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      • KCI등재

        중부 안데스 동부산맥과 푸나의 지질 및 지형발달

        박상준 ( Sang Joon Pak ) 한국사진지리학회 2009 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        Geological and geomorphological survey was carried out in Eastern Cordillera and Puna, central Andes. Paleoplanation suface and depostional terrace as well as badlands and colluvium are predominant in Eastern Cordillera. Playa is typical geomorphological feature in Puna and is composed of the various evaporites within arid climate. Outstanding natural landscapes were triggered by Miocene rapid uplift as well as climate changes along the altitudes of Andes.

      • KCI등재

        아르헨티나 한인들의 한글문단 고찰

        이명재(Rhee, Myung-jae) 우리문학회 2015 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.46

        이 논문은 이민 역사 반세기에 이른 남아메리카주의 아르헨티나에서 형성된 한인들의 한글문단에 관한 고찰과 연구를 통해서 세계 각 지역에 이주해 가서 사는 한인들의 정체성과 한국문학의 위상에 대한 검토를 목적으로 한다. 근래 2000년대 전후부터 아프리카주를 제외한 5대주의 주요 도시에 자리를 잡은 코리아타운을 거점으로 이루어진 재외 한인들 스스로 모국어 문예지를 통한 문단활동은 두드러진 현상이기 때문이다. 어쩌면 이런 문제는 바야흐로 국제화와 다문화 내지 정보화 문화사회를 사는 재외한인들이 재래의 디아스포라적인 차원을 벗어나 새로운 국가 위상과 국제적인 협력 증진의 전향적 문화를 세우는 역할로도 기대된다. 특히 아르헨티나의 한인들 경우, 구소련의 고려인문학이나 중국 조선족문학 및 북미주의 미국 한인들에 비해서 이민 연도나 교민 수효도 뒤진다. 더욱이 아르헨티나는 이웃 브라질 한인들보다 이주가 늦었고 인구 역시 그 절반뿐이다. 그럼에도 아르헨티나의 부에노스아이레스를 중심으로 1994년에 출범한 그곳 문학애호가들 스스로 결성한 한인문인협회는 한글 종합문예지를 2015년 봄 현재 통권 15권가지 출간하며 20년을 이어오고 있다. 이민생활의 애환이나 사랑을 담은 『로스안데스문학』에는 여러 특성이 두드러져 있다. 주제와 제재면에서 사회 적응과 정체성 찾기, 모국어와 디아스포라적 향수, 기독교적 상상력과 아마추어리즘, 또 다른 새 터전 찾기 등, 모국의 문학과는 대조를 보인다. 아르헨티나 한글 작품에서는 이질적인 스페인어권에서의 일탈적인 성풍속이며 빈번하게 야기되는 황당한 폭력사태를 만나곤 한다. 새 삶의 둥지를 찾아 파라과이, 브라질 등의 인접 국가나 미국으로 향한 재이민 현상도 두드러져 보인다. 뿐만 아니라 이곳의 한인문단은 역시 본격적인 자유 이민으로 이루어진 호주의 시드니 중심으로 활성화된 한글문단에 앞서고 있다. 나가서는 1960년대 중반부터 초청노동자 신분으로 독일에 이민자로 남은 일부 유학생이나 다수의 광부와 간호사들 중심으로 이루어진 유럽의 한글문단에도 타산지석의 본보기가 되고 있다. 그러나 이곳의 한글문단에 비해 한인의 현지어문학은 미약한 상태에 머물러있다. 근년 들어서 아르헨티나 한글문단의 일부 장르에 치우친 논문이 몇 편 발표되었지만 논자는 전장르에 걸친 접근을 통해서 보다 총괄적인 남미 한인들의 이민 사회 속 한글문학의 현주소와 과제를 알아보려 노력했다. 이 연구가 거의 미답 상태인 브라질의 한인문단을 대비적으로 접근하여 남미주의 한글문학을 정립하는데 하나의 주춧돌이 될 수 있으리라 본다. 아르헨티나의 한글문단 전반에 관한 이 접근이 다소 무리스러운 대로 앞으로 한반도 주축으로 이룩될 한겨레문학사에 조그만 벽돌이 되었으면 한다. This dissertation aims to examine the identity of Korean emigrants living in several areas of the world and the position of Korean literature by investigating and studying Korean literary circle of Koreans formed in Argentina of South America in the history of emigration for half century. This is because overseas Koreans established in Koreatown in main cities of 5 continents except Africa before and after 2000 showed literary circle activity through literary magazine in mother tongue as distinguished phenomenon. Perhaps this issue may be expected as the role of overseas Koreans living in internationalization, multi-culture or informatization cultural society to build converting culture of new national position & enhancement of international cooperation. Especially, in the case of Koreans in Argentina, their history of emigration and population is inferior to Koryo liberal arts in former USSR, Chosun literature in China and Koreans in North America. Further, compared to Koreans in Brazil, the adjacent country, the history of Korean emigration is shorter and population is only half. However, Korean Literary Men’s Association inaugurated by literary enthusiasts in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1994 has published general Korean literary magazines up to 15th volume as of spring in 2015 for 20 years. Describing the sorrow or love in emigration life, ?Literatura de Los Andes? has several distinguished properties. In the aspect of theme and materials, it contrasts with literature in fatherland, adaptation to society and finding identity, mother tongue and nostalgia of diaspora, Catholic imaginative power and amateurism, finding new shelter, etc. In the Korean works written in Argentina, the eccentric sexual custom in heterogeneous Spanish circle and frequent and egregious violence are described. The phenomenon of re-emigration to adjacent countries like Paraguay, Brazil, etc or USA in search of nest for new life looks distinguished. Further, the Korean literary circle in Argentina is ahead of Korean literary circle activated around Sydney, Australia which is also composed of free emigration. In addition, it is an example to Korean literary circle in Europe mainly composed of some Korean students, many miners, nurses remaining in Germany as invited workers since the middle of 1960s’. However, local linguistics and literature of Koreans are meager in comparison with Korean literary circle here. Although some dissertations biassed to some genres of Korean literary circle in Argentina were released recently, the author tried to learn the present address and task of Korean literature among Koreans in South America more comprehensively by approaching all genres. This study is expected to be a cornerstone in establishing Korean literature in South America by comparatively approaching Korean literary circle which is nearly unexplored. The author wishes that this approach to whole Korean literary circle in Argentina would be a small part in the history of Korean literature mainly in Korean Peninsula in the future, although it may be somewhat problematic.

