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        現代日本語における脫動詞化にともなう言語變化をめぐって - 「すれば」「すると」「しても」の形式を中心に -

        하재필 ( Ha Jae-phil ) 한국일어교육학회 2017 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.39

        本稿では、動詞條件形「すれば」「すると」「しても」の形式から生まれた脫動詞化の用法をめぐって、言語變化にともなわれる現象とそのメカニズムについて述べる。主な內容として、(1)脫動詞化する動詞條件形の制限、(2)「すれば」「すると」と「しても」の形式から派生した脫動詞化用法にみられる共通点と相違点、(3)動詞條件形の文法的な意味と機能の存續、(4)動詞條件形の語彙的な意味の變化とそのメカニズムについて述べる。その詳細を簡略にまとめると、以下のようである。 (1)脫動詞化する動詞條件形は、基本的に出來事間の客觀的な因果關係を表すときに用いられる形式に限定される。一方、因果關係において話し手の積極的な態度のかかわる「するなら」「したら」「したのに」のような條件形からは脫動詞化が起こらないか、制限される。 (2)本來の動詞條件形の用法では、文の構造、述語のタイプ、動詞條件形の語彙的な意味、形態論的な特徵などにおいて共通した樣子が確認できる。一方、脫動詞化した用法の派生經路を比べると、「すれば」「すると」の方が、「しても」の方より多樣である。 (3)動詞條件形は、本質的に文には表れていない他の出來事が起こる可能性、またはすでに成立している他の出來事の存在を含意する。このような他の出來事の成立の可能性と存在の含意は後置詞と陳述副詞の用法に殘っている。一方、複文において從屬文と主文の出來事をむすびつける動詞條件形の接續機能は、接續助詞と接續詞の用法に殘っている。 (4)動詞條件形が脫動詞化する場合、その語彙的な意味に抽象化が起こるのだが、そのメカニズムには、メトニミ一、メタファ一、一般化がかかわる。 This study discusses the phenomena and mechanisms that accompany linguistic changes regarding deverbalized usages derived from conditional verb forms: -ba, -to, and -temo. The study focuses on the following four topics: (1) limitations of conditional verb forms that are deverbalized; (2) similarities and differences in deverbalized usages derived from conditional verb forms: -ba, -to, and -temo; (3) persistence of grammatical meaning and function of conditional verb forms; and (4) mechanisms relating to lexical meaning and changes of conditional verb forms. The conclusion of this study is as follows: (1) Usage of deverbalizing conditional verb forms is basically limited to objective cause and effect relation between events. Meanwhile, for conditional forms such as -nara, -tara and -noni, where the speaker`s proactive attitude is concerned with the cause and effect relation of the events, deverbalization either does not occur or is limited. (2) In original usage of conditional verb form, when -ba, -to, and -temo, expressing contradictory cause and effect relations are deverbalize, resemblance shows among sentence structure, semantic type of predication, lexical meaning and morphological features of conditional verb form. Meanwhile, when the derivational paths of deverbalized usages are compared, -ba and -to appear in more various forms than -temo. (3) Conditional verb form fundamentally implicates the possibility of other events that are not apparent in the sentence or implicates the existence of other events that have already materialized. Such implication of prospect and existence of other events persists in the usage of postposition and sentence adverb. Meantime, connective function of conditional verb form that links subordinate and main sentence in a complex sentence persists in the usage of connective particles and connectives. (4) When conditional verb forms are deverbalized, abstraction of lexical meaning occurs, and ensuing mechanism includes metonymy, metaphor and generalization.

      • KCI등재

        漢語動詞の使役文 : 「sikida·ge hada」形との対応関係を中心に

        權勝林 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2014 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.60

