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      • KCI등재

        막번체제론의 정립과 전망

        양익모(Yang, Ik-Mo) 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2015 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.63

        본 논문은 일본근세사의 중요한 논점인 막번체제론의 성립과정을 정리하고 향후 전망을 덧붙이고자 한다. 막번체제론이란 일본 근세봉건제도를 설명하기 위하여 일본 근세연구자들이 만들어낸 개념이다. 즉 서양의 봉건제도와 다른 일본 근세의 봉건제도를 설명하는 개념이다. 이는 막번체제론, 막번제구조론, 막번제국가론, 막번제사회론 등으로 표현되어 왔다. 에도막부를 지배구조, 국가형태 등으로 설명한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 일본의 근세는 세계사적 발전단계로 볼 때에는 봉건제의 단계라 볼 수 있다. 그러나 병농분리와 석고제가 그 고유원리를 관철하고 있다는 점에서 다른 봉건제와 큰 차이점을 보인다. 이 차이점을 어디에 주안점을 두고 설명하는가에 따라 전술한 여러 논으로 설명한 것이다. 또한 근세사연구의 경향과도 일치하여 정치사, 경제사위주로 설명되던 막번체제는 사회사로 또한 피지배계층의 생활 역할 등으로 그 설명영역을 넓혀왔다. 이러한 막번체제론은 근세사를 설명할 때 빠져서는 않되는 요소를 자리잡게 되었다. 따라서 본고에서는 한국에서의 일본사 연구에서는 시도하지 않았던 막번체제론 자체에 대한 정립과정을 설명하고 향후 전망으로서 막번체제론의 확장영역에 대연 소견을 덧붙이고자 한다. In the discus sion on ho w to describe the Ed o period is one of the major challenges of early modern history. Precede researchers describe using the term it ‘Bakuhan Regime’. they say that the middle ages and early modern of Japan is feudalism. But specially feudalism of early modern is ‘Bakuhan Regime’. ‘Bakuhan Regime’ transition to Serfdom small family of Monogamy in middle a ges slavery through ‘ Taikou land investigation’ of ‘kokudaka system’ around the firs t of the Toyotomi, and also received, the foundation through completion ‘Henoubunri’ by such commands issued were in the early 17th century by forming the national isolation of foreign relations th at saw completion. Af ter that point of view ‘Bakuhan Regime’ was developed as he turned society, structure, nation. That is ‘Bakuhan Regime of Society theory’ ‘The Structure Theory of Bakuhan Regim’ ‘The Society Theory of Bakuhan Regim’ ‘The Nation Theory of Bakuhan Regim’. Over the 1980 -1990 study’s scope has been expanded identity, religion, foreign relations, bureaucracy, popular movements, distribution etc. However, we must remember the term of ‘Bakuhan Regi m’ is created to define the Edo Period. We now need to escape from term of the ‘The theory of Bakuhan Regime’

      • KCI등재


        ?波(Zhang Bo),金昌?(Kim, Chang-Gyeong) 동북아시아문화학회 2020 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.63

        Bakuhan is unique social system of modern Japan is different in China"s ancient unified social system, and different from Europe"s system of separation of powers, It is the organic combination of the centralized power of the shogunate and the decentralization of various vassal states, is the unification of the supreme emperor and the supreme strong general, it is also a unique social system on the eve of the modernization of Japanese history, so there are a lot of discussions and arguments on the view of the Bakuhan system in the historians, and all of them have aroused the attention of the scholars from its connotation and essence, its formation reasons and the social influence brought by the characteristics of power. The tokugawa shogunate with absolute superiority of power, why not completely overpower the emperor, completely suppress the daimyo, the establishment of a more powerful than the “centralized feudal state” absolute monarchy, why the group of vassal states willing to submit to the minister of the tokugawa, how the emperor in the tokugawa regime under the decree of the law to maintain the eternal. The separation of the shogunate from the court, the shogunate from the vassal states, leading to the separation of power from authority, power from wealth,a political system that looks like this looks like a decentralized system, but it can achieve a peaceful and unified Japan. A locked, closed and seemingly stagnant society created a period of prosperity and development. In the face of drastic social change, the rapid change of political power can be achieved in an almost peaceful way,as the bakuhan system of Japan on the eve of modernization, what has been prepared for the modernization reform, all of these arouse the attention of scholars and explain its true meaning.

