as reformers in some sense. If we observe Jesus’ attitude toward women, we can see that he allowed chaos. Jesus lived in an atmosphere saturated with the idea of the subordination of women, but Jesus talked freely with women, he healed women, he held individual women in firm friendship and in high honor. Not only did he allow chaos but he also created chaos. Through chaos, he allowed the ministry to women. Jesus did not show any concern for following the social and religious conventions of his time when these interfered with his ministry of proclaiming God’s inclusive reign of forgiveness, love and compassion. In Christian tradition, sin and evil have often been associated with chaos and uncontrolled nature, which needs to be ordered and brought under control. Theology which prefers Being, reason, and order as the highest possible conception of the totality of objective reality is prone to exclude irrationality, crisis, and chaos. In this paper, I investigate the chaos which is inherent in the human condition. I argue that they are essential in Christian life and social reformation. This paper asks a question of how we might rebuild the notion of chaos so that it can be employed in a constructive and significant way for the wholeness of society and humanity, and in particular for the betterment of the church. To this end, this paper focused on the meaning of chaos in Genesis, the theory of chaos in modern physics, and furthermore, the meaning of chaos in psychology, and explored the creative and constructive meaning of chaos. Chaos is dangerous only when it is used to avoid significant issues or when it is ignored and people refuse to deal with the realities that it brings to the surface. To live constructively with chaos is a challenge, but it is a challenge that encourages the church and community to face pain and discord for the sake of a more just and loving reconciliation.