        Causative construction of Chinese character verb Korean has a "sikida" form as Chinese verb-only format in addition to the form "ge hada". Furthermore, it is also derived in the form of a causative construction of general verb to "ge hada" form. In this paper, while keeping in mind the overall picture of Chinese character verb in Korean, to target the causative form of the two, practice comparative analysis of semantic feature and the establishment of each format. Further, as a result of the analysis to a double causative construction, it is possible to present the following conclusions. 1) It is divided into [A-2] type and [A-1] type by causative form of Chinese character verb "sikida", "saseru" form to become a transitive construction or causative construction. [A-2] type is subclassified to [A-2-1]type which becomes transitive verb in the corresponding spontaneous causative construction and [A-2-2] Type representing a similar meaning of "Chinese character word + suru" form "Chinese character word + saseru" form. 2) In the case of Korean "sikida" form, in [K-A-1] type, "sikida" form represents the meaning of the causative and transitive verb, "ge hada" form represents the meaning of the typical causative. The [K-A-2-1] type, "sikida" form represents the meaning of the transitive verb, and "ge hada" form represents meaning of spontaneous causative construction. The [K-A-2-2] type, "sikida" form represents the meaning of the transitive verb, and "ge hada" form becomes to make sense of the indirect event realization. 3) In case of Korean, double causative construction is established, so "sikige hada" form is established from the transitive construction [K-A-1] type, [K-A-2-1] type, and [K-A-2-2] type. 4) For Japanese, double causative is not satisfied from [J-A-1] type, "saseruyounisuru" form is derived from [J-A-2-2] type and [J-A-2-1] type.

      • KCI등재

        漢語動詞の使役文 -「sikida,ge hada」形との對應關係を中心に-

        권승임 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2014 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.60

        Causative construction of Chinese character verb Korean has a "sikida" form as Chinese verb-only format in addition to the form "ge hada". Furthermore, it is also derived in the form of a causative construction of general verb to "ge hada" form. In this paper, while keeping in mind the overall picture of Chinese character verb in Korean, to target the causative form of the two, practice comparative analysis of semantic feature and the establishment of each format. Further, as a result of the analysis to a double causative construction, it is possible to present the following conclusions. 1) It is divided into [A-2] type and [A-1] type by causative form of Chinese character verb "sikida", "saseru" form to become a transitive construction or causative construction. [A-2] type is subclassified to [A-2-1]type which becomes transitive verb in the corresponding spontaneous causative construction and [A-2-2] Type representing a similar meaning of "Chinese character word + suru" form "Chinese character word + saseru" form. 2) In the case of Korean "sikida" form, in [K-A-1] type, "sikida" form represents the meaning of the causative and transitive verb, "ge hada" form represents the meaning of the typical causative. The [K-A-2-1] type, "sikida" form represents the meaning of the transitive verb, and "ge hada" form represents meaning of spontaneous causative construction. The [K-A-2-2] type, "sikida" form represents the meaning of the transitive verb, and "ge hada" form becomes to make sense of the indirect event realization. 3) In case of Korean, double causative construction is established, so "sikige hada" form is established from the transitive construction [K-A-1] type, [K-A-2-1] type, and [K-A-2-2] type. 4) For Japanese, double causative is not satisfied from [J-A-1] type, "saseruyounisuru" form is derived from [J-A-2-2] type and [J-A-2-1] type.

      • KCI등재

        Form-focused Instruction in Incidental Learning of English Verb Patterns

        Kim, Bu-Ja The English Teachers Association in Korea 2010 영어어문교육 Vol.16 No.3

        The present study investigated what kind of form-focused instruction would yield better results for incidental learning of English verb patterns in two experiments. Experiment 1 compared the effectiveness of focus on form (reading + translation) and focus on forms (verb pattern list + translation) tasks in learning new English verb patterns incidentally in Korean EFL college classrooms. The results of Experiment 1 showed significantly higher results for the focus on forms group. Since it was revealed by Experiment 1 that the learners did not notice unknown target verb patterns, Experiment 2 was undertaken to examine whether the difference between the focus on form and focus on forms conditions found in Experiment 1 would be retained even after the isolated form-focused instruction or focus on forms aiming at teaching students how to recognize verb patterns was provided for the learners before the focus on form and focus on forms tasks were carried out. The results showed that the focus on form group yielded significantly higher incidental learning scores than the focus on forms group. The effectiveness rates of the focus on form in Experiment 2 were statistically higher than those of the focus on forms in Experiment 1. The results of the two experiments indicated that the combination of the isolated form-focused instruction and focus on form was significantly more effective in learning English verb patterns incidentally. In conclusion, form-focused instruction including both isolated form-focused instruction and focus on form is an effective way to incidental learning of English verb patterns.

