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      • KCI등재후보

        초등무용 표현활동 영역의 즐거운 주제표현 수업 방안

        황명자 ( Hwang Myung Ja ) 한국리듬운동학회 2018 한국리듬운동학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to propose ‘fun theme-oriented expression activity program’ corresponding to the current education theme, creativity·integration education and solving the problems in the practice of expression activity class such as a lack of expression activity teaching methods and programs. The contents of fun theme-oriented expression activity program were verified by three over 10-year experienced teachers in dance education in the aspect of the appropriateness of the contents. To experiment the effects of the theme-oriented expression activity program, twenty-six sixth-grade students at N elementary school in G province participated in the program for ten weeks as the subjects of the program experiment. Before and after the experiment, data were collected from interviews with participating students, their teacher, and observing teachers, and diaries written by the students. The results of analyzing the data by selecting some key phrases covering the main responses of the participating students, their teacher and observing teachers are understanding each others’ emotion, learning together with friends as having fun, creating rapo with teacher, building up confidence, and connecting with other subjects.

      • KCI등재

        발표수업의 효율성에 영향을 미치는 요인 : 세법과목의 경우

        최임수,조명연,최경식 한국세무학회 2004 세무학 연구 Vol.21 No.3

        The purposes of this study are to analyze factors affecting the effectiveness of theme-centered expression lesson and to provide some guidelines for maximizing the effectiveness in instructing tax subjects. To do so, theme-centered expression lesson was done from March to June 2004, and survey was carried out during the final-term exam for students majoring in taxation at K university located in Chungcheong nam-do. The results are as follows: (1)Students prefer lecture method to theme-centered expression lesson. (2)When students hold biased views against theme-centered expression lesson, the effectiveness of instruction is negative and significant at the 0.01 level. (3)The effectiveness of theme-centered expression lesson is higher for practice centered subjects than for theory-oriented subjects. These results imply that it is necessary to shift learner’s paradigm for theme-centered expression lesson, to select teaching-learning methods based on characteristics of subjects and to harmonize quality and scope of learning. 본 연구는 세법과목 강의시 발표수업의 효율성에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하고 이를 극대화하기 위한 방안을 제시한 것으로 탐색적 연구(exploratory study)의 성격이 강하다. 이를 위하여 충청남도에 소재하고 있는 K대학교 세무학과 학생을 대상으로 2004년 3월부터 6월까지 발표수업을 실시하였고 기말고사 때 설문조사를 실시하였다. 실증분석 결과, 학생들은 발표수업보다 전통적인 교수방법인 강의법을 더 선호하며 학생들이 세법과목을 학습함에 있어서 채택된 발표수업방법을 부정적으로 인식하고 학생중심의 발표수업에 편견을 가지고 있을수록 발표수업의 효율성은 통계적으로 유의하게 낮게 나타났다. 또한 이론중심 교과목보다 실습중심의 교과목을 대상으로 발표수업을 하는 경우 그리고 수업분량이 많을수록 발표수업의 효율성은 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 결과를 볼 때 세법과목 강의시 발표수업의 효율성을 제고하기 위해서는 발표수업에 대한 학생들의 고정관념 변화, 교과목의 성격에 따른 교수방법의 적용 및 수업분량의 적정화가 필요하다고 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        `88 서울올림픽 개막식을 활용한 초등체육 민속표현 및 주제표현 감상

        이정연 ( Lee Jeong Yeon ) 서울敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2017 한국초등교육 Vol.28 No.1