      • 존재사건과 이미지

        송종인(Jong-in SONG) 한국외국어대학교 철학문화연구소 2012 철학과 문화 Vol.25 No.-

        전통적인 서구 형이상학에서 혼돈이란 질서가 부여되기 이전의 무규정적인 상태로 이해했다. 혼돈은 질서를 통해 규정되고 밝혀져야 할 무엇이라고 생각한 것이다. 그런데 『장자(莊子)』 내편의 마지막에 나오는 한 우화는 우리에게 이러한 구도에 대해 새롭게 생각할 수 있는 단서를 제공한다. 두 임금으로 의인화된 ‘나타남’과 ‘사라짐’이 혼돈의 땅에서 만나 융숭한 대접을 받고 이에 감사하여 혼돈에게 7일에 걸쳐 7개의 구멍을 뚫어주었더니 혼돈이 죽고 말았다는 이 우화는 우리에게 다음과 같은 해석의 가능성을 준다. ‘나타남’과‘사라짐’이라는 ‘존재사건’이 혼돈이라는 토대에서 나타날 수 있다는 것과 바로 이‘존재사건’이 혼돈을 질서로 바꾸는 힘이라는 것, 그리고 질서는 혼돈에 무엇인가를 더하는 것이 아니라 무엇인가를 덜어낸 결과물이라는 것이다. ‘나타남’과 ‘사라짐’이 혼돈에게 뚫어주는 7개의 구멍은 ‘존재사건’이 신체의 7개의 감각기관을 통해 나타나며, 이것은 인간의 지각과 의식, 그리고 인식작용 일반을 의미한다. 그런데 현대 뇌과학의 성과에 따르자면 외부의 자극은 우리에게 내적 인상으로 주어진다. 그리고 이러한 내적 인상은 단순 인상들로 환원될 수 없는 ‘미리 앞서’ 종합되어 의식에 통째로 주어지는 복합 인상이다. 이런 점에서 ‘나타남’과 ‘사라짐’이라는 존재사건은 바로 이 ‘이미지’의 사건이며, 이미지를 구성하는 능력으로서 상상력은 인식의 가장 근본적인 능력인 셈이다. 전통적으로 서구철학은 이미지를 실재의 부재라는 부정적인 방식으로 이해했으며, 상상력은 오류 생산의 가능성을 가진 것으로 간주했다. 그러나 ‘이미지’가 우리의 의식에 주어지는 최초의 질료라면, 이러한 구도는 역전된다. 실재는 이미지 보다 존재적으로 선행하는 것이 아니라, 이미지들을 어떤 방향에 따라 다루는가에 나타나는 간접적인 부산물이다. 이미지는 신체를 구성하는 동시에 외부 세계를 이루는 물질계와 우리들의 관념을 구성하며 내적 세계들을 추상하는 정신계라는 두 방향으로 분기되면서 외적 실재와 내적 실재로 구현된다. 이미지의 두 방향으로의 분기는 학적 체계에 있어서도 적용된다. 실재를 올바르게 인식하는 것이 진리라는 전통적인 정의를 고려한다면, 우리에게 진리는 외적 실재와 내적 실재를 올바르게 인식하는 것이 문제가 되기 때문이다. 전자는 신체에서 물질계로 나아간다는 점에서 형이하학이라 명명할 수 있으며, 후자는 우리의 정신으로 파고 들어간다는 점에서 형이상학이라 할 수 있다. 이들은 각각 과학과 철학이라는 학적 체계로 분기되며, 전자는 물질을 다루고 후자는 관념을 다루어왔다. 그렇지만 이들은 실천이라는 방식을 통해서 늘 이전의 진리였던 것을 해체하고, 새롭게 진리를 구성한다는 점에서 동일하다. 결론적으로 우리에게 최초로 주어지는 존재사건으로서 이미지는 우리를 얽매는 것이 아니라 새로운 질서를 통해 이전과는 다른 실재, 진리를 구성할 수 있게 한다. 두 방향 중 어느 방향에서라도 인간의 탐구가 중단되지 않고 항상 진행 중에 있는 것은 이와 같은 이유 때문이다. 이러한 끊임없는 탐구를 통해 우리는 양 쪽 방향 모두로 더 나아갈 수 있게 되었으며, 더 많은 진리들을 찾게 되었다. 이것은 우리의 운신의 폭을 더욱 넓게 하였고, 우리는 이것을 자유라 말할 수 있다. 이는 지금의 우리가 그리고 앞으로의 우리가 더욱 많은 진리들 속에서 더 넓은 범위를 운신할 수 있는 자유를 얻게 됨을 의미한다. 질서가 혼돈에 무엇인가를 더하는 것이 아니라 덜어내는 작업의 산물이라는 것은 혼돈이 이미 다양한 질서들의 복합체임을 말하기 때문이다. The Chaos, in traditional Western Metaphysics, has been understood as the codeless condition before the order granted. The Chaos has been considered somewhat to be proved and coded by the order. However a fable in Chuang-tzu give us a clue to understand this structure in different way. Two kings, personification of Appearance and Disappearance, who met Chaos inChaos's land and were warmly hosted, dig 7 holes during 7 days in Chaos land as a reward of its hospitality, then Chaos was dead. This fable gave us the possibility of the following new interpretations. The Event of Existence, represented by Appearance and Disappearance, can be occurred on the base of Chaos, this Event of Existence is the power of change, from Chaos to Code, and Code is the result of deduct somewhat from chaos not add somewhat to Chaos. The seven holes, dig by Appearance and Disappearance for Chaos, means that Event of Existence has been occurred through seven sensory organs of human body, and this means Perception and Awareness of human being, as well as general cognition. However according to the achievement of modern Brain science the external stimulus give us internal impression. And this internal impression is a complex impression given as a whole to Awareness, can not be converted into simple impression, by generalized in advance. From this point Event of Existence, by Appearance and Disappearance, is the event of Image, and the imagination power, as the capability of consisting Image, is the most fundamental capability of perception. Image, traditionally in Western Philosophy, has been understood in negative way, as of the absence of existence, and Imagination power has been regarded as having the possibility of generating fallacy. But, if Image is the first substance given to our perception, this hypothesis should be reversed. The existence is not the one existing prior to Image, but simply an indirect byproduct of processing Images in different ways. Image has been split into two directions, the material world, consisting physical body and external world, and mental world, consisting human conception and abstracting internal world, and embodied as external existence and internal existence. This split of Image into two directions can be applied into study system. Considering the traditional definition of truth, the right perception of existence, the truth can create problems to perceive external existence and internal existence properly. The former one can be named as Concrete science, by directing from body to physical world, and the later one can be named as Metaphysics, by directing into the mentality of human. These are split into Science and Philosophy in Study system, the former one handles material world, and the later one concepts. However these two are identical in destructing the existing truth and restructuring the new truth by the way of practice. In conclusion, Image, given to us as the first Event of Existence, is not binding us, but can make us to constructing different truth and existence through new code. the main reason of continuing the research of human at least from one direction, between two directions, is because of this. Through this endless research human can go forward into two directions, and the more truth have been found. this result give human wider range of movement, and this can be called as freedom. this means that from now on human can have the freedom of wider range of movement from the more truth. The code is not add somewhat on chaos, but the result of deducting somewhat, as Chaos is already a complicated structure of various codes.