      • KCI등재


        ?波(ZHANG BO),芮?根(RUI DONGGEN) 동북아시아문화학회 2013 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.37

        Japan Bakuhan system is a kind of effective prevent the Warring States era can on the social system, realized the Japanese over 260 years of peace.Sankin kotai system powerful safeguard for the effective implementation of the Bakuhan system, fundamentally weakened the name especially tozama daimyo economic and political power, strengthen the shogunate"s dictatorship, the Shogun “strengthen the fundamental and weaken the trivial” political purpose, the general and the famous Lord master from the “Royal favor” relationship can be established, is a very effective method to manage and control the general name. However, Sankin kotai system in late Bakukan system happened many serious problems. On one hand, it brought the prosperity of urban economy; on the other hand, it increased the burden of the local governments, especially, in the years with frequent disasters. Such Sankin kotai system accounted the entire system of economic stagnation and deepened the conflicts of the Bakukan system and local governments.

      • KCI등재

        근세 막번체제 속의 쓰시마번

        허지은 일본사학회 2016 일본역사연구 Vol.43 No.-

        Tsushima-han was the only han (藩) who was allowed to officially deal with international trade during the Edo (江戶) Period. Edo-Bakuhu granted Tsushima-han exclusive rights to trade with Joseon, the only country Edo had diplomatic relationship at that time, instead of appointing it as a diplomatic intermediary. To maintain the exclusive status, Tsushima-han went to as far as to adapt the credentials. Later, Tsushima-han made a request to send designated monks from ITeian(以酊菴) to Edo-Bakuhu to review and audit the documents sent/received between Joseon and Edo. It deems to be a means that Tsushima-han took to address Bakuhu's distrust against Tsushima. Among Rojus of Edo-Bakuhu, some were in charge of Joseon-related matters, and Tsushima-han reported such matters through Edo-estate. When there was any issue or problem, Tsushima asked the relevant Roju and handled it in accordance with the Roju's instructions. In case the Roju's seat was vacant, Edo-karo and Rusui of Tsushima-han made a request to the Bakuhu to fill the seat. The Edo-estate of Tsushima-han immediately responded to Rojus when they made a request or inquiry. However, the results were not always reported to the relevant Rojus. In fact, for matters that may put Tsushima-han in a difficult position, it asked an interview with the retainer of the Joseon-related Roju, and provided every detail to protect its own interest. Just like other hans under the Bakuhan System, Tsushima-han was not under unilateral control of Shogun, but not completely independent either. As it served as the sole intermediary for diplomatic and trade matters with Joseon, Tsushima-han had to choose to show its absolute respect for Shogun's command in its official stance so that it can maintain its privilege. However, its own interest was always at the top priority.

      • KCI등재후보

        근세일본에서 町人문화의 양상과 특징

        김동기(Kim Dong Ki) 효원사학회 2011 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.39

        One of the major epochs of Japanese history, the Edo period is distinguished by the fact that for more than two centuries Japan enjoyed freedom from warfare at home and abroad. Despite authoritarian administration and a policy of “National Seclusion,” Japan experienced significant political, social, economic, and cultural change during this period. The most dramatic change to affect Edo society was without question the of city life. With the appearance in the mid-sixteenth century of the unified daimyo domains and the movement of the samurai off the land, regional castle towns sprang up rapidly throughout Japan. By the end of the eigteenth century, Edo, the greatest of the castle towns and the seat of government, had a population of nearly 1 million, while Osaka and Kyoto each had some 300,000 inhabiants. The maturation of urbanized samurai life was accompanied by the rise of an urbanized commercial and service class, the chonin. Commercial wealth and a growing chonin population gave rise to a bourgeois society with its own cultural style. The main elements of the emerging bourgeois culture(chonin bunka) were brought to their first flowering in Kyoto and Osaka during the Genroku era(1688∼1704). Such were the joruri and kabuki plays of Chikamatsu Monzaemon, Ukiyo-zoshi of Ihara Saikaku, Ukiyo-e of Hishikawa Mronobu, and the poetic essays and haiku of matsuo Basho.