        본 논문은 `88 서울올림픽 개막식에서 공연된 11개의 작품을 초등체육의 민속표현 및 주제표현 영역으로 분류하여 감상활동에 활용할 수 있도록 내용 분석을 시도한 것이다. 이를 살펴보면, 민속표현 영역의 <새벽길>에서는 우리의 민속 의식인 `터 씻음`, <용고행렬>에서는 조선시대의 어가행렬, <태평성대>에서는 화관무의 예식성, <화합>에서는 고놀이를 통한 경쟁과 화합이 표현 되었다. 주제표현 영역의 <천지인>에서는 동서양의 조화, <태초의 빛>에서는 인류의 탄생, <혼돈>에서는 무질서와 혼란의 시대, <벽을 넘어서>에서는 갈등의 해소, <정적>에서는 새 생명의 탄생을 위한 예고, <새싹>에서는 인류의 꿈과 희망, <한마당>에서는 인류의 하나 됨을 각기 표현 하였다. 이상의 작품들은 서울올림픽의 이념인 `화합과 전진`, 개막식의 주제인 `벽을 넘어서`라는 시나리오 아래 올림픽의 보편성과 한국의 특수성을 조화시켜 일련의 테마를 구성하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 향후 하계올림픽, 동계올림픽, 아시안 게임 등의 역사적으로 의미 있는 스포츠 행사의 개·폐막식 공연작품들을 초등무용교육을 위한 감상 자료로 적극 활용할 필요성이 있으며 이를 위한 후속 연구가 계속되어야 할 것이다. This study attempts to conduct a content analysis on the 11 performances presented in the opening ceremony of the 1988 Seoul Olympics so that they could be used in appreciation activities of traditional folk expressions and theme expressions of primary school`s physical education. In the category of traditional folk expressions, `Teo ssieum, cleaning the site`, which is one of our traditional folk ceremonies, was expressed in < Saebyeokgil, Passage of Dawn >. The royal parade of the Joseon era was presented in < Yonggohaengyeol, Dragon Drum Parade >. In < Taepyeongseongdae, Reign of Peace >, ceremonial characteristics of Hwagwanmoo(Korean Crown Dance) were depicted, and competitions and harmony of Gonori(Korean Traditional Game) were presented in < Hwahop, Harmony >. In the category of theme expressions, harmony between the East and the West was expressed in < Cheonjiin, Sky Earth and Human >, and the birth of the human race was presented in < Taechoeui Bit, The Light of Genesis >. The era of disorganization and chaos were depicted in < Hondon, Chaos >, and the resolution of conflicts were shown in < Byeogeul Neomeuseo, Beyond all Barriers >. In < Jeongjeok, Silence >, a prediction of a new life was expressed. Dreams and hopes of the human race were presented in < Saessak, New Sprouts >, and the union of the human race were described in < Hanmadang, One World >. It was shown that these performances constitute a series of themes by harmonizing the universality and particularity of Korea under the scenario that reflects the Seoul Olympics` idea of `harmony and going forward` and `Byeogeul Neomeuseo`, which was the main theme of the opening ceremony. It is necessary that meaningful performances of opening and closing ceremonies of summer Olympics, winter Olympics, Asian games should be utilized as materials for dancing education of primary school, and subsequent future research should follow.

      • KCI등재

        2009개정 교육과정 중학교 생활일본어의 소재 분석 -언어의 4기능에 쓰인 의사소통 기본표현을 중심으로-

        오현정 ( Hyun Jung Oh ),김시은 ( Si Eun Kim ) 한국일어교육학회 2015 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.33

        본고에서는 2009 개정 교육과정 중학교 생활일본어에 사용된 소재를 분석하여 소재 사용의 실태 및 문제점 등에관해 논하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면, 다음과 같다. 첫째, 생활일본어에서 언어의 4기능에 사용된 소재는 ‘다른 사람과의 관계’ ‘교육’ ‘여가선용’ ‘식생활’ ‘목표언어의 문화’ 등 5개 항목이 전체의 약 80%를 차지하여, 특정 소재가 반복적으로 사용되고 있었다. 둘째, 언어의 4기능별 사용률은 5종 교과서 모두 말하기에 소재가 적극적으로 도입되었고, 상대적으로 ‘쓰기’가 가장 소극적이었다. 셋째, 대분류별 소재 분석을 통해, 언어기능영역과 문화란 제시 내용이 연계되어 있지 않고, 기본어휘표에 제시된 어휘가 한정적이며, 보다 적극적인 도입이 요구되는 소재가 많다는 등의 문제점을 확인하였다. 본고에서는 소재 분석 결과에서 나온 문제점을 해결하기 위해 실용적 가치와 교육적 가치를 고루 갖춘 소재를 개발하여 교육과정에 제시하는 한편, 소재를 고려한 의사소통 기본표현의 재구성을 주장하였다. This study analyzes themes used in Japanese Textbooks of Middle school (2009 Revised Curriculum) and discusses the actual condition and problems of theme use. To summarize the results. First, five items (relationship with other people, education, good use of leisure, dietary life, and the target language`s national culture) account for 80% of themes for the Japanese textbook`s four functions and they are used repeatedly. Second, in case of each use rate of the language four functions, while all the five kinds of textbooks focus on communicative activities focused on speaking skills, introduction of themes about writing skills is relatively inactive. Third, analyzing themes in hierarchical classification method shows that the field of language skills is not connected with contents presented in cultural skill section; vocabularies on ‘basic vocabulary list’ are limitative; basic communication expressions which had been presented are not presented once more; there should be an active introduction of new themes; etc. To solve those problems, following suggestions were made. First, subsections about themes for Japanese course should be specified. Themes that can be widely used both in Japanese textbook for middle school and high school should be developed and indicated on curriculum to pursue connectivity and diversity of textbook contents. Second, basic communication expressions related with textbook contents should be reconstituted considering that textbooks feature basic communication expressions.