      • KCI등재

        ‘탈-인간중심적’ 사유로서의 카오스 이론 -니체, 들뢰즈, 그리고 예술-

        이재걸(Lee, Jae-Geol) 동서미술문화학회 2020 미술문화연구 Vol.18 No.18

        카오스 이론의 상징과도 같은 ‘나비 효과(Butterfly Effect)’는 복잡계의 무작위성 안에 펼쳐지는 정교한 기하학적 구조를 보여준다. 프랙탈(Fractal) 구조에 가까운 ‘기이한 끌개’(Strange Attractor)로 표현되는 나비 효과는 초기조건의 사소한 차이가 엄청난 결과를 초래한다는 비선형 결정론적인 동역학계, 즉 카오스계의 핵심을 관통한다. 일찍이 니체(Friedrich Nietzsche)는 카오스를 철학적 테제로 삼아 “전체로서의 세계를 원칙적으로 무엇이라고 언급할 수 없는 것, 말로 표현할 수 없는 것”으로 이해하고, 인간중심적인 모든 상대적 규정들을 거부하였다. 니체의 카오스론은 인간의 모든 규정이란 세계 그 자체의 것이 아니라, 단지 상황의 변화에 종속된 인간의 투사일 뿐임을 간파한다. 니체에 이어 카오스에 관한 가장 광활하고 역동적인 설명을 제공한 들뢰즈(Gilles Deleuze)도 그의 오랜 지적 동반자였던 가타리(Felix Guattari)와 함께 ‘카오스-무한’을 차이생성의 본질로 고찰하면서 ‘탈-인간중심적’ 차원의 우주론과 인식론을 전개한다. 특히 이들은 카오스를 사유의 원천으로 삼으면서, 사유를 정의하는 것, 사유의 세 가지 큰 형식들로서 철학, 과학, 예술을 설명하고, ‘무한’을 대하는 태도로부터 이 세 가지 사유 영역을 각각 구분하였다. 이때 예술은 감각들의 집적이자 지각들과 정서들의 복합체로서 유한을 거쳐 무한을 되찾는 고된 여정을 통해 무한을 복원하려는 사유 활동으로 파악된다. 들뢰즈와 가타리는 니체의 입장에서 카오스를 ‘생산적인 질서를 지닌 창조적인 것’으로 간주하고, 예술의 지상목표는 카오스를 감각하여 그 감각적 심상에 질료를 입혀서 감각을 현실화하는 것이라고 말하는 것이다. 여기서 진리의 비고정성과 불확정성은 ‘카오스 미학’을 통해 새로운 창의적 역량을 부여받는다. “The Butterfly Effect,” which has been considered to be the symbol of the chaos theory, displays a sophisticated geometric structure that spreads within the randomness of the complex system. As it is expressed as a “Strange Attractor,” which is similar to the fractal structure, the butterfly effect penetrates the pith of the nonlinear deterministic dynamical system in which a minor difference in the initial condition would in turn lead to a spectacular result, that is, the chaos system. Friedrich Nietzsche who once selected chaos as his philosophical thesis, understood that "the world as a whole is in principle something that can neither be described nor orally expressed” and refused every relative anthropocentric regulation. The chaos theory presented by Nietzsche surpasses the point for which every human regulation with respect to the world is not concerned about the world itself but considers it to be a human projection subject to changes in the circumstances. Following Nietzsche, Gilles Deleuze, who provided the broadest and most dynamic explanations on chaos, ruminated on the “chaos-indefiniteness” by considering it to be the essence of the creation of differences,” along with Felix Guattari, his long-term intellectual companion, and explored cosmology and epistemology in terms of “post-anthropocentrism.” Especially, they regarded chaos as the origin of thought and elucidated philosophy, science and art as the three large frames of thought, and divided these three sections of reason, respectively, from the attitude responding to “infiniteness.” Here, as a point of the contact of senses and at the same time a complex of reasonable activities, art is understood as an activity that restores infiniteness through a strenuous journey f or infiniteness that is attainable by passing through finiteness. Deleuze and Guattari regarded chaos as “what is creative within productive order” from the perspective of Nietzsche, and stated that the supreme goal of art is to sense chaos and subsequently materialize this sense by putting substances on the sensible image thereof. In this context, the characteristic of truth that can never be fixable and uncertain is granted a new creative capability through “the aesthetics of chaos.”