      • KCI등재

        Form-focused Instruction in Incidental Learning of English Verb Patterns

        김부자 한국영어어문교육학회 2010 영어어문교육 Vol.16 No.3

        The present study investigated what kind of form-focused instruction would yield better results for incidental learning of English verb patterns in two experiments. Experiment 1 compared the effectiveness of focus on form (reading + translation) and focus on forms (verb pattern list + translation) tasks in learning new English verb patterns incidentally in Korean EFL college classrooms. The results of Experiment 1 showed significantly higher results for the focus on forms group. Since it was revealed by Experiment 1 that the learners did not notice unknown target verb patterns, Experiment 2 was undertaken to examine whether the difference between the focus on form and focus on forms conditions found in Experiment 1 would be retained even after the isolated form-focused instruction or focus on forms aiming at teaching students how to recognize verb patterns was provided for the learners before the focus on form and focus on forms tasks were carried out. The results showed that the focus on form group yielded significantly higher incidental learning scores than the focus on forms group. The effectiveness rates of the focus on form in Experiment 2 were statistically higher than those of the focus on forms in Experiment 1. The results of the two experiments indicated that the combination of the isolated form-focused instruction and focus on form was significantly more effective in learning English verb patterns incidentally. In conclusion, form-focused instruction including both isolated form-focused instruction and focus on form is an effective way to incidental learning of English verb patterns.

      • KCI등재

        Form-focused Instruction in Incidental Learning of English Verb Patterns

        Bu-Ja Kim 한국영어어문교육학회 2010 영어어문교육 Vol.16 No.3

        The present study investigated what kind of form-focused instruction would yield better results for incidental learning of English verb patterns in two experiments. Experiment 1 compared the effectiveness of focus on form (reading + translation) and focus on forms (verb pattern list + translation) tasks in learning new English verb patterns incidentally in Korean EFL college classrooms. The results of Experiment 1 showed significantly higher results for the focus on forms group. Since it was revealed by Experiment 1 that the learners did not notice unknown target verb patterns, Experiment 2 was undertaken to examine whether the difference between the focus on form and focus on forms conditions found in Experiment 1 would be retained even after the isolated form-focused instruction or focus on forms aiming at teaching students how to recognize verb patterns was provided for the learners before the focus on form and focus on forms tasks were carried out. The results showed that the focus on form group yielded significantly higher incidental learning scores than the focus on forms group. The effectiveness rates of the focus on form in Experiment 2 were statistically higher than those of the focus on forms in Experiment 1. The results of the two experiments indicated that the combination of the isolated form-focused instruction and focus on form was significantly more effective in learning English verb patterns incidentally. In conclusion, form-focused instruction including both isolated form-focused instruction and focus on form is an effective way to incidental learning of English verb patterns.

      • KCI등재

        現代日本語の動詞條件形及び中止形の 脫動詞化に關する記述的硏究 -視覺活動を表す動詞「みる」の「みれば」「みて」の形の場合-

        하재필 ( Ha Jae-phil ) 한국일어교육학회 2018 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.44

        現代日本語における動詞條件形及び中止形は動詞の活用形の一つとして文の中で述語として機能する。しかし、ある動詞の條件形及び中止形は動詞としての語彙的·文法的な性質を失い、脫動詞化を起こして、後置詞や陳述副詞のように文法的な形式、語彙的な表現に變わる。 本論文では、視覺活動を表す動詞「みる」の條件形「みれば」、中止形「みて」を對象にして、これらの語形が動詞らしさを失ってから、どのように用いられているのかを調べた。その結果、以下のような共通点と相違点を確認した。 まず、共通点から述べると、語彙的には具體的な視覺活動を表す意味が抽象化される。構文論的には文の構造が單文に移行し、形容詞述語、名詞述語が中心的に用いられる。形態論的には語形變化をせず、「みれば」「みて」にその語形が固定される。「みれば」と「みて」の用法を比べてみると、兩形式ともに①ある判斷や評價の根據を表す後置詞、②ある判斷や評價を下すときにどのようにアプロ一チをするか、その方法を表す陳述副詞として用いられる。 次に、相違点を述べる。動詞條件形の用いられる文は、文中には述べられていない別の出來事の起こりうる可能性を含意する。このような含意が脫動詞化した用法にも殘っていて、「みれば」の脫動詞化した用法では、その文には表現されていない別の根據や觀点の存在が暗示される。しかし、動詞の中止形の用法にはこのような含意がないため、「みて」の脫動詞化した用法においても條件形の用法のような含意は伴われない。その他、「みれば」だけが「~をみれば」のような形式となって後置詞化したり、「みれば」が文頭に單獨で用いられ、現實世界に對する認識論的な態度を表す陳述副詞として用いられたりする違いが確認できる。 Conditional form and non-finite form of verbs in modern Japanese are two of verb conjugations which function as predicates in a sentence. However, for some verbs, conditional form and non-finite form lose lexical, morphological and syntactical qualities and deverbalize to transform into grammatical form or lexical expression, such as postposition or sentence adverb. This paper put conditional form ‘mireba’ and non-finite form ‘mite’ of the verb ‘miru’ showing visual activity as a target and studied how they lose verbal features and are used. As a result, the following similarities and differences were confirmed. The common aspects shown in deverbalization are as follows: in lexical terms, the meaning that expresses concrete visual activity becomes abstract; in syntactical terms, the structure of the sentence changes into simple sentence while adjectival and nominal predicates are mainly used; and in morphological terms, the word form becomes fixed. The common ground in the usages of mireba and mite are: ① postposition that indicates the basis for certain decision or evaluation, and ② sentence adverb that suggests how to approach certain decision or evaluation. The different aspects are found in characteristics that stem from usage of the original verb form. The sentence with conditional verb form implies the possibilities of other events. This implication remains in the deverbalized usage so when mireba is used, it implies the existence of additional basis or viewpoint, though it is not expressed in the sentence. However, such implication is absent in the usage of non-finite verb form so in this case, whatever that is displayed in the sentence is narrated. In addition, only the conditional forms are used as postposition in the form of -wo mireba and mireba is used independently as a sentence adverb to describe epistemic attitude toward reality.