      • 선사 암각화에서 활 쏘는 사람에 대하여

        이하우 한국암각화학회 2023 한국암각화연구 Vol.27 No.-

        한반도와 그 주변의 선사·고대 암각화 중에서 활 쏘는 사람과 같은 것은 몇 개의 유형으로 정리해서 살펴볼 수 있다. 그것은 대체로 사냥에서 활 쏘는 사람이 있고 전투에서 그런 것이 있 다. 그리고 그 안에 정신사적 현상으로서 활 쏘는 사람을 포함하면 모두 3가지 유형정도로 분 류될 수 있다. 울산 반구천의 두 유적에서 활 쏘는 사람은 5점으로 조사되었다. 그것은 모두 사냥에서 활 쏘 는 사람의 유형으로, 그러한 표형물의 현상적 특징으로 봤을 때 몇 가지 사항 즉, 공간구성의 측면에서부터 표현상 속성과 같은 부분에서 부자연스러운 점이 없지 않다. 이 글은 그러한 표 현물의 현상분석을 통하여 반구천의 두 유적에서 나온 활 쏘는 사람의 성격을 살펴보고자 하였 다. 동시에 한반도 이외의 넓은 공간에서 조사된 또 다른 유형적 표현물의 성격 또한 정리해 두 고자 하였다. In prehistoric and ancient petroglyphs on the Korean Peninsula and its surroundings, ‘archer expression’ can be categorized into several types. Archer expression in petroglyphs can be roughly divided into three types: archer in the hunting theme, archer in the combat theme, and archer expression as a phenomenon of intellectual history on the theme of rituals or sexual scenes. At two sites in the Petroglyphs of Bangucheon, archer expression was investigated in five. These are all about hunting scenes, but there are unnatural aspects in terms of the arrangement of expressions and its style. This article attempts to examine the characteristics of archer expression from the two sites through expression analysis. At the same time, I will also analyze the archer expression investigated at petroglyph sites other than the Korean Peninsula.

      • A Linguistic Approach to the Alternation of the Two Korean ‘Gratitude' Expressions : Kamsahapnita and Komapsupnita

        Yang, Heisoon 이화여자대학교 동서교육연구소 2006 East west education Vol.23 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic features of the two typical and basic ‘gratitude’ expressions of the Korean language, kamsahapnita and komapsupnita, and then investigate linguistically significant differences between these two expressions. For this purpose, authentic data have been collected and analyzed in terms of linguistic concepts. A general assumption about kamsahapnita and komapsupnita among both native and nonnative speakers of Korean is that these two expressions are simply interchangeable, the only difference, if any, being that kamsahapnita is more formal and polite than komapsupnita. This study, however, found that such an pragmatic/stylistic approach to the choice between the two expressions of ‘gratitude’ is far from being sufficient in accounting for the acceptability of each of the two expressions. The data collected for this study showed morphological, syntactic, and semantic differences between the two expressions, kamsahata and komapta. The study findings are the following: (1) kamsahapnita is an dynamic/event verb, whereas komapsupnita is a stative, psyche adjective; and (2) komapsupnita has Theme or Experiencer as the subject, whereas kamsahapnita has Agent as the subject. Thus, the choice between the two expressions of ‘gratitude’ is determined by linguistic competence, implicit or explicit, rather than by pragmatic competence. These findings are expected to contribute to the achievement of adult KSL/KFL learners, who are mostly known to benefit more from explicit knowledge than from implicit knowledge about the target language.

