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      • KCI등재

        화이트헤드의 지각이론: "인과적 효능성의 지각"과 "제시적 직접성의 지각"

        윤자정 ( Ja Jung Yoon ) 한국미학회 2015 美學 Vol.81 No.1

        화이트헤드의 철학, 특히 후기의 형이상학적 존재론이 기본적으로 인간의 모든 경험에 정당한 의미를 부여하는 것으로 기획되었다는 점, 그리고 그의 사상이 미학이라는 가치론으로 수렴된다는 점을 염두에 두면서 그 내용을 특히 그가 인간 지각의 차원에서 중요하게 언급하는 이른바 ‘두 가지 양식의 지각 이론’을 통해 살펴본다. 화이트헤드는 현대철학에서 인간 경험의 가치적 측면이 무시되어 온 것이 로크나 흄의 경험론에 기인되는 바가 대단히 크다고 보고 이들의 경험론을 교정하는 일을 경험의 가치성 회복을 위한 중요한 단초로 여기고 있다. 그는 이 작업을 특히 두 가지 양식의 지각(인과적 효능성 양식의 지각 perception in the mode of causal efficacy과 제시적 직접성 양식의 지각 perception in the mode of presentational immediacy) 개념을 통해, 근원적 차원에서 인간의 경험은 언제나 가치경험으로 존립하고 있음을 확인해내는 방식으로 수행하고 있다. 여기서 말하는 ‘근원적 차원’이란 인간의 경험이 의식(意識)의 차원으로 떠오르기 이전의 일종의 원초적이고 무의식적인 차원을 말하는 것으로, 화이트헤드는 이 차원에서 성립하는 인간 경험의 가치성이 결정적인 중요성을 갖는 것으로 생각하여 이를 특히 ‘인과적 효능성의 양식에서의 지각’에 대한 해명을 통해 증언하고 있다. 본고는 그 내용을 살핀다. 먼저 지각의 두 가지 양식 개념을 살펴보고, 이어서 로크와 흄의 경험론이 경험의 파악 방식에 있어서 어떠한 한계를 노정하는지를 화이트헤드의 입장에서 확인하는 식으로, 인간 경험의 가치성이 지각 차원에서 부각되는 화이트헤드의 사유를 비판적으로 검증한다. According to Whitehead, experience itself is reality. He explains "actual entity" as the final real things of which the world is made up. Actual entities as the final real things are nothing but experience. And the fundamental figure of reality is the interconnection of all elements. To Whitehead as realist, the world is not a subjective idea (presention) but something which really exists, and is made up by the "really existing occasions". Then this really existing occasions is simultaneously connected with the totality of reality. In this sense, all existing ones "feel" one another, and the world is a dynamic unity in which all constituent elements continuously influence mutually. And Whitehead regards this reality of concrete facts as continuously realizing "value" at the same time, and the word "beauty" in the fundamental sense as a synonym of "value". Boiled down, "reality" is equal to "beauty" because "reality" is equal to "value" and "value" equal to "beauty". In this sense, his aesthetic thought goes in gear with his "metaphysics" or "cosmology" itself. And this dynamic unity in which all constituent elements continuously influence mutually lies in human perception. According to Whitehead, in human perception there are two modes, the one is perception in the mode of causal efficacy and the other is perception in the mode of presentational immediacy. And the former is fundamental and primary, the latter is similar to ``conscious sense perception`` which falsely be thought fundamental in traditional empiricism. In traditional empiricism, which be represented by J. Locke and D. Hume, conscious sence perception is the basis of all human knowledge. Whitehead criticize this viewpoint. In Whitehead``s theory of perception, perception in the mode of causal efficacy lies beneath perception in the mode of presentational immediacy, and in this perception in the mode of causal efficacy cosmic interaction and dynamic unity occurs more fruitfully in dimension of making human experience as ``value experience``. So in this essay I search for the content of Whitehead`` two modes of perception theory, and inquire into Whitehead`` criticism on J. Locke and D. Hume. In doing so, we can become intimate with Whitehead`` thought which must be good understanding of the nature of human value experience.