      • KCI등재

        ‘음’-이름법과 ‘기’-이름법의 말본

        김승곤 한글학회 2011 한글 Vol.- No.291

        In this paper, we are concerned with ‘um’ and ‘ki’ noun forms. We argue that their distribution is contingent on the choice of verbs and adjectives as well as on the type of semantic relation that they bear with respect to the predicate. More specifically, we show that while there are contexts where the ‘ki’ noun form is obligatorily required, there does not seem to be any such context for the ‘um’ noun form. We also show that some ‘um’ and ‘ki’ noun forms are compatible with the prefinal endings such as ‘-keyss-’, ‘-ess-/-ass-’, and ‘-esskeyss-/-asskeyss-’, while others are not. In particular, the compatibility of ‘-si-’ with the ‘um’ and ‘ki’ noun forms is determined by verbs and adjectives on the one hand and by the predicate on the other. 이 논문에서는 ‘음’-이름법과 ‘기’-이름법의 용법에 대하여 다루었다. 이들의 용법은 그 움직씨나 그림씨에 따라 또는 풀이말과의 의미 관계에 따라 차이가 있다. 즉 가능 여부가 결정된다. 특히 ‘기’-이름법이 반드시 쓰이는 경우는 있으나, 이와는 달리 ‘음’-이름법이 반드시 쓰이는 경우는 있는 것 같지 않다. 또 ‘음’-이름법과 ‘기’-이름법에 안맺음씨끝 중 「-겠-」, 「-었-/-았-」, 「-었겠-/-았겠-」과 쓰일 수 있는 것이 있고 없음도 밝혔다. 특히 「-시-」는 「-기-」와 「-음-」과는 풀이씨와 풀이말에 따라 그 용법이 결정된다.