      • KCI등재후보

        ‘사회과학적 사고와 표현’ 교과목 코스웍 개발

        손종현,이경숙,이명옥 한국사고와표현학회 2014 사고와표현 Vol.7 No.2

        This research investigates the logic of coursework development forthe ‘Social Scientific Thinking and Expression’ established in CatholicUniversity of Daegu, and reveals its philosophy of curriculum. It canbe summarized as the following:First, ‘Thinking and Expression’ courses overall are to cultivatetheoretical perspective on human world and nature. In order to cultivatethis perspective, by which one can actually grasp the meaning of theworld, one should be initiated to the forms of knowledge in five areas(human, nature, society, mathematics and art). Initiation into theseforms of knowledge is the prerequisite condition to reach the ‘wholeperson’ with the ability to think and express in both cultivated andcreative way. Second, the ‘Social Scientific Thinking and Expression’ courseattempts for students to build the social scientific perspective, toinquire into world and nature using the social-scientific perspective,and to lead various social practices based on the perspective. Its corecurriculum lies in to studying ‘social and economical root’ of socialphenomenon, particularly depending on the process of ‘creative coactivities’,which students themselves design and execute. Third, the stylization of the coursework helps this courseworksuccessfully providing a set of procedure in one semester. The procedureincludes 1) lecture on basic theories and methodologies to understandsociety, 2) analysis on the structure underlying the numerous phenomenonof modern society, 3) reading social-scientific literatures, and 4) designingand executing creative co-activities. The creative co-activities indeedwill serve as an opportunity for students to experience ‘theme immersion’and ‘institution operation’. 이 연구는 대구가톨릭대학교가 개설한 ‘사회과학적 사고와 표현’ 교과목의 교육과정적 지향과 코스웍 개발의 논리를 논의하고, 이를 참조체제로 삼아 개발한 코스웍을 제시하고자 한 것이다. 이 논의를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, ‘사고와 표현’ 교과목은 대상세계에 대한 이론적 학술적 조망 능력을 키우고자 하는 것이다. 이 조망 능력을 키우기 위해서는 5개 영역(인간, 자연, 사회, 수리, 예술)의 ‘지식의 형식’에 대한 입문을요한다. 지식형식에의 입문은 자유로운 사고와 표현 능력을 갖춘 전인격적 교양인으로 성장시킨다. 둘째, ‘사회과학적 사고와 표현’ 교과목은 ‘사회과학적 조망’을 형성하고, 그 조망을 가지고 사회현상을 꿰뚫어 볼 수 있는 인지적 안목을 형성케 하고, 그것에 기초하여 사회적 실천(공분)을 이끌도록 안내하는 교과이다. 이 교과목의 중핵 교육과정은 사회현상의 ‘사회경제적 뿌리’의 탐구이며, 교육방법적으로 공동창작활동을 설계⋅실행함으로써 그 목표를 완성할 수 있다. 셋째,‘사회과학적 사고와 표현’ 교과목의 코스웍을 기획하는 논리로서 한 학기 코스웍을 ‘양식화’ 하는 방식을 꾀할 수 있다. 양식화는 1) 사회를 바라보는 기초 이론과방법론의 강의, 2) 현대사회의 사회구조적 현상의 분석, 3) 사회과학 도서 읽기, 4)‘공동창작활동’의 설계와 실행 등을 포함한다. 특히 공동창작활동은 그 결과로서수강생들로 하여금 ‘주제 몰입의 경험’과 ‘제도 운영의 경험’을 형성케 하는 계기가 된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        20세기 후반 미국 예술의상운동의 표현적 특성