      • KCI등재

        식민시대 안데스의 젠더

        강정원(Kang, Jung-Won) 한국라틴아메리카학회 2014 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.27 No.4

        Spanish colonialism in the Andes provoked intense and comprehensive changes in the gender ideologies and relations of the indigenous societies. Even though traditional rules based on the principle of complementarity continued to guide gender relations in the colonial native societies, its influence was radically weakened as Spanish patriarchy started to dominate the gender relations of the Andes as a whole. The purpose of this article is to explore how indigenous women in the colonial Andes confronted such forms of racial and gender discrimination and how their strategies affected their inter/extra racial and gender relationships. Although gender and race functioned as major factors determining native women’s experiences, this article recognizes that native women in the colonial Andes were quite differently positioned in terms of their access to political, social and economic resources, depending upon their social statuses. As such, the comparison of native elite and non-elite women comprises another important inquiry of this article. In order to explore how race, gender, and class complexly interacted in the colonial Andes, this article examines indigenous women’s experiences in three arenas: sexuality and marriage practices, economic activities, and political leadership. In conclusion, this article notes that gender relations of indigenous societies in the colonial Andes were not dictated by any single gender ideology whether it was the traditional principle of complementarity or patriarchal suppression. Instead, these two conflicting gender norms were flexibly and selectively combined as indigenous women constantly struggled to defend their identities not only as women but also as members of indigenous communities.