      • The Research on AUV Attitude Control based on least Squares Support Vector Machines

        Song Xiaoru,Luo Dezhu,Wang Huihua 보안공학연구지원센터(IJUNESST) 2015 International Journal of u- and e- Service, Scienc Vol.8 No.1

        The Attitude control model for AUV is highly nonlinear and strong coupling six degrees of freedom model. With it, and complex disturbance of the marine environment a new control strategy chaos least squares support vector machines is proposed. The control model is infinitely approximated by least squares support vector machine. The parameters are optimized Chaos theory. It is formed the Chaos-LSSVM model. The purpose is to obtain excellent attitude control of quality. The Chaos-LSSVM predictive controller for AUV attitude is designed combined with a simplified longitudinal hydrodynamic equations and the Chaos-LSSVM model. Meanwhile the stability of the attitude control system is ensured by the Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, examples of simulation results show that the control model can obtain a good control effect, improve the underwater vehicle dynamic positioning attitude control effectiveness and robustness.

      • KCI등재

        평균 포인케어맵을 이용한 Noisy Field에서의 chaos거동의 검출방법

        마호성 한국전산구조공학회 1997 한국전산구조공학회논문집 Vol.10 No.4

        랜덤하중 하에서의 구분적선형시스템이 갖는 노이즈의 영향으로 인해 그 특성이 많이 감소되거나 소멸된 응답거동으로부터 chaos거동을 검출하는 방법을 개발, 분석하였다. 해양에서 구조물이 받는 파력은 결정론적이 아닌 추계론적이다. 바람, 파도 그리고 조류 등에 의한 파력은 유한도의 랜던성을 갖으며, 이러한 파력은 지배적인 조화가진하중과 정규 백색노이즈를 더함으로써 표현할 수 있다. 외적 동요를 받는 시스템의 응답거동은 그 거동이 방해를 받으며, 이로 인해 chaos응답거동을 확인하기가 어려우며, 그 거동의 특성이 일반적인 랜덤거동과 다를 바가 없다. 이러한 경우, 평균 포인케어맵을 이용하여 랜덤노이즈에 의해 발견되지 않는 chaos응답거동을 식별할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 직접수치시뮬레이션상에서 이러한 평균 포인케어맵을 만드는 방법을 개발하였으며, 얻어진 평균 포인케어맵의 적용범위에 대하여 분석하였다. 평균 포인케어맵은 노이즈가 포함된 조화가진하중을 받는 시스템의 chaos응답거동을 확인하는데 있어서 노이즈의 강도가 높을 때 일반적인 포인케어맵만으로는 놓칠 수 있는 chaos응답거동을 성공적으로 확인할 수 있음을 알아내었다. 또한 시스템의 응답거동에서 chaos의 특성이 완전히 사라지는 노이즈의 강도를 얻을 수 있음도 알아내었다. The method to distinguish chaotic attractors in the perturbed response behaviors of a piecewise-linear system under combined regular and external randomness is provided and examined. In the noisy fields such as the ocean environment, excitation forces induced by wind, waves and currents contain a finite degree of randomness. Under external random perturbations, the system responses are disturbed, and consequently chaotic signatures in the response attractors are not distinguishable, but rather look just random-like. Mean Poincare map can be utilized to identify such chaotic responses veiled due to the random noise by averaging the noise effect out of the perturbed responses. In this study, the procedure to create mean Poincare map combined with the direct numerical simulations is provided and examined. It is found that mean Poincare maps can successfully distinguish chaotic attractors under stochastic excitations, and also can give the information of limit value of noise intensity with which the chaos signature in system responses vanishes.