      • KCI등재

        인식의 인과관계를 통해 살펴본 의지각의 발생 과정

        양현희 ( Yang Hyunhee ) 인도철학회 2020 印度哲學 Vol.0 No.58

        다르마키르티의 외계 대상에 대한 의지각은 디그나가의 의지각을 명료하게 해 준 측면도 있지만, 분별지와의 경계선이 불명료한 측면도 있다. 이에 불교 인식론에서는 의지각을 둘러싸고 다양한 이론들이 펼쳐져 왔다. 왜냐하면 의지각은 무분별지로서의 지각인 동시에 대상에 대한 어떤 확정을 가져야만 하는 인식이기 때문이다. 따라서 본 논문은 『양평석』 「현량」장을 중심으로 외계 대상에 대한 의지각 고찰을 목적으로 한다. 그 출발점은 경량부의 인과관계의 특징에 있다. 경량부의 異時인과설에 따르면 인식 대상인 소연연은 인식원인으로 다음 찰나에 인식을 발생시킨다. 이것은 다르마키르티 인식론에서 자상에 해당한다. 그러나 의지각의 발생에는 전 찰나의 소연연인 자상 외에도 등무간 연인 감관지가 필요하다. 이 두 가지의 원인은 의지각에게 각각 다른 역할을 부여한다. 소연연인 자상은 의지각에게 지각으로서의 지위를 부여하는 한편, 등무간연인 감관지는 인식 과정을 통해 의지각에게 바른 인식으로서의 지위를 부여한다. 본 논문은 세친의 『아비달마구사론』에 등장하는 유부와 경량부의 상반된 인과설을 소개한 뒤, 마노라타난딘의 주석을 포함한 『양평석』 「현량」장 kk. 240-244를 분석하여, 의지각의 발생 과정을 둘러싼 논의 중, 특히 감관지와 차별되는 외계 대상에 대한 의지각을 명확히 한다. 최종적으로는 바른 인식으로서 의지각의 역할론을 정리하여 의지각이 갖는 난제의 원인을 규명하고자 한다. Mental perception(mānasa-pratyakṣa) in Dharmakīrti’s philosophy is always difficult to be defined. It is included in the class of pratyakṣa, although its contents are so conceptual( vikalpa). The first is based on the reason of its object and the second relies on the process of cognition. To find out two causes would be examined. Thus, this article aims to define mental perception in the context of the causality. The two representative schools of Abhidharma argue different causalities in terms of time. One of them, Vaibhāṣika, argues that the cause and effect could exist at the same time. On the other hand, Sautrāntika insists that the cause exists always before its result. Dharmakīrti adopts the latter as his causality. The reason why Dharmakīrti adopted Sautrāntika’s theory is a concept of the condition of object support( ālmbana-pratyaya). The condition of object support in Sautrāntika is the same as the particular(svalakṣaṇa). It has the causal power(arthakriyā) so that it can raise pratyakṣa, as like a condition of object support. However, when the particular is converted to an image(ākāra) in the Buddhist epistemology, the concept of it is no longer considered as same as Sautrāntika’s. This article looks more concretely at how Manorathanandin explains the causal process of mental perception through his comment on verses 240 to 244 in the Pratyakṣa chapter of Pramāṇavārttika. First, he explains that the particular outside of cognition raises the mental perception. At the same time, a sense perception(indriya- pratyakṣa) as samantara-pratyaya raises it before one moment. Each cause gives a different role to the mental perception. The particular before one moment makes it pratyakṣa . On the other hand, the sense perception in the cognitive process makes it right cognition(pramāna). Only in the process of cognition, the mental perception can have the causal power, which later helps people achieve their goals. To sum up, the mental perception requires two causes for its different roles. Chief of all, samantara-pratyaya in the cognitive process is absolutely necessary to achieve one’s goal. The reason why a cognition is noteworthy is that, both as a perception and as right cognition, it plays a more essential role in achieving its purpose in daily life. Therefore, the process of mental perception is that we express our desire and achieve it.

