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      • KCI등재

        『沙石集』 和歌의 불교적 해석

        최정선(Choi, Jung-Sun) 동북아시아문화학회 2018 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.55

        This paper analyzes Waka and its literary review of poetry of ‘Shasekishu’, which is one of the representative folktale books of medieval Japan’s Buddhism and identify the Buddhist literature acceptance style at that time. Through Waka analysis, it examines the aspect of Buddhist thought in the literary review of poetry of Muju, which is literally accepted and expressed. Muju has selected popular Waka which could convey profound Buddhist thoughts, And also he has paid attention to pick a suitable Waka in order to explain Buddhist doctrine. The literary review of the poetry, which explains Waka, also embodies the spirit of literature based on Buddhist thought. The literary review of the poetry focuses on explaining the human emotion of transience, anguish and obsession, sorrow and separation as Buddhist thought. In Waka, which is based on nature, it explains Buddhist philosophy of transience of life by using materials that make us feel the transcendent world. Like nature, huamn life is in vain so human –being should be aware of weakness of emiton and desire. Anguish and obsession are also obstacle of maintaing peace in mind. It should be eliminated from our thoughts by reading Waka often. By reciting Waka, we could reach some religious enlightenment and spiritual uplifting. The pain and suffering caused by separation and death is an important theme of Waka like other literay works because of its extreme sorrow. Waka cautions excessive immersion of grief. By objectifying emotions, the balance of the mind could be maintained. Muju has struggled to develop literary acts that recite Waka as a knowledge of the value of religious practice. In conclusion, Muju took a way to explain the profound philosophy of Buddhism through Waka’s universal material in order to expand and fortify the realm of Buddhism.

      • KCI등재

        『沙石集』에 나타난 無住道曉 불교가론 - 卷五를 중심으로 -

        최정선 열상고전연구회 2018 열상고전연구 Vol.62 No.-

        중세 일본의 대표적인 불교설화집 『沙石集』의 권 5는 설화와 和歌 그리고 불교와 와카와의 관계를 논하는 歌論으로 구성되었다. 이들은 와카와 불교의 결합을 논리화하기 위해 전략적으로 배치되었다. 와카를 중심부에 배치하고 각각 神, 佛, 法, 僧, 陀羅尼 와의 상호작용을 설명하고 있다. 『沙石集』 전체 구조를 권 5 안에서 응축하여 불법의 소우주를 형성하였으며 와카의 기능과 역할을 불법과 관련하여 강조하는 논증의 효과를 성취하였다. 와카의 불교적 의미 발견은 언어관의 변화와 노래의 역할에 대한 인식전환에서 비롯되었다. 와카가 불교와 통하는 근거는 짧은 형식 안에 담긴 무한의 의미 창출, 일상어의 중의적 사용 등이다. 와카의 언어는 무상과 제법실상의 도리를 체득하게 하고 감정을 관조함으로써 마음의 평정을 소환한다. 와카가 곧 다라니인 근거이다. 또한 노래는 신과 인간을 감동시켜 현세적 이익을 가능하게 하는 역동성이 있다. 자국어로 부른 노래가 부처에게도 통한다는 자의식의 강화는 와카의 실용성과 결합하여 강력한 영향력을 형성하였다. 와카의 언어와 형식을 불교사유 안에서 해석하고 와카의 매력을 현실 문제 해결력으로 파악한 무주의 문학관을 반영한다. 중세 일본이 처한 혼란과 갈등을 극복하는 방법으로 종교와 문학의 융합을 고안한 점은 주목할 만하다. 대립을 완화하는 방편을 문학에서 구하였다. 특히 와카를 방편삼았다. 이는 문학적 토양이 풍부하여 자국어 문학의 생산 능력이 무르익었던 당대 문학 환경과 관련된다. 또한 문학을 포용할 수 있을정도로 불교가 사상적으로 다양화되었으며 서민불교로 대중화할 수 있는 방안을 모색한 결과라고 하겠다. 이러한 당대 환경은 무주의 불교와카관에 반영되어 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 문학 자체가 가지고 있는 서정성과 표현력을 불교적 틀에 자의적으로 맞춤으로써 결국 문학을 제한하게 된 것은 중세불교문학의 한계이다. This paper analyzes the structure of the Volume 5 of ‘shasekishu’, which is one of the representative folktale books of medieval Japan’s Buddhism, the theoretical background behind the Buddhist interpretation of Waka, and the Buddhist interpretation projected in Waka's interpretation. The reason for choosing the volume 5 of ‘shasekishu’ is that it is the key to connecting the Buddhism, on which ‘shasekishu’ was based, and Waka. The Volume 5 consists of two parts, folktale and Waka. The first part of the Buddhist folktale explains the mistakes that could be made and the virtues that must be observed in Buddhist practice. As a medium for introducing Waka, the Buddhist monk’s motivation to compose Waka is placed in the introduction part. The latter part laid a logical and ideological foundation by explaining the reason why Waka is Darani. In addition, it explains Waka's usefulness and functions as exemplified by the works of Waka that were enjoyed by various classes of people, starting with the works of Manyo and Saikyo. Lastly, it re-emphasizes Waka as an instrument of the Buddhism by listing the life stories of Waka's Kyogi Bodhisattva.Its ideological background is wakatarani and everything has it own nature, which are deeply related to Esoteric Buddhism. It chose literature as a way to alleviate confrontation and conflict, and used the methodology of Esoteric Buddhism as a medium of combining literature and Buddhism. The works of Waka utilize various themes and materials. This article focuses on theme of nature, life and love. By analyzing the manner in which nature, human and feeling are expressed, it is shown that Waka has contributed to the profound meaning creation by embracing Buddhism as a means of interpretation. It is noteworthy that a combination of religion and literature was devised as a way to overcome the chaos of medieval Japan. Harmonized broad-mindedness that neither discriminates nor makes a difference resolved human conflicts, and promoted emotional communication between upper and lower classes. Nonetheless, restricting literature’s own lyricism and expressiveness by arbitrary adaptation to the Buddhist framework is a limitation of medieval Buddhist literature.

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