      • KCI등재

        -‘X(하)다’와 ‘X 잖다/찮다/짢다’의 의미상관성 연구

        김진수(Jin-soo Kim) 어문연구학회 2008 어문연구 Vol.57 No.-

          The purpose of this paper is to explain the relationship with ‘X(ha)ta" and ‘Xcanta/ccanta/chanta" Some words which have the form ‘Xcanta/ccanta /chanta" are belonging to psychological verbs or psychological words. Most of words which called psychological verbs have various grammatical, semantical, morphological features. These words have ambivalent features - adjectives and verbs, actives and non-actives.<BR>  Some psychological verbs which has ‘Xcanta/ccanta/chanta" form are derived from ‘X-ta" added negative suffix ‘-(ha)ci anihata". ‘Katcanta, kuichanta, siwonchanta, simsimchanta, phyunchanta" are all psychological verbs but ‘katta, kuihata" are not psychological verbs. ‘Siwonhata, simsimhata, phyunhata" have double functions, oneside is psychological, other side is non-psychological. Even these verbs which have ‘X(ha)ta’ form(some verbs are not psychological, some verbs are partly psychological) are added negative suffix ‘(ha)ci anihata’ , the derived form ‘X (ha)cianihata" doesn´t changed their grammartical category. But ‘X (ha)cianihata" form verbs will be abridged to ‘X (ha)canta/ccanta/chantha", then the verbs will become all psychological verbs. But phyunhata is a psychological verb in original. In this case the derived word ‘phyunchantha" also belonging in psychological verb.<BR>  There are semantic gaps between ‘X (ha)canta/chantha" with ‘X(ha)ta" and ‘X-(ha)cianihata". The meaning of psychological verbs with ‘X (ha)canta /chantha" have not only negative meaning but also the third meaning, unexpected meanings. So ‘Katcanta" is derived from ‘katta(same or in a same kind), but the meaning of ‘katcanta" is somgthing or someone ignorable, inferior to speaker´s level. ‘Kuichantha" is come from ‘kuihata(valuable or rarity) but the meaning of "kuichantha" is "bore with or boresome". ‘Siwonhata" has two meanings:one is cool in temperature, the other is satisfied with something or someone, but the menaing of ‘siwonchantha" is ‘below of the level or not satisfied with speaker´s expectations" ‘Pyunchanta" is derived from ‘phyunhata". Phyunhata´s meaning is easiness, but phyunchanta´s meaning is ‘superior´s sickness or uneasiness". ‘Simsimchantha" is come from ‘simsimhata", ‘simsimhata" has two different meanings. one is boring with spent times, another is unsalty. But the meaning of ‘simsimchantha" is ‘often as much as speaker couldn´t feel boring" ‘Hachantha" is come from ‘hata"(it´s meaning is a huge of, a number of), but hachantha´s meaning is ‘worthless, useless".

      • KCI등재

        복합동사(複合動詞)에 관한 사적연구(史的硏究) -「まくる」를 중심(中心)으로-

        안지영 한국일본근대학회 2014 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.44

        본 논문은 동사「まくる」가 포함된 복합동사의 통시적 분석을 통해 당시의 사용 실태와 변천과정에 관하여 고찰한 것이다. 조사 결과, 복합동사「まくる」의 初出用例는 平安中期成立의 『枕草子』에서의 용법으로, 후항동사로 사용되고 있다. 기존의 에도시대 및 가마쿠라 시대설 보다 훨씬 이전부터 복합동사로 사용되었던 것으로 추측된다. 전항동사로 사용되는 용례는 1179年頃 성립의 『梁塵秘抄』에서 나타나고 있다. 본동사와 큰 의미차이는 없으며, 강조의 용법이라 할 수 있다. 또한 복합동사 「まくる」가 갖는 마이너스적 뉘앙스는 13세기경부터 이미 나타나고 있었으며, 특히 자연현상과 관련한 단어와 결합하는 특징을 지닌다. 근대 이전의 자료에서는 「まくる」가 전항동사로 사용되는 용례가 많으며, 그 용법 또한 다양하다고 할 수 있다. 그러나, 근대 이후가 되면 이러한 용법들이 쇠퇴하고 「まくる」가 후항동사로 사용되는 것이 그 주류를 이루게 된다. 또한 다양한 어휘와 결합하여 후항동사로 사용되는 용례가 더욱 증가하게 되는데, 이것은 복합동사 「まくる」가 후항동사적 성격이 강한 용법으로 정착되어 가는 모습을 나타내는 것이라 할 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to examine the origin and the process of compound verb ‘makuru’. ‘Makuru’ is sued in the former form of the compound verb, like ‘makuriageru’ and the latter form of the compound verb, for example, ‘tukaimakuru’. So the research was conducted on two types of compound verbs in various publishing, from classic literature to modern day newspaper and magazines. As a result of examining the recorded Japanese literature, it was found that ‘makuru’ first appeared in ‘makuranosuosi’ which was published in the Heian era. There it was used as the latter form of the compound verb. The first ever appearance of the former form of compound verb was in the year Ryouzinhisyou 1179 and then it was originally used as the former form of the compound verb. ‘Makuru’ usually has a negative meaning and this meaning was set already in the 13th century. Mainly it was used to describe natural phenomenon, when combined with other words. Also it was found that ‘Makuru’ was used often in Japanes classic texts as the former form of the compound verb. However in the contemporary world, the usage decreased and instead the latter form of the compound verb is used more frequently.

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