      • KCI등재


        장파 동북아시아문화학회 2023 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.76

        Zhuism was subordinated to Buddhism before the Edo period, but with the establishment of the shogunate system, Zhuism was separated from Buddhism and became an official thought. Judging from the structural characteristics of the regime, the Shogunate system has its distinctive uniqueness. It not only maintained the most typical and traditional cultural characteristics of Japan, but also fused the cultural characteristics of Japanese martial arts for more than 700 years, realizing the dualpolitics of spiritual authority and military authority, but also created the centralization and decentralization of power,which were different from both the unified rule of ancient China and the complete decentralization of power in ancient Europe. But within this powerful system of feudal domination lay a series of intractable contradictions:the conflict between the Shogun and the Emperor、the paradox of the multiplicity of shogun-daimyo-samurai, etc.These contradictions are no longer confrontational contradictions solved by force, but transformed into feudal ethical and moral problems such as the king and the subject, the upper and lower levels, and the father and the son, so the solution is also transformed from force into ideological weapons. And Zhuism‘s thought, which reflects the king, the minister, the father, the father and the son, just becomes the best ideological weapon to solve the contradictions under the feudal system.With the support of the shogunate, it got rid of the idea of the unity of Confucianism and Buddhism in the Shogunate state, established the inherent position of Zhuism and finally moved towards the official school of Zhuism. It harmonized the contradictions between the general and the emperor under the Shogunate system, and played an important role in the ideological fortress for the establishment and consolidation of the Shogunate state.

      • KCI등재후보

        쇄국과 개국: 일본 근대화 이행과정에 나타난 모순과 변혁

        유지아 한국중앙사학회 2008 중앙사론 Vol.27 No.-

        The 19th century Japan which led the opening of a port and the Meiji Restoration is the time when the modern world that West Europe capitalism goes into Asia. In addition, it is the time the Japanese internal Bakuhu system loses the dominance in the time, and to demand a shift to the new times. Japan was going to grope for a breakthrough by the new national formation to turn on the Meiji Restoration in the situation of such `troubles from within and without'. It can look for the point that Japan prepared the modernization with deepening of contradiction of the Bakuhu system in the early modern times by development of Japanese urbanization and commercialization in the early modern times. For example, it is the Zyoukamachi(castle town) residence of a samurai and a merchant and the development of monetary economy by this, the development of the agricultural production power which is remarkable from the latter half in the 17th century and The Sankinkoutaithe(The daimyo's alternate-year residence in Tokyo systems) brought effect which promoted information interchange have been pointed out in an internal development factor to prepare the modernization. However, after all it is Western pressure to be a chance to be direct for the Japanese modernization. In other words it had begun to be collapsed international order of the early modern times of the East Asia that was able to include Japan by Opium War from 1839 to 42 years by an opportunity, and movement of the international order formation that was new by an effort to form a nation while each East Asia country was opposed to external pressure in the latter half in the 19th century was developed rapidly. A trial for new national creation was connected by such a process and brought a result to say the Meiji Restoration. The historical view to evaluate the Meiji Restoration and the Japanese modernization is a successful thing, continues without cease since it is rised Japan modernization theory. It point out that was able to succeed in industry in non-Western states though industry did not grow wild as inherent development until last years of Bakuhu. And it point out for the reason that the modernization at the economic infrastructure compares it with the modernization at the different infrastructure, and it is given that it had ability to organize to 'accuracy in it electric wave possibility having been high, a Japanese person having had motivation accommodating industry as a culture electric wave and the government by the `From the topt'. But an important point is put for success of the industry and the independent maintenance among such an evaluation mainly, and various contradiction and tangles think attention to have to be able to incline for the reproduced point while such a success keeps a traditional element on the back side. Rapid industry by the leadership of the government is the deepening of the poverty and wealth difference, the formation of the financial combine company in the city and inferior trouble motion environment, the tenant farming of the landed farmer in the farm village of the factory worker was brought the tangle that was in the promotion of the poor farmer and deepening of a financial combine of a farmer by it and people of trouble motion, hostility for the tycoon and the antipathy. However, the nation places more weight on promotion of the industry and suppressed a demand of the people for the equality. Therefore, a change and contradiction coexist in a modernization process through the Japanese Meiji Restoration.

      • KCI등재

        에도막부의 諸國巡見使 파견과 쓰시마번의 대응

        허지은(Her, Jieun) 동양사학회 2016 東洋史學硏究 Vol.134 No.-

        This paper introduces archival materials regarding the administrative inspector from Tokugawa shogunate to the Tsushima domain and examines the kinds of information the shogunate collected and how the domain responded. During the Edo period (1603-1867), the Shogun, upon his inauguration, dispatched administrative inspectors to each domain to tighten his control over the domains by collecting information concerning political stability and financial resources of each domain. Administrative inspectors were sent by the Tokugawa shogunate nine times from 1633 to 1837. The archival materials produced by the administrative inspectors dispatched to Tsushima domain reveal that the shogunate paid special attention to the domain’s position as a mediator between the governments of Korea and Japan. The inspectors prepared a list of questions to find out if the domain represented the shogunate’s position and opinion accurately to the government of Korea. In addition, the shogunate intended to collect information on Korea from the domain officials during its inspection. Tsushima domain, in response, emphasized its unique role in the diplomatic relationship to be acknowledged by the shogunate.

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