      • KCI등재

        Transformación de la representatividad política local en contextos extractivos a gran escala en los Andes peruanos

        Gerardo Damonte 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소 2013 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        Large mining projects in the Peruvian Andes have triggered political and institutional changes in the rural areas. How have changed the most representative rural institutions in Peru: rural municipalities and peasants communities? What are the main changes regarding leadership and political representation? This article argues that mining developments have favored the reemergence of peasant political representation and its articulation to urban politics. The article analyzes the study case of Chalhuahuacho district, in the Cotabambas province, where the large mining project Las Bambas is located; showing how anti-mining conflicts and mobilization have triggered institutional and political changes in the local municipalities and peasant communities. In addition the article analyzes the synergies between the general processes of social in the Peruvian Andes and the changes triggered by the mining developments. El desarrollo de proyectos mineros de gran escala ha generado cambios político-institucionales en las zonas rurales andinas del Perú. ¿Cómo han cambiado las instituciones más representativas del ámbito rural peruano: la municipalidad rural y la comunidad campesina? ¿Cuáles son los principales cambios en relación con las formas de liderazgo y representatividad política en contextos mineros? El presente artículo argumenta que el desarrollo minero ha favorecido el resurgimiento de las formas campesinas de representación así como su articulación en el ámbito político urbano. A partir del estudio de caso del distrito de Chalhuahuacho, provincia de Cotabambas, donde se ubica el mega-proyecto minero Las Bambas; el artículo muestra cómo los escenarios de conflicto y movilización contra el proyecto minero han generado cambios en el peso institucional y representación política de los municipios y comunidades campesinas locales. Adicionalmente, el artículo analiza las sinergias entre los procesos generales de cambio en el ámbito andino peruano general y los cambios generados por el desarrollo minero.

      • 지형 조건이 낳은 안데스의 아도베 건축 -모체, 치무, 나스카를 중심으로-

        유화열 한국도자학회 2006 한국도자학연구 Vol.3 No.1

        As Andean culture known to Koreans is limited to internationally famous tourist attractions (Mach Picchu in Inca, Geoglyphs in Nasca and Lake Titicaca), it has been described as mysterious civilizations originating from advertisements for tourism. Thus, as an effort to understand the unique characteristic of Andean art, this study was conducted in connection to the topographic features of the region. In general, the topography of the Andes is divided into the Amazon jungle, the mountain area, and the coastal desert area. The topographic classification is also closely related to the development of culture. In the mountain area were Tiahuanaco, Wari and Inca culture, and in the coastal area were Moche, Chimu, Paracas and Nasca culture. In this way, the topography of the Andes is a base in understanding Andean culture, and the topographical conditions have provided background determining the nature of formative art. The present study was focused on 'Adobe architecture in the coastal area where formative art goes in gear with the topographical feature.' For this, we examined the world of Adobe architecture through Chan Chan, which is the city constructed by Huaca and Chimu and the highest peak of Adobe architecture, and investigated Geoglyphs in Nasca, the front runner of unique expression born of the dry coastal region. The dry desert climate is the key factor for the preservation of pyramids, religious structures and large-scale cities that were built with unbaked Adobe bricks. Through this study, we found that Andean arts shares common cultural properties (religion, society and culture) but, at the same time, each culture has unique characteristics coming from topographically isolated life forced by different natural environment. The results are distinctive in the cultural/artistic aspect, and one of the examples is Adobe architecture studied in this research. 국내에 알려진 안데스 문화는 국제적으로 인지도가 높은 관광지(잉카의 마추픽추, 나스카의 지오글립스, 티티카카호수)에 국한되어 있는 실정이다 보니, 안데스 문화에 대해선 관광 홍보에서 흘러나온 신비로운 수수께끼 같은 문명으로 포장될 수밖에 없었다. 이에 안데스 미술의 독자적인 성격을 이해하기 위한 일환으로써, 지형적 특성과 연관시켜 연구를 진행시켰다. 일반적으로 안데스의 지형은 아마존 밀림, 산악지대, 해안사막지대로 분류되는데, 이러한 지형분류는 문화의 발전과도 밀접한 연관이 있었다. 산악지대에는 티아우아나코(Tiahuanaco), 와리(Wari), 잉카(Inca) 문화가 있었고, 해안지대에는 모체(Moche), 치무(Chimú), 파라카스(Paracas), 나스카(Nasca) 문화가 있었다. 이렇듯 안데스의 지형은 안데스 문화를 이해하는 기준이 되고 있으며, 지형적 조건은 조형미술의 성격을 좌우할 수 있는 배경이 되었다. 이 연구에서는 ‘지형적 조건과 조형성이 맞물린 해안 지역의 아도베 건축물’에 초점을 맞추었다. 이를 위해 아도베 건축물의 결정판이라 할 수 있는 모체의 우아카와 치무 왕국이 세운 찬찬 도시를 통해 아도베 건축세계를 알아보았고, 그 외에 건조한 해안 지역이 낳은 독특한 표현의 선두주자인 나스카의 지오글립스까지 고찰하였다. 굽지 않은 아도베(Adobe) 벽돌로 쌓은 피라미드, 종교적 건축물, 대규모의 도시가 현재까지 사라지지 않고 보존될 수 있었던 요인은 비가 내리지 않는 사막기후 때문이었다. 이 연구를 통해 안데스 미술이 공통의 문화적 속성(종교, 사회, 문화)을 공유하고는 있지만 동시에 각 문화가 갖는 속성은 고립적이기도 한데, 이는 상이한 자연환경이 낳은 지형적인 고립 생활에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 그 결과는 문화‧예술적 측면에서 구분되는데, 이 논문에서 주제로 삼고 있는 아도베 건축물을 통해 입증된다.