      • KCI등재

        류마티스 관절염 환자의 원인지각, 대응양상, 사회심리적 적응과의 관계

        장세영,박상연 대한류마티스 건강전문학회 2002 근관절건강학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        This study was aim to provide rheumatoid arthritis patients the basic data of development of nursing intervention to help psychosocial adaptation of rheumatoid arthritis patients as exploring the relationship among causal perception, coping pattern, psychosocial adaptation of rheumatoid arthritis. As the results of this study the mean score of causal perception of the subjects was 3.37. The score of the internal-unstable was the highest, which was followed by extra-stable, internal factor, internal-stable, external factor and external-unstable in order among the factor of causal perception. The mean score of coping pattern was 2.64. The type of coping patterns the score of the receptive coping was the highest, which was followed by wishful coping, active coping and negative coping in order among the type of coping pattern. The mean score of psychosocial adaptation was 3.28. The subconcept of psychosocial adaptation the score for personal relationship was the highest, which was followed by role function and mental state in order among the psychosocial adaptation. The analysis of the relation among causal perception, coping pattern and psychosocial adaptation showed significant negative correlation between causal perception and psychosocial adaptation(r=-0.3219, P=0.002). The analysis of the relation between the type of coping pattern and psychosocial adaptation showed significant negative correlation between psychosocial adaptation and active coping(r=-0 3210. P=0.002), negative coping(r=-0.2296, P=0.032). Only causal perception(-.36) and period of illness(-.26) effected on the psychosocial adaptation were shown to the negative direction significantly. The psychosocial adaptation was explained the 17% by these two variables. Based on this study results the factor of causal perception and the type of coping pattern of rheumatoid arthritis were shown significant relations between psychosocial adaptation. We suggests that nurses in practice apply to assessing the factor of causal perception of individuals illness and the type of coping patterns when nursing interventions in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

      • KCI등재

        류마티스 관절 환자의 원인지각에 따른 대응양상

        장세영,박상연 경북대학교 간호과학연구소 2004 경북간호과학지 Vol.8 No.1

        This study was aim to provide the basic data of development of nursing intervention of rheumatoid arthritis patients as exploring coping pattern according to causal perception of rheumatoid arthritis patients. As the results of this study the mean score of causal perception of the subjects was 3.37. The score of the internal-unstable was the highest, which was followed by extra-stable, internal factor, internal-stable, external factor and external-unstable in order among the factor of causal perception. The mean score of coping pattern was 2.64. The type of coping patterns the score of the receptive coping was the highest, which was followed by wishful coping, active coping and negative coping in order among the type of coping pattern. The analysis of the relation between causal perception and coping pattern no showed significant correlation between causal perception and coping pattern(r=-0.1506, P=0.164). It was shown that there is a significant positive correlation between internal(r=0.2303, P=0.032), and internal stable factors(r=0.2252, P=0.036) and coping patterns, with respect to the correlation to the factor of causal perception. In addition, it appeared that there is a significant positive correlation between the active coping and internal(r=0.2422, P=0.024), internal stable(r=0.2304, P=0.03~), external(r=0.3004, P=0.005) and external stable factors(r=0.2900, P=0.006), as well as between the wishful coping and internal(r=0.3453, P=0.001) and internal stable factors(r=0.3147, P=0.003), in terms of the type of coping patterns. In general characteristics, the level of education(F=4.74, P=.0017) and home monthly income(F=3.44, P=.0119) was significantly related to causal perception. The factors of causal perception showed that there is a significant difference in the home monthly income(F=2.97, P=.0239) as the internal factor, level of education(F=5.24, P=.0008) and home monthly income(F=2.66, P=.0382)as the external factor, possibility to cure a disease(t=3.08, P=.0028) as the internal unstable factor, occupation(t=2.20, P=.0303) and level of education(F=5.04, P=.0011) as the external stable factor, respectively, and experience in hospitalization(t=4.48, P=.0000) as the external unstable factor. In general characteristics, it was shown that there is a significant difference in the possibility to cure a disease(t=2.18, P=.0315) as the wishful coping, curing period(F=2.82, P=.0303) as the receptive coping, and occupation(t=-2.85, P=.0055), experience in hospitalization(t=2.82, P=.0059), diseased period(F=3.69, P=.0082) and cured period(F=3.97, P=.0054) as the negative coping. Based on this study results the factor of causal perception and the type of coping pattern of rheumatoid arthritis patients were shown significant relations. It is suggested, therefore, that when nurses provide rheumatoid arthritis patients with nursing service they need to clinically assess the factor of causal perception and the type of their coping patterns, and to lead their causal perception to the internal factor and intemal stable factor rather than the external factor, and to encourage the patients to do the wishful coping, not the negative coping, during nursing interventions.