      • 평균 포인케어맵을 이용한 Noisy Field에서의 chaos거동의 검출방법

        마호성 한국전산구조공학회 1997 전산구조공학 Vol.10 No.4

        랜덤하중 하에서의 구분적선형시스템이 갖는 노이즈의 영향으로 인해 그 특성이 많이 감소되거나 소멸된 응답거동으로부터 chaos거동을 검출하는 방법을 개발, 분석하였다. 해양에서 구조물이 받는 파력은 결정론적이 아닌 추계론적이다. 바람, 파도 그리고 조류 등에 의한 파력은 유한도의 랜던성을 갖으며, 이러한 파력은 지배적인 조화가진하중과 정규 백색노이즈를 더함으로써 표현할 수 있다. 외적 동요를 받는 시스템의 응답거동은 그 거동이 방해를 받으며, 이로 인해 chaos응답거동을 확인하기가 어려우며, 그 거동의 특성이 일반적인 랜덤거동과 다를 바가 없다. 이러한 경우, 평균 포인케어맵을 이용하여 랜덤노이즈에 의해 발견되지 않는 chaos응답거동을 식별할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 직접수치시뮬레이션상에서 이러한 평균 포인케어맵을 만드는 방법을 개발하였으며, 얻어진 평균 포인케어맵의 적용범위에 대하여 분석하였다. 평균 포인케어맵은 노이즈가 포함된 조화가진하중을 받는 시스템의 chaos응답거동을 확인하는데 있어서 노이즈의 강도가 높을 때 일반적인 포인케어맵만으로는 놓칠 수 있는 chaos응답거동을 성공적으로 확인할 수 있음을 알아내었다. 또한 시스템의 응답거동에서 chaos의 특성이 완전히 사라지는 노이즈의 강도를 얻을 수 있음도 알아내었다. The method to distinguish chaotic attractors in the perturbed response behaviors of a piecewise-linear system under combined regular and external randomness is provided and examined. In the noisy fields such as the ocean environment, excitation forces induced by wind, waves and currents contain a finite degree of randomness. Under external random perturbations, the system responses are disturbed, and consequently chaotic signatures in the response attractors are not distinguishable, but rather look just random-like. Mean Poincare map can be utilized to identify such chaotic responses veiled due to the random noise by averaging the noise effect out of the perturbed responses. In this study, the procedure to create mean Poincare map combined with the direct numerical simulations is provided and examined. It is found that mean Poincare maps can successfully distinguish chaotic attractors under stochastic excitations, and also can give the information of limit value of noise intensity with which the chaos signature in system responses vanishes.

      • Prediction Simulation Study of Road Traffic Carbon Emission Based on Chaos Theory and Neural Network

        Hao Wu,Xianglian Zhao 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.10 No.7

        Study the road traffic carbon emission and accurately predict the problems, the road traffic carbon emission has the complex systems of chaos and nonlinearity, the traditional method ignores the chaos of the road traffic carbon emission change, and it is so difficult to precisely control the rules of the road traffic carbon emission change that the precision of the of traffic carbon emission prediction is lower. In this study, it proposes the road traffic carbon emission prediction model based on the chaos theory and neural network and improves the prediction precision of the road traffic carbon emission time sequence. First of all, it reconstructs the time sequence data of the road traffic carbon emission change through the space, and sorts out the chaos change rules hidden in the time sequence data and then uses the BP neural network to study and carry out the modeling of the time sequence data of the road traffic carbon emission, and optimize the neural network parameter in order to improve the prediction precision of the road traffic carbon emission time sequence. The simulation result shows that, Chao-BPNN has overcome the deficits of the traditional method and could precisely and comprehensively reflect the change rules of the road traffic carbon emission time sequence, and effectively improved the prediction precision of the road traffic carbon emission.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Chaos and Instability of Brillouin-Active Fiber Based on Optical Communication Networks

        김용갑(Kim, Yong-Kab) 한국정보전자통신기술학회 2013 한국정보전자통신기술학회논문지 Vol.6 No.4

        In this paper the effect of instability and chaos in optical fiber networks based on the Internet is described. Nonlinear optical fiber effect especially Brillouin scattering in networks has emerged as the essential means for the construction of active optical devices used for all-optic in-line switching, channel selection, amplification, oscillation in optical communications and a host of other applications. The inherent optical feedback by the back-scattered Stokes wave in optical networks also leads to instabilities in the form of optical chaos. This paradigm of optical chaos in fiber Internet serves as a test for fundamental study of chaos and its suppression and exploitation in practical application in optical fiber communication. This paper attempts to present a survey and some of our research findings on the nature of Brillouin chaotic effect on Internet based optical communication.

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