      • KCI등재

        지오투어리즘 관점에서 본 안데스 파타고니아와 아타카마의 지형경관

        박종관 ( Jong Kwan Park ) 한국지형학회 2013 한국지형학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        This paper was made on the basis of geotourism to explain morphological characteristics of Patagonia and Atacama region in the Andes through 10-day fieldwork. The Patagonian landscape was focused on the Torres del Paine National Park, Chile and the Los Glacier National Park, Argentina; on the other hand, the Atacama morphological landscape was investigated around the San Pedro de Atacama. Many geomorphological features such as uplift, semiarid and glacier landscapes can be found in Patagonia, so it is strongly recommended to have an opportunity to enjoy these landforms by geotourism. Massive intrusive rock bodies of granite can be shown in those two National Parks declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. And, the Atacama Desert located on the forearc depression in the Andes, Chile has also many geomorphological destinations of arid and volcanic landforms; badland, pediplain, pediment, salt lake and geyser. Especially, huge pediplain is one of the greatest view points in the Atacama Desert. Patagonia and Atacama are the best geographical tourism sites to know diverse tectonic landforms made by the conflict between South American and Pacific plates.

      • KCI등재

        Coping with Colonialism: Mita and Indian Community in the Colonial Andes

        강정원 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소 2013 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        The Potosi mita system reflects that the Spanish colonial system heavily relied on the supply and control of native labor force for its survival. While the Potosi mita system functioned as a key apparatus to absorb rural population into the Spanish imperial enterprises in the Andes, a greater number of Indian peasants discarded their ethnic communities to avoid the duties. The increase of Indian emigration which coincided with the Potosi silver crisis augmented a need for a new pool of labor force largely comprised of Indian women. The growing status shift of Indian peasants to flee migrants and a greater burden on Indian women imply that the Spanish exploitation of native Andeans transformed in its mode and intensity as colonialism matured. What was the impact of the mita labor draft on native Andean society? How did peasant men and women cope with growing pressure in the Spanish colonial tributary regime? Inquiring these questions, this article contemplates on the Indian community as a unit through which native Andeans built relationship to each other not only for survival but also for social and cultural identification. Confronted to colonial demands, native Andeans chose multiple strategies, selectively relying on individual as well as collective resources. On the one hand, as a member of ethnic communities, native Andeans collaborated regardless of their sex, age, or marital status, providing labor force for diverse imperial enterprises. On the other hand, native Andeans chose to discard the connection to their ethnic communities and adapted to the colonial system arranged by the Spanish norms when they could not afford to fulfill their communal duties, or when they could improve their economic and social status. In sum, this article concludes that native Andeans maneuvered the colonial system by relying on diverse strategies such as conformity to forced labor, migration, service in wage labor, market trade for their individual and communal survival, which enabled them to sustain their traditional values and institutions despite growing external burdens.