      • KCI등재

        다르마키르티의 의지각과 화이트헤드의 현시적 직접성의 양태로서의 지각에 관한 연구

        권서용 ( Seo Yong Kwon ) 동아시아불교문화학회 2015 동아시아불교문화 Vol.0 No.24

        이 논문은 다르마키르티의 지각과 화이트헤드의 지각 사이의 유사성을 탐구한다. 특히 이 논문은 다르마키르티의 의지각을 화이트헤드의 현시적 지각과 비교한다. 다르마키르티에 따르면 지각은 4종으로 구성된다. 즉 감관지각, 의지각, 즐거움 등의 자기인식, 요가행자의 지각이다. 한편 화이트헤드에 의하면 지각은 2종으로 이루어진다. 즉 인과적 지각과 현시적 지각이다. 다르마키르티의 의지각은 화이트헤드의 현시적 지각과 일치한다. 그런데 다르마키르티는 의지각에 대해 별 다른 설명이 없다. 하지만 화이트헤드는 현시적 지각에 대해서 다음과 같이 말한다. “단순한 시각은 그 지각자와 동시적인 어떤 공간 영역이 그 지각자에 대해 갖는 기하학적인 전망적 관계를 예시하는 데 그친다. 그리고 이러한 예시는 ‘회색’을 매개로 해서 이루어진다. ‘회색’이라는 감각여건은 그 영역을 다른 영역과의 모호한 혼재상태로부터 구출해낸다. 단지 감각 여건에 의해, 어떤 동시적 공간 영역을, 그것의 공간적 형태 및 지각자로부터의 그것의 공간적 전망과 관련하여 모호성으로부터 구출해내는 데 그치는 지각을, ‘현시적 직접성의 양태에 있어서의 지각’ 이라 부른다.” This paper examines the similarity between Dharmakirti`s perception and Whitehead``s perception. Especially this paper compares Dharmakirti, mental perception(manasa pratyak.a) with Whitehead`s perception in the mode of presentational immediacy. Accordingly to Dharmakirti, perception is composed of the forth kinds: sense perception(indriya pratyak.a), mental perception(manasa pratyak.a), self cognition(svasa.vedana pratyak.a), mystic perception (yogi pratyaksa). Accordingly to Whitehead, perception is composed of the two kinds: Perception in the mode of causal efficacy, perception in the mode of presentational immediacy. Dharmakirti``s mental perception(manasa pratyak.a) corresponds to Whitehead``s perception in the mode of presentational immediacy. Dharmakirti does not account for mental perception(manasa pratyaksa), meanwhile Whitehead spokes perception in the mode of presentational immediacy as follows : the mere sight is confined to the illustration of the geometrical perspective relatedness, of a certain contemporary spatial region, to the percipient, the illustration being effected by the mediation of ``grey``.The sensum ``grey`` rescues the region from its vague confusion with other regions. Perception which merely, by means of a sensum, rescues from vagueness a contemporary spatial region, in respect to its spatial shape and its spatial perspective from the percipient, will be called ‘perception in the mode of presentational immediacy.’”