        허정선 한국패션디자인학회 2006 한국패션디자인학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        의상을 통한 예술적 표현이 극대화된 예술의상의 경우 미술의 양식사적 경향과 같은 맥락을 유지하며 전개되어 왔다. 현대에 이르러 미술 분야는 인간의 몸을 화두로 많은 작업이 이루어지고 있으며 , 예술의상에서도 예외 없이 몸은 생물학적 의미를 초월하여 인간의 정신적 내면을 표현하는 장으로 혹은 대상으로 다루어지고 있다 . 20세기 후반 미국의 예술의상운동에 나타난 표현적 특성을 분석해보고자 하였다 . 이를 통해 예술의상의 표현방식과 표현 형식이 어떻게 전개되었는지 다시 한번 검토해봄으로써 오늘날 예술의상 작품에 어떠한 영향을 주었는지 알아보고자 하였다. , 또는 입을 수 없는 예술에 도전하였고, 인체의 표현에 있어서 동물적 표현이라든가 , 의인화된 사물들의 표현으로 예술적 표현을 극대화시키고 있음을 알 수 있었다 . 또한 일상의 사물들을 다양한 주제로 사용하고 , 일상의 풍경들을 의상에 배치함으로서 의상을 캔버스화한 작품들도 많이 등장하였음을 알 수 있었다 . 또한 저속한 일상의 사물과 표현기법으로 현대의 키치미술이 그대로 적용된 예술의상도 등장하였음을 알 수 있었다 . As contemporary art tends to diverge from its fixed genres and intends to appeal to the public, fashion comes to contribute to the contemporary art area, by playing an important part in the creation of artistic value of art work. Nowadays, it is not unusual to see fashion work shown in an art exhibition parallel with art work, since some artists adopt costumes as the medium of their work in order to explore various means of expression. Art to wear as an artistic expression of clothing has been maintained, developed in close relation to the artistic mode. In modern society, many works on human body in the artistic field have been established as a main subject. Without any exception, fashion art expressed on the basis of human body were the subject and area expressing human's spiritual inside transcending biological meaning. Fashion art as a term originated in 'Art to Wear' started from 'Art to Wear Movement' developed among women textile artists centering around America in the latter half of 1960s. In this study, which is focused on correlation between body and costume and the meaning of them, I realized that, even though artistic costumes expressed image of distortion and deformation of human existence as essential subject of body, they, in most contents, were used as medium of communication to rediscover human dignity and identity, and consisted of a series of metaphoric network of meanings satirizing aspects of our society.

      • KCI등재

        슬라브 民族 口碑敍事詩의 公式的 表現 硏究

        김상헌(Kim, Sang-hun) 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2005 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.19

        This study is an examination about what other elements can be applied to the versification principles of various Slavic oral epic poetry like Ex-Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Russia and Poland, while positively accommodating the domestic research results of applying the ‘Formula Theory’ of A. B. Lord. Observing the examples of oral epic poetry, some are found to have much similarities between them while others are totally unrelated with each other. The versification principles of Slavic oral epic poetry are closely related with the number of syllables and the rules of versification that constitute a line of poem. Also, the rules of versification, the artificial changes of word-orders and the destruction of grammar that A. B. Lord briefly mentioned should not be overlooked since they hold a systematic relationship with the ‘formula’, ‘formulaic expression’, and the ‘theme’ used in the study of the versification principles of Slavic oral epic poetry. The Russian versification principles have gone through five phases in the last several hundred years. By the time of recording the poems and songs, various changes had been made in the original forms of oral epic poetry in the literature changeover period of the ancient and medieval times to the literature of modern times, which the versification tradition of oral epic poetry was not assumed to be destroyed. They can be found from the facts that a versification system of popular oral epic poetry was existent before the syllabic method was introduced in the 17th century and the systematic recording of oral epic poetry was regularly made in the early 19th century in Yugoslavia, which time has been regarded relatively early in comparison to other Slavic nations. The changes emerging in the verse style of recent works may reflect that the Slavic oral epic poetry in the ancient and medieval times hold a certain frame that can't be broken with the existent concepts. In other words, it means that all the Slavic oral epic poetry were created and handed down orally in a certain solid frame. This can be another element of versification principles to be taken into consideration by the singers of Slavic oral epic poetry in their recitation processes. The establishment of a common theory with the versification principles of oral epic poems and songs may not be possible only from the study on the oral epic poetry of an individual tribe and also, it shall not be done with the deductive method. The reason being is because the evolution of language and literature in the perspective of versification principles may be quite different from other tribes. Although various commonalities in the Slavic versification principles were made from the linguistic similarities influenced by the West in the modern times, it may be necessary to study the versification principles of other tribes in addition to those of Slavic tribes to set up a common theory of versification principles.

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