      • KCI등재

        코리언 디아스포라 문학의 ‘혼종성’과 초국가주의 - 남미의 코리언 이민문학을 중심으로

        김환기 한국비교문학회 2012 比較文學 Vol.0 No.58

        The purpose of this thesis is to study post-boundary hybridity in the literature where the limits and hybridism in Korean diaspora become dissolved and reassembled. Especially, it is focused on post-central glocalization related to the identity of Korean immigrants and their society in Latin America. 'Tropical literature' and 'Los Andes literature' are well-known liberatory magazines in Korean community in Latin America. These magazines are the memories and history of Korean diaspora and they are the symbol of glocalization that has portrayed the distorted Korean modern history and has included the identity of people at the edge of the society in post-cold war era. 'Tropical literature' and 'Los Andes literature' have focused on the topics and visualized in literary methods as follows. (1) self-esteem of their community in Latin America, the national spirit, and the memories of their country and their will to go back home (2) cultural conflicts with the local people and the society, and Korean immigrants' efforts to co-exist and collaborate with them by communicating with foreign culture, (3) the establishment of the post-boundary spirit world, the issues related to going back to Korea and returning to Latin America, generational changes, education, international marriages, description of beautiful nature of Latin America, religious humanism, and so on. Furthermore, these magazines describe the immigrants and their society's boundary and limit, which would have changed in the situation with the issues of inside and outside, center and fringe, and idealism and reality, and adopted the approaches of Korean' typical errantry and returning spirit, realistic methods to it. In this way, immigrant's diaspora world of view and glocalization point of view, including boundary and Hybridity provide new social and cultural paradigm to Asian societies including Korea where homogeneity, nationalism, and self-centered world were more valued.

      • KCI등재

        공동 자원 거버넌스와 자연의 신자유주의화: 페루 북부 안데스의 경험을 중심으로

        서지현 경희대학교(국제캠퍼스) 국제지역연구원 2020 아태연구 Vol.27 No.2

        The aim of the study is to understand the roots of water conflicts in Peru, despite the fact that the country has established an ‘Integrated Water Resource Governance’ in 2010, in which the state, private sector as well as communities participate in order to manage common-pool resources(CPRs). In particular, it analyses one prominent case of water conflict in the Peruvian northern Andes, associated with large-scale mineral extraction. By doing this, the study attempts to examine the causes of mining-related water conflicts and thus uncover limitations of Integrated Water Resource Governance. In the Peruvian Andes, local peasants(campesinos) have maintained a communal management tradition of common-pool resources(CPRs) such as land and water. This is significant not only because of the importance of those resources for their livelihoods, but also of their associated social organisations as well as identity. However, this socio-ecological relationship has undergone a dramatic transformation with the arrival of the multinational mining company and its large-scale open-pit mineral extraction in the region. The newly established water governance has efficiency, equity and sustainability as de jure aims, but it resulted in what so-called ‘accumulation by dispossession’ indeed. As a result, local peasant communities organised massive demonstrations and demanded their commons back. By examining the nature of water conflicts and limitations of water governance in Peru, the study attempts to get engaged in debates on ‘neoliberalising nature’ after the late twentieth century. 신제도주의자들은 공동 자원 거버넌스를 구축하였을 때 공동 자원의 보존과 관리의 효율성, 형평성, 지속 가능성 등을 확보할 수 있다고 주장하였지만, 실제 공동 자원 거버넌스의 형성과 운영 과정을 살펴보면, 공동 자원을 둘러싼 권력 관계의 동학에 따라 다른 경험적 결과를 가져옴을 알 수 있다. 본 논문의 목적은 페루의 광산 개발과 관련된 대표적인 물 분쟁으로 꼽히는 페루 북부 안데스 지역의 경험에 대한 사례 분석을 통해, 공동 자원을 둘러싼 권력 관계의 동학을 살펴보고, 통합적 물 관리 거버넌스의 한계와 이와 관련된 사회 운동의 성격을 분석하는 것이다. 전통적으로 페루 안데스 고산 지대에서 물과 토지는 이 지역 농민들이 공동으로 관리하고 유지해 온 공동 자원으로, 단순히 이들의 생계활동을 유지하기 위한 자원이라는 의미를 넘어 지역 사회의 조직 및 농민들의 정체성을 형성하는 데 영향을 미쳐왔다. 하지만 1990년대 이후 다국적 기업의 주도로 이뤄진 대규모 노천광 개발이 지역 농민과 공동 자원(특히 물) 간의 관계에 급격한 변화를 가져왔으며, 페루 수자원 거버넌스의 명목상의 목표와는 달리 실질적인 운영에서 ‘탈취를 통한 축적’의 결과를 가져옴으로써, 농민들이 공동 자원을 둘러싼 생태-사회관계 회복을 위한 커먼즈 운동을 전개하게 되었음을 밝혔다. 이를 통해 본 논문은 페루 안데스 고산 지역에서 전개된 공동 자원을 둘러싼 분쟁의 성격을 분석하고 통합적 수자원 거버넌스의 실제를 살펴봄으로써 20세기 후반 이후 신자유주의 세계화 과정에서 나타나는 ‘자연의 신자유주의화(neoliberalising nature)’에 대한 이론적 논의의 경험적 사례 분석으로서의 의미를 가진다.