      • KCI등재

        < 기획논문 2 > 불교와 서양사상의 접점과 그 변용 : 다르마키르티와 화이트헤드 사상의 접점(3) -지각의 종류와 구조를 중심으로

        권서용 ( Seo Yong Kwon ) 동아시아불교문화학회 2015 동아시아불교문화 Vol.0 No.23

        논문은 다르마키르티의 사유를 화이트헤드의 사유와 비교한 것이다. 특히 이 논문이 지향하는 것은 다르마키르티의 지각과 화이트헤드의 지각의 유사성을 탐색하는 것이다. 비실체적 존재론에 기반 하여, 다르마키르티와 화이트헤드는 지각의 이론을 구성한다. 달리 말하면 다르마키르티는 무아와 연기에 기반 하는 한편, 화이트헤드는 유기체와 과정에 근거한다. 또한 다르마키르티와 화이트헤드는 현상적으로 기술된 지각이 아니라 인과적으로 설명된 지각 이론에 기반 한다. 현상적 기술은 선재하는 주체가 대상을 파악하는 주객인식론이다. 인과적 설명은 주체가대상에 의해 구성된다는 객주인식론이다. 다음으로 다르마키르티에 의하면 지각은 4종으로 구성된다. 즉 감관지각, 의근지각, 자기인식, 요가행자의 직관이다. 화이트헤드에 따르면 지각은 2종으로 구성된다. 즉 인과적 효과성의 양태로서의 지각과 현시적 직접성의 양태로서의 지각이다. 다르마키르티의 4종의 지각은 화이트헤드의 2종의 지각에 대응된다. 특히 다르마키르티의 4종의 지각 가운데 의근지각은 화이트헤드의 현시적 직접성의 양태로서의 지각에 상당한다. This paper compares Dharmakirti``s thought with Whitehead``s thought. Specifically this paper aims to examine the similarity between Dharmakirti``s perception and Whitehead``s perception. Standing on the basis of non substantial ontology, Dharmakirti and Whitehead establish the theory of their perception. In other words, Dharmakirti stands on the basis of Anatma and dependent origination, meanwhile Whitehead stands on the basis of organization and process. Next, Dharmakirti and Whitehead have not phenomenally described the perception, but causally explained the perception. Phenomenal description is subject-object epistemology that the existed subject apprehended the object. Causal explanation is object-subject epistemology that the subject is composed of object. Next, accordingly to Dharmakirti, perception is composed of the forth kinds: sense perception(indriya pratyaksa), mental perception(manasa pratyaksa), self cognition(svasamvedana pratyaksa), mystic perception (yogi pratyaksa). Accordingly to Whitehead, perception is composed of the two kinds: Perception in the mode of causal efficacy, perception in the mode of presentational immediacy. Dharmakirti``s forth kind`` perception corresponds to Whitehead``s two kinds`` perception. Especially, among the forth perceptions of Dharmakirti, mental perception(manasa pratyak.a) corresponds to Whitehead``s perception in the mode of presentational immediacy.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Perceiving causal relations between moving objects: Postdictive causal attribution can bias apparent motion correspondence

        김성호,정예은 한국인지및생물심리학회 2018 한국심리학회지 인지 및 생물 Vol.30 No.2

        Comprehension of physical events in terms of cause and effect is fundamental for making sense of and dealing successfully with changes in the dynamic physical world. Previous research has demonstrated that the causal structure of the world can, in some cases, be directly perceived: When two billiard balls collide, observers perceive that the action of one ball caused the other's motion, merging two motion events into a unitary percept. The current study explored whether such casual interpretations can contribute to resolving low-level ambiguities in motion perception. We used a bistable apparent motion display, a motion quartet, which can lead to the perception of either horizontal or vertical motion, and tested the effects of “context objects” which moved in such a way that motion targets appeared to collide with them in either horizontal or vertical dimension. Our results show that contextual motion implying a Michotte-style launch can strongly bias observed motion correspondence, consistent with physical regularities of mechanical causality in a postdictive way. It suggests that the perception of causality is an earlier and more pervasive phenomenon than previously understood, and in fact can influence the perception of motion itself.