      • KCI등재

        안데스 좌파정권의 자원민족주의 비교 연구

        문남권 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2008 국제지역연구 Vol.11 No.4

        After 1998 when Chavez, president of Venezuela took power, left wing governments are coming into power in several countries of Latin America. The presence of left wing governments in Latin America is considered as the new choice of people, disappointed by the poor result of neoliberal reform and the expansion of electoral democracy. There is hot debate over the nature of these newly elected left wing governments. Many analysts differentiate those into practical lefts and radical lefts by criteria of populism, centralization of power or Anti-Americanism. Among those leftist governments, radical leftists are the countries of the Andean region like Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador. They have some points in common like they could take power in the situation of severe political and economic crisis caused by poverty and social injustice. And they are promoting resource nationalism in order to not only solve the social agenda but also maintain their supporters. However, the resource nationalism of the three countries is being carried out in different forms according to the political and economic conditions of each nation. In case of Venezuela that has not only sufficient political support and control of the military but also huge natural resources and oil dollars, enforced full nationalization of natural resources through constitutional amendment. But other two countries are carrying it out in a limited range, since they lack of enough economic resources and political support of the people. 1998년 베네수엘라의 차베스 정권 등장이후 라틴아메리카 전역에서 좌파 성향 정권의 집권이 확산되고 있다. 라틴아메리카의 좌파정권 등장은 신자유주의 개혁의 실망스런 결과와 선거민주주의 확산에 따른 대중들의 새로운 선택으로 분석된다. 이들 좌파정권의 성향과 관련하여 많은 논쟁이 존재한다. 포퓰리즘, 권력집중, 반미 등의 기준에 따라 21세기 좌파정권이 실용좌파와 급진좌파로 대별되고 있다. 이들 좌파정권 중 민족주의와 반미에 기반한 급진적 성격의 좌파 정권이 안데스 지역에 위치한 베네수엘라, 볼리비아, 에콰도르이다. 이들 국가들은 빈곤과 사회적 불평등으로 인한 정치경제적 혼란이 심각한 상태에서 좌파 정권이 등장한 공통점을 지니고 있다. 그리고 좌파정권들은 빈부격차 등의 사회적 현안 해결과 지지층 확보를 위한 정책수단으로 공통적으로 자원민족주의를 추진하고 있다. 그러나 3국의 자원민족주의는 각국의 정치경제적 여건에 따라 각기 다른 형태로 실행되고 있다. 정치적 지지기반과 군부 통제가 확실하며, 보유자원 및 오일달러가 풍부한 베네수엘라는 개헌을 통해 자원의 전면적 국유화를 단행하였다. 그러나 보유자원이 한정되고, 정치적 기반이 미약한 나머지 2국가는 제한적 국유화 또는 세율인상을 통한 국가세입 증대의 형태로 자원민족주의가 이행되고 있다.

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