      • KCI등재

        미래 사건의 제시방식과 사건들의 특성이 자기개발 목표행동에 미치는 효과

        김정애(Jung Ae Kim),김재휘(Jae Hwi Kim) 한국광고홍보학회 2014 한국광고홍보학보 Vol.16 No.3

        본 연구는 장기적 자기개발 목표행동을 시작하는 시점에서 목표수행 기간을 짧게 지각할수록 목표행동 시행의도가 높아진다는 것을 확인하고자 하였다. <연구 1>에서는 장기적금을 가입하는 상황을 가정하고, 목표수행기간 동안 발생 가능한 사건들을 제시하는 방식(통합/분리)과 제시한 사건의 인과성(고/저)에 따라서 가입의도가 달라지는지를 확인하였다. 연구결과 사건의 제시방식의 주효과, 사건들 간의 인과성의 주효과, 그리고 제시방식과 사건의 인과성의 상호작용 모두 통계적으로 유의하였다. 또한 이러한 결과에 있어서 시간 지각의 매개효과를 검증하였다. <연구 2>는 다이어트 프로그램을 신청하는 상황을 가정하고, 사건의 제시방식(통합/분리)과 제시한 사건이 유발하는 정서값(긍정/부정)에 따라 프로그램 신청의도가 달라지는지를 확인하였다. 연구결과 사건의 제시방식의 주효과와 사건의 정서값의 주효과는 통계적으로 유의하지 않았으나, 상호작용은 유의하였다. 또한 시간 지각에 있어서도 제시방식과 사건의 정서값에 의한 상호작용이 통계적으로 유의하였으며 시간 지각의 매개효과를 검증하였다. This research is intended to identify that the shorter the percept of goal duration is, the higher the implementation intention in starting point of self-Improvement Plan is. In study 1 which was based on the supposition of installment saving situation, the study investigated whether saving situation was changed by representation type of future events (packing/unpacking) and causality (high/low) among events. The result of study 1 showed two things. First, not only main effects of event representation type and event causality were significant, but also interaction effect of event representation type and causality was significant. Second, time perception played mediation role to saving intention. In study 2, the study supposed diet program, and identified the effect of event representation type (packing/unpacking) and event valence (positive/negative) on implementation intention of the diet program. The result of study 2 showed that both main effect of event representation type and event`s valence were not significant. Their interaction effect, however, was significant. In addition, their interaction effect was significant on time perception.

      • KCI등재후보

        관상동맥질환 노인의 원인지각에 관한 연구

        김분한,김진경,조은혜 한국주관성연구학회 2008 주관성연구 Vol.- No.17

        The purpose of this study is to categorize the subjectivity for the causal perception in the elderly patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and to describe as well as analyze the characteristics of each type. Also, Q-methods approach was attempted in order to identify the categories of causal perception in the elderly CAD patients. A total of 16 patients, who had been hospitalized at S hospital in K province in May, 2006, were included in this study. The Q-population utilized review of literature and individual interviews with patients, and 34 Q-statements were selected finally. The score values were inputted into the computer according to the number of statement items which were recorded on the Q-sample distribution by scoring ‘extreme negative item (-4)’ to 1, ‘neutral(0)’ to 5 and ‘extreme positive item (+4)’ to 9. For the data analysis, PC Quanl Program was utilized and principle component factor analysis was adopted for the Q-factor analysis. According to the analysis results of factor weight and variance of each category, it showed that 3 types explained 51.60% of the total variances, and the variances for each type was 28.10% for Type 1, 13.13% for Type 2 and 10.37% for Type 3. In terms of the types, they were classified and designated as follow: “Internal perception type : self-reflection” for Type 1 (9 patients), “Congenital perception type : inherence” for Type 2 (4 patients) and “Invisible external perception type : destiny” for Type 3 (3 patients). In this study, the causal perception of elderly CAD patients were classified into 3 types. Therefore, it is considered that it is necessary to provide nursing education program respectively according to each type of patients and it requires the development of nursing-intervention program which can possibly change the negative causal perception to positive causal perception in the elderly patients.

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